Introduction to Sikhism
CORE Metadata, citation and similar papers at Provided by University of Worcester Research and Publications INTRODUCTION TO SIKHISM By Stephen Bigger 1 Grant me this boon, O God, from thy Greatness May I never refrain from righteous acts; May I fight without fear All foes in life's battle, With confident courage claiming the victory! May Thy Glory be grained in my mind, And my highest ambition be singing Thy praises; When this mortal life reaches its limits, May I die fighting with limitless courage! Sikh national anthem, written by Guru Gobind Singh The Mool Mantar or basic belief, written by Guru Nanak Ik Onkar There is only one God Sat Nam Truth is His name Karta Purkh The Creator Nir Bhau Without fear Nir Vair Without hate Akaal Moorat Immortal Ajooni Beyond births and deaths Saibhang Self-Illuminated, the Enlightener Gur Parsaad Realised by the Kindness of the True Guru [God] Sikhs Communities Today. There are around 13 million Sikhs in the world today. Originating in the Punjab which was divided through partition in 1947, many have dispersed across northern India, to Europe, East Africa, Malaysia, Singapore, Canada and the U.S.A.. In India Sikhs have made a great impact as farmers, members of the armed forces and police, as well as in sport, transport, industry and education. On the latter, Punjab state has four universities, with education free and compulsory to the age of 14. The impact of their beliefs also cannot be minimized - they stand against the caste system, child marriage, and the consumption of alcohol and tobacco; and for the remarriage of widows, and hospitality.
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