Rajya Sabha and its Secretariat A Performance Profile 2013 RAJYA SABHA SECRETARIAT PRINTED BY THE GENERAL MANAGER NEW DELHI GOVERNMENT OF INDIA PRESS, MINTO ROAD, NEW DELHI-110002 NOVEMBER 2014 Hindi version of the Publication is also available PARLIAMENT OF INDIA Rajya Sabha and its Secretariat: A Performance Profile—2013 RAJYA SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI NOVEMBER 2014 F.No. RS.2/1/2014-PWW © 2014 Rajya Sabha Secretariat Rajya Sabha Website: http://parliamentofindia.nic.in http://rajyasabha.nic.in E-mail :
[email protected] Price: ` 60.00 Published by Secretary-General, Rajya Sabha and Printed by the General Manager, Government of India Press, Minto Road, New Delhi. P R E F A C E This publication provides information about the work transacted by the Rajya Sabha, its Committees and the Secretariat during the year 2013. It is meant to familiarize the readers with different aspects of the functioning of the Rajya Sabha. As an overview, it provides relevant details which are interesting about the working of Parliament and will be of use to the Members of Parliament as well as the general public. NEW DELHI; SHUMSHER K. SHERIFF November 2014 Secretary-General, Rajya Sabha. C O N T E N T S PAGES 1. House at Work (i) Question Hour . 1-2 (ii) Legislation . 2 (iii) Significant legislative developments during the year 2013 . 2—8 (iv) Discussion on the working of the Ministries . 8 (v) Discussion on matters of urgent public importance . 9 (vi) Private Members’ Resolutions . 9-10 (vii) Statutory Resolutions . 10 (viii) Government Resolutions . 10-11 (ix) Motions under Rule 168 (No-Day-Yet-Named Motions)…….