Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Region Yugra Russia Siberia Россия

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Khanty Mansiysk Autonomous Region Yugra Russia Siberia Россия Россия Сибирь ХантыМансийский автономный округ Югра KhantyMansiysk Autonomous Region Yugra Russia Siberia ДУХ ОГНЯ / НАЙ АНГКИ / SPIRIT OF FIRE / 2007 ОРГКОМИТЕТ ФЕСТИВАЛЯ / ORGANIZING COMMITTEE OF THE FESTIVAL Ìèõàèë Åôèìîâè÷ Øâûäêîé Nail Kashapov Alexey Ovsyannikov Ðóêîâîäèòåëü Ôåäåðàëüíîãî àãåíòñòâà ïî Chief medical officer of the territorial admin- Deputy Chairman of the Government of the êóëüòóðå è êèíåìàòîãðàôèè, ñîïðåäñåäàòåëü istration of Rospotrebnadzor in the Khanty- autonomous district for problems of small îðãêîìèòåòà Mansiysk autonomous district – Yugra nationalities of the North, Director of the Mikhail Shvydkoy Department of the autonomous district for Head of the Federal Agency for Culture and Âÿ÷åñëàâ Ìèõàéëîâè÷ Êîçëîâñêèé problems of small nationalities of the North Cinema, co-chairman of the organizing committee Çàìåñòèòåëü íà÷àëüíèêà Óïðàâëåíèÿ âíóòðåííèõ äåë àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà, Çèíàèäà Áîðèñîâíà Ñàõàóòäèíîâà Àëåêñàíäð Âàñèëüåâè÷ Ôèëèïåíêî íà÷àëüíèê ìèëèöèè îáùåñòâåííîé Ïðåäñåäàòåëü Êîìèòåòà ïî âíåøíèì Ãóáåðíàòîð, Ïðåäñåäàòåëü Ïðàâèòåëüñòâà áåçîïàñíîñòè ñâÿçÿì àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà, ñîïðåäñåäàòåëü îðãêîìèòåòà Vyacheslav Kozlovsky Zinaida Sakhautdinova Alexander Filipenko Deputy Chief of the Department of internal Chairman of the Ñommittee for foreign Governor, Chairman of the Government of affairs of the autonomous district, chief of relations of the autonomous district the Autonomous District, co-chairman police of public safety of the organizing committee Àëåêñàíäð Ïàâëîâè÷ Ñåìåíîâ Àëåêñàíäð Âèòàëüåâè÷ Êîíåâ Ïåðâûé çàìåñòèòåëü ðóêîâîäèòåëÿ Àëåêñàíäð Àëåêñååâè÷ Ãîëóòâà Äèðåêòîð Äåïàðòàìåíòà êóëüòóðû è Ðåãèîíàëüíîé ñëóæáû ïî òàðèôàì Çàìåñòèòåëü ðóêîâîäèòåëÿ Ôåäåðàëüíîãî èñêóññòâà àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà àãåíòñòâà ïî êóëüòóðå è êèíåìàòîãðàôèè, Alexander Konev Alexander Semyonov çàìåñòèòåëü ïðåäñåäàòåëÿ îðãàíèçàöèîííîãî Director of the Department for Culture First deputy of the head of the district admini- êîìèòåòà and Arts of the autonomous district stration for tariffs of the autonomous district Alexandr Golutva Deputy Head of the Federal Agency for Àíàòîëèé Àëåêñàíäðîâè÷ Êîðíååâ Ñåðãåé Àëåêñàíäðîâè÷ Ñîëîâüåâ Culture and Cinema, deputy chairman of Ðóêîâîäèòåëü Ïðåññ-ñëóæáû Ãóáåðíàòîðà Ïðåçèäåíò Ìåæäóíàðîäíîãî ôåñòèâàëÿ the organizing committee àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà êèíåìàòîãðàôè÷åñêèõ äåáþòîâ «Äóõ îãíÿ», Anatoly Korneev êèíîðåæèññåð, Íàðîäíûé àðòèñò Ðîññèè Íàòàëüÿ Ëåîíèäîâíà Çàïàäíîâà Chief of the Press service of the Governor Sergey Solovyov Ïåðâûé çàìåñòèòåëü ïðåäñåäàòåëÿ of the autonomous district President of the International Festival of film Ïðàâèòåëüñòâà àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà ïî Debuts «Spirit of Fire», film director, âîïðîñàì ñîöèàëüíîé ïîëèòèêè, Âàëåíòèíà Íèêîëàåâíà Êî÷åòûãîâà People’s artist of Russia çàìåñòèòåëü ïðåäñåäàòåëÿ îðãêîìèòåòà Çàìåñòèòåëü äèðåêòîðà Äåïàðòàìåíòà Natalia Zapadnova êóëüòóðû è èñêóññòâà àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà Àëåêñàíäð Àëåêñàíäðîâè÷ Òèðòîêà First Deputy Chairman of the Government Valentina Kochetygova Íà÷àëüíèê Ãëàâíîãî óïðàâëåíèÿ Ì×Ñ of the Autonomous District for social policy, Deputy Director of the Department for Ðîññèè ïî àâòîíîìíîìó îêðóãó deputy chairman of the organizing committee culture and arts of the autonomous district Alexander Tirtoka Head of the Ñentral administrative unit Âàëåðèé Ìèõàéëîâè÷ Ñóäåéêèí Ñåðãåé Âëàäèìèðîâè÷ Ëàçàðóê of the Russian Ministry for Emergency Ãëàâà ìóíèöèïàëüíîãî îáðàçîâàíèÿ ãîðîäà Íà÷àëüíèê Óïðàâëåíèÿ êèíåìàòîãðàôèè Situations in the autonomous district Õàíòû-Ìàíñèéñêà, çàìåñòèòåëü ïðåäñåäàòåëÿ Ôåäåðàëüíîãî àãåíòñòâà ïî êóëüòóðå îðãêîìèòåòà è êèíåìàòîãðàôèè Èðèíà Áîëåñëàâîâíà Òêà÷åíêî Valery Sudeykin Sergey Lazaruk Äèðåêòîð Ó÷ðåæäåíèÿ Õàíòû-Ìàíñèéñêîãî Head of municipal education of Khanty- Head of the Department îf cinema with the àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà – Þãðû «Êîíöåðòíî- Mansiysk, deputy chairman of the organizing Federal Agency for Culture and Cinema òåàòðàëüíûé öåíòð «Þãðà - Êëàññèê» committee Irina Tkachenko Ëþáîâü Íèêîëàåâíà Ëîêòåâà Manager of the Concert and Theatre Centre ЧЛЕНЫ ОРГКОМИТЕТА / Íà÷àëüíèê Îðãàíèçàöèîííî-êîíòðîëüíîãî «Yugra-Classic» of the Khanty-Mansiysk MEMBERS OF ORGANIZING COMMITTEE óïðàâëåíèÿ Àäìèíèñòðàöèè Ãóáåðíàòîðà autonomous district àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà Âàëåðèé Ëåîíèäîâè÷ Áåñïîÿñêî Lyubov Lokteva Àëåêñàíäð Âèêòîðîâè÷ Òðóáèí Ïðåäñåäàòåëü Êîìèòåòà ïî òóðèçìó Chief of the Organisational and Supervision Íà÷àëüíèê ñëóæáû ïî Õàíòû-Ìàíñèéñêîìó àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà division of the Governor’s administration of àâòîíîìíîìó îêðóãó – Þãðå Ðåãèîíàëüíîãî Valery Bespoyasko the autonomous district óïðàâëåíèÿ ôåäåðàëüíîé ñëóæáû Chairman of the Tourist Committee of the áåçîïàñíîñòè ÐÔ ïî Òþìåíñêîé îáëàñòè Autonomous district Íàòàëüÿ Êîíñòàíòèíîâíà Ìàëàõîâà Alexander Trubin Íà÷àëüíèê Îòäåëà îôîðìëåíèÿ äîêóìåíòîâ Chief of the Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous Âèêòîð Äàâûäîâè÷ Âèëüãåëüì ïî âûåçäó çà ãðàíèöó Óïðàâëåíèÿ ïî district - Yugra branch of the regional Äèðåêòîð Äåïàðòàìåíòà çäðàâîîõðàíåíèÿ âîïðîñàì êàäðîâîé ïîëèòèêè Àäìèíèñòðàöèè federal security service of the Russian àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà Ãóáåðíàòîðà àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà Federation for Tyumen district Victor Vilgelm Natalia Malakhova Director of the Health Department of the Chief of the Department for Issuing foreign Îëåã Àëåêñàíäðîâè÷ Óðóøåâ autonomous district document to people going abroad with the Ãåíåðàëüíûé äèðåêòîð Ìåæäóíàðîäíîãî office for staff policy of the Administration ôåñòèâàëÿ êèíåìàòîãðàôè÷åñêèõ äåáþòîâ «Äóõ Àëåêñàíäð Ýðíñòîâè÷ Ãåðáåð of the Governor of the autonomous district îãíÿ», ãåíåðàëüíûé äèðåêòîð Ó÷ðåæäåíèÿ Óïðàâëÿþùèé äåëàìè Ãóáåðíàòîðà Õàíòû-Ìàíñèéñêîãî àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà – àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà Þðèé Òèìîôååâè÷ Ìàí÷åâñêèé Þãðû «Îêðóæíàÿ òåëåðàäèîêîìïàíèÿ «Þãðà» Alexander Gerber Ãëàâà ìóíèöèïàëüíîãî îáðàçîâàíèÿ Oleg Urushev Business-manager of the Governor of the Õàíòû-Ìàíñèéñêèé ðàéîí Director General of the International Festival Autonomous District Yuri Manchevsky of film Debuts «Spirit of Fire», general Head of municipal education manager of the Khanty-Mansiysk Àëëà Âëàäèìèðîâíà Ãðèáöîâà «The Khanty-Mansiysk district» autonomous district – Yugra TV company Ïðåäñåäàòåëü Êîìèòåòà ïî ìîëîäåæíîé «District Broadcasting Company Yugra» ïîëèòèêå àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà Íàòàëüÿ Ðóäåãåðîâíà Ìàñëîâà Alla Gribtsova Ïðåäñåäàòåëü Êîìèòåòà ïî Þðèé Åâãåíüåâè÷ Óñòåíêî Chairman of the Committee for youth poli- èíôîðìàöèîííûì ðåñóðñàì Çàìåñòèòåëü äèðåêòîðà Äåïàðòàìåíòà èíôîðìà- cy of the Autonomous district Àäìèíèñòðàöèè àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà öèîííîé ïîëèòèêè àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà Natalia Maslova Yuri Ustenko Âëàäèìèð Âåíåäèêòîâè÷ Æóðàâëåâ Chairman of the Committee for information Deputy director of the Department for infor- Äèðåêòîð Äåïàðòàìåíòà òðàíñïîðòà, ñâÿçè resources of the administration of the mation policy of the autonomous district àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà autonomous district Vladimir Zhuravlyov Âëàäèìèð Àëåêñååâè÷ Õàðèòîí Director of the transport and communica- Àëåêñåé Ìèõàéëîâè÷ Îâñÿíèêîâ Çàìåñòèòåëü Ãóáåðíàòîðà – ðóêîâîäèòåëü tions Department of the autonomous district Çàìåñòèòåëü Ïðåäñåäàòåëÿ Ïðàâèòåëüñòâà Ïðåäñòàâèòåëüñòâà àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà ïðè àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà ïî âîïðîñàì Ïðàâèòåëüñòâå Ðîññèéñêîé Ôåäåðàöèè Íàèëü Ãàçèåâè÷ Êàøàïîâ ìàëî÷èñëåííûõ íàðîäîâ Ñåâåðà - Äèðåêòîð Vladimir Khariton Ãëàâíûé âðà÷ Òåððèòîðèàëüíîãî Äåïàðòàìåíòà àâòîíîìíîãî îêðóãà ïî Deputy Governor, head of the Representative óïðàâëåíèÿ Ðîñïîòðåáíàäçîðà ïî Õàíòû- âîïðîñàì ìàëî÷èñëåííûõ íàðîäîâ Ñåâåðà office of the autonomous district with the Ìàíñèéñêîìó àâòîíîìíîìó îêðóãó – Þãðå government of the Russian Federation 2 ДУХ ОГНЯ / НАЙ АНГКИ / SPIRIT OF FIRE / 2007 СОДЕРЖАНИЕ / CONTENTS ÂÑÒÓÏÈÒÅËÜÍÀß ×ÀÑÒÜ . .4 INTRODUCTION ÌÅÆÄÓÍÀÐÎÄÍÎÅ ÆÞÐÈ . .9 INTERNATIONAL JURY ÆÞÐÈ ÀÊÒÅÐÑÊÎÃÎ ÊÎÍÊÓÐÑÀ . .13 JURY OF THE ACTORS' COMPETITION ÊÎÍÊÓÐÑ . .16 COMPETITION ÐÎÑÑÈÉÑÊÈÅ ÄÅÁÞÒÛ-2006 . .38 RUSSIAN DEBUTS-2006 ÌÈÔÛ ÍÀÐÎÄΠÑÅÂÅÐÀ: ÀÊÈ ÊÀÓÐÈÑÌßÊÈ . .66 NORTHERN COUNTRIES MYTHS: AKI KAURISMAKI ÊËÓÁ ÄÅÒÑÊÎÃÎ È ÞÍÎØÅÑÊÎÃÎ ÔÈËÜÌÀ "ÒÂÎÅ ÊÈÍÎ" ÏÐÎÃÐÀÌÌÀ ÀÍÈÌÀÖÈÎÍÍÛÕ ÔÈËÜÌΠ. .73 CHILDREN AND YOUTH CINEMA CLUB "YOUR CINEMA" PROGRAM OF ANIMATION FILMS ÑÏÅÖÏÎÊÀÇÛ . .86 SPECIAL SCREENING ÑÈÁÈÐÑÊÀß ÝÉÔÎÐÈß . .92 SIBERIAN EUPHORIA ÏÐÅÇÅÍÒÀÖÈß ÏÐÎÅÊÒÀ . .102 PROJECT PRESENTATION ÑÏÅÖÏÎÊÀÇÛ Â ÐÀÌÊÀÕ ÖÅÐÅÌÎÍÈÉ ÎÒÊÐÛÒÈß È ÇÀÊÐÛÒÈß ÔÅÑÒÈÂÀËß . .110 SPECIAL SCREENINGS WITHIN CEREMONIES OF OPENING AND CLOSING OF THE FESTIVAL ÈÍÄÅÊÑ ÔÈËÜÌΠ/ INDEX OF FILMS . .118 ÈÍÄÅÊÑ ÐÅÆÈÑÑÅÐΠ/ INDEX OF DIRECTORS . .119 ÎÑÎÁÀß ÁËÀÃÎÄÀÐÍÎÑÒÜ / SPECIAL THANKS . .120 ÎÐÃÀÍÈÇÀÖÈÈ / COMPANIES . .122 ÄÈÐÅÊÖÈß ÔÅÑÒÈÂÀËß / MANAGEMENT OF THE FESTIVAL . .123 3 ДУХ ОГНЯ / НАЙ АНГКИ / SPIRIT OF FIRE / 2007 Äîðîãèå äðóçüÿ! Dear friends! Êàê ñòðåìèòåëüíî äâèæåòñÿ âðåìÿ è êàêèå îã- How time flies and what immense changes this ðîìíûå èçìåíåíèÿ â æèçíè êàæäîãî ÷åëîâåêà implacable movement brings to the lives of each è â æèçíè âñåé íàøåé áîëüøîé ñòðàíû ïðîèñ- of us and of the whole country. We become older, õîäÿò âìåñòå ñ ýòèì íåóìîëèìûì äâèæåíèåì wiser and more senile. But what is most impor- âðåìåíè. Ìû ñòàíîâèìñÿ ñòàðøå, óìíåå, óâû, tant, young people keep coming into our lives. è ñòàðåå. Íî ãëàâíîå – â íàøó æèçíü ïðèõîäÿò They enter into most complicated relations with è ïðèõîäÿò ìîëîäûå ëþäè. Îíè âñòóïàþò â time. And all of it is reflected in every debut ñëîæíåéøèå îòíîøåíèÿ ñî âðåìåíåì. È âñå movie, screened at our Festival. This complex, con- ýòî îòðàæàåòñÿ â êàæäîì äåáþòíîì ôèëüìå troversial and complicated panorama, which is far íàøåãî ôåñòèâàëÿ. È ýòà êàðòèíà – äàëåêàÿ îò from the gilded idyll, unveils the true soul of the ñóñàëüíîé
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