St. Anthony of Padua Roman Catholic Church PaRiSH STaFF MaSS ScHeDule: Pastor: Trustees Monday, Wednesday, Friday Rev. Msgr. J. Robert Romero Dr. Ben Miller 6:15 a.m. Parochial Vicar: Mr. Karl Aucoin Tuesday & Thursday Rev. Fr. Matthew Hebert Parish Office Staff 12:00 p.m. Deacon: Mrs. Rhoda Huckaby Saturday Vigil 4:00 pm Deacon Gary Gaudin Mr. Rodney Sonnier Sunday 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 am Seminarian: Parish Social & community Ministry & 6:00 pm (life Teen Mass) Riley Maturin Deacon Gary Gaudin, Director Parish council chairperson Mr. James ‘Jr.’ Bergeron Music Mr. Rodney Sonnier, Director Mrs. Laura Lombas, Organist Faith Formation...............457-7505 Mrs. Angie Aguillard, Director Mrs. Jennifer David, Assistant Spiritual Direction Mrs. Phyllis Pere custodial Technician Mr. Henry Rozas Rectory Housekeeper & cook Mrs. Jennifer O’Neill ST. eDMunD caTHOlic ScHOOl Mr. Charles Hazard Principal Office: 351 W. Magnolia Telephones: 457-2592 / 457-5988 St. edmund P.T.c. Mrs. Michele Richard President 310 West Vine avenue ~ P.O. Box 31 ~ eunice, louisiana 70535 ~ 337.457.5285 ~ Website: ~ email:
[email protected] Visit: St. anthony of Padua passcode is GZPZMF Dear Parishioners of St. anthony of Padua church & annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary church, Appointments of Church witness marriages, conduct funeral services, and look Parish Trustees after the needs of the poor. They also visit the sick and take Communion to them, although they cannot celebrate the Bishop Deshotel has appointed sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. They might also the following Trustees effective assist the pastor in his administrative duties.