Mozambique Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey 2008 INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE ESTATÍSTICAS FINAL REPORT OF THE MULTIPLE INDICATOR CLUSTER SURVEY, 2008 © 2009 National Statistics Institute PRESIDENCY Authors João Dias Loureiro Stélio Napica de Araujo, Abdulai Dade, President Maria de Fátima Zacarias, Cassiano Soda Chipembe, Xadreque Hermínio Maunze, Manuel da Costa Gaspar Carlos Creva Singano Deputy President Valeriano da Conceição Levene Deputy President Quality Analysis João Dias Loureiro, Manuel da Costa Gaspar, Maria de Fátima Zacarias, Cassiano Soda Chipembe Title Management Final Report of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Maria de Fátima Zacarias Survey, 2008. Data Processing Editor Nordino Titus Machava National Statistics Institute Directorate of Demographic, Life and Social Pierre Martel Statistics Av. Fernão de Magalhães, n° 34, 2º Andar Coordination and Supervision of Field Caixa Postal 493 Maputo Work: Telephones: + 258-21-327925/6 Arão Balate, Cristóvão Muahio Fax: + 258-21-327927 E-Mail:
[email protected] Homepage: Sample Implementation Carlos Creva Singano, David Megill Technical and Financial Assistance UNICEF Distribution Distribution Department, INE's Directorate for Coordination, Integration and Foreign Relations Table of Results Indicators of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS), Mozambique, 2008 Topic MICS Indicator Number MDG Indicator Number Indicator Value CHILD MORTALITY 1 4.1 Under-five mortality rate (< 5 years) 141 per thousand 2 4.2 Infant mortality rate (<= 1 year) 95 per thousand NUTRITION 6