^^^(An^Licm^0Mv«7Stne 277-0560

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^^^(An^Licm^0Mv«7Stne 277-0560 150 CHURCH STANLEY A Chwist R 101 3514 44StSW 249-0677 Cimola Mauro P 907 700 9Stsw PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION •Chwyl Edward 419Cantert)uryPlaceSW , 281-5603 234-0714 Church—Circuit Cimolino Charlaine Lawyr 2Flr606 7AvSW 264-0000 Chwyl G 302 6835SlmonsValeyOrNW .. 274-4237 4231BritanniaOrSW 243-2165 Church Sylvia 1212 14AvSW 244-1557 Chychrun Joe 166WestwoodOrSW 249-5334 Church Of God Of Prophecy Cimolino G A 1402 6aStNW 289-615S Church T 41SAsloriaCrSE 253-5659 Chycoski S 1711 608 9StSW 262-8668 Cimolino R A 123eLansdowneAvSW ... 243-0397 9616-Oakclif<eOrSW 281-6803 CtNirch T J SSRanctridgeftdNW 239-5183 Chyka S M 5 llllCanterburyOrSW ... 281-9749 Church Of God Pentecostal Cimon D Bsmt2022 27StSE 248-6015 Church T J Tom l47LakeMeadCrS£ ... 271-6717 Chymko Nigel J 639Lal<eLinnetCrSE ... 271-7022 Cimota Oil Co Ltd RR2 249-1941 3107 40StSW 246-5111 Cfturch Thomas J l47LakeMeadCrSE . 278-0964 Chynoweth Dale 703 1200 6Stsw ... 263-0601 Church Of God (Seventh Day) Cinammon Bun The Church Tim R 11 1845LysanderCrSE .. 279-6211 Chynoweth E 1002 1200 6StSW ... 266-2717 144 4909 17AvSE 235-1210 2515CentreStN 277-6344 Church W K Babac 274-9250 Chynoweth Ed 164LakeAcadiaPiaceSE CHURCH OF IMMANUEL 278-1764 CiNAMON'S 80S sstSw 269-1901 CfNircher Bert C 613 807 6StSE 264-3263 Chynoweth J l64Lal(eAcadiaPtaceSE 271-1781 1512 IStSW 262-3723 Churcher L K 73 7205 4StNE 275-8693 Chynoweth Peter 1707 123 lOAvSW 266-5498 CINAMON'S HAIR INTERNATIONAL Church Of Jesus Christ (Apostolic) Of Churches 0 E 878fa2eauCrSW 252-3892 Chynoweth Trevor A 205 325 2AvN£ 230-7566 LTD 805 SStSW 269-1901 Calgary 436 l3AvSE 264-3095 Churcties Of Christ Chysyk William 25Ken(Jal»>laceSW .... 252-3519 Cine Edit Editing Service Ltd CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF Cambrian Heights Church Of Christ Chytyk Barry ll9RanchiandsCrNW 239-1940 904 2AvNW 283-5032 LATTER-J)AY SAINTS 615 Northmount Or NW 282-1281 Chyzyk J oOBerwkkKiWW 275-5080 Cinema Dynamics Ltd 41 4stNE 234-8895 MFORIMATION UNE 274-4679 Felowship Hal 289-6934 Chyzzy J 105Al)adanCrNE 248-5898 CINEMATICA VIDEO CENTRE CANADA CALGARY MISSION .... 252-1141 Parkhil Church Of Christ Chyzzy M 221 isstNW 283-8825 5 3109PalliserOrSW . 281-2800 CALGARY ALBERTA STAKE 110 Mission Rd S£ (243(243-0635 Chzng Taikwong H 20240StnB 275-5382 Cinemax Productions Ltd Stake Centre 2021 17AvSW 245-0400 1243-3907 Clampa E 131HuntingtonGreenrE 275-4640 700 610 OAvSW 266-3334 Stake President a Clerks 244-5882 To Vou With Love 282-1282 Ciampanelli Peter i20HuntfordRdNE \. 275-1204 CINEPLEX CALGARY 4 Ward 244-5474 Rosscarrock Church Of Christ CiampanelD S lOllMaitiandOrNE 272-0940 Mezz222 SAvSW (264-3435 5 Ward 244-9038 1140 40 St SW 249-5293 Cianflone Franco 4606FormanCrSE ... 273-4879 234-8995 10 Ward 245-4416 Phone Inquiries Res 285-8174 Oarla Nicholas 7403Farre«RdSE 253-3429 C'no-Mars Rheai 1020 l6aStNE .... 276-4547 16 Ward <244-2876 ChurchiH Albert 4040 79StNW 286-6937 Ciarmela John 17 644 IAvne 265-6631 ^ 504Wo<xJhiilPiaceSW 281-9496 S44-3116 Churchi C 11440 SStSW 255-2608 Clarroca E 2702 16aStSE 265-1109 504ArlingtonDrSE 252-3889 Bookstore 244-6767 Churchil C H 1326 7StNW 289-6274 Ciarrocca A F 4507RundlevieOrNE ... 285-4173 Cinibulk L 79Ca$tiebr(X)kDrNE 285-0669 Genealogical Library 244-5910 Churchil D L Ciarrocca G S 47i9RundiewoodDrNE .. 285-28M Cinnamon G F loos i7AveSE 265-1833 Gtenmore Cliapel gSSHeritageOrSW 2010 5300RundtehdmOrf« 285-0330 Ciaschini Paul Cinnamon H 2015 S7AySW 243-7593 1 Ward 252-5042 ChurchM Dave Bsmt528 33StNW .... 283-5300 18Blk6 742KlngsmereCrSW 252-2981 Cinnamon M E 826 iBAveNW ! 282-7738 14 ward 252-1482 ChurchM Douglas 20BerkshireCioseNW 274-1885 CiavareRa Peter 62Galnsbor(x>ghDrSW . 240-1867 Cinnamon Terry 33 3015 sistsw ... 246-4481 Glennriore Ward 252-5055 Churchi Douglas W uayareJli_Dj?_028 SAyefff .. 2)^-8634 Cinnamon William J 404 224 6AvNE . 230-8073 CALGARY ALBERTA SOUTH STAKE 26 131Templeh«)rl« 280-2649 CIBA-GEIGY CANADA LTD Cinnamond G 87QueenAnneCloseS£ 271^231 Stake Centre lASAOPatklandBlvdSE . 278-4515 Chwchi E 206 2611 iSAvSE 248-5926 GREEN CROSS PRODUCTS DIVISION Ciobanu George Stake President a Clerks 271-8081 Churchil G GIS 4515VarsityOrNW 286-3019 820 26 St NE 273-5656 109 432HuntsvilleCrNW 275-397J Parkland Ward Churchi G 715Madeira0rNE 248-7202 PIPE SYSTEMS DIVISION Ciobanu J 812 505 4AvSW 263-97S Partdand Clerks Churchi Henry 3320LakesideCiSW ... 242-7960 . 820 26 St NE 273-6968 Cioccio J 103PotniDrNW i 283-0138 Mklnapare Ward 278-2546 Churchill House Ofc 620 67AvSW 252-3236 DBA PHARMACEUTICALS Ciochetti Vince 503DeermountCrtSE .. 278-9141 waow Park Ctiapel 940AcadiBDrS£ Churchi I 4e39VeronaOrNW 288-6681 7475Fr(ntRdSE 253-8221 Cioci Paul 1701 ISOOVarsityOrNW .... 284-4176 WBow Park Ward 271-0011 CiNjrchi J 2448 30AvSW 249-6893 Cibinel L ISSIemplevalePtaceNE . 285-2889 Cioci Paul 1_701 3500VarsityOrNW .... 284-4176 Maplefidge Ward 271-3232 Churchi J Winston 3813 7aStSW ... 243-0^ Cibulka Vilen 71 23GlamisDrSW ; 240-2467 Ciofani Mario 4220VoyageurDrNW .... 288-1570 Reiet See Oist Cntr CHURCHILL JOHN Chartd Acctnt Cica VMo 6s)nt543Sabi1naRdSW 259-5753 Cioffi A 309 1112 7AvSW 262-8943 14540PatklandBlvdSE 271-0401 louche Ross a Co Ciccagjione C 9l80-OaknnountOrSW ... 281-7177 Cioffi Felice 1427 iSaStNE 276-6875 CALGARY ALBERTA NORTH STAKE 3500 700 2S1SW 263-4800 Ckcaglione John 539 9AvNE ... '" 230-7531 Cjoffi Geraldine G 608 37StsW 242-4237 Stake Centre 5927rptonRdNW .... 274-4710 Reside 10627BfadburyOrSW 252-6390 CicCagBooe Mario MnFk657 26AvNW 289-3645 Cioffi Giovanni 2316MiitwardRdNE 276-3088 Stake President a Cleiks 274-4679 ^chil Ke^th M 1202 l9StNW .. 289-2198 Ciccaglione Mike 5008 iistsw" .' 287-0644 ^iona Orest 36VV^rSw"" '" 28ll47« 2 Ward 274-4531 Ofurchl M A 2904 12AveNW 289-7984 Cjcchino L E 1821B42StSE 235-4168 Cioni A 2023PalispriorRdSW 281^915 13 Ward 275-2029 Churchi Park Family Day Home Project ^ CicciareHa M 3727 42siNvv 286-6033 Cioni iSi^lsiisfc^nTfwdDrNw 2S9I5TM 15 Ward 275-6336 249-9131 CicciareBo Frank Cioni G G l039Kiido^^ 252-I7S Book Store 280Southanipt()nDfSW 253-3369 Cioni J llisChildAvNE 230-80^ Forest Lawn Clwpel 833 44SISE ... 273-0015 37 310Brookn*reRdSW 281-8698 Occooe ^da S623MaidstooeCrNE ... 273-5682 Cioni L M 284rempletonCircleNE 280- 7 wwd oSlnicS273-0310 I 5601Da«onOrNW 286-6964 Ctccone Joseph 9 lOPointOrNW 283-7643 Cioni M 2424 l7AveSW .. 249-1^ 9 Ward Terry• 935PartwoodWySE, ... 278-9071 Ctccone L D 37RoseviewDrNW .... 289-2919 Cioni Terry Up2223 2lAvSW 24S-4827pa?Jis; 11 Ward 272-4118 Churchi Terry L 905 609 8St^.... 269-5490 Ciccone M 6 2019 33AvSW 246-9679 Ciorta Rosa 202 2BAveNW ... 277.7639 CALGARY ALBERTA WEST STAKE CHURCHILL TOWERS BEAUTY Ctccone P 2146 17AveSW 245-9714 Ciortan F 901 836 SAveSW 269.3ati Stake Centre 6560Silverspon9sCfNW ^-OT17 SALON MnFlrl027CameronAv$W ... 244-1955 Cicconi B D 1208 820 SAvSW 266-5366 CIP DAXION INC Whise Paper "Churchi W 78 32WhftneiCrtNE 280-1185 Cicconi Gary 7 643 4AvNe 269-3096 4027 7StSE 243^77 Churchi Warren 318 84AveSE 252-4524 Cicconi J 1805 820 SAvSW 264-4644 Order Desk & Salesman 243-0*77 17 Wwd 286-9819 Churchi Winston J 6 2012 66AvSE . 236-2636 Cicero Gino lOOMaptebomDrSE !!! 278-1559 CIP INC PAPER PRODUCTS BOW VUkty Chaoel 2526 24AvNW .... Churchi's 1316 33StNE 248-8888 Cichacki S M 3 4612 73StNW 288-4164 DIVISION 3915 78AvSE 279-7595 Bow VUMy Ward ^5055 Churchi-SmHh B 24NorthmountCrNW 275-1676 Cichanski Andrze] 40l 120 25AvSW . 263-5979 Cipher Systems Ltd 110 6131 6StSE . 252-7569 3 Wart 284-9370 Churchi-Smith Tim Ciclion Stanley 115-OaksideRdSW . 281-5628 Cipin H 219BrookparkDrSW 281-5500 Crescentssccnt202Cr^tRdNW RoedRoad ChepelChapel Churchman1209 201 OUtsterRdNWBruce 505 1451 VlAv^ 245-4918289-5638 Ciciola^ne«ing P 6934 36StNe 3a3530 llaStNE ..,230-3507 280-1446 aStSc^o 281-55W 6 Ward 277-2991PTT.<>ooi ..Churchman. Glen V 705 920 OAvSW . 266-0282 J 7204Farre«RdSE 255-8943 T 280-732« 12 Ward 277-5266 Churchman V G 4931 l7AveSW 249-9294 Ckron Wm 286-5203 r'''" ^ 26^ierPiaceSW 249-3289 Institule BuiMkig 3120 32AvNW ... 282-5426 Cicoria Andrew 407 99AvSE ! 278-0243 Cipperley A 48I9 30AveSW 249-4237 Univeraity Wwd 282-4221 CHURCH'S FRIED CHICKEN 3725Memoria<)rSE 235-0787 Cid Tony 424TemplewoodPlaceNE 285-5053 283-5676 CHURCH EDUCATION SYSTEM Ciecko Ron 955ParkwoodWySE 271-7231 128DeermontWySE 278-1071 Canada Area Ofc 282-5516 180 94 Av SE 255-1413 Ciepfinsid Zygmimt Cipriani Giovanni 612 40AvNW 289-3612 Calgary Region Saminariac 282-0535 3939 17 Av SW 242-0667 274 8948EibowOrsw 259-8579 Cipywnyk LaiTy 11 2902 i7AvSW ...246-OSSl Criiary Instiiuta Of Rriigion 282-5426 Churchward E iioi 4001 49StNW... 288-7361 (3wrchward J R Voung Adulti Hot Line 299-0^ CIERRA FURNITURE RENTALS &262-7430 CIrankewitch Harvey 2StNW . 277-7223 CHURCH SOOAL SERVICES 255-0153 120SVars(tyEstatesft(WW 288-8274 SSTempleMOrtC .. 280.P7« Employmant Canlic 255-2330 Churcott Richard lOSOPinediffeOrNE . 280-3610 SALES LTD Bays 2015 32AvNE .. 276-6653 CIrankewitch Leonard Budding Oivition 255-2334 Churgin Arnold lOEagWtidgePiaceSW . 252-0984 Cieslak J V 8019 5Stsw 255-8036 1109ReaderCrNE 277-qot« Relief Sodaty Distribution 255-2337 Chur^ Arnold Shoes Limited Main store Ciesiak Walter 1920 4SStSW 242-4029 Circa 1880 Imports Co Ltd BUhop StorahoiM 255-2338 227 SAvSW 262-3366 Cieslak Walter 439 SlAveSW 252-1381 "05 IStSW (264-1707 store No 2 23]a8AvSW 266-2543 Ciezki Richard S l27-OakskieRdSW ... 281-4181 CHURCH OF RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Citra A G 5636Ttiofiic«ffeOrNW 274-3058 86 203Lynnvitwfl(BE 236-1886 Churgfci J 903 330 25AvSW 265-0442 Circa Sound Studios i3i0CentreSts 269-7270 Church Of Scientology Dimtic Couna*« Churfto E P a 721 ISAVSW 263-0456 Cifra J W 1506 19Q1 i9StNE 277-0237 CIRCLE D EQUIPMENT LTD Group 335 llAvSW 265-9142 Chumey Garth 2207 909 7AveSW ... 262-6214 Cigan Joseph 64i6CoachHiRdNW 249-1591 264 2880GlenmoreTrSE .
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