Skeptic relates tr:] Campus groups spons psychic encoun~erl\ : :. Holocaust remembran

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Library will increase hours judge postpones Administration extends operation on weekends before, during finals By Sara H. Weiss In a letter to Brynteson on Oct. 25. Brynteson said, such as reducing Assir11111 Newt Editor Cohen murder trial McAnnally protested recent cutbacks Telephone Renewal Service hours or After many student complaints and in hours and requested she resume all cancelling newspapers or journals. a letter of protest from the Delaware previous library hours. Brynteson reduced weekend library Undergraduate Student Congress The compromise is "an extremely hours, along with nine staff positions Court to decide legality of death penalty law (DUSC), officials agreed to increase positive response in difficult times for and 1,282 periodicals, at the start of By Larry Dignan Hockessin home in November Morris Library hours on the weekends students and the library," he said. the semester to meet a $400,000 City N"Wl Editor 1988. before and during fmal eums. During the two weekends prior to budget reduction. Former university student After a nationwide manhunt and Director of Libraries Susan final examinations. Dec. 6-7 and Dec. Brynteson said she will ask which Charles M. Cohen's murder trial two profiles on the TV show Brynteson said Monday's decision 13-14, the facility will close at 10:00 services are most important to has been postponed indefinitely "America's Most Wanted," he was a result of "desiring to meet the p.m. Currently, the library closes at students at Monday's DUSC meeting. until the state Supreme Court turned himst:lf in to Louisiana needs of students within the limiled 6:00p.m. on Fridays and 8:00 p.m. on It takes at least three days to return decides whether the new state authorities in 1989. cOitstraints of resources." Saturdays. books to their shelves, she said, but death penalty legislation is Nancy Perillo. Cohen's public DUSC President Rob McAnnally The library will need to make other with the increase in upcoming constitutional and should apply to defender, said a petition with (EG SR) said he is happy with the sacrifices in order to increase the weekend hours, it may take up to six. Rob McAnnally his tr ial. questions testing the decision. hours during those weekends. see LIBRARY page 4 .. .is happy with decision Cohen's trial proceedings were constitutionality of the law and its to begin Tuesday. but Gov. application to Cohen and the 17 Mi chael N. Castle signed other statewide capital murder legislation Monday giving judges cases was filed Wednesday with Campus Skating away the power to overrule the jury in the Supreme Court. the sentencing phase of capital Judge Jerome 0 . Herlihy. who cases. prompting the ordered the postponement, said the postponement. Supreme Court can reject or diversity Previously, a unanimous jury accept to answer the questions of decision was needed to sentence constitutionality and application in someone to death in Delaware. death penalty cases. under Cohen, 27. is charged with the "The state indicated the new murder of his parents in their see COHEN page 4 scrutiny Pennell execution delayed Accrediting agency as court reviews appeal to evaluate university Steve n B. Pennell's execution, executed. scheduled for Jan. 17, 1992, was "I don't k.oow if he' ll file a brief on academics, equity postponed Wednesday because of a considering he asked for death," statute requiring the state Supreme By Kent Schoch Taylor said. Staff Reporter Court to review all death Prosecuting attorney Peter sentences. University diversity in Letang said in the Nov. 5 issue of Pennell was sentenced to death The Review the court would not enrollment, services, curriculum, by lethal injection Oct. 31 for the reverse the sentence if Pennell employees, faculty and 1988 murders of Kathleen Meyer, does not appeal. administration will be evaluated 26, and Michelle Gordon, 22. Taylor said the court is in a for the first time during the Steve Taylor, court reaffirmation of the school's "wait-and-see" mode and must administrator, said no new date has decide what to do if Pennell does accreditation process. been set for Pennell's execution not to file an appeal, a rarity in An eight-person team from the because the sentence is under the death sentences. Middle States Higher Education Lizzy Scully (AS FR) skates down Academy Street in the bitter cold Wednesday afternoon. Scully, al!tOmjltic;_ appeal process. The earliest execution date Commission will examine all He said Pennell now must would be Jan. 28 after the review aspects of diversity at the an ice skater, frequently practices her form and stays in shape by skating outdoors. choose to file a brief or a statement procedures, he said. university for the first time in the of reasons why he should not be Commission's 70-year history. - La~ry Dignan Middle States is an association of colleges and universities in the mid-Atlantic region that sets Plus/minus may affect transferring students accreditation guidelines for self­ regulation making the institutions worthy of public confidence and Several regional universities will only accept grades of 'C' or better Area universities that accept (-minus grade for credit minimizing government control, said Stuart Sharkey. vice president By Scon Wanta Some universities will only the next two years. University accepts C­ Universi~ accepts C­ for Student Affairs. Slall' Reporter accept a grade of C or better from Syracuse Uni versity, University for elective credit Middle States' "Diversity With the institution of the transfer students, such as Rutgers of Mary land , Boston University •eeorge Washington Statement" said diversity was plus/minus system, students may University, Villanova University, and Georgetown University are University · · .~owson State added as one of the five have a harder time transferring to Widener University, and Delaware among the universities which requirements for accreditation this some regional universities which Technical and Community College. determine transfer credit for a C­ IISyracuse University ·IIWest Chester · year because it is "essential in the do not accept a grade of C-. Father William McGuire, dean ba sed on individual department Each department decides · University does not accept c­ overall determination of Mart Maasikas (BE SO), who is of enrollment management for standards. whether it accepts C- institutional quality." transferring from the university Villanova University, said the Ad missions offi cial s at Syracuse ·•University of Pennsylvania Unaccredited schools may not next semester. said he faces the university does not accept C- grade University sa id the school as a •University ·of Maryland be eligible for federal funds, possibility of not receiving transfer transfers and has not accepted them whole does not determine what ~ · IIColumbia University federal grants and research grants, credit for some of his classes. for the past 15 years. grades will be accepted. •Georgetown University -i' IIWilmington College said Margaret Andersen, associate "I hate the fact that a C- or D­ Villanova uses pluses in their fn Syracuse's Department of •Loyola University provost. Accredited universities grade could determine whether I grading system but no minuses. Ar ts and Science. a grade of C­ . IIWidener University usually will not accept transfer would have to take a course over McGuire said, but there is a senate would no t be accepted, admissions •Boston University •Delaware Technical"- : ~ . credits from unaccredited schools, again," he said. proposal to institute minuses within see TRANSFER page 4 she said. Middle States. "The university is looking for a commitment to diversity. not for Fall Spring quotas" said Sharkey, a member of Comparing GPAs a diversity task force apppinted to --1990 --1991 prepare a report for Middle States. Average sorority CPA 2.845 2.863 Sharkey said if the university is A~rage non-sorority female GPA 2.825 Imelda see AGENCY page 4 2.863 f.verage female CPA 2.829 2.841 Philippine president's ...... ----INDEX___..;.....:...,_....., , • Ave:age frat~mity CPA 2.646 2.649 , Average non-fraternity male CPA 2.660 2.658 widow returns home Opinion ...... 6 ·• Average male CPA 2.657 2.657 V1Vant ...... 9 after five-year exile Oassifieds ...... 10 sOurce: Office of Greek Alfaln By Molly Williams Entertainment ...... 11 Managing Editor Sports...... 13 NEW YORK - "When they looked in my Comics ...... 15 IFC may implement closet for skeletons ... they just found shoes." Comparing herself to Cinderella, Imelda Marcos said. "When I lost my shoes, --Also inside:-- everything turned into a" new grade standards Although the fairy tale life may never return Mideast peace talks ...... 2 for Marcos, wife of Ferdinand Marcos, dictator Professor wins award ...... 4 of the Philippines for 20 years before fleeing WXDR's Feedback ...... 11 GPA policy designed for freshmen pledges in 1986, she returned home Nov. 4, after more Football preview...... 13 By Mike Martin Spring 1991 semester was 2.649, than five years in exile. s.nior Slaff Rrporlrr which was 0.009 lower than that of This homecoming is certainly not indicative The Interfraternity Council (IFC) non-fraternity men. of a fairy tale future, as Marcos faces trial on will vote Wednesday on a policy Though the difference is numerous criminal and civil charges. designed to help raise the overall minimal, both Eddy and fFC In an interview given at her townhouse in fraternity grade point average President Dean Rowley (BE SR) Manhattan before she left, Marcos said she (OPA), according to an IFC officer. said they felt an improvement was was anxious to go home, although The new policy, which would be necessary. disappointed she is unable to bring home the implemented next semester. Barton sail! a mandatory time remains of her late husband, wbo died in 1989 requires fratemit.y chapters to defer management seminar for new in Honolulu. initiation of freshmen pledges until members and a provision to insure "I would like to fulfill the wish that he be the required 2.0 GPA is achieved, that chapters will not include laid to rest not only in his fatherland, but in the said Christopher Barton (BE JR), pledges who do not meet the 2.0 kingdom of his creator," she said. IPC ICbolarsbip cbairman. OPA requirement on their rosters is Filipino President Corazon Aquino said the Acc:ording to Raymond 0. Eddy, also part of the policy. MolyWIIiMII body of Ferdinand Marcos would be coordinator or the office of Greek .. We're here for a well-rounded Imelda Marcos reflecb on her five-year exile in the considered contraband If brouaht into tbe Alfain and Special Programs, the education." Rowley said. -rile new United States Mil return to the Phllllpines. see MARCOS pap 4 average fraternity OPA in the lee POLICY pase 4 .! ·• THE llEVIEW • November 8, 1991

Student groups debate alternate solutions to abortion Med#umanean Mediterranean Medlterunean Su Su Su The debate over legal abortion which has raged in Wichita, Kan., and other locations came to Delaware Monday night in a hetaed discussion sponsored by Feminists for Life of America Monday night. About 25 students attended the presentation titled, "A Feminist View on Abortion," given by Judy Fetters and Mary Catka, co-chairwomen of the Delaware Chapter of Feminists for Life. Fetters and Catka expressed the group's stance against abortion and offered alternative solutions to dealing with unexpected pregnancies including adoption, stronger child support laws and increased tax deductions for mothers. "Society should provide other non-violent choices for women," Catka said. Israel, Arabs to continue negotiations Audience members had mixed opinions of the discussion which was Peace conference produces no major agreements; parties likely to begin extensive bilateral discussions sponsored by Students for Life. By Robb Enright But he added, "You can only go He questions why Israel is for time." Angel Coslar (HR SO), S..nior Staff Reporter so far with symbolic get-togethers. keeping the territories if they want Andrew I. Killgore, president of president of Students for Life, The first round of Middle East There's got to be some substance at to negotiate peace. the American Educational Trust, said, "It's important to peace talks ended this week with some point." Smith said, "These pieces of which publishes "The Washington .· generate conversation." optimism for further negotiations Talks ended Monday and land are Israel's only barrier to the Report on Middle East Affairs," All feminists are "worldng despite the lack of any major extensive bilateral discussions are onslaught of Arab power. said "Israel will have to relinquish . toward goals such as more agreements . expected to begin soon, most likely "Unequivocally, there's no their total control of water in Gaza child support laws and more The conference, organized by in Washington. balancing of any scale by handing and the West Bank." approved pregnancy leaves Secretary of State James A. Baker The talks focused on -land Israel ~ Delaware Israel Public Affairs over what is historically, morally, Drake agreed that controlling the from the work force," she III, was unprecedented because it seized and has occupied since Committee (DIPAC) said the first religiously, legally and strategically region's water rights is strategically said. brought representatives from .Israel 1967. Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and step toward peace is Arab an area of land which is Israel's important because water is scarce Many students expressed and the Arab nations together for Palestinian Arabs want the land recognition of Israel. and ought to remain so." in the region. the need to keep abortion negotiations at the same table. returned, but ,Israel claims the Bernard Smith, advisory Miller said a compromise on the Most experts expect the United legal to keep it safe and that "It's significant that Israeli territory is rightfully theirs and committee member of Americans territories is unlikely because the States to continue its important role abortion is an understandable Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir and refuse to negotiate land for peace. For A Safe Israel, said, ''The Arabs current Israeli government is as peace broker throughout the · choice for victims of rape and the Arab delegations were in the Israel wants official recognition will try to gain insignificantly committed to building new negotiations. incest. same room and listening to each. from Arab nations including small amounts of highly strategic settlements. . "If there is an impasse," Drake Jennifer Rosenberg (AS other's version of history," said establishing diplomatic, economic pieces of land by agreeing to Drake said she does not think said, "the U.S. will intervene and · JR), vice president of the Laura Drake, membership and cultural ties between the treaties and not plann\ing to abide Shamir has the courage to give up twist arms to prevent the total Student Coalition for Choice, coordinator for the Council for the countries in the region. by them." the territories and "doesn't want to breakdown of the talks." said that the Feminists for National Interest. Deputy Director of the Palestine Some experts argue that the be known in history as the one who Miller, who teaches Arab-Israeli Life group' s suggestions are Each side must first recognize Affairs Center Said Hamad said, "I occupied territories are small in lost" Israel. politics at the university, said not realistic ones. their differences, she said, before am totally shocked to see our size, but important to the salvation Shaniir's strategy is to keep the anyone studying the Middle East She said keeping abonion any compromise can be made. delegation actually hand in hand of the Arab people under Israeli talks going, but also to continue learns to view events with safe is essential. Professor Mark J. Miller of the with the Israeli delegation, which rule. building settlements in the pessimism. "They will still be political science department, said it shows the world that we mean Hamad said, "As long as the occupied territories, she said. But the peace conference, he performed even if it is was notable that Israel and Syria peace." · Israelis continue to occupy these "He wants to change the facts on said, has brought a glimmer of · illegal," she said. talked to each other. Suzanne Borden (HR JR) of the territories, there will be no peace." the ground," Drake said, "and stall optimism.

Agricultural fraternity · hosts tour of farm POLICE REPORT for disabled adults Two Marin Mountain Two men attempt to Newborn chicks living in an incubator were just some Bikes valued at $1,400 steal motorcycle and of the farm animals that stolen Tuesday received much attention assault owner Tuesday from about 15 Two university students A 23-year-old student was mentally and physically bikes were stolen on Stanford assaulted by two men at the challenged adults who were Drive Tuesday, University Paper Mill Apartments treated to a tour of the Police said. Wednesday after he confronted university' s agricultural farm. Both were Marin bikes, one them trying to load his 1991 Llll2 ALa~ ts±i c A picnic lunch, hosted by was valued at $800, the other at Honda motorcycle into a truck, members of Alpha Gamma $600. Newark Police said. Rho, the agricultural The student suffered cuts and Mosj,_ fraternity, was followed by a $700 Honda scooter bruises to his face and arms. look at the blue hen, lambs The damage to the motorcycle Svnclo,.y and pigs which the visitors taken outside Gilbert A was estimated at $250, police Every were able to hold, said A 1984 Honda motor scooter said. Richard Morris, faculty was stolen outside of Gilbert A N\sh+ . adviser for the fraternity. early Wednesday morning Scott Wright (AG SO), a University Police said. 1987 Toyota Corolla member of the Alpha Gamma The bilce was valued at $700. Rho fraternity, said the stolen Madison Dr. fraternity members showed A 1987 red Toyota Corolla one visitor how to milk a cow. estimated at $5,900 was stolen The afternoon was topped Cassette player stolen from the unit block of Madison off with a hay ride around the from car in Blue Lot Dr sometime after 10 p .m. farm area A 1980 Pontiac was broken Wednesday, Newark Police said. into in the north blue lot Tuesday, University Police said. An Alpine stereo cassette player Compiled by Adrienne -Compiled by Marc Kleiman Mand and Kristin Paw. and speakers valued at $550 was stolen and damage to the car was · estimated at $300, police said. This week: Mystery Machine S2.00 Cover w/Student I. D.

UniversitY ~CJJ!tl) Sf£CUI.L Bookstore University of Delaware 2596 orr~ QJtantity Ortftr

c Actor brings slave, Emissions abolitionist to life .inspection By Vincent A. DeMuro Jr. miniature tape recorder which he StaH Reporter directed toward his ex- master, "If there is no struggle, there is no named Hughes. maybe progress. This is the rap of Frederick He asked Hughes to imagine his Bush administration Douglass." daughter being taken from him and changes stance in That was the rap of Roger treated like a slave, forced into a life Guenveur Smith in his one man of bondage and work in the fields. overhaul·ed desegregation case show, "Frederick Douglass NOW." like Douglass' brothers and sisters. Smith, also known as Smiley in The second act began with a Car owners may pay President Bush has Spike Lee's movie Do the Right video of the late Marvin Gaye's ordered the Justice Thing and Professor Randolph in dramatic rendition of "The Star higher costs as part Department to change its the TV show "A Different World" Spangled Banner," sung at a Los position on a state's funding addressed the issue of slavery before Angeles Lalcers basketball game. difference between an audience of about 50 Tuesday With the image of an American of new EPA proposal predominantly white night at Newark Hall. flag projected on a screen behind universities and historically Smith portrayed Frederick him, Smith delivered Douglass' black c:oUeges. Douglass, a freed slave, author and speech protesting the celebration of This month. the Supreme abolitionist of the 19th century, as the Fourth of July. Douglass felt Court will hear a major he might exist in 20th-century blacks had no reason to celebrate a desegregation case dealing America. nation of liberty when they were still with Mississippi's liability Tuesday's production opened in bondage. for integrating its higher with a display of colorful shapes and Kevin White (AS JR) said, "In education system. psychedelic images of Douglass the Fourth of July speech, the By Andrea Galante Last July, the Justice floating across a video screen. This message he gave is still relevant in Staff Reporter Department argued that mesmerizing effect, with an t<>day's society." Car owners could be faced with Mississippi had no undertone of jazz music, was No one can celebrate freedom if higher maintenance costs if stricter constitutional obligation "to abruptly broken by a series of he· is not free, he said. emissions testing standards are correct disparities" in interviews about Douglass. In the next scene, Douglass was issued by the Environmen(al financing programs between The presentation, sponsored by eating pumpkin seeds that he grew Protection Agency (EPA) this white and black colleges. the Cultural Program Advisory in his garden and making the month. However, a report by the Board (CPAB) and the Center for analogy that if the earth was not The current inspection method Associated Press said a letter Black Culture, included video prejudiced, why should man be. used by 35 states which require written to Bush by former images and inspirational music Smith mocks a conversation on a emissions testing including Howard University President accompanying Smith's dramatic portable phone between Douglass Delaware, is obsolete, the agency James Cheek, helped get the monologues of Douglass' work. and· Harriet Tubman, leader of the said, because cars are tested while Justice Department position Slow exaggerated movement and underground railroad movement that they are idling rather than in changed. speech emphasized the importance aided runaway slaves. . Actor Roger Guenveur Smith portrayed freed slave and abolitionist motion . "If the U.S. Supreme in hi s message to liberate blacks He then simulated a call to ABC Frederick Douglass in his one-man show Tuesday evening. The new inspection requirements Court agrees with the from slavery. News' Ted Koppel, who appeared could include the use of a argument advanced by the Douglass, a runaway slave, taught on the video screen. Douglass dynamometer, which tests cars on a Department of Justice, the himself to read and write as a child, complained that black soldiers who leaders, flashed across the screen. "Frederick Douglass" at over a treadmill and costs between publicly supported colleges once free he started his own fought in the Civil War were not He said the "no struggle, no dozen colleges and in New York and $110,000 and $130,000. and universities in newspaper, "The North Star," and receiving the recognition they progress" theme of the show holds Los Angeles theaters. Ray Malenfant, of the Mississippi and elsewhere published three autobiographies. deserved. true for any facet of life. "His performance gave a good Department of Natural Resources serving primarily black Throughout the latter part of the "Stop calling them niggers and Douglass would be concerned impression, other than reading it in a and Environmental Control colleges are doomed," Cheek 1800s, Douglass used his home to start calling th em soldiers," about th e issues of today, Smith book ", said James Beson, a (DNREC), said any increases in the wrote. harbor escaped slaves and often Douglass demanded. said. "He would be concerned with un iversity graduate. charge for emissions testing could gave public speeches on the Smith closed with a rap he wrote literacy ... and the education of Tedra Johnson, recording not be determined until the EPA Women vandalize exploitation of black people. about Douglass, while images of Dr today's youth. Overcoming his own secretary for the CPAB, said the issues its new standards. Clad in black with leather boots Martin Luther King Jr .• Paul illiteracy was something Douglass performance "portrayed a good Because of the high cost of fraternity houses to and a leather coat, the reincarnated Robeson and Malcolm X, three was very proud of." image .. . as if [Douglass] were alive dynamometer testing, small service protest sexism Douglass dictated a letter into a significant African-American This year, Smith has performed today." stations do not want new standards imposed. However, larger auto service A group of underground companies would welcome the feminists has been making Lecture to recall Nazi persecution resulting increase in repairs if the midnight strikes on fraternity EPA releases new standards. houses at the University of 'Night of the Broken Glass' memorial program will feature concentration camp liberator Today's tests are inefficient !IJld California at Santa Barbara cannot accurately examine today's (UCSB) to protest sexist By Marc Kleiman arrested and many others lay dead or Written material and testimonies president of Cultural Affairs at technologically advanced vehicles treatment of women. SraH Reporter dying amid the scattered shards of from Holocaust survivors will be Hillel said, "lt's important to open or detect the presence of nitrogen The anonymous women The sound of shattering glass glass, sparking a wave of outrage in provided. di al ogue among blacks and Jews on oxides, which are produced by an plaster posters on fences and awoke thousands in Germany and Jewish communities worldwide. According to Bass, a retired campus to develop positive engine operating in motion. The signs, tack up graphic Austria on the nights of Nov. 9 and On Sunday, more than 50 years school principal from Philadelphia, interactions, along with creating Clean Air Act of 1990 requires pornographic pictures of 10, 1938, as Nazi stormtroopers later, the horror of Kristallnacht will Nazi troops were unable to good relationships with non-Jews on efforts to reduce these pollutants. women with captions such as smashed the windows of Jewish­ be rememBered with a program in withstand the overwhelming number campus." The EPA is not receiving much "This is how fraternities see owned stores, homes and the Ewing Room of the Perkins of American troops in Buchenwald A statement released by B' nai support for new standards, so it is you" and spray-paint angry synagogues. Student Center from 1 p.m. to 4 and were forced to flee. B' rith International, a Jewish difficult to predict whether they will messages. The incident, known as p.m. entitled, "Building Bridges for "1 was an eyewitness to the organization, said in part, "we are be issued, said Malenfant, acting The group, whjch calls "Kristallnacht," a German word the Future" sponsored in part by the American forces that overran th e remi nd ed that the legacy of program administrator for the Air itself the "Creative which translates into "the night of Hillel Student Center as a part of the area," Bass said. violence, intolerance and hatred Resources section of DNREC. Underground Network of broken glass," was a precursor to "Evolve" lecture series. Marc Weiss (BE JR), president of belongs to our own generation. In Delaware, stricter guidelines Truthful Sisters," started the the Holocaust, the systematic Dr. Leon Bass, an African­ Hillel, said "His presentation The statement continued: "We are necessary because of the state's strikes last spring and has murder of more than 6 million Jews American Christian who helped compares and contrasts prejudice are not charged only with high level of pollutants, Malenfant held candlelight vigils to which occurred over the next six liberate. the concentration camps in against Jews and Blacks, and will tie comme mora ting this wrenching said. celebrate the death of sexism. years. Buchenwald at the end of World together mutual backgrounds of event, bu t also to distill from it "The bulk of the [pollution] The group's message may By the time dawn broke on Nov. War II, will address the universality persecution be tw een the groups." importan t hi storical truths and problem is coming from motor elicit sympathy among 11, more than 30,000 Jews had been of prejudice and persecution. Natasha Arbeter (ED JR), vice reflections." vehicles," he said. · students. but its methods are To test autortiobiles more controversial. effectively, the state has two "They are no more than options, he said. common criminals," said a HAPPY 21st BIRTHDAY! HAPPY One is to continue the idle test spokesman for Phi Kappa QUIGLEY'S F-AR·M and add the use of a dynamometer Psi, the only fraternity to file to test the car at speeds ranging a formal complaint. After the from 20 to 30 miles per hour. prosecution process was HCUJ R~ ''This would give some indication explained, the fraternity of a normal mode," Malenfant said. decided to drop the charges. Bonfire Included for: A more thorough option would However, others feel the Clubs • Dorms • Private Parties • Social Groups be the transient test, which also aggressive group is making a Sorority • Fraternity requires a dynamometer but follows strong· message for women. the car through acceleration, Dan Hilldale, a staff writer Celebrations of all kinds. deceleration, and steady state who has followed the group 2() Min. Drive from Campus, New Castle, Del. activity. in UCSB's newspaper, said, (302) 328-7732 for reservlltlons Delaware's Division of Motor "They are getting the job Vehicles requires armual emissions done. Sexism is deeply tests, said Mark Barcus, an ingrained at this school," he inspector at the division. said. The School House Community WAlK TO u OF1 D The tests are used to measure the invites you to a emission of hydrocarbons and Secret society PARK PLACE APARTMENTS carbon monoxide, chemicals that can harm the atmosphere. at Yale opens doors HOUSE .PARTY • Wall to Wall Carpet • Air Condit1<"1ed The current test measures to women Heat and Hot Water Included . emissions that are produced when a where: Ray Street C lounge Newly Renovated Hallvyays and Laundry Rooms car is idling. In Delaware, the emissions A vote by alumni on Oct. EFF·H:IENCIES, ONE, TWO AND THREE Eo ~ DROOM APARTMENT5- when: Saturday, November 9, 8 p.m.- 12 p.m. testing cost has been included in the 25 has cleared the way for six Mon.-Fri. 9-6 .. • Sat. 10-4 automobile registration fees since women students to be $2.00 at door with student ID (1 guest per ID please) NO PETS the testing began in January 1983, initiated into Yale's Corner of Short Lane From $395 Malenfant said. exclusive all-male Skull and Featuring OJ Buzzard from WXDR '• 368-5670 and Elkton ·Road Bones society. The club initiates the IS "best and brightest" Yale ~ seniors who are chosen •• •• during their junior year. Supporters of the women Sbarro Cafe Restaurant said to continue admitting the school's "IS best," women 93 E. MAIN STREET, NEWARK, DE • 731-2100 had to be included.

' ~ <'<;: The Skull and Bones was (/ one of only two remaining , ~Thursday~ Friday ~ Saturday (/Monday N-.ght ~ secret societies at Yale that ! did not admit women after : Miller Party Shooters lowest Beer Party Import Night Football Party the school became co-ed in ; w/4 new T.V.'s 1969. Prestigious members of Night Party Night HOUSE BEER SPECIAL Heineken $1.50 the club include President • I bottle Budweiser Special Bush and conservative : s1 oo Moose head $1.25 columnist William F. : • Draft s1.oo S.50 Draft s1 oo Buckley. , I bottle • Draft Buckley is one of th~ ; ~ Fosters $1.25 leading opponents of the s .7s 75 Pitcher admission of women and Jut 4 Each Shooter s3.oo I bottle ! s4. 1 DosXX month led a group lhlt IUed \ 64 oz. Pitch• /i 4 Selections 84 az. Pitcher s1.2~v ~ Free Han d'aenn~~ to keep the women out. : ~ _A ~ I bottle , ...... J


Talent plus drive equ~ls. award Mathematidan cited for dedication to h1s natiVe Poland

By Kent Schoch achievements and peer problems," she said Sl•ff Report@< recognition. Libera has introduced many Professor Richard J. Libera "I'm just an average facul!Y important theorems and research was recognized for his member," Libera said, sitting m papers to theoretical dedication and achievement in his Ewing office where mathematics, said Andezej the field of mathematics by a postcards sent by fellow Kedzierawski. who recentl y Polish cultural society this year. mathematicians from as far received a doctorate in Upon graduating high school away as Egypt and Turkey mathematics from th e in 1947, Libera, who is of decorate his wall. university. Libera also has an Polish descent, started his future "It's a little embarrassing and integral , a mathematical as a truck and heavy equipment I'm not sure I deserve [the principle, credited to his name. mechanic at a garage in his award)," Libera said. "Anybody "To have a mathematical hometown of Thorndike, Mass. in the math business publishes principle named after yo u is By continuing his trade for his work and it is sent out very unusual and very the U.S. Marines, the G.l. Bill internationally. prestigious," Kedzierawski said. enabled him to.attend college "But I'm pleased to accept it Although Libera was not his for the first 1952. to honor my parents, though advisor, Kedzierawski said he Now, after 30 years as a they are not alive," he added. was very influential and helpful. university mathematics "I've not been active in the "[met [Libera) at a university professor, Li hera has been Polish community [at the in Poland and then again in the selected by the Americans of university)," he said, "but have U.S.," he said. Polish Descent Cultural Society been active with Polish Kedzierawski said, "He was (AM POL) to receive the 1991 mathematicians in Poland and very helpful to me with the AMPOL Achievement A ward. the United States." problems I encountered." Ditch disturbs area wetlands Libera, who received a Krystyna P. Musik, instructor Libera also opened his house doctorate in mathematics from for the Spanish department, who to Kedzierawski and other Newark Public Works Department cleans up drainage residue Rutgers University, was nominated Libera for the award, foreign students in the past. "He is very deserving of the and was being destroyed. the area was not wetlands 20 years unanimously selected to receive disagreed with his modesty. By Dara Rheinhardt AMPOL Award," Kedzierawski Staff Reponer Mark Biddle, an environmental ago. It was a field, he said, and the the award because of his Polish "He is always very helpful to descent, individual students and open to their said. A drainage ditch constructed near control specialist, said, "Fieldwork underground pipe was installed as Barksdale Road by the city Public is being done now to find out how part of the development. Works Department Oct. 11 disturbed much was altered." Fridl said, "The pipe still has one federally protected wetlands, local The Public Works Department foot of dirt in it, but hopefully the officials said. was told to clean up the residue rains will open it up and everything The ditch was dug to removed from the pipe as soon as will work out." Policy designed to improve grades accommodate rain water running off possible. Because wetlands are protected Barksdale Road into Christiana Arthur Fridl, Public Works by federal law, local authorities may .continued from page 1 "The fact that the fraternities' fraternity, which raised its average Creek. Department director, said the not disturb the area. GPAs are lower still gives from fifth place to first among "Originally, the job was to clear cleanup was completed Oct. 25. The Demetrious said, "The state has policy should be able help provide adversaries of the Greek community fraternities from Fall 1990 to Spring away the sediments in front of the removal of the pile of "muck" was no jurisdiction for sewer repair. It is that." fuel for the fire," Barton said. 1991, Barton said he borrowed pipe," said Morris Demetrious, supervised by an enforcement the federal law's responsibility." The seminars, Rowley said, Average sorority GPA, Eddy many of the ideas for this proposal planning and design engineer for officer from Public Works. Although the drainage project would be part of the Greeks' said, was higher in the spring from his chapter's scholarship Public Works, "although a number "The area looks great now," Fridl was Public Works' responsibility, no mandatory New Member Education semester than that of both non­ policy. of residents feel that we totally said. "There's hay covering the one was fmed for the incident. program, which in the past has sorority women and fraternities. In addition to including altered the land." grass that was disturbed, and Ron Brayman, a Williamsburg offered pledges informative According to Panhellenic provisions similar to those in the The crew was ordered to stop everything's back to a nice, marshy Village resident, said "I don't think sessions on drug and alcohol abuse, President Kellie Sturtevant (AS current IFC proposal, Barton said, digging the ditch when a number of wetland." the ditch was that big of a deal, but I sexual assault awareness and code SR), the high sorority GPAs, which, Kappa Delta Rho's policy has residents from Williamsburg Village Holland Williams, who developed hope the state will think twice of conduct matters. at 2.863 is nearly 0.03 higher than several others. complained the area was wetlands Williamsburg Village in 1971, said before they act." "The policy really targets new the non-sorority women's average, The fraternity requires its members, especially freshmen," is the result of several factors. members to maintain a 2.2 GPA and Barton said. "Raising the averages wasn't to help new members academically, "Holding the initiation of really a goal of Panhellenic," Barton said. Failure to do so may Cohen freshmen over winter session Sturtevant said. "But we did raise result in the loss of various prevents the chapters from counting the GPA needed to rush from 2.0 to privileges, he said. continued from page 1 Transferring grades students who may get a low GPA 2.21ast year." "All of the fire on the Greek their first semester in with the The maintenance of higher community from different law applies to [Cohen's] case," he continued from page 1 we recognized a C-," Rivell fraternity's overall average," he averages has been taken on by the directions was part of the said. said. said. individual sororities rather than motivation," Barton said. "We're State Prosecutor Stephan Walter officials said. When evaluating transfer Barton and Rowley said the Panhellenic as a whole, Sturtevant all here to try for acade mic reaffirmed the new legislation's West Chester University, students' grades, it is the policy is important both for the said, and each chapter has excellence. constitutionality. which accepts approximately university's policy to look for image of the Greek community and established study hours. "Sometimes in the Greek system. "I'm convinced the law is 800 transfer students each year, three main criteria, Rivell said. for its sense of academic values. As president of Kappa Delta Rho I think we lose sight of that." constitutional," he said. "The gives credit for a C- in every "We look for a similar constitution doesn't guarantee a department, University regionally accredited U!liversity, jury trial for punishment." Registrar Robert Kubat said. si milar course work, and that The Delaware capital Delaware's admissions office the student has successfully Agency will evaluate university sentencing law is based on a will allow a student to transfer passed the course," he said. Florida statute which has been C- credits from other Associate Provost Margaret continued from page 1 Middle States team in Feburay upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court universities,· said Jeffrey Rivell , Anderson said when evaluating outlining the university's strengths on three different occasions. assistant director for transcripts, she is impressed not diverse in certain areas it must and weaknesses in these areas, she If the court rules the law does admissions, but he said the new more with a C+ than a C. show it is making attempts to "The university is looking said. not affect pending cases before the plus/minus policy may change "The system is a benefit," improve or else it will not be James Newton , director of Castle signing, the Cohen trial will the system in the future. Anderson said. "It allows for a accredited. for a commitment to Black American Studies, said be decided by the old death "Since we didn't have a differentiation of grades that The Official Student Handbook diversity, not for quotas. " American universities are striving penalty rules, Walter said. plus/minus system in the past, cover a wide range." says cultural diversity is "the to become represen tat i vc of a Herlihy would not speculate affirmation and recognition of -Stuart Sharkey, multi-cultural nation. when the trial would resume. America as a nation of people from vice president for Student Affairs "We hope to aid the university distant shores, dedicated to in creating an atmosphere preserving and extending the conducive to racial and cultural ideals of cultural democracy." diversity that is aggressively "Things are not perfect," he tolerant to differences," said said. "They are far from it. We will the university with a lack of Newton, also a member of th e Economics Ph.D. approved be very candid about what still commitment to multi-cultural diversity task force. needs to be done." education because of declining Middle States' diversity policy By Casye Launer courses. Latham said. would be effective," Anderson said. The university has received vast minority enrollment. affirms that "justice, fa irness, and StaffRepotter The doctoral program would Kenneth R. Biederrman, dean criticism the past two years for its "The university is ahead of the equitable and humane The Faculty Senate voted offer two courses in the Fall for the College of Business and lack of a commitment to diversity many other schools in this area," treatment of all students, faculty, unanimously Monday in favor of a Semester and three in the Spring. Economics, said he believes a from students and the community. said Sharkey. who has worked and staff are central to institutional proposal to implement a doctoral No undergraduate classes will be Ph.D . program would improve the In October 1990 the Black with the Middle States integrity and educational degree program in the economics cut to meet this demand but class reputat ion of the college. Student Union (BSU) led a rally Commission in evaluating other excellence." department by next fall. sizes will increase slighUy because "A Ph .D. program enhances a against harassment after 10 universities. To increase equity and diversity, According to the proposal some sections will be closed, he business school," Biederman said. reported incidents of hate crimes in Andersen said the university has Middle States "neither has nor submitted by the economics said. "It adds to the image of a business the first two months of school. The appointed five task forces which promotes numerical quotas or department, a three year Ph.D. Latham said the economics school." BSU also held a sit-in against the will examine undergraduate goals. It encourages all institutions program would be possible without department hopes to have 16 Carol Hoffecker, acting status of race relations on campus education, graduate programs and to develop policies, programs, and any additional funding from the students enrolled in the program associate provost of graduate and the treatment of black students research. diversity and equity, practices which take into account university. within three years. studies, said participating in a by Public Safety officers in March. public service and the resources to the diversity of the increasingly Kenneth M. Lomax, chairman of One goal of the Ph.D. program, prestigious program would benefit And in September a self­ excel in these areas. interdependent national the Coordinating Committee on he said, is to foster a better both graduate students and faculty appointed watchdog group charged A report will be given to the environment." Education, said he is confident the academic relationship with other members. board of trustees will approve the departments and colleges within the Students graduating with a Ph.D. program. university. in economics would have access to "I support the program because Graduate students in other areas good career opportunities in library to extend hours during finals it was well devised," said Lomax, of study are encouraged to business and teaching opportunities associate professor of agricultural participate in economics course at other universities, Hoffecker continued from page 1 same hour on Sundays. and closing a half hour earlier engineering. "No additional work under the new proposal, he said. McAnnally said DUSC members Sunday through Thursday. resources are needed to make it said. A Ph.D. program might create a "The library is trying to will decide at its Monday meeting if "All library services are viable." Lee Anderson, director for the respected reputation for the compress services, not cancel they are satisfied with the important," McAnnally said. "lt'.s a William Latham, chairman for Marine Studies program, is department and serve as an them," she said. compromise. difficult call to decide [wh1ch the economics department, said the enthusiastic about the prospect for incentive for younger faculty The decision to cut Friday and "lf we feel that that decision was funds for the doctoral degree services should be cut)," he said. doctorate-level courses in members to stay at the university. Saturday hours was made after a a good one based on statistics and program will come from students' economics because students in his she said. McAnnally said student insight survey indicated when the library the decision was well-made, we can will be necessary in Monday' s tuition. program will also be able to take The proposal for the Ph.D. -was used the least. live with [Brynteson's meeting to find which library No additional faculty will be the classes. program will be submitted to the The survey completed by library compromise]," he said. services are most essential. necessary because current "lf our students here wanted to board of trustees for review this fall staff found that an average of 61 Brynteson said in order to meet "The library is a good citizen," professors will teach the Ph.D. get quantitative skills, the program and will be voted in the spring. on people use the facility between 8:30 student needs for Spring Semester, Brynteson said. "We're trying to and 9:30 p.m. on Fridays, as the library is considering remaining serve as many people as possible opposed to about 2,000 during the open until 10:00 p.m. on Fridays with as many services as possible." · Imelda Marcos returns to the Phillipines after five-year exile continued from pase 1 responsibility to monitor [the She did not express any concern life," Marcos said it was shocking Marcos said she was well-received As well as considering herself a Filipino people)." for her own safety in light of the to feel as though the whole world in the United States. matriarch to her homeland, Marcos country, and would be contiscated. Although there are rumors she political instability of the country. was against her during the trial. "I love New York because I find is the mother or a son, who len for Marcos said she hopes to fulfill will run for the office of president, "I am not afraid," she said, "I am The verdict of not auilty on all affinity with so many friends and the Philippines one day berore she her husband's dying wish to be Marcos stated in the interview that a believer, and as long as we are counts came on July 2, 1986, her survivors," she explained. did, and two dauahters. buried in Manila, but she will not she had no political aspirations. committed to do a divine will, and birthday. She defended her extensive shoe The travel pass to allow Marcos risk further indignities by brin&ing "To serve and love the Filipino do what is right, I am sure God is The strength of the people collection notlna that OO.:.use of the to return is one way, and her the body back illegally. people I do not need to be in an on our side." around her, whom she called agricultural resources or the nation, daughters and staff may follow her "I am sure eventually I will be offk:lal position," she said. Although she is excited about her "fellow survivors," helped her the primary products were shoes, later. going home with my late husband." She has raith that she will be homecoming, Marcos said she has throu&h her period of exile. textiles and aarments. It wu not an "A new dawn awaits our people," She stressed that returning the well received by the Filipino fond memories of her exile in the Despite the controversy industrial country at the time. she said. remains would not be a political act, people, and as a woman .hopes to United States. surrounding her exile, which She claimed she was fulfilling but one fulfillina an obliption. beain the healln& process by "This is where I finally found included accusations of spending the responsibility of her position u This story was m•de possible in "I feel that now that my husband serving u a mothering influence for real friends," she said. state funds on personal luxury, such a mother to the people to help cooperation with Channel Two First is aone, it is his leaacy and my the people, not a political one. Having had a "fairy tale kind of as her famous shoe collection, promote these industries. State Hews. November 8, 1991 • THE REVIEW • 5 Going Abroad for Spring Semester? Anyone who is going on a study trip abroad for Spring DATE: ?AT., NOV. 23rd • 12-5 semester and is considering living in the residence LOCATION: BEHIND INFIRMARY halls for the 1992/93 academic year should contact the $1 TICKET Office of Housing and Residence Life at 5 Courtney ON SALE Student Center NEX'LWEEK Pick Your BOX on the Field and win a Street. Students in this situation can obtain in advance chance at a possible $250.00 and fill out the forms needed for the room assignment Round and Round She Goes ..• lottery which will be held during Spring semester. Where She PLOPS Nobody ows!'

HAUE YOU EUER WONDERED WHY THE UNIUERSITY OF DELAWARE SPONSORS SO MANY LIBERAL AND LEFT-WING SPEAKERS HND PR06RHMS7 LHST 1~1111' 1~1 ~«nn~IGl\WJ YEHR THE CAMPUS HERRO FROM ANGELA OAUIS, 1 CESAR CHAUE2, JUAN WILLIAMS, fiND CHARLAYNE lWIJ a HUNTER-GUALT. THIS SEMESTER THERE HRE ~ (@j m UMPTEEN PROGRAMS ON SEHISM, RACISM, AND MULTICULTURALISM--ALL UNDER THE GUISE OF "01 UERS ITY"--AND ALL FROM THE SAME PREDICTABLE, LEFTIST, FEMINIST, IMMORALIST PERSPECTI UE. WHY7 DINESH D'SOUZA HAS WRITIEN THE BEST­ 737-3002 · SELLING ANSWER TO THIS PERPLEHING QUESTION, ILLIBERAL EDUCATION. PRESIDENT ROSELLE 162 s. Chapel St. TRIED TO OISUHDE US FROM INUITING MR. D'SOUZA TO CAMPUS. "HE'S TOO CONTROUERSIAL," Newark, Delaware OUR FEARLESS LEADER SA I D. BUT MR. D'SOUZA ll COMING TO DISCUSS: 15 tons of weights Nautilus * K-Arc * Polaris "The Politics of Race and Sex Life Steps Treadmills on Campus" Schwinn AIR DYNE bikes DINESH D'SOUZA KLAFSUN tanning beds with TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12 WOLFF BELIAURM LIGHTS 140 SMITH HALL 7:30PM All of this within walking distance Arranged by the Delaware Conservative Coalition: Only 2 blocks east of the Student Center American Conservative Student Union College Republicans Young Americans for Freedom free Individual instruction upon reauest Sponsored by Above and: Black American Studies STUDENT RATES Commission to Promote Racial and Cultural Mon.-Fri. Diversity Cultural activities & Public Events Committee 8:30 a.m. - t 0:00 p.m. Department of English Department of History sat. • sun. Department of Political Science tO:.JO- 4:00 Intercollegiate Studies Institute Marilyn S. Prime--Director, Student Center FR.E.E PARKING Office of the Dean of Students University Honors Program Young America's Foundation IF YOU DON'T TRAIN HERE YOU JUST DON'T TRAIN

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1978- 1991 TlltiCONWX 1t's Aliv~ Review & Opinion

friday, November 8, 1991 Page6

The Review's opinion Libarary hours a plus . ••

~ .. but the university should continue its commitment to students by abolishing a grading system that's a big minus 1be university's decision to extend A university is a place where library hours during final exams week students come to learn and grow as is an indication the administration is people. The plus/minus system, like attempting to give more than mere lip most conventional grading systems, service to student concerns. encourages students to place their 1\vo weeks ago, we editorialized primary emphasis on getting good that if the university was serious grades. about addressing student issues, it Students' primary concerns should should increase library hours during instead be placed on learning the final exams week instead of subject matter being taught. decreasing them. We believe the university should We are pleased the university took use fewer grades in its system, not Ron Kooufman this advice seriously. While it was more. Other universities including only a small change, the university's Johns Hopkins in Maryland have decision to reverse its previous successfully implemented pass/fail Isolation equals ignorance position represents the first step in systems, which place more emphasis 1 improving the educational climate on on learning and less on grade Victimization. M II Through activities I have been involved in this campus. mongering. It can happen in many different ways. 0 Y I have learned that it is not an issue which is Individuals can be victims of child abuse, of Williams exclusive to any group, it is a societal 1be next logical step for university If the university insists on - murder, of a drunk driving accident or of problem. administrators to take is the implementing this system, it should, any number of crimes. In a panel about sexual assault which I suspension of the plus/minus grading at the very least, suspend its use by But the manner in which society should served on last month, the importance of system. faculty members until all its flaws can auempt to address these occurrences is not including as many individuals as possible in Our primary objection to the be worked out. to educate the public about how not to be a discussions was very apparent. -; system is that we believe it is anti­ Even advocates of the plus/minus victim. That panel was attended mostly by men, : : Issues such as these are problems of such and the interaction which took place would ': academic. system would have to admit the a wide scope that they cannot be fought in a have been educational for men and women : · The plus/minus system will lead to system was implemented in a unilateral manner. alike. , · a greater stratification of the haphazard way. We cannot isolate children and teach specific ·criteria were asked to leave the Women need to understand the views of < university's grading system. Students deserve the very best them how to avoid abuse, nor can we program. All men and white women were men about the subject in the same respect :: Increasing the grading stratification at from their faculty and administrators. educate drivers about the best way to not permitted to benefit from what would that men must learn more about the attitudes :· the university is not a policy we wish The plus/minus system falls far short decrease the likelihood of being struck by a have been an educational program. and opinions of women. . · drunk driver. The program director stated that black Communication is the only way that this ·; to see implemented in our of that goal. The scope of these issues necessitates that and Asian women face double victimization issue can be fully resolved. ' classrooms. We believe it should be terminated. we promote awareness to society as a whole, because of their skin color as well as their A comment which was recurrent in the : not certain factions. sex. recent series about date rape stressed that ; Yet last week during Sexual Assault This is insane. Sexual assault is an issue improved communication between men and · Awareness Week, the university deliberately which affects everyone, and the seminar women was the key to solving the crisis. ' excluded several students from attending a should have been open to anyone interested Although teaching women tactics to avoid : Editorial policy seminar on sexual assault prevention. in attending. sexual assault may be imponant and helpful, : Review & Opinion: Page. & is reserved for opinion and commentary. The .editorial above repres~~t.s the Rape and sexual assault are pervasive Not only is it contrary to university the immediacy and scope of sexual assault ; consensus opinion of the ReviCW staff and os wrl11en by the edttor of the edttonal page, except when tntttaled. problems on this campus and one of the policy, it served only to close doors to indicates that the problem is not a women's . Staff columns are the opinion of the author. Cartoons represent the opinion of the artist. l ette rs to the editor contain the opinion of our readers. biggest combatants of these issues is concerned students. issue. ' Published every Tuesday and Friday during the academic school year, Fridays during the Winter Session, by awareness. Any student who is concerned enough to It is everyone's problem, and should be ;: the student body of the University of Delaware, Newark. Del. The university attempts to address the go to a program on sexual assault should be addressed that way. ·: students through various programs and welcomed, not turned away. Men and women of every race need to be :: activities, but they are falling far short of According to the university undergraduate aware of sexual assault, how to prevent it, ;: their goals. programs and policies catalogue, how to deal with it, and what it is. : · The invitation to discuss prevention must discrimination on the basis of race, creed, We cannot isolate women further by · Editorial columnists be extended to all students, for the issue color, gender, age, religion, national origin, placing the burden of prevention solely on : Richard jones, ediror in chief Robert Weston, edito rial page ediror affects us all. veteran or handicapped status in any their shoulders. · Paul Kane, columnist Ron Kaufman, columnist Titled "Survival Skills for Women of educational programs, activities, admissions • · Molly Williams, columnist Color" the seminar was meant to provide or employment practices is prohibited. Molly Williams' column appears every:: information and insight into the crisis. This seminar would seem to be a flagrant Friday in The Review. :: Yet students who did not fall under violationofthatpolicy. '· Another Opinion A look at the harm caused by the decision to move Reading Day I am wrlttng in regard to a already published, the request on Nov. 1. beside the initial reading disrespect. In the past, administrators have decision made by the university administration is creating new By moving Reading Day from assignments during the semester, 1 have tried to better understand been encouraged by President administration and publicized for possibilities for confusion on this Friday to Saturday, the are out of touch with the needs of what prompted the administration Roselle to place themselves in the the first time in the Oct. 24 Update. campus, something which we administration has taken away a students carrying a full course load. to make a decision which, coming position of the students to increase A very small article announced certainly can not afford. With much-needed opportunity for test There will be little time for so late in the semester, seems to sensitivity to their needs. This the decision to alter this semester's publicity in Update, the preparation, particularly for those review much less mastering the benefit few campus members. but decision alone, which takes away ftnal exam schedule. The change university's public relations tool finals scheduled on the first day of material presented in the classes has the potential to disadvantage the one day previously held aside means students and faculty will no which is not widely read by exam week. scheduled on Dec. 12 before the many students with final exams for exam preparation, se·ems to longer have final exams scheduled students, the administration cannot Since the original class schedule exams scheduled on Dec.13. scheduled on the first day of the show none of that sensitivity. on Saturdays. realistically hope to reach everyone called for two Tuesdayffhursday Allow me to point out the nature period. I would appreciate action to Instead, all exams previously who is directly affected by the class times to have final exams on of the final week of class meetings In an effort to grasp some rectify the communication gaps scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 14, schedule change. the first day of the exam period, in many courses. Research papers, reasonable motive to justify this which seem to exist both among the will be held at the same time on Perhaps the administration final exams will be administered final papers and third hourly exams last-minute decision, I spent a great administrative offices and between Friday, Dec. 13, the date previously assumed professors would be one day after the last class meetings are often left for completion during deal of time on the phone being the administration, faculty and allocated for Reading Day. responsible for informing students in these courses. the fmal crunch of the semester. transferred between the Office of students regarding this decision. I applaud what may of the change. As one administrator pointed No matter how efficiently a the President, the Office of the Also, I look forward to a more optimistically be considered a Unfortunately, most faculty out to me, there is a faction on this student may manage his or her Vice President for Administration, legitimate, reasonable explanation concern for those on this campus members with whom I have spoken campus which believes Reading time, the final stretch of most the Provost's Office and the than has been made available to for whom Saturday is a day of are hard-pressed to explain the Day should not be necessary for semesters are periods plagued by Registrar's Office. why this decision was reached and religious observance. However, I change because they are unaware students who conscientiously stress. To begin final exams I also spoke to an Update implemented less than two months must doubt the practicality of the of it as well. Not only are complete course readings as without a day of preparation, which representative in hopes of before the end of a semester. administration's motives and professors unclearas to the change, assigned throughout the semester. often may include review sessions determining from whom the question its sensitivity to the needs . but the staff in the registrar's office Those who believe that a arranged by professors who do not decision originated. of this campus. was unable to produce a new and cumulative final exam does not have time before scheduled classes Each office gave me conflicting Melissa j. Loughlin By changing the schedule updated exam schedule upon require any additional studying, end, is a blatant act of academic information. (BE SR)

1L.. It's time to end the six- ear battle over plus/minus • For almost six years faculty and received in an elective in their last semester Paul want to retain the right to grade however What are we the students left to do : administration at this "esteemed" university brought their cumulative GPA below 2.0. they want. regarding plus/minus? ~ have shown nothing but callous disregard for According toR. Byron Pipes, provost and Kane Guess who has been left out of this Well, f~ one, demand a ftnal clarification " student input regarding the plus/minus vice president for Academic Affairs, we scenario? of the gradmg system from your professor. :. grading procedure. shouldn't complain about the system Yep, the students, the only people on this If your professor says he is not using the The administration has cried for a more because this whole fiasco called campus who are affected by grading system, protest any grade you receive this , accurate, consistent grading policy "plus/minus" began back in the early 1980s procedures. semester. March down to the Registration university-wide. wben students- yes, students- asked for Ask many faculty what they think about Office at 011 Hullihen Hall and file a ., And the faculty have taken a "holier than a change in the grading procedure. plus/minus and they reply with "Who grievance against your professor because he • thou" approach to the entire matter claiming If the students back then could have cares?'' or she did not abide by university standards r• they can grade however they want to. foreseen the debacle that was about to ensue Faculty do have the right to grade on how in grading you. :. But for six years the Delaware surely they would have dropped the matter system was intended to be optional. they see fit (some professors grade 90s as And if your professor says your class is ' Undergraduate Student Congress (DUSC) entirely. But now the administration has changeded th A's and some grade 80s as A's). but does now switching to a plus/minus system .. has opposed the system to no avail. The latest saga in the grading procedure that. The provost's office has interpre~ e that give them the free-wheeling ability to because it is mandatory, march to your ~ A plus/minus grading system was ....;cis the administration's misinterpretation plus/minus system to be manda~ory dauhse grade on a different grade point scale than dean's office and demand to be allowed to -r· of the wording in the resolutton an t e dr th " instituted this fall with one condition: of the senate's intent and declaring 991 92 some of their colleagues? op e c 1ass because your professor lied to • Individual faculty can decide for themselves plus/minus mandatory. inclusion of plus/minus in the 1 • No. The value of a grade should be the you about the grading policy. if they want to use the system. Wben the Faculty Senate approved Undergraduate Calalog. same university-wide. If you're stuck in one of those classes The result has been a hodgepodge of plus/minuudministrators and faculty clearly Faculty senators say this violates their The administration doesn't care if which has always used plus/minus and you some professors instituting the system intended for it to be up to each individual original intent of plus/minus. professors actually use plus/minus. They just don't like it call the DUSC office, call without any questions, others talcina a class professor to decide whether to use the Andersen says professors w~do ~~t don't want them to say they don't use it Faculty Senate, go to the next FacuJty Senate vote on plus/minus and still others, includina system or not. abide by this system risk ha~ing st nts 1 e because of possible student grievance suits meetina on Dec. 4 at4 p.m. in 110 Memorial the entire chemical engineering department, Maraaret Andersen, associate provost, grievance suits aaainst thetr professors for about grades. Hall and protest. ignoring the grading procedure. said in the Feb. 15 issue of The Review said not abidin& by university arading procedure. Andersen said in Tuesday's Review, The fact is plus/minus only affects Keep in mind while reading this column althouah the system is university-wide, Now the faculty say they want to re- "Professors can assian grades which they students, so we should do somethina about It • .that a switch in the arading system affects no individual faculty make the ultimate decision examine the issue because as one senator put feel renect merit, but they cannot say they before it's too late. Our voices have to be one at this university accept for students. over using the system. it Monday, "Maule Andersen can't tell me don't use the plus/minus system." heard- they haven't been thus far. ; Only students receive grades. No professor "faculty really determine what a grade how to grade." Sorry, Margaret, it's too late for that, ' or administrator is affected when a student means." Andersen said. The plus/minus system has turned into a many professors have already indicated their ~auf Kane's column appears evety Friday doesn't araduate because the C- they No one refuted these statements then. The power struaate between administrators who disdain for the system to students. m The Review. want conslatenl Jlldilll and profeuors who November 8, 1991 • THE REVIEW • 7 ATTENTION B.A. STUDENTS COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE MATH PROFICIENCY TEST FOR M114

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6.'\l'~~'!Vf"" This Saturday Just when you're getting low, nc~---\ SPA Presents: Dining Services offers ... A 66 POII\IT!i'' !iALE GET A FREE 10% BONUS* ONE WEEK ONLY NOVEMBER 6-12 SIGN UP AT... · PENCADER LOBBY, 5:00-9:00 pm - FOR SALE WEEK ONLY THE SCROUNGE, 10:00-7:00 pm- FOR SALE WEEK ONLY GRAHAM HALL, 8:00-5:00 pm - WED, TH, FR, M, TU Turn it U'p to "11" at 4 pm, 7, 9:30, and 12 midnight Tickets go on sale a half hour *BONUS POINTS RETURN TO 5% RATE AFTER SALE. before showtime. Movie starts promptly and the doors will be locked. No one will be admitted once the show startsl BilliG SIIYICIS

• 8 • THE REVIEW • November 8, 1991

U N I VE~O" " - "' 0 "1' ~ STUDY ABROAD V,.) .. SPRING SEMESTER 1992 ~ INIIIUIIONAI PIVtTnl l HEC IH Ill li ONS February 9 - May 28 NOW IS YOUR LAST CHANCE TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE FOREVER: EXPERIENCE A DIFFERENT CULTURE THIS SPRING. Some openings still available in the Spring Semester Study Abroad programs.

The University of Delaware offers study abroad programs in many exciting places throughout the world. Participate in a study abroad program and experience the fascinating and unique world of different cultures and people. · • Fulfill College group requirements. •Cost minimal- includes regular University of Delaware tuition and a • All courses carry University of Delaware credit. program fee covering airfare, housing, selected group excursions, •All undergraduate students, regardless of major, can course related activities, and some meals in some programs. participate . •Study Abroad scholarships are available. Semester in Vienna Semester in Paris Semester in Costa Rica The Scottish Semester

Study In Vienna, a city where intellectual and ~turallife of Study in Paris, where Romanesque, Gothic and Modem archi- Study In San J~, capital of Costa Rica, a country bordered by Study in Edinburgh, Scotland's capital, among the visually Eastern and Western Europe ron verges; explore wmdlngstreets tecturecreateaslcylinespectacularbydayand by night, where the Caribbean Sea to the East and by the Pacific Ocean to the most exciting cities In the world; altellddaeaes at Moray HOUlle and alleyways once traversed by Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, the basilica of S.U:rt C«alr atop Montm~~rtre overlooks the West;exploretherountryChristopherColumbusnamed"Rich College, an ancient and prestigloUB European teacher educa­ Freud, Ka1Jca, and rulers of the Habsburg Dynasty; study swlfUy flowing waters of the Seine and Notre DGme. Attend Coast." Attend classes and lectures on the campus of Ill Univ­ tion Institution. Students have ready acceM to numerous palnlingi!i by the Masters in the J(Jmsthistorisches Museum, classcs at I'Ec:o/e Intenu~ticmale de l'Accuea FrAnco-NordiqiU!, ersidAd de Cost41 Rial taught by local faculty and the University places of Interest In Edinburgh, e.g. the Scottish National Art experience music in the Musikrlerein, the Konurthaus, and the near the Arc de Triomphe and AvmiU! des Clulmps-Eiyshs, taught of Delaware faculty director who acrompanies the group. Galleries, MUlii!UII'Is, and library as well as to a rich variety of Theater"" der Witlt, attend classes and lectures at the Austro­ by local faculty and University of Delaware faculty director cultural and recreational programs. Program features dlnical American Institute of Education taught in English by local who acrompanies the group. COMM 4n • Intercultural Communication: Application• experiences In Scottish tlchoola and a ~y professional faculty and the University of Delaware faculty director who In International Contuta · 3 trip to the Continent accompanies the group. ARTH 402- Seminar in the History of Art 3 FLL T 326. Topics: Hispanic Literature in Translation 3 This program Is open to all students who are Interested In be­ FLLT 324- French Literature in Translation 3 "Satisfies A &. S Group A. ( coming a teacher, coach or counselor. ARTH 339- Art and Architecture of Central Europe 3 • Satisfies A&S Group A. HIST 136 - Latin America Since 1839 3 FREN 106- French ll· Elementary/Intermediate 4 • Satisfies A&S Group B. "Satisfies A&. S Group B•and Multicultural. ARTH 150- Monuments and Methode in the Hlatory of GERM 106- German 11- Elementary /Intermediate 4 FREN 107- French III -Intermediate 4 SPAN 106- Spanish II -Elementary /Intermediate 4 Art3 GERM 107- German Ill· Intermediate 4 FREN 205- French Conversation 3 SPAN 107- Spaniah III -Intermediate 4 "Satisfies A &. S Group A. POSC 441- Problems of Western European Politics 3 GERM205- German Conversation 3 SPAN 205- Spaniah Conversation 3 EDDV 220· Introduction to the Teaching of Reading 3 Topics In Modem European History 3 • Satisfies A&S Group C. Latin American Civilization and Culture 3 HIST 339 • SPAN 212· EDST 201· Education and Society 3 • Satisfies A&S Group B. HIST 102- Western Civilization: 1648 to the Present 3 "Satisfies A lc S Croup B and Multicultural. EDST 202 • Human Development and Educational "Satisfies A&S Group B. MUSC 339 - Composers of Vienna POSC 311· Polltica of Developing Nation• 3 Practice 3 • Satisfies A&S Group B. HIST 351· Europe In Crisis: 1919-1945 3 "Satisfies A &. S Group B and Multicultural. EDST 230· Introduction to Exceptional Children 3 HONORS CREDIT may be arranged. POSC 416- Transnational Relatione World Politica 3 ECON 151- Introduction to Microeconomica 3 a. EDST 258- Sociological Foundation• of Education 3 • Satisfies A&S Group C. HONORS CREDIT may be arranged. EDST 304· Educational PlycholOSY -Sodal Aapedl 3 ECON 311· Economic Growth &Development Policy 3 Faculty Director: (fa..-ly hJ

A~~lication Deadline; November 15. 1991

Detailed informa~on about the study abroad opportunities is available at the office of International Programs and Special Sessions, 325 Hullihen Hall, , 451-2852.

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r l vivant November 8, 1991 • THE REVIEW • 9

A glance back .•• Looking into this week in

the future••• The Berlin Wall had a A close encounter with psychic power great fall Two years later, Germany still in transition phase

By Lewis R. Ware SUI~ By Unda Anderson Sebastian Liehr missed the first Copyfdita wave of East Berliners to cross the Many people believe that astrologers and psychics are Berlin Wall on the dawn of Nov. 9, sham artists out to take adv..uage of suffering people and 1989. When Liehr arrived later that make a fast buck. morning, all was quiet at the wall. Their neon advertisements with flashing red hands that Liehr, now a university graduate read "Learn your future - solve your problems with student, was then a student in West Madame Zora" do nothing to create belief in those who Berlin. doubt psychic power. There was no evidence of the Until my own personal reading, I shared this incredulity celebralion the night before - no sign with others. Movies such as Ghost convinced me that all of the small banle that took place when psychics are fakes. West Germans climbed the wall and However, the mystique surroWtding astrology grips were driven off by water cannons held people with the possibility that the future can perhaps be by East German soldiers. revealed. But when Liehr returned that Despite the stereotypes and bad reputations of psychics afternoon, East Germans were once and astrologers, people flock to them in search of answers again streaming into West Berlin. and comfort. Climbing the 10-foot wall near the One such medium, located on Elkton Road, advertises Brandenburg Gate. he joined hWldreds her psychic abilities on a billboard splashed with bold red of other West Berliners in cheering the lettering: palm aoo tarot card readings, crystal readings and arrival of thousands of East Germans. psychic analysis. "Consult a true psychic on all affairs of This time, the guards did not try to life." With these self-proclaimed abilities, Mrs . David drive the throng from the wall, but Andrews provided a great begiruting to my investigation helped the celebrants climb up when into psychic credibility. they fell onto the east side. I parked behind the house and practically ran inside for In those frrst days of open borders, fear someone would see me enter the house with the neon East Gennan authorities processed 2.7 red hand flashing in the window. million passes to West Germany. No crystal balls were in sight. No black catS slinked by Ueller says traffic backed up for 50 see SKEPTIC page 12 miles as East Germans waited up to 10 d· ' hours io' get iDto West Berlin. Many~ West Germans brought hammers to start the destruction of the monolith Winston Churchill once termed the "iron curtain." With the wall no longer a barrier, West Germans invited strangers from the East to share coffee and conversation, sometimes forming lasting friendships, says German Professor Edeltraut Gilgenast, recalling stories her German friends told her. Now, the 26 miles of concrete and barbed wire that separated the East from the West are nearly demolished. Little remains of the 28-year-old wall, says Gilgenast, who visited the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin last surruner. "It's hard to exaggerate the lllustr.otion by Ouis )enlrJns see WALL page 12 He can tell you how to get, how to get to

By I. Marc Kleiman Student moonlights Busch asked Davis if he would be !ilral~ inreresred in traveling to Japan to help , , Ben and as theme park open the new Tokyo . Pmie may be irupiralioos for millions "I knew that if I accepted the job it of children, but for Steve Davis (BE operations manager would interfere with the spring SR), these aitters are co-workers. semester," Davis says, "but it also was Davis, a full-time senior with a 3.1 an opportunity I couldn't let slip by." grade point average. works 32 hours a Besides Sesame Langhorne, Sesame week a1 the Sesame Place Theme PO Tokyo is the only other in in Langhorne, Pa. the world. Davis spent almost three "'refused to accept the position," he months there reaching executives and ays, "unless they allowed me to be a employees how to run the park. full-time student at the ~versity as Davis emphasizes how difficult it well." was to orimmunicare with the Japanese He says he wants to continue with people. During the last two weeks of Michele Bartley school because "in order to ensure his stay, he walked around the park Rockin' robins Sara Giedzinski (PE JR), Michelle Guarriello (AS JR), Michele Onnenbo (AS JR) and rapid movement in the company, a with other workers to see how well Jennifer Lipinski (HR JR) sing along with a tune on Karaoke Night at Klondike kate's. degree is essential." Japanese children liked it. A business major with a But to further complicate the c:oncensration in marketing, he auends communication problem, the children classes three days a week. On other he approached either giggled or ran away. He says they weren't used to Singing outside the shower days he cormnutes three hours per day to and from the pm, an entertainment seeing Americans. place for children owned by Anheusa' During work hours, Davis usually Busch. had an interpreter to help him, but After working at Sesame Place for while not at work, he are most of his Karaoke brings out the best, worst singing in Newark dinners at Americanized five yrars. this 20-yea--old has risen to Steve Davis (BE SR) surrounded By Eric Simon Kate's Restaurant - chance to always been consistently strong," establislunents. a the position of operations area by his co-workers , Big Bird, Sta ff Reporter show friends how well you sing says Don McCurdy, who has "They liked to know if the manager, supervisor of 300 people. Ernie and Cookie Monster. The voices of the eager crowd outside the shower. hosted the weekly event at Kate's He's also in chatse of a labor and Americans liked the way they cooked grow louder as the lights go down The Karaoke machine, which for the last nine months. ~~tpm~~e budpt in excess of $700,000. American food,"he says. and the masses begin to flick their originated in Japan, is a "It's great to see the variety of and that their doctor said she Davis remembers when he and a And in times of litigation, Davis JIObl~ combination laser-disc player· people that take the stage," he says. needed to see Ernie and Ben to help. fellow worker called Mr. Pizza, a pizza Bics. JqRieDIJ Seume Place in ooun. The emcee announces the show television that removes the lead Though most panicipants are In mother irlstanlz, he was forced to delivery place. The person who Davis' work a11o involves CUMmJer is about to begin. vocals of hit songs and invites you amateur comedians who get up IUm a family away, and their daughter, answered the phone barely knew any relllionl. Becaule the Jak Is a world The music starts and the next to fill them in. there to butcher a song to their best after hearin& the news. Died to squeeze English, IID'IICdm IIDd bas a c:apaclty llmit, he so it took 35 minutes to place victim takes the stage. This recent trend has quickly ability, every once in a while they bin 111 lias bad to IUm people away. He ays lhrou&h the into the pait. order for a plain pizm. No, it's not Ed McMahon's become the mechanical bull of the get a serious, trained vocalist, be's bard every kind d excUBe from "Her lle*l got stuck, and a first aid "We weren't going to fool with "Star Search," "AI Albert's collese bar scene, without making McCurdy says. Wlit had to Vaseline her lle*l to Bet her J8111111J'yina to aet in with their kids. toppinp," Davis says. "We had no idea Showcase" or a rock concen. you spring for the quarter. "Those are the ones that brin& He recalls telllnJ him llw out," he says. parents It's Karaoke Night at Klondike "The students' response has see KAIIAOICE pap 12 dlelr daqbter bad a psycbolotlcal In the summer of 1990, AnheuJer see SESAME page 12

I 10 • THE REVIEW • November 8, 1991

a..Hiedo .,. Tuadooysot l p.m. !01 Fridoy 11ouoo The Review ond FricMys 11 l p.m. fo< T.....U.y iuuoo. 1he r.,. Student Center B-1 10 ....,.. .,. S2 !01 stud- with tO ond lO cent& pot ""D'Dl thoroefter. Filii 10....,.. .. $5 fo< non. Newark, DE 19716 CLASSIFIEDS •-and 10 c- po< wotd tht

oj I WID, pool,.,._, dole 111 campus. 1220 + 113 FAVOR. CALL THE OUSC HOTLINE FOR MARY 08RIEN: Happv 21 11 Birthday· ft mUll Do you usa a diaphragm? If you've had a H you - ma IDday and I don't say heflb, Irs ·tl • utili*. Mtwe In nowl322·21114. FREE LEGAl ADVICE 451 ·2e48. weight change o! 10 pounds or mora, haw ~~.y ~e:~rsi . I'm paued out. It's my :.= =uy:,~;:';ws~o'~~.eA'.': ~~~ your diaphragm ,.fitted. Sex Ed . Task Force. 12 MADISON DR. TOWNHOUSE· 4 Bedrm , LORI STROONSNYDER· You ara the BEST ~ dalerw ltl Love ya, Jenn. laundry, AIC, end unit, biiCka 10 pwk, bUI or Little Siatarll Love your LKB Big Sialer, t..urie SOS Ia the Support Group for Survivors of CRACKBABY LIVESIIIII welkiDUO. Av.ilable.llw!. 1. Ph. 737·1n1. EngalrOm.· Get peyc:had lor the ralreatll II you •• MARY OBRIEN todar ... Snarl her Sexual Offense. We are here lor survivora, butt dina· 'CaUaa she'a ftnally 21 II Juanita. frlanda lamlly , and you. PINaa call for aupport you're my llttlal Get Suble!llr W8nlld: w.diaon Oriw tawnhoule, t.4ichelle Kitchen· U R AWESOME I love, your or to haw your quaatlons answered. 451 · ~-7~Dm:: L~r :J.'t:"~~= · lnc . hea!MW. Own Chi.() Hale. SIGMA CHI LAMBDA'S ANNUAL 2 ON 2 2228. Sex Ed. Task Force. VOLLEYBALL TOU~MENT will be held on For tha guy who wante the large house, a Lulu, I min that night In the bungalow. Call ~t~:~ 17th· Sign up at Perklna 8 'Velt8 and a Prelude In the drl-y and lots Roommate needed for 1-nhouH one-half me. pleezl ~r:l: ~~~~r~,ll-u.;P~I:n~ a:.;T~ ol ISS In the bank ... Keep dreaming, I'll be mile fnlm c:ampua. o456-08IMI. payc:had lor IDnlghtlll LCMI, THE BABIES. '*-for you no matter whatll April Pease· Hava an AWESOME 21st i1.3 WXDR Plwenll ... Feedbacll, the U ol D's WANTED birthday! love your 1111181 ~~~v; ryone wish TODD POLLACK GAMMA SIGMA SIGMA SISTERS AND :~anro:~:~r~~,~~~8:f'l, , ~=:: 1 PLEDGES I Get payched for the hayride Set.! TOM- 1haw •peaceful, leelin• at 5 RAISE 1500 ... S1000 ... $1500. FOOLPROOF a easy aep. Alcoholiam lrld Childrerl of Alooholics. Call In FUNDRAISING . For your fraternlryA sorori!t; A.M. I love you ... Th-. at 451·2701 or Ba !here at the Saounge. Call me at midnight. Alpha Sl~ma : We will ctuah everyone! II Get r:;.:~edT~~~.ator Ia our only hope. ~=-=t~~f~F~~l Jan. Watdt out lor lhoea Chicken eor-. Luv, SIGN UP FOR SIGMA CHI LAMBDA'S 2 ON 2 Patricia· You're the BEST Emerald Siaterl CHANCE TO ~ A CARIBBEAN CRUISE your roommatea. VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMEBT at the Student Low, Laurin. AND FABULOUS PRIZES! Call 1·800-iSO· Canler 11JS.71rld 11/13-15. Boogera lor eweryone. IXlNNA GIORDINA· had her caka a.nd ata 8472, axt.SO. ~ ~~c!HJ~~~~:!.t~fi~ you're my little! Gat love, .AJ!Ie, Peggy, JAMAICA I WINTE A/SPRING BREAK. ~~ ~nd~~· special STI..OENTS WANTED! EARN UP TO S101HR. :;·a.~.!'a':.r'.,: =~.~I· a AWESOME PARTY BEACH HOUSE. 8 DAYS Make your own l'loura, malce excellent money Janella Dltzlar· You're an AWESOME llnle WIMEALS ONLY S35Q.OO PIPERSON. FREE ALPHA XI DELTA AND SIG NU KEEP ON ALPHA-0 ALPHA·O ALPHA OMICRON PI Sisll'm glad you·,. minelll Low, Ro. BROCHURE 302·539-«11118. ~~~ri~:.r:. on your c:ampua. Call 1- ROCKfN'. [)()NATIONS FOR DIABETES ARE WELCOME AT THE SIG NU HOUSE. COME PATRICIA WU: Knowing Ia great lan't lt?l? RON: I'm glad you had lun In Den-. Taking AVALABLE VISIT US AS WE ROCK All WEEK. ~~~~;~~~~o:r' Y'!~e~~an LKB Love, STEPHANIE . EARN $2000. + FREE SPRING BREAK = that Advil would have helped, !hough I Dana. TRIPS! North America'• •1 Student Tour Academ ic services : Proofreading, editing, Sports Selection&: NBA, NFL, NCM and 1'1iL Operator seaklng motivated students SIGMA ALPHAS· Your sisters are so proud of Evonne- You're the best lillie slater everll Get 6~~ ijE MORE WEEKS UNTIL TURKEY ~~~~term papers/ lheHal dluertation•· organizations, fraternities and sororities aa daily plays. Call nowll Hl00·3211-8800. you I Keep up the good _,kl ready lor a greatsemesterl Love, Kim. 1 campus reg:Mntatlves Jf.romoti~ Cancun, ESTHER, why yes, that was me In the trac1or SIGMA ALPHA pledges· You 're doing an JEN GREENE· You're the BEST Little! Love ~~~1~ra and anama ity l Call 1 ~~ay~e Macaroni today, wish her happy Tile GYN Department ar Student Health trailer last -k. Sorry f smelled 10 bad. From ~~~~ jobl love, THE SISTERS OF your Big, Stacey. Service offers pregnancy testing with options Seatbelt Bill. 0 FREE TRAVEL , CASH, AND EXCELLENT O.J . ROCKIN' RIEG· U.O.'S HOTTEST Why do people on The Review have no :~~=~cin~ ~7~j1~~~~o~J:~F~~~ BUSINESS EXPERIENCEII Openings DANA. typing In claulfieda Ia kind of fun, huh? PATTY CLEVELAND- You're the be&tllnlel PARTY O.J. FRATERNITIES AND for appointment. Visits are covered by the available for Individuals ol atudent Ron . Love, your big, MICHELLE. SORORITIES. CALL NON 455-1262. ~~~t:Mc~a~~:'~t~reg have a ftat SIUdent Health Service fee. l £ 0NFIDENTIAUTY ASSURED. :~~:~~~~~~~~A~e10~~.ntry~~ r':.t Campus Programs 1·800-32HI013. WORD PROCESSING. $1 .50 per page. Call H73H338. NANNY NEEDED. llve· ln or live·OUI. Proleulonal couple SMka loving, experienoed 11MONTHLY PARKING, cloae to campua. person to care for their Infant da~ter for one .;Umited apaoe available. CaH 733-0900. ~~~~'/:-a~rva .:n~~:3o P~~.mcC:r~ '•eREATIVE NAIL DESIG~ for formal, tell ua why you love children at (302) 239· ~ ~f;~ ~~11::.yl Re nably prioedll 0196. EARN HUNDREDS WEEKLY MAILING ·,.\LOST AND FOUND BROCHURES FROM DORMIHOMEI FREE ~~~~1~~o.:l-:lR i ~~~~~08~~ ·. C·lOO , ~~s6R~~E~~I't;"Hv~~Ht8[si~ck~tg~n ;,'Greg, 738·2857. Reward. Musicians; bass, drummer, si~r , etc. Play re~ Rock , linle Metal , such as d VH. 738- -::._i!t marbles. If found , please call the Gang. 6 , .fOR SALE EASY WORI

0 Complete Technics home stereo system . CO PERSONALS . ~~~~cis'~!~~~~~~~ ffr!~nel. Two Parking, $251month . Limited space available. Best deal In Newark. Call 733.{)9()(). ' 'YAKIMA Roof rack, USED ONCE. Fits most ~ cars with out rain gutters, brand new $174, HAVING A PARTY? I've got the music for it. ~ mine $120. Call834· 1035. Good Prices, Great References. GOOD VIBRATIONS D.J. service. Paul Kutch 455· ':For sale: 1983 Plymouth Reliant Station 0936. 1 1 ~~~~ ; !s':,ri~~~~~~~~ . 6:i ~~ What the?ll Somebody must have?ll To my " 7433. five and a half AWESOME roommates on 160 1 W. Main· I love you guys.· Latuh, Mary leigh. : MOPEO. 1989 Tomos ~tank, low mileage, 1 ELIZABETH GRABOWSKI· Were you :·i~~co~~~::,~·i t~~~ inr:Ju~~a;'fg~'o'tJ'~; surprised? LOVE . your big sis· bonehead I .,goo. Call738·1182. lut· Have a Happy Birthday, I love you lots • . 13 yrs. old yellow·naped Parrot. Nice, aweet, Kristin . . trained. Talks. $990 including cage & toys. ''-153 ·0921 Ran. Sun.·Thura. or leave a CHRIS CABANO. I love my Phi Sig Big Sisl !qlessage. love, ROBIN . ~·FENDER STRATOCASTER. '82 American. lut· Meet me at my place at 7:00 for a night , :Black wlblack guard, maple nedc. $425. you won't forget· Knsbn. ,;f.IENTISUBLET TIFFANY LORRY· HAPPY BIRTHDAY! YLL , University USA. JOSTENS1111 A M E R I C A · S C 0 l L E G E R I N G' ~~~ . ~{~ ~:lr.'C~,~~ia:~~~= look out lor ALPHA SIGMA ALPHA pledges. ~.,and Evening: 656-3017. They are way albove the rest! ASA would like to !hank Delta, lambda Chi Bookstore ;:;rransferring, need replacement for Haines St. Townhouse. Lease ends 6/1 . Get Nov. and and Phi Sig for an outrageous mixer! •'flee. rent·free. Can move in ASAP. Call Gina l'ttrtwiUI~r~~~hck»'ful~b.SUour compiiN CALL THE DUSC HOTLINE FOR FREE or lisa 454·7193. ring Ktec.Uon on Cli5pUy i'l )OUr colrgr boofuUIII:. LEGAL ADVICE 451·2648. University of Delaware · Two female roommates seek non·amoking, 91·•36 iCP·6791 : marure MIF. New apartment, own room. AC, TILT THE SCALES OF JUSTICE IN YOUR ·~ ....------. 3&8-2001 't'ilf, Presents .~O~p~ 0~ s '-'"0 ll"- FRIDAY- Final Chapter

SATURDAY- Hyperactive Prague Symphony Orchestra UPCOMING- Monday, Dec. •• Blues Travelers Tickets s~z.oo in advance Thursday, November 14 ~~------~ Mitchell Hall, 8 pm Tickets sales are as follows: Today - Concourse Next week Monday & Tuesday Concourse Wednesday 107 Student Center Sales on all days are from 11 am - 2 pm! Tickets are $5 for Full-Time Undergraduates with Student ID $10 for those with other UD ID (Faculty, Employee, etc.)

Funded by the Student Comprehensive Fee

-- "( ente 1nment• I November 8, 1991 • lHE HEV/tW • 11

Bradley~. WXDR hosts talk Huebner., show in Scrounge

By Rebecca Tollen Union, the College of Education, In­ S!aff~rter vehicle Parking Regulators (IPRs) n... Live, from Newark ... it's and the new Dining Services. "Feedback," with lhe hottest topics on One show even gave students the 't) Cam(KJS. opponunlty to include laughter with "Feedback," the first listener­ their lunch while two comedians from participation show in university the Comedy Cabaret appeared as the Making history, is broadcast live from the guests. Scrounge every Sunday. Set up in the Scrounge via live As part of WXDR's new Sunday remote, the show's host interviews lots more Digest, the show is an open forum guests and takes questions and that discusses recent controversial comments from callers or customers issues on campus. in the Scrounge. room for ~ The Sunday Digest is a full day of However, Bonnie Gregus-Riddle, Michele Bartley news and talk radio programs that marketing director of Dining Campus issues are the subject for heated debates on WXOR's new radio show, "Feedback," which is on bring difficult issues to the public's Services, said the business in the the air every Sunday afternoons in the Scrounge. rock n' rol~ attention. Scrounge on Sundays has not "' It figures the action gets hot just "Feedback," the first show in the important to discuss issues in a open were relatively well-organized. I was games. increased since the stan of the show. when l am ready to graduate. ·, lineup, is broadcast from the Newark Police Chief William forum. Even if they don't agree, its surprised at lhe number of phone calls The show seems to be a success in I Jive five minutes from Lehigh Scrounge to give students the Hogan said he was extremely satisfied important to understand each other's we received and how intelligent the the Scrounge so we plan on remaining University's Stabler Arena (capacify point of view." questions were- it is a terrific there, said Cassandra Lane, general opportunity to come up close with lhe with the format of the program and 6,000) and I see the tremendous Dean of Students Timothy F . teaching tool," he said. manager of WXDR. issues that involve them, said Kieran found the entire concept interesting potential of the new Bob Carpenter Brooks, who appeared with Hogan "Feedback" has since moved from '"Feedback,"' she said, "is a good Gorgonne (AS JR), WXDR's news on how it deals with current issues. Sports/Convocation Center, which js director. "Communication is vitally during the IPR discussion, said, "It its original 2:30p.m. to 3:30p.m. slot way to open communication between scheduled to be completed by t11e On-air debates have included was great. I was very surprised. to the 11:10 a.m. to 12:10 p.m. slot students and adminislration as well as important," he said. "When people time next year's freshmen arrive. ! topics involving the Black Student have a misunderstanding it is "The students that ran the show because it conflicted with football the community." "I'd say [Stabler] puts on 10-20 shows a year," said Tom Chaffih (AS JR), who worked concens there during high school. "lt was raled tiJe Even Santa Claus would hate this Christmas story number two concert site in the nation for 7,000 capacity and under By Greg Orlando Even famed comedic actor Let's face it. It 's a "G" movie. "After you reunite your seating." 5raff Reporter Leslie Nielsen gets into the act. It's too predictable for anyone with parents," Marshall says in one of I have fond memories of Stabler. If you believe the snow in New MOVIE REVIEW Nielsen is brilliant for all of his 40 an IQ higher than their age. the more amusing moments of the My senior year, I sat in awe as York City is white, you'll probably Alii Want for Chri~tmas seconds in this movie. Everything has to come out all movie, "you can break mine up." Carlisle High School's Billy Owens buy All I Want For Christmas. Paramount · Nielsen plays a Macy's Santa right or else it would end up in that Kevin Nealon does a good job as (who now is a multi-million dollar This sickeningly sweet Yuletide Director...... Robert Lieberman with all the enthusiasm and humor terrifying zone of " PG." Oooh, the suitor, a Wall Street suit named pro-basketball player) dominated an comedy will leave you with a bad 0 of a Macy's Santa (which isn't that horrors. Tony. He adds some humor to this entire team on his way to a fourth taste in your mouth, unless of much). The producers of this film There are a few bright spots, but otherwise straight-laced flick. consecutive basketball state course, you just can't get enough could have saved money and they came almost as often as How. Leslie Nielsen manages to championship. of cutesy child actors like the ones If you have any nerves at all, reputations by hiring a lesser Halley's comet. get through this one without any I was at the Lehigh-Lafayette that plagued shows like "Dif'rent these two youngsters will be able respected persona like Orville The funniest moment in the film humor will be the best kept secret basketball game in 1988 when Slrokes" and "Webster." to tickle them and drive you up the Redenbacher to play the occurs when Ethan hatches his of the decade. Little angel Halley Lehigh's fans covered the building This movie is a bleeding maple theater wall. department store version of Jolly master plan and enlists the help of doesn't even try to pull his beard. with toilet paper bombs after their lree- pure sap. The plot, which revolves around Old Saint Nick. his friend, Marshall. If you want to keep your sanity, first basket. Later l saw Sting, BiJiy The two kids in this movie the 0' Fallon kid's attempt to There isn't much in this movie As Ethan and Marshall go to your self respect and your last Joel and INXS perfonn there. Ethan and Halley 0' Fallon (played reunite their divorced parents on that will appeal to kids - or work, Marshall's parents deal with meal, avoid this one like a Vanilla Lehigh basketball player Chu~k by the nauseatingly cute Ethan Christmas Eve, is rather simplistic, anybody else with a pulse for that Grandma, who apparently passes Ice-New Kids collaboration. Penn chose Lehigh partly for Stabler. Randall and Thora Birch) spew even for a cornier-than-a-bag-of­ matter. This movie has about as out after an overindulgent eggnog All I want for Christmas? Stick "What makes it so great for concens more good humor than the ice Fritos G-rated movie. many yucks as a tax audit. binge. with a pony. and games is that there is not a bad cream man. The parents, played by two seat in the house and we get a good Ethan is the most suave 13-year­ inconsequential nobodies, mix of music. It adds so much to old on the face of the planet. His apparently broke up over a diner hair is perfect, his lines witty and that Dad owned - obviously a cam~.'~all, Stabler has attrac~d his moves rival those of Warren heinous crime. such popular artists as Public Enemy, Beatty. By the fifth minute in the movie, Anthrax, Queensryche, C & C M~c His little sister, Halley, is a you know that things will be tied Factory and Foreigner. ·" smile factory. Her stunning up tighter than the fabled Gordian "These are the kinds of things \ve rendition of "Baby It's Cold knot. think we can do," Barbara Kreppel, Outside" is more Satanic than the Lauren Bacall is passable as the assistant vice president for entire "King Diamond" collection. kid's maternal grandmother, but administrative services said. she won't win any Oscars. Kreppel, who is in charge of operations for the Cmpenter Center, previously worked at Stabler. Those groups beat most of whiJt we get here (Little Feat, 1be Violent MOVIE TIMEs~~~:I:Z:I::::t... Femmes and the Smithereens, who were big two years ago), wouldii't you say? Not to knock the Student Top five movies for the week ending Oct. 26 Programming Association (SPA), blat the Stone Balloon gets better bands? 1) Tile People Under the Stairs ($5.5 million gross for the "We would like to get bigger week) · bands but it -depends on what we 2)Curly Sue ($5.3 million) have money for," said Adam Bragg, 3) Highlander 2 ($4.7 million) vice president of SPA . 4)Billy Bathgate ($4.1 million) The director of Stabler Arena, 5)House Party 2 ($3.7 million) Richard Fritz, thinks the job is too much for a student group to handle; Christjana MaU another saccharin-ladened flick "Delaware's Slrategy should be to 1-95 and Route 7 (368-9600) about a cutsie kid from John Hughes. Showtimes: Fri. - 5:45 allow the building to operate in the public arena marketplace," he said. The People Under the Stairs (R) 8:15, 10:15. Sat.- 2, 5, 7:45, - Wes Craven, the director of 10:15. Sun. - 1, 3:15, 5:45, 8. "The management of the center Nightmare on Elm Street, Mon thru Turs.-5:45, 8 will have to come up with a rental slrUcture and control the booking_"· presents a film about evil Kreppel is working with Fritz III)d demons that live in the Strictly Business (P~-13) - Centre Management, the gro~p . basement. Showtimes: 1:30, 4, Tommy Davidson of "In Living Color" stars as a man whose which runs the Capital Centre in 7, 9:45 . Landover, Md. · buddy gets a good job and ''We've been getting a lot of good All I Want for Christmas (G) - becomes "whiter than the whitest white man". Showtimes: expert advice and being right off of Frank Drebin, er, Leslie Neilson 1-95 between Baltimore and Fri. - 5:30, 7:30, 9:45. Sat. - stars as Santa in this epic drama Philadelphia gives us a lot of good 1:30, 4:30, 7:30, 9:45. Sun. - about betrayal, murder, lust and features," she said. 12:30, 2:30, 5:30, 7:45 . Mon Christopher Lambert stars once again as the swashbuckling immortal Connor Macleod In the candy canes. Showtimes:1, 3, 5, Kreppel would like to work with thru Thurs. - 5:30, 7: 45 supremely disappointing sequel, "Highlander 2: The Quickening. • 7, 9 promoters to rent the facility for the major events. Deceived (R) - Goldie Hawn, Other People's Money (R) "Promoters provide capital to John Heard. Goldie plays a Danny DeVito stars as a scurvy If only immortals could die arrange the programs," she said. "We bewildered wife trying to piece broker in Norman jewison's film. would like very much to work with together her husband's Showtimes: Fr i.- 6, 8 :15, SPA as far as the kind of events we supposed death in this 10:30. Sat. - 1:45, 5:15, 8:15, All-star cast reaches new lows in a confusing sequel have. sometimes-tense, but ultimately 10:30. Sun- 12:45, 3, 6, 8:15. "We usually get bands either on cliche-ridden thriller. Mon thru Thurs. - 6, 8:15 By Ron Kaufman must have told his actors to act as their way up or on their way down." Showtimes: 2, 4:30, 7:15, 9:45 En rertainmenr fdiror stone-faced and empty as possible. Under the new system, ticket Chestnut ffjl/ MOVIE REVIEW No movie could have been more Even the superior acting talent prices would increase with the 29th Street (R) - The most Chestnut Hill Plaza, Newark (737- Highlander 2: The aptly titled. Highlander 2: The of Connery couldn't overcome the promoter's demand. But, chances underrated actor of the decade, 7959) Quickening Quickening has quick scenes, poor direction to make the are, you will get what you pay for. Danny Aeillo, stars as a good lnterStar hasty camera angles, reckless audience care about the fate of his The added entertainment center fella in a film that, at times, Billy Bathgate (R) - First was Direc;:tor ...... Russell Mulcahy character development, abrupt character. will generate money and exposure doesn't play with a full deck. Watergate, then came Heaven's F dialogue and rapid story lines. Mulcahy kept the entire for the university. That means 'a Showtimes: Fri. 1, 4, 7, 9:40 Gate, and now the new name for production of the movie inside a bigger and better pool of students disaster is Bathgate. Dustin In fact, lhe entire movie shoots to In past effons, these actors have sound stage- lhat's right, there is choose from-better minds, better Frankie and johnny (Rl - A Hoffman, Bruce Willis star. Fri . by unnervingly fast at one hour and 30 minutes. This is barely enough proven that they have the "right no sunlight in the entire flick . B1hletes, better everything. · love story set in a diner that - 5:30, 7:45, 10:15 . Sat.- 2, stufr' to bring tremendous heat and Pretty gloomy, huh? Imagine 6,000 screaming crazies reunites AI Pacino with the sultry 5:30, 7:45, 10:15. Sun. - time to figure out what the poorly passion to even the worst movies But beyond the boring and often couped up in the Hen House to see .a Michelle pfeiffer (both appeared 12:30, 3, 5:30, 8. Mon. thru acted, disjointed film is 1rying to say. And even if that feat is - unfortunately, the direction and depressing direction, the Sting or Phil Collins concen. ~e in Scarface, a different kind of Thurs.-5:30, 8. accomplished, nothing makes screenplay of Highlander l screenplay makes as much sense as fever will caleb for people of all aaes love story) under the direction of sense anyway. succeeded in making this movie a schizophrenic trying to explain and musical preferences statewide. . Garry Marshall (Pretty Woman). Little Man Tate (Rl - jodie This sequel to the first one of the worst of the science George Bush's domestic policy. Consider me the Field of Dreams Showtimes: 1:45,4:30, 7:15, 10 Foster debuts as director and fiction genre. A mce of immonals, the most spirit says "If you build It, l'!e stars in a film about a poor, Highlander (1986), which has that Qncma center developed a loyal cult following Connery had more on-screen important being Connery, Lambert will come" only it will be lhouaands Newark Shopping Center (737- gifted nerd-child. Showtimes: since its home video release, is an presence in his two-minute cameo and Ironside, land on Earth and who will come, from every pan 3720) Fri. - 6, 8:15, 10:30. Sat.- of in Robin Hood lhan his half-hour fight. Why? Who knows. Delaware and beyond. Groupies wDI 1:30, 6, 8:15, 10:30 Sun. - embarrassment. here. In the original Highlander the buy concert shirts and circle ~e Curley Sue (PG-13) -Curley, 1,3:15, 5:45, 8:15. Mon thru The fault can be found in the Never once docs director story was pretty clear. The microcosm known u Univenlty of the loveable bald oaf from The Thurs.- 5:45, 8:15. direction and script. The film's four Russell Mulcahy, who was at the immortals had to kill each other Delaware. Three StOOHH, dlscovt!rs his true main roles were played by helm of the fabulous original, until only was left. The last one We all know Newark could UIO a indentity - seriously, It's just -Complied by Rob Rector experienced and accomplished one actors: Scan Connery, Christopher engage the audience. His camera would gain "The Prize," which was little more action. Lambert, Michael lronside and angles are too bizarre, his scenes the ability to know the thoughts of Virginia Mamen. quicker than a cold shower, and he see HIGHlANDER p;t8e 12 · Bradley .4. H.ubur is Clll as.rilttMt sports editor if 1M Rnw

\ I 12 • THE REVIEW • November 8,1991 Berlin Wall

A skeptic tests the mystical predictions of two psychics continued from page 9

continued from page 9 oould be achieved." Andrews' intuitive abilities were relationships, how I dealt with them significance of the fall of the wall," h's not exactly fun to have what impressive, but not completely aro a recent trip. says Dr. William Meyer, professor of and no turbaned "Madame" with you think is a complex pan of your It's not exactly fun to cmvincing. Neither psychic was totally political science. "Politics comes down black-lined eyes greeted me. personality summed up so quickly Psychic encounter No. 2 occurred convincing because their to symbols, and the Berlin Wall was lnstem, a 2-year -()id girl with dark and easily by a oornplete stranger. have what you think is a on Main Street in Stanton, Del., with observations were vague and could the symbol of communism." brown hair and even darker brown She was absolutely right. I've Mrs. Nichol~ . This time, advertising be true for a countless number of Therefore, he adds, tearing down complex part of your the wall symbolized the fall of eyes welcomed me. always thought of myself as an w~ pwtered on the side of the house people. They also didn't notice some Holding a Baby Diapers doll and ambitious person, persistent in the personality summed up in bold red letters. important aspects of my life that communism and the end of the Cold War. imitating what she must have seen quest fc:r my goals. The last few years so quickly and easily by a Sitting on a black velvet sofa, should have been easily discemable. her mother do a thousand times puved the ambitious pan was true, Nichol~ ~sured me she would tell But even if they were simply good Liehr describes the tension before, she grabbed my hand and sat but the attemptS to fulfill them fall complete stranger. the truth, whether it be good or bad, observers, the possibility of both preceding the opening of the wall. me in one c:L two lemon yellow fold­ stut of my imagined aJ.tempiS. While aro then promptly said I would live a detecting exactly the same things w~ He says many WesL Germans feared up chair.;. not obsessed by this idea, it disturbed long life. Deja vu. slight. They planted doubts in my that the mass flight of refugees from I tried to talk to her aro offered her me. She said I was going to have a skql.ical mind and drove me to want the opened Hungarian border and the candy, but she merely stared back Next, Andrews spoke vaguely you love loves you deeply but there is successful career, that I was a more. large demonstrations in Berlin and with those dark eyes. I wondered if about my employment future. an obstacle between you two lhat positive person but was currently in a Winnie Scheckinger-Cummings, a other major cities would end in her mother would ever come out. "You are going to have a must be overcome before you can negative cycle because, in my hean, I Wilmington clairvoyant, said there violence and suppression. Her mother entered the room and successful career, so you don't have talk of a future together." am unsatisfied. are good and bad practitioners in Instead, an announcement said East sat across from me in one of the to worry about problems in that I am 30 years old, an age when She also promised she could help every profession, and psychic readers Germans would be able to apply for lemon-yellow chairs. For $35, she area." Another generalization, but, women are usually settled and me break out of the negative cycle for are no exception. ~spons to cross into West Germany assured me she would tell the truth, following the previous observation, thinking about families. It would amere$100. Clients should investigate without restriction. whether it be good or bad. She then the anticipated satisfaction of have been a preuy safe bet for her to I felt humbled. They both picked psychics, just ~ they would a doctor, " It could have gone either way," promptly said I would live a long life. exposing a fraud began to wane. pick up on this and talk about my up on the same aspect of my before making a final decision, she Liehr says, noting that the East Classic psychic stuff. The thrill of My stomach reeled with her next future family life. character, health, career and love life. said. Ask how long they have been in German government had drawn up exposing a rippled through sentence. Without warning, my entire She d.idn 't. Instead, she elaboraJ.ed I, who prided myself on keeping my the area, what their accuracy rate is or long arrest lists in preparation for me. body flushed hot and I had to take off on my past romances and the emotions from others, was left if they have ever worked with the putting down protests. But then, a tickle of disbelief crept my jacket. problem with the most recent, but wondering if that pride was police on criminal cases. Klaus Felderhoff, a universi ty into my consciousness when she said, "You are unhappy in your heart. many of the things she said were unfounded, or if they were just good "There are a lot of people who will graduate student from Germany, "I see !hal you are not as far in life ll'> You are a positive person, but recent untrue. She mentioned that another observers. offer to rid you of spells for a little visited the East German city of you should be. You set your goals, ~tlove or breakup has brought you person had come between us - a Andrews w~ more accurate than money," she said. "If someone tells Dresden and found that 40 years of but always pull back just as lhey into a negative cycle now. This man good but inaccurate guess. Nicholas in mentioning past you that, run for the nearest exjt," socialism had lefL the economy and the environment in disastrous shape. He says some buildings remain unrestored since bombings in World War U. Davis says. "It was common counesy." Gilgenast added that crime rates At the park's closing time, fruit rose in the East after the communist Sesame vendors would leave their supplies out Karaoke comes to Klondike Kate's regime ended. Problems in lhe East on the street where anyone could steal also affect the West by increasing continued from page 9 them. However,this type of theft, he continued from page 9 McCurdy's running joke at Justice, because they'll probably tension between residents in the two says, never happened. Karaoke night is there's a "two­ hold this against me." regions. how to give an address in Japanese, so Baclc 81. home, Davis says he wishes down the house," he says. beer minimum and a 10-beer Alicia Babbit (HR JR), who Easterners want a quick solution to we spoke in English. They must have he could spend more time on campus. Aron Kotofsky (AS SR), a maximum." In other words, it also attends often, says, "The their problems and feel entitled to the misunderstood us because our pizza "You have to take the good with the Karaoke regular, says it wasn ' t takes two beers to get the nerve to thing is, you really don't even same benefits Westerners enjoy, arrived two hours later. Where's bad," he says. "If I have to choose easy the first time he did it. take the stage, but after 10 beers, have to know how to sing. Gilgenast says. On the other hand, Dominos when you need thernT' between going out with my friends on a " It takes a lot of guts to get up it's better for everyone if you "It's easiest to do with a lot of Westerners counsel patience, wishing The one thing that surprised Davis day I'm in town or catdling up on some there," he says . "Most people find don't. people on stage because you don't to keep their own standards of living was how trusting and polite the homewor1c, the homework loses.'' it tough performing in front of Even though many of the night's feel like you're making a fool of intact while building up the East. Japanese people were. "Everything was In time, Davis says, he hopes to people, but once you get up there it performances are clearly alcohol­ yourself. I definitely couldn't get Though Germans face problems, 'thank you,' a bow of their head and a move on from Sesame and become part really flows ." induced, Karaoke Night is open to up there alone." Gilgenast says, many feel that freedom huge smile," he says. of the Anheuser Busch company. Of th e songs Kotofsky has lhe under-21 crowd as well. As Allison Berenson (AS SR) in the East and reunification are well Another novelty was the convenient And with the experience he's performed, "Drift Away" by Dobie Minors must be prepared to don puts it, "For a few hours, you can worth the sacrifices. vending machines that dispensed beer received while still an undergraduate, Gra y is his favorite. a dreaded, indelible M on their be the star you've always wanted Felderhoff shrugs at the costs, such and wine for passers-by. he may just find the success he's "The guy who sings the song right hands. But for the amount of to be, but you'll never know what as new taxes. He says, "It has to be "If you were under age [20), you looking for ... someplace on the other has a low voice, so I can handle fun possible, it is a small price to it feels like until you do it." done." were not to use the vending machines," side of Sesame Street it," he says. pay. From Sinatra to Springsteen, Karaoke Night is also easy on from Manilow to the Monkees, the wallet. Unlike most amusement pants are too tight. there ' s a song for just about park and shopping mall recording And on top of such a everyone . Some of the more studios, which can charge up to VOLUME II Highlander nonsensical story line, screenwriter popular tunes are "Summer $12 per song, there's no charge to YOUR FULL SERVICE BOOKSTORE Peter Bellwood tries to give some Nights," the John Travolta/Oiivia perform at Kate's. continued from page 11 type of warped environmental Newton-John duet from Grease, If performers actually want to 9nvites you to cpoet message. and Erasure's "Chains of Love." see what they looked and sounded every person on the planet A large pan of the film centers "Kate's is a nice change of pace like, they can purchase a videotape CW.Cl). gnodgltaSS Jteo.d ~Oil\ his Qo.test book In Highlander 2, the irnmortals around destroying an artificial from the crowded local bar scene," of the performance, which holds geQected cpoems 1957-87 fight because of something called ozone machine. Presumably, this says Lisa Russo (HR SR), another several songs and costs $7. "The Quickening"- which is ... plot is D'ying to say that it is beuer Karaoke Night frequenter. "Every After viewing his videotape, J:~2lJa~~~:~t CWed., u\Jov. 1S at 8 ~.m. at Volume II. ~~~~ never explained. to save the earth's atmosphere by so often, it's fun to be entertained, Kotofsky jokes, "I hope I never 30 1 and Actually, nothing is really hugging a tree rather than through instead of just hanging out." have to run for Supreme Court Ne~~r~.i~i:Mt~ ~ 11 v\utog~o~nlllg A ece~lion to ~QQow. sa~.u~:]~~ explained. Ramirez (Connery) gets technology. resurrected by Macleod But this message, as with . (Lam bert) after .. . well ... everything else in the film, doesn't somehow. work due to the incohesive script. I;J Madsen's character is an For fans of the wonderfully environmental terrorist who is done original Highlander, the new trying to destroy an ozone shield film ruins what could have been a that Macleod built to protect monumental movie series with \(tFIRS::~:~~~:~!:~~;:~~~HOP Earth. Why you aslc? Why not. recycled good guy-bad guy cliches Ironside's immortal evil dude and a script with as much wants to decapitate MacLeod. inconsistency as this year's Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-5 p.m. • Sat. 7 a.m.-1 p.~. Why? Who knows. Maybe his Philadelphia Eagles. Tom Cox, Owner (302) 453-9158

The University Honors Program Do you? Congratulalf!S • have difficulty with intimate The General Honors Certificate Recipients relationships? in the Class of 1993 • feel you are different from Jennifer H. Adams Elizabeth A. Fischer Deborah L. Kruegle Michelle E. Shapiro Theresa A. Albright Kristen M. Flegel Stefanie C. Levine Kristen L. Shiring other people? William M. Anders, III Jodie S. Ford Candace J. Lewis Joshua S. Shuey Christopher S. Ayotte Tammy L. Foskey Eleesha Lewis Michele C. Siravo • have difficulty having fun? Carolyn J. Babula Deborah J. Foster Andrew K. Long Barry L. Small Catherine T. Barbieri Deborah A. Freedman Travis R. Longcore Gary F. Smith, Jr. Robin M. Beads Bruce J. Freilich James L. Loving, Jr. Joshua L. Smith • constantly seek approval and Brent E. Beebe Jamie M. Fridirici Suzanne L. Marcus Shawn M. Snyder affirmation? Anne Marie Bertsch Tracy K . Friswell Elizabeth R. Marshall Chelsea D. Specht Elizabeth A. Blackson Harry F. Fromme Jennifer L. Martin Kimberly F. Spiker Lisa B. Blake Beth W. Gale Jennifer L. Martinez Jennifer L. Stoddard • find that you are impulsive? Christopher M. Blanch Jennifer P. Gann Amy L. Mazziotta Ellen W . Strickler Amy M. Bowers . Teresa E. Gerberg Ernest L. McCarter Christopher B. Swanson Steven E. Bresalier Stacey L. Gigous Jeanine K. McGann Jennifer A. Taylor Russell G. Burch, Jr. Brenden S. Gingrich Jartine M. McGarvey Elizabeth A. Thibodeau Heath T. Buzin Kelley R. Gribb Emma McNeilly Amy E. Tietz Are you a child of Jessica E. Bye JohnS. Groundland William J. Miller Nicole M. Toizer Augus't W . Calhoun Wendy J. Handler John G. Mortenson Robin B. Topol Jamie J. Cannone Ari S. Hauben Jennifer M. Moyer Dina Torok an alcoholic? Christopher A. Chauncey William E. Hill Timothy T. Norton Ginger Tse David A. Chen Deborah A. Hillegass Sharon Orlowsky Rajesh Tuli Thomas C. Chiu Trudy M. Hitchens Sean P. Palacek Kristi Ubner • Adult Children of AlCoholics Jill K. Clinton Kimberly C. Hoffman RussellS. Porter Stacy L. Walls Daniel C. Cole Laurie F. Howard David R. Power Matthew W. Walsh Group Matthew Collins Michelle A. Huffman Rebecca L. Rak Erika K. White Ray J. Cornwall Morgan J. Icenogle Nadine E. Resnick Dara F. Whitney Kristine M. Crino Nicole Jackson Aileen D. Roder Beth M. Wierzbicki Jeanne K. Crotty Brian Jarvis Daniel P. Rosencrown Douglas B. Wilhite Wednesdays, Kyna R. Darrow William P. Johnson Ronald A. Rowe ChristopherT. Williams Matthew W. DeVoll Harold A. Jordan Catherine A. Saltern Jane H. Williams 5:30- 7:00p.m. James G. Dilmore John A. Kautz SW181l B. Schoch Jane A. Winzer with Nancy Nichol Trista L. Drobysh James A. Keller Sarah C. Schroer Justine M. Withers lA\ Mark W. Embrey Laura E. Kenealy Marc E. Seeley Christian D. Wright Student Health Service ~ Jeffrey W. Emmert William F. Kerwin Mark L. Seaall Michael T. Yatcilla Conference Room ~ lowio E. -m Erica L. K"tcnboum lowo A. Semlm Le;gh S. Zlpero ~ Call Nancy at 451-2226 for in/ormation ~;•:•·•t~•a•ulkn-e•r ____~.~.v~•M•M···Kri•K•i:•~•~-----~•i•cha-~.~_· .• ~_an•es•' ______A SPORTS November 8, 1991 • TilE REVIEW • 13 Jason Sean Warren MciNTire: Prince of Thieves

Is w ite By Bradley A. Huebner His third interception, which resulted in a ldsist•nt Spotls Editor 64-yard touchdown, snuffed out the Warren Mcintire is piling up some pretty Minutemen's comeback chances. always right awesome numbers this year for the eighth­ For his outstanding effort, Mcintire earned ranked Delaware football team. Yankee Conference defensive player of the Through nine games, he ranks: week for the second time in his career. in N.B.A? • sixth on the learn in total receptions (7), Delaware's 38-28 thrashing of lhen fourth­ o second in total receiving yards (175), ranked Villanova saw Mcintire highlight a The start of a fresh NBA season o second in yards per catch (25), 32-point first half explosion with his second always drives me crazy. o and second (tied) in touchdown receptions interception return for a touchdown. It was Purchasing scouting reports on (2). extra special for the Chester, Pa. product. each learn and rushing to buy Big deal one might say? "Every time I go home all I hear is tickets for Sixers games (in the Very big indeed when you realize that Villanova this, Villanova that,'' he said. "I nose-bleed section, of course) are Mcintire is the Hens starting free safety -on don't care what they stand for I don't like routine for me this time of year. defense. Now put those All- American their attitude. They think lhey are God's gift I challenge other hoops lovers to numbers into perspective. to the world." verbal wars over the merits of More impressively, he is currently eighth Arch rivals seem to bring out the best in Milwaukee Bucks forward Fred in the nation with seven interceptions. Mcintire. When he played for St. James (Pa.) Roberts, Boston Celtics center Mcintire is also tied for lhe all-time lead in Catholic High School he returned two punts Robert Parrish and others. four interception categories at Delaware. He (65 and 45 yards) for touchdowns against But one of my favorite subjects, needs one more touchdown off an cross-town rival Chester High School in a 20- Philadelphia 76ers star forward interception to claim sole possession in that 13 win. Charles Barkley, has provided me category for a season and a career. He looked forward to playing Division 1-A with a unique opportunity to "I guess I'm at the right place at the right college .football until he separated his discuss a curiosity on NBA time right now," said the 5-foot-11-inch, 185- shoulder as a defensive back/wide receiver benches, the seven-foot white guy pound junior. "When lhe ball is in my area I during his senior year. He was recruited by fumly implanted on lhe end. , have just as much right to it as the receiver." Notre Dame, Penn State and the University of Barkley has most emphatically His big play ability is a big reason the Miami for a time until, as he said, the injury staled that Philadelphia as a city is Hens are 8-1. "decreased interest" from those schools. racist and as a team. lhe Sixers are But if it weren't for a couple of pre-season The injury didn't stop Mcintire from being racist. He vehemently argues that injuries in the secondary, he might be selected first-team all-state as a defensive owner Harold Katz would never splitting time right now. back or making the Philadelphia Daily News have an all-black team. "He went from a participant to a leader," Catholic League All-Decade team. He was Most season ticket holders are coach Harold R . "Tubhy" Raymond said. also named all-Catholic league as a center white. Is it any wonder that ''He's an indispensable part of our secondary. fielder in baseball and became a member of management would cater to its ''He's on a record-breaking pace." the National Honor Society. predominantly white audience and Pamela Wr~y De StefMlO In Delaware's 24-7 win at the University Although he has enormous faith in his ultimately, their deep pockets by at Warren Mdntire has recorded seven interceptions this year for Delaware. of Massachusetts on Sept. 7, Mcintire set a talent, his thoughts are dominated by his least assuring a roster spot for some He is eighth in the country and has returned two for touchdowns. Hens record wilh three thefts in one game. see MCINTIRE page 14 seven-foot white goon? Spin me silly and call me Nostradamus, but there is no way in my lifetime I will ever witness lhe New York Knicks or Boston Celtics with all-black teams. Battered Hens limp into UConn Perhaps the predominantly white managements of the NBA are too racist to not have a Caucasian. By Dan B. Levine and thrown for nine scores, remains With the bad news comes some touchdowns). 5ports Eciror Barkley said that white reserve questionable for tomorrow. good, as senior linebacker Tim Huskies' freshman Ed Long has center Dave Hoppen in no way Somebody call Doogie Howser The junior has started in 31 Eleven Delaware Irvine and junior offensive lineman gone from obscurity to lead the deserved to make the team over or Hawkeye Pierce quick! straight games for Delaware, but if Rick Anderson return to action after Connecticut rushing game with 504 other players woo were black, such Is that the theme song from he can't play, sophomore Dale Fry players who played missing the Maine game. yards and four touchdowns. as recently released point guard "M.A.S.H." blaring in the will get the call. The Huskies (3-5 overall, 2-3 "In one week he went from our Rickey Green. background or is it the Delaware Fry, a star passer· in high school in the season opener Yankee Conference) also have some scout team to the real team," said Now I'll admit it. I cheered fight song? for Middletown High, filled in for have missed at least key injuries. Two starters will miss Huskies coach Tom Jackson . ecstatically every time I saw Bob The banged-up Delaware Vergantino against Maine and led tomorrow's game, while two other Connecticut's defense is led by Thornton jog onto the court and football team limps into the Hens to all 34 points. one game this players are questionable. cornerback Mark Chapman and free mug someone. I enjoy watching Connecticut tomorrow with "It was the second consecutive Delaware's defense will once safety Scott Mitchell. Chapman has the likes of Greg Kite, Jack Haley questions concerning key week where a guy came off the season. again be put to the test, as they face intercepted six passes, while and Chris Dudley for a laugh. personnel. bench and fulfilled a starting role a talented Connecticut offense led Mitchell has recorded 57 tackles But all jokes aside, Barkley has The eighth-ranked Hens (8-1 admirably," said Delaware coach by senior quarterback Cornelius and two thefts to lead lhe Yankee a point. If Hoppen has not earned overall, 5-1 Yankee Conference) Harold R. ''Tubby" Raymond. Benton. Conference's third best passing his spot, he should go, white or not have lost 11 players who appeared Raymond said the Hens' Ventresca (knee) have caused "We heard a week ago, lhat lhere defense (172.5 yards per game). But one lhing lhat Barkley has in the season opener for at least one offensive game plan will not be sophomore fullback Lanue Johnson are really two major league As good as the Huskies have forgotten in this one situation is lhe game because of injuries. changed with Fry at the helm. to shift to halfback. Freshman Daryl prospects in the conference, and been at stopping the pass, they have Sixers are weak at the center Perhaps no injury is as important "We can emphasize different Brown has moved into lhe starting Benton is one of them," said been as bad defending the run. position where unproven Charles as the sprained knee junior aspects of our original planning, but fu II back slot. Raymond. Connecticut's rushing defense is Shackelford, and 7-7 goof Manute quarterback Bill Verganlino we're not making any wholesale Junior defensive tackle Scott Benton has connected on 168 of dead last in the conference, giving Bot are the so-called centers. suffered last Saturday in a 34-10 moves," he said. Griemsmann dislocated his knee 300 passes for 2,234 yards and 15 up 245.1 yards per game. To make the situation even victory over the University of Olher key injuries have affected cap in warm-ups last Saturday and touchdowns. His main targets are Combine that with Delaware's worse. Shack and Bol are both Maine. the Hens backfield. Injuries to will miss the rest of the season, as wide receivers Mark Didio (56 Yankee Conference leading ground injured, with Bol placed on the Vergantino, who has rushed for junior halfbacks Marcus Lewis will Lewis and senior co-captain catches, three touchdowns) and attack (266.5 yards per game) and injured list, leaving soft power 557 yards and seven touchdowns (shoulder nerve) and Anthony Marc Sydnor (neck nerve). Alex Davis (38 catches, six the Hens might rush to paydirt. forward Armon Gilliam, untested backup forward Jayson Williams, and Hoppen to man the center position. Hoppen should be forced out in a number of days, when Bol co~ off the injured list, but he might Blackmon provides soccer's best defense not. Could it be that one white person on a team will ensure an By Jeff Pearlman owner's fmancial success? Assistant Sporu Edito1 NBA teams do not necessarily ''The Assassin." "When you tackle keep their 12·best players. In the 1970s, it was the Many keep a token white guy nickname of Jack Tatum, a hard­ someone ... that player entrenched on the pine to attract hitting, bone-jarring free safety for is the one who more white fans to basketball the Oakland Raiders of the National games and riue to merchandise. Football League. deserves it. " The Los Angeles Clippers are The Delaware women's soccer the only team in the NBA to have team has their own updated version no white players. of ''The Assassin": junior defender -jenna Blackmon Conversely, the Milwaukee Jenna Blackmon. women's soccer captain Bucks have six, I005l of which play "I'm not afraid to make a regularly, unlike Hoppen with the tackle," said Blackmon. "When you Sixers. tackle someone or foul someone, Allhough there are white guys that player is the one who deserves sometimes it's that there's nothing with permanent splinters in their it. People on the team are like, more to do than to yell at them to rears, there are those who do a lot 'someone just stick her,' and as get them going, to get them f cr their teams. soon as someone does stick her and motivated," Blackmon said. Forwards Larry Bird and Kevin she gets flattened everyone gets "And if they're going to be McHale of the Boston Celtics, pumped up. angry at me, then they're going to Chicago Bulls guard John Paxson "I'm not afraid that I'm ever use that anger to play better," Detroit Pistons center Bill going to get hurt, because if you do Blackmon said. Laimbeer have played key parts m what you're gonna do right you're Hens coach Scott Grzenda said their teams championship seasons. not the one to get hurl," she said. that Blackmon's intensity ignites Others who star for their teaJM Despite Blackmon's intimidating the team to play better. are Golden Stale Warriors forward presence on lhe field, the Hens' co­ "Jenna makes everyone on the Chris Mullin. Utah Jazz guard Jotn captain insists that her top priority team play hard," Grzenda said. Stockton and Indiana Pacers is not to inflict pain on the "She's very intense during practice forward Detlef Schre!11'f. opposition, but to win. and the games. She's the smartest But for every Mullin. Stockton. "I've always wanted to 11e the player on the team in reading game Bird lind Scllmt1Jf, you can 6nd a best I can be, and I want everyone situations and knowing what to do." Marit Bradtke, Thomas Copa. J010 else to try as hard as I'm trying," Currently one of the top Vianna and Alan Og hauntins she said. "I don't like to lose, and I defenders in the NAC, the Silver NBA benches, fa skin ClOior only. like to see the team working as a ' Spring, Md. native admitted that So while Barkley'• words may team, not u individuall." her soccer dream is to be an have been a bit ill-timed, he is, for One way Blackmon led offensive standout. the 1DD1t ~ ri&hL NBA Inn do Delaware to ita aecond atraight "I wish I had the speed and the keep amund I lobn while IDOII of winnin1 aea1011 (8-7-1 overall, 1-3 build to be in a scoring position, the time. in tbe North Atlantic Conference) but I don't," said Blackmon, who wu not throush physical ICored three aoals this season. "It's ~Qwlldl }luorl s., c..tJt, Is .. llliltant intimidation but throu1h verbal a biJ thrill to acore. Junior defender )enna lladonon hu captained the Hens for both of their vanity MUOnL lladonon spotfS dta o(The R&Mew. motivation. "It's hard to tell what a defensive KOred three pit for Delawue thfaiHIOn. The Hena completed their aeuon with an 1-7·1 record. ''When I'm yellina at teammates 1ee IIACICMON JJa8e 14 14 • THE REYIEW • November 8, 1991 .Hayman and company dive into new waters in NAC Veterans Castellanos, Mattson, freshman McDermott lead women; Mead, Richards and Servant return for men By Jason Sean Garber Auisunl Sports Eclilat "If we keep training with high intensity, women to graduation, but has been rebuilt Patrice Draminski and Kathy Harris, along have a good, clear attitude and a little bit of with junior Mark Thorpe backing him up. Great Expectations was written by: with freshman such as Mike Brown, Mark with two top Hens record holders, luck - we could have a chance for winning Cronin, Chris Dohl, Maggie Bintz, Kary sophomore Kim Castellanos and junior Hayman said the team is looking forward A. Philadelphia Eagles head the conference," said Hayman. coach Rich Kotite McDermott and Kristina Richens as key Jennifer Mattson pace a strong team. to matches against former ECC and current The Hens, 1990 runners-up in the East B. Charles Dickens NAC rival Drexel University and a big Coast Conference men's and women's players. "I think we will do well. We only lost C. Delaware swimming and Headed by co-captains Mead, junior four seniors and gained a lot of good weekend in Boston, when the Hens must swimming and diving championships, are diving coach John Hayman diver Jeff Richards and junior Mike Servant, freshmen and transfers. We might even win square off against NAC foe Northeastern ready to rip into the NAC faster than Jay D. None of the above the Delaware record-holder for the 200 the NACs," said Castellanos. University and the University of Leno tears into a bag of Doritos. Massachusetts. individual medley, the men's team figures to In diving, the highly-touted McDermott The correct answer is B Charles Dickens, "I think we will do really well. Our dual­ be in the hunt for ftrst-place along with the leads the way for the women with junior "I think we will do really well. Diving­ but answer C, John Hayman, is a close meet season will be really challenging. Both second. defending NAC champion Boston Emily Magee, freshman Amy Riley and wise we lost a couple of people," teams have a good chance to win the McDermott said. "The girls team will do . Even though Delaware teams have had conference title, senior Pat Mead said. "The University. sophomore Kathleen Weston following. minimal success in their new home, the Hayman said, "It's a toss-up for the first "This is probably one of the stronger really well. There are a lot of good freshmen men's team will have to rely on guys swimmers." North Atlantic Conference, Hayman thinks three positions. We are definitely shooting women's teams Delaware has ever had," wirming events this year, and not on depth." for a top three finish, minimum." Hayman said. Hayman and his team splash off to a start his teams can challenge for the title. The team has lost 10 men and four For the women's team, senior co-captains Richards guides the men's diving team at LaSalle University tomorrow at I :00 p.m. Mcintire r--D~iv---::i----,si:--0-n-._-AA_F_o-ot~b-a-;-;;-11--:=P-ol;;-;-,1 Blackmon sports Trivia continued from page 13 For week of Nov. 4 continuedfrompage13 devotion to the team. "I have a real hard time taking rank/team record player does in a game because compliments," he admitted, "I don't they're not the ones getting written like the limelight or being the focus of 1. Nevada 9-0 about. We're the ones preventing Stars on T.V. attention." the other teams from scoring, and it 2. E. Kentucky 7-1 never says that," she said. But every Saturday, Mcintire's play 1 . What former American league Rookie of has made it iiqJOSsible for anyone to 3. Holy Cross Sophomore goalkeeper Sheena 8-0 Hunter praised Blackmon for her miss him. 4. N.lowa the Year guest starred on "Sesame Street" as In last Saturday's 34-10 Parents' 7-1 defensive prowess. Day pecking of the University of 5. Alabama St. 7-0-1 "Jenna stops plays before they Big Bird's buddy? Maine, he recorded a career high II ever get to me," said Hunter. "I'd tackles and returned his seventh 6. Middle Tenn. St. 6-2 say she's probably the best interception 41 yards to set up a defensive player I've ever played 7. New Hampshire 7-1 with." touchdown. 2. What major league baseball team scouted The game was special to Mcintire 8. Delaware 8-1 Surprisingly, Blackmon insists that she is not that good a player. "Square Pegs"'s Johnny Slash? because he feels he owes his mother 9. Villanova 7-1 everything for the inspiration she has "If I was excellent l:d be playing given him by raising three children 10. Sam Houston St.. 6-1-1 for North Carolina or something like that," she said. "I was always basically alone. 11. Furman Her son has raised his level of play 6-2 content to be just decent, as 3. What former major league baseball this year. "He reads the quarterback 12. james Madison opposed to dedicating myself year 7-2 round and not having fun." manager scouted Herman Munster on "The well, gets a good break on the ball and 13. Boise State anticipates very well," Raymond said. 6-2 But Blackmon has been good Munsters?" Mcintire's 4.6 second speed in the 14. Samford 8-1 enough to be selected the team's 40-yard dash and perceptive reactions captain for the second consecutive give him an extra step to the ball. 15. Marshall 5-3 season. "I think the captain is someone "I like to be on the spot when we 16. W. Illinois 6-2-1 THE HEAD SCRATCHER-Who am I? I need to stop the other team," he said, people look up to in order to hold "but it doesn't matter if it's me who 17. lehigh 7-1 the team together," Blackmon said. hatched onto T.V. in the late 70s. I was out "It's neat to have that responsibility gets the interceptions or someone else 18. Citadel 5-3 as long as the job gets done." and that people think of you in that of this world as the hairiest Denver Tomorrow Mcintire will be tested 19. McNee St. 4-3-1 way, that they look to you as a role model and a leader." by the strong arm of Connectiuct 20. Appalachian St. Broncos cheerleader of all time. quarterback Cornelius Benton. 6-3 Contact Colorado Lenses Ski Co1npany Glasses ~ ~~11~~) Great Food- Any Time Sun.-Thurs. 'til 1 a.m. • Fri. & Sat. 'til 2 a.m. • Opens 9 AM Sat. & Sun. for Bru~ch Come To Our Fifties Ski Lodge For Breakfast, Burgers, Pizza, Shakes, Sodas, Floats, Cream1es Banner Optical Company And Near Beer! 18 Haines Street OPEN 7 DAYS Expresso, Cappuccino, Swiss Mocha, Coffees Newark, DE U OF D NORTH CAMPUS • NORTH COLLEGE AVE. 1.--45-4--73-4----,51 368-4004 (Top of Pencader Steps, North of Cleveland Ave.)


Due to the Violent Femmes Concert on Saturday, 1119, Carpenter Sports Building will be closed all day.

We apololiize for the inconvenience. November 8, 1991 • THE REVIEW • 15 COMICS ,. ,,.,, ..., . ' • I I

Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE

ACROSS PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOL YEO 1 Evergreen S L AP .F LA p s •o AFT trees HO N E .L oc A L •E L LA 6 Snakes ON E T ~0 T H A E E F OUR 10 International assn. DE w• RO T E .E LA T E S 14 Poplar • L 10 0. s p OT 15 Hindu ••S T AU T S •s L I PS •••HOD "Olympus" p A ES s• SH AN E. I S E 16 Indication L I L T L I NG RAT 17- orange •c I T IN •o 16 Poker hand A. SA T. L I EGE 19 Masking- T E XT UR E S .A EN DE A 11·7~ 20 Tombs • H IE A. ME AT 22 Type of shark ••T A AI TS OP s. •••ALA 24 Acidity A E PR ES .sEN TA T I V E S 26 Weds 10 27 Loom parts ES .E X I TS •o ESK 31 Time of year MO S T •o E p OT .A AT S 32 Comes out second-best 28 Vagrant 33 Jeers of 29 Exercised 35 Bustle 67 Opinion 30 - with: 38 Hospitalized, DOWN supported perhaps 34 Pester 39 Loads 35 USSR range 40 Furrow maker 1 Agony 41 Deity 2 Steel-mill 36 S1Upid one 42 Strong winds product 37 Is a debtor 43 Norman 3 USSR river to Vincent - 4 Raised 39 Quebec's (f) 1991 United F•ture Syndlc8te 44 Male bird 5 Picks out neighbor 45 Black marks 6 Eiec. unit 40 Private 47 Bow users 7 Line of 42 Proceeds 51 Pitches juncture 43 Possibly 52 Schooner part 8 King of Troy 44 Tea boxes 46 Pas' mates 1181..0. CAL'Jit-\ S\lU.~ING 54 Sand bars 9 Smith and 58 Soft drinks Jones 47 Riding lor I'D liK't. \0 OR~E.R t>. 59 Precious 10- public LA'i

~----~------~~ Because Bill Watterson is on/eave, the "Calvin and Hobbes" cartoons appearifW in The Review are Tf!J1JnS from previous years.


By blending in with the ostrich's eggs, Hare The spider Mafia at work Krishnas are subsequently raised by the adult birds.


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An Evening With: Violent Femmes • lS ,Sold Out! Saturday, November 9, 8:15 Doors open at 7:45pm Note: There is No Opening Act. The Show Will Start Promptly at 8:15pm!