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ATLANTIC October 2010 Coastal Kayaker Volume 19, No. 7 The Lakes of October The Seven Carries Lake Champlain Circumnavigation Atlantic Coastal Kayaker • October 2010 1 expeditions, tours, rentals, canoe & kayak sales 8 VARNEY RD on-site manufacturing & repair FREEPORT, ME 207.865.0455 Lincoln, Boréal Design, Maelström, Kokatat- 2 Atlantic Coastal Kayaker • October 2010 ATLANTIC Contents Coastal Kayaker ACK • Vol 19, No. 7 • October 2010 Atlantic Coastal Kayaker is published monthly for 8 issues, Feature March through December. We take January and February off. Feature: The Lakes of October The Seven Carries ..................................12 Publisher/Editor Lake Champlain Circumnavigation .......15 Tamsin Venn Departments Contributors: Eddy Lines .....................................................4 Julia Bayly Paul Caffyn Letters From You ...........................................5 Chuck Horbert Wayne Horodowich Poetry Page ...................................................6 Donna Lind Jim Nash News & Notes ...............................................7 Ruth Sespaniak Ellen Ruppel Shell Expedition Watch ..........................................9 Walt Whitman John Willey Technique: Changing Feather Angles ................10 Reinhard Zollitsch Events: 2010 Blackburn Challenge Results .........20 Website Safety: Capsized ............................................24 Places: Paddling Long Island’s Southern Inlets ....25 Atlantic Coastal Kayaker PO Box 520 Review: Confessions of a Wave Warrior .............29 Ipswich MA 01938 (978) 356-6112 (tel,fax) Calendar ......................................................30 [email protected] Klassifieds ...................................................31 Layout David Eden [email protected] Business Office Lou Anne Maker [email protected] Deadline for all materials is the first of the month preceding the month of publication. Letters are welcome. Please direct to [email protected] Subscribers may go to our website, to see the full-color version of this issue! Email us at [email protected] or [email protected] for the password. Atlantic Coastal Kayaker • October 2010 3 Eddy Lines In 2009, your regular editor and publish- more and more towards an online world. sue, which will be in full color, unlike the er, Tamsin Venn, asked me if she thought We looked at the cost of printing, which is printed version, which will revert to our it would be possible to revamp the ACK skyrocketing. We thought, “In order to stay traditional black-and-white inside pages. website, which had been moribund for sev- competitive and even alive in the future, we One advantage of the online version is that eral years. I was enthusiastic about the idea, need to go online.” the PDF can be downloaded to your own and we spent many weeks cleaning up and And so was created our Great Experi- computer, and individual pages printed out. modernizing the look-and-feel of the site ment of 2010, in which Atlantic Coastal Location information could be printed on and updating all of the information. It was Kayaker went completely online for four waterproof paper to take with you on your a great adventure for me, as it was the first issues. We managed to find affordable pass- next trip! We will also be reverting to the time in over 10 years that I had worked on a word and flipbook software. We made some vertical format of the pages. The reason for website. I had built the original ACK site on mistakes, swiftly caught by our readers, and this is that both the online and printed ver- the website of the company I then worked made many changes in the effort to make sions rely on the same PDF file, and verti- for, but was asked to take it down when it the online experience as easy to use and in- cal format is far less expensive to print. It started receiving far more hits than the com- teresting as possible for our readers. would be nice to maintain the landscape pany site! We were fairly sure that our readers would format for the web pages, but producing In the intervening years, many changes have a positive response to the changes. We two different magazines is just far beyond had come to the web. Sites were far more knew that some would be very upset, some our capabilities now. sophisticated, with many more bells and would be neutral, and a few would be very We will be continuing to try and improve whistles than had existed when we first put happy. This was, indeed, what happened. the online experience for our readers. Future our little pages out. Programming languages We received a small number of complaints plans include creating an online subscriber and techniques had changed, become more and cancellations, including one from a database, so that each user may create his formal, with volunteer governing bodies to reader who stated he would not subscribe or her own password. We also will try to maintain programming standards. Features to anything he could not roll up and kill a streamline the online subscription process. of websites had gone through several gen- fly with. On the other hand, many subscrib- Readers should be aware that events, club erations of change, and what was once con- ers wrote expressing their delight with the information, and Klassifieds can already be sidered pretty cool is now considered poor new format. One reader, who spends sev- entered without a password online, and we programming. Pop-up windows and frames eral months a year in Japan, was very happy will be adding the ability to generate and (separate areas of control) on a web page that he could access his magazine on the send a letter to the Editor on the “Contact are now internet no-nos. other side of the world. Most of you seemed Us” page. We realized, as we faced this daunting content with the change, judging by the fact Once again, we would like to thank our task, that we were trying to build a space that we did not hear from you. faithful readers for sticking with us this capsule with cardboard and craft glue. Still, We are now ready to resume printing. past year. We will be continuing to strive we struggled on and, using the new tools We hope that we will be able to continue to bring you the best in local trips, events, when we could figure out how they worked, to do so without another interruption. We and places information, as well as tips on and the old when we had to fall back on will continue to offer the magazine online, technique, kayak camping, and safety that the familiar, we came up with a web page in full color, and will be instituting a two- we know you enjoy and value. Happy fall that we are pretty proud of. If you haven’t layer pricing policy, with those who wish to paddling, and don;t forget your wetsuit or dropped by to, receive only the online version paying sig- drysuit. you should! nificantly less. This reflects the very large David Eden As part of the research in our design printing and mailing costs that are our main process, we looked at a lot of sites belong- expense and that in the former case have ing to various kayak magazines, outfitters, risen nearly 100 percent in the past year. All On the cover: Cathy Mumford at the end of and suppliers. We looked into the future subscribers will continue for the present to the Northern Canoe Trail. Photo by Julia of publishing, which seems to be heading have access to the online version of each is- Bayly. 4 Atlantic Coastal Kayaker • October 2010 Letters From You Demuth Circumnavigates Great Britain NC). The website is http://www.wnckayak- Ply Boat from Scratch Drawing paddlers from Asheville, Sea kayaker Marcus Demuth finished his I would like to subscribe to your magazine. I the Upstate, and surrounding areas in their circumnavigation of Great Britain on Sun- was given a March copy by a friend aware of love for sea kayaking and whitewater. day, July 25, 2010 in 80 days, a record for my sea kayak addiction. I built my own kay- Thanks. a solo circumnavigation, five days faster ak, a ply boat, from scratch, and its paddles. than Nigel Dennis and Paul Caffyn’s cir- Caffyn Reissued I am looking for back-copy articles/letters/ cumnavigation in 1980, and matching reprints from John Heath, a hero of mine? I A small bit of news, Paul Caffyn’s book the existing record circumnavigation of was able to correspond a little, but not long Dreamtime Voyage is back in print about his a trio of three British paddlers in 2005. enough. circumnavigation of Australia in the early The expedition started with two days off Am putting together a small collection 80’s. I just got a copy directly from Paul - due to gale force winds only four hours af- of prime-source information on sea kayaks, might be worth mentioning that it’s available ter launch on May 6th in Skegness, on the intending it to be a gift to a college that once again. Link for ordering is http://boatbooks. East Coast of Great Britain. However, the tried to educate me. Given the duration of weather improved quickly and provided your own experiments/travels, have you a Jim Nash most of the time the low winds a UK circum- tried-and-true favorite boat-for-all-weather? Mamaroneck, NY navigation needs in order to be successful. A paddle? Since 2005, all 12 attempts to circumnavi- Iceland Expedition John Willey gate the UK by kayak proved unsuccessful Thanks for the press coverage. (Expedition Waterville, Maine due to bad weather. Thus, despite being tired Watch, “2010 Iceland Sea Kayak Circum- Editor replies: We published quite a few and having a sore bum, Marcus is relieved navigation,” JulyAugust 2010).