He's Got the Flavor and the Fav(Or)
small fleet business [ PROFILE He’s Got the Flavor and ] the Fav(or) “Big Rick” heads up a Las Vegas limousine company that has served celebrities, weekend partygoers, and a rapper star from a hit reality VH1 series By Conor Izzett hen your nickname is ance as driver and sidekick to rapper Big Rick, you tend to Flavor Flav on VH1’s hit reality show, get noticed. But Rick B. “Flavor of Love.” Opportunity fi rst Head, standing 6 feet, 9 knocked when the production compa- Winches tall, never expected the kind of ny working for VH1 was looking for a attention he gets now. His wife, Ursula driver for Flav’s original show, “Strange Head, explains. Love,” co-starring former supermodel “We were staying at the Four Sea- Brigitte Nielsen. ■ Big Rick got lots of attention for sons, and these ladies had all their “They wanted a driver who knew his role as chauffeur sidekick to rap- bags, and they all dropped them and Vegas, someone who was not camera per Flavor Fav on VH1. His experi- ence working with celebrities and said, ‘Oh my god, are you Big Rick?’ shy, and was comfortable around ce- partygoers led to steady corporate And he said yes. So then these ladies lebrities,” Big Rick says. “They needed work. start digging though their luggage right someone to do their job and not be in- there in front of the hotel, looking for timidated by the camera. I said, ‘What ‘you’re‘you’re one bigbig mother—’ And the rest their cameras. It was just funny.” camera?’” is history.” Big Rick, owner of Head Limo in Las After that, the audition was simple.
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