SAN FRANCISCO BAY SUBTIDAL HABITAT GOALS REPORT Appendix 8-1: Eelgrass Conservation and Restoration in San Francisco Bay: Opportunities and Constraints KATHARYN E. BOYER AND SANDY WYLLIE-ECHEVERRIA Eelgrass Conservation and Restoration in San Francisco Bay: Opportunities and Constraints Final Report for the San Francisco Bay Subtidal Habitat Goals Project Katharyn E. Boyer1 Sandy Wyllie-Echeverria2 November 19, 2010 1. Associate Professor, Department of Biology, Romberg Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies, San Francisco State University, 3152 Paradise Drive, Tiburon, CA, USA.
[email protected] 2. Research Scientist, Friday Harbor Laboratories, University of Washington, Friday Harbor, WA, USA.
[email protected] Table of Contents I. Introduction 4 II. Current knowledge of eelgrass in San Francisco Bay 5 A. Historic distribution 5 B. Current distribution and abundance 5 Baywide surveys 5 The Seven Site Survey 6 Other localized surveys 6 Recommendations 7 C. Model predictions of distribution 8 D. Populations dynamics of eelgrass 9 Seasonal and interannual patterns in density 9 Perennial versus annual life history 10 Flowering shoot densities 11 Recruitment from seed 11 Recovery from disturbance 12 Recommendations 12 E. Potential limiting factors 12 Light 12 Sediment physical characteristics 13 Nutrients 15 Sediment microbes 15 Epiphytes and macroalgae 16 Herbivory 17 Physical disturbance 19 Disease 20 Salinity 20 Temperature 20 Sea-level rise 21 Genetic diversity 21 Recommendations 22 III Ecosystem functions of eelgrass 23 Habitat