The National Society Sons of the American Revolution
OFFICIAL BULLETIN OF 20 OFFICIAL BULLETIN WILLIE EARL WEEKS, New Orleans, La. (31697). Great-grandson of Thomas The National Society Weeks, Captain, Acting Paymaster, Mass. Militia. OF THE CHARLES LEWIS WElT, Port Huron, Mich. (31595) .. Supplementals. Great'. grandson of George Tuttle, Captain, Col. Stephen Evans's New Hampshire Regt.; great'·grandson of Jol"' Gile, First Lieutenant, Col. John \Valdron's Sons of the New Hampshire Regt. CHARLES YATES WILMARTH, Yokohama, Japan (N.Y. 31646). Great3·granct. American Revolution son of Daniel Wilmarth, Corporal, Col. John Daggett's Mass. Regt. CHARLES ADAMS WOOD, Boston, Mass. (31915). Great'-grandson of Abijah Organized April 30, 1889. Incorporated by Ac.t of Cona:ress, june 9, 1906 Wood, private, Col. Samuel Bullard's Mass. Regt. President General 3 RALPH JULIUS WOOD, Chicago, Ill. (31890). Great -grandson of Elisha 'Joker LOUIS ANNIN AMES, gg Fulton St., New York City private, Capt. Hubbard Burrows's Company Eighth Regt. Conn. Militia; grandson of Isaac Griswold, private, Cot. Isaac Wyman's New Hampshire Volume XIII MARCH, 1919 Number 4 JOliN MILL WRIGHT, Grand Rapids, Mich. (31978). Great3-grandson of M >s" Montague, Captain of Minute Men, Col. Ruggles Woodbridge's Mass. Regt. Published at the office of the Secretary General (William S . Parks, The Farragut). Wash PAUL EMERSON WRIGHT, Grand Rapids, Mich. (31979). Great•-grandson of ington, D. C., in June, October, December, and March. Moses ll1o11tagJte, Captain of Minute Men, Col. Ruggles \Voodbridge's Mass. Entered aa aecond-claaa matter. May 7, 1908, at the post-office at Washington. D. C .. Regt. under the Act of July 16, 1694.
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