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~ctobre 1 ew committee to make campus more accessible for people with disabilities • '~ ~i t"", /~p. "~'" I~' ~~ on f:lcceS1fSl~lll!l·,lf~ CL l... T'.,(.1 eI!lzbl""'zrlr" ... , J" I".. '.' l.r4', : "l) '. .1Campalgn atrick Joly agine this: it's Monday morning, you have a class from 9:30 elevator, butthey haveeitheroutlived 30 with a 1:30seminarandonlyanhourin-betweentoeat,checkout their use or are not appropriate for Pro Tem at the Gardens, p.11 wreserve books at Frost, and hustle to that classroom in B-wing. the targeted users." On the contrary, problem you mightsay.However,ifyouareina wheelchairorsuffer these devices have made life more SENATE GRANTS STUDENT Il\Il\llJNITY FOR FRIDAY'S D.l\.)Y a physical disability of some sort, it's becomes an entirely cumbersome to its users. OF PROTEST erent story. Another example of the precariousness of the facilities at The Senate of York University us, in order to help resolve the physically disabled students to Glendon is the lack ofaccess ramps, has granted students academic iG'lsly ssibility problem at Glendon, a participate equally in the university especially to the west-side and rear imrnunity for the day of action committee ofthe GCSU,Action experience. entrances ofYork Hall. When using scheduledfor Friday, O<;tober 25th. Accessibility has been set up. TaraGeraghty, chairpersonofthe the entrance nearest the reserved This means that although classes 'tr5 committee, composed mostly new committee, gave a synopsis of parking spots, the person is will not be necessarily cancelled, ~,t tudents-at-Iarge, met for the first the current situation: "This college encountered by a set of stairs. students cannot be penalized for e last Friday to pressure the is not really accessible to the extent "This school seems so not attending classes on that day. ~r~p inistration of the University to that it should be. There have been dormant on accessibility Exams, tests and assignment in place policies and devices things put into place, such as deadlines wit! have to be nd the campus which will allow automatic door openers and an (see "Accessibility" page 2) rescheduled for a later date. The Senate ~f York University is the r--tsr• institution's highest authority and ~U~''1. its decision are binding toeveryone ~, "-U,c.e. ".>l" ' en''. '?1."'/ 0 in the community. la fae, on a pas d'poignon! gouvernement en declin perpetuel. presqueatous lesjours. Lesgrevistes (;IJ~\RD, N()ITVELI-JE 'a pas d'profs, it manque 12 millions! En plus, la faculte de sciences avait roulaient pres 'des residences DIHECTRICl'~ DES iRES ameilleure fac;on d'marcher, c'est encore la notre! etefermeejusqu'a nouvel ordre, faute universitaires au j'habitais et 'est de mettre un pied devant I'autre, et manifester! de moyens et de nlateriel. Cette invitaient les etudiants, avec un faculte, d'ailleufs, frappee la plus systemede sonorisation monte sur Ie Marcy Girard devientdirectrice 'est maintenant la mi-octobre et Des la rentree, l'universite de gravement par les coupures, etait toit d'une voiture, a venir aux des Affaires ct;!turelles a la suite ~iversaire d'un evenement qui a Rouen etait en periode de crise; il y I'epicentre de la greve. rassemblements. Cesjeunesmilitants des elections tenues a l'A.E.C.G. euaRouen, enFrance, it y a un an. avait un manque de 12 millions de Eventuellement, un mediateur, ont ete jusqu'a debrayer des cours les 8,9 et ]0 octobre derniers..Le tte epoque, j'etais en echange francs (environ $3.6 millions) dans Gilles Bertrand, chercheur ayant un nombre important scrutin s'est apparalnent deroule ~,~u" cette ville, ~i(uee a 137 kIn au sonbudget. Lesetudiants denon~aient scientifique et ancien president de d't.~tudiants pour assurer une forte sans incident, toutefois, seulement -ouest de Paris etj'ai ete temoin aussi de nombreux problemes I'universite de Bourgogne a ete assistance aux assemblees. Pour 121 personnes ont fait usage de l~O ndrame: une greve massive qui typiques qui s'anlplifiaient d'annee envoye aRouen par Ie gouvemement d'autres etudiants qui ont voulu leur droit de vote. ~ 'fO\)'W14 ilisa les etudiants d'une maniere en annee: les amphitheatres et les et Ies etudiants en ont profite pour assisteraleurs cours, soitlesbatiments Resultat: ncevable sur la verdure de notre salles surcharges, Ie deficit de postes augmenter la pression. On avait etaient felmes, soitles professeurs ne :t\.1arcy Girard: 98 voix 10 campus. du personnel enseignantetautre, et Ie l'impressi0n qu' il y avait des sont pas venus par solidarite. Sandra Lozano: 21 voix fric pour la rac nombre et Ie montant des bourses du nlanifestations et des assemblees Au SOlnmet de la greve, on avait Bulletins annules: 2 ,,~~ completementbloquelacirculation a travers lafacult6; on avait allume des P-J ~W feux et il y avait partout des banderoles, des barricades et des cyclables a Paris, les Francais l~~ etudiants en colere. On arretait les n'hesitent pas adescendre dans la rue ~&.-:....._-,- autoolobilistes et les etudiants pour pour defendre leurs propres interets ~.. "":::':::",:,::::::,,:::.:::, leur demander de signer une petition ouceuxdu voisin parsolidarite. C'est etpourleuroffrirdes tractsexpliquant devenu si naturel que l'on peutpenser la situation. Malgre une resolution a que c'est culturel. » at l'universite de Rouen et un Pourmoi,quietaithabitueaucalme ,~ compromis entre les etudiants et Ie relatif ici au Canada (sauf a cette gouvernelnent, les greves etaient epoque avec Ie referendum), ces toujours autour de nallS, atteignant evenelnents etaient, pour Ie nloins to, " une alnpleur nationale: Ie service des t~tonnants.Cependant, menle avec les ~~" ~: trains~ Ie transport en comnlun, la quelques inconvenients, je suis IAf\~\(IU~ poste et d'autres universites atravers content d'avoir etc sur place au la France. moment de ces crises locales et ~'1.S D'apres Linda Guilheau, une nationales. lls ant contribue de etudiante que j'ai rencontre aRouen maniere singuliere a n1a decouverte ~~"'e. et qui est en echange cette annee a de la France et de son peuple. Je ~\J Glendon: «Pour les Francais, souhaite aux etudiants de Glendon manifester c'est exprimer. Que ccla qui sontaRouen cctte annee un sejour ",1~: soit pour crier son meconicntenlent aussi rempli d"experiences suite aun projet gouycmenlcntal au , Illcrveilleuses et vari_ees que Ie nlien ·.S\i,,~ juste pour attirer r atte'ntion de la l'a ete. •• nation sur Ie nlanque de pistes '~7¥f4 ~-r r\.+ . •Tern Mond Pro Tern, Ie lundl 21 octobre' , - editorial- Retraction: • The Metro days ofaction: lS In our last issue, vol unle 36 no.2, ProTern ran astory entitled "Campus Security: Use it or Lose it!" it really worth it? Unfortunately, the infomlation in this article was wrong. This upcoming weekend, Toronto will be the next in The campus security phone a series of protests that have shut down nlajor Ontario number at Glendon College is not cities like Hamilton, Londo!1, and Kitchener-Waterloo. 736-5454 ext. 55454. This is the Protesters are immobilizingthese vital cities in objection security phone number at the Keele against Premier Mike Harris' debilitating cutbacks that campus. The article mentioned that have led to lay offs, unemployment, and the slow campus security provided periodic disintegration of the Ontario social vvelfare system. security checks and cellular phones But, wait a minute...the majority of the people in to ensure the safety ofthose working Ontario did vote for Mike Harris two years ago, didn't late. Glendon security does not offer they? Harris and his Progressive Conservative these services.. government made their economic reforms very clear Glendon Student Security (ones during the '95 election period. So unless the voters patrolling in red jackets) provide didn't do their jobs and dismissed researching the walking escorts and well as van candidate'splatformsbeforevoting, howcantheyblame escorts around Glendon from 6 p.m. Harris-shouldn't they be blaming themselves? to 2 a.m., seven days a week. Their Okay, so maybe those who voted PC didn't realize how number is: 487-6799. This is the sweeping and all-encompassing Harris' reforms would number you should memorize. be. Maybe they picked the lesser ofthe three evils: vote Glendon Security Services (the for the flip-flopping Liberal, Lyn McLeod, the steadily people in blue) do not provide growing unpopular NDP Bob Rae, or Harris-the guywith escorts, but ensure the safekeeping a platform so radically different than the others that it of Glendon facilities. just couldn't backfire. Pro Tern is sorry for any Well, unfortunately, ithas, andthe citizensofToronto misunderstanding and/or confusion are soon to paythe price. On Friday, October 25, expect that related from this article. the city to be paralyzed by TTC and GO Transit shutdowns, service industries closing, and, of course, students, \vaving,their signs and shouting their slogans, T~ all inobjection t() the cuts made bythe Ontarioprovincial government. Do the protesters really eXIJect to make an impact? Other than creating a major l1assle for Torontonians and tllose who comn1ute to Torol1to everyday, \Jvill this huge rally really catch Harris' attention and cause him to reconsider his reforms? 011tario l1as seen no policy changes since the cit)'-wide shutdovvns in Hamilton, London and Kitchener-Waterloo, what makes people think that this time will be different? ' . Perhaps, because this weekend's protest will impair the biggest city and the economic centre ofOntario, the PC government will sit up and take notice. Possibly, it is because the protesters cannot imagine another three years of Harris' stringent economic policies, that these rallies are accomplished with such vehemence and a sense of desperation.. But the citizens of Ontario must account for their Pro Tern: room 117 actions. In the most pessimistic case, Harris will not Glendon Hall, change hisreforms.