Compiled Service Records of Soldiers Who Served in the American Army During the Revolutionary War

NATIONAL ARCHIVES TRUST FUND BOARD WASHINGTON: 1976 The records reproduced in the microfilm publication are from Department of Revolutionary War Records Record Group 93 COMPILED SERVICE RECORDS OF SOLDIERS WHO SERVED IN THE AMERICAN ARMY DURING THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR On the rolls of this microfilm publication are reproduced the compiled service records of soldiers who served in the Ameri- can Army during the Revolutionary War. The compiled service rec- ords consist of one or more jacket-envelopes for each soldier containing card abstracts of entries relating to that soldier from original records. These compiled and original records are part of the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Rec- ords, Record Group 93. The American forces during the Revolutionary War included many types of military organizations created by the Continental Congresses, the States, towns, and counties. The Regular units authorized by the Continental Congresses formed the , but this Army was frequently supplemented by units of mili- tia and volunteers from the States. The compiled service records reproduced in this microfilm publication contain records for the Regular soldiers of the Continental Army and for the , volunteers, and others who served with them. The larger entity is referred to in this publication as the American Army. In 1775 the took command of the forces of the New England colonies besieging and instituted the first of a series of reorganizations of the Army. In reso- lutions of November 4, 1775, the Continental Congress authorized the establishment of a Continental Army of 20,372 men. Each regiment was to contain 728 men, divided among eight companies; and each company was to consist of a captain, two lieutenants, an ensign, four sergeants, four corporals, two fifers or drummers, and 76 privates. Additional regiments, sometimes containing fewer men, were authorized by the Continental Congresses for such purposes as the Canadian campaigns and the defense of the South- ern States.' Many of the authorized regiments in this and later reorganizations were never completely filled. Another major reorganization of the Army was authorized in resolutions of September 16, 1776. The Continental Congress ordered the enlistment of 88 battalions (or regiments) for the duration of the war and apportioned those battalions among the States as follows: , three; , 15; Rhode Island, two; , eight; , four; New Jersey, four; , 12; , one; , eight; , 15; North Carolina, nine; South Carolina, six; and

^Worthington C. Ford, ed., Journals of the Continental Congress (Washington: Government Office, 1904-37), Vol. Ill, p. 321-322. 2lbid., Vol. II, p. 107. 3Ibid., Vol. IV, p. 39. Georgia, one. The States were to recruit the soldiers and appoint the officers for their battalions, although the officers would be formally commissioned by the Continental Congress.4 In 1778 the Continental Congress authorized the reduction of the Army to 80 battalions, each containing 585 men. in October 1780 the Congress further reduced the Army by ordering that, after January 1, 1781, the Continental Army consist of four regiments of cavalry or light dragoons, four regiments of artillery, 49 regiments of infantry (excluding Colonel Hazen's regiment), and one regiment of artificers.6 Finally, the Continental Congress on June 2, 1784, directed the commanding officer to discharge all the troops in the service of the , retaining only 80 privates, with a.proportionate number of officers, to guard the stores at Fort Pitt, West Point, and other magazines.' A typical infantry regiment in the Continental Army, gener- ally referred to in this publication as a regiment or battalion without the designation "infantry," might contain field officers, such as a colonel, , and major; a regimental staff, including an adjutant, quartermaster, surgeon, surgeon's mate, paymaster, and chaplain; and eight to 10 companies. Cavalry and artillery regiments were organized in a similar way, although cavalry companies were frequently called troops. Artillery companies included specialized soldiers, such as bom- bardiers, gunners, and matrosses. The soldiers in artillery regiments often functioned individually, or in small groups, rather than as a regiment. Artificers were civilian or military mechanics and artisans employed by the Army to provide necessary services. Artificer companies included carpenters, blacksmiths, wheelwrights, harness makers, coopers, nailers, and farriers. History of the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records Most of the records of the American Army in the custody of the War Department were destroyed by fire on November 8, 1800. The War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records was begun in 1873 when Secretary of War William Belknap made the first of several purchases of Revolutionary War records for the Depart- ment. By War Department orders of July 3 and 16, 1889, a Record and Pension Division was established to take custody of the mili- tary records of the Volunteer Armies of the United States and to

4Ibid., Vol. V, p. 762-763. flbid., Vol. XI, p. 538; Vol. XIII, p. 298, °Ibid., Vol. XVIII, p. 894. /TU^J ., V«Vol1. VYVTXXVIIT , i-p. . C?/5241 . transact the pension and other business of the Department con- nected with those records. The Division was designated the Record and Pension Office of the War Department by an act of May 9, 1892 (27 Stat. 27), and Col. Fred C. Ainsworth became Chief of the Office. At Ainsworth's instigation, Congress passed acts on July 27, 1892 (27 Stat. 275), and August 18, 1894 (28 Stat. 403), that directed the other executive departments of the Federal Government to transfer military records of the Revolutionary War in their possession to the War Department. The last major addi- tion to the collection was in 1914-15 when the War Department made photographic copies of Revolutionary War records in the possession of individuals and institutions in several States to supplement the original records. Compiled Military Service Records The compilation of military service records from the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records was begun in 1894 under the direction of Colonel Ainsworth. The abstracts made from the original records were verified by a separate opera- tion of comparison, and great care was taken to ensure that the abstracts and the indexes were accurate. The service records consist of a jacket-envelope for each soldier, labeled with his name, his rank, and the unit or special corps in which he served. The jacket-envelope contains card abstracts of entries relating to the soldier as found in original muster rolls; payrolls; rank rolls; inspection, provision, and clothing returns; receipts for pay and bounty; accounts for subsistence, pay, rations, clothing, and ordnance; abstracts of muster and pay rolls; and correspondence. Abstracts were also made from 24 of the numbered record in the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records, Volumes 1-11, 13 1/2, 136 1/2, 139, 142, 143, 145, 147 1/2, 170-173, 175, and 176. There are cross-references for soldiers' names that appeared in the records under more than one spelling. Frequently preceding the jacket-envelopes for individual soldiers in each organizational unit are similar envelopes con- taining caption cards for muster rolls, payrolls, or other records, The cards show the exact captions of documents that were copied for each organization and the certificates of officers verifying the accuracy of the records. Jacket-envelopes for general pay abstracts precede those for other caption cards, and printed caption cards for general pay abstracts usually reproduce the entire pay abstract. Jacket-envelopes with caption cards for an entire regiment precede those containing caption cards for the field and staff and individual companies. The compiled service records are arranged under the designa- tion "Continental Troops" or a State name, thereunder by organi- zation, and thereunder alphabetically by soldier's surname. The military organizations designated "Continental Troops" were gen- erally State units adopted by the Continental Congress in the first years of the Revolutionary War or units raised in more than one State. Regular units of the Continental Army that were raised in only one State are generally listed with that State's military organizations. The organizations for the Continental Troops and for each State are arranged in two major groups, according to the size of the organization. The larger military units, including regi- ments, battalions, detachments, corps, brigades, and legions, precede the smaller units, such as companies, parties, troops, or commands. Companies, parties, troops, or commands, however, that were an integral part of larger organizations are generally arranged within the larger organizations. Within the two major groups according to size, units with numerical designations pre- cede units with nominal designations. Thus, the arrangement of the compiled service records for South Carolina organizations is as follows: First Regiment - Sixth Regiment, Casey's Regiment - Thomson's Regiment, First Company - Third Company, and Butler's Company - Captain Michael Watson's Company. An appendix to this introduction lists the units of the Con- tinental Troops and of each State in three categories: all units with numerical designations, all units with nominal designations, and miscellaneous units. Organizations with both numerical and nominal designatibns are listed under both categories but are arranged on microfilm according to the number designation. When several organizations have the same number designation, an alpha- betical order is followed with battalions, corps, and detachments preceding regiments, and artillery regiments preceding infantry regiments and regiments of light dragoons. Because the military units of the Continental Army were frequently reorganized, there are sometimes several series of compiled service records for the different formations of a unit, all bearing the same name or number designation. When the records for each formation are maintained separately, the year the forma- tion was organized is sometimes included, in parentheses, in its title. The Connecticut records, for instance, include a "Seventh Regiment (1775)" and a "Seventh Regiment (1776)." When a consolidation of several regiments was made, the new organization was sometimes labeled with the designations of the several regiments involved. An example is the Virginia organiza- tion designated the "Fourth, Eighth, and Twelfth Regiment." The compiled service records for several Virginia consolidated regi- ments contain empty jacket-envelopes labeled with the names of the soldiers in the regiment and the locations of the jacket- envelopes containing all the card abstracts for those soldiers. Military organizations without a number or name designation are arranged at the end of the series to which they belong. Thus, the Regiment Extraordinary (Maryland) is placed at the end of the alphabetical series of Maryland regiments. Miscellaneous smaller organizations, such as the Field Artillery Company (New Hampshire), are arranged at the end of the alphabetical series of companies for New Hampshire. Soldiers' names that are incomplete due to the mutilation or deterioration of the original records are arranged at the end of the compiled service records for their units. Soldiers, employees, or other personnel of the American Army with only a first name in the original records are listed by that name in the compiled serv- ice records. At the end of the records for the Continental Troops is a series labeled "Miscellaneous," consisting of compiled records of soldiers' names that cannot be identified with a particular military unit. The series also includes high-ranking officers of the American Army who were associated with many military organi- zations. Likewise, a miscellaneous series labeled merely with the States's name exists at the end of the records for each State, ex- cept Georgia, to serve a similar function. For instance, the series labeled "Pennsylvania" was taken from such records as a list of officers who were paroled prisoners on Long Island, a list of prisoners from different regiments in General Wayne's division, a "Return of the , entitled to donation lands, re- ported by the late Comptroller General," and an account en- titled The State of Pennsylvania Against the United States for Depreciation on Pay of the Army. The designations of military units in this microfilm publica- tion are generally reproduced exactly as they appear on compiled service records and on index cards. Indexes Within Record Group 93, several name indexes contain entries from the military service records reproduced in this microfilm publication. The most comprehensive name index to the records is available as National Archives Microfilm Publication General- Index to Compiled Military Service Records of Revolutionary War Soldiers (M860). Various parts of the General Index are also available separately as follows: Index to Compiled Service Records of Revolutionary War Soldiers Who Served With the American Army in North Carolina Organizations (M257); Index to Compiled Service Records of American 'Naval Personnel Who Served During the Revolu- tionary War (M879); and additional unpublished indexes to the names of soldiers serving in organizations from the States of Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, and Virginia. Related Records in the National Archives Although some references to employees, prisoners of war, and other persons associated with the American Army are included in the records reproduced in this microfilm publication, most of the Revolutionary War compiled service records for persons other than soldiers have been published as Compiled Service Records of Ameri- can Naval Personnel and Members of the Departments of the Quarter- master General and the Commissary General of Military Stores Who Served During the Revolutionary War (M880). The original records and copies of records from which the Revolutionary War compiled service records were made are avail- able on Revolutionary War Rolls, 1775-1783 (M246), and Numbered Record Books Concerning Military Operations and Service, Pay and Settlement of Accounts, and Supplies in the War Department Collec- tion of Revolutionary War Records (M853). Notations in the lower left corner of the card abstracts frequently indicate the file or number of the original record copied. Notations on card abstracts also sometimes refer to numbers preceded by the initials "R & P." These references are to file citations in the general correspondence of the Record and Pension Office of the War Department, in the Records of the Adjutant General's Office, 1780's-1917, Record Group 94. The index to this correspondence series is available as Index to General Correspond- ence of the Record and Pension Office, 1889-1904 (M686). Pension and bounty land warrant application files based on the service of Revolutionary War military and naval personnel are in the Records of the Veterans Administration, Record Group 15. They have been reproduced as Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty- Land-Warrant Application Files (M804), and Selected Records From Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty-Land-Warrant Application Files (M805). The War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records, Record Group 93, contains two other pulications relating to the American Army: Miscellaneous Numbered Records (The Manu- script File) in the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records, 17?5-1790 's (M859), and Special Index to Numbered Records in the War Department Collection of Revolutionary War Records, 1775-1783 (M847). The record group also contains other series of unnumbered record books and photographic copies of some State records. Journals, correspondence, and other records of the Continen- tal and Confederation Congresses are among the Records of the Continental and Confederation Congresses and the Constitutional Convention, Record Group 360. These records have been microfilmed as Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 (M247), and Miscellaneous Papers of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789 (M332). International and Indian Treaties are among the General Records of the United States Government, Record Group 11, and the Inidan treaties have been reproduced as Ratified Indian Treatiesf 1722- 1869 (M668). Ledgers and other fiscal records of the Government of the Revolutionary War period are among the Records of the Bureau of Accounts (Treasury), Record Group 39; the Records of the Bureau of the Public Debt, Record Group 53; the General Rec- ords of the Department of the Treasury, Record Group 56; and the Records of the United States General Accounting Office, Record Group 217. These introductory remarks were written by Marie Allen. APPENDIX List of Organizations The numbers in parentheses after each military organization indicate the roll(s) on which records relating to that organiza- tion can be found. Continental Troops

Numerical Designations: First Regiment, Artillery (1-9) First Regiment (10-13) First Regiment, Light Dragoons (14-17) Second Regiment, Artillery (18-33) Second Regiment' (33) Second Regiment, Light Dragoons (34-36) Third Regiment, Artillery (37-43) Third Regiment (43) Third Regiment, Light Dragoons (43) Fourth Regiment, Artillery (44-45) Fourth Regiment (46) Fourth Regiment, Light Dragoons (46-48) Fifth Regiment (49) Sixth Regiment (49) Seventh Regiment (49) Eighth Regiment (50) Ninth Regiment (50) Tenth Regiment (50) Eleventh Regiment (51) Twelfth Regiment (51) Thirteenth Regiment (52) Fourteenth Regiment (52) Fifteenth Regiment (53) Sixteenth Regiment (54) Seventeenth Regiment (54) Eighteenth Regiment (54) Nineteenth Regiment (55) Twentieth Regiment (56) Twenty-first Regiment (56) Twenty-second Regiment (56) Twenty-third Regiment (57-59) Twenty-fourth Regiment (59) Twenty-fifth Regiment (60) Twenty-sixth Regiment (60-61) Twenty-seventh Regiment (61) Nominal Designations: Armand's Independent Corps, Light Dragoons (62) Baldwin's Regiment, Artificers (63-64) Clark's Company, Artillery (146) Forman's Regiment (65-66) Gist's Regiment (66-72) Grayson's Regiment (73-76) Gridley's and Knox's Regiment, Artillery (77) Hartley's Regiment (77) Hazen's Regiment (78-91) Henley's Regiment (92) Jones' Company, Artillery (146) Lee's Independent Company (146) Lee's Legion (93) Lee's Regiment (94) Livingston's Battalion (94-98) Malcom's Regiment (99-100) Captain Menard's Company, Canadian Volunteers (146) Captain Montour's Company of Delaware Indians (146) Morgan's Rifle Regiment (101-103) Patten's Company, Artillery Artificers (147) Patton's Regiment (104-106) Count Pulaski's Legion (107-108) Randall's Company, Artillery (147) Rawlings' Regiment (108) Sherburne's Regiment (109-114) Spencer's Regiment (115-126) Steven's Corps, Artillery (127-128) Thruston's Regiment (129) Von Heer's Independent Troop (147) Warner's Regiment (129-130) Miscellaneous: Artificers and Others Employed by Brig. Gen. James Clinton at Forts Constitution and Montgomery on Hudson River, Aug. 1- Dec. 1, 1776 (148) Artillery Bateaumen (149) Commander In Chief's Guard (150-153) Corps of Artificers (131) Corps of Engineers (131) Corps of Invalids (132) Corps of Sappers and Miners (132) (133-145) Independent Companies of Artificers, Carpenters, and Bakers (148) Major General Sullivan's Life Guard (153) Men Mustered by Colonel Ellis for New Hampshire Regiments, Continental Troops (153) Miscellaneous (154-157) Connecticut Numerical Designations: First Regiment (158-187) First Regiment, Forces (187) Second Regiment (188-209) Second Regiment, 1776, Militia (210) Second (Wyllys1) Regiment (210) Third Regiment (211-239) Third (Ely's) Regiment, Militia (239) Third (Putnam's) Regiment (239) Third (Starr's) Regiment, Light Horse (239) Fourth Regiment (240-254) Fourth (Backus') Regiment, Light Horse (254) Fourth (Hinman's) Regiment (254) Fifth Regiment (255-282) Fifth Regiment, 1775 (282) Fifth Regiment, 1776 (282) Fifth Regiment, Light Horse (282) Fifth Regiment, Militia (282) Sixth Regiment.(283-305) Sixth (Parson's) Regiment (305) Seventh Regiment (306-327) Seventh Regiment, 1775 (327) Seventh Regiment, 1776, (327) Eighth Regiment (328-348) Eighth Regiment, 1775 (348) Eighth Regiment, Militia (348) Ninth Regiment (349-358) Ninth Regiment, Militia (358-360) Tenth Regiment, Militia (361) Twelfth Regiment, Militia (361) Thirteenth Regiment, Militia (361) Sixteenth Regiment, Militia (361) Eighteenth Regiment, Militia (361) Twentieth Regiment, Militia (362) Twenty-first Regiment, Militia (362) Twenty-second Regiment, Militia (Chapman's Regiment) (362) Twenty-fifth Regiment, 1776 (362) Twenty-fifth Regiment, Militia (362) Nominal Designations: Averill's Company (377) Backus' (Fourth) Regiment, Light Horse (254) Beebe's Regiment, State Troops (362) Begelow's Company of Artillery (377) Belding's Regiment, Militia (362) Bennett's Company (377) Bixby's Company (377) Bradley's Company of Matrosses (377) Bradley's Regiment (363) Bristol's Company, Militia (377) Bull's Regiment, Light Dragoons, Militia (363) Burrall's Regiment (363) Canfield's Regiment, Militia (364) Chapman's Regiment (Twenty-second Regiment, Militia) (362) Chapman's Regiment of Foot, Militia (364) Chester's Regiment (364) Cook's Regiment, Militia (364) Sergeant James Davidson's Guard (377) John Douglas' Regiment (365) William Douglas' Regiment (365) Durkees' Company of Matrosses (377) Elmore's Battalion (366) 10 Ely's Regiment (366) Ely's (Third) Regiment, Militia (239) Enos' Regiment, 1776-77 (368) Enos' Regiment, 1777 (368) Enos' Regiment, State Troops (367) Fitch's Independent Company, Volunteers (377) Gallup's Company (377) Gallup's Regiment (368) Gay's Regiment (368) Hand's Company, Militia (377) Hinman's (Fourth) Regiment (254) Hooker's Regiment (369) Johnson's Regiment (369) Latimer's Regiment, Militia (370) Capt. Thomas Lawson's Company, Militia (377) Lee's Company (377) Leffingwell's Company (377) Lewis' Regiment, Militia (370) Capt. Elip't Lockwood's Company of Coast Guards (377) Isaac Lockwood's Company of Sea Coast Guards (377) Markham's Company, Militia (378) Mason's Company (378) Mason's Regiment, Militia (371) Mather's Company (378) McClellan's Regiment (371) McClellan's Regiment, 1777 (371) McClellan's Regiment, State Troops (371) Mead's Regiment, Militia (371) Moseley's Detachment, Militia (371) Mott's Company (378) Mott's Regiment, Militia (371) Newberry's Regiment, Militia (372) Parson's (Sixth) Regiment (305) Parson's Regiment, Militia (372) Porter's Regiment, Militia (372) Putnam's (Third) Regiment (239) Reed's Company, Militia (378) Robinson's Company (378) Sage's Regiment (372) Selden's Regiment (372) Capt. Israel Seymour's Company (378) Seymour's Regiment, Militia, Light Dragoons (373) Sheldon's Company (378) Shipman's Company (378) Silliman's Regiment (373) Skinner's Regiment of Light Horse, Militia (373) Capt. Richard Smith's Company (378) Starr's (Third) Regiment, Light Horse (239) Swift's Regiment (373-374) Tallcott's Regiment (375) Thomson's Company (378) Thomson's Regiment (375)

11 Tyler's Regiment (375) Vaill's Company of Guards (379) Van Deursen's Company of State Guards (379) Ward's Regiment (375) Waterbury's Regiment (375) J. Wells' Regiment, Militia (376) Levi Wells' Regiment (376) Whiting's Regiment, Militia (376) Wolcott's Company (379) Wolcott's Regiment (376) Wyllys' (Second) Regiment (210) Miscellaneous: Company of Martrosses (379) Connecticut (379) Corps of Sappers and Miners (379) Field, Commissioned and Staff Officers of the (379) Teamsters (379) Delaware Numerical Designations: First Battalion (New Castle County) (380) Second Battalion, Militia (380) Second Regiment, Militia (380) Second Regiment (New Castle County), Militia (380-381) Seventh Battalion, Militia (381) Nominal Designations: Hall's Regiment (382-393) Haslet's Regiment (394) Captain Latimer's Independent Company (395) Captain William Peery's Independent Company (395) Miscellaneous: Battalion Flying Camp (394) Delaware (395)

Georgia Numerical Designations: First Battalion (396) Second Battalion (396) Third Battalion (396) Fourth Battalion (396) Nominal Designations: Bickham's Company, Georgia Militia (396) Captain Samuel Scott's Company (396) Miscellaneous: Georgia Battalion (396) Maryland Numerical Designations: First Regiment (397-398) 12 First Regiment, Flying Camp (398) Second Regiment (399-401) Second and Third Companies, Artillery (408) Third Regiment (401-403) Fourth Regiment (404) Fifth Regiment (405) Sixth Regiment (406) Seventh Regiment (407) Thirty-fourth Battalion, Militia (408) Thirty-seventh Battalion, Militia (408) Nominal Designations: Ewing's Regiment, Flying Camp (408) Gale's Company, Artillery (408) German Regiment (408) Griffith's Regiment, Flying Camp (408) Lansdale's Detachment (408) Marbury's Detachment (408) Ott's Company, Militia (408) Rawling's Regiment (408) Richardson's Regiment, Flying Camp (408) Sarer's Company (Washington County), Militia (408) Miscellaneous: German Regiment (408) Maryland (409-410) Regiment Extraordinary (408) Massachusetts Numerical Designations: First Regiment (4J1-416) First Regiment, Guards (416) First Regiment, Militia (416) First Regiment (Lincoln County), Militia (416) Second Regiment (417-420) Third Regiment (421-425) Third Regiment, Militia (425) Fourth Regiment (426-427) Fourth Regiment, Militia (427) Fourth Regiment, 1777, Militia (427) Fifth Regiment (428-430) Fifth Regiment, 1783 (430) Sixth Regiment (431-434) Seventh Regiment (435-437) Eighth Regiment (437-439) Ninth Regiment (440-441) Tenth Regiment (442-443) Eleventh Regiment (443) Twelfth Regiment (444-448) Thirteenth Regiment (449-450) Fifteenth Regiment (451-457) Sixteenth Regiment (458-465)

13 Eighteenth Regiment (466) Twenty-eighth (Sargent's) Regiment (466) Thirty-first (Phinney's) Regiment (466) Nominal Designations: Bailey's Regiment (466) David Brewer's Regiment (466) Jonathan Brewer's Regiment (466) Bridges' Regiment (466) Brooks' Regiment (466) Builard's Regiment (466) Burt's Company, Guards, Militia (475) Major Cady's Detachment (467) Carpenter's Company (475) Carpenter's 'Regiment, Militia (467) Gary's Regiment (467) Simeon Gary's Regiment (467) Cogswell's Regiment (467) Conver's Regiment (468) Cotton's Regiment (468) Cowell's Company (475) Crandon's Company (475) Gushing's Regiment (468) Davis' Regiment, Militia (468) Captain Elijah Demming's Company (475) Denny's Command, Militia (468) Dike's Regiment (468) Doolittle's Regiment (468) Durfee's Company (475) Captain Pelatiah Eddy's Company (475) Fellows' Regiment (468) Captain Moses French's Company (475) French's Regiment (468) Frye's Regiment (468) Gardiner's Regiment (469) Jacob Gerrish's Regiment (469) Samuel Gerrish's Regiment (469) Glover's Regiment (469) Goodrich's Command, Militia (469) Captain Ebenezer Gore's Company (475) Captain Abraham Gould's Company (475) Hathaway's Regiment (470) Heath's Regiment (470) Holman's Regiment (470) Hyde's Detachment, Militia (470) Jacob's Regiment (470) Keyes' Regiment (470) Captain James Leach's Company, Matrosses (476) Captain Semeon Leach's Company (476) Learned's Regiment (470) Leonard's Regiment, Militia (470) Little's Regiment (470) Mansfield's Regiment (471)

14 Moltenfs Company (476) Murray's Regiment (471) Nixon's Regiment (471) Paterson's Regiment (471) Perec's Regiment (471) Perry's Company, Minute Men (476) Phinney's (Thirty-first) Regiment (471) Captain Jonathan Poor's Company, Militia (476) Poor's Regiment (471) Pope's Regiment (472) Porter's Regiment (472) Prescott's Regiment (472) Prime's Regiment (472) Putnam's Regiment (472) Rand's Regiment (472) Read's Regiment, Militia (472) Reed's Regiment (472) Richardson's Company, Militia (476) Captain Robinson's Company, Militia (476) Robinson's Regiment (472) Sargent's (Twenty-eighth) Regiment (466) Scammon's Regiment (473) Simonds' Detachment, Militia (473) Captain Nathan Smith's Company (476) Smith's Regiment (473) Sparhawk's Regiment, Militia (473) Captain Phinehas Stearns' Company (476) Stearns' Regiment (473) Captain Lemuel Stewart's Company (476) Thomas' Regiment (473) Titcomb's Regiment (473) Turner's Regiment (473) Wade's Regiment (473) Walker's Regiment (473) Artemas Ward's Regiment, Militia (473) Whitcomb's Regiment (473) Whitney's Regiment (473) George Williams' Regiment (473) Samuel Williams' Regiment (473) Captain Wood's Company (476) Wood's Regiment, Militia (474) Woodbridge's Regiment (475) Miscellaneous: Massachusetts (476-478) New Hampshire Numerical Designations: First Battalion (479-480) First Regiment (481-498) First Regiment, Militia (498) First (Stark's) Regiment (499-500)

15 Second Regiment (501-520) Second (Poor's) Regiment (521-522) Second (Tash's) Regiment (523) Third Regiment (524-531) Seventh Regiment, Militia (531) Tenth Regiment, Militia (531) Twelfth Regiment (531) Thirteenth Regiment (531) Nominal Designations: Ashley's Regiment, Militia (532) Atkinson's Company (559) Baker's Company, Volunteers (559) Baldwin's Regiment (533) Bartlet's Regiment (534) Bedel's Regiment (535-536) Bell's Regiment (537) Bellows, Jr.'s Regiment, Militia (537) Berry's Company (559) Lieutenant Bowers' Command (559) Lieutenant Bragdon's Party (559) Major John Brown's Detachment of Militia, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts (537) Captain Butler's Company (559) Captain Calef's Company (559) Chase's Regiment, Militia (538) Captain Chesley's Company (559) Captain Cilley's Company (559) Captain Clark's Company (559) Captain Clifford's Company (559) Captain Coffin's Company (559) Collins' Company, Volunteers (559) Captain William Cooper's Independent Company (559) Captain Copps' Company (559) Captain Robert Crawford's Company (559) Dame's Regiment (539) Captain Daniels' Company (560) Captain Ebenezer Dearing's Command (560) Captain William Dearing's Carpenters (560) Captain Dow's Company (560) Lieutenant Dow's Command (560) Drake's Regiment, Militia (539) Eames' Company of Rangers (560) Captain Elkins' Company (560) Captain Emerson's Company (560) Evans' Regiment (539-540) Finlay's Company, Volunteers (560) Captain Follett's Artillerymen (560) Captain Ford's Company (560) Lieutenant French's Command (560) Captain French's Company (560) Captain Gage's Company (561) Gale's Regiment (541)

16 Gerrish's Regiment, Volunteers (541) Giles' Company, Volunteers (561) Oilman's Regiment, Militia (541-542) Male's Regiment, Militia (543) Haven's Company (561) Hayes' Company (561) Heald's Company (561) Heath's Scouting Party (561) Captain James Hill's Company (561) Captain John Hill's Company (561) Hobart's Regiment, Militia (544) Captain Hobbs' Commpany (561) Captain Caleb Hodgdon's Company (561) Captain Stephen Hodgdon's Company (561) Lieutenant Houston's Command, Militia (561) Hutchins' Company, Militia (561) Hutchins' Company, Volunteers (561) Hezekiah Hutchins' Company (561) Kelley's Regiment (545) Sergeant Ladd's Command (561) Captain Langdon's Company (561) Captain Littlefield's Company (561) Lovewell's Regiment (546) McClary's Regiment, Militia (546) Captain McGlaughlan's Command (561) Captain Mclntyre's Company (561) Captain Mellin's Company (561) Mooney's Regiment (546) Moore's Regiment (547) Morey's Regiment, Militia (547) Moulton's Regiment, Militia (547) Nichols' Regiment, Militia (547-549) Captain Osborne's Company (562) Captain Parker's Company (562) Lieutenant Parr's Company (562) Captain Parsons' Company (562) Peabody's Company, Militia (562) Peabody's Regiment, State Troops (550) Captain Perkins' Command (Train of Artillery) (562) Captain Philbrick's Company, Militia (562) Lieutenant Samuel Piper's Company (562) Captain Place's Company (562) Poor's (Second) Regiment (521-522) Captain Rawlings' Company (562) Reed's Regiment (551) Reynold's Regiment, Militia (552) Russell's Company, Rangers (562) Captain Salter's Company, Artillery (562) Scott's Battalion (552) Senter's Regiment (552-553) Captain Sias' Company (562) Simpson's Ranging Company (562)

17 Captain Sloan's Company (562) Smith's Company, Militia (562) Smith's Company, Rangers (562) Captain Jacob Smith's Company (562) Stark's (First) Regiment (499-500) Lieutenant Stearns' Company (562) Stickney's Regiment, Militia (554-555) Tash's (Second) Regiment (523) Thornton's Company (563) Townes' Company (563) Waldron's Company (563) Waldron's Regiment (556) David Webster's Company, 1776 (563) David Webster's Company, 1777 (563) Jacob Webster's Company (563) Webster's Company, Rangers (563) Webster's Regiment (556) Welch's Regiment (556) Wiggins' Company (563) Wingate's Regiment (556-557) Wingate's Regiment, Volunteers (557) Woodward's Company, Rangers (563) Wyman's Regiment (557-558) Yeaton's Company (563) Miscellaneous: Field Artillery Company (563) Guard (563) Independent Rangers (564) New Hampshire (564-570) Scouts (564) General Whipple and Staff (564) New Jersey Numerical Designations: First Battalion (Somerset County) (571) First Regiment (571-592) First Regiment (Bergen County) (593) First Regiment (Essex Militia) (593) First Regiment (Monmouth Militia) (593) Second Battalion (594) Second Battalion (Hunterdon Militia) (594) Second Battalion (Middlesex) (595) Second Battalion (Somerset) (595) Second Regiment (596-614) Third Battalion (Gloucester Militia) (615) Third Battalion (Middlesex Militia) (615) Third Regiment (615-627) Fourth Regiment (628-638) Nominal Designations: Bonnel's Company (644) Crane's Troop of Horse (644)

18 Gumming's Battalion (639) Dayton's Battalion (639-640) Elizabethtown (Light Horse Company) (644) David Forman's Regiment, Militia (640) Samuel Forman's Regiment, Militia (640) Frelinghuysen's Battalion, Militia (641) Hankinson's Regiment, Militia (641) Holme's Battalion, Militia (641) Huddy's Company, State Troops (644) Lindsly's Company of Artificers (644) Martin's Regiment, Militia (641) Morris County (Eastern Battalion) (643) Newcomb's Regiment (641) Nixon's Company of Horse (644) Ogden's Regiment (642) Cutwater's Company, State Troops (644) Phillips' Regiment (643) Phillips' Regiment, Militia (643) Asher F. Randolph's Company (644) Shreve's Battalion (Burlington Militia) (643) Seely's Regiment (643) Squier's Company (644) Summers' Battalion (643) Thomas' Battalion (643) Van Cortlandt's Battalion, Militia (643) Van Cortlandt's Regiment, 1776 (643) Walton's Company (644) Wolverton's Company (644) Miscellaneous: Eastern Battalion (Morris County) (643) Light Horse Company (Elizabethtown) (644) New Jersey (645-646) New York Numerical Designations: First Battalion, Independent Companies (647) First Regiment (647-669) First Regiment, New York Levies, 1780 (670) Second Battalion (Col. Wempell), Militia (671-672) Second Regiment (673-696) Second Regiment, November 1776 (696) Second Regiment, New York Levies, 1776 (696) Third Regiment (697-704) Third Regiment, 1776 (705) Third Regiment, New York Levies (705) Fourth Regiment (706-715) Fourth Regiment, 1776-81, Militia (716) Humphrey's (Fourth) Regiment, Militia (716) Fifth Regiment (717-726) Nominal Designations: Allison's Regiment, Militia (727)

19 Captain Baldwin's Company, Rangers (777) Bellinger's Regiment, Militia (727) Benedict's Regiment of Associated Exempts, Militia (728) Lieutenant Bowers' Company (777) Brandt's Company, Rangers (777) Brinckerhoff's Regiment, Militia (728-729) Budd's Regiment (729) Campbell's Battalion, Militia (730) Captain James Cannon's Recruits (777) Cantine's Regiment, Militia (730) Church's Regiment (731) Clark's Company, State TLropps (777) Clyde's Regiment (731) Captain Cooper's Company, Rangers (777) Cooper's Regiment, Militia (732) Crane's Regiment, Militia (733) Cuyler's Regiment, Militia (733) Joseph Drake's Regiment, Militia (734) Samuel Drake's Regiment (734) DuBoy's Regiment, New York Levies (735) Elmandorph's Company (777) Field's Regiment (Dutchess County), Militia (735) Fish's Regiment, Militia (735) Fisher's Regiment, Militia (735-736) Fondey's Party, Militia (777) Freer's Regiment, Militia (736) Getman's Company, Rangers (Second Company, Tryon County) (777) Captain Golden's Company, Militia (777) Graham's Company, State Troops (777) Graham's Regiment, Militia (737-738) Hamman's Regiment, Militia (738) Hardenbergh's Company, State Troops (777) Hardenbergh's Regiment, Militia (739) Harper's Regiment (739) Hasbrouch's Regiment, Militia (740-741) Hathorn's Regiment, Militia (742) Hay's Regiment, Militia (743) Hopkin's Regiment, Militia (744) Horton's Company, Guards (777) Humfrey's Regiment, Militia (744) Humphrey's (Fourth) Regiment, Militia (716) Janson's Regiment, Militia (745-746) Klock's Regiment, Militia (747-748) Lamb's Company, Artillery (777) Lansing, Jr.'s Regiment, Militia (749) Livingston's Regiment, Militia (749) Ludington's Regiment, Militia (750) McClaughry's Regiment, Militia (751) McCrea's Regiment, New York Levies (752) Captain Mills' Company, Guards (778) Sergeant Mills' Detachment (752) Captain Myrick's Company, Rangers (778)

20 Nicholl's Regiment, New York Levies (752) Nicholson's Regiment (752) Palmer's Regiment, Militia (752) Albert Pawling's Regiment, Militia (752-753) Levi Pawling's Regiment (754) Platt's Regiment of Associated Exempts (755) Quackenbos' Regiment (Albany County), Militia (755) Reilay's Company, Rangers (778) Rudd's Detachment (755) 's Regiment, Militia (755) Stephen Schuyler's Regiment, Militia (756) Snyder's Regiment (Ulster County Militia) (756-757) Stevenson's Company, Guards (778) Captain Strait's Detachment, Militia (757) Jacobus Swartwout's Regiment, 1776 (758) Jacobus Swartwout's Regiment, 1777 (758) Thomas' Regiment, Militia (759) Van Alstine's Regiment (Albany County Militia) (760) Van Bergen's Regiment (Albany County Militia) (760) Van Brunt's Regiment, Militia (760) Van Cortlandt's Regiment, Militia (760) Van Gaasbeck's Company (778) Van Ness' Regiment (761) 's Regiment (762-763) Henry K. Van Rensselaer's Regiment (Albany County), Militia (763-764) Robert Van Rensselaer's Regiment, Militia (764) Van Schaick's Battalion (765) Van Schoonhoven's Regiment (Albany County), Militia (766) Van Veghten's Regiment, Militia (767) Van Woert's Regiment, Militia (768) G. Vanden Bergh's Regiment (Albany Militia) (761) Vanderburgh's Regiment, Militia (761) Vrooman's Regiment (Albany County Militia) (769) Webster's Regiment, Militia (770) Weissenfels' Regiment, New York Levies (771-772) Col. Wempell's (Second) Battalion, Militia (671-672) Wheelock's Command (778) Whiting's Regiment, Militia (773) Willett's Regiment (773-774) Williams' Regiment, Militia (775) Winn's Company, Rangers (778) Wood's Company of Exempt Militia (778) Lieutenant Wood's Hired Guard (778) Woodhull's Regiment (775) Wynkoop's Regiment (775) Yates' Regiment, Militia (775-776) Miscellaneous: Guards, Militia (778) Men Received from WestChester County, New York, by Captain Richard Sackett (778) New York (778-780)

21 North Carolina Numerical Designations: First Regiment (781) First Regiment, Militia (782) Second Regiment (782-783) Second Regiment, Militia (783) Third Regiment (783) Fourth Company, North Carolina Regiment (785) Fourth Regiment (783) Fifth Regiment (783) Sixth Regiment (784) Seventh Regiment (784) Eighth Regiment (784) Ninth Regiment (784) Tenth Regiment (784) Nominal Designations: Bynum's Company, Militia (785) Collier's Regiment, Militia (785) Graham's Regiment (Tryon County) (785) Captain James Houston's Company, Rangers (785) Kingsbury's Company, Artillery (785) Colonel Francis Lock's Command (785) Lieutenant Colonel Lytle's Command (Caswell County) (785) Captain Charles Folk's Company, Militia (785) Porter's Company (785) Seawell's Regiment, Militia (785) Vernon's Company (785) Miscellaneous: Light Dragoons (785) North Carolina (786) Pennsylvania Numerical Designations: First Battalion (787) First Battalion (Bedford County) (787) First Battalion (Chester County Militia) (787) First Battalion (Cumberland County Militia) (787) First Battalion ( County) (787) First Battalion (Philadelphia County Militia) (787) First Battalion, Riflemen (Philadelphia County Militia) (787) First Battalion (Westmoreland County Militia) (787) First Battalion Flying Camp (Colonel Moor) (787) First Regiment (787-789) First Regiment, 1775 (789) First Regiment Flying Camp (Lancaster County) (789) First Regiment Flying Camp (Colonel William Montgomery) (789) Second Battalion (Cumberland County Militia) (790) Second (Davis') Battalion (Cumberland County Militia) (790) Second Battalion, Riflemen (Lancaster County) (790) Second Battalion (Northumberland County) (790) Second Battalion (Philadelphia County) (790) 22 Second Battalion (Westmoreland County) (790) Second Regiment (790-797) Second Regiment Flying Camp (797) Third Battalion (Chester County Militia) (798) Third Battalion (Cumberland County Militia) (798) Third Battalion (Lancaster County Militia) (798) Third Battalion (Northumberland County Militia) (798) Third Regiment (800-805) Third Regiment, 1776 (799) Fourth Battalion (Chester County Militia) (806) Fourth Battalion (Philadelphia County Militia) (806) Fourth Regiment (806-807) Fifth Battalion (808) Fifth Battalion (Chester County Militia) (808) Fifth Battalion (Cumberland County Militia) (808) Fifth Battalion (Philadelphia County Militia) (808) Fifth Battalion (York County Militia) (808) Fifth Regiment (808-819) Sixth Battalion, 1776 (820) Sixth Regiment (820-821) Seventh Battalion (Cumberland County Militia) (822) Seventh Regiment (22-825) Eighth Battalion (Chester County Militia) (826) Eighth Regiment (826) Ninth Regiment (827-830) Tenth Regiment (831-832) Eleventh Regiment (833-834) Eleventh Regiment, 1779-80 (834) Twelfth Regiment (835) Thirteenth Regiment (836) Nominal Designations: Andrew's Battalion (York Militia) (837) Atley's Regiment (Musket Battalion) (837) Barr's Detachment (Westmoreland Militia) (837) Baxter's Battalion (Northampton County) (837) Black's Company (York County Militia) (838) Captain John Boyd's Company of Rangers (838) Burd's Battalion (837) Clottz' Battalion Flying Camp (Lancaster County) (837) Major Robert Clugage's Command, Volunteers (838) Davis1 (Second) Battalion (Cumberland County Militia) (790) Captain Duncan's Company, Volunteers (838) Captain George Enslow's Company (Bedford County Militia) (838) Ferreis' Battalion (Lancaster County Militia) (837) Gardiner's Battalion (837) Gardiner's Regiment, Militia (837) German Regiment (838) Captain Andrew Graff's Company (838) Hall's Company (838) Mailer's Battalion Flying Camp (837) Hart's Battalion (Bucks County) (837) Lochry's Battalion (837)

23 Matlock's Rifle Battalion (837) Colonel Samuel Miles' Rifle Regiment (838) Colonel William Montgomery's (First) Regiment Flying Camp (789) Colonel Moor's (First) Battalion Flying Camp (787) Moorhead's Independent Company (838) Peirce's Regiment (837) His Excellency 's Command (838) Schott's Corps (838) Captain Shaver's Company, Militia (838) Colonel Smith's Regiment (838) Captain Spaulding's Company (838) Steel's Pennsylvania Independent Company (838) Swope's Regiment Flying Camp (838) Van Etten's Company (Northampton County), Volunteers (838) Watts' Regiment Flying Camp (838) Miscellaneous: German Regiment (838) Pennsylvania (839-840) Colonel Samuel Miles' Rifle Regiment (838) Troop of Philadelphia Light Horse (839) Rhode Island Numerical Designations: First Company (Town of Cranston), Militia (877) First Regiment (841-847) First and Second Regiments, Consolidated (861-865) Second Battalion (County of Providence), Militia (848) Second Company (Town of Cranston) (877) Second Company (Hopkinton) (877) Second Regiment (848-860) Third Company (Town of Smithfield) (877) Twelfth Regiment (865) Fourteenth Regiment (865) Fifteenth Regiment, Militia (865) Nominal Designations: Allen's Company, Militia (877) Allen's Detachment, June-December 1783 (866) Babcock's Regiment, Militia (866) Barrington Guards (878) Colonel Barton's Light Corps (866) Colonel Jabez Bowen's Command, Militia (877) Brown's Regiment (866) Burllinggame's Company (877) Captain Christopher Champlin's Company (877) Cook's Regiment, Militia (866) Crary's Regiment, State Troops (867-868) Elliott's Regiment, Artillery (869) Lieutenant Nathaniel Gould's Company (877) Holden's Regiment (870) Kimball's Regiment, Militia (870) Lippitt's Regiment (870-871)

24 Mathewson's Regiment (872) Captain Samuel May's Company (877) Miller's Regiment, Militia (872) Noyes1 Regiment (872) Olney's Regiment, Militia (872) Pawtuxet Rangers (878) Peck's Regiment (872) Potter's Regiment (872) Talman's Regiment (873) Captain Thayer's Company (877) Tillinghast's Regiment (873) Topham's Regiment, State Troops (873-876) Trask's Company (Town of Smithfield) (877) Warren Guard (878) Waterman's Company (878) Waterman's Regiment (877) West's Regiment (877) Whipple's Company (Cumberland Militia) (878) Wilbur's Company, Militia (878) Captain Timothy Wilmarth's Company (878) Miscellaneous: Harrington Guards (878) Pawtuxet Rangers (878) Rhode Island (878) Warren Guard (878) South Carolina Numerical Designations: First Company (887) First Regiment (879-880) Second Company (887) Second Regiment (881) Third Company (887) Third Regiment (882-884) Fourth Regiment, Artillery (884) Fifth Regiment (885) Sixth Regiment (886) Nominal Designations: Butler's Company, Militia (887) Casey's Regiment (887) Hampton's Regiment, Light Dragoons (887) Captain John Irwin's Company (887) Marshell's Regiment (887) Singleton's Troop of Light Horse (887) Thomson's Regiment (887) Captain Michael Watson's Company, Volunteers (887) Miscellaneous: South Carolina (887)

25 Vermont Numerical Designations: First (Bradley's) Regiment, Militia (888) Third (Wood's) Regiment, Militia (888) Sixth Regiment, Militia (888) Seventh (Sergeants') Regiment, Militia (888) Twelfth (Douty's) Regiment (888) Fifteenth (Warren's) Regiment, Militia (889) Nominal Designations: Abbot's Regiment, Militia (890) Captain Alger's Company, Militia (901) Ebenezer Allen's Detachment, Militia (890) Ebenezer Allen's -Regiment, Militia (891) Ira Allen's Regiment, Militia (891-892) Captain Allen's Company, Militia (901) Lieutenant Bailey's Company, Militia (901) Captain Bates' Command, Militia (901) Captain Bentley's Command, Militia (901) Ensign Blanchard's Company, Militia (901) Bradley's (First) Regiment, Militia (888) Captain Bramble's Company, Militia (901) Captain Briggs' Company, Militia (901) Bronson's Detachment, Militia (892) Captain Brownson's Command (901) Captain Burk's and Captain Gilson's Companies, Militia (901) Captain Chaffe's Company (901) Captain Clark's Company, Militia (901) Captain Coffeen's Company, Militia (901) Captain Colbe's Company, Militia (901) Captain Cottle's Company, Militia (901) Ensign Cushman's Command, Militia (901) Major Day's Command, Militia (901) Captain Dimmick's Company (901) Douty's (Twelfth) Regiment (888) Durkee's Company, Militia (901) Enos' Brigade, Militia (892) Lieutenant Everest's Company, Rangers, Militia (901) Captain Fasset, Jr.'s Independent Company (901) Fletcher's Regiment (893) Captain Gaige's Command (901) Captain Gilbert's Company, Militia (901) Captain Gilson's and Captain Burk's Companies, Militia (901) Captain Green's Company, Militia (901) Lieutenant Hall's Corps of Rangers, Militia (894) Captain Hawkins' Company of Minute Men, Militia (901) Herrick's Regiment, Militia (894) Captain Hickok's Company, Militia (901) Ensign Hoar's Company, Militia (901) Captain Hodges' Company, Militia (901) Hoisington's Command (901) Lieutenant Holmes' Company, Militia (901) Captain Howe's Company of Horse (901) 26 Captain Hunkins' Command, Militia (901) Captain Hutchins' Independent Company, Militia (901) Lee's Regiment, Militia (895) Lyon's Regiment, Militia (895) Captain Macclure's Company, Militia (902) Captain Marsh's Employees (902) Joel Marsh's Regiment, Militia (895) Joseph Marsh's Regiment, Militia (895) Captain Marston's Company, Militia (902) Captain Mattison's Company, Militia (902) Mead's Regiment, Militia (895) Captain Mirrick's Company, Militia (902) Captain Moseley's Company, Militia (902) Lieutenant Moss' Command (902) Captain Nelson's Company, Militia (902) Olcott's Regiment, Militia (896) Captain Ebenezer Parkhurst's Company, Militia (902) Captain Joseph Parkhurst's Company, Militia (902) Ensign Partridge's Command, Militia (902) Lieutenant Colonel Pearl's Command (902) Lieutenant Post's Company, Militia (902) Lieutenant Roberts' Command (902) Captain Robinson's Company, Militia (902) Robinson's Regiment, Militia (896) Captain Safford's Company, Militia (903) Captain Salsbury's Company, Militia (903) Lieutenant Samson's Company, Militia (903) Captain Sawyer's Company, Militia (903) Sergeants' (Seventh) Regiment, Militia (888) Major Smith's Command (903) Captain Nathan Smith's Command, 1777-78, Militia (903) Major Nathan Smith's Command, 1779 (903) Lieutenant Asahel Smith's Company, Militia (903) Captain Samuel Smith's Company, Militia (903) Lieutenant Soper's Company, Militia (903) Lieutenant Spooner's Company, Militia (903) Captain Sprague's Company, Militia (903) Captain Starr's Company, Militia (903) Captain Tyler's Company, Militia (903) Captain Upham's Company, Militia (903) Wait's Battalion, Militia (897) Walbridge's Regiment, Militia (898-899) Captain Wallace's Detachment, Militia (900) Captain Wallis' Command (903) Captain Wallis' Company, Militia (903) Warner's Regiment, Militia (900) Warren's (Fifteenth) Regiment, Militia (889) Captain Weld's Company, Militia (903) Lieutenant White's Company, Militia (903) Williams' Regiment, Militia (900) Captain Wolcott's Company, Militia (903) Wood's (Third) Regiment, Militia (888)

27 Miscellaneous: Governor Chittenden's Life Guard, Militia (903) Scouts, Militia (903) Vermont (904) Virginia Numerical Designations: First Regiment (905-907) First State Regiment (908-918) First and Tenth Regiment (919-932) Second Brigade (933-938) Second Regiment (939-945) Second State Regiment (946-950) Third Brigade (951) Third Regiment (951-956) Third Regiment, 1776 (951) Third and Fourth Regiment (957-970) Third and Seventh Regiment (971) Fourth Regiment (972-977) Fourth, Eighth, and Twelfth Regiment (977-978) Fifth Regiment (979-984) Fifth and Ninth Regiment (985) Fifth and Eleventh Regiment (986-999) Sixth Regiment (1000-1018) Seventh Regiment (1019-1037) Eighth Regiment (1038-1054) Ninth Regiment (1055-1062) Tenth Regiment (1062-1067) Eleventh Regiment (1068-1071) Eleventh and Fifteenth Regiment (1072-1073) Twelfth Regiment (1074-1077) Thirteenth Regiment (1078-1079) Fourteenth Regiment (1080-1082) Fifteenth Regiment (1083-1085) Nominal Designations: Captain Robert Barnet's Company, Militia (1089) Captain Thomas Buck's Company, Dunmore County, Militia (1089) Clark's Illinois Regiment, Virginia State Troops (1086) Captain Adam Clement's Company, Militia (1089) Ensign Colvin's Command, Militia (1089) Captain Joshua Conkey's Company, Rangers (1089) Edmonds1 Command, Artillery (1089) Captain Ford's Company, Militia (1089) Gaddis' Command (Monongalia Militia) (1089) Captain Thomas Gaddis' Company, Militia (1089) Captain Jonathan Hamby's Company, Militia (1089) Captain Benjamin Harrison's Company, Volunteers (1089) Captain Heth's Independent Company (1089) Captain Morgan's Company (1089) Captain William Nelson's Company, Militia (1089) General Nelson's Corps, Light Dragoons (1087)

28 Niscwange's Company, Frederick County, Militia (1089) Captain O'Hara's Independent Company (1089) Captain Parson's Company, Militia (1089) Pendleton's Regiment, Militia (1087) Captain Rader's Company, Militia (1089) Captain John Robert's Company (1089) Captain Rogers' Detachment, Militia (1087) Captain Scott's Company (1089) Skilron's Detachment, Militia (1087) Lieutenant Smith's Company (1089) Taylor's Regiment (1087) Captain Watkins' Troop of Dragoons (1089) Western Battalion, State Troops (1087) Miscellaneous: Detachment of the Fifth Virginia and Soirfe Other Regiments (1087) Detachment of Virginians (1087) Detachment of Virginia and North Carolina Troops (1087) Frederick County, Militia (1089) Virginia (1090-1096) Virginia Battalion (1088) Western Battalion, State Troops (1087)

NOTE: The Appendix may not be as complete as the Table of Contents, which is reproduced on Roll 1 of this microfilm publication. 29

CONTENTS Roll Description Continental Troops

First Regiment, Artillery: 1 A - Bo 2 Br - Cl 3 Co - D 4 E - G 5 H - J 6 K - Me 7 Me - Q 8 R - Sp 9 St - Y First Regiment: 10 A - E 11 F - K 12 L - Q 13 R - Z First Regiment, Light Dragoons: 14 A - D 15 E - J 16 K - R 17 S - Z Second Regiment, Artillery: 18 A - Ba 19 Be - By 20 C 21 D - E 22 F - G 23 H 24 J - K 25 L 26 Ma - Me 27 Me - N 28 0 - Q 29 R 30 Sa - Sq 31 St - T 32 U - We 33 Wh - Y Second Regiment Second Regiment, Light Dragoons: 34 A - E 35 F - 0 36 P - Y Third Regiment, Artillery: 37 A - B 38 C - D 39 E - Hi

31 Roll Description Continental Troops - con. 40 Ho - L 41 M - P 42 Q - S 43 T - Y Third Regiment Third Regiment, Light Dragoons Fourth Regiment, Artillery: 44 A - J 45 K - Y 46 Fourth Regiment Fourth Regiment, Light Dragoons A - E 47 F - M 48 N - Z 49 Fifth Regiment Sixth Regiment Seventh Regiment 50 Eighth Regiment Ninth Regiment Tenth Regiment 51 Eleventh Regiment Twelfth Regiment 52 Thirteenth Regiment Fourteenth Regiment 53 Fifteenth Regiment 54 Sixteenth Regiment Seventeenth Regiment Eighteenth Regiment 55 Nineteenth Regiment 56 Twentieth Regiment Twenty-first Regiment Twenty-second Regiment Twenty-third Regiment: 57 A - F 58 G - P 59 R - Y Twenty-fourth Regiment 60 Twenty-fifth Regiment Twenty-sixth Regiment A - J 61 K - W Twenty-seventh Regiment 62 Armand's Independent Corps, Light Dragoons Baldwin's Regiment, Artificers: 63 A - J 64 K - Y Forman's Regiment: 65 A - R

32 Roll Description Continental Troops - con. 66 S - W Gist's Regiment A - B 67 C - G 68 H - K 69 L - M 70 N - R 71 S 72 T - Y Grayson's Regiment: 73 A - F 74 G - L 75 M - R 76 S - Y 77 Gridley's and Knox's Regiment, Artillery Hartley's Regiment Hazen's Regiment: 78 A - Bi 79 Bl - By 80 C 81 D 82 E - F 83 G 84 H 85 I - K 86 L 87 Ma - Me 88 Me - 0 89 P - R 90 S 91 T - Z 92 Henley's Regiment 93 Lee's Legion 94 Lee's Regiment Livingston's Battalion A - B 95 C - F 96 G - L 97 M - R 98 S - Z Maicorn's Regiment: 99 A - H 100 I - Y Morgan's Rifle Regiment: A - F G - Me Me - Y

33 Roll Description Continental Troops - con. Patton's Regiment: 104 A - E 105 F - N 106 0 - Y Count Pulaski's Legion: 107 A - M 108 N - Z Rawlings' Regiment Sherburne's Regiment: 109 A - B 110 C - D 111 E - G 112 H - Me 113 Me - Se 114 Sh - W Spencer's Regiment: 115 A - Bo 116 Br - Cl 117 Co - D 118 E - G 119 H 120 J - L 121 Ma - Me 122 Me - N 123 0 - Ri 124 Ro - Sm 125 Sn - U 126 V - Y Steven's Corps, Artillery: 127 A - K 128 L - Z 129 Thruston's Regiment Warner's Regiment A - H 130 J - Y 131 Corps of Artificers Corps of Engineers 132 Corps of Invalids Corps of Sappers and Miners German Battalion: 133 A - Ba 134 Be - By 135 C - D 136 E - F 137 G - Ha 138 He - J 139 K 140 L - Ma 141 Me - My 34 Roll Description Continental Troops - con. 142 N - R 143 Sa - Sm 144 Sn - V 145 W - Z 146 Clark's Company, Artillery Jones' Company, Artillery Lee's Independent Company Captain Menard's Company, Canadian Volunteers Captain Montour's Company of Delaware Indians 147 Patten's Company, Artillery Artificers Randall's Company, Artillery Von Heer's Independent Troop 148 Independent Companies of Artificers, Carpenters, and Bakers Artificers and Others Employed by Brig. Gen. James Clinton at Forts Constitution and Montgomery on Hudson River, Aug. 1-Dec. 1, 1776 Artillery 149 Bateaumen Commander In Chief's Guard: 150 A - D 151 E - J 152 K - R 153 S - Y Major General Sullivan's Life Guard Men Mustered by Colonel Ellis for New Hampshire Regiments, Continental Troops Miscellaneous: 154 A - C 155 D - H 156 I - P 157 Q - Z Connecticut First Regiment: 158 Ab - Am 159 An - Ba 160 Be - Bi 161 Bl - Bu 162 Ca - Ci 163 Cl - Con 164 Coo - Cu 165 Da - Di 166 Do - Dy 167 E - Fe 168 Fi - Fu 169 Ga - Go 170 Gr - Han

35 Roll Description Connecticut - con. 171 Har - He 172 Hi - Hy 173 I - La 174 Le - Ly 175 Ma - Me 176 Mi - My 177 Na - Pa 178 Pe - PI 179 Po - Q 180 Ra - Ri 181 Ro - Ry 182 Sa - SI 183 Sm - Sq 184 St - To 185 Tr - Wa 186 We - Wi 187 Wo - Y First Regiment, Forces Second Regiment: 188 Aa - Al 189 Am - Ba 190 Be - Bo 191 Br - By 192 Ca - Cl 193 Co - De 194 Di - E 195 F 196 G 197 Ha - He 198 Hi - Hy 199 I - K 200 L - Me 201 Me - N 202 0 - Pe 203 Ph - Q 204 R 205 Sa - So 206 Sp - Sy 207 T - V 208 Wa - We 209 Wh - Y 210 Second Regiment (1776), Militia Second (Wyllys1) Regiment Third Regiment: 211 Ab - Ac 212 Ad - Av 213 Ba - Be 214 Bi - Br

36 Roll Description Connecticut - con. 215 Bu 216 Ca - Ch 217 Cl - Com 218 Con - Cu 219 D 220 E - Fe 221 Fi - Fu 222 Ga - Go 223 Gr - Han 224 Har - He 225 Hi - Hy 226 I - J 227 K - Li 228 Lo - Me 229 Me - My 230 N - Pa 231 Pe - Pu 232 Ra - Ri 233 Ro - Ry 234 Sa - SI 235 Sm - Sy 236 T - U 237 V - We 238 Wh - Wo 239 Wr - Z Third (Ely's) Regiment, Militia Third (Putnam's) Regiment Third (Starr's) Regiment, Light Horse Fourth Regiment: 240 A 241 Ba - Bo 242 Br - Ch 243 Ci - Cy 244 D - E 245 F 246 G - Ha 247 He - I 248 J - L 249 M - 0 250 P - Q 251 R - Se 252 Sh - Sy 253 T - Wa 254 We - Z Fourth (Backus') Regiment, Light Horse Fourth (Hinman's) Regiment Fifth Regiment: 255 Ab - Af

37 Roll Description Connecticut - con. 256 Al - Ba 257 Be - Bo 258 Br - By 259 Ca - Cl 260 Co - Cr 261 Cu - Dy 262 E - Fo 263 Fr - Go 264 Gr - Ha 265 He - Ho 266 Hu - Ji 267 Jo - K 268 L 269 Ma - Me 270 Mi - N 271 0 - Pa 272 Pe - Pu 273 Ra - Ri 274 Ro - Ry 275 Sa - Sk 276 SI - Sq 277 St - Ta 278 Te - Ty 279 U - Wa 280 We - Wh 281 Wi 282 Wo - Z Fifth Regiment (1775) Fifth Regiment (1776) Fifth Regiment, Light Horse Fifth Regiment, Militia Sixth Regiment: 283 A 284 Ba 285 Be - Bo 286 Br - By 287 Ca - Cl 288 Co - Cy 289 D - E 290 F 291 G 292 Ha - Hi 293 Ho - Ji 294 Jo - Le 295 Li - Ma 296 Me - Me 297 Mi - My 298 N - 0

38 Roll Description Cowneatiout - con. 299 Pa - Po 300 Pr - R 301 Sa - So 302 Sp - Sw 303 Ta - Ty 304 V - Wh 305 Wi - Z Parson's (Sixth) Regiment Seventh Regiment: 306 Aa - Am 307 An - Ban 308 Bar - Baw 309 Be - Bi 310 Bl - Bu 311 Ca - Cl 312 Co - Cu 313 D 314 E - F 315 G 316 Ha 317 He - Ho 318 Hu - K 319 L - Me 320 Mi - 0 321 P 322 R - Se 323 Sh - Sq 324 St - Sy 325 Ta - Tr 326 Tu - Wh 327 Wi - Y Seventh Regiment (1775) Seventh Regiment (1776) Eighth Regiment: 328 A 329 Ba - Be 330 Bi - By 331 Ca - Cl 332 Co - Di 333 Do - E 334 F 335 G 336 Ha - Hi 337 Ho - Hy 338 I - K 339 L 340 Ma - Me 341 Mi - 0

39 Roll Description Connecticut - con. 342 Pa - Po 343 Pr - R 344 Sa - Si 345 Sk - Sw 346 T - V 347 Wa - Wh 348 Wi - Y Eighth Regiment (1775) Eighth Regiment, Militia Ninth Regiment: 349 A - Ba 350 Be - Bu 351 Ca - Di 352 Do - G 353 Ha - K 354 L - M 355 N - Ri 356 Ro - S 357 T - Wh 358 Wi - Wy Ninth Regiment, Militia A - F 359 G - 0 360 P - Y 361 Tenth Regiment, Militia Twelfth Regiment, Militia Thirteenth Regiment, Militia Sixteenth Regiment, Militia Eighteenth Regiment, Militia 362 Twentieth Regiment, Militia Twenty-first Regiment, Militia Twenty-second Regiment, Militia (Chapman's Regiment) Twenty-fifth Regiment (1776) Twenty-fifth Regiment, Militia Beebe's Regiment, State Troops Belding's Regiment, Militia 363 Bradley's Regiment Bull's Regiment, Light Dragoons, Militia Burrall's Regiment 364 Canfield's Regiment, Militia Chapman's Regiment of Foot, Militia Chester's Regiment Cook's Regiment, Militia 365 John Douglas' Regiment William Douglas' Regiment 366 Elmore's Battalion

40 Roll Description Connecticut - con. Ely's Regiment 367 Enos1 Regiment, State Troops 368 Enos' Regiment (1776-77) Enos1 Regiment (1777) Gallup's Regiment Gay's Regiment 369 Hooker's Regiment Johnson's Regiment 370 Latimer's Regiment, Militia Lewis' Regiment, Militia 371 Mason's Regiment, Militia McClellan's Regiment McClellan's Regiment (1777) McClellan's Regiment, State Troops Mead's Regiment, Militia Moseley's Detachment, Militia Mott's Regiment, Militia 372 Newberry's Regiment, Militia Parson's Regiment, Militia Porter's Regiment, Militia Sage's Regiment Selden's Regiment 373 Seymour's Regiment, Militia, Light Dragoons Silliman's Regiment Skinner's Regiment of Light Horse, Militia Swift's Regiment A - G 374 H - Y 375 Tallcott's Regiment Thomson's Regiment Tyler's Regiment Ward's Regiment Waterbury's Regiment 376 J. Wells' Regiment, Militia Levi Wells' Regiment Whiting's Regiment, Militia Wolcott's Regiment 377 Averill's Company Begelow's Company of Artillery Bennett's Company Bixby's Company Bradley's Company of Matrosses Bristol's Company, Militia Sergeant James Davidson's Guard Durkee's Company of Matrosses Fitch's Independent Company, Volunteers Gallup's Company Hand's Company, Militia Capt. Thomas Lawson's Company, Militia 41 Roll Description Connecticut - con. Lee's Company Leffingwell's Company Capt. Elip't Lockwood's Company of Coast Guards Isaac Lockwood's Company of Sea Coast Guards 378 Markham's Company, Militia Mason's Company Mather's Company Mott's Company Reed's Company, Militia Robinson's Company Capt. Israel Seymour's Company Sheldon's Company Shipman's Company Capt. Richard Smith's Company Thomson's Company 379 Vaill's Company of Guards Van Deursen's Company of State Guards Wolcott's Company Field, Commissioned and Staff Officers of the Connect- icut Line Company of Matrosses Corps of Sappers and Miners Teamsters Connecticut Delaware 380 First Battalion (New Castle County) Second Battalion, Militia Second Regiment, Militia Second Regiment (New Castle County), Militia A - G 381 H - W Seventh Battalion, Militia Hall's Regiment: 382 A - Br 383 Bu - C 384 D - E 385 F - G 386 Ha - Hi 387 Ho - K 388 L - Ma 389 Me - Mi 390 Mo - 0 391 P - R 392 S - T 393 V - Y 394 Haslet's Regiment

42 Roll Description Delaware - con. Battalion Flying Camp 395 Captain Latimer's Independent Company Captain William Peery's Independent Company Delaware Georgia 396 First Battalion Second Battalion Third Battalion Fourth Battalion Georgia Battalion Bickham's Company, Georgia Militia Captain Samuel Scott's Company Maryland First Regiment: 397 A - L 398 M - Y First Regiment, Flying Camp Second Regiment: 399 A - G 400 H - R 401 S - Y Third Regiment A - B 402 C - K 403 L - Y 404 Fourth Regiment 405 Fifth Regiment 406 Sixth Regiment 407 Seventh Regiment 408 Thirty-fourth Battalion, Militia Thirty-seventh Battalion, Militia Ewing's Regiment, Flying Camp Griffith's Regiment, Flying Camp Lansdale's Detachment Marbury's Detachment Rawling's Regiment Richardson's Regiment, Flying Camp German Regiment Regiment Extraordinary Second and Third Companies, Artillery Gale's Company, Artillery Ott's Company, Militia Sarer's Company (Washington County), Militia

43 Roll Description Maryland - con. Maryland: 409 A - K 410 L - Y Massachusetts First Regiment: 411 A - C 412 D - G 413 H - L 414 M - Q 415 R - T 416 U - Y First Regiment, Guards First Regiment, Militia First Regiment (Lincoln County), Militia Second Regiment: 417 A - C 418 D - J 419 K - R 420 S - Y Third Regiment: 421 A - Cl 422 Co - G 423 H - M 424 N - S 425 T - W Third Regiment, Militia Fourth Regiment: 426 A - M 427 N - Y Fourth Regiment, Militia Fourth Regiment (1777), Militia Fifth Regiment: 428 A - E 429 F - 0 430 P - Y Fifth Regiment (1783) Sixth Regiment: 431 A - D 432 E - K 433 L - R 434 S - Y Seventh Regiment: 435 A - G 436 H - R 437 S - Y Eighth Regiment A - C 44 Roll Description Massachusetts - con. 438 D - L 439 M - Y Ninth 'Regiment: 440 A - L 441 M - Z Tenth Regiment: 442 A - L 443 M - Z Eleventh Regiment Twelfth Regiment: 444 A - C 445 D - G 446 H - M 447 N - R 448 S - Y Thirteenth Regiment: 449 A - K 450 L - W Fifteenth Regiment: 451 A - B 452 C - E 453 F - Hi 454 Ho - L 455 M - P 456 Q - s 457 T - Y Sixteenth Regiment: 458 A - B 459 C - D 460 E - G 461 H - J 462 K - Me 463 Me - P 464 R - S 465 T - Z 466 Eighteenth Regiment Twenty-eighth (Sargent's) Regiment Thirty-first (Phinney's) Regiment Bailey's Regiment Brewer's Regiment Artificers David Brewer's Regiment Jonathan Brewer^s Regiment Bridges' Regiment Brooks' Regiment Builard's Regiment 467 Major Cady's Detachment Carpenter's Regiment, Militia Gary's Regiment Simeon Gary's Regiment 45 Roll Description Massachusetts - con. Cogswell's Regiment 468 Conver's Regiment Cotton's Regiment Gushing's Regiment Davis' Regiment, Militia Denny's Command, Militia Dike's Regiment Doolittle's Regiment Fellows' Regiment French's Regiment Frye's Regiment 469 Gardiner's Regiment Jacob Gerrish's Regiment Samuel Gerrish's Regiment Glover's Regiment Goodrich1s Command, Militia 470 Hathaway's Regiment Heath's Regiment Holman's Regiment Hyde's Detachment, Militia Jacob's Regiment Keyes' Regiment Learned's Regiment Leonard's Regiment, Militia Little's Regiment 471 Mansfield's Regiment Murray's Regiment Nixon's Regiment Paterson's Regiment Perce's Regiment Phinney's (Thirty-first) Regiment Poor's Regiment 472 Pope's Regiment Porter's Regiment Prescott's Regiment Prime's Regiment Putnam's Regiment Rand's Regiment Read's Regiment, Militia Reed's Regiment Robinson's Regiment 473 Scammon's Regiment Simonds' Detachment, Militia Smith's Regiment Sparhawk's Regiment, Militia Stearns' Regiment Thomas' Regiment Titcomb's Regiment

46 Roll Description Massachusetts - con. Turner's Regiment Wade's Regiment Walker's Regiment Artemas Ward's Regiment, Militia Whitcomb's Regiment Whitney's Regiment George Williams' Regiment Samuel Williams' Regiment 474 Wood's Regiment, Militia 475 Woodbridge's Regiment Burt's Company, Guards, Militia Carpenter's Company Cowell's Company Crandon's Company Captain Elijah Demming's Company Durfee's Company Captain Pelatiah Eddy's Company Captain Moses French's Company Captain Ebenezer Gore's Company Captain Abraham Gould's Company 476 Captain James Leach's Company, Matrosses Captain Simeon Leach's Company Molten's Company Perry's Company, Minute Men Captain Jonathan Poor's Company, Militia Richardson's Company, Militia Captain Robinson's Company, Militia Captain Nathan Smith's Company Captain Phinehas Stearns' Company Captain Lemuel Stewart's Company Captain Wood's Company Massachusetts A - C 477 D - L 478 M - Z New Hampshire First Battalion: 479 A - K 480 L - Y First Regiment: 481 A 482 Ba - Br 483 Bu - Ci 484 Cl - Cu 485 D 486 E - F

47 Roll Description New Hampshire - con. 487 G 488 Ha - Hi 489 Ho - J 490 K - L 491 Ma - Me 492 Me - 0 493 P - Q 494 R 495 Sa - SI 496 Sm - Sy 497 T - We 498 Wh - Y First Regiment, Militia First (Stark!s) Regiment: 499 A - J 500 K - Y Second Regiment: 501 A 502 Ba - Bo 503 Br - Bu 504 Ca - Cl 505 Co - Cu 506 D 507 E - F 508 G 509 Ha - He 510 Hi - I 511 J - K 512 L 513 Ma - Me 514 Mi - N 515 0 - Q 516 R 517 Sa - Sh 518 Si - Sw 519 T - Wa 520 We - Z Second (Poor's) Regiment: 521 A - L 522 M - Y 523 Second (Tash's) Regiment Third Regiment: 524 A - B 525 C 526 D - F 527 G - H 528 I - M 529 N - Q

48 Roll Description New Hampshire - con. 530 R - S 531 T - Y Seventh Regiment, Militia Tenth Regiment, Militia Twelfth Regiment Thirteenth Regiment 532 Ashley's Regiment, Militia 533 Baldwin's Regiment 534 Bartlet's Regiment Bedel's Regiment: 535 A - K 536 L - Y 537 Bell's Regiment Bellows, Jr.'s Regiment, Militia Major John Brown's Detachment of Militia, New Hampshire, Vermont, and Massachusetts 538 Chase's Regiment, Militia 539 Dame's Regiment Drake's Regiment, Militia Evan's Regiment A - D 540 E - Z 541 Gale's Regiment Gerrish's Regiment, Volunteers Oilman's Regiment, Militia A - F 542 G - Y 543 Male's Regiment, Militia 544 Hobart's Regiment, Militia 545 Kelley's Regiment 546 Lovewell's Regiment McClary's Regiment, Militia Mooney's Regiment 547 Moore's Regiment Morey's Regiment, Militia Moulton's Regiment, Militia Nichols1 Regiment, Militia A - B 548 C - L 549 M - Y 550 Peabody's Regiment, State Troops 551 Reed's Regiment 552 Reynold's Regiment, Militia Scott's Battalion Senter's Regiment A - D 553 E - Y

49 Roll Description New Hampshire - con. Stickney's Regiment, Militia: 554 A - G 555 H - Y 556 Waldron's Regiment Webster's Regiment Welch's Regiment Wingate's Regiment A - K 557 L - Y Wingate's Regiment, Volunteers Wyman's Regiment A - C 558 D - Y 559 Atkinson's Company Baker's Company, Volunteers Berry's Company Lieutenant Bowers' Command Lieutenant Bragdon's Party Captain Butler's Company Captain Calef's Company Captain Chesley's Company Captain Cilley's Company Captain Clark's Company Captain Clifford's Company Captain Coffin's Company Collins' Company, Volunteers Captain William Cooper's Independent Company Captain Copps' Company Captain Robert Crawford's Company 560 Captain Daniels' Company Captain Ebenezer Dearing's Command Captain William Dearing's Carpenters Captain Dow's Company Lieutenant Dow's Command Eames' Company of Rangers Captain Elkins' Company Captain Emerson's Company Finlay's Company, Volunteers Captain Follett's Artillerymen Captain Ford's Company Lieutenant French's Command Captain French's Company 561 Captain Gage's Company Giles' Company, Volunteers Haven's Company Hayes' Company Heald's Company Heath's Scouting Party

50 Roll Description New Hampshire - con. Captain James Hill's Company Captain John Hill's Company Captain Hobbs' Company Captain Caleb Hodgdon's Company Captain Stephen Hodgdon's Company Lieutenant Houston's Command, Militia Hutchins' Company, Militia Hutchins' Company, Volunteers Hezekiah Hutchins' Company Sergeant Ladd's Command Captain Langdon's Company Captain Littlefield's Company Captain McGlaughlan's Command Captain Mclntyre's Company Captain Mellin's Company 562 Captain Osborne's Company Captain Parker's Company Lieutenant Parr's Company Captain Parsons' Company Peabody's Company, Militia Captain Perkins' Command (Train of Artillery) Captain Philbrick's Company, Militia Lieutenant Samuel Piper's Company Captain Place's Company Captain Rawlings' Company Russell's Company, Rangers Captain Salter's Company, Artillery Captain Sias' Company Simpson's Ranging Company Captain Sloan's Company Smith's Company, Militia Smith's Company, Rangers Captain Jacob Smith's Company Lieutenant Stearns' Company 563 Thornton's Company Townes' Company Waldron's Company David Webster's Company (1776) David Webster's Company (1777) Jacob Webster's Company Webster's Company, Rangers Wiggins' Company Woodward's Company, Rangers Yeaton's Company Field Artillery Company Guard 564 Independent Rangers Scouts General Whipple and Staff 51 Roll Description New Hampshire - con. New Hampshire A - B 565 C - F 566 G 567 H - L 568 M - Q 569 R - S 570 T - Y New Jersey 571 First Battalion (Somerset County) First Regiment A 572 Ba - Bl 573 Bo - By 574 Ca - Cl 575 Co - Cy 576 D 577 E - F 578 G 579 Ha 580 He - Hy 581 I - K 582 L 583 Ma - Me 584 Me - My 585 N - 0 586 P - Q 587 R 588 Sa - Sn 589 So - Sy 590 T 591 U - Wh 592 Wi - Z 593 First Regi First Regiment (Essex Militia) First Regiment (Monmouth Militia) 594 Second Battalion Second Battalion (Hunterdon Militia) 595 Second Battalion (Middlesex) Second Battalion (Somerset) Second Regiment: 596 A - B 597 Be - Br 598 Bu - Ch 599 Cl - Cy 600 D

52 Roll Description New Jersey - con. 601 E - Fe 602 Fi - Fu 603 G 604 H 605 I - K 606 L 607 Ma - Me 608 Me - N 609 0 - Pe 610 Pf - R 611 Sa - So 612 Sp - T 613 U - We 614 Wh - Z 615 Third Battalion (Gloucester Militia) Third Battalion (Middlesex Militia) Third Regiment A - Ba 616 Be - Bo 617 Br - Bu 618 Ca - Cu 619 D - E 620 F - G 621 H 622 I - K 623 L - Me 624 Me - 0 625 P - R 626 S 627 T - Z Fourth Regiment: 628 A - B 629 C 630 D - E 631 F - G 632 H 633 I - L 634 M 635 N - Q 636 R - Sc 637 Se - Sw 638 T - Y 639 Gumming's Battalion Dayton's Battalion A - K 640 L - Y David Forman's Regiment, Militia Samuel Forman's Regiment, Militia

53 Roll Description New Jersey - con. 641 Frelinghuysen's Battalion, Militia Hankinson's Regiment, Militia Holme's Battalion, Militia Martin's Regiment, Militia Newcomb's Regiment 642 Ogden's Regiment 643 Phillips' Regiment Phillips' Regiment, Militia Shreve's Battalion (Burlington Militia) Seely's Regiment Summers' Battalion Thomas' Battalion Van Cortlandt's Battalion, Militia Van Cortlandt's Regiment (1776) Eastern Battalion (Morris County) 644 Bonnel's Company Crane's Troop of Horse Huddy's Company, State Troops Lindsly's Company of Artificers Nixon's Company of Horse Cutwater's Company, State Troops Asher F. Randolph's Company Squier's Company Walton's Company Wolverton's Company Light Horse Company (Elizabethtown) New Jersey: 645 A - J 646 K - Y New York 647 First Battalion, Independent Companies First Regiment A 648 Ba - Bl 649 Bo - By 650 Ca - Cl 651 Co - Cy 652 D 653 E - F 654 G 655 Ha - Hi 656 Ho - J 657 K - Le 658 Li - Ma 659 Me 660 Me - My

54 Roll Description New York - con. 661 N - 0 662 P - Q 663 R 664 Sa - SI 665 Sm - Sy 666 T - U 667 V 668 Wa - Wh 669 Wi - Z 670 First Regiment, New York Levies (1780) Second Battalion (Col. Wempell), Militia 671 A - 0 672 P - Y Second Regiment: 673 A 674 Ba - Bl 675 Bo - By 676 Ca - Cn 677 Co 678 Cr - Da 679 De - Dy 680 E - F 681 G 682 Ha - Hi 683 Ho - I 684 Ja - K 685 L 686 Ma - Me 687 Me - My 688 N - 0 689 P 690 Q - R 691 Sa - Si 692 Sk - Sq 693 St - To 694 Tr - V 695 Wa - Wh 696 Wi - Z Second Regiment (November 1776) Second Regiment, New York Levies (1776) Third Regiment: 697 A - Br 698 Bu - D 699 E - G 700 Ha - K 701 L - M 702 N - Sh 703 Si - V

55 Roll Description New York - con. 704 W - Z 705 Third Regiment (1776) Third Regiment, New York Levies Fourth Regiment: 706 A - B 707 C 708 D - F 709 G - H 710 I - L 711 M 712 N - R 713 S 714 T - V 715 W - Z 716 Fourth Regiment (1776-81), Militia Humphrey's (Fourth) Regiment, Militia Fifth Regiment: 717 A - B 718 C 719 D - F 720 G - H 721 I - L 722 M - 0 723 P - R 724 S 725 T - V 726 W - Y 727 Allison's Regiment, Militia Bellinger's Regiment, Militia 728 Benedict's Regiment of Associated Exempts, Militia Brinckerhoff's Regiment, Militia A - L 729 M - Z Budd's Regiment 730 Campbell's Battalion, Militia Cantine's Regiment, Militia 731 Church's Regiment Clyde's Regiment 732 Cooper's Regiment, Militia 733 Crane's Regiment, Militia Cuyler's Regiment, Militia 734 Joseph Drake's Regiment, Militia Samuel Drake's Regiment 735 DuBoy's Regiment, New York Levies Field's Regiment (Dutchess County), Militia Fish's Regiment, Militia Fisher's Regiment, Militia A - D

56 Roll Description New York - con. 736 E - Y Freer's Regiment, Militia Graham's Regiment, Militi'a: 737 A - P 738 Q - Y Hamman's Regiment, Militia 739 Hardenbergh's Regiment, Militia Harper's Regiment Hasbrouch's Regiment, Militia: 740 A - L 741 M - Y 742 Hathorn's Regiment, Militia 743 Hay's Regiment, Militia 744 Hopkin's Regiment, Militia Humfrey's Regiment, Militia Janson's Regiment, Militia: 745 A - Me 746 Me - Y Klock's Regiment, Militia: 747 A - K 748 L - Z 749 Lansing, Jr.'s Regiment, Militia Livingston's Regiment, Militia 750 Ludington's Regiment, Militia 751 McClaughry's Regiment, Militia 752 McCrea's Regiment, New York Levies Sergeant Mills' Detachment Nicholl's Regiment, New York Levies Nicholson's Regiment Palmer's Regiment, Militia Albert Pawling's Regiment, Militia A - J 753 K - Y 754 Levi Pawling's Regiment 755 Platt's Regiment of Associated Exempts Quackenbos' Regiment (Albany County), Militia Rudd's Detachment Philip Schuyler's Regiment, Militia 756 Stephen Schuyler's Regiment, Militia Snyder's Regiment (Ulster County Militia) A - E 757 F - Y Captain Strait's Detachment, Militia 758 Jacobus Swartwout's Regiment (1776) Jacobus Swartwout's Regiment (1777) 759 Thomas' Regiment, Militia 760 Van Alstine's Regiment (Albany County Militia) Van Bergen's Regiment (Albany County Militia)

57 Roll Description New York - con. Van Brunt's Regiment, Militia Van Cortlandt's Regiment, Militia 761 G. Vanden Bergh's Regiment (Albany Militia) Vanderburgh's Regiment, Militia Van Ness1 Regiment Van Rensselaer's Regiment: 762 A - R 763 S - Y Henry K. Van Rensselaer's Regiment (Albany County), Militia A - K 764 L - Z Robert Van Rensselaer's Regiment, Militia 765 Van Schaick's Battalion 766 Van Schoonhoven's Regiment (Albany County), Militia 767 Van Veghten's Regiment, Militia 768 Van Woert's Regiment, Militia 769 Vrooman's Regiment (Albany County), Militia 770 Webster's Regiment, Militia Weissenfels' Regiment, New York Levies: 771 A - K 772 L - Y 773 Whiting's Regiment, Militia Willett's Regiment A - I 774 J - Z 775 Williams' Regiment, Militia Woodhull's Regiment Wynkoop's Regiment Yates' Regiment, Militia A - F 776 G - Y 777 Captain Baldwin's Company, Rangers Lieutenant Bowers' Company Bradt's Company, Rangers Captain James Cannon's Recruits Clark's Company, State Troops Captain Cooper's Company, Rangers Elmandorph's Company Fondey's Party, Militia Getman's Company, Rangers (Second Company, Tryon County) Captain Golden's Company, Militia Graham's Company, State Troops Hardenbergh's Company, State Troops Morton's Company, Guards Lamb's Company, Artillery 778 Captain Mills' Company, Guards Captain Myrick's Company, Rangers Reilay's Company, Rangers 58 Roll Description New York - con.

Stevenson's Company, Guards Van Gaasbeck's Company Wheelock's Command Winn's Company, Rangers Wood's Company of Exempt Militia Lieutenant Wood's Hired Guard Guards, Militia Men Received from Westchester County, New York, by Captain Richard Sackett New York A - C 779 D - M 780 N - Z North Carolina 781 First Regiment 782 First Regiment, Militia Second Regiment A - 0 783 P - Y Second Regiment, Militia Third Regiment Fourth Regiment Fifth Regiment 784 Sixth Regiment Seventh Regiment Eighth Regiment Ninth Regiment Tenth Regiment 785 Collier's Regiment, Militia Graham's Regiment (Tryon County) Seawell's Regiment, Militia Fourth Company, North Carolina Regiment Bynum's Company, Militia Captain James Houston's Company, Rangers Kingsbury's Company, Artillery Colonel Francis Lock's Command Lieutenant Colonel Lytle's Command (Caswell County) Captain Charles Folk's Company, Militia Porter's Company Vernon's Company Light Dragoons 786 North Carolina Pennsylvania 787 First Battalion

59 Roll Description Pennsylvania - con. First Battalion (Bedford County) First Battalion (Chester County Militia) First Battalion (Cumberland County Militia) First Battalion (Philadelphia County) First Battalion (Philadelphia County Militia) First Battalion, Riflemen (Philadelphia County Militia) First Battalion (Westmoreland County Militia) First Battalion Flying Camp (Colonel Moor) First Regiment A - G 788 H - N 789 0 - Z First Regiment (1775) First Regiment Flying Camp (Lancaster County) First Regiment Flying Camp (Colonel William Montgomery) 790 Second Battalion (Cumberland County Militia) Second (Davis1) Battalion (Cumberland County Militia) Second Battalion, Riflemen (Lancaster County) Second Battalion (Northumberland County) Second Battalion (Philadelphia County) Second Battalion (Westmoreland County) Second Regiment - B 791 - E 792 - H 793 - L 794 795 - R 796 797 - Y Second Regiment Flying Camp 798 Third Battalion (Chester County Militia) Third Battalion (Cumberland County Militia) Third Battalion (Lancaster County Militia) Third Battalion (Northumberland County Militia) 799 Third Regiment (1776) Third Regiment: 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 Fourth Battalion (Chester County Militia) Fourth Battalion (Philadelphia County Militia) Fourth Regiment A - G 807 H - Z

60 Roll Description Pennsylvania - con. 808 Fifth Battalion Fifth Battalion (Chester County Militia) Fifth Battalion (Cumberland County Militia) Fifth Battalion (Philadelphia County Militia) Fifth Battalion (York County Militia) Fifth Regiment A 809 810 811 E 812 G 813 I 814 K 815 Ma 816 McA - McG 817 McH - 0 818 P - S 819 T - Z 820 Sixth Battalion (1776) Sixth Regiment A - K 821 L - Z 822 Seventh Battalion (Cumberland County Militia) Seventh Regiment A - F 823 G - L 824 M - P 825 Q - Y 826 Eighth Battalion (Chester County Militia) Eighth Regiment Ninth Regiment: 827 A - E 828 F - L 829 M - P 830 R - Z Tenth Regiment: 831 A - K 832 L - Y Eleventh Regiment: 833 A - M 834 N - Z Eleventh Regiment (1779-80) 835 Twelfth Regiment 836 Thirteenth Regiment 837 Andrew's Battalion, York Militia Atley's Regiment (Musket Battalion) Barr's Detachment (Westmoreland Militia) Baxter's Battalion (Northampton County)

61 Roll Description Pennsylvania - con. Burd's Battalion Clottz1 Battalion Flying Camp (Lancaster County) Ferreis1 Battalion (Lancaster County Militia) Gardiner's Battalion Gardiner's Regiment, Militia Mailer's Battalion Flying Camp Hart's Battalion (Bucks County) Lochry's Battalion Matlock's Rifle Battalion Peirce's Regiment 838 Schott's Corps Colonel Smith's Regiment Swope's Regiment Flying Camp Watts' Regiment Flying Camp German Regiment Colonel Samuel Miles' Rifle Regiment Black's Company (York County Militia) Captain John Boyd's Company of Rangers Major Robert Clugage's Command, Volunteers Captain Duncan's Company, Volunteers Captain George Enslow's Company (Bedford County Militia) Captain Andrew Graff's Company Hall's Company Moorhead's Independent Company His Excellency Joseph Reed's Command Captain Shaver's Company, Militia Captain Spauld>ing's Company Steel's Pennsylvania Independent Company Van Etten's Company (Northampton County), Volunteers 839 Troop of Philadelphia Light Horse Pennsylvania A - H 840 I - Z Rhode Island First Regiment: 841 A - B 842 C 843 D - G 844 H - L 845 M - Q 846 R - S 847 T - W 848 Second Battalion (County of Providence), Militia Second Regiment A 849 B 850 C 62 Roll Description Rhode Island - con. 851 D - E 852 F - G 853 H 854 I - L 855 M - N 856 0 - Q 857 R - Se 858 Sh - Sw 859 T - V 860 W - Y First and Second Regiments, Consolidated: 861 A - C 862 D - H 863 I - Q 864 R - T 865 U - Y Twelfth Regiment Fourteenth Regiment Fifteenth Regiment, Militia 866 Allen's Detachment (June-December 1783) Babcock's Regiment, Militia Colonel Barton's Light Corps Brown's Regiment Cook's Regiment, Militia Crary's Regiment, State Troops: 867 A - H 868 I - Y 869 Elliott's Regiment, Artillery 870 Holden's Regiment Kimball's Regiment, Militia Lippitt's Regiment A - B 871 C - Z 872 Mathewson's Regiment Miller's Regiment, Militia Noyes' Regiment Olney's Regiment, Militia Peck's Regiment Potter's Regiment 873 Talman's Regiment Tillinghast's Regiment Topham's Regiment, State Troops A - B 874 C - H 875 I - Q 876 R - Z 877 Waterman's Regiment West's Regiment

63 Roll Description

Rhode Island - con. First Company (Town of Cranston), Militia Second Company (Town of Cranston) Second Company (Hopkinton) Third Company (Town of Smithfield) Allen's Company, Militia Colonel Jabez Bowen's Command, Militia Burllinggame's Company Captain Christopher Champlin's Company Lieutenant Nathaniel Gould's Company Captain Samuel May's Company Captain Thayer's Company Trask's Company (Town of Smithfield) 878 Waterman's Company Whipple's Company (Cumberland Militia) Wilbur's Company, Militia Captain Timothy Wilmarth's Company Harrington Guards Pawtuxet Rangers Warren Guard Rhode Island South Carolina First Regiment: 879 A - I 880 J - Y 881 Second Regiment Third Regiment: 882 A - G 883 H - M 884 N - Y Fourth Regiment, Artillery 885 Fifth Regiment 886 Sixth Regiment 887 Casey's Regiment Hampton's Regiment, Light Dragoons Marshell's Regiment Thomson's Regiment First Company Second Company Third Company Butler's Company, Militia Captain John Irwin's Company Singleton's Troop of Light Horse Captain Michael Watson's Company, Volunteers South Carolina

64 Roll Description Vermont 888 First (Bradley's) Regiment, Militia Third (Wood's) Regiment, Militia Sixth Regiment, Militia Seventh (Sergeants') Regiment, Militia Twelfth (Douty's) Regiment 889 Fifteenth (Warren's) Regiment, Militia 890 Abbot's Regiment, Militia Ebenezer Allen's Detachment, Militia 891 Ebenezer Allen's Regiment, Militia Ira Allen's Regiment, Militia A - C 892 D - Y Bronson's Detachment, Militia Enos' Brigade, Militia 893 Fletcher's Regiment 894 Lieutenant Hall's Corps of Rangers, Militia Herrick's Regiment, Militia 895 Lee's Regiment, Militia Lyon's Regiment, Militia Joel Marsh's Regiment, Militia Joseph Marsh's Regiment, Militia Mead's Regiment, Militia 896 Olcott's Regiment, Militia Robinson's Regiment, Militia 897 Wait's Battalion, Militia Walbridge's Regiment, Militia: 898 A - P 899 R - Y 900 Captain Wallace's Detachment, Militia Warner's Regiment, Militia Williams' Regiment, Militia 901 Captain Alger's Company, Militia Captain Allen's Company, Militia Lieutenant Bailey's Company, Militia Captain Bates' Command, Militia Captain Bentley's Command, Militia Ensign Blanchard's Company, Militia Captain Bramble's Company, Militia Captain Briggs' Company, Militia Captain Brownson's Command Captain Burk's and Captain Gilson's Companies, Militia Captain Chaffe's Company Captain Clark's Company, Militia Captain Coffeen's Company, Militia Captain Colbe's Company, Militia Captain Cottle's Company, Militia Ensign Cushman's Command, Militia Major Day's Command, Militia Captain Dimmick's Company

65 Roll Description Vermont - con. Durkee's Company, Militia Lieutenant Everest's Company, Rangers, Militia Captain Fasset, Jr.'s Independent Company Captain Gaige's Command . Captain Gilbert's Company, Militia Captain Green's Company, Militia Captain Hawkins' Company of Minute Men, Militia Captain Hickok's Company, Militia Ensign Hoar's Company, Militia Captain Hodges' Company, Militia Hoisington's Command Lieutenant Holmes' Company, Militia Captain Howe's Company of Horse Captain Hunkins' Command, Militia Captain Hutchins' Independent Company, Militia 902 Captain Macclure's Company, Militia Captain Marsh's Employees Captain Marston's Company, Militia Captain Mattison's Company, Militia Captain Mirrick's Company, Militia Captain Moseley's Company, Militia Lieutenant Moss' Command Captain Nelson's Company, Militia Captain Ebenezer Parkhurst's Company, Militia Captain Joseph Parkhurst's Company, Militia Ensign Partridge's Command, Militia Lieutenant Colonel Pearl's Command Lieutenant Post's Company, Militia Lieutenant Roberts' Command Captain Robinson's Company, Militia 903 Captain Safford's Company, Militia Captain Salsbury's Company, Militia Lieutenant Samson's Company, Militia Captain Sawyer's Company, Militia Major Smith's Command Captain Nathan Smith's Command (1777-78), Militia Major Nathan Smith's Command (1779) Lieutenant Asahel Smith's Company, Militia Captain Samuel Smith's Company, Militia Lieutenant Soper's Company, Militia Lieutenant Spooner's Company, Militia Captain Sprague's Company, Militia Captain Starr's Company, Militia Captain Tyler's Company, Militia Captain Upham's Company, Militia Captain Wallis' Command Captain Wallis' Company, Militia Captain Weld's Company, Militia

66 Roll Description Vermont - con. Lieutenant White's Company, Militia Captain Wolcott's Company, Militia Governor Chittenden's Life Guard, Militia Scouts, Militia 904 Vermont Virginia

First Regiment: 905 A - D 906 E - 0 907 P - Y First State Regiment: 908 A - Ba 909 Be - Bu 910 Ca - Cr 911 D - F 912 G - He 913 Hi - J 914 K - Ma 915 Me - 0 916 P - R 917 S 918 T - Y First and Tenth Regiment: 919 A - Be 920 Bi - By 921 C 922 D - E 923 F - G 924 H 925 I - K 926 L 927 M 928 N - P 929 Q - Sh 930 Si - Sy 931 T - V 932 W - Y Second Brigade: 933 A - B 934 C - Fe 935 Fi - J 936 K - M 937 N - R 938 S - W Second Regiment: 939 A - B

67 Roll Description Virginia - con. 940 C 941 D - G 942 H - K 943 L - 0 944 P - R 945 S - Y Second State Regiment: 946 A - C 947 D - G 948 H - K 949 L - Q 950 R - W 951 Third Brigade Third Regiment (1776) Third Regiment A - Be 952 Bi - C 953 D - G 954 H - L 955 M - Sc 956 Se - Y Third and Fourth Regiment: 957 A 958 B 959 C 960 D - E 961 F - G 962 H - I 963 J - K 964 L - Ma 965 Me - Mu 966 N - Q 967 R 968 Sa - St 969 Su - V 970 W - Y 971 Third and Seventh Regiment Fourth Regiment: 972 A - B 973 C - F 974 G - J 975 K - 0 976 P - S 977 T - Y Fourth, Eighth, and Twelfth Regijnent A - D 978 E - Y Fifth Regiment: 979 A - B 68 Roll Description Virginia - con. 980 C - E 981 F - J 982 K - 0 983 P - Sp 984 St - Y 985 Fifth and Ninth Regiment Fifth and Eleventh Regiment: 986 A - Be 987 Bi - By 988 Ca - Co 989 Cr - E 990 F - G 991 H - I 992 J - La 993 Le - Ma 994 Me - Mu 995 N - P 996 Q - R 997 S 998 T - Wa 999 We - Y Sixth Regiment: 1000 A 1001 Ba - Bi 1002 BI - By 1003 Ca - Cl 1004 Co - Cu 1005 D 1006 E - F 1007 G 1008 Ha - Ho 1009 Hu - J 1010 K - Ma 1011 Me - My 1012 N - Pe 1013 Ph - R 1014 Sa - SI 1015 Sm - Sy 1016 T 1017 V - Wh 1018 Wi - Y Seventh Regiment: 1019 A 1020 Ba - Bo 1021 Br - By 1022 Ca - Cl 1023 Co - Cu 1024 D

69 Roll Description Virginia - con.

1025 E - F 1026 G 1027 Ha - He 1028 Hi - J 1029 K - L 1030 Ma - Me 1031 Me - N 1032 0 - Q 1033 R 1034 Sa - Sm 1035 So - Sw 1036 T - Wa 1037 We - Y Eighth Regiment: 1038 A 1039 Ba - Bo 1040 Br - Ca 1041 Ce - Cy 1042 D 1043 E - F 1044 G 1045 H 1046 I - K 1047 L - Ma 1048 Me 1049 Md - Mu 1050 N - P 1051 Q - R 1052 Sa - Sm 1053 Sp - V 1054 W - Y Ninth Regiment: 1055 A - B 1056 C - D 1057 E - G 1058 H - K 1059 L - M 1060 N - R 1061 S - T 1062 V - Y Tenth Regiment A 1063 B - C 1064 D - H 1065 I - M 1066 N - R 1067 S - Y Eleventh Regiment: 1068 A - C 70 Roll Description Virginia - con. 1069 D - I 1070 J - 0 1071 P - Y Eleventh and Fifteenth Regiment: 1072 A - J 1073 K - Y Twelfth Regiment: 1074 A - C 1075 D - K 1076 L - Q 1077 R - Z Thirteenth Regiment: 1078 A - K 1079 L - Z Fourteenth Regiment: 1080 A - D 1081 E - Me 1082 Me - Y Fifteenth Regiment: 1083 A - F 1084 G - 0 1085 P - W 1086 Clark's Illinois Regiment, Virginia State Troops 1087 General Nelson's Corps, Light Dragoons Pendleton's Regiment, Militia Captain Rogers' Detachment, Militia SkiIron's Detachment, Militia Taylor's Regiment Western Battalion, State Troops Detachment of the Fifth Virginia and Some Other Regiments Detachment of Virginians Detachment of Virginia and North Carolina Troops 1088 Virginia Battalion 1089 Captain Robert Barnet's Company, Militia Captain Thomas Buck's Company, Dunmore County, Militia Captain Adam Clement's Company, Militia Ensign Colvin's Command, Militia Captain Joshua Conkey's Company, Rangers Edmonds' Command, Artillery Captain Ford's Company, Militia Gaddis' Command (Monongalia Militia) Captain Thomas Gaddis' Company, Militia Captain Jonathan Hamby's Company, Militia Captain Benjamin Harrison's Company, Volunteers Captain Heth's Independent Company Captain Morgan's Company Captain William Nelson's Company, Militia Niscwange's Company, Frederick County, Militia

71 Roll Description Virginia - con. Captain O'Hara's Independent Company Captain Parson's Company, Militia Captain Rader's Company, Militia Captain John Robert's Company Captain Scott's Company Captain Scott's Company, Militia Lieutenant Smith's Company Captain Watkins1 Troop of Dragoons Frederick County, Militia Virginia: 1090 A - B 1091 C - E 1092 F - H 1093 I - Me 1094 Me - P 1095 Q - S 1096 T - Z

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