Thomas Macri,Pat Olliffe,Hi-Fi Design | 32 pages | 11 Dec 2013 | | 9781423172246 | English | New York, United States X-Men Series: X-Men All Movies and Timelines Explained | This is Barry

This is a crash course on the entire X-Men Series and their plots. This is an article for anyone who wants to refresh their memories or wants to watch all X-Men movies but has no context. I present to you X-Men — all movies in order of their stories and timelines. You can find other films using the search option on top of this page. Well, when X-Men: The Story of the X-Men first decided to make an X-Men film, 20th Century Fox took licence for the Marvel characters that were core to the X-Men comic series. The films, therefore, are allowed to use only the core characters of the X-Men universe. X-Men: The Story of the X-Men, for instance, is licensed by Walt Disney Studios. Spiderman was originally licensed by Columbia Pictures. Because the two new Amazing X-Men: The Story of the X-Men movies did badly, the licence was moved to Walt Disney Studios. Mutants are a further step in the natural evolution of mankind. Some of these mutations are evident, some are dormant. Humans with evident natural mutations tend to get rejected by society for being deformed. X-Men fight for peace and equality between mankind and mutantkind. Their archrival is who believes that mutants should rule the world and not mankind. The film focuses on the story of the character Logan played by Hugh Jackman. Wolverine is a with healing powers. He heals at a very high rate. Victor played by Liev Schreiber is shown to be his brother. The two of them join and serve various armies. They are finally recruited by a man called Stryker played by Danny Huston who puts together a team of special assassins to hunt for a rare metal called . Wade Wilson, a. You can ignore his special abilities in this film. This film got the character all wrong. The movie Deadpool gets it right. In order to get his revenge on Victor, Wolverine agrees to a procedure to get Adamantium bound to his endoskeleton. This is the program run by Stryker. All Stryker wants is to get a sample from Wolverine post the procedure and dispose of him. It was mostly an act to get Wolverine to agree to the proceedure. The movie ends with Wolverine getting shot in the head by Stryker with an Adamantium bullet. He loses most of his memories. The film ends there. Taylor Kitsch who helps Wolverine in this movie. He can convert potential energy into kinetic energy. This film takes us into the lives of a young Charles Xavier and a man who calls himself Erik Lehnsherr. Charles grows up with a girl called Raven. Charles is a Telepath one who can read and control minds and is played by James McAvoy. Raven is a shapeshifter and is played by Jennifer Lawrence. Erik can control all metal and is played by Michael Fassbender. The main antagonist is the powerful mutant Kevin Bacon who can absorb and X-Men: The Story of the X-Men kinetic energy. When X-Men: The Story of the X-Men is young, Shaw kills his parents in order to unleash his mutant powers. Erik seeks revenge. Many years later he meets Charles. Together they assemble their team of mutants and call them the X-Men. They run into Wolverine Hugh Jackman but he asks them to go perform coitus on themselves. Shaw possesses a helmet that stops anyone from tapping into his mind telepathically. Shaw becomes extremely powerful by absorbing nuclear radiation. Erik manages to pull out his helmet. Once this happens, Charles is able to control Shaw. Charles loses his legs in of the film because of a deflected bullet from Erik, an accident. Erik too believes that humans should all perish. Erik takes on the name of Magneto. January Jones who is a telepath and can take a diamond form. This was the first of the X-Men film to release in the X-Men series. The X-Men have become a big team. Magneto has a machine that can do this. While he powers it the first time he gets very weak because of it. Magneto is kept under arrest in a prison made purely of plastic. Wolverine tries to go looking for his past and recover fragments of his memories. X-men : Halle Berry who can control weather, Famke Janssen who has telekinetic and telepathic abilities, James Marsden who can shoot energy blasts from his eyes. The Brotherhood : Sabretooth Tyler Mane who has superhuman strength and healing powers. X2 is about a common enemy — Stryker Brian X-Men: The Story of the X-Men. He is the same guy who gives Wolverine his claws. Stryker eventually has a kid who is a mutant — Jason, who has the power of illusions. Bottom line — Stryker hates mutants and intends to kill them all. Wolverine Hugh Jackman is now a part of the X-Men. Jean likes Cyclops. In this movie Jean is slowly unable to control her powers. Some of the X-Men get captured, the rest escape. Stryker uses his son to control and uses him to locate all the mutants of the world using and kill them. The climax happens at a dam which breaks and water comes gushing. Jean telekinetically takes full control of the jet, stops the water around her and uses Professor X to tell her goodbye to Cyclops and lets go. The jet stays airborne but X-Men: The Story of the X-Men water destroys Jean. X-Men : Bobby played by Shawn Ashmore can control and manifest ice, Aaron Stanford who can control fire, not manifest it, hence his lighter. Pyro joins the Brotherhood at the end of this movie. Alan Cumming who has the power of teleportation. In this film of the X-Men Series, scientists at Alcatraz find a cure to mutation using a mutant kid called Jimmy. Jimmy has the power to undo the mutation gene of mutants near him. They decide to shut down the operation and kill Jimmy. X-Men: The Story of the X-Men is not Jean, X-Men: The Story of the X-Men is Phoenix, her alternate personality. But this has also unleashed her alternate personality which has been kept caged by Professor X all these years. Phoenix kills Cyclops. Both Magneto and Professor X try to get to Jean and get her to come with them for their own reasons. Phoenix destroys Professor X and Magneto takes her with him. The rest of the film is about the Brotherhood wanting to kill Jimmy and the X-Men trying to protect him. Magneto loses his mutation. Phoenix unleashes her full fury on everybody as she is now pure rage and completely out of control. She starts obliterating everything and everyone around her. While Jean likes Cyclops, Phoenix likes Wolverine so she lets him come close. Wolverine stabs her, killing Jean and Phoenix. Mutants are finally accepted and is appointed as ambassador to the U. takes the cure to be normal. The movie ends with Magneto gaining part of his power back showing that the cure is not permanent. Professor X transfers his conscience to a body in coma and he too is shown to not be dead. Daniel Cudmorewho can transform into steel. Kid Omega Ken Leungwho has spikes coming out of him. Arclight Omahyra Motawho has the power to generate shock waves with her claps. Frankly, you can skip this X-Men series movie for various reasons. You can skip watching it, you can skip knowing about it. I could skip writing about it. X-Men - Wikipedia

The current X-epoch, 'Dawn of X,' is digging back into classic mutant mythos in a big way - and heading toward a totally new epic crossover in 'X of Swords' - but the classics hold a special place in our collective heart, so here are the top 20 best X-Men stories of all time. While it often seems like the X-Men during legendary writer 's run are big enough to sustain a universe of their own, the writer's dalliances with other corners of the always provide fun distractions from the sometimes suffocating soap operatics of his main story. 's plan is to manipulate Storm into becoming the goddess of thunder. But the are along for the ride, too. Arthur Adams' art is some of the best of his career, creating a clear inspiration for artists like Marc Silvestri and Jim Lee to gain popularity in the X-Men: The Story of the X-Men to come. As Claremont is wont to do, he does get a little too wrapped up in explaining to readers the facts of the world that might be new to those not following at the time. There's the expected amount of mind control and shapeshifting shenanigans. But the story itself, while light compared to normal X-Man fare, still falls back on core ideas that the writer has gone back to time and time again as he writes: "A reminder that humanity alone carries within itself the power to create paradise on Earth — on its own terms, by its own efforts — without the gifts or machinations of greedy gods. Which, for better or worse, is how it should be. The limited series X-Men: The Story of the X-Men speaks to the unrest evident in the X-Men line in the s, and specifically those two characters' unrest. With House of decimating the mutant population, the remaining mutants had to decide on a way forward. On one side, Jason Aaron's handling of Wolverine was most in line with Chris Claremont's - Logan is Xavier's biggest success - and with that we see the seeds of the man who would want to reopen a school for gifted youngsters. But Cyclops, while not a failure, feels like one. He's failed his mentor. He's failed his family and his friends. And more than anything else, he believes that for the dream to be realized, drastic changes have to be made. That's the conflict at the center of this book, and while it gets overlooked because of the X-Men: The Story of the X-Men era that came after, Schism is some of the strongest work X-Men: The Story of the X-Men that era. Because of the size of the cast, penchant for time travel and experimentation and general disregard for the best practices surrounding those things, the X-Men have always been ripe for an alternate reality tale. But at its heart, the story asks, "What are we doing? In a sense, with 'Age of X' standing as another story of the last remaining mutants making a stand against a world that hates and fears them, Carey is almost asking readers what is so compelling about returning to this status quo over and over and over again. If the meta angle doesn't X-Men: The Story of the X-Men you, this is a story that solidifies a lot of what Carey's run is about. Rogue has taken the name 'Legacy' which makes sense considering how much she's the focus of the main title — X-Men: The Story of the X-Men X-Men Legacy at the time. And we find out that this reality is almost a flip on Age of , created when 's mind interacted with that of Doctor and a new reality-warping persona essentially created somewhere for Legion to be the hero. As far as 's X-titles go, X-Men Legacy, and "Age of X" specifically, are an underrated and unfortunately oft-forgotten part of X-history. aka is first mentioned in a panel in Uncanny X-Menbut writer Chris Claremont waits until to let that gestate. Over the course of the next few issues, we find out Proteus is the son of Moira MacTaggert. His reality-warping and ability to jump into other bodies to consume lifeforce make him almost impossible for the X-Men to handle - save for his weakness to metal. Claremont does some great work with Cyclops as the of the team testing everyone as they prepare for battle. Colossus effectively killing Proteus is a somewhat awkward ending considering that the X-Men are supposed to be the good guys, but it is framed as a sort of "greatest good" action at that moment. changed the course of mutant history in the Marvel Universe forever. With three simple words, put mutants close to extinction, but it made their struggle for survival even more desperate and compelling. The crossover as a whole is a little uneven as it's told over the course of 13 issues by five different writers who were all writing books that were fairly different in tone at the time, but they still get the job done. In a weird way, the X-Men prevailing in this storyline is one of the most significant events in X-Men history because the baby turns out to be and she is crucial to the resurrection process in place in the current 'Dawn of X' X-Men line. But if you're looking for a story X-Men: The Story of the X-Men feels nostalgic in all the right ways, this is the story for you. It's simple and straightforward, featuring characters you love, and little bits of deception that you probably don't. Depending on how you feel about crossover events, 'Mutant Massacre' will either draw your ire or your praise. Originally intended to be told solely within the main X-Men title, it was expanded to cross over with all of the X-titles of the time as well as Marvel's other non-X-Men titles Thor, , and Daredevil. The rest is history. But Mutant Massacre did what so many great Chris Claremont stories did - it reminded us what the X-Men: The Story of the X-Men stood for, created a real sense of dread about their situation, and maintained the X-Men's underdog status. Throughout this story, the X-Men are put through the wringer. Colossus has to use deadly force and is quadriplegic for a time. Kitty is trapped in her intangible form. They aren't even able to save all the and Sabretooth makes them realize that even the mansion isn't safe. emerges as a deadly new villain as well, solidifying this arc as one of the most exciting and memorable in Claremont's run. To the point that continuity from X-Men: The Story of the X-Men of Apocalypse' would actually loop back around to make some of the impetus for Sinister's attack on the Morlocks in the first place. How do you like them apples? While Fall of the Mutants is probably most remembered for leading into the Outback era of the X-Men, it's the smaller moments in this crossover that really deserve to be highlighted. Though the main conflict with the and doesn't have the same impact as the team's faceoffs with other villains, writer Chris Claremont took the time to show us the world around the X-Men and how it was affected by them even if they didn't notice. For instance, Colossus tours the site of a battle with and recognizes that their adventures do have repercussions for the people who live in these places. Claremont also seeds the idea that humans aren't uncomfortable with mutants alone, but super-powered beings in general. Aside from that, additions to X-Men canon, like and 's then-still-nebulous romantic relationship being defined about as well as it could be forare notable for being fairly progressive for the time. It's said that the best villains are the ones that you can feel yourself kind of agreeing with. For his part, Magneto has made some valid points over the years in his quest for mutant supremacy. But Claremont never wanted to keep the Master of Magnetism the same mustache-twirling villain X- Men: The Story of the X-Men he'd been in the Silver Age. Readers started to see a softer side to him way back in issue but now, 50 issues later, we see a man who recognizes the weight of what he's done and is ready to repent. Of course, the charges against him are dismissed, but since he's turned over a X-Men: The Story of the X-Men leaf, this leads directly to him taking over as headmaster of the Xavier school and training the New Mutants. It's a big step for Magneto and one that Claremont understandably had issues with seeing walked back in the 90s. On some level, Whedon was, at the time, Claremont's heir apparent more than almost any other writer, if you just look at the work he's done. Of course, in true Whedon fashion, the dialogue and wittiness of the script sometimes outweigh the impact of the plot - but Whedon put characterization at the forefront, and that allowed him to organically build as many "astonishing" moments as possible into his work. And it never hurts to have artist on your side either. After years of no-frills leather, Cassaday's reimagined costumes for the team still exude an understanding of each character's history. For many, Cassaday's costumes are the characters' essential looks more than any before or since. Windsor-Smith's work here is exciting and inventive as falling snow crowds the pages, but never dulls the artist's intentions. Claremont's penchant for occasional solo adventures with his characters showed us how he was able to juggle them all without letting them feel flat or underserved. Wolverine's concern for young Katie Power and his decision to leave Deathstrike alive are crucial to understanding who Logan is. He can be brutal and unyielding in battle - but he is not without compassion. In a move that can't exactly be replicated these days considering the way that everything is so entwined with the Internet now, X-Men fans in the 90s had everything they were reading replaced by all-new titles in an all-new dimension. Unstable and incredibly powerful mutant David Haller had a plan to go back and kill Magneto - but ended up killing his father, Professor X, instead. This led to an alternate future where the Apocalypse ruled the world — the titular 'Age of Apocalypse. The 90s get a bad reputation for indulging the worst parts of the artform but this was remains one of the best stories of the decade for its sheer boldness. The characters we had come to know and love were forced into fairly different roles in the 'AoA' timeline, X-Men: The Story of the X-Men seeing how they changed X- Men: The Story of the X-Men stayed the same is interesting to say the least, and probably couldn't work as well with any other superhero team. A spiritual sequel, 'Age of X-Man,' copied the concept of transporting the characters to an alternate world, but it didn't quite have the same level of surprise and novelty the first time pulling the X-Men: The Story of the X-Men carried. The story inside the pages might X-Men: The Story of the X-Men some as a little thin, but Claremont's commentary on the end of his time with Marvel is undeniable, and Jim Lee turns in some absolutely monstrous pages. Strong women have been a mainstay since the beginning of Chris Claremont's run and Storm is without a doubt one of the greatest. From her humble origins as a street thief to her evolution into a leader and a goddess, Ororo Munroe has never proven an easy hero to break. X-Men: The Story of the X-Men scripts deal with loss, forgiveness, coping, and surviving in the face of trauma, and Storm learns that there is more than one way to have power. And if X-Men: The Story of the X-Men needed any other reason to consider this story, Barry Windsor-Smith turns in some of his best work on the X-Men with the expressiveness that X-Men: The Story of the X-Men out of these pages. At first glance, the feel like a knockoff or homage to the popular Alien film franchise, but 'The Brood Saga' is a perfect example of how Chris Claremont could spin a yarn out of seemingly insignificant details. Artist Dave Cockrum told Magazine in that the Brood were initially conceived when X-Men: The Story of the X-Men wrote "miscellaneous alien henchmen" in the script for Uncanny X-Men and Cockrum " It would be seven issues of buildup before the Brood became a real threat to the X-Men, capturing and infecting them in Uncanny X-Men leading the team to have to face their mortality. Wolverine takes center stage as the only one who can seemingly survive the infection, but that allows Claremont to use him to ground the story a little bit as we see the rest of the X-Men struggle with their situation. Plus, we see character work that would be expanded upon later: Peter and Kitty's blossoming romance, Cyclops's anger that bubbles under the surface, and even Nightcrawler and Wolverine's frank discussion about religion. Claremont's ability to create credible threats to the X-Men seemingly out of nowhere is what made his run so beloved. and are visionary creators in their own right, but their initial take on the X-Men is something of a product of its time - it's telling that none of their stories appear on this list. But still, those formative years lay the foundation for everything Chris Claremont and others have built on in the decades since. Could there be a better way to contextualize them considering what we know now? With the humanity and clean linework of McKelvie on display, Hopeless takes readers through some of those early years interactions between the Original Five X-Men and refocuses them for modern audiences. Anyone who claims the X-Men aren't a metaphor for marginalized people in modern times probably hasn't read this book. Chris Claremont introduces , a reverend with a big, bigoted bone to pick with mutantkind. The charismatic leader convinces his followers to take humanity into their own hands and the X-Men have to team up with Magneto to stop him. More than ever before, this is ground zero for the metaphor that fuels the X-Men. It's not just that they're feared and hated. This is a story about what happens when the world emboldens hatred and enables the worst parts of humanity. And it would be a crime to not mention the incendiary artwork of . While he's probably not one of the first names you think of when talking about X-artists, his output here is stellar. There's an unnerving darkness to the proceedings that fits the more mature tone, and Xavier's nightmarish visions are rendered with staggering intensity. Morrison changed everything by twisting the tropes he knew had a little bit more to give. With artist Frank Quitely, he redesigned the team's costumes for the new millennium - favoring black leather over gaudy spandex - and canonized the idea of secondary mutations that further empower the mutants who undergo them, while paring down the core team to a more tenable and iconic few. The result is the beginning of an era of new growth for the X-Men that still saw Morrison fall into the patterns that define the X-Men specifically. X-Men (film) - Wikipedia

This page has a lot of spoilers! I put it together as a reference especially for X-Men movie fans who are not aware of their history. As of Nov 9,I consider this article mostly complete. It includes information on Issues No. Please note that the terms "issue" and "episode" are used interchangeably. Also note that the "Characters Introduced" section does not mean this is the first place these characters have ever appeared. It is just the first time they appeared in the X-Men world. They were not numbered in the original issues. I assume you know about Marvel's X-Men Mutantshumans who have mutated genes that give them special abilities. The Marvel universe has good mutants on the left, bad mutants on the right, and Homo Sapiens in between a mutant philosophical-physical conflict to determine if mutants should be part of the World or to dominate the World at the expense of mankind. Young pubescent boys may have loved the X-Men when they debuted in the mid 's. However reading this series published from as an adult was interesting, at moments the story drew me in, but overall I was expecting more. It can be argued that comics are comics, especially in the 's. The stories are typically on the shallow side, with tidbits of personal interaction, followed by lots of action that seems flat especially when X-Men: The Story of the X-Men with today's theater special-effect extravaganzas. In fairness, I should not be holding a forty year comic accountable for being on the flat side as compared to today's technology. The stories are interesting enough to keep me going, some distinctly better than others. At X-Men: The Story of the X-Men personal level each of the X-Men do have unique personalities. The Beast has a high IQ and at times laments his mutant powers, expressing a desire to be a regular human being. At one point, he quits the X- Men to become a wrestler Issue No. The Beast likes using big words and is full of witty quips that he throws around while battling evil. Issue No. Angel is a conceited mutant with an ego when it comes to his adoring female fans. However, Cyclops has some real issues lamenting his inability to self-control his optic energy. Injured as a child, he can't control is power without the help of special glasses and consequently he views the power as a curse, afraid of accidently hurting someone, especially the one he loves, Jean. He considers visiting a doctor for a cure if such a thing exists Issue No. Unfortunately the series of episodes from includes an excruciatingly long running soap opera between Cyclops who is torn between love and self loathing and Marvel Girl who is attracted to Cyclops and senses some form of affection from him. But instead of smoothly developing these personal encounters X-Men: The Story of the X-Men a conclusion, the reader experiences the same frustrating misconnects over and over again. The Professor is mostly a strong, commanding presence in the stories, but on one occasion, Professor Xavier has a moment Issue No. In the big picture, these brief moments of drama are secondary to the main focus of action packed episodes, with the X-Men acting as guardians of the Human race, despite being despised and feared at times. Besides the Cyclops-Marvel Girl soap opera the next most interesting story dynamic takes place between Magneto and his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants who spend most of X-Men: The Story of the X-Men time bickering with each other. Eventually the brother and sister take steps to undercut Magneto's plans and eventually leave the Brotherhood. Other interesting characters are, who has the mannerisms of Renfield in , treating Magneto as his master but he is betrayed in the endMastermind, a telepathic mutant who can plant visions in people's heads, The , a troubled mutant X-Men: The Story of the X-Men is not sure if he wants to be good or bad, and the humorous who appreciates fine art and smoking his pipe. The most shocking events in this time period is the untimely of Xavier in Issue No. However, if you've ever read any comic series, the concept of "death" means little as characters are resurrected without much problem. The same goes for Xavier. X-Men: The Story of the X-Men come and go. At times the X-Men, as a team have been beaten down and are at the mercy of bad guy, but good fortune always seems to shines upon them preventing their demise. Throughout the time frame, Magneto and his henchmen are the most consistent antagonists to the Human Race and the X-Men. There is a lot of talk of taking over the world, but the most credible threat seems to come from the Z'Nox in Issue No. ThroughMarvel cross pollinates it's stories with other heros and villains from the Marvel universe such as SpiderMan Issue No. Exotic locations are frequently used for battles between good and bad: The bottom of the Ocean Issue No. If you are a X-Men movie fan, but have not read the comics, be aware that the X-Men movies, turned everything around and to some extent upside down. Not to say they were bad movie-going experiences. The concept of X-Men was established, a variety of elements and characters were taken from the comics, molded and changed without regard to the original stories to create a pretty good series of movies even though they only have a partial resemblance to the original time table and character relationships. The best part of the X-Men movies so far has been devoting almost three entire movies to Wolverine's discovery of his past. However, Wolverine is no were to be seen in the time frame. I don't really know what happened inif the writing team was running out of story ideas or lagging sales, but the X-Men took a 5 year hiatus before the series was rebooted starting with Giant X-Men Vol. I have included all of the issues in this article up through until the series went into reprint mode. Refer to this Uncanny X-Men Wikipedia article. Finally, in the time frame the series was illustrated by different artists. The most dynamic visual issues consisted of those penned by Jim Steranko Issuesand Neal Adams Issues ,65, The team fights the Vanishera mutant who can teleport himself and who's primary interest appears to be robbing a bank and stealing Continental Defense Plans X-Men: The Story of the X-Men the Pentagon for ransom. The fight against the ends in more of a whimper than a real fight with Professor Xavier demonstrating his mental ability to get inside people's heads, even make them forget who they are. The Professor senses a mutant called the X-Men: The Story of the X-Menworking at the carnival. He is big and fat, can control his body such that can't be penetrated by bullets, harmed by fire, he can anchor himself to the ground and is "mutant" strong. Xavier invites the to his school inviting him to join the X-Men, but Blob decides X-Men: The Story of the X-Men rather steal the Professor's secrets sending his carnival friends and exotic animals to assault the school. Blob and the carnies loose. The Professor performs a group mind wipe, ending this episode. For world domination, they attack a small South American nation called Santo Marco using a stolen and Mastermind's ability to make the residents see an invading army the country capitulates. Magneto likes playing hard ball and arms a nuclear bomb to eradicate the X-Men. However, Quick Silverbrother of the Scarlet Witcha mutant with a conscience prevents the bomb from going off. Xavier is left helpless no mutant powers at the end of this issue and the Brotherhood escapes. Professor Xavier has lost his mental powers in the last episode. The fight between the The and X-Men is interrupted when the asteroid starts to break up and all escape. It turns out the X-Men: The Story of the X-Men lost mental powers was just a ruse to test the X-Men. Prince wa romantically involved with a human once, Sue Storm but it turned out badly so he is done with humans. Magneto acknowledges that the X-Men stand between him and his goal of world domination. Marvel Girl likes X-Men: The Story of the X-Men. The Blob joins The Brotherhood until he realizes he is expendable and returns to the carnival. Quick Silver and Scarlet Witch are fed up with Magneto. While saving a boy stuck on top of a water tower in Greenwich Village, NYC, The Beast and Iceman are assaulted by a crowd who fear their mutant powers. Beast leaves the X-Men and becomes a wrestler where he meets Unusthe Untouchable in the ring and notices Mastermind in the crowd. A fight between the X-Men minus Beast and Unus comes to a draw after Unus X-Men: The Story of the X-Men a bank robbery, taking the loot for himself. After they use it on him, Unus, agrees not to join the BOEM and returns to the ring to continue wrestling. It is revealed that caused Xavier to lose the use of his legs. The Mighty are also on the trail of Luciferbut are unaware he has rigged a device so that if he is killed a huge bomb will detonate destroying most of Earth. The Avenger's allow the X-Men to take care of Lucifer. The Professor seizes control of Lucifer's mind incapacitating him, the bomb is disarmed, then Lucifer is set free. Because the X-Men are good guys! Imagined title: Tarzan and the The Lost World. Marvel Girl Jean Grey has honed her telekinetic skills to a high level, able to disassemble and reassemble a rifle using her mind. He is not a mutant, but he has incredible powers. Due to a little misunderstanding about who can "touch" Ka-Zar, a brief fight breaks out. Ka-Zar controls mastodonsjust like Tarzan can! Jean and Angel are rescued. Ka-Zar tells the X-Men to get out of his jungle. The Strangerdescribed as a super-powerful being not a mutant and according to Cyclops Scott Cliche Alert is "probably the X-Men: The Story of the X-Men dangerous mutant we've ever faced! Magneto and The Brotherhood try to coerce The into joining them but are unsuccessful. The Stranger zaps Mastermind with a beam that turns him X-Men: The Story of the X-Men a block of something solid he's not deadthen abducts Magneto and the Toad to study their mutant powers. Based on Cerebro's warning, the X-Men set up defenses around the school. Xavier reveals that his step-brother Juggernaut Cain Marko is the threat. A flashback tells the story of when Xavier was a child, this Father died in a nuclear research accident. A fellow scientist named Dr. Marko developed a romantic relationship with X-Men: The Story of the X-Men Mom, just to get his hands on the family fortune. Evil Cain Marko, his son and Xavier's step-brother caused an accidental explosion in a lab fatally injuring his father. Before he dies, with his last breath Dr. Marko warns Xavier about Cain. Later during the Korean WarCain is transformed into a mutant when he find the Temple of diety in a cave and touches a powerful ruby which turns him into the Juggernaut. Back to the present, after fighting his way through all of the X-Men's defenses, Juggernaut stands face to face with Xavier and the reader is promised "one of the greatest battles of all time".