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CISCCONTENTONTENT:CONTENRTRREPORTEPORTEPORT CC ReviewОбзорОбзор of новостейaudiovisualновостей рынка content производства production and ии дистрибуциидистрибуции distribution аудиовизуальногоаудиовизуальногоin the CIS countries контента контента Media«»«MediaМ«»ÌЕДИÅÄÈ ResourcesА rÀРesourcesЕСУРСЫÐÅÑÓÐÑÛ МManagement ÌManagementЕНЕДЖМЕНТÅÍÅÄÆÌÅÍÒ» № №2№121(9)№24, №2 13 1April января, April, 1 July April, 30, 20152012 20132011 2012 tion but also be the award winners and nominees of тема номера DEARсловоDear colleagues!COLLEAGUES редакции different international film festivals. Despite large FOCUSFOCUS portion of information on the new movies, shows and УжеWeWe are areв первые happy toto дни present present нового you you the годаthe July Aprilнам, issue issue редакof the of cцtheиIsи: ПервыйLastseries autumn you’ll номер membersalso Contentfind theof Russian detailedReport association выходитreport on ofвthe televiкану re-н- UKRAINEКИНОТЕАТРАЛЬНЫ BECOMESЙ A ContentCIS:content Content Report, report Report сразу where whereстало we tried понятно,we to tried gather toчто thegather в most2011 the inм- Старогоsioncent anddeals movie Нового of international producers года, который chose distributors Red (наконецто) Square with the Screen cI sза-- всеmostteresting мы interesting будем up-to-date усердно up-to-date information и неустанно information about трудиться. rapidlyabout rapidly devel За- вершаетingspartners. as the чередуmost important праздников, industry поэтeventом of theу еще season. раз РЫН О К В УКРАИН Е : HIGH-PROSPECTIVETV MARKETS: нимаясьdevelopingoping content подготовкой content production production первого and and выпускаdistribution distribution обзора markets mar но- хотимThe idea пожелать of the forum наши aimedм at подписчик showcasingа theм Russianв 2011 ЦИФРОВИЗАЦИ Я А kets of the CIS region. As far as most of the locally cinema for the international film community belongs К К востейof the рынкаcIs region. производства as far as most и аудиовизуальног of the locally proо- годуIn our найти “Focus” свой we wouldверный like путь to dwell и след on uоkraineвать ему as a с UKRAINE,TERRITORY BELARUS, FOR THE produced series and TV movies are further distrib- to Yevgeny Gindilis – Red Square Screenings’ execu- контентаduced series в этом and год TVу, мыmovies с радостью are further обнаружили distributed, упорством,high-prospective трудясь territory не покладаяfor the international рук. У каждог con-о ОСНОВНОЙ ТРЕН Д uted and broadcast mainly inside the CIS territories, tive director, founder and producer general of Russian GEORGIA,INTERNATIONAL MOLDOVA чтоand даже broadcast в новогодние mainly insideпраздники the c Iрsа ботаterritories, во мн weо свояtent. uдорога,kraine has но entered цель у the нас new одн eraа –of развиватьtransforma- и we picked up the most interesting and original proj- film company TVINDIE. He is also a member of Euro- РАЗВИТИ Я (25) гихpicked продакшнах up the most идет interesting полным хо andдом, original а дальше, projects как улучшатьtions driven отечественный by the change in рынок. content П consumption,о коням, го (23) ects with those script ideas that have international pean Film Academy (EFA). In an exclusive interview to CONTENT говорится,with those станетscript-ideas еще thatбольше. have internationalКак неоднократн appealо сподаbut also! due to new legislation which obliges the appeal and may further travel abroad to Europe, Asia CIS: Content Report he told about achievements, pri- былоand отмечено,may further вследствие travel abroad кризиса to europe, основательн asia or theо TV channels to change their programming policy: (26) or the North America both as readymade product or orities and plans of his company and his own as well измениласьNorth america конъюнктура both as readymade рынка, поменялась product or ра forс- namely, the new amendments to the law on Broad- Артем Вакалюк становкаformats.mats. Besides Besidesсил и thereвозможностей, there are are a a lot lot of поэтомуfull-length р featuresаfeaturesботать ascasting about which the experience came into offorce international on June 4 coproduction. that prohibit Главный редактор действительноrecentlyrecently launched launched есть into into и productionбудет production над чем. in in Russia,r ussia,Подтвержд Ukraine,ukraine,е to broadcast really huge portion of russia-made интервью номера Content Report ниемKazakhstanKazakhstan тому является and and other other количество CIS cI sstates countries собранного that forthat sure for в этоmaysureм Andcontent. one Tomore understand thing we’d better like u tokraine remind as a you.high-pro Plan-- INTERVIEWINTERVIEw (полупраздничном)havemay not have only not successful only successfulномере international материала international distribution. distribu but- ningspective you territory business for calendar the international for 2013 producers do not forget and сергей каратаев : also be the award winners and nominees of different to book timedistributors, to visit the the majorKiev-based event Media for televi re-- international film festivals. Despite large portion of in- «на данный момент В сегодняшней теме sion and mediasources professionals Management in (Mther M)CIS conduct region- - formation on the new movies, shows and series you’ll еще остаются номера мы останови KIEV MEDIAed aWEEK research 201 of 3content, September that was 10-13, aired YEVGENYVictoria GINDILIS: also find the detailed report on the recent distribution нераспроданные фильмы, лись на одной из са 2013. Organizedby the Topby Media 6 local broadcastersResources Manage in 2014. - YARMOSHCHUK: deals. которTHEые б WORKыли соз OFданы до мых болезненных тем ment company, this unique media industry proj- отечественной киноин ect, one and only of a kind in the CIS and Central Ukrainian law(31 should) operating in the market since 2005 MrM кEUROPEANризиса» дустрииIn our “Focus” – рынке we continueкино the cycle of articles dedi- and Easternis Europethe first is u akrainian one stop media destination consulting for bePRODUCERS reformed to CAN’T improve театров.cated to theНа страницахcurrent situation on TV markets of the five internationalcompany media that industry offers its events. competent ex- co-production climate Contentpost-Soviet Report countries. мы не The region is developing rap- pertise and services in the sphere of me- EVEN BE COMPARED однократноidly both in termsпублико of its TV market volume and the Please do dianot and forget entertainment. that we M rareM conductshere to and investment валиnumber мнения of players о том, on что it led by such states as Rus- be your researcheslocal source in all theof maininformation segments and of TO attractivenessTHE ONE WE HAVE for едваsia, Ukraineли не andосновной Kazakhstan. In previous issue we analytics. the media market of ukraine, russia and СОДЕРЖАНИЕ проблемойfocused on TV(хотя markets эту of Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and other cIs territories, eastern and West- foreignTO DO partners (25) темуKazakhstan, активно and поднима this time we’ll provide a short analy- ern europe and other world regions. In ютsis все, of such кому territories не безраз as Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia We wish a pleasant reading! ПРОИЗВОДСТВО : (2) an exclusive interview to cIs: content (28) личнаand Moldova. судьба нацио report MrM ceo Victoria Yarmoshchuk СЕРИАЛ (2) нального кинематогра told about the structure of ukrainian me- фа), сдерживающей ТЕЛЕФИЛЬМ (7) dia market, challenges of its TV industry развитие индустрии players, and the possible way outs amid ТЕЛЕШОУ (10) «полного метра» на the absence of governmental support. постсоветском про АНContentsИМАЦИЯ (12) CONTENTS странстве, является and one more thing we’d like to remind ДОКУМЕ НТАЛЬНЫ Й ПР ОЕ КТ (13) катастрофическая не you. Planning your business calendar for Production: (2)(2) хватка кинозалов. Од К ИНОФИЛЬМ (14) 2015 do not forget to book time to visit SerieS (2) нако рынок продолжа SerieS (2) the major event for television and media ет стремительно раз Д И СТР И Б УTVЦИЯ mo (V15)ieS (7) professionals in the cIs region - KIeV TV moVieS (7) виваться. И если по TV ShowS (8) MeDIa WeeK, september 7-11, 2015. TV ShowS (9) водов для оптимизма КАДРЫ (20)FeaTure FilmS (10) organized by Media resources Man- относительно увеличе FeaTure FilmS (11) agement company, this unique media ЕЛЕdistributionО АЗ (16) ния количества кино Т П К (21) industry project, one and only of a kind in distribution (16) театров попрежнему cinema distribution the cIs and central and eastern europe Т ЕХНОЛОГИИ (22) cinema distribution не так много , то по is a one stop destination for the whole in ukraine (24) внедрению совре range of international events for media ПРОYКearАТ В 2012 УКРАИНЕ (24) менных технологий за о focus (26) industry professionals. in kraine (22) прошлый год имеются нк u О ТР АСЛЕВ Ы Е ве interview (28) все основания для гор а МЕР ОfocusПР ИЯТ И(23)Я (29) дости за это. Между Please do not forget that we are here to тем попытаемся разо be your local source of information and леси С interview (25) браться, есть ли свет в analytics. О конце тоннеля?!. Рис. We wish a pleasant reading! Media Resources Management. 22 Zakrevsky St., Kiev 02660, Ukraine Media Resources Management, ул. Закревского, 22, Киев, 02660, Украина Mediawww.mrm.ua Resources Tel.: Management. +380 (44) 459-4610; 22 Zakrevsky e-mail: St., [email protected] 02660, Ukraine 11 www.mrm.uaТел.: + 380 44 Tel.: 459 +380-4610 (44) Фак 459-4610;с: + 380 44 e-mail: 459-4611 [email protected] [email protected] www.mrm.ua production production production №24, July 2015 series THE