Holy Cross Catholic Church 17 Van Duyne Avenue l Wayne l New Jersey l 07470 l 973-694-4585 “The Church is Holy, not just because all are welcome. The Church is Holy, because all belong.” Timothy M. Matovina University of Notre Dame (paraphrased by Pope Francis at General Audience) October 21, 2018 Schedule of Masses Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays: 5:00pm Saturday 4:00-4:30pm Sundays: 10:00am Sacraments of Baptism, Marriage Daily Mass is celebrated at 7:30am &Personal Appointments at Our Lady of the Valley Church Please call the Parish Office 630 Valley Road - Wayne OUR PARISH IS SERVED BY WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS Rev. Peter VB. Wells, Pastor October 20 - 5:00pm For the People 973-694-4585, Ext 7246 October 21 - 10:00am For the People
[email protected] October 27 - 5:00pm Andrew Potter Rev. Duberney Villamizar, Parochial Vicar October 28 - 10:00am Casper Suchar Sr. 973-694-4585, Ext 7204 Presider is Father Wells
[email protected] Our Lady of the Valley Deacon Vincent Cocilovo 5:00pm Father Duberney
[email protected] 8:00am Father Wells Sister Dorothy Dee, SSJ, Pastoral Associate 10:00am Father Duberney Adult Formation/Ministry of Consolation 12:00 Noon Father Duberney Ext. 7245 -
[email protected] Judi Cocilovo, Director of Faith Formation / Youth PARISH SACRAMENTAL & PRAYER LIFE Ext. 7208 -
[email protected] Office of Faith Formation / Youth “Is anyone among you suffering? They should pray…Is anyone among you sick? They should summon the presbyters of the church, and Ext. 7248 -
[email protected]