WORD! - Mantras & their Meanings - with True

JAPJI SAHIB MANTRAS SIRI The spiritual teachings of , the first Guru, and the nine that succeeded him. The Tenth Guru, , named the Sikh Scripture Guru Granth Sahib as his successor, terminating the line of human Gurus, and making the scripture the eternal, religious, spiritual guide for . It contains 5,894 shabads (hymns) arranged into 31 ragas (musical groupings) in its 1430 pages.

JAPJI SAHIB Japji Sahib is the very beginning of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib (the “Song of the Soul”). It was Guru Nanak’s accounting of his Jal (“merger with the One in the water”) after he emerged from under the water after three days. It acts as an inner compass that gives direction to the many aspects of the self. It is comprised of forty Pauris (or steps) that begin with God (in the Mul Mantra), and work their way down to the frequency of Earth. In reciting the entire Japji Sahib, all the elements in all of your chakras, as well as your subtle and physical bodies are adjusted. Each Pauri deals with a particular area of life. Chanting one Pauri (or more) eleven times a day addresses specific areas, with predictable effects; chant them all, and “every problem in your life can be solved and dissolved.” It is the first Mantra chanted during Aquarian Sadhana. Jap (Jaap, Jappa, Japu) = To recite, to repeat or to chant; to understand. Ji = Soul Sahib = Respectful address for a master, lord or man; friend or companion.

SUNI-AI (in Pauris 8, 9, 10, 11) Suni-Ai references deep listening that involves not only hearing with your ears, but hearing with all the senses; every cell of you vibrating in awareness, consciousness and inner knowing. These Pauris broaden your base of information, teaching you to expand your awareness. No judgement, no belief, no conclusion is required. Simply listen. Suni-ai = “through listening”

ASANKH (in Pauris 17, 18, 19) Yogi Bhajan said that if you can understand these three Pauris, you can understand all about life, God and self. They list the many blessings and challenges we must face, and then reminds us to connect to God through our Word. Asankh = “countless”; no way of measuring; beyond comprehension; infinity

AADAYS TISAI AADAYS (in Pauris 28, 29, 30, 31) In these Pauris, Guru Nanak describes the true yogic path. They remind of personal integrity, purity in conduct and intention, and restraint and simplicity in expression. Aad aneel anaad anahat, jug jug ayko vays. The Primal One, the Pure Light, without beginning, without end. Throughout all the ages, He is One and the Same.

AAKHAN JOR (in Pauri 33) This Pauri destroys ego & neutralizes your destructive nature, bringing forth your divinity Jor = “power” (as in we have none on our own - surrender to God…)

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