7 New Saints Canonized By Pope Francis on Oct. 14th Vincenzo Romano: Diocesan Priest. Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Batista Montini): Supreme Pontiff Maria Katharina Kasper: Virgin, Founder of the Institute of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ Oscar Arnulfo Romero Y Galdamez: Archbishop of San Salvador, Martyr. Nazaria Ignacia de Santa Teresa de Jesus (nee: Nazaria Ignacia March Mesa): Founder of the Congregation of the Missionary Crusaders of the Church. Nunzio Sulprizio: Orphaned and Exploited at Early Age; Suffered Greatly from Illness but Dedicated Life to Helping Other Patients. S A I N T H O O D S A I N Francesco Spinelli: Diocesan Priest, Founder of the Institute of the Sisters Adorers of the Most Holy Sacrament. St. Patrick Parish 1 Cross St., Whitinsville, MA 01588 Our Mission Statement: “Love God. Love One Another. Grow Disciples.” October 21, 2018 Welcome St. PATRICK PARISH: ‘A Faith Community since 1870’ - Rectory Phone: 508-234-5656 MASS SCHEDULE: Saturday: 4:30 PM; Sunday 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 5:00 PM ; Monday-Wednesday 8:30 AM SACRAMENT of RECONCILIATION: Confessions are offered every Saturday from 3:30 - 4:00 PM in the Church or by calling the Parish Office for an appointment. Members of the family requesting the Mass are asked Parish Staff to bring the gifts of bread and wine to the altar. Please make yourselves known to the lector and sit near the gifts. Rev. Tomasz Borkowski: Pastor Weekend of October 20/21
[email protected] Sat., 4:30 PM + Paul & Joan Stanick Deacon Patrick Stewart: - by the Family of Paul & Joan Stanick Deacon Sun., 8:00 AM + Mary Bisbee
[email protected] - by her Husband, Raymond, and the Deacon Chris Finan: Duvernay Family Deacon Sun., 10:00 AM + Joseph Pepin, Sr.