May 17 and 18, 2019 / 13 Iyar 5779

Parashat / 28th Day of the Omer

וּֽבְקֻצְ�כֶם אֶת־קְצִיר אַ�צְכֶם ֽא־תְכַלֶּה פְּאַת שׂ�ֽדְ בְּקֻצְ� ו�לֶקֶט קְצִֽי� א תְלַקֵּט לֶֽעָנִי ו�לַגֵּר תַּֽעֲזֹב אֹתָם אֲנִי ה' אֱ -ֽהֵיכֶֽם:

"When you reap the harvest of your land you shall not reap all the way to the edges of your field, or gather the gleanings of your harvest; You shall leave them for the poor and the stranger: I the Eternal am your God." (Leviticus 23:22)

1 Welcome to CBST! ברוכים וברוכות הבאים לקהילת בית שמחת תורה! קהילת בית שמחת תורה מקיימת קשר רב שנים ועמוק עם ישראל, עם הבית הפתוח בירושלים לגאווה ולסובלנות ועם הקהילה הגאה בישראל. אנחנו מזמינים אתכם\ן לגלוּת יהדוּת ליבראלית גם בישראל! מצאו את המידע על קהילות רפורמיות המזמינות אתכם\ן לחגוג את סיפור החיים שלכן\ם בפלאיירים בכניסה. לפרטים נוספים ניתן לפנות לרב נועה סתת: [email protected]

2 MAY 17, 2019 / 13 IYAR 5779 PARASHAT EMOR הֲכָנַת הַלֵּב OPENING PRAYERS AND MEDITATIONS *(Sholom Aleykhem Ben Yomen (1901-1970 שׁ�לוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם 42 *(Candle Blessings Abraham Wolf Binder (1895-1967 הַדְלָקַת נֵרוֹת שׁ�ל שׁ�בָּת 38 *(Shalom Aleichem Goldfarb (1879-1956 שׁ�לוֹם עֲלֵיכֶם 40 קַבָּלַת שׁ�בָּת KABBALAT SHABBAT / WELCOMING SHABBAT *L’chu N’ran’nah (Psalm 95) Chabad Chassidim לְכוּ נְ�נְּנָה (תהלים צה) 52 *(Yism’chu Hashamayim (Psalm 96) Craig Taubman (Born 1958 י�שׂ�מְחוּ הַשּׁ�מַי�ם (תהלים צו) 54 *Mizmor L’David (Psalm 29) Western Sephardic Melody מִזְמוֹר לְדָו�ד (תהלים כט) 62 *L'chah Dodi (Shlomo Alkabetz) Abie Rotenberg לְכָה דוֹדִי 66 Chassidic* *(Tov L’hodot (Psalm 92) Ken Chasen (Born 1965 טוֹב לְהֹדוֹת (תהלים צב) 72 מַעֲ �יב MA’ARIV / THE EVENING SERVICE Bar’chu Nusach בָּ�כוּ 78 Hama’ariv Aravim Nusach הַמַּעֲ�יב עֲ�בִים 80 *(Ahavat Olam Debbie Friedman (1951-2011 אַהֲבַת עוֹלָם 86 (Sh’ma Yisrael Salomon Sulzer (1804-1890 שׁ�מַע י�שׂ��אֵל 88 (V’ahavta Torah Cantillation (Trop ו�אָהַבְתָּ 89 *(Mi Chamochah Debbie Friedman (1951-2011 מִי כָמֹֽכָה 94 *Hashkiveinu Modzitz Chassidim הַשׁ�כִּיבֵֽנוּ 98 *V’shamru South African Melody ו�שׁ�מְרוּ 102 Chatsi Kaddish Nusach חֲצִי קַדִּ ישׁ 104 Silent Amidah עֲ מִ ידָ ה 106 Air on the G String Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) (Yih’yu L’ratson Hollis Schachner (Born 1973 י�הְיוּ לְ�צוֹן 118 Prayer for Healing תְּפִלָּה לִ�פוּאָה 130 Prayer for our Country תְּפִלָּה לַמְּדִינָה Program Kaddish Shalem Nusach קַדִּישׁ שׁ�לֵם 138 דְּ �שׁ�ה DRASHAH: YAEL RAPPORT

*( Salomon Sulzer (1804-1890 עָלֵֽינוּ 140 228 Counting of the Omer סְפִי�ת הָעוֹמֶר Mourner’s Kaddish קַדִּישׁ י�תוֹם 150 *(Adon Olam Yonatan Razel (Born 1973 אֲדוֹן עוֹלָם 154 *Arranged by Joyce Rosenzweig


Born on February 23, 1951, Debbie Friedman was one of the most influential and beloved Jewish musical figures of the past 40 years. She was an important singer, songwriter, and guitarist and recorded 21 albums of her original music. Originally influenced by American popular music of the 1960s and 70s—Peter, Paul & Mary, Judy Collins, Joan Baez, and Joni Mitchell—she, in turn, influenced younger singers and songwriters with her own dynamic style. Friedman died of complications from pneumonia on January 9, 2011 (at the age of 59). Citing her wide influence in synagogue music and her impact as faculty member in her final years, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion renamed their Cantorial School in her honor in 2011. It is now called the Debbie Friedman School of Sacred Music.

THIS SHABBAT Friday, May 17, 2019 / 13 Iyar 5779 Kabbalat Shabbat Services, 6:30pm Parashat Emor Service Leader: Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Intern Deborah Megdal Ba’alei Tefillah: Cantor Steve Zeidenberg and Julie Levinsohn Aarlev Music Director & Pianist: Joyce Rosenzweig Flute: Simon Dratfield Percussion: Barbara Freedman Mental Health Weekend of Faith Intro: Ellyn Canfield, Executive Director of the Mayor’s Office of Citywide Event Coordination and Management Drashah: Rabbi Yael Rapport

Saturday, May 18, 2019 / 13 Iyar 5779 Traditional Egalitarian Minyan, 10am Ba’al Tefillah: Cantor Steve Zeidenberg D’var Torah: Jonathon Adler

Task Force on Aging Roundtable Discussion Friday, May 17, after Kabbalat Shabbat Services, 130 West 30th Street About 50% of CBST members are over 55. The CBST Task Force on Aging wants to hear from you at this roundtable discussion about what CBST could be doing to better support our older congregants. Discussion led by CBST Board members Dr. Rosanne Leipzig and Kenneth Karpel.

Volunteering for Iftar at ICNYU This year, 35 CBST volunteers have helped prepare and serve Iftar, the evening meal that ends the daily fast, at the Islamic Center of NYU (ICNYU) every week during Ramadan. The remaining date to volunteer is Saturday, June 1. Meet in front of 238 Thompson Street slightly before 6pm and help with meal preparation and serving until 8pm. Then, take part in the end-of-day service preceding Iftar and eat with ICNYU community members. Email Harold Levine ([email protected]) to get involved or with questions.

Thank you to volunteers and coordinators: Dori Aarlev Fran Dunkel Rabbi Reuven Greenvald Steve Lipmann Malina Rosenblum Julie Levinsohn Aarlev Anne Duquette Rolan Gregg Meret Oppenheim Bruce Shenitz Marni Aarlev Barbara Freedman Judy Hollander Larry Person Sara Sloan Risa Aarlev Bill Getreuer Rabbi Marisa James Kristen Plylar-Moore Brian Stein Leslie Bernstein Dr. Gerry Goldhaber Kenneth Karpel Julia Porper Mike Vine Mitch Bloom Yelena Goltsman Rick Landman Darren Rosenblum Nancy Wackstein Donna Carlin Sharon Golub Harold Levine Ira Rosenblum Sara Walker-Peck


PRAYER for OUR COUNTRY Our God and God of our ancestors, אלוהינו ואלוהי אבותנו ואמותינו. ברך את ארצנו ואת כל .bless this country and all who dwell within it היושבות והיושבים בה Help us to experience the blessings יחד לבבנו להודות לך על חיינו ועל הזמן הזה ,of our lives and circumstances To be vigilant, compassionate, and brave. להיות דרוכות, אמיצים, ומלאי חמלה. ,Strengthen us when we are afraid חזקנו וחזק ידנו כאשר אנו אחוזים בפחד ,Help us to channel our anger סייע בידינו לנתב את כעסנו לידי מעשה .So that it motivates us to action חזק לבבנו לחוש את מלוא הפחד שלנו ,Help us to feel our fear כדי שלא נהפוך לאדישות .So that we do not become numb Help us to be generous with others, סייע לנו להשפיע נדיבות על אחרים כדי שנרים זה את זו . .So that we raise each other up סייע לנו להיות צנועות בפחד, כדי שנדע כי גם כשאנו מרגישים ,Help us to be humble in our fear פגיעות, יש אחרות, הנמצאות בסיכון גבוה אף יותר, זוהי חובתנו ,knowing that as vulnerable as we feel הקדושה להיות עמן. there are those at greater risk, and that it is our holy work to stand with them. ברכנו בטעם המתוק של החופש ,Help us to taste the sweetness of liberty כדי שנשכיל להעריך את החופש לו זכינו בדורות קודמים ובעת הזו To not take for granted the freedoms won לרפא ולחזק את הדמוקרטיה שלנו שתהיה כְּעֵץ שׁ�תוּל עַל-מַי�ם, .in generations past or in recent days ו�עַל-יוּבַל י�שׁ�לַּח שׁ��שׁ�יו, ו�א י��אֶה כִּי-י�בֹא חֹם, ו�הָי�ה עָלֵהוּ �עֲנָן; ,To heal and nourish our democracy that it may be like a tree planted by the water (ירמיהו יז, ח) ;whose roots reach down to the stream it need not fear drought when it comes, its leaves are always green (Jeremiah 17:8). שכינה, אם כל חי, ,Source of all Life שלחי אורך ואמתך למנהיגנו ,Guide our leaders with righteousness חזקי לבבותיהם שלא יתקשו ,Strengthen their hearts but keep them from hardening. שישתמשו בכוחן כדי לדבר אמת ולפעול בצדק (ישעיהו טז, ג-ה) That they may use their influence and authority to מי יתן וכל יושבי הארץ יחלקו בעושרה, ישגשגו בחופש שתציע, .(speak truth and act for justice (Isaiah 16:3-5 ויהיו מוגנים בחוקיה May all who dwell in this country מי יתן ואומה זו תשתמש בכוחה ובעושרה על מנת לקדם צדק, ,share in its bounty, enjoy its freedoms and be protected by its laws. חופש ושלום לכל יושבי תבל May this nation use its power and wealth מי יתן ונהיה חזקות ואמיצים ,to be a voice for justice מי יתן ונהיה נועזים במעשי ידנו ועמוקות בחמלה שבלבנו .peace, and equality for all who dwell on earth שנבחין מתי עלינו להקשיב ומתי עלינו לפעול May we be strong and have courage To be bold in our action and deep in our compassion, לעקור שנאה, גזענות, שוביניזם, אפליה, אלימות בכל צורה, ,To discern when we must listen and when we must act To uproot bigotry, intolerance, misogyny, racism, לחגוג את צלם אלוהים בפנים שונות המשתקפות בכל המגוון ,discrimination, and violence in all its forms האנושי To celebrate the many faces of God reflected in the wondrous diversity of humanity, לקבל את הזר ואת המהגרת, ולכבד את המתנות שמביא כל מי To welcome the stranger and the immigrant שמבקשת מקלט והזדמנות בארץ זו, כפי שהיה מאז לפני שאומה זו and to honor the gifts of those who seek refuge נולדה and possibility here, as they have since ו�י�גַּל כַּמַּי�ם, מִשׁ�פָּט; וּצְדָקָה, כְּנַחַל אֵיתָן .before this nation was born Let justice well up like waters, and righteousness ) עמוס ה כד) (like a mighty stream (Amos 5:24

© Rabbi Ayelet Cohen Hebrew by Rabbi Noa Sattath 5

Refuah Shlemah – Healing Prayers Richard Bachand Sidney Goldfischer Sue Rosansky Shlomo Levi Ben David Rabbi Reuven Hammer Meredith Warshaw HaRav Yosef Yeish Ben Shoshana Pat Hewitt Gabriel Weingarten Larry Finkelstein Josephine Kleinbaum If you or a CBST member you know is ill and would like support, contact [email protected]. This printed list is for those with acute illness. You may say a name aloud during the healing prayer at services. CBST’s Chesed Committee provides assistance for members who are hospitalized or recovering from illness or loss. Email [email protected]. We’re your community; we’re here for you.

We include in our healing prayers the almost 14,000 immigrant children in U.S. custody, most of whom are separated from their families.

Yortzeits 13 to 19 Iyar 5779

Members memorialized on the Wine Family Sanctuary Memorial Wall Lawrence Levy Arlene Kochman Edward Slomka

Family & Friends memorialized on plaques on the Kuriel Chapel Memorial Wall David Ben Shlomo Edward Cline Violet Mandel David Berger Aron Hedelan Howard Scal Jeanne Berman Selma Honig Fannie Seigal Tillie Bernstein Esther Karger Ed Traitman Dr. Arnold Blake Sidney Levitz

The CBST community extends condolences to mourners among us. May God comfort you among all who mourn. We pray for peace.

All are welcome to an Oneg downstairs following the service.

Seating & Accessibility: CBST is committed to accessibility. At Friday night services, several spaces for someone in a wheelchair and an adjacent chair are reserved; seats are released at 6:45pm if not occupied. CBST has a Hearing Induction Loop for hearing aids with T-Coils.

Phones and photography: Silence your cell phones. Photos are not permitted during services.

Bags and coats: Bags and coats are subject to search by security personnel.

Bicycles: Due to space and security issues, there is no bicycle storage inside the CBST vestibule or building.

Smoking: Is not permitted within 25 feet of our front door.

From CBST’s Green Team: We live in a city where rigid plastics are recyclable. Toss plastic straws, bottles, etc. in receptacles labeled “cans/bottles.” CBST now participates in NYC’s composting program. All of our disposable cups, plates, and flatware (except for plastic Kiddush cups) are compostable and can go in the brown compost bins downstairs. The earth & the Green Team thank you.

Tonight, our thanks to: Better Events Sound Technician · CBST Facilities Staff Jorge Loyola, Teresa Gutierrez, and Shelton Person · CBST Members & Friends who greet everyone at services · Shabbat sponsors and donors. In case of emergency, walk out of the building and move far away.

6 Ahead… Friday, May 24, 2019 / 20 Iyar 5779 Saturday, May 25, 2019 / 20 Iyar 5779 Kabbalat Shabbat Services, 6:30pm Liberal Minyan, 10am Parashat Service Leader: Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Sevice Leader: Rabbi Yael Rapport Intern Rabbi Steven Philp Ba’al Tefilllah: Larry Kay D’var Torah: Rabbi Yael Rapport Pianist: Dror Baitel Drashah: Cooperberg-Rittmaster Rabbinical Intern Rabbi Steven Philp

Upcoming See all these events and more at

A Rainbow Thread Book Launch & Reading Thursday, May 23, 6:30pm, 130 West 30th Street Celebrate the NYC launch of Noam Sienna's groundbreaking new collection, A Rainbow Thread: An Anthology of Queer Jewish Texts From the First Century to 1969, with readings and Q&A with the author, in conversation with Rabbi Yael Rapport, followed by a book signing. Register:

Strategic Plan Town Hall Discussion Friday, May 31, after Kabbalat Shabbat Services, 130 West 30th Street After services, come to a town hall report on the results of the strategic plan. Learn about the plan, which was compiled based on input from the congregation over the last year. All are welcome!

SAVE THE DATE – Tikkun Leil Shavuot 5779 Saturday, June 8, 8pm to 12am, 130 West 30th Street Save the date for a night of ritual, workshops, and blintzes for all, in collaboration with Lab/Shul.

Bold Spiritual Community of Resistance and Love

Sanctuary at CBST: Pro Se Immigration Legal Clinic Wednesdays, 6pm to 8:30pm, beginning May 8, 130 West 30th Street Have you ever wished you could do something to help immigrants and asylum seekers - most of whom are not native English speakers - navigate the system? Now you can! CBST, in partnership with Seeking Asylum and Finding Empowerment (SAFE) and New Sanctuary Coalition (NSC), is launching its own weekly immigration clinic, part legal clinic and part pro se, which will focus on LGBTQ immigrants. Volunteers will assist people who are representing themselves (pro se, in legal terms) to complete asylum applications and find out what additional legal services are available to them. If you have attended a clinic training, either at CBST or through New Sanctuary, or if you have immigration clinic experience, we invite you to join us. If you have not yet been to a clinic training, contact Rabbi Marisa James ([email protected]) to find out about upcoming training sessions, and if you are a lawyer, contact Lee Jason Goldberg ([email protected]) to find out about upcoming immigration CLEs: we need both lawyer and non-lawyer volunteers, especially Spanish speakers who can translate.

CBST's Chazak: the Red Ribbon Team and Rita's Team at the AIDS Walk Sunday May 19, 10am, Central Park Join CBST members walking in memory of those we lost to AIDS – we wear ribbons with their names, carrying them with us as we raise money for care for those living with HIV/AIDS today, and for research and prevention to get closer to eradicating HIV/AIDS entirely. Register to walk with us and donate at and support Rita’s Team at



Trans Pride Shabbat Friday, June 7 / 5 Sivan, 6:30pm, 130 West 30th Street Kabbalat Shabbat Service followed by Oneg

RABBI LEIAH MOSER Rabbi of Reconstructionist Congregation Beth Israel and Assistant Rabbi of Temple Israel, Ridgewood, NJ

Friday, June 14 / 12 Sivan, 6:30pm, 130 West 30th Street Kabbalat Shabbat Service followed by Oneg

Celebrating GILBERT BAKER, z”l Creator of the Rainbow Flag Drashah: Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum Reading: Charley Beal, from newly published memoir Rainbow Warrior, My Life in Color

Family & Friends Shabbat Friday, June 21 / 19 Sivan, 6:30pm, 130 West 30th Street Farewell to Cantor Steve Zeidenberg Kabbalat Shabbat Service preceded by 5pm Dinner and followed by Oneg

LETITA A. “TISH” JAMES New York State Attorney General

The printed program for June 21 will acknowledge Oneg Sponsorships ( kiddush) and contributions to Music at CBST ( made in Cantor Zeidenberg's honor (from May 1 through June 10). You can also consider dedicating a prayerbook (

June 21-30, Mon-Sat 10am-9pm / Sun 11am-7pm, 20 Hudson Yards CBST’s AIDS Quilt at Heritage of Pride Names Project Display


Saturday, June 22 / 20 Sivan, 6:30pm Talk with Fred Plotkin; 8:30pm Opera at Rose Theater/Jazz at Lincoln Center “STONEWALL” Order tickets at with code CBST30 for 30% discount

Pride Shabbat Friday, June 28 / 26 Sivan, 6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat Service Masonic Hall, 46 West 24th Street; Accessible ONLY entrance at 71 West 23rd Street

TONY KUSHNER Pulitzer Prize Winning Playwright

Saturday, June 29 / 26 Sivan, 10:30am and 12:30pm, 130 West 30th Street “Under the Rainbow: A Pride Aggadah Adventure” for children ages 0-6 and their grownups

Pride Marches Sunday, June 30 Check for time and route updates, as well as the websites of Reclaim Pride ( and World Pride | Stonewall 50 (

Support PRIDE at CBST – Support CBST’s Open Door and Pride Advocacy at

PRIDE SHOUT OUT! Make your mark in the June 28 Pride Shabbat Bulletin by entering a “shout out”

CBST T-Shirts & Caps Shirts available in Adult (S, M, L, XL, XXL) and child sizes (XS, S, M, L, XL)

Caps are one size fits all

Questions? Contact Ann at [email protected]


Lehrhaus Judaica Adult Education Special Series

Big Questions: Exploring Judaism through a Denominational Lens Saturday, June 22, 12:45pm How do different movements within Judaism answer life's big questions? In this course, taught by CRRI Steven Philp, explore how Jews have grappled with topics like God, revelation, good versus evil, and peoplehood - and see what conclusions we might come to ourselves. Class will take place after services, so grab your lunch and join us! No registration required.

Families with Children at CBST

Our Jewish learning program offers opportunties for children and young adults ages 0-18, along with their grown-ups. Programming includes Limmud B’Shabbat Hebrew School, early childhood programs, b’nai mitzvah training, holiday events, and more.

More info at or contact Jennifer Kleinbaum at 212-929-9498 x 816. For Limmud Program information, contact Principal, Jonathan Chapman at [email protected]

Aggadah Adventures Join CBST for a series of unique theatrical experiences designed especially for our youngest community members (ages 2-6) and their grownups. These immersive, multi-sensory, and educational performances will bring Jewish text to life in new and exciting ways -giving participants an active role in telling the story as it unfolds. Utilizing puppetry, live music, and sensory storytelling, Aggadah Adventures creatively and meaningfully introduce our tradition to a new generation.

UPCOMING: Under the Rainbow: A Pride Aggadah Adventure Saturday, June 29, 10:30am / 12:30pm Visit for more info and tickets.

11 Tonight’s Oneg (Delight) Sponsored by Deluxe Oneg Ora Ezrachi celebrating a big birthday! Grateful for CBST, Rabbi Kleinbaum, and my eclectic and amazing friends and family. You sustain me! Deluxe Oneg Evelyn Shaw and Phyllis Dicker in honor of Ora Ezrachi on her 70th birthday. The Energizer Bunny of all time; a diminutive rocket-fueled powerhouse, a gifted micromanager - AHEM! - and a shining light unto the world. Karen Benezra in memory of my mother, Naomi, on her 14th yortzeit. Your unconditional love and wisdom continue to guide your ‘bubbelas’ each day. Lee Goldberg Mazal tov to Johanna Sanders on graduating from Fordham Law School! Donna Gray marking the 30 days since the death of my father, Richard Gray, who died on April 18, and to say thank you to the CBST community for all the loving support. Much appreciated.

Nora Isacoff & Ilene Block Mazel tov to Johanna Sanders on finishing law school and to Julie Aarlev for serving as tonight's Ba'al Tefillah. We're so proud of both of you! Shep Wahnon on the 25th anniversary of surviving a near-death experience, and in gratitude to friends and community who sustained me, supported me, and brought me to this day, but especially to my long-time companion John Sharkey who actually saved my life. Marni, Dori, and Risa in honor of Julie Aarlev who his helping to lead tonight’s services. We love the joy and music that you bring to our lives. Lin, Sally, Cindy, Deborah, and Laurie for Ora Ezrachi's special birthday, with love. Tonight’s Livestream Sponsored by

Yelena Goltsman and the entire Goltsman and Schnee Families wish a Mazal Tov to Dr. Barbara Freedman on successfully defending her dissertation. We are so very proud of your amazing achievement, Dr. Freedman.

Bimah Flowers David Wine and Michael MacElhenny

To sponsor an Oneg, Livestream, or Flowers, contact Ruth at 212-929-9498 x 815 or [email protected], or go to

CBST has a Hearing Induction Loop for hearing aids with T-Coil

Senior Rabbi Sharon Kleinbaum, D.D. Rabbi Yael Rooks Rapport ASSISTANT RABBI Cantor Steve Zeidenberg 130 West 30th Street New York, NY 10001 Joyce Rosenzweig MUSIC DIRECTOR (212) 929-9498 Rabbi Marisa Elana James DIRECTOR OF SOCIAL JUSTICE PROGRAMMING Gregg H. Passin PRESIDENT Yolanda Potasinski EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 12