Introduction Instead, almost every citizen of the Marvel • Aftermath and : Ties up loose Universe is touched by the Power from ends and lists Karma awards. Most You hold in your hands the most adventur- Beyond. Karma is to be awarded as noted on ous endeavor yet attempted for the Marvel page 23 of the campaign book. Other Super Heroes Game: a campaign adven- For this reason, the adventure contained awards are noted in this section. ture that simulates a large chunk of Marvel within follows in the wake of the , • Special Options: Certain Heroes may History, in particular, the history that dealing with encounters he is a part of, have specific Starting or Encounter revolves around one being's brief stay on while being specific to particular heroes if Sections. These are preceded by a bul- Earth: the Beyonder. necessary. This allows the Game Judge to let (•) and noted for that group. For run the players of his campaign through example, in the first encounter "Earth- The Beyonder, for those who have been in II with characters they are fall," the start on Muir an iceberg for the past few years, is an most familiar with. The main groups and Island, Scotland, whereas other heroes incredibly powerful being from a totally dif- heroes involved in Secret Wars II are would start about to break up a smug- ferent universe. Correction: this being IS detailed in the Roster Book as well, so gling ring. that universe, the sum total of all there is players may use the X-Men or West Coast there and unaware of his individuality until as they stand at the start of the At the start of the War, the major heroes of he discovered us. Through an accident epic. the are in the following (the creation of the ) a pin- places: hole opened into this realm from the The adventure is written in short chapters, • The are staying with the Marvel Universe, calling the Beyonder's each chapter detailing encounters with Avengers in the , as attention to this multi-layered universe. In the Beyonder as he moves through the their own building was destroyed by a observing Earth and its universe, the universe, learning the human condition. false . Beyonder tried to understand the nature of More encounters may be created by the • The X-Men are at the X-Men mansion Desire, as he was a being of ultimate judge or taken from other products like in Westchester County, New York. power, and could want for nothing. To that MHAC-6 New York, New York, a fine col- • The New Mutants are with end he summoned a group of heroes (who lection of small and not-so-small urban on Muir Island, Scotland. fought for the good of others) and villains encounters. • The New are at their HQ in (who fought for their own enrichment) to a New Mexico's Rocky Mountains. hastily cobbled planet for the original The map enclosed fits onto the Eastern • is going to school in New Secret Wars. That war ended when Doctor side of the Campaign Map from the boxed York City. Doom temporarily stole a large part of the set, and is used with this and other maps. • The West Coast Avengers are in the Beyonder's Power, forcing him to retreat It describes a more open area of city ter- Avengers Compound, Los Angeles. back to his realm. The assembled villains rain than is found in , but works • Doc Strange and are involved in returned to Earth with the Molecule Man, nicely in campaigns set in Western towns matters on other planes, but could while the heroes got back through the such as Los Angeles. return at any time. expertise of . • Spider-Man and most other heroes are Each Chapter is broken down into a num- in . The Beyonder, after observing the people ber of sections which are: of this universe close at hand has physi- • Summary: This is an explanation of With all that out of the way, make way for cally entered this universe to experience what happens in the "real" Marvel Uni- the Arrival of the Beyonder. Secret Wars II desire and other human notions first- verse, as recounted in the comics. has begun! hand. The story told within is of the Beyon- • Starting: This is the set-up for the der on Earth. heroes, where they are, what they are CREDITS: doing. Such set-ups tend to be non- Based on the Stories by This adventure, consisting of 2 32-page specific given the large variety of Design by Jeff Grubb with Kate Novak heroes involved. books and a 21 1/2" by 33" map, is a simu- Editing by: Polysemous Ed Carmien • Encounter(s): What happens in that lation of that story for the Marvel Super Layout by: Defined Dennis Kauth chapter as a result of the Beyonder's or Heroes Game. Adapting the full course Cover by: , color by Jeff Butler other character's actions. Some chap- of 9 months of published Marvel Universe Interior Art by: Jeff Butler and the ters will have a single encounter: oth- material was a difficult feat, particularly Marvel Bullpen ers, like the War to End All have because the Beyonder is not opposed by Typography by: Linda Bakk and any one hero or group of heroes. several. Betty Elmore TSR, Inc. ISBN 394-55197-4TSR1000 P.O. 756 0-88038-268-6 Lake Geneva, Wl 53147 6869XXX1501

This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written consent of TSR Inc., and Group. Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. The names of characters are ficitious and do not refer to any persons living or dead. Any descriptions including similarities to persons living or dead are merely coincidental. All Marvel characters and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. MARVEL SUPER HEROES and MARVEL SUPER VILLAINS are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. Copyright °1986 Marvel Comics Group, a division of Cadence Industries Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Game design copyright *1986 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. CHAPTER 1 escaped if he does. The henchmen will the same time as the heroes. attack if possible, but flee if they cannot Earthfall harm the heroes after one round. If hope- KARMA: SUMMARY: The Beyonder arrives on lessly outclassed ( and Thor • Catching Don Langdon +20 drop through the skylight) the henchmen Earth to discover the nature of Humanity. • Per enforcer or henchman caught + 10 give up. They stand a better chance sur- • Destroying the shipment + 30 His presence is detected by Professor X, viving the U.S. legal system than an angry who, though weakened, sends out a call • Heading west at Prof X's request +10 super-character. The crates contain drugs • Not going west -20 for help. smuggled in with the fish, enough to qual- ify as a major bust. STARTING: The heroes are involved in NEW MUTANTS ALTERNATE: In the ordinary day to day activities. As judge, Marvel Universe at this time, half of the you may introduce Professor X's warning AFTERMATH: As the encounter winds New Mutants were meeting Karma/Amahl down (Langdon is captured or escapes, into a regular campaign situation, or use Farouk in an adventure. Rather than make the police arrive and the henchman are a major digression this early in the story, the following small encounter as a starting arrested) read the following to the players: consider the New Mutants to be present in point for the campaign. In the latter case, read the players the following: full strength at Muir Island. Read the New Heroes the following: As the criminals are taken away, an Late nights are not unusual for Manhat- unmistakeably telepathic message tan deliveries, but the truck marked blossoms into your mind. It is unsteady Professor Xavier's rips through and shaky, as if the speaker were far "Aiken's Fine Fish" seems out of the house, bringing you running to the away and at the limits of his power. The sunlit room where he was nappping. place. First, it's backed into the old voice says: "...The Beyonder is on Physically weak since a beating Globe Press building. Second, said Earth...Western U.S. The world, the months ago, Xavier seems even building has been locked and aban- Universe, is in terrible danger! Hear doned since it was used by Doctor weaker now, and is babbling like a child me! Believe Me! Gather heroes...All Octopus and his Octodroid.* waking from a nightmare. you can...Fate of Earth...of humani- your hands...." The skylights provide an excellent view "The Beyonder!" he shouts. "He's in of the proceedings below. About a the western United States. Denver..., no, Los Angeles. Moira, take these chil- dozen strongarm lackeys are manhan- To those familiar with Professor X, dling crates off the truck. 's dren to Westchester, try to get others... of the X-Men, the "voice" is immediately Hurry! I've got to contact other- leader is standing with three guys in recognizable as that of the of the s...l've...." He concentrates, his fore- business suits in the center of the X-Men, though very shaky and hysterical room, over an open crate. The crate is head furrowed in mental concentration, in tone. Those unfamiliar with the profes- then screams again. The mentor of packed with fish on ice, surrounded by sor see the image of a desperate, tired, small packets of white stuff. your team faints dead away, the words bald man pleading for aid. "Beyonder" on his lips.

* What? You don't know about the heroes The heroes are not required to head West to meet this Beyonder (if they do not go, The X-Men Jet is parked on the grounds. who saved New York in "Day of the Octo- pus?" (in the Boxed set). Shame upon other heroes answer the call), but if they On-board computers can automatically decline, they must suffer a Karma loss. take off and land at certain locations. you! They will read in the papers the next day Locations in the Western U.S. include that a super-powered bad-guy named Phoenix, Denver, Seattle, and Los ENCOUNTER: The packets are part of a Thundersword decided to take on various Angeles. could shift into a suit- drug shipment being delivered for Don good-guys in downtown Hollywood, and is Langdon, one of 's middle man- able form for high-speed travel as well, under arrest, after destroying a lot of prop- and Magik could teleport through her step- agers who is dealing in drugs outside of erty. ping disks. (If Magik fails her FEAT roll his boss's knowledge. The 12 guys using a stepping disk, she and her pas- unloading the truck are henchman, while The heroes can travel west to California by sengers arrive in LA just as Thundersword Don Langdon's two associates are enforc- a number of means, either personal air- ers. Only the and one hench- begins his rampage). craft, buying tickets on conventional air- man pack a handgun. The other craft (10 rp), by impressing on the henchmen, if attacked, use wooden owners/operators of such craft the impor- pieces of the crates as clubs (Typical dam- tance of getting the hero there (a Red Pop- age). ularity FEAT roll), or by use of If the heroes take on the villains, Don flees super-powers. All forms of energy- detection devices show a large "blip" of to his black limo in the parking lot using his unknown radiation in Denver. After a few two enforcers to cover his retreat. Don hours it begins to move, slowly but surely tries to drive off the South end of the map, and should be considered to have toward Los Angeles. It arrives there about

2 Chapter 2 archetypes of a media-dominated society. Danvers personality, and Illyana Rasputin He Strikes Like a Thunderbolt He fights until subdued or otherwise with her Darkchilde side. If confronted by defeated. one of these individuals, the Beyonder reacts as noted below. The reactions SUMMARY: The Beyonder first arrives in The Beyonder, on the other hand, is purely apply to this chapter only. Denver, but after talking to the Molecule an observer in this battle. If detected, he Man, Owen Reece, heads for California. will become visible, but will take no hostile The Beyonder reaches inside a multiple- There he encounters Stewart Cadwell, a action. If engaged in conversation, he persona character and yanks out the other disgruntled writer. He grants Cadwell his behaves calmly, almost approachable. He side, letting that side dominate. In the three desire to wield real power. In Cadwell's created Thundersword, and now only cases listed here, the results would be: case this means becoming a super- wishes to understand what is happening. • MAGIK: Her Darkchilde persona would powered creation to attack the icons of his If someone berates or tries to convince the surface and flee the Beyonder. Illyana tedious daily life. Beyonder that creating Thundersword teleports everyone in her area except was not a good idea, he says: "Cadwell the Beyonder who is beyond such STARTING: When the heroes arrive the places too much much value in the power affects into her limbo. Those teleported Judge should direct them to the scene of I've given him and not enough in his own to limbo must now confront/convince/ Thundersword's battle. There are several abilities." If Thundersword notices the coax the Illyana personality out of means of doing this, such as following that heroes conversing politely with the being regression. strange energy pulse the Beyonder is trail- that gave him his power he attacks the • : The Ms. Marvel persona ing behind him, or by following news Beyonder. In this case the Beyonder dis- comes forward and boy is she angry. reports that an armored maniac on a appears in a cloud of electromagnetic Rogue/Ms. Marvel will immediately winged horse is attacking the Empire radiation. If attacked by players or other attack her former allies, seeking to Broadcasting building. If there are multi- individuals, the Beyonder removes him- drain their powers and escape. "Ms. ple heroes coming from different loca- self from anyone's abilities to detect him. Marvel" flees back to her family's tions, the first hero or group of heroes He remains on the scene, however, to house in Massachusetts. The heroes (choose randomly) will be there at the start observe the heroes combat with Thun- must get her back, or she exits play as of this scenario, and the others arrive 1-5 dersword. a player character. rounds later. • : Hulk is converted to Banner, AFTERMATH: Upon Thundersword's When the heroes arrive on the scene, read neutralizing his abilities. Conversely, defeat, police arrive to haul him away. The them the following: the Beyonder might pull Hulk from his press arrive also and their reaction is Banner persona, sifting his molecules determined by a Popularity FEAT roll by much in the same way as Doc Samp- The street is clogged with abandoned whoever speaks to them. A Yellow or Red son separated the two in the "real" cars and fleeing people. Ahead, the result indicates Good press coverage Marvel Unvierse. This new Hulk would cloudless California sky is laced by the ("Hollywood was saved today by the be totally wild, with a powerful grudge flash of lightning. actions of "), a Green against "puny Banner." result indicates neutral coverage ("A mas- ENCOUNTER: The players start in what- sive battle between super-powered foes In any of these cases, pull the player ever mode of travel they are using at the left hundreds homeless in the Hollywood involved aside and describe the situation. corner of 7th and McKinley. Other heroes area"), while a white result indicates neg- If the character's allies fail to reverse the appear about a block away from the fight- ative coverage ("Mutant terrorists known change, that player character may out of ing when they arrive. Thundersword is in as the X-Men wreck the downtown area.... the game for that evening if not longer. the parking lot on the Northwest corner of Details at 11"). The police take Cadwell Offer a good (100 Karma) award for role- 7th and Roosevelt, trashing a Mac- into custody, and ask at least one hero to playing the "mind-switch," applicable to Burgers. He exhorts the crowd to eat tag along to help press charges and get this character or to the next one that healthy food,! the story straight. player runs. Those with the ability to detect the strange The Beyonder can cause himself to be The character's allies can reverse the radiation will find it radiates strongest from ignored by all except those with appropri- change by successfully role-playing what- the golden-armored being, but players ate abilities (Reason, Intuition, Psyche, ever their characters would do to recover familiar with the series probably do not telepathy, etc.) of or greater than Class their teammate, or by saying they are believe that Thundersword is the Beyon- 1000. going to try to snap her (or him) out of it der. Beyonder is standing behind and and making a successful Psyche FEAT roll HULK, MAGIK, and ROGUE VARIA- beyond Thundersword in the parking lot of (Judge's choice). the hotel in an invisible state. Those with TIONS: The Beyonder is interested in the the ability to see the invisible, detect human condition, and is also capable of KARMA: Beyonder's energies, thoughts, or exis- perceiving unusual human auras. This dif- Defeati ng Th u ndersword + 30 tance, may find his location on a success- ference may be what has attracted him to Being Defeated by Thundersword ful Intuition FEAT roll. super-powered beings. Many heroes in on national TV - 60 the Marvel Universe live with the problem Discovering the Beyonder +10 Thundersword will attack any costumed of dual or dark sides to their personalities. Attacking the Beyonder -10 individuals that approach him, accusing This includes Bruce Banner, with his Hulk Cadwell destroys a large section them of being no more than mass-market Personna, Rogue with her acquired Carol of the surrounding area - 20

3 CHAPTER 3 of life and , and will not listen to rea- hideout in a secret passage at the south son. He immediately attempts to push end of the Overton Storage area. Me And My Shadow aside any hero that stands in his way. For the hideout use the layout on Map 3, SUMMARY: The Beyonder starts shad- The takes on all attackers. He typical interior, with Malus' main lab in owing heroes to discover more about the carries some rare drugs in his pouch, but area 3. Malus is irate once Armadillo tells human condition. In the books, he follows does not wish them damaged. He is less him the news, and escapes to another Captain America, and decides to emulate considerate of the shrinking potion Malus hideout unless stopped. If confronted by that character's appearance. taped to his hide. The third hit Armadillo the heroes, he will first order Armadillo to takes will break the vial, letting its contents protect him, then threaten to slay Armadil- STARTING: This encounter begins after evaporate harmlessly. If Armadillo has the lo's wife if not let free (his hand is danger- the disappearance of the Beyonder from vial on the third round of combat, he ously close to a lever). He is bluffing. The LA and the subdual of Thundersword. The pitches it at an attacker. If it hits, it releases lever opens a secret panel in the wall. He police ask the hero with the highest Popu- the shrinking gas, an amount intended for surrenders if captured. larity to accompany them in taking a 50 foot . Against a normal man, it Cadwell into custody, but the others are does one of two things, Judge's option: AFTERMATH: All through this free to go about their business. • Reduces the character to 1/4" hieght, encounter the Beyonder is observing the with no reduction in abilities for 1d10 player characters, trying to determine why The heroes are recovering from the battle hours. they act the way they do. Only those with with Thundersword when a news report • Victim crosses the transdimensional Unearthly Psyche or Intuition may detect comes over the police band. Read the fol- Pym barrier, and is hurled into the his presence by making a Red FEAT roll. lowing to the players: Microverse controlled by Psycho-Man. In this case, go to the postscript of If the heroes capture or defeat Armadillo Your ears catch the tail end of a report Chapter 4, The Burning of New York to and capture Malus, The Beyonder from a police car. " Code Red, officers discover the Psycho-Man's reaction. chooses one of the heroes as a template in trouble... large orange-skinned alien for his mortal form. He chooses the uncos- or mutant, on rampage outside St. Both options make the victim apparently turned form, revealing the hero's true face Arbogast's. Have him under fire, but disappear. Psycho-Man attacks the victim to the world. As judge, choose the mem- bullets do not penetrate. He's moving as soon as he appears in his realm, wear- ber of the party, male or female, who has on the car....Oh Crumbs...." There is a ing his large battlesuit. If he defeats Arma- acted as leader, done the most combat, crashing noise, then the line goes dillo's victim he uses him or her as his and been most successful. Raw power dead. agent in Chapter 4. alone is not a consideration. If damaged to half health Armadillo tries to KARMA: ENCOUNTERS: When the players fight his way to Rathbone Park. There he Stopping Armadillo +40 arrive at the scene at St. Arbogast's, it's a attempts to burrow away, surfacing in the Capturing Malus +20 mess. A patrol car is turned on its side in Vacant lot west of the DSL studios. If Being defeated by Armadillo - 20 the center of the street in front of the hos- immobilized, he explains his sad fate. Being shrunk by Armadillo - 30 pital. Standing in the doorway is a huge Letting Malus go Free - 5 orange creature covered with thick plates, Armadillo's wife Maria is a victim of a Beyonder chooses you carrying a leather satchel. The creature is strange paralysis, a paralysis that only as a template* +10 shouting at the officers. "Stand aside! I'll criminal scientist Carl Malus believes he hurt you if I have to, but I must not fail! can cure. Armadillo agreed to be trans- *Note: Keep this a "Mystery Award." Let Nothing can stand before the Armadillo!" formed into his present state and serve as the character discover later that the most a henchman of Malus if Malus would cure powerful force in this universe is using him Armadillo has broken into the hospital to Maria. Armadillo's first task is to bring or her as a model for humanity. secure some drugs supposedly necessary back another Malus creation, the new for the cure of his wife, thinking to get Goliath. In passing, Malus mentioned the them first before going after his assigned need for certain drugs for the treatment, mission—rescuing the criminal Goliath and Armadillo took it upon himself to go from the West Coast Avengers. This is dif- shopping before rescuing Goliath. Arma- ferent than in the "true" Marvel Universe, dillo broke into the lab storing the drugs where Armadillo gets to the Avengers and left money to pay for them and the Compound and battles Captain America. damages, but did not start fighting until a He has a vial of shrinking potion taped to hospital guard spotted him and called the his back. police.

The heroes may talk to Armadillo, but he Armadillo is an excellent fighter but a orders them to stand aside so he can com- trusting soul. If the heroes convince him to plete his mission. He says that it's a matter lead them back to Malus he does so. If not, he is easily followed. He returns to Malus'

4 Chapter 4 heroes. ENCOUNTERS: Both groups of charac- The Burning of New York ters, those that remained within the city G. Psycho-Man Appears! A hero sees and those returning from California have something moving in the shadow of an SUMMARY: The Beyonder arrives in the same type of encounters. Choose from alley during a riot. If checked out, it is none Manhattan just as Psycho-Man, a villain the following: other than the Psycho-Man himself! This from a micro-verse, launches his assault. is a great stunt to pull on players who have The Beyonder is looking for someone to A. As the heroes move through the city, a fallen for one or two false alarms, then let a explain things to him. small boy dashes in front of them being solitary team member check out this chased by three larger teenagers. (Abili- shadow. Psycho-Man seeks to battle and STARTING: There are two ways a hero may start this encounter: Either the ties are all Typical, armed with clubs). The convert the hero, but if more than half- youths will catch the young boy in the next heroes were in California fighting the damaged, retreats to his micro-world in a area and beat him senseless unless the single round, leaving Hate-Monger Beyonder, or they remained behind. Any heroes stop them. The boy's "crime" is behind. new characters joining at this point could be considered part of the ones that that he witnessed the trio pummeling a bag lady. H. The Beyonder Appears! When there remained behind. are fourteen or fifteen things that need to be done right away up pops the Beyonder, The ones returning from California can be B. The heroes are attacked by a mob of ordinary folks attacking with rocks and wearing a white bodysuit and looking like considered to be doing so by flying either bottles (Typical damage). The mob the hero he has imitated. The Beyonder by their own power or resources or as a doesn't really need a reason to attack. asks apparently meaningless questions courteousy of a thankful and generous ("Is hallucinating why there is eating?") in LAPD anxious to get them out of Califor- There are about 20 citizens (all Typical abilities) in this group. his quest for knowledge. If the player char- nia. If the heroes are flying commercially, acters ever say "I don't know" or words to read them the following: C. An insane sniper atop The Krupp Build- that effect, the Beyonder will pop out, say- ing is shooting into the Park. Heroes in col- ing "I will seek elsewhere, then." (Note: You bank in a holding pattern over La orful costumes make great targets! He is the Judge should increase the fuzziness Guardia when the light first catches armed with an Assault Rifle, and has all of the questions to the point where the your eyes. Usually New York from the Typical abilities. players WILL say I don't know...such as air is a fantasy city glittering with the "Why is Friday?" "How is Understand- Great White Way and streetlamps D. Hate-Monger Appears: The shape- ing," and "What is Eating?"). Attacking reflecting off polished buildings. Now, shifting Hate-Monger is seeking a hero to the Beyonder results in his sudden exit, as though, a large section of the city is the convert to his own side. He tries to appear in Chapter 2. color of hate, the deep red of many as someone who is trusted by the hero and flames. New York City is on fire! tries to appear when the hero is alone. Try I. in Wonderland: Assuming that to break the heroes apart by using crowds the players have read the series and no or multiple disasters. He seeks to touch one wants to be alone for five minutes with It takes a commercial flight an hour to the character (Fighting FEAT roll if charac- the Hate-Monger lurking like the big-bad land. ter is suspicious), and use his emotion- wolf in every shadow, and providing the controlling powers to convert the hero to Invisible Girl ( after this The heroes that remained in the city notice the Psycho-Man's side. A hero who joins adventure) is not a player character, make a change in the people. For encounters the Psycho-Man becomes an encounter the assumption that Hate-Monger run between the arrival of the Beyonder detailed in the next section. attacked and transformed her into Malice, and this chapter, the heroes note an mistress of Hate. Malice/Invisible Woman upsweep in hate-related crime. People the E. A Teammate turns against them. A hero will use her powers offensively to destroy heroes save are surly and angry, not help- under the influence of Hate, either as a any super-powered character she ful, and are irritated by the super-goons in result of battling Psycho-Man or Hate- encounters. longjohns. Read the following to players in Monger, or those that disappeared in the the city: Battle with Armadillo, will reappear to fight J. Fires: Just about every third building on once-trusted teammates. If enough time the map is blazing to some degree from has elapsed, the hero will have changed hate-crazed people trying to off other hate- A cold wind blows through the canyons costume into something black and sinister crazed people. Innocent lives are threat- of New York City, a city on the edge of that may conceal his or her identity. If the ened, of course, and the flames inflict explosion. At your feet old cups, cast- hero is a player-character, the player may Good damage to all within them. aside newpapers, and pamphlets run that character as a villain against the dance and twirl in the hostile wind. On former allies. K. The Police: The conventional forces of the walls illiterate scrawls proclaim law and order havn't been as affected by messages of hate. There is an acrid F. Psycho-Man Appears? A hero sees the Psycho-Man's plot as the rest of the smell on the wind from the south. It's a something moving in the shadow or alley populace. The members of the police fire, and a big one at that. during a riot. If checked out, nothing is force try to restore order with a heavy found. This is a great way of dividing , and use their nightsticks to beat

5 rioters into submission. They do not use remove a captured Hate-Monger from the Use map 2 as a representation of the deadly force unless threatened by power- scene in a manner similar to that in Secret Microverse's surface for Psycho-Man's ful opposition. Heroes interfering with the Wars II, tell the players that a beam of ruby attack. The players land on a rocky pla- police will be placed under immediate light shoots from the shadows, completely teau, and the water areas represent a hard arrest. The police handcuff the hero dissolving the unstable structure of the surface 20 stories below. Psycho-Man will (Remarkable Strength material) and take Psycho-Man's assistant. The unknown appear in one lettered area, the heroes in the hero to the nearest police station in a assailant, the scourge of criminals, another no closer than three areas away. paddywagon. If the hero agrees to be escapes from the heroes. Choose a third lettered area as a trap. taken in, he or she will be in jail until the Those entering this area must make a Red end of this chapter. If the hero refuses to POSTSCRIPT: Agility FEAT roll or be caught in rising cooperate, the police attempt to knock the Down the Rabbit Hole. columns of clear, Monstrous strength hero senseless, and all police try to arrest materials. It is possible that the heroes will the hero for the duration of this chapter. The player characters might be so terribly defeat the Psycho-man at this stage. If upset with Psycho-Man for messing with they destroy his giant robotic armor, L. Other encounters may be planned by their minds that they may decide to go Psycho-Man will use Karma to pitch him- the Judge which seem fitting. Keep this in after him in his home universe. This is self over the edge of the cliff. His robotic mind: while the Hate-Monger has most of what happened to the Fantastic Four in shell will be found at the bottom of the cliff, the city in an uproar, try to avoid really their comic book. Below are some guide- but of Psycho-Man there will be no trace. offensive crimes and activities. The pur- lines for handling such an action, and also This is a use of Villain Karma to effect an pose of this chapter is to pit the heroes for those who happen to cross the Pym escape. The destruction of Psycho-Man's against the nefarious plans of the Psycho- barrier and find themselves in the suit and capture of his Worldship should Man, and descriptions of extreme graphic Microverse. break his hold on the people in his portion violence only lessen the enjoyment of the of the Microverse. game as a whole. GETTING THERE: There are several methods of crossing into the Microverse. If Psycho-man captures the heroes, he AFTERMATH: The hate-master's control They include: breaks their will through use of over emotions forces the players into a no- • Pym's potion: The Fantastic Four and Monstrous-intensity emotion-controlling win situation: they must stop large groups Ant-Man first journeyed to Pearla's devices located in his ship. The Judge of hostile but innocent people. Massive planet and battled Doctor Doom there may handle this will-breaking attack in two loss of Karma may be involved. by taking a concentrated dose of Ant- ways: Man's potions, which shrink the user to • Graphically playing mind-games, The Psycho-Man's invasion of New York a point where the user slips into the detailing situations where the heroes ends if Psycho-Man is driven from our microverse. fail their companions in detail, result- dimension by an attack by the heroes, or if • Reed Richard's Reducto-Craft, ing in their deaths. This works best with his agents are defeated or neutralized. If invented by Reed Richards. Though an experienced Judge working with the player-character heroes have all been lost with the destruction of the Baxter characters of long-standing history. defeated, other heroes defeat Psycho- Building, it can be rebuilt by Reed from • Do the same in a briefer format. Man "off-panel" (in other words, don't run memory in 6 hours. If Reed is a player Instead of creating the whole scenario the battle unless player characters are character it is this player's decision to by role-playing, merely say to the char- involved), forcing Psycho-Man to return to do so or not. If Reed is an NPC and the acter, "You are consumed by fears," his own dimension. players convince him of the impor- and base the results on a Psyche FEAT tance of their mission, Reed rebuilds roll. KARMA: the Reducto-Craft. Each person rescued +15 • Build-it yourself. Any craft or device In either case, Psycho-Man makes an Each person the heroes harm -10 capable of crossing to a specific attempt to break the will of the character. Each player-character controlled dimension requires a Monstrous rank Make a Psyche FEAT roll against the Mon- by Psycho-Man/Hate-Monger - 30 Reason to conceive and execute, strous intensity ray. Karma may be added Capture/Defeat Hate-Monger +40 using at least Incredible resources. It to this roll. Each time a character fails, Capture Psycho-Man + 90 takes 2 days before the first test could their Psyche is reduced by 1 rank. When Drive Psycho-Man away + 50 be made (Reason FEAT roll for inven- Psyche is down to Shift 0, that character's Defeat or neutralize each hero tor). Failure brings the craft across, but will is broken. Psycho-man turns that char- controlled by Psycho-Man + 30 incapacitates the riders, making them acter loose, sending the hero to the mines Attacking the Beyonder -10 easy prey for Psycho-Man. of Nuvidia as a slave. The character will be Fighting the Police -10 consumed by Fear and Doubt, and unable In crossing the dimensional barrier, there to raise a hand against the masters. The captured Hate-Monger in the Secret is some turbulence. Characters crossing Psycho-Man will leave the other heroes in Wars II saga was slain by a mysterious the barrier must make an Endurance their tubes until he is ready for them, and assailant. The identity of that assailant FEAT roll or pass out. Unconscious char- then bombard them with doubt before tak- was not revealed at the time of that adven- acters will remain this way for 10 rounds, ing them out to make them pliable. He will ture, and the authors can not reveal it here during which time Psycho-Man will attack. not pay specific attention to them, as he is (sorry guys). If the judge wishes to quickly enjoying the breaking of wills. Use Map 3

6 for battles that may take place in the Mines Chapter 5 attempt to steal the gold. of Nuvidia with guards. The Power of Gold A. Rescue. The heroes hear the cries of Should the heroes be broken and SUMMARY: The Beyonder, in his search those within. In addition, a security guard runs up to the heroes and informs them enslaved in Nuvidia, one chance remains. for knowledge and understanding, that there are people inside, including two Princess Pearla, the former ruler of this encounters a hard-headed individual (in land, is unnaffected by the Psycho-Man's fellow officers. He was coming back with this case : though that may not donuts when the building collapsed. rays due to a rare mineral in her head- be the case in your campaign), who piece. She is hiding in the mines, and her explains that money is very important appearance allows the heroes to make a The heroes can find the two officers inside because it represents gold, and gold is for the lobby, trapped beneath a golden pot- FEAT roll at the normal Psyche level, to be trade. The Beyonder "pays" for this help rolled when she first appears, and when ted plant. Gold is a Good strength mate- by converting a nearby building to gold. rial, but it is HEAVY. The plant wieghs half she is attacked. A successful FEAT roll The building collapses due to the weight breaks the hold of the Psycho-Man and a ton. The officers are in good shape once and malleability of the gold, trapping those returns Psyche to normal. Pearla's abili- freed. They in turn tell the heroes there are inside. ties are all GOOD (Health = 40). The typi- between 10 and 12 people trapped in the cal bully guards are Excellent in all building: there are in fact an even dozen STARTING: The heroes are in the vicin- physical attibutes (Health = 80), Poor in within. ity of the Executive Building on the Boxed all others. They are armed with spears. set map. They see several figures in ani- There is no map provided for this Total number is up to you the Judge: make mated discussion. If they have encoun- encounter, as the wreckage of the building it a good fight. tered the Beyonder in his template form is a three-dimensional mess of twisted before, they will recognize him as you- golden girders and mangled golden office Should the heroes escape the mines of know-who. The other figures are Nuvidia and defeat Psycho-Man, he will furniture. Each round a hero searches the and Power Man, unless these individuals surrender, but attempt to escape later, building, roll on the following table: using his emotion controlling device. are player characters. If Power Man and 1-7 find nothing Iron Fist are player characters, choose 8-9 find trapped individual Unless rendered mindless or psionically another hero or individual to be explaining prevented from using his powers in the 10 Building collapses further future, he will return to seek vengeance on to the Beyonder the problems of money Check once per group searching per and gold. These characters have been round. these specific heroes in the overworld. pulled through time to talk to the Beyon- This vengeance is left to the Judge to cre- der. At this point in Secret Wars II, Danny ate, but it is recommended that Psycho- If the hero finds a trapped character, make Man work through catspaws, in particular and Luke were in K'un L'unn, an extra- a FEAT roll on the Typical column. A white dimensional city, and were pulled from the individuals who formerly were friends of result means the individual is safe and past. Any NPC heroes used by the Judge moving around, trying to find a way out. the heroes. to talk to the Beyonder are also from the Green indicates the victim is pinned by KARMA: past. gold, but otherwise unharmed. Yellow means the victim is unconscious and seri- • Defeating Psycho-Man in Read the following to the Players: the Microverse +100 ously in need of medical attention. Red • Having Will Broken -40 means the victim has perished in the col- • Being captured by Psycho-Man - 20 As you approach the Beyonder and his lapse. A hero is not penalized for individ- • Restoring Pearla to her Throne + 20 companions, the one from Beyond, uals who died in the collapse, but does • Escaping the Mines of Nuvidia +5 dressed in a rumpled blue suit walks lose Karma for those that perish while they • Each bully guard given a thrashing + 5 away from the others and touches the attempt rescue. Executive Building. A brilliant radiance spreads through the building, convert- Further collapse affects the hero or group ing it to gold. The golden building sags, of heroes who rolled a further collapse. then collapses upon itself. The Beyon- Each affected hero must make an Agility der wanders back, saying "To pay for check or be pinned under a girder of gold, your services! Someone must pay. I will taking Excellent damage from the col- go now." He disappears in a burst of lapse. The girders weigh 1 ton. A Remark- radiance. The others he was talking able Strength is needed to lift one. with also fade. You are alone on the street in front of the building when you As the heroes move through the building, hear screams from within. stress the value of the gold they are pass- ing. Everything is turned to gold. Desks, notebooks, trash, packages, etc., all ENCOUNTERS: There are three main turned into valuable gold. One pound of encounters in this section: rescue, the gold is worth about 10rp, and a hero could appearance of the Kingpin, and Kingpin's cart off 100rp of gold in one hand with no problem. For every 10rp of gold the hero

7 takes, however, the hero loses 10 Karma. approach—he hijacks one of the trucks rifles. They may notice a familiar trailer in It is theft, after all. If the hero grabs a whole loaded with gold. Kingpin is not on the the streets with a successful Intuition bunch of gold and tries to sell it on the scene. His agent, the Arranger, is manag- FEAT roll. Finally, the players may decide open market, the hero will find deeper ing this operation. that the Kingpin will strike at sea, just like trouble; the U.S. Government checks out in the comics. These heroes have a pleas- the transaction. Gold plummets to 1rp a Kingpin's plan is relatively simple. The ant boatride, but fail to stop the robbery. pound if too much is sold too quickly. Loos- trucks filled with sealed containers of gold ing this gold on the open market could cre- move North through the alley between AFTERMATH: If the heroes let the story ate another depression. Arthur and Cleveland to the docks. A dock of the gold get out, there will be a world- section is detailed in the map provided wide panic in the currency marketplace. If a hero has abilities to transform or disin- with New York, New York. If you don't have Prices fluctuate, and individuals with tegrate the gold, or to quickly remove it, it, don't sweat. It provides more room to greater than Excellent Resources will the Kingpin steps in. maneuver, but is not essential. The alley is have their Resources reduced by one rank guarded in every area by Soldiers of the for the next month, as prices for valuable B. Kingpin on the Scene: About 10 rounds U.S. Army, forming a cordon that suppos- items skyrocket and government funding after the initial collapse, the heroes note edly prevents hijacking. The trucks move disappears. The heroes also suffer Karma that a crowd is gathering. It's topside, a 1 area per round. losses for taking any gold themselves. large crowd, and mostly armed. These are criminals sent by Kingpin to guard the The Arranger has surreptitiously captured Kingpin's initial actions and the govern- gold, under the command of Charles the soldiers between 8th and 9th Avenue ment's payment of golden typewriters to Anderson, a representative of the Federal and replaced them with his own men. The him is sleezy but perfectly legal, because Government. Kingpin found out what hap- trade is not perfect: an Intuition FEAT roll it is a valid transaction. Various govern- pened almost immediately after it may reveal something wrong with the uni- ment agencies make life difficult for the occured. He called in the government to form, like argyle socks or sneakers. When hero if they try to haul in Kingpin on these protect his own investments in gold, and a truck containing gold enters this area, charges. Paperwork is lost, witnesses are mobilized his muscle to hold the fort until agents in other trucks temporarily block transfered to Guam, and standard beaura- the army arrives. the North and South exits (North by an cracy works against the heroes. army truck whose driver is asking for infor- Anderson orders heroes away from the mation, south by a minor fender-bender). If the heroes foil the Kingpin's attempt to collapse, whether all the people have The cab of the truck is uncoupled from the hijack the gold, all the blame falls on the been saved or not. If a hero argues, one or gold shipment and a similar but not Arranger. Nothing can be traced to the two of the goons open fire. Anderson calls exactly identical trailer is re-attached. The Kingpin other than he was seen in the them off the next round, but there is a tie up at the north end is cleared up and Arranger's company. The U.S. Govern- chance the hero may be injured. About 30 the truck with the fake shipment (actually ment, and Charles Anderson, "owe" the goons surround the building, all with old car parts) proceeds north to the ship. heroes one. The heroes may call in this henchman abilities. If the heroes leave, The real gold shipment is hooked to favor at any time. make Typical FEAT rolls for those within another truck cab and taken out through the building. At this point a Yellow or Red the vacant lot on the west side of that KARMA: result means that the individual dies and block. The captured soldiers will be found • Each person Rescued heroes lose appropriate Karma. the next morning, tied-up in Rathbone from building +25 park, but by then the Arranger will have • Person dies as result of On or about round 20, the army will arrive, covered his tracks too well. hero's action or inaction -ALL relieving the goons. At this time a long, • Foiling Hijack Attempt + 40 black limo pulls up on the east side of the The truck with the gold proceeds South • Catching the Arranger + 20 old executive building . This limo contains down to 8th, West to Garfield, and South • Kingpin Hijacks Truck -50 Kingpin and his aid, the Arranger. Ander- to the corner of Garfield and 7th. It enters • Hero takes gold -10/10rp son confers with them for a moment, then the underground garage there, where it is thanks the Kingpin for his help. Kingpin uncoupled and hidden in a sub-basement requires payment in the form of several far beneath the Fisk Building. The chase golden typewriters, which Anderson pro- ends in failure if the truck enters the vides. Kingpin then drives off. He has garage. The truck mysteriously vanishes committed no crime, since a representi- in the garage, and turns up empty three tive of the government gave him the type- days later in a vacant lot in New Jersey. writers. The heroes may try to counter the attack in C. Kingpin and Gold: Confident that the a number of ways. They may accompany U.S. Government will dispose of the gold, the trucks North, which means that the Kingpin has decided to grab a little more hero or heroes on one truck will be there for himself, as is his due. In the Marvel during the hijacking. There are 7 goons Universe, Kingpin hijacked the boat. In dressed as army soldiers, and another 5 this adventure, Kingpin tries a different waiting in the vacant lot. All are armed with

8 Chapter 6 and dusts himself off. He asks any hero with telepathic powers can not unlock nearby "Why?" then teleports and over- any information. There is no mental The Crime of His Life takes the goons. If the heroes follow the block within these men. The informa- goons in their car, they see the Beyonder tion is literally non-existent. SUMMARY: Wandering on the street, teleport directly in front of the goons. He • The Police Department's reaction var- The Beyonder falls in with Vinnie Corbo, a disables their car with a wave of his hand. ies. To "normal citizens" they are criminal in the "Middle Management" He then enraptures the minds of his stonewalling—no information is availa- position of organized crime. Vinnie intro- would-be assassins. Beyonder/Frank ble. To those heroes that make a Popu- duces the Beyonder, who he calls Frank, talks in 30's gangsters movie-speak, like larity FEAT roll or have contacts in the to basics such as eating, gadgets, and "Youse mugs are workin' for me, Cap- police force, they may give access to business. The Beyonder takes to busi- ish?" The goons and Frank disappear in a the files. If they should not, Snow's ness, and quickly succeeds. Still not satis- burst of radiance. If the heroes try to inter- "" (one of the clerks) will pro- fied, the Beyonder takes on Kingpin, fere with Frank's "conversion" of his vide the heroes with copies of those conquering his organization. But the would-be assassins, he will turn them over files via Charlie Snow after the heroes Beyonder remains unsatisfied. to the heroes, but teleports them two leave. areas away to give the crooks a running • The files indicate the two detectives STARTING: These encounters may be start. Then the Beyonder disappears. believed the bogus cards were being used in whole or part through the next few made in Minski's Cannery, a shut-down days, mixed with ordinary, non-Beyonder, B. Card Game: The Beyonder is caught in factory. Reports indicate the officers encounters. These following encounters criminal activity by the heroes. Read the intended to stake out the cannery, and occur due to the Beyonder's rise through following to the players: were waiting for the operation's Mr. Big the ranks of crime. The problem: the ranks the night they disappeared. are too small. The has an interesting Should the heroes repeat the detective's A. The Beyonder is working for Corbo col- report under Charlie Snow's byline. moves they note a great deal of activity in lecting his "take" when Joe the 's The police have been investigating a the area of the cannery. Through the sky- goons decide to make an example of him. sudden rash of counterfiet credit cards light they can easily see a large-scale The heroes are in the vicinity of Roger operation involving the manufacture of Moore's Barbershop, a front for one of charge cards. There are ten henchmen, Corbo's bookies. Read the following to the (half with knives, the others unarmed) in heroes: in the downtown district. Two detec- the room. The heroes may burst in or wait tives, believed close to cracking the for "Mr. Big" to arrive. case were found in the Park. They say The scene is atypical city street, typical they don't remember anything about About 10 PM a large black limo pulls up in save for a long black limo in front of the the case. The police are seriously con- back. Mr Big, a dark-haired individual in a vacant lot on Wilson opposite the bar- cerned by the matter due to a sudden dark raincoat steps from the car. At the bershop. As you notice the car, a styl- spate of super-powered criminals in the doorway he greets the others with a rous- ishly dressed man in a purple jumpsuit area. leaves the barbershop, counting a thick ing "Waddya say, Louie! How's the opera- roll of bills. The long barrel of a gun juts tion today?" Louie will respond "Jes" fine from the car's window and opens fire The heroes may choose to ignore the item Mr. Frank," and the two continue talking in on the man. and the resulting encounter occurs with- the doorway. Frank enters the building. out any participation by heroes. The heroes may choose to investigate further. Frank stays for about ten minutes, then The car contains three of Joe the Squid's Typical sources would be Charlie Snow, leaves. If the heroes break in before the goons, one armed with an automatic rifle. the police department, and the detectives Beyonder arrives or after he leaves, he The first round of battle, the hit man fires a involved. arrives on the scene in 3 rounds. (Heck, clip, tracing a path from one side of the • Charlie Snow says his source is in the he's all-seeing). If the heroes attack while barbershop to the other, shattering the police department, but beyond that he Frank is in the room, he will step back and glass, pocking the brickwork, and pump- can't endanger his "leak." He printed let the heroes go through the motions of ing a line of six shots into Frank. all the information he had. The officers knocking out his men. Then he will ask involved, not named in the article, were what all this is about. The goons do not wait to see if the hit was Detective Sergeant Eastland and a success: it was meant as a warning. Detective Thorpe. Frank/Beyonder at this stage has no con- They will head south on Wilson to 6th, east • Officers Eastland and Thorpe literally ception of right and wrong. He sees noth- to McKinley, north to 7th, and west off the don't know anything. They are in St. ing wrong with the criminal activities he map. If they make it off the map they have Arbogast's for observation. They know has been involved in. They are only a escaped. everything they would normally know, means towards of understanding including information about other humanity and desire. The idea of opposi- Blood is pouring from the Beyonder's pending investigations. Of the credit tion is interesting. If attacked, Frank/ wounds, but he is basically unharmed. On card scam, they know nothing. Those Beyonder takes all attacks for 2 rounds, the third round after being shot he rises then teleports away, taking his henchmen

9 and equipment with him, leaving the Chapter 7 one from Beyond. There is no Karma for this encounter. heroes in a vacant warehouse. If the The Beyonder takes over the World heroes capture the henchmen, but do not attack the Beyonder directly, the Beyon- MOLECULE MAN OPTION: Due to his SUMMARY: Being a big Crime Lord is der asks what the heroes want, and what unsatisfactory to the Beyonder. He takes power over molecules, Molecule man is they are going to do with his henchmen. If immune to the Beyonder's take-over. over all crime, dominating Kingpin with his the heroes make it clear that the hench- power. This is still unsatisfactory, so he Characters with similar powers of men are going to jail, the Beyonder volun- takes over the U.S. Still not happy, he Unearthly level or higher are immune and teers to accompany them. In this fashion takes over the nations of the world, then only have to make a Green FEAT roll to the Beyonder may surrender to the the molecules, the animals, the elements, notice the rest of the world has been so heroes. He doesn't see it as surrender. It is then the people themselves. Having con- controlled. merely a new experience. quered the world with ease, the Beyonder The police can take Frank to jail, accom- still feels unfulfilled, knows desire but can- not feel satisfaction because he can do panied by the heroes if they so desire. If anything instantly. Unfulfilled, he releases the heroes accompany Frank/Beyonder everyone from his domination and goes they will be present when the following searching for another answer. happens, otherwise, they read about it in the Daily Bugle in Charlie Snow's column. STARTING: This is an optional The police brought in the head counter- feiter, put him in a holding cell, but he encounter for the players, and may be deleted by the Judge, or may not be walked out. Suspecting a powerful remembered by the players. Have every mutant, they put him in an inhibitor cell at player-character make a Psyche FEAT the station used for powerful super- roll. Do not explain what it is for. If the char- crimininals. He looked aound for a minute, acter has a Psyche of less than Unearthly, then walked out the back wall of the build- it is a Red FEAT, if Unearthly a Yellow ing. There has been no sign of him since. FEAT, and a Green FEAT if Psyche is higher than Unearthly. Players may add AFTERMATH: These encounters, Karma. strung together with other normal encounters, should show that the Beyon- der is still around, if not active in the hero's ENCOUNTERS: Those that make the FEAT roll should be taken aside from lives. Make him a mystery-man as much those that do not and read the following: as possible, and do not refer to him as any- thing but Frank. The Beyonder won't stop to chat with the heroes, always teleporting The memory is vague, like the last immediately. wisps of a in the morning. For one brief instant your mind, your will, KARMA: your very body was not your own. To Stopping the Hit on Frank + 20 you then appeared a being of great Finding the Bookie Joint +10 power. (Fit your description of the Breaking up the Card Game + 15 Beyonder in human template here). Arresting the Hit Men +15 You knelt before this figure and payed Arresting the Henchmen + 5 homage to his power. Then, with a Arresting the Beyonder + 5 wave of his hand, the feeling passed, Per Henchman/Hit Man that as did most memory of the encounter. escapes -10 Your mind and will are again your own.

AFTERMATH: This is an optional encounter only because there is literally nothing that the player can do in this chap- ter. It merely defines the power of the Beyonder over the characters them- selves. Most players aware of this will come away from this chapter very uneasy about the Beyonder, since he can literally take control out of the player's hands. This is intentional. The players may be more hostile the next time they encounter the

10 Chapter 8 similar manner, but delete all references to The Skrulls, under the control of General the . Read the Following to Zedrao, are in pursuit of a space merce- The War to End All Skrulls Players: nary named , who has stolen Sanc- tuary II to pillage the Empire. The SUMMARY: The heroes are drawn into Skrulls do not like Earthers, and low level the Skrull , first by the theft of Where the Baxter Building, home to the troops will initially attack any terrans they ' spaceship, the Sanctuary II, then Fantastic Four, stood is a pile of rubble encounter until called off by their superi- by a greater threat located in the Skrull being cleared for new construction. ors. Zedrao realizes that such Earthers Power asteroid. In the midst of-this, the The original building was rocketted into defeated Thanos before, and so too may Beyonder enters the fray. This encounter space by one of the FF's enemies and defeat Nebula. Earth heroes are brave, includes pseudo-space battles. destroyed. The area has been cleared dependable, and expendable. The gen- and fenced off, and rebuilding is just eral of the Skrull Armada over the objec- STARTING: There are two optional start- beginning. Into this vacant lot a beam tions of his sub-ordinates, offers to let the ing points for the heroes. The Avengers of sapphire light jets from the sky, visi- Avengers join him in his attack on Sanctu- are pursuing Sanctuary II: Other heroes ble throughout the city like a huge - ary II. If the heroes refuse he will order are drawn in by an attack by Nebula on the light. In the center of the light there them to remove themselves from Skrull civilization of . stands the image of an auburn-haired space (firing at them if need be), or throw woman with a partially blue face. The them into his flagship's brig, if he can. AVENGERS START: Read the following to woman is standing there, beckoning to the players who are running Avengers: an unseen audience. "We come to you B. The of Xandar. Read the follow- for aid. Help us, Reed Richards, you're ing to the players: our only hope." The message repeats You are in the Avengers Mansion when again and again. the Priority Alarm sounds. Rushing to You have been transported in the wink the communications room you see in of an eye across space to a civilization the center of the room a holograph of a Any character stepping into the beam of in ruin. You are in a large tower of a huge robotic skull. light is teleported immediately to Xandar, glass-walled building overlooking a hol- or rather the ruins of Xandar. Xandar was ocaust. The landscape is in ruins, "Greetings to those I am unfamiliar destroyed by , but survived in the fallen metal spires and twisted debris with. I am ISAAC, the sentient com- form of four plexi-steel orbs. Many heroes are everywhere. At the control panel of puter that controls the largest of Sat- have come from Xandar, but they turn to the transporter, which is now gushing urn's nineteen moons. The leader of Earth from time to time for aid. smoke, is the inert form of the woman our commuinty is Mentor, father of both who appeared to you here. High above, the Avenger and the monstrous ENCOUNTERS: Each encounter is there is a massive gout of flame as if a Thanos. It is about the latter that I have dependent on the path the heroes are tak- large rocket was heading your way. contacted you. Some party unknown ing to the War to End All Skrulls. The has stolen Thanos' mightiest battle- Avengers or those taking that path ship, Sanctuary II, and has taken it out encounter the Skrull fleet chasing Nebula The woman is Queen Adora of Xandar, of the system. The people of Titan are and Santuary II. The Heroes on Xandar whose world has been destroyed by Neb- concerned with allowing this menace to find nothing but wreckage and a very ula using Santuary II. She is badly injured. roam the stars at will and so we turn to angry Firelord. The gout of flame is Firelord, returning to you, who in the past have aided us Xandar looking for the ones responsible. against Thanos, to stop the destruction A. The Skrull Armada: the heroes follow- He blames the heroes for what has hap- by his ship. As we speak a Hyper-space ing Sanctuary II come out of warp space in pened and attacks. cruiser capable of tracking the Sanctu- the vicinity of the Andromeda galaxy, and ary II is en route to Earth. Our program- suddenly are surrounded by a mass of The characters begin in area B of Map 3, ming and thoughts go with you." With Skrull ships. The sub-space radio crackles the Teleporter room. The transporter is that the hologram fades. and a resonant voice booms "Attention already badly damaged, and is completely unidentified craft! You are ordered to shut inoperative once Firelord comes crashing down your engines and surrender at once, through the wall, looking for those respon- The hologram is genuine and issues from in the name of the Imperial Skrull sible. He does not hesitate to attack the Titan. Hailing Titan from Earth involves an Armada." heroes, thinking them at fault, since they hour time delay, but confirms that the mes- are obviously untouched in the midst of all sage is real and not a trap. The ship, one The players have two choices, stop and the destruction around them. of the fastest produced by the Titan Eter- talk or keep going and fight. Skrulls are nals, has an automatic hyper-relay to track notably short tempered, and if the engines Firelord will battle until defeated or round Thanos's ship. are not stopped in 3 rounds open fire. See 7, when Adora will have recovered suffi- the rules following on Space Combat. Tell ciently to call off Firelord. She will recover OTHER HEROES START: Other heroes in the players they are unlikely to survive a by round 5, if a player is tending to her. New York may have the following hostile salvo. She will explain in a weak, unsteady voice encounter. Heroes not based in New York that Xandar, its , and people may be brought into this adventure in a

11 were destroyed by a strange starship com- F. Boarding the Sanctuary II. Once the news that the tyrant of the Galaxy may manded by a mercenary leader named shields of Thanos' ship are knocked down have an heir) may be extended to others Nebula, who said Xandar was in the way. the Avengers and their allies may board that have fought Thanos, including Iron With that she lapses back into unconsi- the craft. Use Map 3 as the typical interior Man, Captain America, the late Captain ousness, and an angry Firelord (not apolo- of Sanctuary II. The heroes enter from a Mar-veil and the late Drax the . gizing for his earlier attack) calls on the loading dock in area A. Other forces are heroes to aid in his assault on Nebula! laid out as follows: H. The Beyonder Option: It is likely that • Levan and three space pirates are in the heroes who reach Area W will be able There is a functioning -Ship in the the hallway betwen C and D with an to handle Kehl and Gunthar with little trou- wreckage of Xandar. The heroes immobile concussion gun capable of ble, and may even capture Nebula. This is encounter the Skrull Armada in a similar inflicting Amazing Strength damage. a perfect time for a well-intending Beyon- fashion to Encounter A, with the added • Four more space pirates, armed with der to muck up the works. If Kehl and Gun- note that Firelord hates Skrulls only a little blasters (Good damage), are in Area J. thar fall, or if the heroes are defeated by less than Nebula, and keeping him in line They come running at the first signs of Nebula, there is a flash of light and the will be a problem. attack. Beyonder appears, wearing a fighting cos- • Three pirates and Skunge arrive on the tume that resembles a jet engine. He is C. Meanwhile back at the Mansion: while elevator when the heroes pass by the looking for heroes. Once he is informed the Avengers are in space the Beyonder door to area S. Skunge will prudently who Nebula is he will say, "Well, my pays a call on Avengers Mansion (alter- hang back while the others charge for- course is clear. I strike on the side of the nately, he may pay a call on the HQ of the ward. If the pirates seem to be defeat- heroes." With a wave of his hand he ban- heroes while they are involved on Xandar). ing the heroes, he comes forward. ishes Nebula to another galaxy. He does The Beyonder is looking for the heroes to Otherwise he takes the elevator up one this despite protests by any heroes. If Kehl find out why they do all they do for nothing flight and jams the mechanism, hoping and Gunthar are still around, he teleports except gratitude. Any player character to escape with Nebula. them as well, along with their supply ship. that is still on the scene will be confronted If Nebula escapes, Beyonder appears in by the Beyonder at the door. He asks Any of the pirates, including Skunge and the airless vacuum, and with a wave of his about why heroes perform actions for oth- Levan, can be easily convinced to tell the hand teleports her away. ers for nothing? What is gratitude? Where heroes where Nebula is in the huge struc- are the others? If told where, he will thank ture. This information can be also gleaned The Beyonder is convinced he has done a the character and blip out. If told "I don't from the ship's computers. There are con- good thing. If the player-characters chew know," he will scan the universe for them soles in each lettered room capable of him out for his actions, he will be confused, and leave. In any event, he pops out, leav- reaching Nebula. Doing so, however, will and disappear, saying he must experience ing the character behind. Alternately, this notify the Mercenary Leader she has been more before he fully comprehends. If the is a way to bring in players that join late, found. player characters treat him well, he accepts encountering the Beyonder and being their thanks and teleports, leaving a silver brought with him to the battle. Nebula is located one level above the one bullet. Give the players Karma if they at least the heroes break into, in area W. She is try to be nice to this creature who can wipe D. Assault on Santuary: At this point the there with Gunthar and Kehl, and is load- out whole galaxies. two groups join as one for the assault on ing an escape pod. If attacked, Nebula's Nebula's Ship. The Skrull forces boast two lieutenants battle the heroes, while 120 lasers, plus either the Titanian ship or Nebula blasts through the roof exposing the Nova-ship . The Nebulan forces con- the room to vacuum. See following note on sist of Sanctuary II and 100 small pirate deep space combat but note that, for char- starships. For fighting big starship battles, acter survival, those who are shot into check the boxed section following this deep space will be rescued in the "nick of encounter. time" by Skrull lifeboats and placed in a medilab, where they will regain conscious- E. The Beyonder Appears: As soon as one ness and their full health in two days. of the heroes is separated from the others, the Beyonder appears to him, a normally- G. The Starfox Option: If Eros of Titan, dressed man existing in comfort in airless known as Starfox, is among the Avengers space. "Excuse me, are you a hero?" he as a player character, Nebula may seek to asks. buy time for herself by playing her trump card: her claim to be the grandaughter of The Beyonder does not fully comprehend the evil Thanos, builder of Sanctuary II. the situation. He asks the hero what the Telling Starfox this devastates him, such other heroes are doing and why. He will that he takes no action for 4 rounds if he ask if is important to battle Nebula. In his fails a Psyche FEAT roll, and no action for slow reasoning, he asks if stopping Neb- 2 rounds if he makes that FEAT roll. At the ula is a good thing. If assured it is, he dis- Judge's option, this inability to act (result- appears to go search for this Nebula. ing from the understandably shattering

12 I. Interlude: This encounter is a place for problem. K. 's Blues: Within an hour the stopping for a moment, healing, and Big Casino has pulled within shuttle dis- assigning Karma. Those in the Medilabs Upon boarding the Big Casino, there will tance of the Power Asteroid. Dezan's plan who have been exposed to vacuum will be be a welcoming committee (consider the is to sneak into the asteroid with a load of coming around in a day or so. The heroes craft to have docked in the centermost power stones to be recharged by the team can call their mission a success and return northern hallway). The welcoming com- there. Any human-looking heroes dress to Earth, or attempt to locate Nebula by mittee, a band of 3 Skrulls with Concus- like Krallians (gangsters), while those tracing the energy trail. If they choose to sion Blasters disguised as tommy guns is wearing battlesuits can be hidden in a call it a day, the Skrulls will gladly see to it in area G. They have been told to expect crate containing the supposed stones. that any damage to their spaceship is an alien race. They have not been told to Female characters may be in the crate or repaired and send them on their way (they expect Earthlings, and once this becomes decked out in 1930's aviatrix (flyer) garb. are, after all, not too wild about Terrans). obvious they suspect a plot and open fire. Ignore the remainder of the Encounters Combat lasts 3 rounds, at which point the Zabyk's Skrulls let the shuttle (a Ford Tri- listed here: they occur "off-panel," and boss of the casino, Floyd Donahue, calls star called the Spirit of Coolidge) land, sometime later the heroes get word (from them off. then ask for papers. The dock is the South aliens or other NPC heroes) that the Skrull central corridor of map 3. The Skrulls go nation has been permanently bound in its Floyd Donahue looks and acts like Rick through a normal routine inspection, present shape. Blaine from "Casablanca." He's cool, col- which dissolves into a gunfight when one lected, and on his toes. He apologizes for Skrull loudly states that the bio-readings If the heroes choose to try and track Neb- his "boys" behavior and asks the heroes' are off: these human-looking Skrulls are ula, General Zedrao offers safe passage business. Major Syrro produces the codes really human! There are three Skrull- to the Power Asteroid, a large planetoid from Zedrao confirming their mission. looking Skrulls in the Y-shaped corridor, which at one time orbited the Skrull Donahue will note that his ship is heading armed with blasters. (You can add varia- Throneworld before its destruction, and is for the Power Asteroid as well, and maybe tion to these encounters by drawing your the only location in Skrull space that can he can help. He's got a passenger to own maps, or using ones from other trace the wild, eratic energies of the deliver, and could use the heroes' help. adventures. The interior map from Secret Beyonder. Wars (MHSP-1) is perfect for large space- That "passenger" is Prince Dezan, youn- craft.) J. Puttin' on the Ritz. This encounter ger brother of the late Skrull Emperor Dor- should also contain no battles, but if the rek. Dezan's story is simple. Tossed into From there this encounter should be a run- heroes start a battle use Map 3 for their prison for "unSkrull-like behavior" (he ning battle. Dezan knows that Myrn's labo- fighting. The heroes are intercepted by thought peace was a good idea), he was ratories are in area G, but first the heroes another Skrull ship, in the Big Casino. busted out by supporters following the must reach that area. There are two Skrull Read the Following to the players: start of the war. Dezan had two compatri- squads of 5 soldiers each in areas U and V, ots in his plan to change the flaws in Skrull and each will come to the other's aid. Fail- philosophy. The first, named Zabyk, went ing the direct approach, the Skrulls try to Your ship warps through hyperspace underground and formed a radical group get sneaky. As the heroes pass area Q, the following its Skrull escort. When it that has come forward during the war. The door blows off its hinges, revealing three returns to normal space, you have com- other compatriot, Myrn, went undiscov- friends of the heroes. These "friends" will pany. Flying along either side of your ered. Being a brilliant scientist, he eventu- say they are here as well to fight Zabyk, ship are silvery Sopwith Camels, vin- ally was put in charge of the Power and will appear to be in appearance and tage World War I aircraft, pilotted by Asteroid. Zabyk's group invaded the aste- voice, who they say they are. These imita- humans in space suits. Ahead, cover- roid and teamed up with Myrn, who tion friends, however, are badly out of date ing half the sky, is, well, a craft that believes he has the ultimate weapon to on Earthly doings, and can be easily looks like a Zeppelin. Your radio crack- reshape Skrull society. Dezan believes tripped up on Marvel Earth Trivia. If they les and a voice with a Kansas corn-field this ultimate weapon will only spill more are not challenged in their disguises, the twang booms out "Howdy to the Uni- Skrull blood to put a power-mad Zabyk on friends will hang back and attack as the dentified craft. You are hedging in on the throne. Dezan's plan to stop Zabyk is group encounters area G. Krai space. What say we head for the simple: break into the asteroid and Big Casino real gentle-like and talk this destroy the weapon. Are the heroes inter- Myrn is in his office in area G. He is dying, over?" ested? however, slain by Zabyk in a suit of power armor. He will tell the heroes before shuf- The Skrull escort, Major Syrro, explains The heroes are now aware that the Power fling off this mortal coil that the Hyper- that the Skrulls of the Krai sector are a Asteroid is no longer in friendly hands. A Wave bomb is located in room O four bit... eccentic. They have patterned their small team sneaking in now has the best floors beneath them. civilization on the Earthly 1930's. The Krai chance. They may decide to turn back for ships are fully armed and spaceworthy Earth at this stage, with no harm done. If Any heroes trying to search the station craft, as is the Big Casino Zeppelin. They they attempt to "blow their way in" by have a big job ahead of them. Everytime are more powerful than the armada scout, force, Zabyk uses the weapon early, with they enter a lettered room, roll a die. On a but with Zedrao's word there should be no the results as noted in Aftermath. 1 the hero will find some clue pointing out the location of Zabyk and his bomb. On a

13 2-5 the hero finds 5 more Skrull troopers, Skrull Armada would greatly desire to add intensity, but may be negated by any who may appear as friends or foes at the to their fleet. Sanctuary II may be form of container suit with heaters judge's discretion. destroyed by the Beyonder with little or no (including space suits and 's effort, may be destroyed in space combat, armor) and any natural body armor of The Hyper-Wave Bomb is located in the or may be sabotaged from within. The last Good or better. , for example, room with Zabyk. If threatened he deto- requires an individual in -generator does not require a space-suit, but does nates it immediately. Otherwise he room (Z on Map 3) with a Reason of require an air supply. Individuals like appears to the heroes on a viewscreen to Amazing or one of any rank Reason with and Firelord are not gloat that he has the ability to make him- talents in Physics or alien technologies. affected at all. self King of the Skrulls. The bomb draws The craft may be sabotaged to shut off the • Deep space in addition has no gravity. energy from a Dimensional interface. Try- generators (folding the huge ship in on Heroes may travel through it either by ing to shut it down once it has started itself under its own weight) in 1-10 hours. some form or rocket or by leaping from causes a massive explosion of Unearthly one place to another. A hero leaping damage to everyone on the asteroid. The Dezan and Donahue provide safe escort from a ship or asteroid may move at a bomb goes off anyway, triggered early by back to the Armada, and Zedrao provides speed equal to two ranks below his the explosion. A Red Reason FEAT roll the co-ordinates for the humans to go Strength (a character with Unearthly from any character with experience in back home. There has been much rum- Strength may move at Amazing speed dimensional energies, physics, advanced bling about Zedrao's handling of the Neb- by leaping). Unless a character lands technologies or energy-based powers ula Affair, and he wants to clear it up as on something or can further influence reveals the danger of shutting down the soon as possible. his or her flight, he will continue to machine once it is activated. Only if the move in that direction. Flying powers heroes locate Zabyk and defeat him KARMA: which rely on air (like wings) are not before he sets off the bomb can the explo- • Not going, when asked, functional in space. sion be prevented. after Sancutary II - 40 Not going, when asked, to Xandar-40 If a character is in danger of perishing L. The Blast. If and when the Hyper-wave Destroying Sanctuary II +50 from exposure to space, you as the Judge bomb goes off, every Skrull in the Uni- Capturing Nebula +20 may step in to rescue the character (pass- verse is permanently "fixed" in the shape Capturing each of Nebula's Lts. +10 ing alien ships, allies come to their aid, he or she is in. This includes all player- Shooting down each enemy ship + 5 lifeboat just passing by). The Judge may character Skrulls, if any. The blast only Letting Nebula escape - 40 deduct as much Karma as he sees fit, up affects Skrulls, including Zabyk, who the Being nice to the Beyonder + 5 to the maximum amount the character has heroes find delirious with madness. He is Fighting Zedrao's Skrulls - 5 personally or in any Karma Pool with oth- trapped in his armored suit forever. He sur- Capturing Zabyk +20 ers, as a penalty for having to step in and renders to Dezan and the Avengers. Stopping the Hyper-Wave Bomb 0 rescue the hero. Blowing up the Power Asteroid - 40 AFTERMATH: With the blast, all Skrulls Requiring Space Rescue -50 Space combat in comic books is similar to are frozen into the forms they were wear- aircraft combat on our world: the combat- ing. Zabyk's plan was to remain the only Notes on Space ants are relatively close with highly shape-changer in the entire race, a variant manueverable ships using line-of-sight of the saying "In the kingdom of the blind, There are many accurate and interesting weapons. Rather than attempt a three- the one-eyed man is king." With the foiling sets of space rules available. What follows dimensional respresentation of different of Zabyk, the Skrull warriors follow Dezan, is merely a set of suggestions to handle ships, treat Space Combat as a form of who is of the royal line despite his "trea- Space Combat in the Marvel Super Vehicle Combat. The ships in this chapter son." Heroes™ Game in general and this chap- have the following abilities (Note: in ter in particular. Earthly terms, all these vehicles could be If the heroes foil Zabyk's plan and blow up considered to have Unearthly rank speeds the machine, they allow the Skrull race to Space is a hostile environment to most by virtue of Hyperdrive but their speed is continue as it has with their devious heroes owing to its total lack of air and reduce to show the velocity involved in shape-changing abilities. They recieve extreme cold. Individuals exposed to open combat situations.) Karma, but it should be leavened with the space have to deal with the following haz- knowledge that the Skrulls will still be a ards. TITANIAN CRUISER menace to the galaxy. If Nebula escaped, • Unless the character does not require Body: REMARKABLE she will be regathering her forces for air, or brings along air, the hero must Control: INCREDIBLE revenge against those who foiled her once make an Endurance FEAT roll against Speed: AMAZING already. If the mercenary leader was cap- exposure to vacuum. Treat the vacuum Armament tured, she is held prisoner by the Skrull as Unearthly intensity poison, with fail- Amazing Strength Laser Armada until sentenced or freed by her ure resulting in immediate uncon- Remarkable Strength Shields allies. sciousness and loss of Endurance Compartmented (5) Ranks until death occurs. Sanctuary II remains a potent weapon at • The Cold (and to some degree, lack of the end of this chapter, one which the pressure) in space is at Monstrous

14 XANDARIAN NOVA SHIP BIG CASINO Small Actions: A small action is one where Body: INCREDIBLE Body: EXCELLENT one side has one or two ships, regardless Control: REMARKABLE Control: EXCELLENT of the number of craft on the other side. An Speed: AMAZING Speed: INCREDIBLE example of this type of combat is the Titan Armament Armament Scout against the Skrull Armada. All Incredible Strength Laser Amazing Strength Lasers (20) actions are run in full detail. Remarkable Strength Shields Remarkable Strength Shields Large Actions: A large action is one involv- Compartmented (4) Compartmented (500) ing a large number of spacecraft, the major- Teleporter with ten mile range KRAL SKRULL SCOUTS (Biplanes) ity of which are not being run by Body: GOOD player-characters. In the best Saturday mati- SKRULL SAUCER-SHIP nee movie style, these battles are filled with Body: EXCELLENT Control: INCREDIBLE Speed: AMAZING flashing lights and half a hundred small, Control: EXCELLENT intense dogfights. An example of this type of Speed: MONSTROUS Armament Remarkable Strength Lasers action is a battle between the Skrull armada Armament and the pirate fleet. Rather than bogging Remarkable Strength Laser No Shields Not Compartmented down with every action each ship can take, Good Strength use the following system to determine what Not Compartmented KRAL SKRULL SHUTTLE (Tri-Star) the player characters must do to insure a vic- Body: GOOD tory for their side: ZEDRAO'S SKRULL FLAGSHIP Control: EXCELLENT • The heroes must personally destroy a Body: REMARKABLE Speed: INCREDIBLE certain number of ships in a certain Control: EXCELLENT Armament amount of time. There are always Speed: MONSTROUS No Lasers enough targets for heroes to fight. Armament Excellent Strength Shields • If the hero's side outnumbers the oppo- Remarkable Strength Lasers (10) Compartmented (3) nents in number of available lasers Excellent Strength Shield (regardless of the power of those Compartmented (10) Lasers: Unless otherwise stated, each ship has one laser cannon of the stated lasers) the heroes must destroy 10% of the total opposing ships in ten rounds. PIRATE SHIP power. Multiple cannons are all consis- dered to be of the same level. • If the hero's side is equal to that of the Body: EXCELLENT villains in lasers, the heroes must Control: GOOD Shields: An additional form of Body for the destroy 20% of the opposing ships in Speed: MONSTROUS ship, they are geared primarily to prevent 10 rounds. Armament energy attacks and are ineffective against • If the hero's side is outnumbered, the Remarkable Strength Laser phsycial attacks or ramming. Energy heroes must destroy 30% of the oppo- No shields attacks are reduced by the stated amount nent's ships in 10 rounds. Not Compartmented of the Shield. Further damage is inflicted • If the heroes destroy the required num- on the body of the ship. Each time the ber of ships within the allotted time, the SANCTUARY II body is reduced to 0, the ship loses a com- enemy is considered defeated and Body: INCREDIBLE partment and is damaged. retreats. If not, the heroes' allies suffer Control: EXCELLENT extreme losses, fall back, or desert. Speed: INCREDIBLE Sanctuary II's shields are special in nature. Armament They may repel both energy and physical In the case of the Skrulls against Nebula, Class 1000 Lasers (100) attacks with Unearthly ability, but in doing so the Skrulls have 110 lasers, Nebula's Unearthly Strength Shields may not use any of their major weapon sys- forces have 100 without Sanctuary II, 200 Compartmented (1000) tems and are not counted in combat. with Sanctuary II. The heroes must only Compartments: Certain ships are listed as destroy 10 ships to force the pirates to Compartmented. A compartmentalized retreat unless Sanctuary II is brought into ship has a certain number of extra rooms. play. If Sanctuary II adds its weaponry, it Any hit which pierces the hull can be must lower shields. In doing so it will allow assumed to rupture one of those rooms the player-characters to board her. At this first, before hitting one with player charac- point the battle shifts from one in space for ters. Player characters are assumed to be the PCs to one on the ship itself. in the last airtight room in the ship. Char- When running a space combat, encour- acters in a compartment hit by fire surfer age acts of bravado, such as super-human explosive decompression and are individuals ripping apart enemy ships with exposed to vacuum. their bare hands. In "real" space battles, RUNNING COMBAT IN SPACE: There the opposing ships would be incredible are two types of combat in space we have distances apart, moving at uncatchable to worry about, small actions and large speeds. Fortunately our system is for the actions: more active type of space battles found in the movies and in comic books.

15 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 that is important, but the getting of the object. The object in question now is the All You Need Is Love The Rise of Kurse love of the Hero. SUMMARY: The Beyonder begins to SUMMARY: Trying to understand the The Beyonder tries several methods to experiment with the nature of desire, and human experience, the Beyonder tries earn that character's love. He first takes to that end creates Kurse, a creature with Romance. In the Secret Wars II series, he her (him?) everywhere she wants to go, only one desire: revenge against Thor. selects Alison Blaire as the object of his affections. He goes to great lengths to except back to her fellow heroes. He tries STARTING: This encounter is optional, earn her love in return, giving her wealth, to give her everything she could want in and should be used only for individuals in possessions, powers, and feigning an material wealth, effectively boosting her resources to the Beyond level as long as England for some reason. It may be con- attack on himself to earn her sympathy. current with the War to End All Skrulls. The Beyonder realizes there' are some she remains with the Beyonder. If the hero Read the following to the heroes: things beyond even his control, including resists, he tries to earn the hero's sympa- thy. the affections of a free human soul. Depressed, the one from Beyond wonders The report is broadcast in clipped, ner- what his own role is in the universe. The Beyonder sets up an attack on himself vous tones. A monster three meters tail- using illusions of other heroes. The Beyonder teleports himself and the hero of has been spotted in the English coun- STARTING: This is an optional his affections to Rathbone Park for pret- tryside, heading for the sea. The crea- encounter, and may occur "off-panel" ture, while monstrous, has not yet been while the heroes are involved in the War to zels. There they are challenged by the proved dangerous. Do not panic. Bulle- End all Skrulls. It is optional for several hero's allies, who say they have tracked down the Beyonder at last. If the hero is a tins will be broadcast as they come in. reasons, chief among them being that loner, pick some NPC super-group such Now back to Beethoven's Ninth Sym- most of this encounter is designed for a phony... single hero or heroine: the target oRhe as the Avengers, Defenders, or X-Men. Power Pack is NOT recommended. Let Beyonder's affections. If there are no the other players play these illusions but female player characters being used, don't tell them its an illusion. In other ENCOUNTERS: If the heroes decide to ignore these encounters, assuming the investigate this sighting, they spot Kurse Beyonder's template is male. If the form words, the other players should be unsure in Area B of Map 2, heading for the sea. the Beyonder takes is initially female, that they haven't just happened upon the They may approach him as they see fit. "she" seeks out a male as a target for being who kidnapped their ally. 0 Kurse's only interests are detailed in love. The encounters are laid out assum- Chapter 16. He seeks to walk into the sea. ing the Beyonder has a male form for the The heroes attack the Beyonder, and while sake of convenience. The Beyonder has unharmed, he appears to be on the losing side. This is to encourage his paramour to AFTERMATH: If the heroes let Kurse also been on Earth for long enough to real- step in and help. If she helps her friends reach the sea off the map to the south, he ize that people who are married or are is lost to the heroes and escapes. Alter- younger than 18 are out of bounds. attack the Beyonder, the one from Beyond nately, if a waterborne hero attacks, he will be crushed (she loves her friends stops to attack one on one. He reappears ENCOUNTERS: The following encounters more deeply than he), and disbanding the illusionary opponents, depart, heart- in Chapter 16. are bases for adventure after the Beyon- broken. If the hero steps in to protect the der has choosen an object for his affec- If the heroes slay Kurse, they may take tions. Beyonder, he throws up a force field and whatever means they see fit to make sure teleports the pair away. The hero may real- he does not reanimate again. The Beyon- The hero is teleported from wherever she ize she was set up later, and the Beyonder freely admits it. der is disappointed and reanimates him is to the Beyonder's newly created "pad," two days later, with TWO desires: To kill a one-area asteroid protected by a Class Thor, and to kill the heroes who stopped 1000 material clear dome floating in our If his attempt to have the hero love him him before. asteroid belt. Those with the hero at the fails at this point, the Beyonder tries his time she disappears see her fade in a last card. He gives the hero some of his The BBC news is rebroadcast in America patch of light. power. All abilities are raised to the on Public Radio eight hours later, but any Unearthly rank. Explain, as judge, that this hero hearing it and investigating discovers The Beyonder tries to explain who he is. power is the hero's as long as the hero only a path of wreckage that winds He is the most powerful creature, found remains with the Beyonder, and effectively puts her out of the game. The player may through the countryside, ending at the our universe by means of an event punc- sea. turing the wall between universes, came choose to do so freely, with an award of a to find out about human emotions and is Karma bonus of 40 points to the NEXT KARMA: now working on love and affection. The character. Whenever the Beyonder • Stopping Kurse + 75 Beyonder explains that he is interested in appears from here on, she is at his side, until by Chapter 17 her spirit, body and • Being Defeated by Kurse -20 "playing the game." Being so far sou) have been totally absorbed into him, advanced, he could have whatever he and the character ceases to exist. If the wants. He has found it is not the object hero rejects the power granted in such a

16 fashion, the Beyonder is truly hurt, and Chapter 11 The Beyonder is dressed in his super hero returning the hero to her proper location, jet-engine outfit and is excited about play- Hide and Seek apologizes and slinks off. ing this game with the heroes. If chal- SUMMARY: A group of heroes, (the lenged by the heroes he tries to meet them AFTERMATH: This is a potentially messy Avengers in the SECRET WARS II series) strength for strength, power for power. If encounter, and should not be turned by decides to locate the Beyonder and keep confronted with a strong opponent, he the players to their advantage. Remember tabs on him. The Beyonder, aware of their uses his Fighting and Strength skills. If that the Beyonder can enter and alter interest, proceeds to test the heroes' met- confronted with an agile foe, he runs and other minds at will, so that if you as Judge plays tag. If confronted by a hero with spe- tle and abilities in order to get his mind off suspect the character is using the Beyon- cial weapons, he summons other weap- der in a selfish manner for personal ends, being rejected by other humans. ons of equal strength. If confronted by a he is emotionally shattered, realizing that STARTING: This encounter should group of heroes at this stage, he merely the one person he has chosen for his love begin when the heroes decide to do some- splits into equally powerful clones of equal is in reality unworthy, and may have been thing about this Beyonder fellow. As such numbers, seeking to lead each player character in a different direction so he proved unworthy only because of his this Chapter may happen before or after actions. He takes back any gifts of posses- its place in this book, but no earlier than may observe them operating indepen- sions or powers, returns the hero to where dently. she belongs an instant after she left, then the War to End All Skrulls and no later than Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. The slinks off. If the hero "defeats" the Beyonder he dis- encounter should start if and only if the players show an interest in finding the appears saying it's no fun if it is too easy. If the hero decides to accept the affections Beyonder. If the players have no interest in of the Beyonder, he raises her powers as The Beyonder continues in this fashion noted above. Note that this effectively the Beyonder, or no interest other than staying out of his way, this encounter until he has "appeared" to every player- removes the character from the cam- occurs off panel. character hero that is curious about him. paign. He does NOT appear to the hero that he tried to romance in the previous chapter, KARMA: ENCOUNTERS: The Beyonder during this encounter appears to the players and if confronted by that hero, he sadly • Rejecting the Beyonder +100 when called or brought up in conversation. appologizes and blinks out. • Accepting the Beyonder's power He knows what was being said before he (for the next character you run) + 40 AFTERMATH: If talked to (after being arrived. His purpose is to in at odd defeated in a good fight, of course), the moments and challenge the heroes. Beyonder explains that he is under the perception that the violent interaction of heroes is a form of sport. The Beyonder, having been rejected from love, is attempting to achieve gratitude, and it seemed that a direct confrontation was the best way. He is still confused by his recent disaster in love. He offers to repair the damage and heal the dead and injured hurt during his little tests.

On the off chance that the heroes ask him to join their group, the Beyonder thanks them and declines. There's too much going on in the world for him to limit him- self yet. He declines poutingly if the hero he was romancing is in the group.

KARMA: • Fighting the Beyonder +0 • "Beating" the Beyonder +20 • Asking the Beyonder to join +30

17 Chapter 12 Beyonder with one of her time bombs if the put a finger on. He wants to be left alone heroes will administer the coup d' grace. for a while. To Battle The Beyonder If the Heroes agree, Tabitha will have them KARMA: SUMMARY: The Beyonder's failure at hide in the woods and call the Beyonder. • Answering Tabitha's Call +10 romance hit him hard. While he can't force The One from Beyond appears and Tabi- • Talking to the Beyonder +10 his affections on others, he similarly can't tha gives him a big hug, saying she • Attacking the Beyonder -10 get the girl, who is unattainable, out of his missed him. The Beyonder says he mind. After causing a non-fatal train missed her company as well, and was feel- wreck, the Beyonder befriends a young ing sad about scaring her. At this point runaway, named Tabitha, who is the Tabitha runs off the North side of the map. mutant Time Bomb. Beyonder seeks to Then the Bomb explodes, doing no real impress her with his powers and abilities, damage but knocking the startled Beyon- but ends up scaring her further with der off his feet. This is the signal to attack. threats to destroy the Universe. The Beyonder sends her away and sinks into a If the heroes refuse the ambush idea, Tabi- deep depression, while Tabitha, con- tha still calls the Beyonder, plants the cerned for the universe, calls for help. bomb, and runs. She is scared of the Beyonder, and feels that once the heroes STARTING: This encounter is for groups see him as a danger they will take care of and heroes that have some form of hot- him. line or easy way to be contacted by the public. groups such as the X-Men The heroes may attack at will, but can not or such as Daredevil and Spider- hurt the Beyonder, nor even do any appar- Man would be exempt from this encounter. ent damage to the Beyonder. They may Alternately, see the X-Men option below. call in NPC reinforcements with similar results. They have no effect on the one Wait at least three days in the campaign from Beyond. He shrugs them off and before running this encounter, running does not fight back. He has been rejected small encounters, other adventures, or by one love, betrayed by another human, noting merely that things have been and is feeling pretty miserable. The "quiet....maybe TOO quiet." heroes may attack as much as they want. Nothing will happen. Finally, a message comes in. A young girl calls from Westchester County, New York. Should the heroes wish to talk instead, or She's been with the Beyonder and heard stop fighting and try to converse with the him threaten to blow up the universe. She Beyonder, he is fairly bitter. Everyone thinks he can to it because he caused a picks on him, he says. Nobody can hurt train wreck near there the other day. She him, but everybody picks on him. He'd like can lead the heroes to him, but doesn't to just go away, but he can't. He's bored want to be part of the fight. with his own universe, and upset about this one. He'd just like to go somewhere If the heroes decide to answer the call, go else. With that, he will disappear. to the Encounter section. X-MAN/NEW MUTANT OPTION: For the ENCOUNTER: The Beyonder should X-Men and New Mutants, the presentation know what's about to happen, being omni- is similar, except the Beyonder brings scient, but he has had his lady on his mind Tabitha to the X-Men's Mansion. She and is succumbing to human weak- repeats the procedure of hug/plant bomb/ nesses. run, in hopes of getting the X-Men involved. If attacked, Beyonder brushes Tabitha meets the heroes at a place of them off and departs, leaving Tabitha their choosing and tells them about the behind. If treated well, Tabitha might join Beyonder's threat. She and the Beyonder the New Mutants under these circum- journeyed to the Worldcomplex of the stances, otherwise she takes off again. Celestials, a huge alien race. There, to prove his power, he threatened to destroy AFTERMATH: The Beyonder does not the Universe unless the Celestials did attack in this encounter. He is bored with something about it. The ancient aliens the ceaseless combat. He has real worries reacted, but the Beyonder defeated them on his hands, in particular his own loneli- easily. Tabitha thinks she can defeat the ness and despair that he himself cannot

18 Chapter 13 The Beyonder just wants to talk. He is Karma Awards for this chapter are based Heartbreak Cafe seeking enlightenment in the human con- solely on the result of the FEAT roll: dition. Why do heroes do what they do? White Lose 100 karma He doesn't want to fight. If attacked, he Green Gain no Karma SUMMARY: The Beyonder is very just blinks out. If the players kill or contain Yellow Gain 100 Karma depressed with his life on Earth. He has no the Beyonder, they have one shot. Red Gain 200 Karma meaning, no purpose. He seeks the wisest individual he knows of but finds that indi- The Beyonder's conversation hinges on vidual not home. He takes this additional several topics: disappointment in a very human fashion. • Why is the hero a hero? He decides to go out and get drunk, allow- • Is the hero happy? Why or why not? ing the alcohol to affect him. • How did the hero come to his state of happiness/unhappiness? STARTING: Choose one of the players, preferably the most mature and reason- Go over these points one at a time with the able individual in the group. It should not hero in question. If there are other heroes/ be the one the Beyonder used for his tem- you can pose the same questions to them. plate nor the hero he tried to romance. As Note that conflicting answers will muddle this is basically a one-on-one encounter, the Beyonder's mind even further, but send the rest of the team to the kitchen for eventually, the heroes should be able to munchies. make clear that they act for a common Good, and that the dedication to this good The hero returns to the normal base of oper- transcends other problems. With great ations to find everything in a shambles. All power comes greater responsibility. Even warning devices, whether mystical or tech- if the players have tried to make these nological in origin, have been deactivated. points before, the Beyonder is only now, Any personnel usually found there are having experienced failure, able to under- immobilized. On the table is a note. stand them. The immobilized people, including any The heroes can lie, of course, leading the other heroes, may be brought out of their Beyonder into a trap or sending him far, far trance with a snap of the fingers. They away. This too has consequences. recall a dark-haired man (you-know-who) phasing through the walls looking for a AFTERMATH: The Beyonder may be particular hero. Not finding the hero, he cheered by the lessons of the hero he is left a message. talking with. Make a Feat roll on the Class 1000 chart, raise the result one color rank The note reads: "Down at Ogg's. See you for each of the three questions that you there. B." think the players answered well or in char- acter. If they answered all three correctly, ENCOUNTERS: As the hero (or heroes, there will be a red result no matter what. if the others come along) approach Ogg's Reduce the color by one level for every pub, the plate glass window in front shat- outright lie the characters tell to the ters and two human bodies out, pro- Beyonder. Conflicting answers are consid- pelled by massive force. The hero's first ered incorrect. task is to rescue these two men (TYPICAL abilities, Health - 24) from sudden impact A FEAT roll on the Class 1000 column is against the retaining wall across the used to determine how convinced the street, causing Excellent damage. It won't Beyonder is. A white result means that he kill but it would be fairly painful. is utterly unconvinced, and will send the hero far, far away (like Japan). Green Inside the Pub, a single-area sized establish- means he is still uncertain, and generally ment with a back storage room, the hero confused, and seeks help elsewhere from finds the Beyonder. The Beyonder is in a other sages. Yellow means that he is con- messy, philosophical drunk, and at this point vinced of the worth of the hero's words, he is most vulnerable. His abilities are set at and will seek to do good. A red result Class 1000 and he can not call upon Karma means that the Beyonder is enthusiasti- in this state. The hero may have it within his cally converted to the idea of doing good, power to end it all here and now. If this hap- starting with repairing the bar in a clumsy pens, go to Aftermath. fashion (he is still drunk).

19 Chapter 14 the heroes, salutes, and flies off. vengeance hunts against heroes, but Champion of Life appears to rescue heroes from unescap- B) Hostage Situation: The heroes are in able death traps, save lives, and generally the vicinity of the abandoned building on SUMMARY: The Beyonder discovers, make life miserable for those that take Wilson and 9th. Police have blocked off enjoyment from being a hero. after his observations, conversations, and traffic in all directions and called for help. confrontations with the "heroic" forces of A group of Balkan Terrorists have taken a the world, that he should become a force AFTERMATH: There are no Karma bus full of tourists from Wisconsin hostage awards for deeds that the Beyonder has fighting for good in the Universe. He puts and are holding them in that building. this into practice by building a large com- done in whole or in part, as he does the They say they have a bomb. major share of the work. plex outside Sparta, Illinois to use as a base for his operations. He starts interfer- ing all over the globe. Given the volatile nature of the situation, Newspapers begin to notice the Beyonder in the police are not too eager to accept the print, as do the TV and Radio Medias. The help of a costumed do-gooder with STARTING: This phase of the Beyon- rare times the heroes can something on der's career lasts about a week, during amazing powers. They give the OK for the their own, the press asks about the Beyon- hero to go in after the terrorists are given der: what does the hero think of the Beyon- which time the Beyonder seeks to help as many people as possible. The news one last chance to surrender. Even as the der? Is the hero is working for the One from young lieutenant speaks into the bullhorn, reports early in the week notice a "tragedy Beyond? The press has no empathy when narrowly averted by an unmasked man an empty machine gun is thrown out the on the trail of a hot news story. who proclaims himself a champion of life." window, followed by rifles and pistols. The By week's end they have his name as the Balkan Terrorists then appear in the door- The Beyonder is very easy to reach in his "Beyonder." Any encounter in the next way with their hands up. They look con- HQ in Sparta, Illinois, through his agent, week, should it prove even mildly perilous, fused, but the freed tourists fill in the Dave. Dave is very impressed by any hero may result in the Beyonder's appearance. details. A dark-haired man in stylish with a popularity over 10, in particular clothes appeared to the terrorists and told those with their own comics series. The ENCOUNTERS: Listed below are three them to surrender. They followed his Beyonder tries to explain that he is only typical encounters for the week that fol- orders without question and let the tourists trying to help as a champion of life, and to lows. There may be more depending on loose. The Beyonder has struck again. make the best of his situation. His only the nature of your campaign. The overall trouble is that all the crime and disasters in C) Space Junk: A call comes in to the the world (or universe) are not enough to theme is that the Beyonder is involved in heroes from a "source" at NASA: there's a all of them. challenge him. He has yet to find an oppo- weather satellite in a decaying orbit, an nent worth defeating. If asked by the A) Benny and the Squids. During a recent orbit that passes over the city. The heroes, he stops "helping" them, but still assault on the young super-hero group "source" knows that you may be in a posi- comes to their aid if they need it. tion to contact someone who can do some- known as Power Pack, an alien Snark lost thing about it. his laser pistol. A gang of young punks Finally, any characters with connections known as the Squids found the gun and among the powerful quasi-entities of the Simulations run on the falling satellite Marvel Universe, including those in touch intend to use it against their enemies, the show it coming down in the city, with Death Angel Gang. with Watchers, Celestials, , Eter- immeasurable loss of life. Let the heroes nity, Eon, or any of the other cosmic The heroes are in the vicinity of the 8th plan, figure, and try a few things before it beings notice that during this time those Avenue car wash, a hangout for the Death starts its descent. beings are notably reserved, almost afraid Angels. Two of the Squids are on the roof to act against this One from Beyond. It is of Tamborini's Eatery, while the third Squid As time runs out the heroes begin to see one more example of the power this crea- is holding a ladder for them on the east the satellite's trail, fifty screaming tons of ture wields. metal and instruments leaving a glowing side of that building. The hoods (hench- trail like a falling star. The satelite is visible man abilities for all) are blowing the build- ing to pieces with their new toy. The laser in the sky now, growing larger as it has line of sight range, inflicts Incredible approaches impact.... damage, and has a 100 shot magazine. It disappears completely from the sky, reappearing fully cooled in the center of The hoods fire on the building until they are aware of the heroes. Then they open Rathbone Park. While there is nothing to fire on the heroes. The first round that the tie it directly to the Beyonder, after the first two encounters everything is laid at his Squids open fire on the heroes the Beyon- door. der arrives, and with one well-aimed kick, knocks all three thugs unconscious. He D) Other Encounters: From these few you then rebuilds the carwash with a a wave of can get the idea of how to proceed with his hand, leaving it and its occupants encounters on your own. The Beyonder undamaged. The Beyonder then turns to does not interfere with villains out on

20 CHAPTER 15 had existed everyone within two blocks Kurse attacks anyones that attacks him. would likely no longer be breathing. Death-Busters If Kurse reaches the Harding Expressway, SUMMARY: On the advice of his new AFTERMATH: The heroes do not know he moves North one block and then walks for a fact what has happened, but may find back, tearing up the city as he goes. He friend and business partner, Dave, the out later that they are alive because Death throws cars, destroys buildings, and Beyonder defeats the entity called Death, endangers life. removing all death from the Marvel Uni- was "chilled out" at the time. If they ask verse. Dave soon regrets his action and the Beyonder later, he tells them. If the heroes reduce Kurse to 1/4 of his allows the Beyonder to transform him into The Balkan terrorists did not expect any Health in three rounds or less, the Beyon- Death, bringing that concept back to the survivors to be around to check their hand- der, watching the resolution of his experi- universe. iwork, so their bomb may easily be traced ment from afar, decides it is too easy for back to the basement beneath Guide's the heroes. With a wave of his hand he STARTING: The Beyonder, Dave, Groceries. It has one entrance in the back. restores all of Kurse's Health and raises all Mephisto, , the Molecule Man, the There are three terrorists there, armed of his abilities one rank. , and most of the important entit- with assault rifles. If the heroes move ies of the Marvel Universe meet in a res- quickly, they may capture them, but other- One note further on Kurse. If the Beyonder taurant in St. Louis when this chapter wise the group flees. recharges his abilities, more of his past occurs. With so many powerful beings in returns to haunt him. A great heat or a long one spot, mere heroes do not stand much of a chance. Part of this chapter occurs KARMA: fall reminds him of the lava pits he was cast into with Thor. He also remembers it "off-panel," affecting the heroes indirectly • Capturing Terrorists + 20 • Finding and Defusing Bomb +30 was Malekith, not Thor, who was responsi- during the short time when there is no Death. • Bomb Explodes - 30 ble for this act. He seeks out Malekith: • Figure out why no one dies + 20 unfortunately, Malekith is nowhere on Earth, having fled into another of the ENCOUNTER: A call to the police and This encounter has taken a lot of power Asgardian dimensions. His rage is very media quickly leaks onto the street. The out of the Beyonder. Until that power has similar to that with which he hunted Thor, Balkan Terrorists (see previous encounter) returned (after Chapter 17) his abilities are save now he does not slay Thor if chal- have friends who demand the release of frozen at Class 1000 across the board. He lenged, bashing him unconscious instead. their captured comrades or they will still has unlimited Karma use. destroy the city. The police have made AFTERMATH: Should Kurse defeat a contacts, and believe that a bomb is Following this Chapter the Beyonder no hero who is not Thor nor resembles Thor, located at the corner of Arthur and 7th, but longer serves as a champion of life or he will pummel that hero into uncon- have not been able to locate it. interferes with every life-endangering situ- sciousness, then move on with his ram- ation that arises. page. If he encounters Thor he continues The heroes are in the vicinity of that fateful corner, and may offer their help to the to attack until Thor is dead, unless his anger has been turned against Malekith. police. The police accept, but wonder where that Beyonder fellow is when you Chapter 16 The Beyonder only appears if called after need him. The bomb could be in any of the Kursed Earth Kurse has been fully defeated. He offers to buildings in the area, or beneath the spirit him back to the pits where he would street. The heroes have five rounds to find SUMMARY: Algrim the Elf, now Kurse, surely die, unless the heroes have a better it. reaches New York and is on a rampage, looking for Thor. The Beyonder is inter- idea. The One from Beyond freely admits that he was responsible for the creation At the end of five rounds, the bomb (hid- ested in the result of his experiment, even and "programming" of Kurse. He says den in one the traffic lights) explodes. The if it means the death of Thor. that the dark elf was an early experiment. bomb contains a virulent nerve gas which dissipates after 20 seconds, but is toxic in STARTING: The heroes may be any- KARMA: where on the two or more maps available 2 seconds. This is an Unearthly class Defeating Kurse +100 nerve gass, and all those that come in con- to the players. Kurse begins at the West- Defeating Kurse after he is tact with it must make an Endurance FEAT ernmost end of 7th Avenue and moves 2 enhanced by the Beyonder +150 roll or presumably die. Have them make areas per turn. He is on a rampage. The Not letting Kurse die + 20 the roll and add any Karma they wish. media picked up his progress at Jefferson Being Defeated by Kurse -75 However, no one dies as a result of this Avenue and most services are informed. Turning Kurse against Malekith +10 encounter. The police are clearing the area now.

The time from when the heroes arrive to ENCOUNTER: Kurse wishes but one about five minutes later is the time thing: to kill Thor. To this end he attacks between the reigns of the two Deaths. In anything that looks like Thor or acts like effect, the bomb does absolutely nothing Thor. A cape, a helmet, a combination of to the heroes, nor to anyone else. If death colors may invite an attack by Kurse.

21 Chapter 17 him there. The hero delays the Beyonder draw the player character heroes into con- The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea long enough for Mephisto to attack, but flict with either the Beyonder or with switches sides upon realizing that the Mephisto's . Beyonder may get hurt. With his powers SUMMARY: After slaying, then recreat- increased a hundredfold, the hero foils the A) Media Blitz: The Beyonder has been ing Death, the Beyonder is fairly shagged accursed legion, and prevents them from out of sight if not out of mind for several out, and wants to go somewhere quiet to reaching the Beyonder. Too much time days now. Anyone with a device con- think. The idea of someone thinking about elapses and the Beyondersbane melts structed to detect exotic energies finds their problems becomes a cult hit, and down, freeing its power into the universe him somewhere in the South Pacific, but hundreds of would-be-followers flock to where the Beyonder may acquire it yet readings are much weaker than normal. the Beyonder's South Pacific island to again. Heroes with contacts among the more engage in his "Think System." powerful quasi-entities will know that The Beyonder, who spent the entire time something is up, but what it is these entit- Meanwhile, Mephisto, lord of the infernal thinking, realizes that by his inaction he ies won't say. Most heroes first hear about realm, captured most of the power the forced the hero to defend him, which was the Beyonder from a news report. The Beyonder used to destroy Death in a large that hero's true purpose. Perhaps the press and TV are full of details about three device known as the Beyondersbane. Beyonder's purpose in life is to instruct days after the Beyonder drops out of sight. Mephisto feels that the energy within the others in their true purposes? Read the following to the Players: Beyondersbane, coupled with the aid of other powerful quasi-entities of the uni- STARTING: As can be noted from the verse, and using Eternity itself as a firing summary, any hero entering on the scene It's on the evening news. A small mechanism, may just defeat the Beyon- is arriving late in the game, after all the report, located after the big stories but der. other pieces are in place. They may inves- before the weather, catches your atten- tigate the island on their own, or may be tion. "Ever wondered what happened To make his attack Mephisto recruits the sent there by Mephisto or . to the 9-day wonder known as the cream of the villain population, super- "Champion of Life," who in a flurry of powered foes from around the world. Each VILLAINS OPTION: While the Marvel activity foiled major and minor crimes a is imprinted with an invisible sign linking Super Heroes Game does not recommend week ago? The Champion, also known the villain to the Beyondersbane. If the the use of Villains as player characters, as the Beyonder, has retreated to a Beyonder strikes or is struck by any of the there is the occasional bad guy in play. small South Pacific island to become a villains, he, the Earth, and most of this This encounter gives a great opportunity Guru, preaching to a select group of fol- dimension cease to exist. to clear out any villain player-characters lowers about the ability to realize your by placing them in Mephisto's cursed true role in life by careful thought. This Meanwhile, the media has caught on to legion. Read the following to any charac- "think system" presumably brings cer- the "Think System," and the population of ters who have been seeking a villainous tain blissful fulfillment once you realize the Beyonder's island increases further. route. what your true role is. Our true role is to The Beyonder feels cramped and wants to bring you the weather, so we'll be right move on, which terrifies Mephisto. In des- back...." peration, the lord of lies puts a hero up to You meet him by chance, an arable- fighting the Beyonder on his island to keep looking man named Bitterhorn. He has an offer for you. He has an important The heroes may investigate the island and job, a certain individual who needs to the Beyonder on their own, in which case be...removed. You won't be working they are on the island when Mephisto's alone but as part of a large group, and minions attack. The Beyonder is not inter- you can write your own ticket. If you ested in fighting, and if the heroes attack survive and the target is elminated, you him he does not fight back, though his fol- get what you want. lowers may try to reason with . The Beyonder just wants to think about his true role in this Universe. The The villain character can decline, but no Beyonder is on the low rise in area D on NPC villain will do so. Whatever the char- Map 2. acter desires is promised as payment. Money, possessions, power, abilities, B) Catspaw 1: The Beyonder tires of the revenge, freedom from jail...anything is crowds and thinks of moving. This would possible. The deal is sealed by a hand- throw Mephisto's attack off, so the Lord of shake, during which time a seal is pressed Pain casts about for a way to keep the on the individual which is a link to the Beyonder on the island. A diversionary Beyondersbane. attack by a hero may be best.

ENCOUNTERS: There are a number of The hero or heroes are awoken from a Encounters spaced over several days to sound sleep by an apparently trusted

22 friend of the hero or group. This "friend" is C) Cats-Paw 2: If the heroes reject the island, whether of their own volition or Mephisto in disguise, seeking to enlist the Mephisto's offer, they are summoned by from the machinations of Mephisto or hero in his plot to stall the Beyonder. the Watcher, teleported to his headquar- Uatu. The heroes arrive in area F. The Mephisto boosts any character's abilities ters on the Moon. The Watcher is not Beyonder is in area D. Heroes sent by to the Shift X level in return for the charac- among those beings of power who support Mephisto have three rounds before the vil- ter's signature on a piece of paper (the Mephisto in his mad scheme, and while he lains arrive. Read the following to the ever-popular "deal with the devil") and a recognizes that the Beyonder is the great- heroes: pledge to go fight the Beyonder. The hero est threat yet in existence to dur universe, is trapped in Mephisto's dimension the he cannot sacrifice the world that he has next time his Health drops to 0, and must cared for all these years. The ground at the seaside cliff breaks work as an agent for this embodiment of away and a huge legion of super- evil. Read the following to the Players: powered criminals issues forth. All manner of super-powered foes issue Mephisto, posing as a "friend," tries all from the chasm like the infernal hordes manner of lies to convince the heroes to You find yourself suddenly in a room of Hades. and Doctor Doom, sign the paper, gain the increase in power, filled with strange, alien architecture of and , , Doc- and fight the Beyonder. Mephisto men- odd angles. At the far side of the room tor Octopus, and , all rise from tions the danger of the Beyonder, who at stands a tall man-like figure dressed in the maw of the Earth and move towards any moment will decide to destroy the robes. "I am Uatu, known also as the you, shouting "Death to the Beyonder! Earth, and the heroes with it. Mephisto Watcher," he says, " And I ask you to Rip him apart!" Their eyes seem points out past occurances when the save your Earth. glazed and their movements jerky. Beyonder has hurt the heroes or intere- "There are forces that are acting fered with the heroes' lives. Mephisto says This is a veritable mob of villains. Use the Beyonder is challenging them for the against the one known as the Beyon- der, forces of great power led by every villain in the roster book save Mole- control of Earth, one-on-one, man-to-man. cule Man and , as well as any bad As you can tell, he does his able best as Mephisto. They may succeed in their quest to destroy the one from Beyond, guys you have from other Marvel Super the "lord of lies" to influence the player Hero™ Game adventures. To be currently characters. but will do so by destroying this part of space, including your Earth. We of the dead or retired is no excuse: Mephisto has reached into the past to bring in help, as The players should not fall for this load of Watcher race may minimize that dam- age, but the loss of life to your world the destruction of the past versions further snake oil, being relatively intelligent disrupts the continuums. beings. If the heroes seem interested, would be catastrophic. Our people have agreed to act. We cannot do so have them make an Intuition FEAT roll. Mephisto has 6 rounds from when the bad Success indicates the Judge should directly, as this would irk the great beings, so we must act through you, guys appear to have one of them touch the inform the players that something seems Beyonder. The Beyonder will not fight rotten about the entire operation. our catspaws. You will be given suffic- ient power for the time which back, nor aid the heroes. He is thinking. approaches, but only for that time. Do If the heroes refuse the offer of Mephisto Given the huge mass of villains involved the Lord of Lies disappears. His only hope you agree to protect the Beyonder from the enemies' slightest touch?" here, it is fortunate that their dealing with at the moment is that the Beyonder will not Bitterhorn has deprived them of some of leave before the time is right. If Mephisto their normal rational processes. They try a is attacked, he disappears, but remem- The heroes may assume this is another frontal assault, destroying anything in bers the hero for later revenge. Taking a trick of Mephisto's, but it is not. Allow their way to reach the Beyonder. Further, swing at the embodiment of evil is known another Intuition FEAT roll, with success they do not use any powers or abilities as "good Karma." If the heroes refuse, indicating that the offer sounds sincere. other than physical attributes. They must see Encounter C. More significantly, there are no strings physically touch the Beyonder to activate attached or papers to sign. The heroes the Beyondersbane, so energy weapons, If the heroes accept Mephisto's deal, sign have their powers raised to the Shift X force blasts, and similar abilities would the contract, agree to attack the Beyonder, level and sent to the Beyonder's island, only hurt their own side. and shake on it, they receive the power appearing in area F just as the first wave boost. Teleported to the Beyonder's arrives. The heroes may reject the Watch- All villains in a given area attack all heroes island, they arrive at area F on Map Two, er's offer and be returned to their own in that area. If there are no heroes in that and see the Beyonder in area D, thinking. locations. Go to the next section. area, they move closer to the Beyonder. The Beyonder if attacked will not fight Encounter D occurs "off-panel," without Any heroes in the same area as the back. Again, the followers of the Beyonder anyone standing in the way. The bad guys Beyonder are considered to be protecting may step in and try to talk with the heroes touch the Beyonder with cataclysmic him and must be defeated first. to determine why they attack their leader. results. See the Aftermath section. If the heroes touch the Beyonder before Given the large number of villains in a the fourth round, see the Aftermath sec- D. Battle for Beyonder's Island: This small space, and the increased powers of tion. On the fourth round, the villains encounter is only run if the heroes are on the hero or heroes, any attack against vil- attack, as noted in section D.

23 lains is considered to be against all villains in its path. in that area. A successful Slugfest attack inflicts Slugfest damage to ALL opponents All surviving heroes have their hands full within the area, and a successful grapple trying to deal with natural disasters. Their stops ALL the bad guys in that area. While Karma totals are reduced to 0, given the not truly realistic, this method speeds play large number of people that have died. to some degree. This devastation continues for 2 days.

Finally, the heroes always get the initia- On the second day the Beyonder comes tive. This is an effect of the villains being back. under Mephisto's control. Have the play- ers roll the die, but always give them the Blown across the cosmos by the force of initiative. the blow, the One from Beyond is untrace- able. On the second day he recovers If the heroes gained their power from enough of his original Beyonder-lifeforce Mephisto, the demon realizes he has to return to Earth. Those on the planet see tripped himself up and negates the con- a shining star come closer and closer, tract. This occurs one round before melt- finally becoming the form of a man huge down. The meltdown of the and golden in the heavens. Beyonder Beyondersbane begins six rounds after scatters the great beings to the furthest the villains attack, or nine rounds after the reaches of the Universe. He slays arrival of Mephisto's hired heroes. Mephisto outright, and wears his cape as a sign that the demon is dead. He reforms AFTERMATH: If the Beyonder is not the moon, reshapes the Pacific, and touched by the seventh round of the vil- raises the sunken islands. Those who are lain's attack, the Beyondersbane melts beyond life are not unrecoverable to the down. Mephisto has failed. The villains are Beyonder. He erases from everyone's teleported back to their original starting mind the trauma of the recent disaster, points with no memory of what has hap- with the exception of the heroes who sur- pened and without their promised fees. vived it. Someone should know, he fig- The great entities abandon Mephisto and ures. his plan. The Beyonder does this for a reason. He If the Beyonder is touched by anyone wants the world in shape for when he working for Mephisto, the circuit is closed destroys it and the universe in earnest. Go and the Beyondersbane activates. Using to Chapter 21, " Warnings." power from the Beyonder as well as from the great entities of the Universe a cata- All this occurs if the Beyonder is touched. clysm is manufactured. While the Watcher Otherwise the heroes succeed and the race reduces the damage allowing Earth Beyonder perceives himself as a teacher, to survive, the damage is harsh. as a redeemer, and as a finisher of cycles. Go to the next Chapter. Anyone on the island takes 4000 points of damage from the blast. Body Armor and KARMA: Force fields reduce the damage but are Failing to protect the Beyonder - ALL obliterated when overloaded. Anyone Avoiding a +400 within 500 miles takes 1000 points of dam- Causing or allowing a cataclysm - ALL age, and the explosion rips hunks out of Signing Mephisto's Document - 300 the Earth's surface, creating Unearthly Attacking Mephisto + 50 Strength earthquakes worldwide. Giant Accepting Uatu's offer +50 tidal waves radiate from the explosion with Defeating the bad guys (included Unearthly power, striking every seacoast under saving the Beyonder). of the Pacific ocean. Japan is submerged. California falls into the ocean.

The Watchers save the Earth by contain- ing the blast upwards. The moon is shat- tered into dust, slaying Uatu and the instantly. The blast continues, wreaking havoc far into our universe and destroying several other inhabited planets

24 Chapter 18 • The hero gains a new power. Anyone the problems that may stem from them. touched must make a Psyche FEAT roll Disciple or be transformed into cosmic one- AFTERMATH: Should the heroes reject SUMMARY: The Beyonder chooses to ness. This "attack" is at the intensity of the Beyonder's gift and again control their the disciple's own Psyche. If the target be a redeemer of Humanity, to show them own lives the Beyonder is gravely disap- has a lesser Psyche, a red FEAT roll is pointed. That character and those the the joy of , of cosmic oneness. In needed to avoid the effects, if Equal, a hero hangs around with are on the Beyon- other words, the Beyonder's state of being yellow FEAT roll, and if greater a Green der's "hit list." See Chapter 21. all there is in a universe. He proposes that FEAT roll. These second generation this is the ultimate state humanity may followers retain their abilities but are The heroes have "normal" encounters for attain. Past attempts to use his limitless under the direct control of the hero con- a week or so. At the end of the week, the powers to immediately fulfill desires have been unsatisfying. The Beyonder intends trolled by the Beyonder. hero first approached by the Beyonder should be told of feeling dizzy, nauseous, to approach the matter subtly. He sets up a These abilities and restrictions apply as and uncomfortable. This continues for a foundation called Cosmic Oneness to long as the player character wishes it. If day. During that time, the hero starts to pass out pamphlets and spread the idea of the hero decides to reject the Beyonder's fade from view, becoming transparent. cosmic unity. He also seeks a spiritual leader for this cult, a leader who is of this gift, all normal abilities return to the hero. The hero who accepted the Beyonder, like The follower retains free will, and the one that was an object of the Beyon- universe to act as his mouthpiece. may reject the Beyonder's gift at any time. der's affection, is becoming one with the STARTING: Pick one player-character, This rejection frees from control individ- Beyonder's self, adding their life-force to uals controlled by the prime follower, and the Beyonder. If the hero rejects the similar to your choice for template, wis- Beyonder, the transformation stops, and dom, or love-interest. This may include also upsets the Beyonder (see "Storm Warnings" for the fate of a disciple that the hero returns to his original state. any of the above, but should be a hero with turns against the Beyonder). Should the hero not reject the Beyonder, great problems and low Karma. In the Secret Wars II, the Beyonder chose Illyana he or she becomes part of the Beyonder at ENCOUNTERS: At the same time the the end of 24 hours, and passes from play Rasputin as his servant. Other choices Beyonder begins to recruit, another as a player character. At this point, the first might include the Hulk, Rogue with her Beyonder-influenced event is occuring. In multiple personality, with his person the original hero touched begins to his passage through the many planes and fade also, until the hero rejects the Beyon- eyeblasts, or Professor X with his current dimensions of the multiverse, the Beyon- der's "gift" or is absorbed. Only when the physical limitations. Read the following to der has weakened the barriers that keep the player: prime follower is one with or has rejected the various dimensions apart. Dark forces the Beyonder do the others have the are now capable of moving through the option of rejecting the Beyonder. The Beyonder appears out of nowhere, dimensions, attacking the heroes' allies at scattering those around you. "Greet- a time when the heroes' powers are KARMA: ings," he says in a melodeous voice. "I needed. • Reject the Beyonder's Gift intially + 50 bring you joy, the dawn of a new age." • Reject the Beyonder's Gift Wherever the heroes are a demon man- after initially accepting + 20 ages to manifest itself in the area, step- • Being converted to the The hero may attack the Beyonder, with no ping from a hole in space. A typical lesser Beyonder's side -10 effect. The Beyonder wishes to bestow a demon has the following abilities: • Defeating a Lesser Demon +30 gift on that hero, a gift of peace and under- F A S E R I P standing. Have the hero make a Red In Ex Rm Ex Ty Ty Ty Psyche FEAT roll. Health = 110 Remarkable Body Armor If the hero makes the Psyche FEAT roll, One such demon appears every two the hero is unaffected by the Beyonder's rounds, hoping to overwhelm the heroes abilities. He goes elsewhere to find his who are under the Beyonder's influence. prime follower. If the hero fails the FEAT Those under the influence of the Beyon- roll, the following happens: der may not use Karma, but can attack the • The hero loses all normal powers demons. The follower's first concern, how- • The hero loses all problems resulting ever, is to convert other heroes to the from those powers cause of Cosmic Oneness. • The hero may continue to gain and lose Karma, but may not use Karma while The appearance of demons continues under the Beyonder's Power until one of the Beyonder-influenced indi- • The hero is brought into the Beyon- viduals rejects the Beyonder and uses der's "cosmic oneness:" he or she is Karma. At this point the "spell" is shat- given peace of mind as a part of a tered for all the heroes under the Beyon- larger, organized whole, a whole repre- der's influence. The original hero affected sented by the Beyonder by the Beyonder regains all powers and

25 Chapter 19 charge for their services, there is a -50 If the heroes are idle or help attack the Karma penalty for accepting the money. Beyonder, go to Aftermath, otherwise they The Cult of Cosmic Oneness meets the heroes at the concert, confront a very angry Puma. Puma's and provides the hero with the Beyonder's mystically-enhanced powers last only SUMMARY: The Beyonder sets up his current (template) description. three rounds. On the fourth round they cult as a non-profit organization. He asks fade. If the heroes keep the Puma busy for for no donations or funding, as anything ENCOUNTERS: The heroes, for what- that long, he questions his right to hurt oth- he needs can be created or the money ever reason, are in the vicinity of the Band ers to reach the Beyonder. Doubting his pulled from a sunken ship as salvage Shell in Rathbone park during a free con- role, his powers return to normal. rights. He attracts a large number of fol- cert. Read the following to the players: lowers who he encourages to live in peace AFTERMATH: If the heroes defeat as a part of a larger whole. He does not Puma, the Beyonder is surprisingly unap- pull the same super-powered tricks he The Cosmic Oneness organization has preciative. He explains that with the cos- does with the heroes, but trusts to the put on this show in Rathbone Park, fea- mic balance behind him, there was a message reaching the common man. turing some local hard-rocking house chance that the Puma could have slain bands and a group called Old Master him, allowing Puma to achieve his goal Meanwhile, in the American Southwest, and the Chanters. In the crowd you see the man known as Puma, Thomas Fire- and let the Beyonder realize the ultimate Barry Foxxe, the director of the Cosmic aid of another. Now the heroes have pre- heart, is charged by his native tribe to Oneness movement. He is talking to a vented that achievement. search out and slay the Beyonder. To this tall dark-haired individual who is the end Fireheart uses both natural and mysti- Beyonder. At the edge of the crowd you If the Puma hits the Beyonder he carves cal abilites, plus the resources of his multi- catch a brief glimpse of an orange- the one from Beyond in two. The lifeless million dollar corporation. The Puma goes furred humanoid. body falls to the ground and the Puma looking for allies. returns to his normal state. Puma, realiz- ing that he has completed his mission, STARTING: Over the next few days The Puma starts in the trees North of the departs for the trees momentarily con- heroes in the city notice a large number of band shell area. The Beyonder is in the red buttons inscribed with a large "One." area directly before the stage with Barry fused. These buttons are being given away by Foxxe, the movement's director. There are the Cosmic Oneness organization. The people crowding the three areas directly After two rounds, the Beyonder gets up and dusts himself off. He seems to be message of the group is "find your place before the band shell. The Beyonder looks mildly disappointed. If the heroes ask, he in the Universe and live with it, under- preoccupied. standing other people's roles as well." If explains that for all intents and purposes, the heroes do a little digging they come up The Beyonder has good reason to look he, the body that he inhabited, was dead, fulfilling the nature of Puma's role in the with the following: lost in thought. The Puma's purpose in life universe. He honestly expected to die, but • The "cult" popped up overnight is to protect his tribe. The Beyonder is the greatest threat to his tribe imaginable. found he could not quite permit it. As a • Their headquarters is the centermost consolation prize of sorts, he creates an townhouse on Cleveland overlooking Therefore the Beyonder must be slain. For image in the Puma's mind of the Beyonder Rathbone Park the Beyonder to help Puma realize his • Their executive director is named goal in life, the Beyonder must die. This slain. With no visible threat, the Puma is at Barry Foxxe, a former advertising brings up a big quandry in the Beyonder's peace. executive. existance, but to fulfill his own role as one • The original man behind the cult is only helping others to realize their goals, the KARMA: • Accepting Puma's offer to help known as Frank. Those with criminal Beyonder is willing to let the Puma try. in slaying the Beyonder - 50 contacts may connect him with "Frank As the Puma convinces himself of the cor- • Investigating the Cosmic from Bayonne" who was connected Oneness Organization +10 with Vinnie Corbo's gang. rectness of his attack, the cosmic bal- • Attacking the Beyonder 0 • The Cosmic Oneness organization is ances align, granting him with his • Attacking the Puma 0 hosting a rock concert in Rathbone new-found confidence the power to dis- • Defeating the Puma 0 Park on an upcoming evening. Local patch the Beyonder. As the heroes watch, • Sitting out the Battle between bands will be featured, including Old the Puma grows in size, becoming a giant Puma and the Beyonder +10 Master and the Chanters. striding through the now-scattering mob. All of Puma's abilities are raised to The Puma plans to attack the Beyonder at Unearthly, and his claws may slay even the concert. He is unsure of his ability to the mighty Beyonder. do so. He attempts to recruit allies. He seeks out the heroes at home (he traces The heroes may sit this one out, and let their scent) and, as Thomas Fireheart, the Puma slay the Beyonder. Or they may offers them 1000 resource points to help enter on either side, to help the Puma or him battle the Beyonder. If the heroes stop him from trying to slay the Beyonder. accept the offer but do not normally

26 Chapter 20 developed in the alternate future of per your choice by your player's reaction ...To Kill A Beyonder . to the Beyonder, how interested they are in • Avengers and West-Coast Avengers continuing the adventure, and how many are set upon by a host of clones player characters have dropped below 0 SUMMARY: The nature of Mortality, the from the mad robot's abandoned base Health. If less than half the group has fact that all things die, save one such as beneath the Statue of Liberty. dropped below 0 health and the Beyonder himself, puzzles the Beyonder and also • Defenders and mystical heroes are dies, the first ending is not recommended. entices him. He has failed to achieve satis- attacked by lesser Demons (Chapter faction in his endevours, and has made 18). OPTION 1: The Beyonder gets his wish himself a hated figure in the process. For • Any lone heroes are assaulted by their and dies. His spirit travels to the Beyond- these reasons and others the Beyonder most powerful foe, living or dead. realm. Finding no body or form to inhabit it empowers a single hero to slay him, then There is one attacker for each combatant, explodes, creating a without gives the hero a choice. The hero may slay with the exception of the Lesser Demons, the Beyonder. The hero who received the the Beyonder where he stands, or save who are three per every hero involved. power boost from the Beyonder fades to the hero's friends, who have been placed normal. The hero has slain the One From in terrible peril. Should the hero involved be a loner and no Beyond at the price of friends and allies. other characters are involved, feel free to The adventure is complete, the Beyonder STARTING: Choose a player character. endanger non-player characters, both liv- defeated. No Karma is Awarded. The character should not be the one tern- ing and dead, who are or have been close plated back in Chapter 2, but may be any to the hero. OPTION 2: The Beyonder changes his of the others the Beyonder has messed mind at the absolute last moment. Unwill- with in the course of this adventure. Read The villains summoned are programmed/ ing to perish even of his own volition he that player the following: instructed to kill the heroes at all costs. removes the power boost, leaving the hero The villains spend freely from a Karma in normal form. The menaces fighting the You awaken from a deep.dreamless pool of 500 points, and use Karma to hit heroes fade from view, and heroes in dan- sleep to find the One From Beyond sit- and slay their opponents. ger of death are found in the rubble, barely ting comfortably in your room. "Hello," conscious. This is the kinder of the two he says, "I have a problem, and a mod- The hero with the Beyonder gains the fol- options, and should be used if the players est proposition." lowing abilities: are honestly not enjoying being wiped out, • All abilities and power ranks are raised or, conversely, they are having an easy to Class 1000 time with their individual foes while the The hero may attack the Beyonder with • The hero has an unlimited Karma pool. hero chosen by the Beyonder slays the the typical "no effect" on him or the sur- • The hero always gains the initiative in one from Beyond. roundings. The Beyonder sits comfortably this chapter. in a chair. He does not permit the hero to • The hero can fly, if the hero does not KARMA: call for help, but explains patiently. Read already have that ability, at 10 areas Killing the Beyonder + 4000 the following to the Player: per round. Letting a friend or ally die - ALL Going to ally's aid +100 Further, the Beyonder is limited to his Defeating a + 75 "As I said, I have a proposition. Many "human" incarnation, and does not use Defeating a Lesser Demon + 30 have tried to slay me in the time I have abilities or Karma to defend himself. Defeating an Ultron Clone +75 been on this planet, but none have truly succeeded. I give to you a choice, In combat, "kill" results do not slay the hero." He waves his hand and sud- Beyonder outright. He has to be driven denly you are on a rooftop in the city. "I beneath 0 Health. It takes four rounds to give to you the power to destroy me," do this, then a fifth round to slay him another wave, and you feel immense totally. If the hero chooses to slay the energy swirling inside you. "Or," a third Beyonder, you as Judge should do your wave. "You can save your friends." absolute best to completely destroy the hero's allies and friends.

ENCOUNTER: The hero chosen by the AFTERMATH: The hero granted powers Beyonder appears atop the Krupp build- by the Beyonder either chose to slay the ing with him. The hero's teammates are Beyonder where he stood or helped the scattered throughout the maps of the city, other heroes. If the hero helped the other then attacked by extremely powerful foes. heroes, the power boost is rescinded the The nature of these foes are dependent on first time the hero attacks the Beyonder, or the nature of heroes. before the next chapter in any event. • X-Men, New Mutants, and other Mutants are assaulted by Omega- If the hero slays the Beyonder, You as series Sentinels, a type of Sentinel Judge may make one of two choices. Tem- Chapter 21 Then go to the first encounter in Chap- Red result indicates rejection of the hero's ter 22, bypassing all the other encount- ideas with a surly comment: he teleports Storm Warnings ers in this chapter. The characters the hero to Tubingen, West Germany, on immediately awaken, knowing they an obscure whim. SUMMARY: Angered by many failures, have "died." Recreated by the Beyon- including the failure to even die right, der's machine, these heroes are D. The Bet: Beyonder appears to desiring humanity but insane over his ordered to defend the Beyonder from a Mephisto, restoring him from the void to inability to experience humanity, the pack of attacking heroes (choose a which he was banished, if need be. After Beyonder gives notice that he is going to group from the roster book). Run the all that has happened, the Beyonder is destroy the Universe to be alone once encounter as listed in Chapter 22, but considering destroying the universe, more. with the player-character heroes on the removing the problems it poses him by Beyonder's side. Afterwards, these reducing it to non-existence. Mephisto STARTING: The heroes may be any- heroes remain alive despite the death argues against rash action, seeking to where, in the city, in the world, or off the of the Beyonder. protect his existence and livelihood. The world. The Beyonder finds them and goes Beyonder proposes a wager: Mephisto to them. As noted, individuals who die at the shall pick a champion of Good. The Beyonder's hand may be recreated in the Beyonder then chooses an agent to sway ENCOUNTERS: The Beyonder is tying next chapter. It would be best to run both the champion from his or her calling. If the up loose ends, completing cycles, and these chapters in one session to end the champion forsakes duty, the Beyonder seeking to bring a special form of venge- gaming session on a positive note. wins and the world is destroyed. If Mephis- ance to those that have offended him to's champion does not forsake duty the before he completely destroys the Uni- B) The Love-Interest: If the chapter "All Lord of Lies gains 24 hours to plan some verse. Even in his madness, he still You Need Is Love" was used, have the form of salvation. searches for an answer to his frustration. Beyonder appear to the character who was that love-interest. He demands an Pick one hero, or group of heroes. This is A) The Disciple: The Beyonder appears explanation! How could such a of pro- the champion Mephisto chooses with before the one whom he tried to turn into toplasm NOT be interested in a being of Beyonder's approval. The Beyonder's his disciple (if that option was used). Pref- incredible powers and abilities? He offers agent is Zarathos, who formerly posessed erably he appears at a time when the the hero One Last Chance. This Universe the body of Johnny Blaze, the Rider. former follower is with other members of is close to becoming permanent history. If Treat Zarathos as a Lesser Demon (Chap- his group. He then permanently destroys the hero wishes, the Beyonder spares her, ter 18) with Unearthly powers of reality that character and any characters that transferring her to his Beyond Realm for manipulation and illusion. The hero has no come to that character's aid. He is merci- eternity. If the hero rejects this last offer, idea that he or she has been chosen by less in this task, and as unaffected by the Beyonder storms away. Literally these powers to decide the fate of the attacks as he normally is. storming: an Unearthly intensity lightning world. storm blankets nearby areas, but does not WARNING: Most players are extremely hurt the hero. If the hero is incredibly The heroes overhear in the course of the piqued when their favorite characters are harsh and insulting to the Beyonder, he day some plot that will occur that evening. blown into little bitsies at the wave of the may obliterate or merely cripple the hero. The heroes may overhear it while hand. However, given the power of the engaged in stopping another crime or Beyonder and his temperament, this is C. The Template: If the hero who the from a criminal seeking a reduced sen- exactly what the in question Beyonder originally used as a model is no tence. The hero may overhear a conversa- would do. If you feel that this approach is longer in play, The Beyonder brings him or tion on the bus or subway, or find a piece too hideously cruel for your players, you her back from retirement or death. This of blown scrap paper with the information. have several options: individual has the chance to talk the • Do not run this encounter. Months in Anything will do: merely provide the Beyonder out of his mad desire. Let the heroes with a clue. the future your players find out you had player character go over why humanity a chance to blow them all away and must be saved, the various virtues of mor- Choose one of the following three plots, or demured. They may appreciate it. tality, and the idea of honor. The Beyonder make up one of your own. If the hero over- • For this chapter only, provide the play- is not much for listening to reason, but hears one of these plots, the others do not ers with other characters, which the there is a slight chance he may take the occur: they exist as possibilities only. Pos- former disciple is "visiting" when the hero's words to heart. After the hero is sible plots are: Beyonder comes to take his venge- through, make a FEAT roll on the Class ance. The Beyonder is in a foul mood, • The Kingpin of Crime eats dinner once 1000 table. A White result means the a week at the Casa Blanca Restaurant and other than the prime follower, Beyonder has at least responded to some in the El Fernando apartments. A doesn't care who he blows away. Pro- of what the hero said, and returns to the sniper on the top of the Roxxon build- vide the player who played the Prime Beyond Realm to think about it, but may ing is to slay him. Follower with another character to run return at the Judge's choice. A Green • The criminal known as the Wizard temporarily. The player's original hero result gives the world a 24-hour reprieve, became deathly ill in prison, and is may return later on in play. during which time the heroes may marshal being treated at St. Arbogast's hospi- • Blow all the player characters away. forces against the Beyonder. A Yellow or tal. The source says the illness is

28 caused by a former associate who will fin- the heroes. thiness of the multiverse. He still looks for ish the job this evening. an answer to the human condition, and • has snuck back into • The group's mentor, leader, or role anyone who notes the fact that the very the country, arriving by helicopter atop model appears to the heroes. This fragile nature of life defines that life should the Apex Health and Casualty Building should be an individual the heroes receive 50 Karma. this evening. A former business part- greatly repect, such as Professor X for ner is preparing a warm welcome. the X-Men and New Mutants, Captain As the Beyonder becomes increasingly America for the Avengers, Stick for irrational, players who have read the In each case, an individual of question- Daredevil, or Ben Parker for Spider- Secret Wars II series may try to seek out able morals and worth is threatened. It is Man. The mentor tells the hero how Owen Reece, the Molecule Man. At the up to the heroes to nullify the threat. If the badly the hero has failed in the past, time of this chapter, Reece is beset by per- heroes choose to turn the matter over to describing everything the hero has sonal problems of his own, including a other heroes or the police, the heroes are ever done wrong, including escaped great amount of self-doubt about standing shrugging their shoulders to duty. The villains, innocents that have perished, up to the Beyonder himself. Molecule Man Beyonder wins. and wrong or selfish choices the can not be found by searching heroes, but heroes have made. The heroes should appears in the next chapter. If the heroes decide to set out for the Rox- go home, quit kidding themselves xon Building/St. Arbogast's/Apex build- about being competent, useful heroes. KARMA: ing, they are intercepted by Zarathos. • Attacking the Beyonder -50* Zarathos does not appear in demonic This last form has much of Zarathos' • Defending your allies +50* form, but rather seeks to prey on the being wrapped up in it. If the heroes give • Trying to reason with minds of the heroes involved. Examples of up and go home, the Beyonder wins. If the the Beyonder +20* these mind games are: heroes attack their pseudo-mentor, • Stopping the attack Zarathos is defeated and returns to on Kingpin/Wizard/Kraven +200 • The heroes see someone close, a non- Mephisto's domain, from which he came. *lf the heroes survive. powered friend, relative, or associate The heroes still must stop the supposed being pursued by a mob of young attack. toughs in an alley. The heroes may react, but before anyone can reach the If successful the heroes arrive just in the toughs, one of them fires a pistol and nick of time to save whatever scum was the friend falls. The heroes find the threatened by an assassin from danger. friend apparently dead. When the There is a single hit man with a sniper rifle heroes turn on the toughs, they look atop the Roxxon building...or a single like police officers who say that the woman who worked for Wizard as an friend was an escaping robber. If the assistant is entering his room with a knife heroes attack the false police, they at St. Arbogast's...or a disgruntled explode in a fireball, leaving the hero enforcer waits inside the doorway roof of undamaged. The friend also disap- the Apex building with a flamethrower. In pears as soon as the heroes back's are each case, the heroes, if they have turned. defeated Zarathos, arrive in time to stop the attack. If the heroes choose to stop the • An old villain, believed dead, returns to attack, or at least try, Mephisto wins and attack the heroes. Pick any villain they the Earth gains a day of reprieve. have fought in the past. One that is deceased is preferable and one slain If the Beyonder wins, he banishes by the heroes best. The villain fights to Mephisto back to nothingness. The the best of his ability, creating havoc Beyonder retires to his lair to decide and destroying the countryside. The whether to destroy the world after all. heroes can be damaged in combat, but Chapter 22 begins. always have their Endurance rank numbers in Health. When reduced to 0 If Mephisto wins, Beyonder honors the health the villain explodes in a harm- bet, and the next chapter does not begin less fireball. until a day has passed.

• The heroes get boils. They start feeling The hero may have no idea what just hap- unwell, and their skin erupts in puffy pened and what was hanging in the bal- bumps. Each round reduce Endurance ance. Merely award Karma and smile by one rank, to a minimum of Poor. The knowingly. disease is all illusionary and attempts to convince others are met with disbe- AFTERMATH: After all that has hap- lief, as none can see any symptoms but pened, the Beyonder is unsure of the wor-

29 Chapter 22 The Ending of All Songs "First, I'd like to thank everyone for decided that I should stand with the coming here, even though it is the great beings of the Universe to chal- SUMMARY: The Beyonder is torn result of my teleporting your molecules lenge the Beyonder. I'm afraid to say I between the idea of experiencing mortal- to this location." Ahememahem. "We said no then, because I just wanted to ity and the destruction of all these hostile are here to confront a great danger, a be left alone. I should have gotten and alien consciousnesses. Reasoning danger I am sure you are familiar with involved then, because, over every- that to be fully alone again as he was because he has mentioned you before. one's protest, the Beyonder got rid of before is a type of death, the Beyonder This danger is the being who comes Death for a few minutes, then had to decides to try mortality. After a few experi- from Beyond...The Beyonder. bring it back. So much for not getting ments the Beyonder decides that he defin- involved. itely wants to be mortal, but retain his "I feel responsible for what has hap- godlike powers. At this point the heroes pened here because it was my actions, "It seems the great powers of the uni- attack, and they, and a large section of the or rather my creation, that opened a verse agreed with me after an abortive North American continent are blown off hole between his universe and our attempt to destroy the Beyonder, which the map. The heroes are saved by Mole- own, allowing him to observe us. He would have destroyed the Earth too, cule Man, who protects them and the was all that existed in his own universe, which they considered pretty small other million some innocents affected by and the idea of other beings, or desire, potatoes given the choice. That plan the bolt. The Beyonder becomes a new- was new to him. He decided to explore. didn't work and now the "great forces" born mortal within a mechanical womb of no longer take an active role. If the uni- his own creation. In this Transition state, "In his exploration he summoned many verse has a chance, we're it. the Beyonder is at his most vulnerable, of us to a planet of his own creation to and it is then that the heroes attack. The fight in the Secret Wars. Some of us "Anyway, the Beyonder appeared on moral quandry of slaying the Beyonder- thought the fight was for his amuse- my doorstep a few days ago and we child stops many of them, but the limping ment. Actually it was for his education. tried to make sense out of the hash he Molecule Man damages the machine, tak- He was trying to learn from us. made of The Beyonder ing the decision out of their hands. The was not listening to reason, and threat- Machine explodes, slaying the Beyonder- "So after we returned home, the ened to blow up the universe so he'd be child. Its energy and life, however, return Beyonder decided to come here. He the only consciousness again. He's to the the Beyond Realm. Having no physi- arrived in Denver, where Marsha and I down there now at our feet, making his cal body to contain it, only empty nothing- lived after the war, and so I was the first decision. I think the time has come to ness, the energies explode in a primal big being he encountered here. He said he get involved, and I want to help you bang. The Beyonder is forever dead, but sought experience, so I sent him to Cal- defeat the Beyonder once and for all." in his place is a new Universe. ifornia. There he began checking into this thing called desire. STARTING: This encounter immediately ENCOUNTERS: There are three possi- follows that of those in the previous Chap- "I'd heard he bounced around the West ble encounters in this chapter as the ters, after the Beyonder has talked or dealt and East coasts for a while, and real- heroes make their way down to the Beyon- with those close to him during his stay on ized that for a brief period he con- der's lair. Earth. The heroes, wherever they are, feel quered the world. He received no a bit woozy, then suddenly realize they satisfaction from these actions, and A) Ghosts of Days Past: The Beyonder is have been teleported. They are high in the gave the world back later. aware of the heroes moving down to reach Rocky Mountains of Colorado. With them him and decides that stopping them is an is the one known as the Molecule Man, "The next time I saw the Beyonder he easy matter. Using the still-surviving spir- and the villainess Volcana. was working on the desire called love. its of deceased heroes as a "test-run," the Never being much in the romance Beyonder re-creates the dead heroes and The standard "It's-a-villain-let's-attack department until I met Marsha, ah, sends them out to battle the . mode" works no better against Owen Volcana, I gave him the best advice I Reece than against the Beyonder. Owen could, but that apparently didn't work Any and all heroes that have perished sets up an invisible force-barrier to protect out so good. since the initial encounter of this adven- him from attacks while he tells his story. ture are now reconstituted and given new He brought the heroes here by summon- "Beyonder dropped out of sight for a life at their previous power levels. This ing all their molecules, since he can now while, then popped up in the newspa- includes those slain in the previous chap- affect living as well as unliving objects. pers as a "Champion of Life" saving ters, as well as deceased Defenders and cities, stopping criminals, helping peo- other player-characters. These player- Molecule Man's Story. Read the Following ple. I knew all the publicity wouldn't characters are under the control fo the to the players: help him. At this time we had another Beyonder. guest—this time the Watcher, you know the one I'm talking about? Right. He The "recreated" heroes appear in area J of map 2, while the other heroes and Mole-

30 cule Man are in area D. The Beyonder- out of the Rocky Mountains. Read the fol- bat. The fifth round after entering this area heroes try to prevent the heroes from lowing to the Players: the Molecule Man appears. He uses his reaching the entrance to the Beyonder's power to damage the machine, but is hideaway which is in area I. badly wounded (Health = 20) and may The Beyonder motions and a hideously possibly be defeated. Molecule Man's The recreated heroes are in all ways the bright bolt of force explodes from his argument is this: as a mortal the Beyonder original heroes, save they are under the hand. The walls themselves crumble will fear death, and use his powers either control of the Beyonder. Several things and melt as you are flung back, flying to destroy it or take our universe with him may jar them back to "Normalcy." through the air. You never feel yourself when he dies. • Any successful psionic or telepathic hit the ground. attack will force a Psyche FEAT roll. If a The heroes have ten rounds to make a recreated hero fails that roll, he is Pause for a moment, then read the follow- decision. At the end of the tenth round the returned to control of the player who ing: Beyonder, in his new "normal" form, once ran him or her. emerges from the machine. • A recreated hero battling a former ally must make a Psyche FEAT roll at the You come to on a bare patch of rock AFTERMATH: If the heroes destroy or end of each round they are in combat. with the other heroes nearby. As far as shut down the machine there is a tremen- Failing the roll results in return of his you can see the area is devastated, dous explosion, only part of which exists in senses. burned down to bedrock. You've finally our plane. All unprotected characters take • Molecule Man can manipulate the gotten the Beyonder mad. Monstrous damage from the blast. The Beyonder's control out of the charac- Beyonder's energies travel back to his ters, returning them to normal. They own realm, creating a new universe in the must hold still or be defeated for him to The only reason the players are alive is the process. do this. action of the Molecule Man, who not only saved the heroes, but moved every other If the heroes allow the Beyonder to be The result of this battle may give those living thing's molecules into stasis in "born" a mortal, The one from Beyond is players who have run and lost several another dimension. The effect has really in his human form with the ability to call on characters over the course of this cam- drained him, and he has trouble standing. Beyond level powers at will. He thanks the paign more than one character to run at The heroes are miles from Denver, but the heroes for not harming him, and ascends the same time. While it is suggested that way back is easily found. The Beyonder's into space so as to enjoy the rest of the only one hero be run at a time by any one den is where the destruction ends. universe while he can. He recognizes the player, choices of which hero to play may Earth as being a particularly dangerous be made AFTER this chapter. The heroes C) The Beyonder Besieged!: If the heroes place, where there may arise creatures are going to need all the help they can get return to the Beyonder's lair, they find a who may someday challenge his power. To here. slightly different sight. Read the following prevent this he surrounds the globe with to the Players: mystical and powerful wards that prevent B) Battle with the Beyonder. The heroes all contact from other planets or dimen- work their way down into the Beyonder's The place where you last met the sions. The Earth is totally cut off. The lair to find the creature from beyond stand- Beyonder has changed in ways both Beyonder states he will return when his ing before a huge machine. This machine great and small. The entire wall you end is near. He disappears into the heav- contains his power and gives him a mortal were standing in front of is gone now, ens. body, but for now the heroes must contend along with most of the mountains with the Beyonder at full power. beyond it. The Beyonder seems to be KARMA: gone as well. All that remains in the • Killing the Beyonder-Child 0 Use map 2 for this encounter and the one area is a huge, organic machine. • Fighting the Beyonder +100 that follows. Treat the sides and lake por- Within that machine is a young • Let the Beyonder be mortal 0 tion of the map as rock walls. The heroes inhuman-looking child. • Regaining a lost character + 50 appear in area G. The Beyonder and his machine are in area E. The "child" is the Beyonder in his trans- The Beyonder gives the heroes 10 sec- formation stage as listed in the Roster onds to clear out of the way or he's going book, and this may be the only chance the to knock them out of the Milky Way Galaxy. heroes have of slaying the Beyonder once He counts to ten, and if the heroes are still and for all. To succeed, the heroes must there, he attacks. The Beyonder also perform an act that goes against most attacks if attacked. moral codes: killing a child.

This is a one-punch fight—the Beyonder Let the heroes decide their own actions. has no time for finesse. He blows the Referee arguments about the decision. If heroes and most of the western U.S. into one player tries to shut down the equip- space, leaving a huge pie-wedge carved ment while the others say no, run the com-

31 Epilogue hurting her, Molecule Man agrees to help. If returning the Rockies and its population, the heroes injure or kill Volcana, Molecule Make a FEAT roll on the Class 1000 SUMMARY: With the death of the Beyon- Man tries to leave with her, abandoning the column: der, the Earth is greatly damaged. The heroes. Allow the heroes to state their case, WHITE RESULT: the attempt is only parti- only hope for the Earth's survival is Owen then make a Popularity FEAT roll. A suc- ally sucessful. The Earth is stabilized but Reece, the Molecule Man, whose powers cessful FEAT roll (type determined by the the Chasm remains. Owen dies, and those rival that of the Beyonder, but whose own DM based on the logic, intelligence, and - helping take 200 points of damage. life may be at risk if he rescues the Earth. cerity of the arguments) results in Molecule GREEN RESULT: The attempt is success- Man agreeing to help. ful, but the stress is too much. Owen dies. YELLOW RESULT: The attempt is suc- STARTING: This encounter begins Molecule Man states that the process is cessful, the Rockies and the population where the last one left off. The heroes are potentially dangerous, and he needs the left on the brink of a huge chasm, with a help of one or more heroes. These heroes are returned, but Owen is permanently large section of the Rockies vaporized and neutralized. will act as guides, helping him channel his its population placed in limbo by Molecule RED RESULT: The attempt is successful, power into recreating the Rockies and and Owen retains his power. Man. If battle develops, use Map 2 with bringing the people back from limbo. Mol- this adventure. The beach and sea areas ecule Man will provide the power. One or The heroes decision to hurt/help Owen are considered to be 50 stories lower, and more heroes must agree to help, or Mole- affects the result. If they want to sacrifice consist of radiating Unearthly cule Man does not attempt the recreation. Owen in his attempt, shift the result down Intensity heat. to the next lowest color (Yellow to Green, Read the following to the Player or players Green to White). If they choose to add ENCOUNTERS: In the period following whose heroes are helping the molecule Man- their own powers, shift the result up one the Beyonder's demise, the Earth starts to (Yellow to Red, Green to Yellow). Other break up. Earthquakes shake the area actions have no effect. If more than one every 10 rounds or so, knocking the Owen Reece sits cross-legged before hero is involved, each individual decision heroes to the ground unless they make an the gaping, magma-filled chasm, ready shifts the color up or down. If three heroes Agility FEAT roll. If the heroes are in to attempt to cure the Beyonder's dam- help, and two others hurt, the net result is caverns or at the edge of cliffs, they might age. A golden glow surrounds him, an increase by one color. suffer damage from the quakes. Damage extending to where you are standing. is a maximum of Amazing. Heroes with You, more than any other present, are If Owen dies, Volcana goes berserk. She proper equpiment making a Reason FEAT aware of the potential power of the Mol- attacks the heroes as often as possible, roll note that the chasm is widening, and ecule Man. The glow intensifies and and if defeated remains a constant threat the Earth itself is in danger of total you become aware he is pouring his to them. If Owen lives, he says that his destruction within six hours. own life-force into the process, trying to power is lost, whether it is truly lost or not. keep the Earth from destruction. You He alters molecules to show that this is The Molecule Man is on the scene, as is true if tested. Volcana. Molecule Man appears greatly have the choice of sending this being to weakened by his battle with the Beyonder. his own destruction by allowing him to Finally, the heroes may attempt to try and He can "heal" the chasm and return the totally feed his lifeforce into the heal the rift with technology, magic, or population from limbo, but is afraid that such attempt, help him channel that energy, their own powers. Any one individual's an expenditure of energy may kill him. or add your own small power to his powers will not be enough to halt the cata- great abilities to effect the healing of clysm, but if the players come up with It is up to the heroes to convince Molecule the land. What do you do? something that sounds good (two sorcer- Man to help. If they try force or threats, ers working in tandem with the aid of an Volcana attacks, seeking to protect Owen To determine the Molecule Man's chance Asgardian supplying the power for one of from the heroes. If the heroes do not attack, of success in closing the chasm and Reed's devices, for example). Make a roll or restrain Volcana if she attacks without as above. Owen secretly helps the charac- This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the ters, seeing that they are trying to save the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written consent of TSR Inc. and Marvel Comics Group. Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House Inc. and in Canada by Random House of Canada Ltd Earth without him. Consider the color to be Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributers. raised one rank. The names of characters used herein are fictitious and do not refer to any persons living or dead. Any descriptions including similarities to persons living or dead are merely coincidental. All Marvel Characters and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. With the healing of the chasm and the sav- ing of the Earth, the saga of Secret Wars II MARVEL SUPER HEROES, MARVEL SUPER VILLAINS, SECRET WARS II, SECRET WARS, MARVEL UNIVERSE, BEYONDER MOLECULE MAN, DOCTOR DOOM, REED RICHARDS, X-MEN, WEST COAST AVENGERS, SKRULLS NEW MLTTANTS is complete. The Beyonder has been FANTASTIC FOUR, AVENGERS MANSION, PROFESSOR X, DEFENDERS, POWER PACK, AVENGERS COMPOUND . THOR, SPIDER-MAN, , OCTODROID, DON LANGDON. KINGPIN BETA RAY BILL returned to his own plane as a life-giving THUNDEHSWORD, KARMA, GLADIATORS, WARLOCK, MAGIK, OWEN REECE, STEWARD CADWELL, CAPTAIN AMERICA HULK, ROGUE, BRUCE BANNER, ILLYANA RASPUTINA, , MS. MARVEL, ARMADILLO CARL MALUS universe in his own right, and the heroes GOLIATH, AVENGERS, PSYCHO-MAN, MR. FANTASTIC, HATE-MONGER, MALICE, INVISIBLE GIRL, INVISIBLE WOMAN have saved the world, and are ready for SCOURGE, MICROVERSE, HENRY PYM, ANT-MAN, BAXTER BUILDING, NUVIDIA, PRINCESS PEARLA LUGE CAGE DANNY RAND. IRON FIST. POWER MAN, K'UN L'UNN, CHARLES ANDERSON, ARRANGER, VINNIE CORBO, JOE THE SQUID, DAILY further challenges. BUGLE, CHARLIE SNOW, THANOS, SANCTUARY II, NEBULA, XANDAR, ISAAC, A'LARS, STARFOX EROS GALACTUS FIRELORD, GENERAL ZEDRAO, QUEEN ADORA, LEVAN, SKUNGE, GUNTHAR, KEHL, IRON MAN, CAPTAIN MAR-VELL KARMA: DRAX THE DESTROYER, MAJOR SYRRO, KRAL. FLOYD DONAHUE, PRINCE DE2AN, SKRULL EMPEROR DORREK ZABYK MYRN, RIGELLEAN COLONIZERS, KURSE, ALLISON BLAIRE, , TIME BOMB, WORLDCOMPLEX CELESTIALS • Convince Owen to Help + 50 SNARK, WATCHER, UATU, MEPHISTO, ETERNITY, EON, DEATH, ALGRIM, MALEKITH BEYONDERSBANE BITTERHORN RHINO, ELECTRO, JUGGERNAUT, WIZARD, VULTURE. CYCLOPS, PUMA, COSMIC ONENESS, THOMAS FIREHEART, • Heal the Chasm +200 BARRY FOXXE, SENTINELS, RACHEL SUMMERS, ULTRON, ZARATHOS, JOHNNY BLAZE KRAVEN THE • Owen Dies -ALL HUNTER, STICK, BEN PARKER, VOLCANA, and distinctive likeness thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. Copyright °1986 Marvel Comics Group, a division of Cadence Industries Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U S A Game Design Copyright °1986 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. 32 Secret Wars II™ Roster Book

Welcome to the most adventurous undertaking The first, the NAME of the hero, villain, or cos- The RUNNING THE CHARACTER section yet for Role- mic being is the name by which the individual is gives a short, concise background on the indi- Playing Game! In this book you will find the full known in general usage. Identity is the hero's vidual, usually summarizing origin and present abilities of the main players in the saga known given name, or name used among friends. For disposition at the start of Secret Wars II. It also as SECRET WARS II, based on the epic comic example, most of the world recognizes Iron gives hints on how to run the individual in the series written by Jim Shooter. Here are the Man, the Armored Avenger, but his identity is campaign, either as an NPC or hero character. major groups, heroes, villains, and cosmic entit- Tony Stark, businessman. Players who use this section and run their char- ies involved in the cataclsymic Secret Wars II. acters accordingly should be rewarded with a ABILITY RANKS and VARIABLE ABILITIES are bonus of Karma (in the case of Power Pack, this The full listing of all the creatures involved in this defined in the MARVEL SUPER HEROES may be the only situation where players are epic story spanning several months of the game, with the exception of negative Popularity. rewarded for acting like five-year-olds!). Marvel Universe cannot be contained even in a Popularity is usually defined as how well-liked 32-page roster book. Some decisions to leave a the hero is among the general populace. A neg- You hold in your hands the largest gathering of group, hero, or villain out had to be made. The ative Popularity, used mostly with villains, is a characters yet assembled for any Marvel Super chief criteria was direct interaction with the definition of how feared that villain is. Those Heroes game adventure. While not all of them Marvel Universe and the Beyonder during the with an evil reputation can get quick and prompt may be used in YOUR version of Secret Wars II, series. service, but this is more out of fear than respect this roster book will be of help in your cam- for the villain. Low-level NPCs will cooperate paigns by providing a rich background of char- As with previously published roster books for with someone with negative popularity, but seek acters to play or to battle against. Have fun! the MARVEL SUPER HEROES™ Game, each to get out of the way as soon as possible. hero is defined by a listing of abilities, skills, and Credits: powers, known as an entry. Each entry contains POWERS and TALENTS are tailored to the indi- the following information: vidual villain or hero, and similar powers do not Based on the original series by: Jim Shooter NAME of the hero, villain, or being always have the same effect. One talent pos- Designed by Jeff Grubb with Kate Novak IDENTITY, if known sessed by many heroes and villains listed within Edited by: Ed "Sable-Vested Avifauna" Carmien ABILITY RANKS is Martial Arts, and is defined as the ability to Layout by: Dennis "sur/etep/s"Kauth VARIABLE ABILITIES Stun or Slam an opponent, even if that oppo- Cover by: John Byrne, Color by Jeff Butler POWERS and TALENTS nent has a higher Endurance than the charac- Interior Art by: Jeff "Bang!" Butler and the RUNNING THE CHARACTER ter's Strength. I mention this here only to save Mighty Marvel Bullpen repeating it fifty times in the roster. Typography by: Betty Elmore TSR, Inc. ISBN 394-55197-4TSR1000 P.O. Box 756 0-88038-268-6 Lake Geneva, Wl 53147 6869XXX1501

This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written consent of TSR Inc., and Marvel Comics Group. Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors.

The names of characters are flcitious and do not refer to any persons living or dead. Any descriptions including similarities to persons living or dead are merely coincidental. All Marvel characters and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. MARVEL SUPER HEROES and MARVEL SUPER VILLAINS are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. Copyright "1986 Marvel Comics Group, a division of Cadence Industries Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Game design copyright ®1986 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved. THE BEYONDER™ but his transition state (Number III), he may his subject matter under the microscope. Doing One from Beyond™ access his Beyond-level abilities at will. (This is this he creates threats for heroes to fight, why powerful entities of the Marvel Universe do becomes a criminal, conquers the world, and "Original State" not attack—the Beyonder could revert to his tries to fall in love, all in the name of trying to Fighting: BEYOND original state and destroy them all). understand human nature. Agility: BEYOND POWERS: The Beyonder is an entire Universe, The Beyonder fails at his attempts, not because Strength: BEYOND not a single dimension, galaxy, or continuum, of lack of power, but because of literally too Endurance: BEYOND but the sum total of existence in his realm, all much power. The Beyonder conquers the world, Reason: BEYOND that was, at least until recently. He may create but it provides no satisfaction to him. He can do Intuition: BEYOND and destroy matter as he sees fit. He may heal anything he wants, but the achievement means Psyche: BEYOND any and all damage to himself, and while taking nothing because he has not worked for it. Dur- Health: NOT APPLICABLE the visible effects of damage, may immediately ing this time (Chapters 12-13) the Beyonder is Karma UNLIMITED heal himself and others. He may negate any poi- depressed and searching for his role in this uni- Resources: UMLIMITED son, correct any default, and restore to life any verse. being whose astral spirit is still available. Popularity: NOT APPLICABLE The Beyonder attempts to tread the path of RUNNING THE BEYONDER: The Beyonder is good, following the advice of heroes (Chapters "Human" Form the sum total of his native Universe. Unlike this 14-16), becoming the ultimate force for good Fighting: CLASS 1000 universe's Eternity, he is not the conception of and a champion of life. At this time the Beyonder Agility: CLASS 1000 that universe, he is IT. Everything in his plane of attempts to be a super-, eventually con- Strength: CLASS 1000 existence is him. Only recently has he discov- quering Death itself. Again, the Beyonder's Endurance: CLASS 1000 ered the existence of the universe in which problem is that he is too great for any task. He Reason: CLASS 1000 Earth exists, and has grown curious over the retreats to think about what he has done wrong. Intuition: CLASS 1000 actions of other sentient beings. Psyche: CLASS 1000 The Beyonder realizes that it is not he who must The four sets of statistics represent the four change but others, and so becomes a leader, Health: 4000 physical states of the Beyonder over the course healer, and advisor. He sets up his Cosmic One- Karma 3000 of the Campaign. The first is the Beyonder's ness organization to preach the glory of being Resources: UNLIMITED original state, that of his entire universe, with one with the Universe (Chapters 17-19). Though Popularity: 0 unlimited abilities. The "human" incarnation he achieves some success he is still unsatis- lists the stats for the Beyonder as the heroes will fied. most often encounter him, reverting to his origi- "Transition State" The Beyonder in the Final Chapters (19-22) is a Fighting: NONE nal form only when need be. The third "transi- tion" state is the Beyonder in Chapter 22, "The being that is seeking a release, an answer, even Agility: NONE if that answer is death. He empowers several Strength: NONE End of All Songs", where the Beyonder attempts to become mortal, and is the most vul- beings with the abilty to slay him, and he attacks Endurance: CLASS 1000 those who have frustrated him in the past. He is Reason: NONE nerable. He has no powers in this state. The last set of abilities is for the "final" Beyonder, a Mor- an angry deity in this form, a mad god who can- Intuition: NONE not decide to end his torment with his own death Psyche: NONE tal Beyonder with incredible power, who is able to remake the universe on a whim and might do or that of the entire Universe. In this form the Beyonder is his most dangerous. Health: 1000 so. Karma NOT APPLICABLE As noted, the heroes will most often encounter Resources: NOT APPLICABLE the Beyonder in "Human" form, the form he has Popularity: NOT APPLICABLE adopted. The Beyonder in the Campaign may take on many physical forms at the whim of the "Final State" Judge, but will prefer the physical appearance Fighting: CLASS 1000 he gained in Chapter 3. He may alter that Agility: CLASS 1000 appearance slightly in terms of hair color, but Strength: CLASS 1000 unless it suits the Judge to drastically alter his Endurance: CLASS 1000 appearance, the Beyonder appears as his Reason: CLASS 1000 "template". Intuition: CLASS 1000 Psyche: CLASS 1000 As a relatively newcomer to Earth (Chapters 1 to 5), Beyonder is at first insatiably curious, con- Health: 4000 sidering the smallest item and the deepest Karma UNLIMITED thoughts with the same intensity. He believes Resources: NOT APPLICABLE that humans are like himself and know every- Popularity: NOT APPLICABLE thing. "Why is there eating?", "Why is Life?", and "How is Money?" are all equally important Known Powers: questions to the Beyonder at this stage. Play him as an extremely powerful puppydog. He ABILITY SCORES: The Beyonder's scores of can be easily mislead though he knows at once "Beyond" are three shifts above Class 1000 on if someone is lying to him. At times he might go the Universal Table. This can be simulated on too far in his desire to understand. the Universal table by adding 20 to any die roll the Beyonder chooses, after the roll is made. In As the Beyonder gains more experience in addition, the Beyonder has an unlimited amount earthly matters he becomes an experimenter, of Karma and does not suffer negative Karma acting like a kid with a chemistry set trying to modifiers for his actions. He can, in effect, do succeed at earthly tasks (Chapters 6-11). He what he wants when he wants to. Further, in all seeks to play with the idea of desires and place MEPHISTO™ ETERNITY™ DEATH71

Fighting: MONSTROUS Fighting: CLASS 1000 Fighting: CLASS 1000 Agility: MONSTROUS Agility: CLASS 1000 Agility: CLASS 1000 Strength: MONSTROUS Strength: CLASS 1000 Strength: CLASS 1000 Endurance: CLASS 1000 Endurance: CLASS 1000 Endurance: CLASS 1000 Reason: MONSTROUS Reason: CLASS 1000 Reason: CLASS 1000 Intuition: MONSTROUS Intuition: CLASS 1000 Intuition: CLASS 1000 Psyche: UNEARTHLY Psyche: CLASS 1000 Psyche: CLASS 1000 Health: 1225 Health: 4000 Health: 4000 Karma 250 Karma UNLIMITED Karma UNLIMITED Resources: UNEARTHLY Resources: UNLIMITED Resources: UNLIMITED Popularity: -100 Popularity 0 Popularity: -1000

Known Powers: Known Powers: Known Powers: BODY ARMOR: The composition of Mephisto's Eternity has all available powers at Class 1000 Death has all available powers and abilities at extra-dimensional body is unknown, but it pro- levels of ability. However, as a conception of the the Class 1000 level of mastery. However, as an vides Amazing strength Body armor from all universe it does not use these powers with any abstract concept of death made physical, it attacks save those which are mystical in origin. great regularity. As an abstract being embody- does not use these powers with any great regu- ing a concept it cannot be physically touched larity. Death is an abstract being embodying the MYSTIC FORCE BOLTS: Mephisto may fire unless it so wishes. Note that Eternity has an concept of death, and cannot be touched unless from his hands or eyes force bolts of mystic unlimited Karma pool. it so wishes. It's embrace results normally in energy, inflicting up to Monstrous damage at everlasting, irreversible death. Note that Death, line of sight range. RUNNING ETERNITY: Eternity is the collective like its brother-concept Eternity, has an unlim- consciousness of all living things in the Marvel ited Karma Pool. OTHER POWERS: Mephisto has a host of Universe and its associated alternate dimen- "super-powers", including Teleportation, sions. Eternity is a being of almost limitless RUNNING DEATH: Death is the name of the liv- Dimensional Travel, Levitation, Invisibility, Mat- power, but still may be easily destroyed by one ing beings of the universe's conception of the ter Control, Size Control of self and others, all at such as the Beyonder, who could shatter it by "death-forces" of the Marvel Universe. It the Unearthly level of ability. Other "super- destroying all life in the multiverse, thereby embodies the principles of mortality. It may powers" are available at the Monstrous level as removing all its component parts. appear as either gender, but most often appears he chooses, but there are two powers denied as a robed skeleton. him: While intensely powerful, Eternity has been • Mephisto cannot control the actions of a sen- challenged and controlled in the past, often by In the course of SECRET WARS II™, there are tient being without that being's willing sub- extra-dimensional creatures such as Dor- two versions of Death, the first being the con- mission mammu and Nightmare. By controlling Eternity cept that has existed for time immemorial. The • Mephisto cannot read the minds of sentient one controls the reality of the Marvel Universe. second is created by the Beyonder after the first beings. Powerful sorcerers such as Doctor Strange Death has been eliminated by the Beyonder. have fought on its behalf to avoid just that. (see Chapter 15 - "Death-Busters"). Both have RUNNING MEPHISTO: Mephisto is a demon, identical abilities and motives, and may in fact the lord of an extra-dimensional realm who Eternity is often disinterested in humanity, being be the same entities in different incarnations. far removed from human kind's level of ability. preys upon humanity and its weaknesses. He With the coming of the Beyonder, Eternity and Death's motives are often unclear, and whether may intercept certain astral bodies of humans other great powers are concerned about the it is guided by an overall plan or moves by ran- after death and imprison them within his realm, intentions of this being from Beyond. They take dom choice is a matter for conjecture. It has though the methods and requirements of this challenged individuals in the past, but often is imprisonment are currently unknown. Mephisto no direct action against the Beyonder: this may be a result of not knowing Beyonder's inten- not the prime mover when it appears, often at also draws much of his strength from his belief the side of some being about to create massive of humanity as a personification of evil. While tions, or a result of fear (if it may be called that) of the Beyonder destroying them. . Examples of such beings in the past Mephisto may be defeated and his body include Mephisto, Thanos, and Galactus. destroyed, he will reform and reappear, drawing his power from his belief. Despite it's power, Death has no effect on the Beyonder, either directly or indirectly, and the Mephisto's drawing of power through belief in One from Beyond has recovered beings who evil, his capture of souls in his realm, and his have passed into it's realm. Death can be inability to scan the minds of others has resulted destroyed by the Beyonder, but at the cost of fix- in a intense fear and hatred of the Beyonder. ing him at his lower ("Human") levels until the The Beyonder can wipe out Mephisto and his power used returns to him in 1-10 days. realm with but a thought, and Mephisto will go to any length (even telling the truth and allying In a general campaign, Death should not be himself with beings of good) to defeat the considered a villain, as every living creature in Beyonder, in order to keep this universe secure the Universe must submit to it in time. Death for Mephisto's conquests. should be an observer and a reminder, but not a main actor. Heroes: The X-Men™ PROFESSOR X™ ™ Charles Xavier Magnus

The X-Men are a group of mutants formed by Fighting: POOR Fighting: GOOD reknowned geneticist Professor Charles Xavier, Agility: GOOD Agility: REMARKABLE a secret mutant telepath. The first team con- Strength: TYPICAL Strength: GOOD sisted of Cyclops, Angel, , , and Endurance: REMARKABLE Endurance: MONSTROUS Marvel Girl. Xavier formed another team when Reason: INCREDIBLE Reason: INCREDIBLE the first disappeared on a mission. This team Intuition: AMAZING Intuition: GOOD consisted of Cyclops, , , Psyche: MONSTROUS Psyche: AMAZING Storm, , Sunfire, , and Thun- derbird. Sunfire quickly left the group, Thunder- Health: 50 Health: 125 bird died in action, Banshee has retired and Karma 165 Karma 100 Storm has lost her mutant abilities. The team Resources: REMARKABLE Resources: AMAZING has been joined by Shadowcat, Rogue, the New Popularity: 20 Popularity: 0 Phoenix, and Magneto. Known Powers: Known Powers: CYCLOPS™ TELEPATHY: Xavier is normally the world's MAGNETIC CONTROL: Magneto can mentally Scott Summers most powerful telepath, with Unearthly mental manipulate iron and iron-based substances abilities. He may easily contact the minds of oth- (including steel and its osmium, vanadium, cor- Fighting: EXCELLENT ers and read their thoughts up to 250 miles obundium and adamantium alloys) with Agility: EXCELLENT away without difficulty. He can forcibly alter the Unearthly power. Strength: TYPICAL thoughts of other sentient beings in the same Endurance: REMARKABLE area, generate mental illusions in line-of-sight ENERGY CONTROL: Magneto has Monstrous Reason: EXCELLENT range, and cause temporary paralysis in others. contol over all forms of electro-magnetic Intuition: REMARKABLE Xavier makes a Psyche FEAT roll on the Mon- energy: Light, heat, electricity, radiation, radio Psyche: REMARKABLE strous column to create any of these effects, waves and gravitons. He has in the past pro- jected heat, electicity, and gravitons, but may be Health: 76 shifted left one column for every rank of the opponent's Psyche over Typical. able to project unknown forces. Magneto inflicts Karma 80 up to Amazing damage within line of sight, and Resources: GOOD MENTAL BOLTS: Xavier may normally attack Monstrous damage on touch. Popularity: 5 any living target within two areas using bolts of pure mental force. These attacks hit with Mon- FORCE FIELD: Magneto can generate a force Known Powers: strous ability, inflicting up to Unearthly damage field of Unearthly power around 1 area. This on the Slugfest column. These bolts pierce most field becomes one rank weaker for each addi- OPTIC BLASTS: Scott's eyes constantly emit a tional area it encompasses. Magneto may use ruby-colored beam of force which he controls by force fields, unless the force field is resistant to mental attacks. his other powers through this force field, but it is means of an adjustable visor and ruby quartz otherwise proof against physical, mental, and glasses. Without his visor, Scott can cause MUTANT DETECTION: All mutants give off a energy attacks. Excellent damage at a range of one area, affect- distinct mental wavelength, and Xavier may ing all targets in an area. With his visor, Scott home in on that wavelength. Alone, Professor X FLIGHT: Magneto may fly up to 15 areas/round can narrow the focus of his beam, causing up to can normally detect a mutant up to four areas at Remarkable speed for long distances. He Amazing damage at a range of 3 areas, and can away and if the mutant is known to him, identify may move iron-based objects equally well. make called shots. Cyclops fires his optic blasts him or her. With machinery, range is worldwide. Talents: Magneto has Amazing reason in mat- with Incredible Agility. ASTRAL FORM: Xavier can separate his astral ters of genetics and electronics. Talents: Scott is an accomplished pilot. His self from his body to enter nearby dimensional RUNNING MAGNETO: Suffering at the hands Reason and his Agility are Remarkable con- planes with Monstrous ability. of the Nazis in the Second World War, Magneto cerning aircraft and spacecraft. He is also originally determined to take over the world to skilled in the Martial Arts. Talents: Xavier has Amazing reason in matters of electronics and genetics. make it safe for mutant-kind. Magneto was RUNNING CYCLOPS: Scott Summers was the opposed time and again by Professor X and his first mutant recruited by Professor X to form the RUNNING XAVIER: In the time frame of Secret X-Men. In time, the super-criminal modified his original X-Men. He remained with the team until Wars II, Xavier is recovering from being beaten stance and in the first Secret Wars was placed the death of the original Phoenix. Since then by mutant-hating students. Any attempt to use by the Beyonder in the "Heroes" camp - those Scott drifted, finally marrying Madelyne Pryor, a his Mental powers above the Good level who sought beyond personal gain for the good pilot. requires an Endurance FEAT roll, with failure of others. His presence there split the heroes resulting in 10 points damage to Xavier render- along human/mutant lines, with the X-Men sid- Scott was pulled from his honeymoon by the ing him unable to use his powers for the next 1 - ing with Magneto. Beyonder for the original Secret Wars, but upon 10 turns. Xavier has hidden his state from the his return retired from active heroing. Madelyne X-Men and New Mutants. After the war, Magneto remained an ally of the and Scott are expecting their first child at the team. With the disappearance of Xavier, Mag- time of Secret Wars II. neto has taken over as mentor of the New Mutants and X-Men. Proud, often arrogant, Magneto has quickly offended many. COLOSSUS™ ROGUE™ WOLVERINE™ Peter Nikolaievitch Rasputin Real Name Unrevealed Logan

Fighting: GOOD Fighting: GOOD Fighting: INCREDIBLE Agility: GOOD Agility: EXCELLENT Agility: REMARKABLE Strength: EXCELLENT(MONSTROUS) Strength: AMAZING Strength: GOOD Endurance: EXCELLENT(AMAZING) Endurance: GOOD Endurance: REMARKABLE Reason: TYPICAL Reason: POOR Reason: TYPICAL Intuition: TYPICAL Intuition: AMAZING Intuition: MONSTROUS Psyche: EXCELLENT Psyche: POOR Psyche: INCREDIBLE Health: 60 (145) Health: 90 Health: 110 Karma 32 Karma 54 Karma 121 Resources: POOR Resources: POOR Resources: EXCELLENT Popularity: 10 Popularity: 0 Popularity: 0

Known Powers: Known Powers: Known Powers: ARMORED FORM: Peter can convert his body POWER ABSORPTION: Rogue automatically RAPID HEALING: Wolverine has Unearthly to an organic substance resembling osmium absorbs the powers and abilities of other beings Endurance for healing and for FEAT rolls steel at will. When in amored form, he gains the when touching her flesh to their flesh. She against poison, gases, drugs, and disease. following abilities: absorbs without conscious control of her ability: • Peter's Strength, Endurance, and Health are anyone touched is so affected. Those avoiding ADAMANTIUM SKELETON: Adamantium is raised to the levels in brackets. contact may be grappled to effect a touch. Each the strongest substance known to man. Strips of • Damage to Peter's armored form is "healed" round of contact translates into Rogue possess- this material have been surgically integrated when he returns to human form, unless ing those abilities and memories for 4 rounds, into Logan's skeleton. As a result, his bare fists Health drops below 60, in which case Health during which time the victim is unconscious. do Excellent damage in Slugfest combat, and remains at that lower level until healed. Any Contact beyond the first round is dangerous, as he can Stun or Slam opponents of a higher damage taken in human form carries over the transfer may be permanent. In this case, Endurance than his Strength. If Wolverine is into organic form. If Peter is Stunned or oth- Rogue must make a Psyche FEAT roll. Failure used as a weapon (a "fastball special," thrown erwise knocked unconscious while in wipes the victim's mind clean permanently and at someone), he should be treated as an armored form he will revert to his human transfers the victim's Powers and Persona per- Unearthly material. Nothing can cut through his state. manently to Rogue. Rogue's Psyche is lowered bones, since Adamantium is a Class 1000 mate- • In armored form Colossus gains Amazing one rank. Should her Psyche drop below Fee- rial. Body Armor, Monstrous resistance to heat ble, Rogue should be run by the Game Judge. CLAWS: Wolverine has three Adamantium and cold, and Remarkable resistance to radi- Rogue can possess the powers and abilities of claws mounted into the back of each hand. He ation and electricity. He has either no need or can pop them out individually or as a group for a minimal need to breath while armored. He multiple victims, taking the highest score of those available. She cannot absorb artificial combat. In combat, these claws do Excellent is unaffected by drowning and gases, but damage on the Hack & Slash column, and are could not survive long in deep space. abilities, abilities from creatures not "alive" such as or the original Phoenix, or made of Class 1000 material. Talents: Peter has learned Martial Arts while abilities from creatures with Class 1000 or TRACKING: Wolverine can track by smell much with the X-Men. He is also an amateur . higher abilities. like a wolf. He does this with Monstrous ability, and can remember previous scents. RUNNING COLOSSUS: Peter Rasputin was STOLEN POWERS: In one previous case recruited by Professor X to form his "new" X- Rogue has permanently drained the powers Talents: Wolverine receives an UP ONE shift Men from his collective farm near Lake Baikal in and memories of an individual: Carol Danvers, when using guns, bows, and edged weapons. the USSR. Peter has remained with the team formerly Ms. Marvel. As a result Rogue may fly up to 8 areas/turn, has Incredible body armor, RUNNING WOLVERINE: Logan was working since that time. In the original Secret Wars, for the Canadian Government as a super- Colossus fell in love with Zsaji, an alien healer, and gained a Seventh Sense raising her Intui- tion. powered agent when Professor X recuited him who died in saving the heroes from Doctor into his "new" X-Men. Brash and violent, Wol- Doom. Shattered by the experience, Peter's CONFLICTING PERSONALITIES: Due to the verine has mellowed somewhat during his ten- shaky self-confidence was driven even lower, fact Rogue has both her own and Carol Danvers ure as an X-Man, though he is still capable of and his romance with ended. memories, she has Unearthly resistance to violent rages when those close to him are Peter has become the stoic lynchpin of the mental probes and mental attacks. threatened. Trained as a soldier, and a govern- team. An artist at heart but a fierce armored RUNNING ROGUE: Rogue fled her home when ment agent, he is not afraid to make tough deci- fighter in combat, the quiet, plainspeaking Rus- her mutant powers first surfaced, then was sions. During the first Secret Wars, Wolverine sian is plagued by his own doubts about his "adopted" by Mystique of the Brotherhood of cut loose, deciding that if the conflict was to be value to the team and to himself. Evil Mutants. Working for Mystique and unsure war, the standard rules did not apply. With the of her powers, Rogue inadvertantly stripped Ms. Beyonder on Earth, Wolverine is limited by his Marvel of her powers and abilities in combat. normal personal code, but sees nothing wrong She left Mystique to seek help in controlling her with slaying the Beyonder, if possible. power from Professor X and has remained with the team since. Rogue is unsure of her place in the world, owing to her past and fears to get close to others because of her powers. NIGHTCRAWLER™ SHADOWCAT™ PHOENIX II" Kurt Wagner Katherine "Kitty" Pryde Rachel Summers

Fighting: EXCELLENT Fighting: EXCELLENT Fighting: GOOD Agility: AMAZING Agility: GOOD Agility: GOOD Strength: TYPICAL Strength: POOR Strength: GOOD Endurance: REMARKABLE Endurance: EXCELLENT Endurance: INCREDIBLE Reason: GOOD Reason: REMARKABLE Reason: GOOD Intuition: EXCELLENT Intuition: GOOD Intuition: REMARKABLE Psyche: EXCELLENT Psyche: TYPICAL Psyche: MONSTROUS Health: 106 Health: 54 Health: 70 Karma 50 Karma 46 Karma 90 Resources: POOR Resources: POOR Resources: POOR Popularity: 2 Popularity: 10 Popularity: 10

Known Powers: Known Powers: Known Powers TELEPORTATION: Nightcrawler can move PHASING: Kitty can de-synchronize the mole- TELEKINESIS: Rachel has inherited her moth- instantaneously from point to point accompa- cules of her body, allowing her to pass through er's ability to move objects with her mind. She nied by a cloud of sulfurous smoke and a "bamf- solid objects unharmed. Her limit on this "phas- may lift up to 400 Ibs mentally, up to 800 Ibs if ing" noise. His range is 2 miles east/west, 3 ing" is the length of time she can hold her she makes a Psyche FEAT roll. miles north/south, and 2 miles vertically. Kurt breath (5 rounds normally, requiring an Endur- MENTAL BOLTS: Rachel can project bolts of can teleport within these limits safely, but if ance FEAT roll for each round after five). When telekinetic force which will penetrate body approaching his maximum range (or carrying phasing, Shadowcat cannot be harmed by armor (but not force fields). Use a Psyche FEAT other people or heavy weights) he must make physical attacks, but she can be stopped by to hit a target. A victim must make an Endur- an Endurance FEAT roll. Failure indicates dis- force fields and harmed by attacks that are also ance FEAT roll or fall unconscious for 1-10 orientation or loss of consciousness for 1-10 out-of-phase or multi-dimensional. Kitty's phas- rounds. No damage is inflicted. Her range is 3 rounds. Anyone accompanying Kurt on a tele- ing also disrupts electrical equipment with the portation must make a Yellow Endurance FEAT following effects: Unprotected electronics are areas. roll or suffer the same fate. Kurt does not usually automatically scrambled, while those with an TELEPATHY: Rachel may detect thoughts and teleport blindly into unknown locations, since Endurance rank must make a successful Endur- feelings of others at the Amazing level. telporting into a solid object would cause severe ance FEAT roll or suffer Stunning for 1-10 trauma and possibly death. rounds and 30 points of damage. Battle-suits RUNNING PHOENIX: Rachel Summers was and computers are disrupted (may not function) thought to be the daughter of Scott Summers PREHENSILE TAIL: Nightcrawler may use his for 10 rounds. and in a divergent universe. The tail as a third hand with Amazing Agility. Jean Grey of that universe merged with the Talents: Kitty's reason is Incredible when deal- (as opposed to being replaced by INDIGO FUR: Nightcrawler's dark fur allows ing with computers and electronics. She also is it) and survived to become Rachel's mother. him to blend into deep shadow. Anyone looking skilled in Martial Arts. for or attacking him in the dark (without infravis- In her divergent universe Rachel was trained as ion, radar, or similar locating abilities) receives a RUNNING SHADOWCAT: The youngest of the a Hound, a hunter of other mutants. As a result, two column shift to the left. Kurt's Intuition X-Men, Kitty Pryde has showed the prowess to she is reluctant to use her mutant powers to should be treated as Incredible when attacking maintain her place on the team. She was not track down or locate others, especially mutants. by surprise from darkness. among the heroes recruited into the original Assign a Karma penalty of 20 points should she Secret Wars, and blames the Beyonder for her do so. WALL-CRAWLING: Kurt can adhere to most break-up with Peter (Colossus) afterwards. surfaces with his hands and feet, allowing him Rachel was sent back by a post-hypnotic sug- to crawl along walls and ceilings at 3 areas per gestion by the adult Katherine Pryde of her round. He does this with Amazing ability. dimension, in hopes of changing the past. She found the past was not the one she was familiar Talents: Kurt is a skilled acrobat and fencer, with. Now Rachel is trying to cope in this strange receiving a shift one to the right when fighting world where she hasn't even been born. with a sword. He is also skilled in first aid, elec- tronics, and mechanical repair. RUNNING NIGHTCRAWLER: Kurt Wagner was rescued from a hostile mob by Professor X and recruited into the "new" X-Men. The German mutant's good-natured attitude masks a devout and concerned young man who is deeply trou- bled by the apparent godlike powers of the Beyonder. Heroes: The New Mutants™ WARLOCK™ MAGMA™ Lady Amara Juliana Olivians Aquilla The New Mutants are a third team of mutants Fighting: GOOD formed by Professor Charles Xavier at a time Agility: EXCELLENT Fighting: GOOD when his "new" X-Men were lost in space. Strength: REMARKABLE Agility: EXCELLENT Unlike the first two teams, the New Mutants are Endurance: INCREDIBLE Strength: TYPICAL significantly younger than either group of X- Reason: INCREDIBLE Endurance: INCREDIBLE Men, and were recruited not to fight super- Intuition: GOOD Reason: REMARKABLE powered menaces, but to help these young Psyche: GOOD Intuition: GOOD mutants come to terms with their powers. Their Psyche: GOOD Health: 100 numbers originally included Mirage, , Karma 60 Health: 76 Karma, Wolfbane and Cannonball, but are now Karma 50 joined by Magik, Warlock, Magma, and . Resources: NONE Popularity: 5 Resources: GOOD The New Mutants are based in Xavier's School Popularity: 5 for Gifted Youngsters in Westchester County, Known Powers: NY. Known Powers: SHAPECHANGING: Warlock is a "techno- SUNSPOT™ organic" metamorph, able to alter his shape CONTROL OF EARTH: Magma can influence Roberto Da Costa and form into discrete forms as desired. He can the movement of tectonic plates and the flow of extend any portion of his body two areas away lava. She does this with Monstrous ability. She Fighting: GOOD from his main trunk, including his optic sensors. may summon earthquakes and fountains of lava Agility: TYPICAL He can modify his body to form plugs, supports within 4 areas. These effects are also at the Strength: TYPICAL(REMARKABLE) (of Remarkable strength), even a fully operative Monstrous rank. Her powers are tied to her Endurance: REMARKABLE spaceship for six with life support—in short, he emotional state, and if she is excited or angry Reason: TYPICAL can turn himself into anything. He seems to (the Judge may interpret this as the player run- Intuition: POOR have Unearthly control over these changes, but ning Magma being excited or angry), she may Psyche: GOOD when under stress will resort to his natural trigger such an effect. shape. Portions of his body can be separated or Health: 52 BODY ARMOR: When acting as Magma, shredded (Excellent material), and Warlock will Amara appears as a humanoid of flaming lava. Karma 20 merely regrow that part in normal healing. Resources: EXCELLENT This form provides her only Good protection Popularity: 3 FORM CHANGE: Because Warlock is both against physical damage, but Unearthly protec- organic and mechanical in nature, he can also tion against fire and heat. Unlike the Human Known Powers: assume the shape and appearance of anything Torch, Magma is unaffected by water when in organic as well as anything mechanical. He can this state. ENHANCED STRENGTH: Sunspot has the imitate the form of any humanoid being with LAVA BOLTS: Magma can project bolts of ele- mutant power to absorb solar energy and con- Excellent ability. vert it into strength. When he does this, his mental heat from her hands with a range of 3 strength increases to the rank in brackets. CONVERSION AND DRAINING: Warlock can areas with Monstrous damage capability. She When using this energy, he turns fully black, immediately heal damage by converting living can use these bolts to tunnel through solid mat- with motes of dust near him in the air also turn- material to a crystalline matrix and then draining ter at a rate of 2 areas per round, or 1 area per ing black. He may operate for an unlimited num- the matrix. The amount of healing gained round for a tunnel safe enough for others to tra- ber of rounds in direct sunlight without a drop in depends on the source (Health of living crea- vel through. his strength, but when in shade, underground, tures, material Strength rank for objects such as HEALING POWERS: Amara gains Health every or at night, he may only use his power for 5 plants and food, or the judge's option). He can round that she is in contact with the ground, up rounds. On the sixth and every round of use fol- convert a target into , killing them, with to her maximum. This makes her a tough oppo- lowing without exposure to sunlight he must Monstrous ability; success is indicated by nent on the ground. If she is brought to 0 Health make an Endurance FEAT roll. Failure indicates Green if his target's Endurance is lower than his while in contact with the ground, she will be that his enhanced strength is diminishing, and own, Yellow if the are equal, and Red if War- unconscious for 1-10 rounds thereafter, and he will return to normal the next round. If a sec- lock's Endurance is the lower of the two. War- then must make a successful Endurance FEAT ond Endurance FEAT roll is failed, Roberto will lock can take nourishment from the Shi'ar roll to regain consciousness and full abilities. If go unconscious. computers without ill effect to either side. she is brought to 0 Health when she is not in RUNNING SUNSPOT: Sunspot is a hot- RUNNING WARLOCK: Warlock is an alien lay- contact with natural Earth (eg. inside a building tempered young Brazilian who is a charter ing low on Earth, fearing pursuit from his or in a spaceship), check for death as usual. member of the New Mutants. He does not "father", . He is naive in most Earthly RUNNING MAGMA: Amara is a native of New desire to be a hero, only to be able to control his customs, and speaks a mixture of English and Rome, a lost colony of the Roman Empire power and survive in a hostile world. He is computer terms. Warlock has been taught by located in the jungles of Brazil. She is troubled greatly disturbed by the apparent unlimited the New Mutants that draining sentients is bad, and confused by the ways of the new land she power of the Beyonder. and will lose all Karma if he does so. has entered, and relies on her friends in the New Mutants to help understand. She is, how- ever, sure that the ways of her people are more civilized. id CANNONSALL" KARMA" MIRAGE™ Sam Guthrie Xi'an (Shan) Coy Manh Danielle ("Dani") Moonstar

Fighting: GOOD Fighting: GOOD Fighting: GOOD Agility: POOR Agility: TYPICAL Agility: TYPICAL Strength: GOOD Strength: TYPICAL Strength: GOOD Endurance: REMARKABLE Endurance: GOOD Endurance: REMARKABLE Reason: TYPICAL Reason: TYPICAL Reason: GOOD Intuition: TYPICAL Intuition: EXCELLENT Intuition: EXCELLENT Pysche: GOOD Psyche: MONSTROUS Psyche: INCREDIBLE

Health: 54 Health: 32 Health: 56 Karma 22 Karma 111 Karma 70 Resources: POOR Resources: TYPICAL Resources: POOR Popularity: 4 Popularity: 4 Popularity: 5

Known Powers: Known Powers: Known Powers: FLIGHT: Sam flies by releasing biochemical POSSESSION: Xi'an has the ability to take over IMAGE GENERATION: Dani has the power to energy and projecting it backward. This allows the minds of other beings. She does this at the pull and display images from the minds of oth- him to fly up to 6 areas per round, in a straight Unearthly level of ability, and must be in the ers with Unearthly ability. She must concentrate line. Turning is very difficult for Sam; making any same area at the time of initial possession, but on a specific image, such as the "greatest fear" turn requires a Yellow Agility FEAT roll. Sam hits her range extends up to a half-mile away after or the "heart's desire" or "symbol of authority." with Amazing force and damage, carrying along that. Those of Unearthly Psyche must make a If the target fails a Psyche FEAT roll (Red for less his opponent if the foe has Incredible Endur- Yellow FEAT roll, those of lower Psyche a Red than Unearthly Psyche, Yellow for Unearthly, ance or less. A target with better than Incredible FEAT roll, and those of higher Psyche a Green Green for greater than Unearthly), he or she will Endurance can avoid being carried by making a FEAT roll to avoid being possessed. When pos- see the image (as will everyone else in the area) successful Endurance FEAT roll. Sam can tra- sessing someone, Karma's body is immobile, and react accordingly (running in fear, being vel as far as one mile on one "blast" of his and she returns to her own body if her body is attracted to the image, or obeying the authority). power. If he is surprised by a sudden attack, he damaged. Her mental control of a target is abso- Dani can affect multiple targets in the same may involuntarily shut off his power (Psyche lute, but for the first 5 rounds after beginning area with this power, but her range is line of FEAT roll to avoid), making him vulnerable in the possession she is slightly disoriented by the sight. next round. new body. During this time she must take a shift one to the left on all attempts with that body, LIMITED TELEPATHY: While Dani can pull out FORCE FIELD: When in flight, Sam projects a including combat. After the fifth round, she can images, she has no idea what those images will force field around himself that provides Mon- use the victim's body normally. After about half be until she displays them, and she is not a true strous protection against energy and physical an hour the possessed character may begin telepath. She does maintain a telepathic rapport damage, including damage from impact. This making Psyche FEAT rolls as detailed above to with lesser mammals, in particular canines and protection extends to those he carries. If he regain control. Karma can possess multiple felines. She has Monstrous ability to under- drops something he is carrying, it takes damage people, but has trouble making more than one stand these creatures. In addition, this ability as if he struck it while charging. Sam can be of them act at a time (Red Psyche FEAT roll to allows her to mindlink with Rahne Sinclair affected by mental or magical attacks while succeed at this). (Wolfsbane) when Rahne is in her wolf or wol- "blasting." foid form. RUNNING KARMA: Shan was one of the origi- RUNNING CANNONBALL: The tall, lanky Sam nal recruits for Professor X's New Mutants, but Guthrie first encountered the New Mutants POWERS: During the time of Secret disappeared on a mission to rescue Danielle Wars II, Mirage and the New Mutants spent when he was recruited to fight them, but later Moonstar. Professor X informed the others that joined the team. One of the eldest of that group, some time in , during which time Dani Shan had been killed, but she had actually been was accepted into the Chosers of the Slain, the Sam feels a sense of failure as a team leader posessed by an old enemy of Xavier's, Amahl whenever he fails to fully control his power. Valkynor. As such she has the following addi- Farouk. Controlled by Farouk, Karma ran the tional powers: bloody gladitorial games that pitted mutant • Mystic link with The Pegasi Brightwind, a against mutant. These games, and the freeing winged horse of similar abilities as Valkyrie's of Shan from Amahl, occurs at the start of the Secret Wars II adventure, but is outside the • The ability to awe those of Asgardian origin scope of this adventure. Judges may allow who recognize her as Valkynor. Karma to begin the scenario as one of the New • The ability to perceive upcoming death. The Mutants. Judge will use this ability to foretell upcom- Karma is one of the more mature mutants, hav- ing disasters of a specific nature. ing used her powers in adventures before join- ing the team. Having been controlled once by a RUNNING MIRAGE: Dani Moonstar was sent to powerful outside force, she does not trust any Professor X by her grandfather, and is one of the powerful source, such as the Beyonder, not to first New Mutants. She is team co-leader, along commit similar acts. with Sam Guthrie. She is still developing her mutant abilities, and is unsure of them as yet. WOLFSBANE™ MAGIK™ CYPHER™ Rahne Sinclair Illyana Nikolovna Rasputina Doug Ramsey

Fighting TYPICAL Fighting: EXCELLENT Fighting: POOR Agility: GOOD Agility: GOOD Agility: TYPICAL Strength: TYPICAL Strength: GOOD Strength: TYPICAL Endurance: EXCELLENT Endurance: INCREDIBLE Endurance: GOOD Reason: POOR Reason: GOOD Reason: REMARKABLE Intuition: GOOD Intuition: EXCELLENT Intuition: GOOD Psyche: GOOD Psyche: AMAZING Psyche: TYPICAL Health: 50 Health: 80 Health: 26 Karma 24 Karma 80 Karma 46 Resources: POOR Resources: GOOD Resources: POOR Popularity: 5 Popularity: 4 Popularity: 3

Known Powers: Known Powers: Known Powers: SHAPECHANGE: Rahne is a specific meta- MAGIC: Illyana is the Sorceress Supreme of a LANGUAGES: Doug's gift is the ability to under- morph able to change into two other forms, one dimension she calls Limbo, and she wields stand languages, both human and machine. He a large red wolf and the other a wolf/humanoid Monstrous power on that plane. (This is not the can learn any language by making a Reason (wolfoid) creature. Each shape has advantages same "Limbo" as that of Immortus). She uses FEAT roll, including written and other non- and disadvantages. The Health rating given and Personal and Universal Energies, but not spoken communication. to be used is for her most powerful form—the Dimensional Energies. The only interdimen- wolf. sional names she knows belong to ancient, evil Talents: Doug has an interest in computers, and in combination with his mutant ability he powers and their servants. She uses a cere- WOLF—In this form Rahne's statistics are: mony (page 11, Campaign Book) when employ- has already cracked several computer codes. His Reason is Amazing regarding computers. F A S E R I P ing magic, giving her a Casting Shift of + 2. On GD GD GD EX PR RM GD this plane Illyana's powers are limited; she can RUNNING CYPHER: Douglas Ramsey was The wolf-form's claws inflict Excellent damage detect magical auras, enter the astral plane, recruited by the New Mutants about the same on the Hack & Slash column, and are made of and call upon her soulsword. She performs the time as Warlock joined the team. Unlike the Remarkable strength material. Rahne may first two feats with Monstrous Ability. Her other New Mutants, Doug's mutant abilities track other creatures with Remarkable ability. soulsword comes automatically. have no immediate use in combat, and for that reason he has not received physical training or She cannot speak or communicate, but can SOULSWORD: A physical manifestation of transmit basic feelings and information to magical abilities, Illyana's soulsword does Mon- lessons in combat. He feels like a useless part Mirage. strous damage to any magical creature it hits, of the team as a result. His friends are Warlock, and Shadowcat of the X-Men. WOLFOID—In this transition state Rahne's sta- attacking on the Hack & Slash column. The tistics are: sword does no damage to non-magical crea- F A S E R I P tures, machinery, humans or robots. Enchanted GD GD TY EX PR EX GD beings and transformed humans have the spell over them broken if Illyana makes a successful The wolfoid form has claws as well, which do Psyche FEAT roll while employing the sword. Good damage on the Hack & Slash column. Rahne may track with excellent ability in this BODY ARMOR: Illyana has the benefit of body form. She may also communicate with her fel- armor whenever she uses magic in a battle. low teammates when in this form, and maintain This body armor provides her with Incredible her mindlink with Mirage, but her images are protection from physical attack. Her armor will more complex, so that Mirage must make a remain for five rounds after any use of magic on Psyche feat roll to understand them. her part. RUNNING WOLFSBANE: Rahne is the ward of TELEPORT DISKS: Illyana's mutant power is Moira MacTaggart, and is one of the first stu- the ability to summon teleport disks. These dents accepted by Professor Xavier to form his disks appear according to her will. Once sum- New Mutants. She is shy and modest to the moned, a disk teleports those within first to point of extreme embarassment. Devoutly reli- Limbo, and then to the desired destination. gious, she feels her wolf-form is a type of Illyana must attempt a Psyche FEAT roll when- "curse". ever she tries to teleport herself or others. Fail- ure indicates a misjump, either in space (up to one-quarter mile away) or in time (up to centu- ries). RUNNING MAGIK: Magik is the younger sister of Peter Rasputin, and joined the New Mutants following a long stay in Limbo where she devel- oped her magical abilities. She regards the dark side of her abilites as a curse which she must deal with. Heroes: The Avengers™ CAPTAIN AMERICA™ ™ Steve Rogers Dane Whitman

The Avengers were formed by Thor, Iron Man, Fighting: AMAZING Fighting: REMARKABLE Ant-Man, , and Hulk as a super-powered Agility: INCREDIBLE Agility: GOOD team to combat threats to the world beyond the Strength: EXCELLENT Strength: GOOD scope of normal peace-keeping forces. Over 30 Endurance: REMARKABLE Endurance: GOOD heroes have served in one form or another as Reason: GOOD Reason: GOOD Avengers. The East coast team at the time of Intuition: INCREDIBLE Intuition: TYPICAL Secret Wars II consists of Captain America, Psyche: GOOD Psyche: TYPICAL Captain Marvel, Hercules, Black Knight, Starfox and Wasp, the team's leader. Starfox is to leave Health: 140 Health: 60 and be replaced by Sub-Mariner in the course of Karma 60 Karma 22 Secret Wars II. The Avengers use a mansion Resources: EXCELLENT Resources: EXCELLENT located on Fifth Avenue in New York as a base Popularity: 100 Popularity: 60 for their operations. Known Powers: Known Powers: CAPTAIN MARVEL™ SHIELD: Captain America carries a circular, BODY ARMOR: The Black Knight wears a full red, white and blue shield made of a special set of chain mail armor, which provides him with mixture of adamantium and (Class Good protection from physical attacks. Fighting: GOOD 1000 strength). The shield is a Unique Weapon Agility: GOOD and is immune to all but magical and psionic EBONY SWORD: The Black Knight uses an Strength: GOOD forms of energy. ebony sword that is made of enchanted, Endurance: REMARKABLE Unearthly material. The sword is immune to all Reason: TYPICAL The shield can absorb up to 90 points of dam- magic and may shatter magical material of up to Intuition: GOOD age per round, but Cap cannot attack in the Unearthly Strength. The sword can also deflect Psyche: TYPICAL same round that he uses his shield for defense. mystical energy: if Dane is dodges when an bolt Even when using the shield, he's still subject to is fired at him, he may deflect the bolt by making Health: 60 special battle effects such as slams or stuns. an Agility FEAT roll. The deflected bolt cannot Karma 22 be directed at a new target. Resources: EXCELLENT Cap can throw the shield to hit a target; he can Popularity: 20 even make a called shot, bounce the shield off TELEPORT: If the Black Knight is separated several targets, and have it return to him. He from his ebony sword, he can teleport to any Known Powers: has Monstrous Agility when throwing the shield, location within a few hundred yards of the and the weapon inflicts Remarkable damage to sword, crossing barriers of time, space, and ENERGY FORM: Captain Marvel can convert those it hits. other dimensions. The ceremony to effect such her body into any form of electromagnetic a teleport takes 2 hours. energy, from radio waves to x-rays. She can Talents: Captain America is an expert in all move at Unearthly speed in these forms, and forms of martial arts and wrestling. He is a mas- ATOMIC STEED: Dane has previously ridden can pass invisibly through any substance that ter of military strategy and tactics, and his Rea- the mutated horse Aragorn and the mystical serves as a medium for transmission of electro- son in this subject area is Incredible. He is also a beast Valinor. He has reactivated one of the magnetic waves or particles. fair artist. atomic steeds of Wundagore to serve as trans- portation. This steed has Body = GOOD, Con- RUNNING CAPTAIN AMERICA: The Sentinel ENERGY BLASTS: Captain Marvel uses her trol - REMARKABLE, and Speed - of Liberty first appeared at the start of WWII, hands to project forces bolts inflicting up to AMAZING, but provides no protection to the Monstrous damage. If she is in light-form, these fighting the enemy both at home and in Europe. rider. are rolled on the Shooting and Throwing chart of At the close of the war, Cap was lost at sea, the Battle Effects Chart. If she is human form, where he remained in suspended animation, Talents: The Black Knight is a highly skilled the effects are on the Slugfest chart. She nor- returning to action only recently. . He gets a one column shift to the right when he uses a sword. The Black Knight mally uses the first form against non-living Captain America believes in the very best of can ride horses with Remarkable skill. He can opponents, and the second form against living America: he believes in Freedom, both of indi- fight normally while on horseback. foes. Her range is line of sight. viduals and nations. His attitudes seem old- RUNNING CAPTAIN MARVEL: Monica Ram- fashioned to some, but to those who follow RUNNING BLACK KNIGHT: Dane Whitman beau, former Policewoman of New Orleans, Captain America, he represents the unbeatable was a former Avenger who retired to the 12th gained her powers when a trans-dimenional nature of freedom. Century, the time era of King Richard the Lion- energy device went wild. Traveling to New York, hearted and the Crusades, and has only Monica joined the Avengers, in order to develop recently returned to active duty. He has recently her skills and continue her fight for justice. been freed of a curse on his , and does not wish to slay other living creatures. Monica is aware of the fact that her name, given her by the New Orleans Press, is the same as the former Captain Mar-Veil. She wishes to live up to the reputation of her predecessor.

10 HERCULES1" STARFOX™ SUB-MARINER™ Hercules of Olympus Eros of Titan of Atlantis

Fighting: UNEARTHLY Fighting: GOOD Fighting: INCREDIBLE Agility: EXCELLENT Agility: EXCELLENT Agility: REMARKABLE Strength: UNEARTHLY Strength: INCREDIBLE Strength: MONSTROUS Endurance: UNEARTHLY Endurance: INCREDIBLE Endurance: INCREDIBLE Reason: GOOD Reason: EXCELLENT Reason: TYPICAL Intuition: GOOD Intuition: TYPICAL Intuition: REMARKABLE Psyche: REMARKABLE Psyche: REMARKABLE Psyche: INCREDIBLE Health: 320 Health: 110 Health: 185 Karma 50 Karma 56 Karma 76 Resources: TYPICAL Resources: GOOD(UNEARTHLY) Resources: GOOD Popularity: 70 Popularity: 75 Popularity: 5

Known Powers: Known Powers: Known Powers: DENSE FLESH The skin of Hecules is very diffi- FLIGHT: Starfox can fly at Monstrous speeds (9 BODY ARMOR: Namor's mother was a mem- cult to hurt or penetrate, providing him with areas/round) through mental control. ber of the Atlantean race, giving him Excellent Excellent protection from damage. resistance to cold and Good protection from DENSE FLESH: Titan ' bodies are physical attacks. LEAPING: Hercules can leap up to 4 areas slightly tougher than a normal human's. Starfox away. However, this is not his primary method of has Good protection from physical damage. MOVEMENT: Namor can move 3 areas per turn movement: he usually walks or runs. on land, but in the water can swim at Typical PSIONIC TICKLE: Starfox can mentally stimu- speed (6 areas per round). In addition, Namor RESISTANCE TO FIRE: Hercules has Excellent late the pleasure centers of the brain of any can fly at Poor speed (4 areas per round). resistance to heat and fire. humanoid in the same area he is in. He must make a green Psyche FEAT roll to affect any tar- WEAKNESS: The above statistics concern Talents: Hercules is an Olympian champion get with a Psyche lower than his own, a yellow Namor when he is underwater, or at least parti- wrestler. As such, he gets one column shift to FEAT roll against any target with a Psyche equal ally wet. Long existence out of water is harmful the right for FEAT rolls involving wrestling. to his own, and a red FEAT roll against anyone to the Sub-Mariner. For every hour spent out of RUNNING HERCULES: Hercules is the demi- with a Psyche one rank higher than his own. water, Namor loses one Rank of his Fighting, human son of , ruler of Olympus. He has Anyone with a Psyche two ranks or more higher Strength, and Endurance, until they drop to Typ- spent his life adventuring on this Earth and in than Starfox's (in other words, Incredible or bet- ical levels. His Health is unaffected. Should he other planes, and is currently an Avenger ter) is immune to this power. be totally deprived of water, Namor will take 30 points of damage per day. Immersion in water because of the comradeship and opportunities Any victim of this power can try to make a Yellow automatically restores Health lost through dehy- for combat, which is Hercules forte. Hercules FEAT roll each round to recover from the thinks those that engage in slugfest with him , if dration and brings the Sub-Mariner's statistics effects. Anyone who has fallen prey to Starfox's to normal. deserving, should receive his "Gift," a powerful power may be agreeable to Starfox's sugges- punch at full strength. The survivor of such a tions. Robots, artificial life forms, and some ali- RUNNING SUB-MARINER: Namor is the son of punch can be truly said to be blessed, and Her- ens, such as Rigellians, are immune to the a human ship captain and Princess Fen, daugh- cules will be very dramatic while delivering his effects of this power. ter of the ruler of Atlantis. He fought alongside "Gift." (Note that Hercules will NOT do so Captain America and the andoid against normal mortals or other lesser oppo- RESOURCES: Although Starfox has nothing of (later the ) as a member of the Invaders, nents). value on Earth, he is related to the rulers of but following the war lost his memory. His mem- Titan. As such he can get access to ory was returned by Johnny Storm, the Human UNEARTHLY resources if the occasion merits Torch, and Namor led his people in several it. attacks against the surface world until con- Talents: Starfox is an accomplished pilot of vinced that the surface-dwellers were not spacecraft, and has expanded this ability to overtly hostile. After several years of sharing an such terran craft as the Quinjet. His Reason is adventuring life alongside his tasks of rulership, REMARKABLE in matters of space navigation. the people of Atlantis deposed the monarch, As Namor's temperament was not suited towards RUNNING STARFOX: Like Hercules, Eros peaceful rulership. Namor wandered for some joined the Avengers in search of adventure, time, eventually joining the Avengers on the finding life on Tjtan too calm. He is quite a invitation of his old ally Captain America. romantic and flirt with the ladies. One item that will shatter his calm is the legacy of his evil Namor is very much the hot-tempered youth (by brother, Thanos. Atlantean standards) he was in the '40's. He is thin-skinned, easily offended, and ail-too accus- tomed to having his every wish fufilled by willing suplicants. Having worked as a solitary hero for as long as he has, he is used to running into bat- tle first, without thought of his allies.

11 WASP™ Heroes: The Fantastic Four™ Janet "Jan" Van Dyne The first of an ever-increasing number of super- Fighting: GOOD powered individuals in recent times, the Agility: EXCELLENT Fantastic Four gained their powers in an experi- Strength: TYPICAL mental rocket flight that was bombarded by cos- Endurance: GOOD mic radiation. The radiation transformed Reed Reason: EXCELLENT Richards, his fiancee Sue Storm, her brother Intuition: EXCELLENT Johnny, and pilot into their present Psyche: GOOD super-powered identities. Ben left the team fol- lowing the original Secret Wars, and was Health: 46 replaced by She-hulk, who is also a reserve Karma 50 member of the Avengers. The Fantastic Four Resources: EXCELLENT are operating out of the Avengers Mansion until Popularity: 65 their own headquarters, the Baxter Building, is rebuilt. Known Powers: SHRINKING: The Wasp has Incredible shrink- SHE-HULK™ ing powers and may reduce her body to half an Jennifer Walters inch in height by mental command. She retains her normal mass and strength when reduced in Fighting: REMARKABLE size. Agility: EXCELLENT Strength: MONSTROUS FLIGHT: When Jan reaches 1/2 inch in height, a Endurance: AMAZING pair of wings unfolds from her back. She may fly Reason: TYPICAL 2 areas/round in this fashion, and can carry Intuition: GOOD about 1/2 ounce in flight. Psyche: EXCELLENT WASP STING: Jan wears a compressed needle Health: 175 jet blaster on each arm that can shoot a beam of Karma 36 bio-electronic energy. These beams do Resources: EXCELLENT Remarkable damage to any target in the same Popularity: 30 area. INSECT COMMUNICATION: The Wasp has Known Powers: Typical skill communicating and controlling BODY ARMOR: She-Hulk's thick hide gives her insects. She seldom uses this power. Incredible body armor. Talents: Janet Van Dyne has a Reason of LEAPING: Jennifer has powerful leg muscles, Remarkable in business matters. and can make Remarkable leaps of 3 areas. RUNNING WASP: Janet Van Dyne gained her Talents: Jennifer Walters was a licensed lawyer powers from scientist Henry Pym, and the pair with a practice in California. Her Reason is fought crime side-by-side and as members of Excellent in legal matters, but as the She-Hulk the original Avengers. Van Dyne married Pym, she has no patience for law. but they have since divorced. RUNNING SHE-HULK: Jennifer Walters was a Janet Van Dyne has in the past cultivated a criminal lawyer in Los Angeles who was criti- "ditzy brunette" image, treating heroing as a cally injured by vicious mobsters. Her life was grand adventure and gaining a reputation for saved by her cousin, Robert Bruce Banner (The having a wide variety of costumes, all cos- Hulk), who gave her an emergency transfusion. tructed of unstable molecules. This image has Banner's Gamma Irradiated blood transformed concealed a no-nonsense woman with an excel- Walters into the She-Hulk. Briefly considered a lent business sense, and it is this personality menace, She-Hulk moved to New York and which has emerged since her divorce. She is joined the Avengers. At the close of the original currently the chairman of the Avengers, no easy Secret Wars, Thing chose She-Hulk to replace task given the hot tempers of Sub-Mariner and him in the Fantastic Four. She-Hulk has Hercules, and in the shadow of Captain Amer- remained with the group ever since. ica. She-Hulk enjoys using her physical power, and sees the Fantastic Four as a chance to step out of the shadow of her dangerous cousin. As a reserve member of the Avengers, She-H ulk may be called into active duty.

12 MISTER FANTASTIC™ INVISIBLE WOMAN™ HUMAN TORCH™ Reed Richards Susan "Sue" Storm Richards Johnny Storm

Fighting: GOOD Fighting: GOOD Fighting: GOOD Agility: TYPICAL Agility: GOOD Agility: EXCELLENT Strength: TYPICAL Strength: TYPICAL Strength: GOOD Endurance: EXCELLENT Endurance: EXCELLENT Endurance: EXCELLENT Reason: AMAZING Reason: GOOD Reason: GOOD Intuition: EXCELLENT Intuition: EXCELLENT Intuition: GOOD Psyche: REMARKABLE Psyche: GOOD Psyche: TYPICAL Health: 42 Health: 46 Health: 60 Karma 100 Karma 40 Karma 26 Resources: REMARKABLE Resources: REMARKABLE Resources: REMARKABLE Popularity: 80 Popularity: 80 Popularity: 80

Known Powers: Known Powers: Known Powers: ELASTIC BODY: Reed can make his body mal- INVISIBILITY: Sue can make herself invisible to GENERATE AND CONTROL FIRE: Johnny can leable at will, and can deform, expand, stretch, normal sight by bending light around her body. generate flame from all or part of his body. He or compress all or parts of his body. He can She can make other people or things (line-of- can also control external fire with Unearthly abil- stretch up to 4 areas away without making a sight range) invisible (or visible) if she makes a ity. He can shoot flame with Remarkable Agility FEAT roll, and is able to attack or pick up objects Green Psyche FEAT roll. up to 3 areas away and can cause up to at that range. Reed must make an Endurance Unearthly damage. FORCE FIELD: Susan has the ability to create FEAT roll to stretch further. He can never stretch FIRE RESISTANCE: Johnny has Unearthly more than 10 areas. By stretching, Reed can and use an invisible force field. Used as a shield, the force field absorbs Monstrous dam- resistance to fire and heat. attack several non-adjacent opponents. age. If any single attack causes more than Mon- FLIGHT: When flaming, Johnny can fly at BODY ARMOR: Reed's skin provides Remark- strous damage, the field collapses and she Amazing speed. He can carry up to 180 Ibs., but able protection from physical damage (bullets, must make a Green Endurance FEAT roll or this reduces his speed to Remarkable. knives, explosives, and punches), but not pass out for 1 to 10 rounds. Susan can use the against energy rays or wrestling holds. He can field to lift as much as 10 tons, as if she had an BODY ARMOR: Johnny's flaming surface is absorb damage from up to Incredible explo- Incredible Strength. Incredible body armor against all shooting, sions, but must make a Green Endurance FEAT FLIGHT: By creating a column of force beneath throwing, and hack & slash weaponry, unless it roll afterward or fall unconscious. herself and allowing it to topple, the Invisible is of Amazing or better material. All slugfest, grappling, and charging attacks cause normal WRESTLING: Reed does not have wrestling tal- Woman can "fly" at Typical speed (6 areas per damage, but the attacker suffers Incredible ent, but his slippery, stretchy body makes him a round). She can carry up to 10 tons of passen- damage automatically. difficult opponent. He grapples as though his gers or material. Strength was Excellent, but he causes damage RUNNING THE INVISIBLE WOMAN: Sue NOVA BLAST: When "flamed on," Johnny can using his Typical Strength. He can escape from Storm gained her powers along with Reed and explode in a super-heated blast of flame, caus- a wrestling hold with a Green Strength FEAT the others on a rocket trip. She has since mar- ing 150 points of damage to everything within 5 roll. areas. Johnny's flame dies out immediately ried Reed, and had one child, Franklin (see Tat- Talents: Reed is a master of many sciences. He tletale). Early in the Secret Wars campaign she after this attack and his powers are reduced to Feeble. He will pass out for 1 -10 rounds after- excels in electronics and physics, and his Rea- changed her code name from Invisible Girl to ward unless he makes a Red Endurance FEAT son is Monstrous in these matters. Invisible Woman, which is how she is noted in this text. roll. RUNNING MR. FANTASTIC: Reed Richards and his compatriots Ben, Sue, and Johnny Sue is very much the strong bond that keeps the Talents: Johnny's Intuition and Reason are gained their remarkable powers by traveling Fantastic Four together. Long in doubt of her Excellent concerning cars and racing. through a belt of cosmic radiation on their now- own powers, Sue has gained the surety to take RUNNING HUMAN TORCH: Johnny Storm famous rocket trip. As the team's leader, Mr. on opponents like the Hulk and survive. She is gained his powers in the cosmic radiation that Fantastic seeks to use his mind and abilities to to some degree unaware of the Beyonder's full converted him, his sister Sue, Reed Richards make new discoveries and chart new frontiers. power, as she was not a member of the heroes and Ben Grimm into the Fantastic Four. The Reed has a tendency to become lost in his work, in Secret Wars I. youngest of the group, Johnny is still both however, and a new mystery will often cause impetuous and headstrong, often acting without him to ignore a domestic matter. thinking. Reed is concerned with the Beyonder's pres- Following the first Secret Wars, Johnny began ence on Earth, and the danger it may present. dating Alicia Masters, who was Ben Grimm's While believing in free choice, he feels that the steady girlfriend (Ben remained on the Secret Beyonder can be guided to be a force of good Wars Battleplanet). The two have a close rela- for all. tionship, but this relationship has driven a deep wedge between Johnny and Ben.

13 Heroes: ™ The West Coast Avengers™ Clint Francis Barton Greer Grant Nelson Fighting: GOOD Fighting: EXCELLENT Formed as an affiliate of the Avengers based in Agility: REMARKABLE Agility: INCREDIBLE New York, this super-powered team operates Strength: GOOD Strength: INCREDIBLE out of a 15 acre seaside estate south of Los Endurance: EXCELLENT Endurance: REMARKABLE Angeles. The current team at the time of Secret Reason: TYPICAL Reason: TYPICAL Wars II is team leader Hawkeye, his wife Mock- Intuition: GOOD Intuition: REMARKABLE ingbird, Wonder Man, Iron Man, and Tigra. Psyche: TYPICAL Psyche: EXCELLENT Health: 70 Health: 130 WONDER MAN™ Karma 22 Karma 56 Simon Williams Resources: TYPICAL Resources: TYPICAL Popularity: 45 Popularity: 50 Fighting: GOOD Agility: REMARKABLE Known Powers: Known Powers: Strength: UNEARTHLY Endurance: MONSTROUS EXTRAORDINARY VISION: Hawkeye has EXTRORDINARY SENSES: Tigra has Mon- Reason: TYPICAL Remarkable vision, allowing him to see distant strous vision, hearing and smell. Her smell is Intuition: TYPICAL objects with precision. good enough to allow her to track a person through a crowd. Psyche: TYPICAL POOR HEARING: Hawkeye has had his hear- Health: 215 ing damaged and now must wear a hearing aid. NIGHT VISION: Tigra can "see in the dark." Karma 18 Like a cat the pupils of her eyes are shaped as BOW SKILL: Hawkeye has Monstrous Agility vertical slits and can perceive light that would Resources: POOR when firing a bow. His 75-lb. pull bow has a Popularity: 45 escape the human eye. Where there is abso- range of 7 areas. Hawkeye may fire up to three lutely no light source, such as in an under- arrows in one round. Known Powers: ground cave or a black box she would be unable SPECIALTY ARROWS: Hawkeye's quiver con- to see. BODY ARMOR: Wonder Man's skin is so hard tains 36 arrows, 12 of which are standard target- CLAWS: Tigra's claws inflict Good damage on that he has an Amazing protection from all type (Excellent slugfest damage), 6 of which forms of damage. the hack 'n slash column. She may choose to have triple-biaded razor heads (Excellent Hack use her fists as well. ENVIROMENTAL INDEPENDENCE: Simon 'n Slash damage), and the remaining 18 which does not need to eat, drink, or breath, but can if may be attached to specialty arrowheads. EMPATHY: This power is similar to telepathy, he wants to. He can survive in outer space. He is Below are listed some typical specialty heads: except that only emotions are perceived, and not truly human any more and does not age. Explosive - Amazing Grenade damage nothing can be transmitted. Tear Gas - Excellent Potency in a single area FLIGHT: He wears a belt which allows him to fly Electric - Amazing Electrical damage to tar- RUNNING SPEED: Tigra can run at the rate of 4 at Remarkable (15 areas/round) speed. The belt get areas a round for up to 3 rounds before tiring can only lift 300 Ibs beyond Simon's weight. Smoke - Covers one area. and slowing to normal speed. Talents: Simon Williams is an aspiring actor, Thermal - Inflicts Remarkable Heat damage RUNNING TIGRA: Greer Nelson first appeared and has used his invulnerability to an advantage to one target. as a crimefighter known as the Cat, using a vari- as a stuntman. • Suction Cup - Remarkable strength suction ety of technological devices in conjunction with cup, may be attached to light rope or . her own enhanced abilities. When subjected to RUNNING WONDER MAN: Simon Williams Adheres to smooth surfaces. fatal radiation, the mystical Cat People saved was convicted for embezelling from his failing • - Returns to firer in one round. her life by transforming her magically into one of electronics firm when recruited by the villain May be used with light cable to wrap around their race, supposably merging her with the in a plot against the Avengers. an opponent or object. spirit of one of their great warriors. Since that Simon was given incredible powers, then • Bola - on contact jettisons cable of Incredible time, Tigra has fought crime as a member of the ordered to infiltrate and betray the team. Simon Strength which will wrap about the target, East Coast and West Coast Avengers. joined the Avengers, but chose to sacrifice him- securing it. self rather than betray them. After an apparent • Flare - Lights up 2 area radius with Remark- At the time of Secret Wars II, Tigra's catlike per- "death" Simon returned to join first the East able Intensity. sonality is starting to emerge more strongly. She Coast team, and later the West Coast franchise. • Hypersonic - Excellent intensity concusive will be suddenly be overtaken by a fear of water, a desire for meat, or the need for stroking and Simon Williams is still plagued by self-doubt, tip, stuns for 5 rounds. • Flame-Killer - Amazing Smothering affection. At times of the Judge's chosing, ask and the guilt that he is truly responsible for the the player to make a Psyche FEAT roll for Tigra. crime he was convicted for. Talents: Hawkeye is skilled in Martial Arts and is Failure indicates the supremacy of the "cat" a naturally skilled marksman with aimed and personality. Use this FEAT roll to encourage thrown weapons. role-playing (10 Karma for pulling it off) but not to harm Tigra or the other Avengers. RUNNING HAWKEYE: Clint has graduated from being a loud-mouthed East Coast Avenger to being leader of the West Coast Avengers. He is very aware of his team's need to prove itself to the Avengers and others.

14 MOCKINGBIRD™ IRON MAN™ inflicting Good damage on the wearer. Energy Barbara "Bobbi" Morse Barton Tony Stark may be redirected through the weapons sys- tems, inflicting up to Monstrous damage until Fighting: EXCELLENT Fighting: EXCELLENT the stored energy is depleted. Agility: EXCELLENT Agility: REMARKABLE AIR SUPPLY: Fully-functional life-support sys- Strength: TYPICAL Strength: INCREDIBLE tem allows work in hostile environments for an Endurance: GOOD Endurance: MONSTROUS as-yet undetermined amount of time. Reason: EXCELLENT Reason: INCREDIBLE Intuition: TYPICAL Intuition: EXCELLENT OVERIDE: By removing the safety interfaces on Psyche: TYPICAL Psyche: TYPICAL the armor, abilties may be increased. Strength or repulsor damage may be raised to Unearthly Health: 56 Health: 165 by overiding, and any other ability may be raised Karma 32 Karma 66 one rank. Each round of Overide, the wearer Resources: TYPICAL Resources: EXCELLENT must make a Yellow FEAT in the Feeble col- Popularity: 50 Popularity: 25 lumn, with failure indicating the armor is immo- bilized and must be repaired before it is used Known Powers: Known Powers: again. BODY ARMOR: Mockingbird wears a protect- All of Iron Man's powers derive from his sophisti- DETECTION EQUIPMENT: The Iron Man armor ive suit made of Kevlar and woven Beta cloth. cated armor. Without this armor, Tony Stark's has nightvision lenses allowing the wearer to This suit provides Remarkable protection abilities are: see 3 areas in darkness. The suit has Radar/ against physical damange and Excellent pro- F A S E R I P Sonar/Heat Detection up to 10 areas, Vital Sign tection against fire. TY TY PR TY IN EX TY and Exotic Energy detection to 10 miles, a scan- BATTLE STAVES: Mockingbird's chief weapon BODY ARMOR: Made of Remarkable strength ner program keyed to specific threats function- consists of two hollow steel alloy poles (Remark- material backed by a force field, the armor pro- ing at the Remarkable rank, and an Energy able material) fitted into holsters on her fore- vides Amazing protection from physical dam- detection device that allows Stark to "see" elec- arms. She handles these poles with age, Monstrous protection from most energy trical cables 1 area away, though Remarkable Remarkable Agility, and can use them in a num- attacks, Amazing resistance to heat and cold, material. ber of ways: Incredible resistance to acids, and Unearthly MULTI-BAND RADIO: Built into the helmet, this • Fitted together, the battle staves form a jave- protection from radiation and physical attack. AM/FM/Shortwave/civilian/navigation radio lin which can inflict Remarkable damage with satellite and computer capability has a when hurled at a target within 4 areas. FORCE FIELD: Created by shunting power from other systems to the regular force field, this range of 200 miles. • Spring mechanisms in her forearm holsters allow her to fire the staves at targets up to 3 force field may be used safely only a single SONIC DISTORTER: Also built into the helmet, round, and raises protection from slugfest and areas away, doing Excellent damage. Her the sonic distorter cuts out the high and low fre- skill in firing these staves permits her to concusive damage to Monstrous, and resist- quencies of Stark's voice, providing Amazing angle shots so that the staves bounce back ance to Energy Attacks to Unearthly. Other protection from detection by electronic voice in her general direction. She can catch them weapon systems may not be used when the detectors and similar devices. force field is in operation. in the air on the rebound by making an Agility ECMs: The armor has Remarkable protection FEAT roll. FLIGHT: Normal flight is 10 areas/round, but the from electronic detection, including radar, and • Connected and telescoped to full length, the boot-jets may reach Unearthly speeds outside Unearthly protection from signals intended to staves form a vaulting pole 8 ft. long. The the atmosphere. If used as weapons, the boot overide suit operations. An implanted holo- pole allows Mockingbird to clear the roof of a jets inflict Incredible damage to targets in the graphic projector allows the suit to blend into one-story structure with little effort. same area. the background. While not invisible, the suit in ACROBATICS: Mockingbird receives one shift REPULSORS: The main weapons systems of this state has Remarkable protection from visi- to the right in her agility (to Remarkable) when the suit are medium density plasma projectors ble sightings. This may be reduced by complex Dodging. which may inflict up to Amazing Damage at a backgrounds, and is negated by use of the range of 10 areas. weapon systems. Talents: Mockingbird has had extensive experi- ence in the fields of biology, law enforcement, PULSE-BOLTS: An expanded version of the EYE PROTECTION: Polarized eye shields will and espionage. Her Reason is Remarkable in repulsors, the pulse-bolts may inflict up to Mon- drop into place to protect Stark's vision if these areas. In addition, Mockingbird has an strous Damage at a range of 10 areas. exposed to bright lights or radiation. The sud- exceptional reputation among law-enforcement den polarization causes 1 round of blindness as agencies. Treat her popularity as Monstrous UNIBEAM: Mounted in the chest, this high- the shields adjust. intensity lamp shines with Remarkable inten- with regards to S.H.I.E.L.D., Interpol, and gov- RUNNING IRON MAN: Tony Stark, after a long erment security agencies. sity, up to 3 areas away. The beam may be tightened to a laser, inflicting Amazing damage battle with alcoholism, has returned to his role RUNNING MOCKINGBIRD: Bobbi Morse is a at a range of 3 areas. as Iron Man in a silver and crimson suit of rede- former agent of S.H.I.E.L.D, who, after reveal- signed armor. Confident that the worst is behind ing corruption in that organization, went THERMAL BEAM: Also located in the chest him, Stark is again a hero. freelance as a costumed hero. After fighting plate, the beam may inflict up to Incredible dam- against and alongside Hawkeye, the two mar- age 3 areas away. ried, and are the core of the West Coast Aveng- DISRUPTOR FIELD: This field may overload ers. electrical equipment with Remarkable ability, up to 2 areas away. ENERGY ABSORBTION: An Unearthly amount of energy may be absorbed each round, for a total of 400 points of energy, maximum, for four rounds. Storage beyond that point may over- load the system (Endurance FEAT to avoid),

15 Heroes: Power Pack™ MASS MASTER™ TATTLETALE™ Jack Power Franklin Benjamin Richards

The children of James and Margaret Power Fighting TYPICAL Fighting: POOR were given great power by a dying alien to pro- Agility: GOOD Agility: TYPICAL tect their world. They have since been joined by Strength: POOR Strength: FEEBLE Franklin Richards, son of Reed and Sue Endurance: AMAZING Endurance: TYPICAL Richards of the Fantastic Four. The group uses Reason: POOR Reason: TYPICAL New York City as a base. Intuition: TYPICAL Intuition: EXCELLENT Psyche: GOOD Psyche: MONSTROUS GEE™ Alex Power Health: 70 Health: 18 Karma 20 Karma 91 Fighting TYPICAL Resources: FEEBLE Resources: NONE Agility: GOOD Popularity: 0 Popularity: 0 Strength: TYPICAL Endurance: AMAZING Known Powers: Known Powers: Reason: GOOD MASS CONTROL: Jack has total control over Franklin Richards has potentially great mental Intuition: TYPICAL the molecular cohesion of his body. By dispers- powers, restrained by mental blocks placed on Psyche: TYPICAL ing his molecules, he can become a cloudy form his mind. The only part of his powers usable at Health: 72 up to 2 areas in volume, wrapping those within it this time are his precognitive dream powers. Karma 22 in a thick fog. This maximum dispersal allows him limited flight, up to 2 areas per round. Jack PRECOGNITION: Franklin Richard's mental Resources: FEEBLE power manifests itself in the young boy's Popularity: 0 cannot attack in this form, but cannot himself be harmed by physical or energy attacks. Con- dreams. Before an adventure, the Judge should make a Psyche FEAT for Franklin. A White Known Powers: versely, by pulling his molecular structure together, Jack can shrink to 6 inches in height results means no noticable dreams, a Green GRAVITY CONTROL: Gee has the power to while retaining his original mass of 30 kilo- result means ordinary dreams (Judge may feel control gravity to a Monstrous degree. He can grams, (66 Ibs). In this condensed state he has free to make something up), and a Yellow or Red negate the pull of gravity, allowing him to float Remarkable body armor and his Strength result means that the character has peeked into on air. In addition he can levitate upward or increases to Remarkable for damage when he the future. If the latter occurs, inform the player downward 2 areas per round. While he cannot uses himself as a projectile. of a "dream" setting it up as if it were the initial fly in the proper sense, he can degravitize him- encounter. Run it until the dream-Franklin must self and push off of buildings, using self-styled do something, then end the dream. Be free with ENERGIZER™ information that would otherwise be witheld "wings" to glide in the direction he chooses. Gee can degravitize objects when touching from a player, but couch it in cloudy terms. them. Franklin's dreams should give warnings, but not Fighting: POOR fortell the results of battles, actions, or adven- Agility: TYPICAL tures. LIGHTSPEED™ Strength: FEEBLE Julie Power Endurance: AMAZING RUNNING POWER PACK: The original four Reason: POOR members of Power Pack are the children of Fighting TYPICAL Intuition: POOR James and Margaret Power, later joined by Agility: EXCELLENT Psyche: GOOD Franklin Richards, son of Reed and Sue Strength: POOR Richards. Alex is the oldest, the "team leader", Endurance: AMAZING Health: 62 has an interest is hard science and is just dis- Reason: GOOD Karma 18 covering girls. Julie is next in line, is an avid Intuition: TYPICAL Resources: FEEBLE reader, enjoys fantasy, and acts as the "acting Psyche: GOOD Popularity: 0 mother" of the team. Jack, 8 years old, is a smart-alec kid brother, tending to act before Health: 80 Known Powers: thinking. Katie is the youngest of the Power chil- Karma 26 ENERGY ABSORPTION: Katie can convert dren, and throws tantrums and teases Franklin. Resources: FEEBLE Franklin is overjoyed to have other children to Popularity: 0 matter to energy and store that energy within her body, releasing it as energy bolts. She con- play with, feels ignored by his super-powered parents, and has a running feud going with Known Powers: verts matter to energy on touch, disintegrating nonliving material or inflicting Good damage to Katie. FLIGHT: Lightspeed can fly up to 10 areas per anyone holding on to her. The amount of energy round, maneuvering with Remarkable Agility. Katie absorbs equals the cummulative material As she uses this power, she leaves a colorful ranks of the disintegrated objects. When storing trail of blue, yellow, and light behind her. energy, the youngest member of Power Pack She cannot hover in place, but will loop and spin glows with a bright light that fills one area. She to remain airborne in the same area. Lightspeed can store up to a Monstrous amount of energy at can carry up to 100 Ibs. when flying. one time but then can store no more until she discharges some. She "leaks off" this energy naturally at about five points per round. Each energy bolt Katie discharges inflicts Excellent damage, and drains her of that much energy. Her range is two areas.

16 Heroes: Defenders™ BEAST™ ICEMAN™ Henry "Hank" McCoy Robert "Bobby" Drake

The Defenders were formed as a "non-team" Fighting: INCREDIBLE Fighting: GOOD by Doctor Strange, Hulk, and Sub-Mariner, and Agility: AMAZING Agility: GOOD many heroes too independent for normal teams Strength: REMARKABLE Strength: TYPICAL found comradery there. The present team con- Endurance: EXCELLENT Endurance: REMARKABLE sists of former X-Men Angel,Beast, and Iceman, Reason: EXCELLENT Reason: GOOD and , Valkyrie, and Andromeda. Their Intuition: GOOD Intuition: POOR base of operations is Angel's mountaintop Psyche: EXCELLENT Psyche: TYPICAL retreat in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. Health: 140 Health: 56 ANGEL™ Karma 50 Karma 30 Warren Kenneth Worthington III Resources: GOOD Resources: TYPICAL Popularity: 25 Popularity: 3 Fighting: EXCELLENT Agility: REMARKABLE Known Powers: Known Powers: Strength: GOOD FEET: Hank can use his feet as a second set of ICE GENERATION: Iceman can create Endurance: REMARKABLE hands; they are capable of doing everything his superhard ice of Remarkable Strength. He can Reason: GOOD hands do, giving him one column shift to the create weapons, shields, and semi-permanent Intuition: TYPICAL right when wrestling. structures of this strength by drawing ambient Psyche: GOOD moisture out of the air. He can also extend ice CLIMBING: Hank's Dexterity is so good that he under others, causing them to slip unless they Health: 90 can climb any wall that can give him purchase Karma 26 make an Agility FEAT roll (or have some applica- (such as brick or concrete, but not smooth steel ble wall-crawling or adhesion ability). In normal Resources: REMARKABLE or glass). In addition, he can fall up to 3 stories Popularity: 12 temperatures, Bobby's ice-constructs have a (30 feet) without damage, provided he lands on base lifespan of 5 rounds, plus a variable addi- his feet (Agility FEAT roll required). He can pre- Known Powers: tion of 1 -10 rounds. The base figure increases to vent damage from a long fall by grabbing and 10 rounds in cold regions and decreases to 1 FLIGHT: Warren flies by means of two natural, swinging off lampposts, flagpoles, signs, etc., round in hot regions, such as under the desert feathered wings jutting from his shoulders as long as he does not fall more than 30 feet sun. Bobby can generate ice in any region that (wingspan of 16 feet). He can fly up to 6 areas a between each object, and keeps making suc- has some ambient water vapor. This means he turn, but can sprint up to 8 areas a turn. If he is cessful Agility FEAT rolls. can use his powers anywhere on Earth, but he flying at maximum speed, he must make an SPEED: Hank can move up to 4 areas per round would be severely limited in outer space. Bobby Endurance FEAT roll for every round after the when sprinting on all fours. He must make a can also use this power to pull water away from second. Failure indicates that he is exhausted successful Endurance FEAT roll (modified down a source, to "dry it up," to some degree. and must rest for 2 rounds (flying 2 areas a one column to the left for every round of continu- BODY ARMOR: By "icing up," Bobby can give round maximum if not stopping completely) ous sprinting). Failure indicates he must take before continuing at normal speed. Angel can himself Remarkable body armor. However, due one column shift left in ALL actions until he rests to the rigid nature of the ice, he squeaks when lift at least 200 Ibs. in flight. Greater weights for 4 rounds. require a Strength FEAT roll. If he is attacking a he walks. This ruins any chance for surprise non-airborne figure who is unaware of his pres- Talents: Hank has Remarkable Reason in all unless he makes a Psyche FEAT roll to control ence, treat Angel's Intuition as Monstrous for matters pertaining to biochemistry, genetics, this action. Bobby has Unearthly resistance to purposes of surprise (optional rule). and electronics. cold, but takes damage from heat and flames as if the attack were one rank higher (though his RUNNING ANGEL: Warren Worthington III was, RUNNING BEAST: Hank McCoy was an original body armor still offers protection). along with Scott Summers, Hank McCoy, Jean X-Man who left the group, first to join the Aveng- Grey, and Bobby Drake, one of the original X- ers, then to help form the "New" Defenders. MOVEMENT: By creating a toppling ramp of ice Men. With the formation of the "new" X-Men, Following the events in Secret Wars II, Beast and gliding along it, Bobby can move up to 4 Angel left the group to form the Champions of will become part of X-Factor. areas per round for an indefinite period. He can only climb a single story with his ramp in a single Los Angeles, a group which later folded. Angel An accomplished geneticist, McCoy's experi- rejoined the X-Men briefly, then, with McCoy round, but can descend from any height to ments on his own mutant physiology have ground level. and Drake, joined the Defenders. Angel used resulted in his present blue-furred form. His pre- his inheritance to support the groups he was a vious bookish nature (and glasses) disap- RUNNING ICEMAN: Bobby Drake was the part of, and used his Rocky Mountain retreat as peared, to be replaced by a more self-sure, youngest of the Mutants forming the original X- a base for the Defenders. With the disbanding of energetic individual. Beast is in constant Men, and as such was the most clownish and that group, Angel would go on to become a part motion, and is as comfortable hanging from the impetuous. Iceman left the group to accompany of X-Factor, but that lies beyond the scope of ceiling by his claws as he is sitting at a table. Warren as a Champion of Los Angeles, and this adventure. later as a Defender. He too will become a mem- Angel has attempted to lead super-powered ber of X-Factor following the disbanding of the teams in the past, with disasterous results. The Defenders. Bobby is out of college and still com- Defenders were officially led by Worthington's ing to terms to some degree with his mutant girl friend Candy Southern. hero abilities.

17 GARGOYLE™ VALKYRIE™ ANDROMEDA™ Isaac Christians Brunnhilda of the Fighting: INCREDIBLE Fighting: EXCELLENT Fighting: MONSTROUS Agiltiy: REMARKABLE Agility: POOR Agility: REMARKABLE Strength: INCREDIBLE Strength: REMARKABLE Strength: AMAZING Endurance: REMARKABLE Endurance: INCREDIBLE Endurance: AMAZING Reason: EXCELLENT Reason: GOOD Reason: TYPICAL Intuition: REMARKABLE Intuition: TYPICAL Intuition: EXCELLENT Psyche: GOOD Psyche: GOOD Psyche: GOOD Health: 140 Health: 94 Health: ' 205 Karma 60 Karma 26 Karma 36 Resources: GOOD Resources: POOR Resources: TYPICAL Popularity: 0 Popularity: 4 Popularity: 15 Known Powers: Known Powers: Known Powers: WATER BREATHING: As a member of the race BODY ARMOR: Isaac's thick hide gives him BODY ARMOR: Like all Asgardians, Valkyrie of Homo Mermanus, Andromeda can breath Excellent protection from physical damage. has Good protection from all physical attacks. underwater without penalty. However, without FLIGHT: Gargoyle flies by manipulating bio- DRAGONFANG: Carved from the tooth of an special aid she will die if in open air, "drowning" mystical energies, letting him move 3 areas per extra-dimensional dragon by an Oriental wiz- in 10 minutes. To counteract this, Andromeda round. ard, Valkyrie's sword Dragonfang was given to uses a a serum that allows her people to survive her by Doctor Strange. The blade is made of up to 12 hours out of water, and in addition pro- REGENERATION: The same bio-mystical force material with Unearthly strength, and when vides the skin color of a surface-dweller. It is pre- that powers his flight lets Gargoyle regenerate wielding it Valkyrie attacks on the Unearthly sumed she has a method of generating this damage at an Amazing rate. In addition, he may column. She can inflict Monstrous damage on serum in her ship. regain lost body parts through regeneration, the Hack & Slash column or up to Amazing dam- BODY ARMOR: As an Atlanetean, Andromeda and he is immune to the effects of disease and age on the Slugfest column by using the flat of normal aging. has a tougher skin to allow her to survive in the blade. great depths. She has Poor Body Armor from BIO-MYSTICAL LIFE FORCE CONTROL: Gar- IRON SPEAR: Valkyrie also wields an iron physical attacks. goyle can manipulate the bio-mystical life force spear which can inflict Amazing Hack & Slash of others, allowing him to remove up to an SWIMMING: Andromeda can move 6 areas per damage and can be thrown up to 10 areas for round while swimming. Incredible amount of Health from a target on Incredible damage. touch. This loss of Health lasts only 2 rounds, WARSHIP: Andromeda has in her possesion an but if a victim's Health drops below 0 as a result ARAGORN: Formerly the mount of the Black Atlantean warship with numerous abilities, not of such an attack, the victim will die (with result- Knight, this snow-white pegasus was given by all of which are currently known. It may move ing Karma loss for Gargoyle). Gargoyle can con- the Knight to Valkyrie and is faithful to his mis- underwater a Remarakble speed, and fly at trol how much Health he will take from a victim, tress. Aragorn can run at 5 areas per round, fly Incredible speed. In addition it has onboard but must announce before the attack the at 10 areas per round, and has the following computers capable of duplicating common amount of Health to be taken (e.g. a Typical abilities: items (such as the serum and credit cards), and attack would remove 6 points of Health). F A S E Health is protected by at least a pair of Incredible GD EX RM IN 100 FORCE BOLTS: Gargoyle can redirect his own Strength Atlantean laser cannons. bio-mystical life force into force bolts that can Talents: Valkyrie is skilled at martial arts, and TRIDENT: Andromeda can use many weapons, inflict up to Incredible damage, but as many with sharp weapons (swords) and thrown weap- but prefers the Atlantean trident. She may hurl points will be removed from his Health as were ons. the trident up to 5 areas, for Good Hack 'n Slash used in the bolt attack. This loss of Health lasts damage, or wield it in Slugfest for similar dam- for 2 rounds. RUNNING VALKYRIE: Brunnhilda is one of the age. She may also use it in combat as a blunt Valkyrior, the chosers of the slain entrusted by ANTIMAGICAL FORCE FIELD: Isaac may instrument, inflicting up to Excellent damage to escort brave warriors to Valhalla. Upon with it. manipulate his personal life force to project a leaving that position Valkyrie was trapped by the force field giving him protection from magical Enchantress, and her body switched with that of Talents: Andromeda is skilled in the Atlantean energies and attacks at the Monstrous level at a an Earth woman. Regaining her rightful body, equivalents of Martial Arts. cost of 10 Health points for each round of opera- Valkyrie has begun to act as a true goddess: RUNNING ANDROMEDA: Andromeda was the tion. Health lost by using the force field may only haughty, proud, and cold to those she fights be healed in the normal manner. last member of the Defenders to officially join beside. She counts the Defenders amoung her before the final dissolution of that group. She RUNNING GARGOYLE: Mayor issac friends, but they are mortal and will pass from claims to be a native of Atlantis who left because Christians was transformed by demons into his this Earth. While Valkyrie is apparently slain in the male-dominated military had no place for a present state, but betrayed them and joined the the course of Secret Wars II, it is not necessarily capable woman. She sought out the Defenders Defenders. An old man beneath the warty hide the case that a Valkyrie Player-character will and joined them. While Andromeda perished in of Gargoyle, Christians acts as a voice of experi- suffer the same fate. the course of Secret Wars II, this same fate ence in the group dominated by young mutants. should not necessarily befall Andromeda Gargoyle apparently dies during Secret Wars II player-characters. but a Gargoyle player character need not suffer the same fate.

18 Heroes and Others: THOR™ BETA RAY BILL™ Thor of Asgard (English Translation of Name)

The following heroes and beings of power have Fighting: UNEARTHLY Fighting: UNEARTHLY at one time or another served on the side of Agility: EXCELLENT Agility: REMARKABLE good and a some have previously belonged to Strength: UNEARTHLY Strength: UNEARTHLY groups mentioned earlier. The majority are lon- Endurance: UNEARTHLY Endurance: UNEARTHLY ers, however, dealing with crime and other diffi- Reason: TYPICAL Reason: REMARKABLE culties on their own. All are potentially mobile, Intuition: EXCELLENT Intuition: EXCELLENT and can be involved with any of the encounters Psyche: AMAZING Psyche: AMAZING found in the Adventure Book. Health: 320 Health: 330 Karma 76 Karma 100 THE THING™ Resources: EXCELLENT Resources: GOOD Benjamin "Ben" J. Grimm Popularity: 100 Popularity: 30

Fighting: INCREDIBLE Known Powers: Known Powers: Agility: GOOD DENSE FLESH: Thor has Excellent protection BODY ARMOR: Bill's bio-engineered body pro- Strength: MONSTROUS from physical attacks. vides him with Excellent body armor. Endurance: MONSTROUS Reason: GOOD : Thor's magical hammer, Mjolnir, is STORM BREAKER: Bill's hammer, crafted by Intuition: GOOD made from mystical Uru metal, a Class 1000 Odin and the of Nidavellir has many Psyche: REMARKABLE material. Thor's Fighting is Shift X using it. The abilities similar to Mjolnir, and is made of Uru hammer has the following enchantments: metal. The hammer has the following enchant- Health: 200 • Return: The hammer always returns to the ments: Karma 50 thrower's hand and is caught in the same • Returning: As Mjolnir Resources: REMARKABLE round it was thrown. Thor can throw it up to • Weather control: As Mjolnir Popularity: 80 10 areas. • Dimensional Travel: As Mjolnir, with the • Worthiness: Other than Thor, only those who added ability (available to Mjolnir as well) to Known Powers: are worthy (good, honorable, brave, etc.) span great distances of space. Bill does this BODY ARMOR: The Thing's orange, rocky hide may lift Mjolnir. If Thor himself becomes a vil- with Unearthly ability. serves as Incredible body armor. lian or coward, he cannot lift the hammer • Flight: As Mjolnir again until he proves himself worthy again. • Shield: As Mjolnir Talents: Ben can fly any airplane or spacecraft Even a worthy character must have at least • Alter Ego—Bill's inhuman visage is the result of terrestrial design. He can deduce the work- 1000 Karma and Remarkable Strength to lift of biogenetic changes made upon him by his ings of any alien craft with a Green Reason the hammer. A non-living force may lift the race's scientists. Odin has passed on an FEAT roll. His Reason is Incredible when hammer if it has at least Remarkable enchantment from Thor's hammer that applied to flying vessels. Strength. allows Bill to regain his original humanoid form. In this orange, noseless form he has RUNNING THING: Ben Grimm flew the craft • Weather Control: The wielder of Mjolnir has that gave him, Reed, Sue, and Johnny their Unearthly control of weather. He can call or the following abilities: fantastic powers. In the first Secret Wars, the dispel storms. He can call down lightning F A S E R I P Thing remained on the Battleplanet, since there bolts for Monstrous damage, and may cause EX EX EX EX RM EX AM he could transform himself to Ben Grimm and lightning to issue directly from the hammer. Health = 80 Karma - 100 back. Further adventures on that planet forced • Dimensional Travel: By spinning the hammer him to reject that ability, and upon returning to just right, the user can cross into other SCUTTLEBUTT: Scuttlebutt is Bill's sentient Earth he discovered that a) it was a mental block dimensions such as Asgard, Olympus, starship and long-time companion. This huge warship may move at Class 1000 speed through that prevented him from doing it before, b) he Limbo, and numerous pocket dimensions. was now the Thing forever, and c) his long-time • Flight: Thor may throw Mjolnir, grab its space and is armed with numerous Unearthly- thong, and be pulled into the air, flying with girlfriend Alicia Masters was dating his long- class blasters. Scuttlebutt has Incredible Rea- time partner Johnny Storm. Ben left the Amazing speed. Thor can mentally control son, Incredible armor, and is self-repairing. Fantastic Four and has since been travelling the his flight path. The only limit to how much weight the hammer can lift is Thor's SENSOR IMPLANT: Grafted into Bill's Body, country, getting involved with a super-powered this implant allows him to discover the location wrestling organization. He bears a deep grudge Strength. • Shield: By spinning his hammer swiftly, Thor of his space fleet across great interstellar dis- against the Beyonder, as it was the Beyonder's tances. meddling in his life that brought him to this point. can deflect missiles and energy beams of of Remarkable strength or less. RUNNING BETA RAY BILL: Bioengineered by his people to serve as a champion for their race, Talents: Thor receives a column shift to the Beta Ray Bill met and defeated Thor, earning right when using a sword. the right to bear Mjolnir. Odin rewarded Bill's RUNNING THOR: The son of Odin, ruler of true spirit, making him Storm Breaker. Bill is Asgard, Thor is torn between his duties on Earth dedicated to protecting his race, as is his senti- and in his father's realm. He will not shirk from ent spaceship Scuttlebutt, but at the time of his responsibilities to either, but is unaware of Secret Wars II, is on Earth. Like Thor, Bill will Beyonder's plans for Kurse. fight to right any wrong.

19 DAZZLER™ POWER MAN™ IRON FIST™ Alison Blaire Luke Cage Daniel "Danny" Rand

Fighting: GOOD Fighting: REMARKABLE Fighting: INCREDIBLE Agility: GOOD Agility: GOOD Agility: REMARKABLE Strength: TYPICAL Strength: INCREDIBLE Strength: GOOD Endurance: GOOD Endurance: AMAZING Endurance: EXCELLENT Reason: POOR Reason: GOOD Reason: GOOD Intuition: TYPICAL Intuition: EXCELLENT Intuition: INCREDIBLE Psyche: TYPICAL Psyche: TYPICAL Psyche: AMAZING Health: 36 Health: 130 Health: 100 Karma 16 Karma 36 Karma 100 Resources: POOR Resources: TYPICAL Resources: TYPICAL Popularity: 0 Popularity: 20 Popularity: 20

Known Powers: Known Powers: Known Powers: SOUND/LIGHT CONVERSION: Alison has the BODY ARMOR: Luke Cage's thick hide pro- CHI: Danny Rand can channel his psychic ability to convert sound waves into coherent vides him with Incredible body armor. energy into either his Fighting, Agility, Strength, light. She can create several effects with this or Endurance to raise that ability by one rank. light: Talents: Luke has picked up Martial Arts abili- The use of chi requires a Psyche FEAT roll and 1 • Laser with a range of 2 areas. ties from his partner, and in addition has a Rea- round of concentration to complete. The effect • "Dazzling," creating confusion and/or blind- son of Excellent in matters that deal with urban lasts for 10 rounds. The increased ability does settings and street crime. ness (giving victims four column shifts down not add to Danny's Health, and in fact the use of to hit) in those victims who fail to make an RUNNING LUKE CAGE: Sent to prison for a chi causes a temporary loss of 25 health points Endurance FEAT roll. Range: 2 areas. crime he did not commit, Luke gained his from exhaustion at the end of the 10 rounds. • Calming or hypnotizing targets, effective powers in an experiment-gone-wild. Finally Should Health drop below 0, Rand merely loses within a range of 1 area. clearing his name, Luke has teamed up with consciousness. He cannot die from exhaustion. Danny Rand to form , a profit- The damage of the laser and the intensity of the IRON FIST: Once per day, Rand can channel his based hero enterprise. Luke has a very hard- chi into a single blow of Incredible power. As "dazzle" and hypnotic abilities is determined by line, city-smart point of view of the world, and the amount of ambient sound energy available. before, he must spend one round concentrating will, unfortunately, not hesitate to share it. He is to deliver this blow and will suffer the same In complete silence, no energy is available. In also as fast with his temper as he is with his resultant Health loss. He must use the Iron Fist normal-sound areas Dazzler can summon up mouth. effects and damage of up to Excellent effective- within 3 rounds of summoning it or lose an addi- ness. Even higher ranks can be attained in tional 25 Health points when it expires. To deter- noiser environments. Use the following as a mine the damage done by the punch, make a guide: Psyche FEAT roll. A White or Green result indi- Radio, crowded room: Remarkable cates Incredible damage, Yellow indicates Streets, loud music: Incredible Amazing damage and Red, Monstrous dam- age. If the result is Yellow or Red, 50 Health Explosions, subways: Amazing Jet engines, rockets: Monstrous points are lost after the fist is used, and in the Many Jet Engines: Unearthly case of a Red result, Danny will go unconscious For each round of Monstrous or Unearthly dam- 1-10 rounds as well. This punch cannot be age Alison causes, she must make an Endur- pulled. ance FEAT roll to continue damage at the same Talents: Danny Rand has, obviously, Martial level in the next round. Failure means that her Arts ability, and in addition has a Reason of damage potential shifts down one rank for the Excellent involving legends and the Orient. next 1-10 rounds. RUNNING IRON FIST: Danny Rand was taught Talents: Alison is an accomplished and talented his abilities by the inhabitants of the lost city of singer of Incredible ability. She has also in the K'un-Lun, and gained his "Iron Fist" when he past used roller skates in her act and in battle, defeated the great dragon, Shau-Lao the Undy- and can skate up to 3 areas per round. ing. Returning to the normal world upon becom- RUNNING DAZZLER: Alison Blaire is a mutant ing an adult, Rand teamed up with ex-convict who destroyed her promising career by demon- Luke Cage to form Heroes for Hire, a profit- strating her powers, triggering a wave of anti- based hero organization. Spending his youth mutant hysteria. Since that time she has trained removed from the day-to-day dealings of the with the X-Men to improve her abilities, and is outside world, Rand tends to be more philo- trying to make a come back. sophical and thoughtful than his partner, but each will go to great lengths to aid the other. In Secret Wars II, Alison may be "targetted" by the Beyonder for his affections as described in Chapter 10 "All you need is Love." SPIDER-MAN™ CLOAK™ DAGGER™ Peter Parker Tyrone Johnson Tandy Bowen

Fighting: REMARKABLE Fighting TYPICAL Fighting: EXCELLENT Agility: AMAZING Agility: GOOD Agility: EXCELLENT Strength: INCREDIBLE Strength: EXCELLENT Strength: TYPICAL Endurance: INCREDIBLE Endurance: INCREDIBLE Endurance: REMARKABLE Reason: EXCELLENT Reason: TYPICAL Reason: GOOD Intuition: AMAZING Intuition: EXCELLENT Intuition: GOOD Psyche: INCREDIBLE Psyche: GOOD Psyche: GOOD Health: 160 Health: 76 Health: 76 Karma 110 Karma 36 Karma 30 Resources: POOR Resources: FEEBLE Resources: FEEBLE Popularity: 40 Popularity: 3 Popularity: 7

Known Powers: Known Powers: Known Powers: WALL CRAWLING: Spider-Man sticks to all nor- DARK DIMENSION: Cloak's body serves as an LIGHT GENERATION: Dagger can illuminate mal surfaces automatically, and can walk on opening into a dimension of darkness, an extra- up to 2 areas with a glow radiating from her walls and ceilings with Amazing ability at normal dimensional space that may or may not be body. She can use this to Stun her opponents speed. related to the Darkforce. The darkness serves for 1 round; an Endurance FEAT is required of as Amazing body armor and, in addition, lowers the victim to avoid this effect. SPIDER SENSE: Parker's spider-sense warns all battle effects against him by one color rank. him of potential danger. If placed in immediate Cloak may enfold other characters by making a LIGHT DAGGERS: Dagger can hurl daggers of danger, a successful Intuition FEAT roll will coherent light from her fingertips. These dag- successful wrestling attack. Those trapped allow him to react in time to save himself (dodg- within the cloak are subject to the malevolence gers inflict Excellent damage and can penetrate ing a bullet, for example). Failing the FEAT roll up to Good body armor. Anyone hit by these of the Cloak's darkness, which preys on the indicates that he did not react in time to avoid deepest fears and secrets of those caught. All daggers has their system purged of all foreign the danger. No Karma may be added to these substances. The affected person must make an those within Cloak's dimension that are not pro- rolls. Potentially dangerous persons and situa- tected by light similar to that generated by Dag- Endurance FEAT roll; failure indicates a loss of tions also cause his spider-sense to react three Endurance ranks for one day and paraly- ger lose one Endurance rank and 5 Health Potential dangers are estimated in damage. An sis for 1-100 rounds. If Endurance drops below points each round. When Endurance reaches 0, Unearthly danger will spark more of a reaction Feeble, the target dies. A successful FEAT roll the character is unconscious. When Health than a merely Good danger. The spider-sense is reaches 0, the charcter is dead. The darkness results in unconsciousness for 1-10 rounds. omni-directional and does not require any con- Those individuals with bodies fully adjusted to feeds on the "living light" of its victims. Cloak scious will to operate. If deprived of his spider- can add the Health points lost by his victims to external factors such as radiation and super- sense, Spider-Man's Intuition drops to Good soldier serums will be unaffected by this purg- his own Health point total, to a maximum of 76 and his Agility to Incredible. Health points. In order to return someone he ing. WEB-SHOOTERS: Spider-Man carries a web- has swallowed he must make a Yellow Psyche ACROBATICS: Tandy was a student of dance shooter on each wrist, each firing Monstrous- FEAT roll. before her transformation and has converted strength webbing up to two areas away. The DARKNESS GENERATION: Cloak can release her talents into a unique fighting style. Her abil- webbing has Incredible material Strength in the ity to dodge is Remarkable. a portion of his darkness, covering up to 3 round it is fired, and hardens to Monstrous areas. While not as terrifying as the confines of strength the round following. Spider-Man uses RUNNING DAGGER: Tandy Bowen and Tyrone his cloak, all those who do not have light- this webbing to restrain foes, to make swing- Johnson were kidnapped by the mob bearing powers shift three columns to the left lines (moving up to 3 areas per round in city and used as guineas pigs for an experimental when performing FEATs rolls within the dark- drug. Instead of killing them, this drug trans- areas), as missiles inflicting up to Excellent ness. damage, and as Monstrous strength shields. formed Tyrone and Tandy into Cloak and Dag- The adhesive webbing lasts for an hour, then TELEPORT: Cloak may enter the dimension of ger. Dagger loves the freedom and power she feels as Dagger, and has none of the dark curse dissolves. darkness and move instantaneously to another that Cloak has. Yet she still longs to lead a "nor- area within one-half mile. He may take others SPIDER TRACERS: Parker owns several small, mal" life. Dagger's light can "feed" Cloak with- with him, but those unprotected by light-bearers spider-shaped homing devices, each cued in on such as Dagger will suffer the effects of Cloak's out harm to her, so that the two make a tight a frequency detectable by his spider-sense. The dark dimension. team. range of the signal is about one mile. RUNNING CLOAK: Tyrone Johnson and Tandy RUNNING SPIDER-MAN: Granted fantastic Bowen were runaways used as guinea pigs by powers by the bite of radioactive spider, Peter the mob and injected with an experimental drug. Parker has learned great power comes with Instead of killing them, the drug transformed great responsibility, and uses his abilities to them into Cloak and Dagger. Cloak is deathly fight crime. A survivor of the original Secret serious in his task as a vigilante striking aginst Wars, the Spider-Man knows what the Beyon- drug pushers. His internal darkness gives him a der can do and fears his power. , a hunger that may only be satiated by the living light of humans, or that generated by Dagger. He sees his powers as a blessing, and his hunger as its curse.

21 DAREDEVIL" LILA CHENEY™ FIRELORD- Matthew "Matt" Michael Murdock Pyreus Kril Fighting: GOOD Fighting: INCREDIBLE Agility: EXCELLENT Fighting: MONSTROUS Agility: INCREDIBLE Strength: TYPICAL Agility: UNEARTHLY Strength: GOOD Endurance: REMARKABLE Strength: AMAZING Endurance: EXCELLENT Reason: EXCELLENT Endurance: UNEARTHLY Reason: TYPICAL Intuition: GOOD Reason: REMARKABLE Intuition: MONSTROUS Psyche: TYPICAL Intuition: AMAZING Psyche: GOOD Psyche: REMARKABLE Health: 66 Health: 110 Karma 36 Health: 325 Karma 91 Resources: REMARKABLE Karma 90 Resources: GOOD Popularity: 55 Resources: POOR Popularity: 42 Popularity: 0 Known Powers: Known Powers: Known Powers: SPECIALIZED TELEPORT: Lila is an SENSES: Matt Murdock has been blind since extremely powerful long-ranged teleporter with STELLAR FLAME: Firelord has Class 1000 he was a teenager, but his remaining four specific limitations. She may only teleport over flame generation and fire control. However, use senses (hearing, taste, touch and smell) have interstellar distances, and to places that are well of this power is the equivalent of a small star, so been heightened to a Monstrous level. These known to her, as is a home, or her Dyson sphere. in most solar systems he restricts himself to senses are reduced to Incredible if Daredevil is She has homes around the globe Such homes Unearthly fire generation and control. He is overloaded with sensory information (for have been shown in London and Los Angeles. capable of projecting fire, using his staff, up to instance, in a subway or crowded room). Mur- She states she has nothing closer to New York, line of sight range for Unearthly damage, and in dock's sense of smell allows him to track a crimi- but could be lying. When teleporting, she takes addition may project light, heat, gravity, and nal's trail up to an hour old. His touch permits everyone in the same area, friend or foe, with radio waves, as does a star, at Unearthly ability him to read the raised printing of ink. His hear- her. rank. Firelord's flame is unaffected by water. ing can identify the heart-beat of a single man in a crowd at a range to of 5 areas. Daredevil uses DYSON SPHERE: Lila's "home," located BODY ARMOR: Firelord has Amazing body this last ability as a make-shift lie detector. He beyond the range of Earth's scanners, is a armor against physical attacks, and may in detects lies with Amazing ability, barring forces Dyson Sphere, a star totally englobed by a con- addition superheat his body such that normal such as body control, pathological lying, or a struct of unknown orgin. The inner side of this weapons and materials vaporize on contact, pacemaker, all of which artificially steady the sphere, facing the star, is covered by a huge, doing him no damage. He is immune to disease, heartbeat. apparently abandoned city, which Lila uses as a aging, and the effects of starvation and vacuum. home base. There are a number of high-tech Kill results have no effect on Firelord, but Stuns RADAR SENSE: In addition to his powerful devices in the dome, which Lila has discovered and Slams do. Firelord cannot be slain save by senses, Daredevil also has an additional sense how to operate by trial and error. massive scattering of his molecules. that operates as primitive radar. With it he can "see" three dimensional objects up to 3 areas RUNNING LILA: Not much is known of the rock FLIGHT: Firelord may fly through space at Class away. This sense is not refined enough to deter- star named Lila Cheney, who is also secretly a 1000 speeds, and enter Hyperspace at will. In a mine details, but is sufficient to reveal would-be powerful mutant. She says she is a native of planetary atmosphere, tie will only fly at attackers and nearby building features. Echoes Earth, and was sold into interstellar slavery at Unearthly Speeds. and rapidly moving objects can foul this radar an early age, but beyond that nothing is known. STAFF: Firelord chooses to wield his fire sense, reducing his Intuition to Incredible. This She sees herself as an interstellar pack rat and through his staff, though he is not limited to it sense is omnidirectional. thief of the first order, masterminding the alone. He may also use this staff (made of Class attempted removal of Earth and its people from 1000 materials and resistant to his stellar BILLY CLUB: Matt Murdock's cane can be our solar system. She is also an excellent transformed into a fighting baton of Amazing flames) as a striking weapon, inflicting up to singer, though her rock career seems to be just Monstrous damage with it. material strength, and be wielded in combat or one more "kick" for her. thrown with a two column shift to the right. The RUNNING FIRELORD: Pyreus Kril is a native of lower part of the club fires a line to any adjacent Lila is charmed by Sam Guthrie (Cannonball), Xandar, and was recruited by Galactus as his area. Daredevil can use this line to swing up to and will use her powers to help Sam and other Herald following the death of Gabriel the Air- three areas per turn. mutants in need of aid. If threatened, she will Walker. Kril served his master well, and was teleport herself and her friends to the Dyson eventually freed of his duties. Talents: Murdock is skilled in gymnastics, box- Sphere, popping them back later to Earth once ing, and martial arts, and his Agility is Amazing the danger has passed. Lila has a strong sense Firelord is extremely powerful, but restrains his when dodging. He is a licensed attourney and of self-preservation. power to avoid taking a life or wreaking more his Reason is Excellent in matters of law. damage than he has to. He is very loyal but also RUNNING DAREDEVIL: Young Man Murdock very short-tempered, and once angered, he will lost his sight in an atomic accident, but gained very often fight first and ask questions later. exceptional abilities to compensate for his loss: Daredevil is driven, hard-working, and uncom-' fortably honest. Despite this, in the past he has dealt with the Kingpin of Crime for information and help.

22 TIME BOMB™ PUMA™ THE WATCHER™ Tabitha "Boom-Boom," last name unrevealed Thomas Fireheart Uatu

Fighting: POOR Fighting TYPICAL/REMARKABLE Fighting: AMAZING Agility: TYPICAL Agility: GOOD/AMAZING Agility: AMAZING Strength: POOR Strength: GOOD/REMARKABLE Strength: AMAZING Endurance: REMARKABLE Endurance: GOOD/INCREDIBLE Endurance: UNEARTHLY Reason: POOR Reason: EXCELENT Reason: UNEARTHLY Intuition: TYPICAL Intuition: GOOD/MONSTROUS Intuition: UNEARTHLY Psyche: TYPICAL Psyche: REMARKABLE Psyche: UNEARTHLY Health: 44 Health: 36/150 Health: 250 Karma 22 Karma 60 Karma 300 Resources: POOR Resources: INCREDIBLE Resources: UNEARTHLY Popularity: 0 Popularity: 15 Popularity: 0

Known Powers Known Powers: Known Powers: ENERGY BOMBS: Tabitha has the mutant abil- TRANSFORMATION: Fireheart can transform MENTAL POWERS: The race of Watchers may ity to generate balls of energy which are golf to into his Puma state and back, gaining, while scan the minds of other living creatures with beach ball sized. She may generate a single ball Puma, the bracketted abilities listed above. This Unearthly ability, preventing others from doing inflicting up to Amazing damage in one area Transformation takes two rounds, and is men- so while they are so involved. They may also when it explodes, and set the bomb to explode tally painful to Fireheart. While in Puma-State, communicate telepathically at unlimited dis- between 1 and 10 rounds from its creation. So Fireheart gains Good Body Armor against phys- tances. far, she has only created one such bomb at a ical attack, as well as claws, allowing him to ENERGY MANIPULATION: The race of Watch- time, and may not be able to create more than inflict Hack 'n Slash damage. ers may manipulate energy at the Class 1000 one at a time. She may throw these bombs up to level of ability, allowing them to change their 1 area away, but more often places them on the HYPER-SENSES: While Puma, Fireheart has apparent form at will, teleport at will between target and lets them explode. all of his senses expanded. He may pick out a single man by scent in New York City and track galaxies, and, if need be, fire concussive bolts RUNNING TIME BOMB: Tabitha is mutant who him without effort thereafter. He may detect and telepathic pushes of up to Unearthly ran away from a bad family environment after auras that contribute to super-powers, though strength. discovering her power. She was en route to he may not always be able to deduce what those BODY ARMOR: A Watcher's physical body, upstate New York, where a secret mutant HO is auras do. He may hear the hearbeats of an such as it is, has Class 1000 protection from all rumored to be located, when she first encoun- opponent in combat. All such abilities are at the attacks. It would take a dispersion of their mole- tered the Beyonder, and within the course of this Monstrous level. cules over several thousand miles to prevent a adventure brings in the other heroes to attack Watcher from healing over time. him. CONTACTS: Thomas Fireheart is also head of Fireheart Enterprises. With the resources of a Time Bomb has a problem; needing people but Corporation behind him, Fireheart usually tries RUNNING THE WATCHER RACE: The Race known as the Watchers are a powerful ancient rejecting most advice, responsibility, and friend- to acquire as much information on his foes as ship. She is not above giving a departing possible before he enters into combat. race of aliens committed to the task of observing the unfolding history of the universe. While the "friend" a big hug of affection while slipping one Watcher known as Uatu also may peer into of her Energy bombs in a back pocket, set to RUNNING PUMA: Thomas Fireheart, through unknown actions, has the power to transform divergent universes, this is not known to be explode after she leaves (10 Points Karma for himself into Puma, protector of his native tribe. common amoung his people. As a result of a pulling this one off). Fireheart has a low regard for Indian imagery planetary tragedy early in their race's life, the and ceremony, prefering his role as the leader of race has held a code to not become involved a major corporation, but follows the wishes of with the races they observe. Watchers are now his uncle, the of his tribe. Fireheart has scattered through-out the universe watching the in the past rented out his super-powered alter various races. ego for special assignments. His main interest RUNNING UATU: Earth's Watcher is Uatu, who is to test his abilities against others in such con- tests, though he is not adverse to killing if need lives in the Blue Area of the Moon. Uatu has a be. Fireheart's tribe has legends regarding the great affection for Earth Humans, and has in the coming of "He-Who-Comes-From-Beyond," a past bent the Watcher's Code to help the people being of great power who may destroy the world of Earth, acting through their heroes. He pre- serves the letter of the law while ignoring its with his madness. Puma's latest task: to kill the Beyonder. spirit, and has been brought up on charges on one occasion. Typical Uatu tricks include read- ing the mind of an important character fighting a mind-reading opponent, preventing that oppo- nent from reading the character's mind, or "join- ing the party" solely as an observer, thereby adding his Karma to the Party's karma pool. The Watchers have pledged to be more active during the length of the Beyonder's stay.

23 The Bad Guys THUNDERSWORD™ KURSE™ Stewart Cadwell Algrim the Elf

The following characters are not player charac- Fighting: REMARKABLE Fighting: MONSTROUS ters. They are non-player characters motivated Agility: REMARKABLE Agility: AMAZING by their own desires as opposed to the desire to Strength: INCREDIBLE Strength: UNEARTHLY help others. This difference was the original Endurance: INCREDIBLE Endurance: UNEARTHLY measuring stick the Beyonder used to separate Reason: TYPICAL Reason: FEEBLE heroes and villains in the original Secret Wars. Intuition: TYPICAL Intuition: FEEBLE What follows are the Villains. Their motives may Psyche: TYPICAL Psyche: FEEBLE vary, but they will act for their own good over the good of others. Health: 140 Health: 325 Karma 18 Karma 6 ARMIDILLO™ Resources: TYPICAL Resources: NONE Antonio Rodriguez Popularity: 0 Popularity: 0

Fighting: EXCELLENT Known Powers: Known Powers: Agility: GOOD BODY ARMOR: Thundersword's golden armor BODY ARMOR: Kurse's armor has been Strength: INCREDIBLE provides Incredible protection from all physical enhanced by the Beyonder to provide him with Endurance: REMARKABLE and energy attacks. Unearthly protection from all forms of attack. Reason: TYPICAL Intuition: TYPICAL PROTECTED SENSES: Thundersword's visor MENTAL PROTECTION: Kurse does not have Psyche: TYPICAL provides protection from GOOD intensity light much of a mind to speak of, being consumed by and reduces the intensity of light above that one thought. He has Monstrous protection from Health: 100 intensity by 1 rank. any and all mental attacks. Karma 18 Resources: TYPICAL THUNDERSWORD: The chief weapon of Thun- PREVIOUS MEMORY: Kurse has the opportu- Popularity: -10 dersword is his lightning-like blade, made of nity to remember his past life as a Dark Elf. If Monstrous strength material and capable of placed in a non-threatening situation (such as Known Powers: inflicting up to Amazing hack and slash or - with small children, who are reminiscent of fest damage. In his initial encounter, all of Thun- ), there is a chance he will not act that turn, BODY ARMOR: Armidillo's body is covered dersword's powers derive from this blade, and if being wrapped up in his own reverie of the past. with a thick hide and armor plates, providing he is deprived of it he will become Stewart Amazing protection from physical and energy Cadwell again (All Physical abilities POOR - WEAKNESS: All creatures of Faerie are hurt by iron. Any attack with an iron weapon can stun or attacks, and Excellent protection from heat, fire, Health = 16). acid and cold-based attacks. slam Kurse (unless it penetrates his body armor, BOROMIR: Thundersword's mount Boromir is a it can do no damage). CLAWS: Armidillo's hands and feet end in long Pegasus with the following abilities: claws capable of rending concrete. They inflict F A S E R I P RUNNING KURSE: Kurse is the reanimated Incredible damage on the Hack & Slash column. EX EX EX EX PR PR PR body of Algrim the Dark Elf Warrior, who was Health = 80 betrayed by his master Malekith while Algrim TUNNELING: Using his powerful claws, Armi- was in combat with the Mighty Thor. The Beyon- Boromir's hooves may shatter up to Remarak- dillo can burrow through soil and rock up to 1 der reanimated Algrim, on the brink of death in a area per round. He may do this through matter ble strength material and inflict up to Remark- able damage. He flies at 7 areas/round, and lava pit and gave him additional powers and one up to Remarkable material strength without diffi- overiding desire: Destroy Thor. culty. answers to the mental commands of Thun- dersword, appearing as commanded. Boromir Kurse sets out with one thought in what is left of RUNNING ARMADILLO: Antonio Rodriguez radiates a golden energy shield that acts as his mind. Kill Thor. Kill Thor. Kill Thor. He attacks became the Armadillo in return for the curing of Incredible Body Armor. anyone who reminds him of Thor (carries a ham- his critically ill wife, Maria. Dr. Karl Malus, crimi- RUNNING THUNDERSWORD: Thundersword mer, wears a cape, likes blue, red and yellow in nal scientist, caused Rodriguez to agree to act a costume, etc...). Otherwise he creates mas- as a super-powered henchman. While having a is the first of the Beyonder's experiments with desire, granting writer Stewart Cadwell his sive havoc as he rips the town apart looking for criminal record, Rodriguez feels badly about his Thor. He also attacks anyone who attacks him. actions, and does not wish to hurt or battle an desire for power to take vengeance on what he opponent if he can help it. perceives to be the evils of his life. These evils are the mass-market mentality of modern art, fast food, bad TV, and most middle-class cul- ture. In his first encounter, Thundersword will accuse the heroes he attacks of being lackeys of the system and defending a society that allows MacBurgers to sold by the billions. In the initial encounter, Thundersword receives all his power from his blade. If deprived of the sword he returns to normal. In all following encounters, Thundersword will not be so lim- ited.

24 NEBULA™ LEVAN™ SKRULLS™ Sark Pirate Typical Skrull Warrior Fighting: REMARKABLE FAS E R I P Agility: REMARKABLE F A S E R I P Strength: EXCELLENT EX EX GD RM EX EX EX GD TY TY TY GD TY TY Health - 80 Karma = 60 Endurance: AMAZING Health = 28 Karma = 22 Reason: REMARKABLE KNOWN POWERS: Levan has no powers, but Known Powers: Intuition: REMARKABLE like most space pirates, carries a blaster inflict- Psyche: INCREDIBLE ing Good concussive damage at a range of 5 SHAPE-CHANGE: Skrulls may modify their areas. shape and form at will, enlarging themselves up Health: 130 to 1 1/2 times their normal size. They may dupli- Karma 100 RUNNING LEVAN: Levan is Nebula's first offi- cate humans, humanoids, animals, and fantasy Reasources: MONSTROUS cer, but the she-pirate recognizes the blue- creatures, and while they gain no benefits, they Popularity: 0(-100 in space) skinned alien's weaknesses and dominates him may aquire teeth and claws allowing them to totally. Once away from the influence of his mas- inflict hack and slash damage. Known Powers: ter, Levan proves to be haughty, proud, and capable in combat. EQUIPMENT: Skrulls in the military who are not WRIST-BLASTERS: Nebula wears a pair of involved with changing their shape usually carry blasters on her wrists that inflict Excellent Laser-blasters which inflict Good concussive energy damage to a target within two areas. She GUNTHAR™ Rigellian Pirate damage, up to 7 areas away. uses these blasters for close combat as well as betrayal. RUNNING SKRULLS: Skrulls are among the F A S E R I P most devious races in the universe, masters of RUNNING NEBULA: Nebula is a leader of force GD GD GD GD EX EX IN deception, subterfuge, and power. On this of Space Mercenaries cutting a swath through Health = 40 Karma - 80 basis, the Skrulls built a military empire that the wreckage of the Skrull empire. With her cap- Known Powers: spanned the Andromeda galaxy, set up out- ture of Sanctuary II, the dangerously destructive posts in our Milky Way, fought the Kree in a long, ship of Thanos, she hopes to rule the ruins of DENSITY CONTROL: Rigellians may psioni- bitter war, and attempted to invade Earth. With the Skrull Empire and beyond. Nebula claims to cally increase their density, granting them the destruction of the Skrull Throneworld by be the grand-daughter of Thanos. While this Incredible Strength and Remarkable Body Galactus the empire went to pieces, with every may or may not be true, she uses the claim to Armor. skrull governor declaring themselves Emperor command the loyalty of a wide variety of space- MIND CONTROL: Rigellians may control the or Empress and declaring war on the others. pirates, and is as cruel as her supposed grand- Despite the Skrull Civil War, the aliens have a father. minds of others with Remarkable Ability. (Those affected must make a Psyche FEAT roll). Gun- special hatred for Earthlings, especially those thar, in addition, may project bolts of mental such as the Avengers and Fantastic Four, who NEBULA'S CREW force up to 2 areas away, inflicting up to Incredi- stood in their path in the past. ble concussive damage. GENERAL ZEDRAO Nebula has assembled a huge force of space RUNNING GUNTHAR: Rigellian Colonizers F A S E R I P brigands, pirates, and mercenaries to serve in EX EX EX EX EX EX EX her conquest of the universe. The following are have established peaceful empires in several Health = 80 Karma - 30 her "inner circle." galaxies. Gunthar is as humorless as the rest of his large-headed race, but has a cruel streak, Known Powers: As for Other Skrulls KEHL™ impelling him to use his mental powers to push Tauran Pirate others, especially weak-willed underlings like RUNNING ZEDRAO: Commander of the largest Kehl, around. remaining Skrull Fleet, Zedrao is seeking to keep the majority of the Skrull population alive F A S E R I P RM GD MN UN PR FB FB SKUNGE™ in the current war. His abilities are typical for a powerful skrull in a leadership position. He Health = 215 Karma = 8 Laxidazian Pirate apparently does not covet rulership himself, but Known Powers: FAS E R I P would rather be the power behind any surviving GD GD TY EX GD TY PR throne, and views the current civil war as use- BODY ARMOR: Taurans have Remarkable pro- less, with Nebula being the greater danger. tection from most attack forms, and may even Health = 46 Karma = 30 withstand the vacuum of space for up to 10 rounds without ill effect. Known Powers: None, though Skunge will carry a blaster similar RUNNING KEHL: Kehl, like most Taurans, is to Levan's at times. very simple-minded, straightforward, and mel- ancholic. The orange-skinned Taurans are one RUNNING SKUNGE: The inhabitants of Laxida- of the races whose home planets have been zia normally appear as Earth humans, and the destroyed by Galactus. Taurans are found majority follow a strict moral code. Certain Lax- through-out the universe in various odd jobs. idazians, such as Skunge, have abandoned this code, with the result that they are transformed into small, satyr-like hedonists. These "Trolls" have been rejected by the race but often find employment in dubious endeavors.

25 KINGPIN™ ROSE" KINGPIN'S ORGANIZATION Wilson Fisk Real name unrevealed The statistics below are for various positions Fighting: REMARKABLE Fighting TYPICAL within Kingpin's operations and can be used for Agility: GOOD Agility: TYPICAL similar positions in other criminal gangs. Strength: EXCELLENT Strength: TYPICAL Endurance: INCREDIBLE Endurance: EXCELLENT HENCHMEN Reason: EXCELLENT Reason: GOOD F A S E R I P Intuition: EXCELLENT Intuition: EXCELLENT Psyche: EXCELLENT GD TY TY TY PR TY PR Psyche: GOOD Health: 28 Health: 38 Health: 100 Henchmen are the rank and file of criminal oper- Karma 40 Karma 60 Resources: REMARKABLE ations and include petty thieves, gang mem- Resources: INCREDIBLE bers, numbers runners, drug dealers, and other Popularity: -10 Popularity: 31 low-level street operatives that do the Kingpin's dirty work. They have no special powers, Known Powers: RUNNING ROSE: Rose is typical of the under- lings that Kingpin employs to run various facets though some may carry knives or handguns. BODY ARMOR: Fisk has Poor body armor of his operation. Rose is placed in charge of ENFORCERS learned from his fighting disciplines. gambling operations and some counterfeiting, F A S E R I P WALKING STICK: Kingpin's walking stick con- and is unusual only in that he hides his face from his underlings with a purple mask. A similar GD TY GD TY TY TY TY ceals a three-shot, high-energy laser. It has a Health: 32 range of two areas and inflicts Excellent dam- underling, a bespectacled man with similar abil- age. The stick also carries two doses of ities called the Arranger, is in charge of extortion Not to be confused with the super-criminal orga- Amazing potency sleep gas that induces uncon- and protection rackets, and acts as an informa- nization of the same name. Enforcers are the sciousness in a single target for 1-10 hours. The tion gatherer for the Kingpin. Another individual hired muscle of the Kingpin's operation. They stick is made of Remarkable strength material. with similar abilities is Vincent "Vinnie" Corbo, are the ones to enforce the Kingpin's control typical of a small gang-boss that pays a percent and are also called "soldiers." Enforcers usu- STICKPIN: Kingpin also packs a dose of his of his take to the Kingpin. Others undoubtedly ally carry knives, handguns, and brass knuckles sleep gas in a diamond stickpin. He only uses exist, but have not been noted as yet. Rose, (shift one column right to damage), reserving the stickpin gas against an opponent that he is Arranger, and similar lieutenants share a desire heavier weaponry for times when a gang war is grappling. for Kingpin's power and position, and while they under way. follow his direct orders, they always act for their Talents: Kingpin is skilled both in the Martial HIT MEN Arts and in Sumo Wrestling. When wrestling, own benefit. They will NOT challenge the King- grappling, or escaping, Kingpin receives a shift pin until they are sure they may defeat him. F A S E R I P of one column to the right. Kingpin's Reason is TY GD TY GD TY TY TY Remarkable in criminal activities and informa- Health: 32 tion available on the street. Hit men are specialized killers used when the THUGS: Kingpin rarely travels alone and need arises. They are usually from out of town although his daily fighting regimen makes him but may be local talent, depending on the imme- superior to most of the bodyguards in his diate situation. Such individuals may carry sub- employ, he maintains a small private army of machine guns and assault rifles, using them thugs to protect his headquarters and prevent with Excellent Agility. unnecessary interruptions. Kingpin always has UNDERCOVER AGENTS 4-13 thugs no more than a room away. F A S E R I P RUNNING KINGPIN: Kingpin is the master of TY TY TY GD GD GD GD the largest idependent criminal operation on the Health: 28 East Coast, and controls an operation more powerful than individual families. Fisk Agents marginally brighter than your standard takes a proprietary view of the city of New York, goon are used as information gatherers, not and considers it "his" city. He acts to protect it fighters. They have Excellent Reason with and to protect his interests in it. Fisk will deal regard to information and rumors on the street with heroes and other forces of good if it suits and are a guarantee that a costumed crime his interest, but assign a -10 Karma penalty to fighter's activities will be reported to their any hero dealing with the Kingpin. While well- higher-ups. known in some circles as the Kingpin, no crime committed by his operation has ever been MIDDLE MANAGEMENT traced to his level, and to the world at large, Fisk F A S E R I P remains what he claims to be, a humble dealer TY TY TY TY TY TY TY in spices. Health: 24 These are the businessmen of crime. They don't fight; they keep shop, whether it is an ille- gal gambling operation or a legitmate business used to launder criminal funds. If threatened, they have a tendency to fold unless support (an enforcer or agent) is close at hand.

26 PSYCHO-MAN™ HATE-MONGER" JUGGERNAUT™ Construct of the Psycho-Man Cain Marko Fighting: POOR Agility: TYPICAL Fighting TYPICAL Fighting: REMARKABLE Strength: POOR Agility: TYPICAL Agility: POOR Endurance: EXCELLENT Strength: TYPICAL Strength: UNEARTHLY Reason: AMAZING Endurance: GOOD Endurance: UNEARTHLY Intuition: EXCELLENT Reason: POOR Reason: TYPICAL Psyche: GOOD Intuition: POOR Intuition: POOR Psyche: MONSTROUS Psyche: GOOD Health: 34 Karma 80 Health: 28 Health: 234 Resources: MONSTROUS Karma 83 Karma 30 Popularity: 0 Resources: NOT APPLICABLE Resources: TYPICAL Popularity: SPECIAL Popularity: -30 Known Powers: Known Powers: Known Powers: BATTLESUITS: Psycho-Man has constructed a variety of battlesuits over the years, with differ- EMOTION CONTROL: This Hate-Monger is a MOVEMENT: Juggernaut moves only 2 areas ent powers and abilities. Included here are the protoplasmic construct created by Psycho-Man per round but he is literally unstoppable. Con- two versions that existed during the One from through which the would-be conquerer may sider him a Class 1000 object for determination Beyond's stay on Earth: amplify an emotion, in this case Hate. Those of material Strength. Buildings, cars, and other Earth-sized Version: within 2 areas of Hate-Monger will be gripped by similar objects cannot slow him. Spider-Man's F A S E a feeling of Unease and Hate for others, Hate webbing, force fields, and the like will slow him EX EX MN MN that is often whipped into a frenzy by the Hate- to 1 area per round. Throwing him into harden- Suit provides Amazing Body Armor. This is a Monger himself. This hate is a stronger version ing concrete 100 feet deep once kept him "on human-sized suit used for Psycho-man's trip of the Hate generated by Psycho-Man's Control ice" for a few months. Box, and will last for 1-10 hours after it has first to New York. INVULNERABILITY: Juggernaut has Class Giant-Sized Version: affected a victim. This Hate is of Amazing inten- sity, but, should Hate-Monger get close enough 1000 body armor, protecting him against physi- F A S E cal damage, energy attacks, heat, cold and gas- AM EX UN UN to touch a victim, it is treated at the Unearthly intensity rank. ses. he has no need to breath, and is not subject This giant suit is made of Amazing strength to any diseases. He is still vulnerable to mental, material, and attacks against the suit to not SHAPE-CHANGING: Hate-Monger's form is psionic and sonic attacks, but wears a helm affect Pyscho-Man directly. This version is maleable, and it may appear as male or female, from the mystic dimension of that acts twenty-stories tall, in effect being a giant black or white, friend or foe, whichever is best as an Unearthly force field from such attacks. robot controlled by Psycho-Man. It is from for directing or confusing its victims. If knocked He has welded this helmet around his head this portable HQ (moves 5 areas/round) that to 0 Health, the Hate-Monger dissolves into (with Monstrous strength welds) so that it is very Psycho-Man conducts his conquests in the mere protoplasm (no loss of Karma). difficult to remove. Beneath this primary helmet Microverse. is a second skullcap which protects him from RUNNING PSYCHO-MAN AND HATE- mental and psionic, but not sonic attacks. EMOTION-CONTROL BOX: Psycho-Man's MONGER: This Hate-monger should not be chief weapon, this portable emotion stimulator confused with a villain by that name. Hate- RUNNING JUGGERNAUT: Cain Marko is the can generate one of three types of emotions in Monger is Psycho-Man's "front-man," setting half brother of Charles Xavier, who gained his humanoid beings, all with Incredible intensity. up his victims, inciting the populace to riot, and mystic powers of protection from the Crimson Those affected by the beam must make an Intui- bringing new allies into the cause of Hate. Hate- Crystal of Cyttorak. In the time since then he has tion FEAT roll or be affected by the type of emo- Monger will appear as a friend or ally of a lone battled the X-Men, old and new, and has of late tion: hero in order to touch him or her, and gains the formed a partnership with Black Tom Cassidy, • FEAR - Those who are affected by the FEAR Popularity of the individual it imitates. cousin of the Banshee. Juggernaut, as his ray are paralyzed with fear, or immediately namesake, can be mindless to the destruction flee the scene. NOTE: Both the Hate-Ray and the effects of he causes while on his way to his goal. Given his • DOUBT - Those affected by the DOUBT ray Hate-Monger may be negated by overloading power, Juggernaut usually takes the direct may not take any action, as they would be the victim's system with true emotion, such as approach. While Juggernaut can be harmed by unsure of the result. anger. The Hate-Ray is an artificial manipulation no earthly substance, remember that the • HATE - Those affected by the HATE ray will of emotions, and twisting existing emotions may Beyonder is beyond all such rules, and could be siezed by wild, irational hate, with the overide the Hate-Ray (Intuition FEAT to succed). destroy, injure, or banish Marko at will. strongest hate being directed towards those Players under the effects of this artifical Hate/ who affection is normally shown. Doubt/Fear should be rewarded by the Judge The range of the ray is two areas, and may for good role-playing, about 10 points per inci- affect multiple targets in the same area. Effects dent. last for 1-10 game turns per blast. RUNNING PSYCHO-MAN - Psycho-Man is seeking to expand his empire out of the Microverse and into our Earth. For shaking the effects of these Emotions as well as handling Karma awards for players, see note under Hate- Monger.

27 RHINO™ RESISTANCES: Electro has Unearthly resist- ULTRON™ Real name unreveaied ance to electrical damage and Excellent resist- ance to damage by other forms of energy. Fighting: EXCELLENT Fighting: REMARKABLE MOVEMENT: By riding lines of electrical poten- Agility: REMARKABLE Agility: EXCELLENT tial, Electro can move up to 6 areas a round. For Strength: INCREDIBLE Strength: INCREDIBLE game purposes, such lines can be considered Endurance: UNEARTHLY Endurance: AMAZING to exist in any non-park area in the city. Electro Reason: INCREDIBLE Reason: GOOD may climb the sides of buildings in this fashion, Intuition: GOOD Intuition: EXCELLENT but normally stays no more than a foot away Psyche: POOR Psyche: POOR from a power source. Health: 190 Health: 140 ELECTRICAL OVERRIDE: Electro can use his Karma 54 Karma 34 electrical powers to override the control of Resources: REMARKABLE Resources: POOR equipment, including computers, alarm sys- Popularity: -10 Popularity: -14 tems, and robots without proper shielding. He does this at an Amazing level and can either Known Powers: Known Powers: take control or inflict Amazing damage to the BODY ARMOR: Ultron's body is made of pure BODY ARMOR: Rhino's suit provides Amazing target. Electrically based items with an Endur- adamantium, a Class 1000 Material. He cannot protection from physical attacks and Remark- ance (such as robots) must make a Green be affected by most physical, mental, and able protection from energy, heat, and acid Endurance FEAT roll to avoid being controlled energy attacks. Individuals with control over attacks. or damaged. molecules may affect him normally. MOVEMENT: Due to the mutagenic changes RUNNING ELECTRO: Max Dillon gained his BLASTERS: Ultron's hands project beams of worked on his body, Rhino can move up to 4 powers through a freak electrical accident, and radiation, electricty or flame of up to Monstrous areas per round in a straight line. This is most decided to use them to enrich himself through damage with a 4 area range. useful to him while charging. Otherwise he may criminal activity. He carries a long grudge, and only move 2 area per round. would like nothing better than to seek venge- TRACTOR BEAMS: The beams can attract ance on the large number of heroes who have objects from up to 10 areas away with Remark- CHARGING: Rhino gains additional abilities stood in his path in the past. able strength. while charging due to the modifications to his body and the surgical addition of his rhino ENCEPHALO BEAM: This 1 area range beam VULTURE™ induces sleep with Remarkable intensity. Those horns. Shift Rhino's Strength, Endurance and Adrian Toomes body armor two columns to the right when he is affected must make a successful Endurance FEAT roll. charging. This increase of body armor (to Fighting: EXCELLENT Unearthly) applies only when Rhino is charging Agility: REMARKABLE POWER ABSORPTION: This device may drain at full tilt (the full 4 areas per round). Strength: EXCELLENT all energy from any artificially-powered device RUNNING RHINO: Rhino's original powers Endurance: INCREDIBLE with Unearthly intensity. Ultron cannot be over- were derived from the battlesuit he wore, but Reason: REMARKABLE loaded with energy. this suit was modified by the Leader, anchoring Intuition: GOOD RUNNING ULTRON: Ultron was an artificial it to Rhino's mutated skin, making it a perma- Psyche: GOOD intelligence created by Henry Pym that turned nent part of him. Rhino has acted as a super- Health: 110 against its inventor and became a power-mad powered agent for hire in the past, working for Karma 50 monomaniac with a hatred of all organic life. the highest bidder and following orders well. Resources: TYPICAL Ultron has fought the Avengers on numerous Popularity: -3 occasions. ELECTRO™ Maxwell Dillon Known Powers: Fighting: GOOD FLIGHT: Vulture manages silent flight by means Agility: EXCELLENT of an electromagnetic antigravity generator, Strength: EXCELLENT aided by his large wings. These wings are made Endurance: AMAZING of Incredible material. The Vulture flies up to 8 Reason: GOOD areas per round and, due to his long career and Intuition: EXCELLENT practice in the air, can be considered to have Psyche: TYPICAL Incredible Agility for airborne maneuvers. The Vulture can charge from above gaining a two Health: 100 column shift to the right to hit and damage his Karma 36 opponents. Resources: TYPICAL Popularity: -12 Talents: Adrian Toomes was a noted electronics engineer before he invented his Vulture power Known Powers: suit. His Reason is Incredible in matters of elec- tronics. ELECTRICAL BOLTS: Electro can fire lightning bolts from his fingertips at a range of 5 areas RUNNING VULTURE: Toomes derives his with Remarkable Agility. These bolts inflict up to powers from an ability-enhancing body harness Incredible damage to grounded targets. Targets attached to a large set of wings. Vulture uses the that are not grounded (airborne or insulated by wings to engage in high-altitude crimes and to nonconductive material) suffer only Good dam- escape would-be pursuers. Though retiring on age. Targets Electro actually touches (wrestling several occasions, Toomes has always returned hold) may take up to Monstrous damage. to take up his criminal career.

28 DOCTOR OCTOPUS™ KRAVEN™ ™ Otto Octavius Sergei Kravin Mary "Skeeter" MacPherran

Fighting TYPICAL Fighting: INCREDIBLE Fighting: AMAZING Agility: GOOD Agility: REMARKABLE Agility: GOOD Strength: REMARKABLE Strength: REMARKABLE Strength: UNEARTHLY Endurance: EXCELLENT Endurance: INCREDIBLE Endurance: MONSTROUS Reason: EXCELLENT Reason: EXCELLENT Reason: GOOD Intuition: TYPICAL Intuition: INCREDIBLE Intuition: GOOD Psyche: EXCELLENT Psyche: TYPICAL Psyche: GOOD Health: 66 Health: 140 Health: 235 Karma 46 Karma 66 Karma 30 Resources: GOOD Resources: GOOD Resources: GOOD Popularity: -5 Popularity: -33 Popularity: 10

Known Powers: Known Powers: Known Powers: TENTACLES: Doctor Octopus mentally con- NERVE PUNCH: Kraven successfully applies a BODY ARMOR: Titania's transformed flesh trols four metal tentacles attached to a harness nerve punch any time he receives a Red result serves as Monstrous body armor against physi- about his waist. These tentacles are made of in slugfest combat. The nerve punch Stuns for cal attacks, and provides Amazing resistance to Amazing Strength steel, and each tentacle ends 2-20 rounds. The victim must make a Yellow heat, flame, cold, energy attacks, and acids. in three pincers made of Remarkable strength Endurance FEAT roll to avoid the effects of the RUNNING TITANIA: "Skeeter" MacPherran material. nerve punch. was an inhabitant of the Denver suburb dragged A lone tentacle attacks with Remarkable RUNNING: Kraven can run 5 areas a round for into space by the Beyonder in the original Strength and inflicts Remarkable damage upon up to 6 rounds an hour. He must, however, run in Secret Wars, who was granted her present hitting. Two tentacles working together and a straight line for all 5 areas. powers through operations conducted by Doc- braced by the other two wield Incredible tor Doom. Now invested with incredible power, Strength. Tentacles have a range of 1 area, and WEAPONS: In addition to his natural hunting Titania is a bully and a braggart who throws her Doc Ock may attack individuals he is not adja- abilities, Kraven uses weapons including darts weight around. cent to within this range without difficulty. Doc (2 area range, Typical damage), axes (2 area Ock may attack twice per round, attacking dif- range thrown, Good damage), manacles of ferent targets if he so chooses. He may attack Remarkable strength material (2 area range three or four targets in a single round, though when thrown, a Bull's Eye result in the Shooting this requires a successful Endurance FEAT roll. & Throwing column indicates two limbs have Failure cancels all attacks for that round. Multi- been bound together), spears (4 area range ple attacks upon the same target are resolved thrown, Good damage), and whips (may attack by a single die throw, but damage is shifted right non-adjacent targets in the same area for Typi- one rank for every additional arm used. cal damage). Kraven sometimes coats these weapons with paralyzing drugs of up to Remark- Dr. Octopus can use his tentacles to move him- able potency (Amazing potency if he has pre- self long distances (up to 4 areas per round) and pared the drug for a specific target, such as may ignore structures under two stories in Spider-Man). height. He can scale sheer surfaces at 3 stories per round, if he can find or punch handholds in Talents: Kraven's Reason is Remarkable in the structure. chemistry. He is also a master at handling wild animals and often has one or two large cats or Octavius is in constant mental contact with his similar creatures in his HQ. Kraven is a master artificial arms, even when separated from them of the Martial Arts. by great distances. He can call the harness, or even arms that have been broken off, to him. RUNNING KRAVEN: The world's mightiest The arms do not need to be attached to answer hunter, Kraven now hunts heroes such as Tigra his commands. and Spider-Man for sport. Defeating Kraven is no certain victory, for he will return to remove Talents: Octavius's Reason is Incredible in the smirch on his honor. A wiley, vicious fighter, mechanics and robotics. It is Amazing in the Kraven is not above cheating to defeat a foe. field of radiation. RUNNING DOCTOR OCTOPUS: Octavius gained his powers when a freak accident bonded his metal harness and arms to his body and affected his mind, turning him to crime. Doctor Octopus has battled Spider-Man on innumerable occasions, always losing to the wall-crawler. This has further unbalanced him, such that he must make a Psyche FEAT roll if confronted by Spidey, with a white result result- ing in immediate catatonic state, and a Red a total berserk attack. Otherwise, Octavius is a crafty and cunning opponent.

29 ™ WIZARD™ Carl "Crusher" Creel Blastaar of Baluur Real name unrevealed

Fighting: EXCELLENT Fighting: EXCELLENT Fighting: POOR Agility: TYPICAL Agility: GOOD Agility: GOOD Strength: GOOD Strength: AMAZING Strength: TYPICAL Endurance: EXCELLENT Endurance: UNEARTHLY Endurance: EXCELLENT Reason: POOR Reason: GOOD Reason: INCREDIBLE Intuition: POOR Intuition: GOOD Intuition: TYPICAL Psyche: TYPICAL Psyche: EXCELLENT Psyche: TYPICAL Health: 56 Health: 180 Health: 40 Karma 14 Karma 40 Karma 52 Resources: POOR Resources: EXCELLENT Resources: EXCELLENT Popularity: -10 Popularity: -12 Popularity: -10

Known Powers: Known Powers: Known Powers: ABSORPTION: The Absorbing Man can take ENERGY BLASTS: Blastaar can shoot Mon- ANTI-GRAVITY DISKS: The Wizard uses anti- on the properties of anything he touches. The strous blasts of neutrons through his hands, to gravity disks of his own design as weapons. He molecules of his body actually change into the Excellent range (5 areas). throws them with Excellent Agility, and the disks substance of whatever he is "absorbing." As a adhere with Monstrous Strength paste (cour- FLIGHT: Blastaar can fly at Remarkable speed general rule, the Absorbing Man gets the tesy of the ). Any target struck by a disk by releasing controlled blasts of neutrons from Strength, Endurance, and Body Armor equiva- floats upward at a rate of 1 story per round, lent of whatever material he touches. For his fingers. unless fastened to something solid. instance, if he were to touch a steel girder, he BODY ARMOR: Blastaar has Remarkable body FLIGHT: Wizard wears an anti-gravity disk on would have Remarkable Strength, Endurance, armor due to his alien physiology. and body armor. When he assumes another his costume. This allows him to fly at Typical speed. form, his Health is adjusted to the sum of his Talents: Blastaar has Excellent Reason regard- current Fighting, Agility, Strength, and Endur- ing military matters. POWER GLOVES: Wizard developed a pair of ance numbers. RUNNING BLASTAAR: Blastaar is the ruler of power gloves that give him these powers: If the absorbed material is holding or emitting an an interplanetary empire in the , • Raise the wearer's Strength to Excellent. extreme amount of energy (it is very hot, very an anti-matter universe discovered by Reed • Fire Incredible electron-beam blasts with Poor range. cold, holds an electrical charge, etc.), he Richards. Blastaar intends to extend his con- absorbs the properties of the energy as well. He quests to Earth, and to that end has often bro- • Generate a Remarkable strength personal force field. has at times turned himself into pure energy by ken through the zone and into our dimension. absorbing such things as lightning bolts. The Blastaar holds a great grudge against the Talents: The Wizard was once a world-famous Judge will have to decide what useful properties Fantastic Four, but is positive he can defeat the physicist, and his Reason is Amazing when the energy source might have, and at what of this realm. dealing with sub-atomic particles and other ranks. dimensions. Creel can absorb the physical shape or charac- RUNNING WIZARD: The Wizard is a technolog- teristics or an object as well. If he touches a ical genius who first battled the Human Torch, mace, he gets its spikes as well as the strength and later the FF, as an intellectual enterprise. of iron. If he touches a building, he can grow to With Trapster, Sandman, and alternately the height of the structure. Madame , , and Electro, Wiz- The Absorbing Man can take on another char- ard was the leader of the . Wizard acter's physical powers by touching that charac- prefers working from behind the scenes (or at ter. However, he often lacks full control over least behind big henchmen) when fighting super-powered foes. powers he gains in this way. WEAPON: The prison ball and chain he carries always undergoes the same transformation as Creel does, so long as he is touching it at the time of the change. It is a magical weapon, and he is very skillful with it. He gains a one column shift to the right when using it in combat. RUNNING ABSORBING MAN: Crusher Creel gained his powers from an enchantment cast by , Thor's evil half-brother, allowing him to absorb the properties of the things he touches. In combat, Creel will seek to touch the strongest material available to give him the best chances of surviving the encounter.

30 DOCTOR DOOM™ SENTINELS™ BODY ARMOR: The Omega series' internal Victor Von Doom Omega series - Hunter/Killers workings are protected by a flexible non-ferrous micro-chainmail providing Incredible protection Fighting: REMARKABLE Fighting: AMAZING from all attacks. Agility: EXCELLENT Agility: INCREDIBLE CATCH-WEB CABLES: High-strength plastic Strength: REMARKABLE Strength: AMAZING cables shoot from the Sentinels' fingers to Endurance: INCREDIBLE Endurance: UNEARTHLY restrain dangerous mutants. These cables are Reason: AMAZING Reason: REMARKABLE of Monstrous strength, and may be shot up to 2 Intuition: INCREDIBLE Intuition: EXCELLENT areas away. Psyche: AMAZING Psyche: EXCELLENT LEARNING PROGRAM: The Omegas, like their Health: 120 Health: 240 predecessors, may learn from their mistakes. Karma 140 Karma 70 After three rounds of battling an opponent, all Resources: AMAZING Resources: NOT APPLICABLE Sentinels receive an UP ONE shift against that Popularity: 40 Popularity: NOT APPLICABLE character in the future (this includes all charac- ters within their memory banks). These Senti- Known Powers: Known Powers: nels are aware of the powers and abilities of all Doom's powers are derived from his nuclear- MUTANT DETECTION: The heart of the Senti- Mutants in action at the time of the "death" of powered, computer-assisted, iron armor. nel is an all-band spectrum organic analyzer the original Phoenix. that detects all living things within 4 areas and BACKGROUND: The Omega series sentinels BODY ARMOR: Doom has Incredible body determines whether those things are human or armor. were or will be or may be constructed at the turn mutant. Each Sentinel carries a memory bank of of the 21 st Century. They are natives of the alter- FORCE FIELD: The armor can project a Mon- all known Mutants and the best methods of deal- nate time-line that is home to Rachel Summers, strous force field around him. The force field is ing with them. the New Phoenix. These Sentinels were effective against all physical and energy FLIGHT: Omega Series Sentinels fly at 10 designed to solve the mutant menace, but in the attacks, including magnetism, but excluding areas/round. process of solving the problem took over North magical and psionic attacks. America. These were the model of Sentinel that ENERGY BOLTS: The Omega series have war- killed the X-Men of that time (Storm, Wolverine, FORCE BEAMS: Doom's gauntlets are systems of unknown design built into their equipped with miniature particle accelerators. Colossus, Ariel, Franklin Richards, and Mag- hands, capable of inflicting Amazing concus- neto). They are cruel and extremely intelligent in These shoot beams of Amazing energy to sive damage up to 4 areas away. Remarkable distance (7 areas). their task of destroying all mutantkind. FLIGHT: Doom has a Jet-pack built into his armor, allowing him to fly at Excellent speed in the atmosphere. AIR SUPPLY: The armor contains enough air for 4 hours underwater or in total vacuum. Talents: Victor Von Doom is a scientific genius who has built innumerable super-weapons. His Reason is Monstrous when inventing things. PSYCHIC TRANSFER: An ability taught or pro- vided him by the Ovoid race, by which Doom may exchange his consciousness with another human's. Doom does this with Incredible ability, and the target must make a Psyche FEAT to avoid the transfer. As far as it is known, Doom has done this transfer twice. MAGIC: Doom cannot cast spells or manipulate extra-dimensional energy as a true magician, but has an Amazing degree of Occult knowl- edge, and may use Magical Items. Any manipu- lations of the natural energies is at the Poor level. RUNNING DOCTOR DOOM: Doctor Doom is incredibly brilliant, vain, and mad. His great desires in the world have been to destroy Reed Richards, to rescue his mother from the Nether- world, and to conquer the globe. All research he undertakes will be directed to one of these three ultimate goals.

31 And of Course.... VOLCANA™ This book is protected under the copyright laws of the United Marsha Rosenberg States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written consent of TSR Inc. and Marvel MOLECULE MAN™ Fighting: EXCELLENT Comics Group. Distributed to the book trade in the United Owen Reece Agility: INCREDIBLE States by Random House Inc. and in Canada by Random Strength: EXCELLENT House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributers. Fighting: FEEBLE Endurance: REMARKABLE Agility: POOR Reason: GOOD The names of characters used herein are fictitious and do not Strength: POOR refer to any persons living or dead. Any descriptions including Intuition: GOOD similarities to persons living or dead are merely coincidental. Endurance: CLASS 1000 Psyche: GOOD All Marvel Characters and the distinctive likenesses thereof Reason: GOOD are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. Intution: POOR Health: 110 Karma 30 MARVEL SUPER HEROES, MARVEL SUPER VILLAINS. Psyche: CLASS 1000 SECRET WARS II, SECRET WARS, MARVEL UNIVERSE, Resources: GOOD BEYONDER, IRON MAN, TONY STARK, POWER PACK, Health: 1010 Popularity: 5 ETERNITY, DEATH, COSMIC ONENESS, MEPHISTO, Karma 1014 , NIGHTMARE, THANOS, GALACTUS, X-MEN, Resources: UNLIMITED CHARLES XAVIER, PROFESSOR X, CYCLOPS, SCOTT Known Powers: SUMMERS, ANGEL, WARREN WORTHINGTON III, BEAST, Popularity: 0 HANK MCCOY, ICEMAN, ROBERT "BOBBY" DRAKE, FIERY BODY: When Volcana is in her plasma- MARVEL GIRL, JEAN GREY, NIGHTCRAWLER, KURT Known Powers: based form, she has Amazing protection WAGNER, COLOSSUS, PETER RASPUTIN, STORM, against hand-held or missile weapons. Weap- ORORO, BANSHEE, SUNFIRE, WOLVERINE, LOGAN, MOLECULAR CONTROL: Owen Reece has ons made of less than Amazing material will X-FACTOR, THUNDERBIRD, ARIEL, SHADOWCAT, KITTY Class 1000 control over all molecules. He can PRYDE, ROGUE, PHOENIX, RACHEL SUMMERS, melt on contact with her causing her no dam- MADELYNE PRYOR, NEW MUTANTS, MAGNETO, MAGUS, mentally transform, rearrange, or convert mole- age. Anyone who touches her plasma-body suf- ZSAJI, DOCTOR DOOM, WONDER MAN, CAROL cules as he wishes, making items of Class 1000 fers Amazing damage. Volcana suffers normal DANVERS, MS. MARVEL, MYSTIQUE, BROTHERHOOD OF strength or complexity. This includes materials EVIL MUTANTS, MIRAGE, DANIELLE "DANI" MOONSTAR, damage from unarmed attacks. BRIGHTWIND, SUNSPOT, ROBERTO DA COSTA, KARMA, that are normally impervious due to force fields XI'AN "SHAN" COY MANH, WOLFBANE, RAHNE or Class 1000 material (such as Captain Ameri- THERMAL ENERGY BLASTS: Volcana can SINCLAIR, CANNONBALL, SAM GUTHRIE, WARLOCK, ca's shield or Thor's hammer). All uses of his shoot thermal energy blasts with Incredible agil- MAGMA, LADY AMARA JULIANA OLIVIANS AQUILLA, power require a successful Psyche FEAT roll. ity. The blasts cause Unearthly damage, and CYPHER, DOUG RAMSEY, MAGNUS, AMAHL FAROUK, have a range of 10 areas. MOIRA MACTAGGART, MAGIK, ILLYANA RASPUTINA, SEMI-OMINISCIENCE: From his control of Mol- AVENGERS, THOR, ANT-MAN, HENRY PYM, WASR JANET FIRE RESISTANCE: Volcana has Unearthly VAN DYNE, HULK, BRUCE BANNER, CAPTAIN AMERICA, ecules, Owen Reece is somewhat in touch with STEVE ROGERS, CAPTAIN MARVEL, MONICA RAMBEAU, the universe. He notices displaced molecules to resistance to heat and fire. HERCULES, BLACK KNIGHT, DANE WHITMAN, STARFOX, detect invisible, out-of-phase, or extra- SUB-MARINER, NAMOR, KREE, CAPTAIN MAR-VELL, ALTER EGO: Volcana can transform herself SENTINEL OF LIBERTY, ARAGORN, VALINOR, dimensional creatures, as well as molecules from plasma-state to normal, and must do so to WUNDERGORE, EROS, PRINCESS FEN, HUMAN TORCH, (and individuals) under the control of others eat or sleep. In her normal state Marsha's abili- VISIONS, JOHNNY STORM, WEST COAST AVENGERS, automatically. ties are as follows: FANTASTIC FOUR, MR. FANTASTIC, REED RICHARDS, INVISIBLE WOMAN, SUE STORM RICHARDS, THING, BEN POWER BOOST: Given Owen Reece's ability F A S E R I P GRIMM, SHE-HULK, JENNIFER WALTERS, BAXTER over Molecules, he may modify the abilities of TY EX TY GD GD GD GD BUILDING, AVENGERS MANSION, TATTLETALE, FRANKLIN Health = 42 Karma = 30 BENJAMIN RICHARDS, INVISIBLE GIRL, ALICIA MASTERS, himself or others by rearranging available mole- HAWKEYE, CLINT BARTON, MOCKINGBIRD, BARBARA cules. He may raise any of his abilities to Class RUNNING VOLCANA: Marsha Rosenberg was "BOBBI" BARTON, SIMON WILLIAMS, TIGRA, GREER 1000, or an other person's to Unearthly in this one of inhabitants of Denver brought to the GRANT NELSON, BARON ZEMO, CAT PEOPLE, manner. S.H.I.E.L.D., GEE, ALEX POWER, LIGHTSPEED, JULIE Secret Wars Battleplane! by the Beyonder, and POWER, MASS MASTER, JACK POWER, ENERGIZER, RUNNING MOLECULE MAN: Owen Reece was transformed by Doctor Doom into her KATIE POWER, DEFENDERS, DOCTOR STRANGE, CANDY present state. With the end of Secret Wars I SOUTHERN, CHAMPIONS OF LOS ANGELES, GARGOYLE, was transformed by an industrial accident into ISAAC CHRISTIANS, VALKYRIE, BRUNNHILDA, ODIN, the Molecule Man, an event which penetrated Marsha returned with Owen to Denver, where ANDROMEDA, HOMO MERMANUS, MJOLNIR, KURSE, the realm of the Beyonder and first called that the two have settled down. Volcana mothers BETA RAY BILL, STORM BREAKER, SCUTTLEBUTT, being's attention to this Earth. For years operat- Owen to a great degree, often too much for his DAZZLER, ALISON BLAIRE, POWER MAN, LUKE CAGE, own good. IRON FIST, DANIEL "DANNY" RAND, K'UN-LUN, ing under self-imposed limitations (inability to SHAU-LAO THE UNDYING, SPIDER-MAN, PETER PARKER, affect living matter or mechanisms), Molecule CLOAK, TYRONE JOHNSON, DARKFORCE, DAGGER, Man was defeated by many of Earth's heroes. In TANDY BOWEN, DAREDEVIL, MATTHEW "MATT" MURDOCK, KINGPIN OF CRIME, LILA CHENEY, Secret Wars I, Owen came to realize his true FIRELORD, PYREUS KRIL, XANDAR, GABRIEL THE potential, and it was he who returned the contin- AIR-WALKER, TIME BOMB, PUMA, THOMAS FIREHEART, gent of villains to Earth. Fairly weak-willed, WATCHER, UATU, ARMADILLO, ANTONIO RODRIGUEZ, Reece has allowed himself to be dominated by KARL MALUS, THUNDERSWORD, STEWART CADWELL, BOROMIR, ALGRIM, MALEKITH, NEBULA, SANCTUARY II, others such as Doctor Doom or his present SKRULL, KEHL, TAURANS, LEVAN, SARKS, GUNTHAR, girlfriend, Volcana. His only desire in the Secret RIGELLIAN, SKUNGE, LAXIDAZIAN, GENERAL ZEDRAO, Wars II is to be left alone to live what for him KINGPIN, WILSON FISK, ROSE, ARRANGER, VINCENT would be a normal life. "VINNIE" CORBO, PSYCHO-MAN, HATE-MONGER, JUGGERNAUT, CAIN MARKO, BLACK TOM CASSIDY, RHINO, ELECTRO, MAXWELL DILLON, VULTURE, ADRIAN TOOMES, ULTRON, DOCTOR OCTOPUS, OTTO OCTAVIUS, KRAVEN, SERGEI KRAVIN, TITANIA, MARY "SKEETER" MACPHERRAN, CARL "CRUSHER" CREEL, LOKI, BLASTAAR, BALUUR, WIZARD, TRAPSTER, SANDMAN, MADAME MEDUSA, THUNDRA, FRIGHTFUL FOUR, VICTOR VON DOOM, , NORMAN MCARTHUR, , SENTINELS, MOLECULE MAN, OWEN REECE, VOLCANA, MARSHA ROSENBERG, and distinctive likeness thereof are trademarks of the Marvel Comics Group. Copyright '"1986 Marvel Comics Group, a division of Cadence Industries Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Game Design Copyright "1986 TSR Inc. All Rights Reserved.