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TODAY'S EDITORIAL WEATHER Fair tonight followed by rain Religion on the Campus or snow Friday. ¦ ¦ Al Mlll.l ¦¦¦ ¦ ¦ Don' t Confuse 42 In Pharmacy Notice Alliance Elects RELIGIOUS WEEK SPEAKERS Student Aides NYA pay checks will be avail- New With Old! Make Honor Roll able in the Business Office Jan- Ray Blackburn Appointed For uary 14. Checks will be issued Members Of Tower Club Addi- upon presentation of NYA iden- In Autmun Term tification cards. tion Object To Mistake As New Leader Religious Week In Names. Kathleen J. Bush And 2 Members Selected To Official University Pro- Nolon H. Blosser "We're not the Buckeye Club and Serve On Students' Griev- gram Make 4.0 we're not the Tower Club; we are To Open Sunday Average During Fall. Visitors From the Tower Club ADDITION," Rob- ance Committee. With Mass Meeting. ert M. Anderson, A-3, president of the new men's dormitory, emphati- Forty-two students are listed Many States On cally stated today. Ray C. Blackburn, A-3, was Twenty-seven students have on the autumn quarter honor "Some people seem to have the elected president of the Amer- been named as secretaries to i-oll of the College of Pharmacy, Farm Program fallacious idea that the addition is ican Student Alliance at its speakers and leaders of Reli- Dr. Clair A. Dye, dean of the a part of one of the old dormitories. gion In Life Week, Dr. Harvey Nothing could be more false. We meeting Wednesday night, and College, announces. Nolon H. Prominent Personalities To have our own officers , we enter our two members were selected to Walker, department of political Blosser and Kathleen J. Bush science, chairman of the pro- Discuss Variety Of own athletic teams into the intra- serve on the recently proposed made perfect grades of 4.0 for mural league, and we plan our own Students' Grievance Commit- gram, stated today. The sec- the quarter. Subjects. special social activities. Already a tee. retaries will aid in preparing Others who made averages or feeling of unity, a feeling of pride "B" The election of two of the ASA schedules and locating speakers better are : Michael M. Klein , Nathan in the club is definitely noticeable. members to serve on the grievance —Courtesy Columbus Dispatch. for special engagements during Kozek, William P. Maize Felix T. Prominent personalities from "Although it is true that at the , committee was in response to a plea Marshall, Clarence W. Miller, Joseph beginning of the next fall quarter Left and right, above, respectively, are Dr. Douglas Horton the week. many states will be present to by Paul E. Steveng, A-3, president M. Neuger, Dominick J. Pintavalle, this club will be joined with the and Dr. John A. Mackay, who will be two of the outstanding The speakers and their secretaries address visitors to the campus of the IMA , to cooperate in estab- Carroll B. Scarbrough, Fred G. Buckeye Club, which will at that speakers for Religion In Life Week. Dr. Horton is pastor of are: lishing what he termed "will be one Schlecht, Roy W. Schuitz, Donald W . during Farmers' Week, Jan- time move in from the men's gym- Rev. George P. Baker, Richard of the most enterprising organiza- the United Church of Hyde Park, Chicago, and a member of Senne, Samuel W. Snashall, Wayne nasium, we will for the next two Schmitt; Frances Greenough and uary 24-28. Each of the depart- tions on the campus." The purpose the faculties of Newton and Chicago . Theological Seminaries. M. Steele, Irving Stein, Ford W. quarters adopt an aggressive pro- Adelaide Case, Betty Coble; Dr. J. of the grievance committee he said , Sterling, Homer A. Strickling, Glenn ments in the College of Agri- gram in campus activities." , Dr. Mackay is president of Princeton Theological Seminary. Harry Cotton , Robert Elsas; Dr. C. is to investigate and improve stu- A. Tanner, Harry Vinocur, Norman culture has issued a program David W. Sprague, Med-1, stew- P. Emerson, Drew J. Arnold; Rabbi dents' working conditions. The two Leon Feuer, Robert Jaffe ; Rabbi H. Walt . Richard H. Wepler, Joseph bearing names of well known ard of the addition, said, "We want Senate Will Hear A. Zapotoeky. the boys here to feel that this dor- ASA members elected to the com- Vocational Material Leon Fram, Jean Wiseman; Dr. Paul mittee were Howard W. Foley, A-3 Bernard Abrams, Robert Bern- agricultural leaders throughout mitory is more than merely a place , J. Glenn, William Halloran; Dr. and Manny N. Schor, stein, Charles E. Bope, Frank W. the United States. to stay; we want them to really live A-2. A hling cabinet, containing University Reply Douglas Horton, Helen Haines ; Stevens' suggestion of a grievance Rabbi Harry Kaplan, Saul Mason; Bope, Robert E. Boyd, Donald F. Agnes Tilson Adcock, homemaker here, to make it their own by enter- information on vocational edu- committee presupposes the coopera- W. A. Leith, Richard Wood; Dr. Boylan, Elizabeth G. Brown, Louis from Greenwood, Ind., will address ing into activities. Evidently the cation , was placed in room 212 To Food Charges An- tion of the IMA, YMCA and ASA. son P. Stokes John Norman. Chilcote, Iven C. Clady, Harold E. visitors of the department of home 107 boys living here are doing just of Pomerene Hall today. "Any , Two representatives from each of Dr. Robert L. Tucker, Lester Conrad, Joseph J. Davis, Maurice L. economics on "The Successful Fam- that." women students who are inter- these organizations and any faculty Cornelia Evans, Vice President Snyder; Rose Terlin, Gladys Mason ; Docton, Don L. Eyler, Irwin Fried- ily." A. style revue and talk will be The new dormitory is new in every ested in vocational material are members with a sincere desire to Dr. Rollin H. Walker, Betty Waid; man, Virginia H. Gilliland , Marvin conducted by Catherine Eloise Cleve- respect. It is divided into three invited to go in and examine the To Preside During Fry's help students with their problems Dr. L. C. Wright, Darrell Hottle; C. Harris, Robert J. Henry, Mrs. land, consumer consultant for the floors which are, in turn, divided contents of the drawer contain- would comprise the committee. Fur- Absence This Quarter. Dr. J. Maxwell Adams, Harry Val- Elizabeth A. Hoffm an, Andrew Cotton Textile Institute of New into three rooms each: two sleeping ing this information ," said Dr. ther membership would be granted lery; Dr. Jesse M. Bader, Roberta Jados. York City. Evelyn H. Roberts, tech- rooms with a study room separating Grace S. M. Zorbaugh, associate to any other interested recognized Tucker; Dr. M. M. Hanley, Thomas nical laboratory expert from Chi- them. The addition has its own din- dean of women. An answer by the University campus group. Stevens said that the P. Caito; Bishop Paul Jones, Fred cago, has chosen for her topic ing room but the kitchen is used by business office to the charges of poor IMA at its last meeting had already Finke ; Dr. T. Z. Koo, Janice Davis; "Selecting Electrical Equipment." both the Tower Club and the addi- and insufficient food made in behalf Hillel Players Cast elected its two representatives to Dr. John A. Mackay, John Carlson. Under the auspices of the depart- tion. of residents of Neil Hall will be read serve on the committee. Dr. Kirtley Mather, James Stub- ment of agronomy, C. R. Oviatt, before the Student Senate at 7:30 Begins Rehearsals Officers elected in addition to bins; Dr. Donald Tippett, Melone AAA sugar section of the United Union Head Claims tonight in Page HalL Blackburn were: vice president, Ju- Goldberger; Dr. H. P. Van Dusen , States Department of Agriculture, All-Campus Show The Senate committee to investi- 1 Idiot' Delight' lius (J. Mann, Com-2; secretary, Margaret Calbeck ; Rabbi Abba Hil- Of s "Sugar Beets in the Na- Democracy Needs gate the charges of the Neil Hall will discuss Adelaide Berger, Com-2, and treas- lel Silver, Ruth Stone; Dr. Roy , residents' statement met with Carl A. tional AAA Program." H. D. Brown To Be Sponsored urer, Imogene , Grad. The Burkhart, P»tigo E: Steeb, University business man- Dean Palmer; Dr. H. B Charlotte Straus, George constitution of the ASA has been Educational Basis BoII:nger, Joseph Ryan. Ontario, ager, before the Christmas holidays. Finklestein And Herbert sugar concern of Chatham, By College Council lost from the Student Affairs office , Other speakers and conference is slated to speak on "Scheduled and so the officers were elected for National Teachers' Federation The report of the committee was leaders, in addition to those pre- Copland Named To Leads. Timeliness in the Beet Field." an indefinite period of time; that is, approved by the senators at their viously named, include : Dr. George R. S. Hudson Date Tentatively Set For Feb- Secretary Addresses Uni- until a new constitution is made, last meeting of the fall quarter, at R. Baker, vice chairman, Northern Professor of animal husbandry at The cast of the Hillel Players' ruary 28; Makio Queen Can- definitely defining the term of office. versity Chapter. which the Senate was resolved into Bapti st convention; Dr. Adelaide T. Michigan State Coljege , R. S. Hud- a committee of the whole. winter production, "Idiot's Delight," The majority report of the execu- [ Case, Columbia University; Rabbi son, is to address animal husbandry didates To Be Presented. was announced today by Director tive committee was accepted in pref- A complete report of the solons' Leon Feurer, Toledo; Frances visitors on "A Practical Draft Horse "America cannot afford to curtail Samuel R. Goldman, A-4. Rehearsals investigation and recommendations Greenough, student secretary, Program." L.