Vol. 42:1 (165) January – March 2014 WORDPLAY IN GENESIS 2:25-3:1 AND HE CALLED BY THE NAME OF THE LORD QUEEN ATHALIAH: THE DAUGHTER OF AHAB OR OMRI? YAH: A NAME OF GOD THE TRIAL OF JEREMIAH AND THE KILLING OF URIAH THE PROPHET SHEPHERDING AS A METAPHOR SAUL AND GENOCIDE SERAH BAT ASHER IN RABBINIC LITERATURE PROOFTEXT THAT ELKANAH RATHER THAN HANNAH CONSECRATED SAMUEL AS A NAZIRITE BOOK REVIEW: ONKELOS ON THE TORAH: UNDERSTANDING THE BIBLE BOOK REVIEW: JPS BIBLE COMMENTARY: JONAH LETTER TO THE EDITOR www.jewishbible.org THE JEWISH BIBLE QUARTERLY In cooperation with THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, THE JEWISH AGENCY AIMS AND SCOPE The Jewish Bible Quarterly provides timely, authoritative studies on biblical themes. As the only Jewish-sponsored English-language journal devoted exclusively to the Bible, it is an essential source of information for anyone working in Bible studies. The Journal pub- lishes original articles, book reviews, a triennial calendar of Bible reading and correspond- ence. Publishers and authors: if you would like to propose a book for review, please send two review copies to BOOK REVIEW EDITOR, POB 29002, Jerusalem, Israel. Books will be reviewed at the discretion of the editorial staff. Review copies will not be returned. The Jewish Bible Quarterly (ISSN 0792-3910) is published in January, April, July and October by the Jewish Bible Association , POB 29002, Jerusalem, Israel, a registered Israe- li nonprofit association (#58-019-398-5). All subscriptions prepaid for complete volume year only. The subscription price for 2014 (volume 42) is $60. Our email address:
[email protected] and our website: www.jewishbible.org .