
1424 THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE. March,3. RllllkC!T Hill fO Y'>rktOWfl, fr.... m Lundy's LllIne I ofthe honored living, and the even more honored \ by the 8tl.cred cau!J'eforW'hich they hs-.e giYen eo to New Orleans, lUllJ. (l'om the darker hours of dead, that hn8 taken us from every valley of di~ I much? Thus, ami thus alaric, by pouring the tIll' rebcJlion in the pnsl, to Snvnnllnll, and Fort 8ster alld defeat and placed our feet on the Bun-I oil of consolation into the wounds Ihut Wicked t=umtcr, lllld ChariesLon, nnd CoJumbil\,tHHI Flirt I crowned heights of vi~tory. The grnnite S!"'lft I trea80n nft8 moue, enn we prove our devotion to Fislwr, (lnd Wilmin"'toll in the rresent. hns ever 'may commemorate their deeds. Our American lour flltherhmd and our affectionate gratitude to­ f;ymoolized our unity and our nnliunnllife. as we II Valhnlla may oe crowiled with the stutues of our ward its defend~rs. fiee Inscrio~,tl on It incffacclIlJly thut now doubly heroes. But our debt of gr&.titude to them can i AmI, rejoicing over the bow of promise we al_

1I0bie illscription, " Liberty und Union, now and never be paid while time shalllllst and the history 'I' rcady 1gee archirlg the 8torm-cloud of war, giVing forc\'er. one nnd insepurllble." I ofa rescued nation shall endure. 11l8sllrl\llce that no deluge of shall ngftin But. in this hour ofgladnes!l I cannotforget the I If my voice. from this Represcntlltive HaU, overwhelm or endanger our nation, we crm join, obli....ations. pammount and undyin.... we owe to could be heard throughout the land. I would ad- I with heart and s(IllI, sincerely anfltrustingly, in OUf '::heroic defenders on every battie-field upon Ijure all who love the Republic to preserve thill II· the poet's prayer: the lund, and every wtlvc-rocked mOllitorand frig- 'obligation ever fresh in grateful hearts. The " Now, Fall\l~r, lay thy healinG hllnd tHe upon the gen, Jnspired by t.he sUbli":'le~t spirit I dead, wh~ have fallen in th~se struggles to pre- In wlerc)' ''II "ur !'Irieken Inud; of aelf-gacrifice they hnve re!lllzed n mIllion-fold vent lin ahen t1.ag from wnvtng over the ashes of I I.e:H.l all itll Willlllcn'u 10 tllf' fold. Am.l he thclr Slu'lllll:nl, :I~ of old, the hi~toric fublc of Curtius as they have offered IWashington. or over the graves where sleep the "80 lihall our nation'&! sOllgalicelil1 to close up, with their OWll bodies, if need be, the grellt and patriotic ri\'nls of the last generalion, I To thce, 01lr Hnler, Fatllt~r, Friend; yawning chasm that imperiled lhe Repuulic. For the hero of New Orlealls ami the illustrious Com-I' \Vhllc hCllven'~ wid.: arch rCliounda a,e:tlin you and me, Alld for their country, they have I mOiler of Kentucky, cannot return to us. On Willi '}'e6ce ou eo..rtll,good will 10 Inen,'" turned their bncks on the delightsofhome and sev· I Shiloh's pluin and Carolintl's sandy shores, be- I We go hence, with our efficie.l labors ended, ered the tenderest of tics to bre.vedeath in e.thou- j fore Richmond, nnd abovethecloudsat Lookout!' to the Senate Chnmber and the portico of the Sttud forms; to confront with unblanched check IMountain, the patriot mnnyrs of constilUtiolUl.l .. Cllpitol, there, with the etatue of the goddess of the tempest of sl~ot,and sh~Il,.ond,flume; to storm liberty sleep in t~elr bloody shrO~t!8 till the morn-I Liberty looking down for the first tim~ from her frowning bnucncs and bnstllllg lntrenchments; 1Il;- of resurrection. But the hVlng are left be- lofty pedestal on lluch 0. scene. 10 witness and lo.bleed •. to suffer, and to di~, As we look from 1llllrld. And if the Sacred Record appropriately partic~pate in the inauguration of the Elect of the thIS ClIpltol Hill over the nallon there nre crushed ,commends the poor, who are ever wllh us, to our i American people. and broken hearts in every hamlet; there are ~ benefactions and re~tlrd, may I not remind you: And now, thnnkillg you most truly for thellp~ wounded soldiers, me.ngled with rcuel bullets, in II thllt the widow 8ntI the futherless, the maimed· problltion of my official C(llldUCI which yOIl hnve every hospital: there arc patriot gravell in cvery und the woundetl, the diseased and tile Buff~ring, recorded on your Journals, I declare the Houae church-yard; there are blenching bOllesoll every 'whose nnguish springs from this greut contest, of Represenr,ativu of tile Thirty-Eighth Con~ baule-field. It is the lofty und uufaltering heroism Ihave claim::! on 1111 ofus. heightencd immeasurably l gress of the United States ndjourned sine die,


SPEOIAL SESSION, The Senators having been sworn, and taken J .From (he Stlde of West Virginia-Hon. 'Wait- ,. their seuts in the Senate. the following SenatOrs mun 'I'. Wilh'y, wcre present: From tlu Stille of Netada-Hon. Jumes w, IN SENATE, II, Prom the Stale of Ncw Hampshh't-Hon. Daniel Nyc Rlld HOIl. Wdlilllll M. Stewart. S,I,TURD.H, Marc1l4, 1865, 'I Clark tlIlU HOIl. Aaron H. Cnt~in. Hon, ANDREW JOHNSON. Vice President J'rom tht Stalt of JlJlIssach1tsdts-Hon. Charles I~AL"GURATJON Clo:REMONIES. of the United StIltf's,IH(\'in'" taken the ollth of! Sumner IUll,l HOIl. H~lIry Wilsoll. The persons entitled to udmission on the floor office at the dose of the reg~lar seasion of Con- I From tilt State (Jf Rhode lslllnd lind Prot'idftlct of the Sennte Chamber ha\'ill~ heell admiuctl to gress, took the chllir, tlnd tlirt>cted the Secretll.ry Ii Plantations-Htll'. 'Vtlliuffi Sprague lind Hon, I the pluees reset\'cd for them, at twenty-five min­ Co read the proclnmation conveningllspeciUlses-I' Henry B. Anthony. Iutes after twelve o'dock the President. Hon. sion of the Senute. I From tlu Slate ofCoIl7lccticut-Hon, La Fuyette ABRAHAM LlNcou., enlerl'd the Senate Chamb..r, The Secretary (Hon, JOlISW, FORNEY) read, IS, Foster and HOII, James Dixon. II accompanied by Mr. FOSTER, Mr. DOOLITTLI:." os follows: ! From the Slate ofVtTmont-I-Ion, Solomon Foot Il.nd Mr. r-h"Dl::RSOS, memberllofthc comOliUt:e A PROCLAMATION, ,! and Hon, Jucob CollUlller. . of arrnngemf'Ilts. and·..... as conducted to a tWllt HI Where~s olJject~ ofillt"n',,1 In the United Stales require·1 From tlu State Of .N·tW York-Han. Ira HarriS I front uf the Secretary's desk, and the ml:mbcrs Ilml til" f.;eual<:~lrflUld lo" ""Il~"II.,,1 allwcln, "'cI/lcl:,un lund Hon. Edwin D, .Morgsn. of the commiltee wen) scated 011 his left. the 41h ur ;'larch m':tl, III r,'ceu'C amI act 111"'11 l'ueh CflIlI· , H u'· ",, IUUUle~IUOIlS 01.' mayt.c made to it ou Ih" part urthe Ene. t ,F!"om t1u State of "VelD Jcrsey- 011. ,,, lllinm T!le Vl~E PRE~Il?EN1. The order of pro- ulive: II "'right. cession WIll !lOW be lormed, for tire purpose of NO\\'.IIrp.rcfore~J, ABIIADAM Llltly :lfO' II'QUlro·tl I" l'lk.' nntle.... I 0 IlJson. T •• c , Givell und"r my_halld 1\'1(1 til" !lpnl IIf Ih ... Ullhed Slale!!, Frtnn Ihe Sratt ofhcnttlcf.-y-Hon. Gnrretl DaVIS Cx-.Vlce Presldenl; Ihe Suprcme Court of the lit \\"n~hill::!l(JIl, Ill" !';Ih ,Iar "I ~''''"uarr, ill the II and Hon. James Guthrie. Uillted SUltes; lhc Sergeant-ttt-Arms of ti,e St.. I1- fL, s,l i~:,:rV::·I~~~ ~·~~t~}~~~III~~~i~~.t~\~CI~:~~~.l~::il~'t~~of From tht S/art ~J Ohio-Holl. ~lte; the PresiJent. of lhe pnited Stlltes, the Pn~s~ AIBrAHAM LINCULN, and Hon.lknlumln F, Wade. ldent-elect; the Vice Pn'sldent and the Secretftry Dy tIle Pre~id,~nt: ' From the Stale ofIlIdi{mfl-Hon, Henry S, Lane o( Ihe S~lIute; the members of the Senntt'; the WILLIAM II, SEWARD, Sccrr.taT!I of State. I and HOIl. Thomtls A. Hendricks, dlplomntlc corps; het\d8 of Depllrtmeuts; Gov- The VICE PRESIDENT, The St'cretary will From the Stale ojlllillois-Hon, Lyman Trum- (:rnors. of Shltes and Territories; the Mayorll of tead the names of the ncwly-clected Sel1utors, bull und Hon. RiehRrd Yates, \Vasllln~ton anti Geor~etowl1, and olher pcrsoud The list was fend, ns follows: From lilt Sratf oJMaine-Hon. LotM, Mouill ndmitted to.the floor of Il~e Stmute Challl~er. Hon, Henry B. Anthony, of Rhode Island. allli HOIl. ,"Villiam Pitt Fessenden. The Prellldent-clect delrvered the follOWIng Hon. Ae.roll H, Cragin. of New Hampshire. Frolll the Stale of Missouri-Hon, B. Gratz INAUGURAL ADDRESS. Hon, 'Villiam Fitt FesRenden, of Maine. Brown and Hon. John B. Henderson. Hon. James W, Grimes. of Iowa, From the Statr of Michigan-Ilon. Zachariah Fellow- Clrnntrymm: HOll, James Guthrie,of Kentucky. Chandler and Hoo. Jacob AL Howard, At this second appearing to take the ollth of Hon, Jacob M. Howard, of Michigan. Frollt tht Stale (Of lorDo--HolI. James Harlan the presidentiul office, there is le8s occusion for Hon. James H, Lane, of Kansas. and Hon, James W, Grimes. an exte"ded address thun there wall ttl the nrst. Hon, Dttrllel S, Norton, of Minnesota. lhm tht Stat~ of IVisc011sil1-Hon, Timothy Theil, a statement, somewhut io delttil, Ofll ctlurl>e Hnn, 'Villnrd Saulshury, of Dclnwnre, O. Howe and Hon, Jllmes R, Doolittle, to be pursued, seemed fiuing and proper. N~"", Han, 'V«itman T. 'Villey, of "Vellt Virginia. Prom tlte State of Calijorflia-Hon. Jumes A. at Ihe expiration of four years. durill~ \Vlllch Hon, George H. Williams. ofOregoll, McDougnlllllld Hon. John Conness, public declaratiolls huve bl'en consuHltly called Hon, Henry 'Vilson, of . Ft·om the Stale ofJlJi1UU'50la-Hon. Alexander forth on every point e.nd phase ofthl: great contest Hon. Richard Ytttes, of Illinois. Ramsey !lnd HOIl. Daniel S. Norton. which still absorbs the lluention and engrosses As their numes were culled tht: Senators came })'om tht tilate of Oregon-Hon. James \V. the energies of the nation, lillie that is new could forwltrd. and the ouths prescrilK:d by law were Nesmith and Hon. George H. Williamll, be presented, The pro~ress o( OUr arms, upon administereu to them, with the exception of Mr. From tht Stat~ of Kansas-Hon, Samuel C. which All else chi~ay depelllls, i. liS well known SAULSDURY, who wall not present, Pomeroy and Hon. James H, Lane, to the public as to myself; and it is, I trust. THE CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE. TITE OFFICIAL 1'ItOCEEDI:s'GS OF CONGRESS, PUBLISHED IIY F, & ,1. RTYES, WclcSl-ll:\GTO", D. C.

THlRTV-EIGIiTlI CONGRESS, 2D SI::SUON. ~I::W S.:nll:.~ ...,.l"o. 90. rr8E=olwbly fllltisfllctory IInu encouraging to nIl. hnving been administered to Jlim, he took his Icommiltf'C nfcollfereflce W!lS rni"t'lI, out ..... hll una- With high hope for the future. no prediction in sent in the Sentlte. Ill!' to I,~rl'l·. A st'r.Ontl CIHlIl11l1l"t' \\I:u. l,utl,lHlll rC~lInllo it is vp.nlUred. l\OTU'ICATlON TO THE PRESIDE!'IT. wert: Ulluult· to t.tgn:c, lml tlg~Cttl upon 1111 IIi., pro- On the occusion corresponding to this four vrsions III conll'ovm'sy belwl'I'1I Ihe IW(t !-lnUl>C8 yenrs ~go. all.tllOu~h.t8 were anxiously directed Mr. MORGAN submitted the following reso- exrl'pt this olle in regnrd to the pnynu'ut f('r tl,e to an lmpcndlllg cIVIl waf. All dreaded it; all lution; which wns consldercd by unl\llImous con- trlU1Hpflruuioll of troopS 011 tire hl.lld·~mllt wlHls, !lought to llvf'rl it. 'VhL!c the inau"'ural address 8ent, and [lgreed to: IButh Houst!'! concurred in that I"f'p0rl, thnl< nnr- was heillg dcli\'ered from this pJdce~ devoted al· RUr>h'"d, That a commlttce or two mcmhero he ap· rowin" thl' muller tll,wrl to this sin"Je qU!!!ll!olll of tog-elilcr to s4mng tho Union without war, insur­ pOinted b~'lhe \'ice l're~i.de.1I! to ~"'ail ul"'n th.: l·.e~ill~1l1 I tlispu~. An(lthrrcommiLtee waf> ~hell uppOinteoJ. gent ogellLs were in the city seeking to dc.sh·oy it ~~:~~~c ~~..~~e~~~~;~;;~,:~I:I~II',:lt~~:~~ 11\I,r~, ~~"~~::.1~'~~~:;~. ~:,I:~~ u por. lhnt si I1l-':le poi lit. That com mittee of CI'"_ without wnr-l:lcckillg to I.lIsso1vc lhe Union, and edve any eornmulIleation he m;I}' b,' plt·:t~",d 10 lII:;l;e. fererlce reported Ihat tllf'Y wl'rl' ullJlhlc te, lIgrl·C. llividc etl:ects, by negotiutioll. Both purties dep­ The VICE PRESIDENT appointet!l\olessrs. 1\ly.friel1u from Ncw Yvrk [Mr: HARRIS] ..... flS recated war; but" olle of them would mak~ wl\r l\ilo1\cAN and GVTIIRIE as the committee, ChUU'lllllll of the Just commIttee of cnnf!!rf'lIcl~ tl~nl rather thall let the natioll survive; and the other met. TheretlpOll the Sennle on thot report 111- woulll aeupt war rather thull let it periYh, And HOCR OF MEETIXG. sisted upon ittlu.memlment to strike nut from the the war came. On motion of Mr. CO'VAN, it was Army arprol'ritt.tioll bill this provillo, amI sellt One eighth of the whole population were col­ Ordered, TIl:lI the hour Mlhe daily meClin,r ofttlll Sen. their lIctiOll to the House, lInu the House thft" ored slaves, not (\lstriLute:d generally over the ate, unlil ollwrwise onlered, be lweiv.: o'cl"ek Ill. rt"Cf'rl,'J from its uisu~rccmcllt to the SellDte'H Union, but localized ill the southcrll part of it. INTOXlCATING LlQUOP.s IN TII~ CAPITOL. um"llu01cnt, alld the Army Lill berllme Do Iftw 'l'hef:c slaves constituted a peculinrand powerful 1 without Ihis pnl\'ision ill it. There,l Buppoeccl. il\t~rest. All kllcw that this interest W{lS, some­ Mr. ,VILSON. I submit the following reBO- I the matter WIlli cruII.d. how, the cause of the wnr. To strellgthen,per­ IUlion. I do 1I0t propose to call It up for nctlon II I lcuwed YC81f'rduy Ihat, Ilotwilhsttlndillg chi" relUo.le, und extend this interest was the Object to.uay, bUlshnll do s.o to·morrnw: actioll of l)(lll\ HIOu~es of Congress, there ..... a8 for which lhe J1)surgerltl:l would renll the UOIon, R~~",I,·..tI, That the S .. rl!ealll::n.Arlns be, :llId h" l~ h~re- prCsclltel1 til the Pn'llillcnt of Lbc U lIiteti Slates even by war; wllile the Government claimed no b}', dlrl:cled 10 rClllUve Inrlll:-'>lth fmHI -" llIut"h H1II1C t _np-1 f"r .1118 1'ii~rlntUI"(' "n SlIwrduy n joint resfl]ution itul as IS umler hUi car.: all Im"XJ(:;lllJlC 1l !llI"'c I'Ulo; sCt.l vulh noulles of f1n- Inrgement of it. Neither party expet;tcd for Ihe purLlulJ orthe (;apilul. gn";!I, nlld 10 hnvc pOllueut for the sweat of olher mell's laces; but let us !'ud"e question is 011 the adoption of the I"esolutioll. I hiS ll;lgllat\I~'" 1'i 0i' 81r,. I ulluerlllk"lo.l>ay-- not, that we Uc Ilotjndgetl. The pl"n.yetf< 0 bt)~h The resolutioll Wtl.S tuJopted. . 1\.1r. SH EItMJ\ ~. DloJ. thnt Jltl.SS thrs lJotly? could not ue answered; that of !leither hns been 1\1 r. TRU .\1 eu LL. It IlIlrpr,rtli 10 hu\'c rlltllt.'t! tlnswered fully. Thft Almighty hos His OWIl pUl·· MILEAGE TO CLAIMANTS. tlliG l,ody. II llC\'O'r pnsll;ed thill bHuy, III Illy pose6 ... \Voe unto the wurld bccuuse ofoffenses! Mr. LANE, of Klln8as. I o(fer the following jmIgrnl:lIl. It cl'rtulIIly tilt! 1I0t IInvc tl!fl cOlltllder- for it must needs be thnt ofl~lIses come; but wue resolution: tllHlIt of the botly. Tile Scnate hnd \'olcd more to that mttlJ by whom tJle offense comclh." If Rr.ol~l!tI,'fhal Ihl' Sl'l'rl'l:n,'bc inSIrUl'lrrltrl p:lr, Out or I t!lall I\\"0 III Olle-- Wf' slul.ll suppose Americall sltl.\'cry is one ofthol::e the elllllilll!l'IlI luud (If the :O::,:u:Il+', till' 11_11:11 milCH!!" 10 ' 1\1 r. H 0 \V E. Whnt IS its numher? offen~cs wilich, ill the providence of God, must El;~hn D:u.tr·r allrl Wllh,Hn M. rl~hlJ:ld:, l"""prellnl}', n" I 1\lr. TI~r' .\J l3GLL. I tbink il is No. 161. nl'f~t1t1 come, but whicli, haviug continued throug-n cl..ilJlallls for ,.,.a\..; ill rile ~I'liatl: !rum Allla,,~a~, lII,d IVIr. FES~E.'iD1':;:{. 'Vas it nrpro\'cd? L:Jlark" till',nh and It. Kiu(: CUll.:r,rC"Ik:(;Ii\·cl}. el:,inl:lnlll I ' His appointed time, He now wdls to remove, fur ~':;Il~ ill Ih'l ,ti"lIate fruUl Ll,U'~lalJ;o at tlll! ""euud ~t'.- 1\1r. TB.U'\ll.:ULL. No, sir; It htls !lut u('Ien nlld thilt He gives to both North und Soulh this sion oflhis (;u"grt'~~' appro"'ed b)' tl,c Pn,;idt'llt. Tile PI·CSIt.lelil wua terrible wur, 8S tIle woe due 1.0 those by whom Mr. SUM~EIl. I ohject 10 that resolution. Ilotdied of lhi~ nctiOlJ,flllU he withheld his tligna. the nffense caml', shnll we disccrll tlu:rein any ThePP..ESI DING OFFICER. OLjeclioll being tun' 10 il. clprarLUre from IhoIJe divine Iltlribules which the made, it lies o\'cr ulldcr the rule. i\tr. GRCVIES. Is i: ill a bill hy itself? bdicn:rll ill U li\'ing God nlways ascribe to Him? Mr. LANE, of KUlrsns. Perhaps the Senntor Mr. TRU.\lBULL. Jt;s II I'ropotlition by it- Fondly do we hopI', ferveuLly UO we prlly, tlwt will allow me tu move Ihat it lie o\'('I",all,1 not ful- sclf. It i.. \'el y nlllllifeSI to Ole-- tillS nllghty scourge of Will' mny speedily pass lowitflo vindictively. I rno\'e,wllh thc p,-,rmit!8ioll 1\11'. CLAIU\.. IftlH' So::lIIltor will permil me. n\\"uy. Yct, if God wills that it COlltlnue unlil ofllle Scnator from A1t1.ssuc!Jusellll;,thut it lie over I t!lilile I (:/\11 cXI,lrl.in tl,is mutter 10 his satisfuc· lill the wel.lth pil.'d by the borlllilian'g two IlOn­ untilto-morrnw. tion, and to lilt' ~mlisrtlCliull of tllf' Seuote. dred allll fifly yellts of ullrcquileu toil shall be The PRESlDl~G OFFICER. It lies upon Mr. TItU.\lBULL. I IlOpe thcre CUll be an SUlik, ftud unlll every drop of blood dr!lWIl with the tat..le, UIHl"'r the rult~, objection being mude, cXl'lurHlllolJ, Dlld I "hull be vcry glad If it ia Olt the lash I;hall be paiJ by Il.II0ther tlrnwn wilh the l\-lr. LANE, of KUllSus. I hop!! the St.!lIl1lor illlloccnt (>IlC. sword, ns WlIS saltl three tlloUiHl.lld )'ears ngo, so from Ml'l<~acllusclts will wilhdruw hilS oujeclloll. 1\11'. CLARK. It wilt be remembered Ihnt on StiJlltmllstuesuid,"The judg-mellts of the Lord Mr. SUMN ElL 1 must object to tile rcslllu_lthe lust Ilr!!hl uf tht: fo! tile CongrellsJust dOllcd tll;'lt thcre WU!'I II Mr. CLARK. The CllfUIJ,llg clerks of the by Ihe Chief Jllstice oflllC Supreme Court. protracted d,stl.~rccmentuClweell tile two Housrs HOUSfi. The Scnnlc rftuflled to their Chamber; and on ofCongrcs801llheArmynpploprlt\tloll UtlJ,MIS'1 1'vlr. TRUMBULL. Ir tlrnt is so, I think it motion of M ... TRt:MlItlLL, Ihe Senate at!journed. wg out of 1\ ptOVISO utlficlled to thal L,U pnt\ldlllg dC!'lI'rve" til Iw 1I1qlllrl'tI i."l...... that 00 mOlle)' approprtlllcd lJy Ihe bill ellould Le Mr. CLi\ HK. J um JI,for~ed tlltlt It Ie flO. lK SENATE. used fot the paymellt of the transl'0rtatloll or I 1\11'._ TH(;,\IHL:LL. Theil II WIlS never acted troops or properlY of Ihe Ullitet! Stntr,;; UI'0llltllY :'1 UpUIl III IIIIS 11l.(I)' /II 1111. • M01lo'DAi, ~'i1arch G, 1865. railroads thnt hnd .re~eivcd grants ofln.1II1 from tlie I 1\1 r. CLA J~K. IlIo 1I1.lt .under'<:lll.lHlthnt It wns. TheJoumal ofSatnruny WtlS rctl.u allt! approved. G:fl.\·ernment to auI III their cnllstruc~lOn.011 con-III Jill\"!' n