THE History of RTL Group R T L G R O U P THE HISToRY oF RTL GRoup r t l g r o u p 33 THE HISTORY OF RTL GROup Complementary to this brochure a video documentary with unique archival footage and first-hand testimonials from recently interviewed personalities can be watched via the following QR-Code. What audiences Want — From TV, to radio, to the internet – every day, millions of people all over the world tune in to RTL Group’s programmes. Throughout its history, the leading European entertainment network set new standards, defied boundaries and kept viewers and listeners inspired and interested. This brochure – through its expressive pictures and entertaining, surprising and yet informative stories – shows how and why. 4 Luxembourg in 1924: an attic, two brothers armed driving forces behind this success, those who have with a single radio transmitter, but a pioneering spir- written the story of RTL Group, and those who will it… our story, the story of RTL Group, was about to continue to do so in the years to come. begin. Nobody, not even the Anen brothers when We have indeed travelled far. Our European TV they first started experimenting, could have imagined channels and radio stations are number one or that their modest enterprise would not only become number two in their markets. Our shows – talent and one of the most renowned radio stations of its time, game shows, fiction series, feature films, news bulle- but later develop into one of Europe’s leading enter- tins and magazines – reach over 100 million viewers tainment groups. across Europe daily, while our radio stations reach Today, RTL Group is Europe’s largest commer- around 45 million listeners daily.
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