Mozambique ------Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security National Institute for Irrigation Smallholder Irrigated Agriculture and Market Access Project

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Mozambique ------Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security National Institute for Irrigation Smallholder Irrigated Agriculture and Market Access Project Public Disclosure Authorized Republic of Mozambique --------- Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security National Institute for Irrigation Smallholder Irrigated Agriculture and Market Access Project Public Disclosure Authorized Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized April 2018 Smallholder Irrigated Agriculture and Market Access (IRRIGA) ACRONYMNS ANE National Roads Authority ARA Regional Water Administrations ARAP Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan CEPAGRI Centre for the Promotion of Agriculture DE Directorate of Economics– under the Ministry of Agriculture focusing agrarian reform DER Department of Rural Extension– responsible for extension services in rural areas) CPF Country Partnership Framework DPOPHRH Provincial Directorate of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources DPTADER Provincial Directorates for Coordination of Environmental Action DNGRH National Directorate of Water Resources Management - through the International Rivers Office) DNAB National Directorate of the Environment DNSA National Directorate of Agrarian Services DPASA Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Food Security DPTADER Provincial Directorate of Environment, Land and Rural Development DPEM Provincial Directorate of Mining and Energy DPOPHRH Provincial Directorate of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources DTNF National Directorate of Land and Forests EDM Electricity of Mozambique ESSS Environmental and Social Safeguard Specialist FAO United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization FUNAE National Fund of Energy GAC Governance and Anti-Corruption GOM Government of Mozambique IDA Irrigation Development Agency IIAM National Institute of Agriculture Research INIR The National Irrigation Institute IRRIGA Smallholder Irrigated Agriculture and Market Access Project MASA Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security ME Ministry of Energy MITADER Ministry of Land, Environment and Rural Development NAPA National Action Plan to Adopt Climate Change NDEE National Directorate of Electric Energy NIP National Irrigation Programme NIS National Irrigation Strategy PNGA National Environmental Management Program PAPA Food Production Action Plan PARPA-II Action Plan to Reduce Absolute Poverty II PNI National Irrigation Programme Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) i Smallholder Irrigated Agriculture and Market Access (IRRIGA) PIU Project Implementation Unit (i.e. unit to be established within MASA and to be staffed by adequately and well qualified technical and fiduciary staff) PPP Public Private Partnerships PROIRRI Sustainable Irrigation Development Project PRP Provincial Review Panel RAP Resettlement Action Plan RPF Resettlement Policy Framework SDAE District Services for Economic Activities SDPI District Services for Heritage and Infrastructure IRRIGA Smallholder Irrigated Agriculture and Market Access TFCA Trans-frontier Conservation Area UASMA Social Affairs and Environmental Unit VLD Voluntary Land Donation WHO World Health Organization WUA Water User Association Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) ii Smallholder Irrigated Agriculture and Market Access (IRRIGA) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction This is the Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) of the Smallholder Irrigated Agriculture and Market Access Project, better known as IRRIGA, which will be implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security of Mozambique (MASA), with World Bank (WB) support, during the period 2018 and 2024. IRRIGA will continue and consolidate the developments initiated by the Sustainable Irrigation Development Project (PROIRRI), expected to phase out in December 2018, after close to seven years of implementation. The project will focus on the central provinces of Manica, Sofala and Zambezia and the northern province of Nampula. It is designed to target smallholder irrigated agriculture and access to markets. It will add new 5,000 ha of irrigated land to the 3,000 ha developed under PROIRRI. ESMF will guide the screening of the proposed Project interventions (sub-projects) to ensure that they do not affect negatively the natural and social environment. It outlines several principles, which include: (i) a systematic procedure for participatory screening for sub-project sites and sub-project activities for environmental and social considerations; (ii) a step-by-step procedure for predicting the main potential environmental and social impacts of the planned sub-project activities; (iii) a generic environmental and social management plan for addressing negative externalities during sub-project implementation (planning, construction and operation); (iv) a step by step monitoring and evaluation system for implementation of mitigation measures; (v) an outline of recommended capacity building measures for environmental and social planning and monitoring of the sub-project activities; and (vi) a budget to ensure that the Project has adequate resources to meet its own interests, especially financial resources for the preparation, licensing and implementation sub-projects Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs), Environmental and Social Management Plans (ESMPs) and Resettlement Action Plans (RAPs). It is prepared in compliance with the requirements of both the beneficiary Government of Mozambique (GOM) and the funding World Bank (WB/IDA) and justified by the fact that at the stage of formulation of this ESMF the exact location, number, specific scale of the new 5,000 ha of irrigated land to be developed, which could justify conducting the environmental and social impact assessments and corresponding environmental and social management plans, are not yet known. The ESMF sets the tone and will be used in conjunction with the (Integrated) Pest Management Plan (PMP) and (iii) Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF), prepared separately to guide the project and its actors in dealing with the sustainable use of pesticides and potential impacts of the project to trigger involuntary resettlement, respectively. In addition to the introduction the document comprises thirteen chapters, namely (i) description of the proposed project; (ii) project implementation arrangements; (iii) development context; (iv) applicable environmental and social policy and legal framework; (v) environmental and social concerns in the project area; (vi) lessons learnt from PROIRRI (vii) potential environmental and social impacts and mitigation measures; (viii) guidelines for sub-project screening, preparation, appraisal, approval and monitoring; (ix) guidelines for environmental and social management plan and monitoring requirements; (x) training and capacity building Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) iii Smallholder Irrigated Agriculture and Market Access (IRRIGA) requirements; (xi) ESMF monitoring requirements; (xii) proposed estimated implementation budget. Report references and a series of annexes are used to complement issues presented and discussed throughout the document. Secondary data review, interviews and discussions with key informants including experts in relevant project sectors and subsectors and other key informants in the field as well as from public consultation meetings that took place in February 2018; review of similar projects, mainly lessons learned from PROIRRI and SUSTENTA; direct observations in the project area; and Consultant’s judgement, were the main sources of information to prepare the document. Project Description and Implementation Arrangements The project will have the following five main components and respective allocation of funds: a. Capacity Development of the Irrigation and Agriculture Institutions (US$8 million of IDA grant); b. Development of Irrigation Systems (US$46 IDA grant); c. Agriculture Intensification and Market Linkages (Total US$22 million: US$20 million IDA grant and US$2 million from beneficiaries); d. Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation (US$6 million from IDA grant); and e. Contingency and Emergency Response (0). It will also build synergies and seek harmonization with other initiatives with the potential of facilitating the fulfilment of its objectives and targets, such as SUSTENTA, MozFIP and its MozDGM and MozBIO, under the Ministry of Environment, Land and Rural Development (MITADER), but will not be limited to these. MASA/INIR will be the project Developer at the three levels of implementation, i.e. (i) national, (ii) provincial, and (iii) district. There will be a Project Implementation Manual (PIM) to guide all actors in the process. At all levels MASA/INIR will work hand in hand with the MOPHRH, MITADER, and Ministry of Industry and Trade (MIC), in the overall decision- making and implementation. Project Development Context The project happens at a time when Mozambique is going through a period of economic and financial hardships after a remarkable growth between 1995 and 2013-2015. The project also happens in a country marked by considerable imbalances in the access to the benefits of development among its citizens and regions, a phenomenon that even during the period of growth could not be addressed. More than 50% of the people are poor. However, the country remains as one of the best endowed countries in Africa in terms of natural capital. It is drained by several important rivers, nine of which are international, with the Zambezi being the largest and most important river, the fourth-longest in Africa, and the largest flowing into the Indian Ocean from Africa. The Zambezi river is present
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