Calgary City 1992 Sept Ch to Cq
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146 Centaur Volvo Subaru CENTRAL AIRE HEATING & AIR CENTRAL REALTY LTD 3819Macteo<iTrSW 287-2544 CONDITIONING BaylO 611 lOAvSW 262-2677 Cejnek—Centre CENTCOM CONSTRUCTION LTD Bayl7 3716 56AvSE 279-5757 CENTRAL REINFORCING STEEL 310 7220FisherStSE 252-5571 SERVICE LTD- See Harris Rebar Cejnek Nika 1003 921 SAvSW 237-6012 If Busy Cal 252-3550 Ceklic V 708 4935DaltonOrNW 288-1607 Facsimile Machine 255-6970 CENTRAL ALARM Central Roofing (Calgary) Ltd Ceko Anto 208FondaWySE 248-0162 1913 34AvSW (287-1333 CENTEC SPECIALTIES LTD SERVICES LTD Service (243-5806 Ceko Anto 208FofKJaWySE 272-7249 14Flrl0655SouthportRdSW 271-0514 Ceko Frank 199TefnpietonCircleNE 293-6723 202 239 12AvSW 266-7293 Central Security Ltd I80 3030 3AvNE 273-9870 Centech Solutions Inc Ceko Pero 242-1378 Sales 266-7366 Central Shoe Repair & Second Hand 202 3750 19StNE 250-5606 Ceko Tonro 191FalsbyRdNE 285-8011 Store 119 7AvSW 264-1243 Fax Line 250-2147 CENTRAL ALBERTA PRODUCTION Cekidins A 205 40 llaSWE 266-3065 TESTING LTD Central Soya Of Canada Western Canada Celaire John 7SMcKinleyWySE 257-0693 Branch 278-6628 Celani D 202 801 12AvSW 541-1655 CENTENNIAL 24 Hr Answering Service Central Supply Company (Western)- See Ceiaiie Caries B2ll 1903 BAvNE 276-2461 4836 6StNE 277-5777 Central Appliance Service Co Centura Floor & Wall Fashions CELCOM ELECTRONICS LTD APPRAISALS LTD 420 35AvNE 276-1829 Bay02017CentreStN 277-8582 CENTRAL TANK WELDING SHOP 40eerRuiiBaySE 271-0226 1025 lOStSE ... 266-5757 Fax 271-0374 Centennial Arenas- See Calgary Central Towers 535 l3AvSW 263-2805 Celebic I MnFlr6607 iBStSE 279-9121 CENTRAL AUTO PARTS Centennial Arenas Central United Church 131 7AvSW... 269-3701 Ceiebic Mehmed MnFir6607 iBStSE .. 279-8533 Centennial Art Gallery 133 125 9AvSE 266-6783 DISTRIBUTORS LTD Fax 263-1646 CelebratkMI Card Shops 108 5726Bur1eighCrSE 259-8655 MartxxuughTownSquare 248-4120 CENTENNIAL AUTO REPAIRS Fax Line 258-1307 CELEBRITY ENTERTAINMENT 603 77AvSE 253-7479 CENTRAL VACUUM Centennial Beauty Centre 813 lAvNE 266-1117 Central British Cycle Repair Lwrflr222 3SISW 531-9415 CENTENNIAL BOWLERAMA & SERVICE 303 16AvNW ....230-7723 CELEBRITY SPORTSWEAR LTD Bay2-507 35AvNE 277-1329 LOUNGE 6720HijnterviewOrNW ..275-1260 Central Cafe 1806 35StSE 273-0078 1908 37 ST SW 249-7888 6116 lastsw 252-1300 Lorri Laubenstein Mgr Res 272-5739 Central Caissons Ltd 8812 44StSE ... 236-0129 Fax Line 255-6836 Centre Core Commercial Centennial Drilling Ltd Fax Line 236-0141 Bay7 2308CrowchildTrSW 686-1244 CELEBRITY THERAPEUTIC 120WoodfieldRdSW 251-5770 Central Canadian Structures Limited CENTRE CORE DEVELOPMENTS MASSAGE CENTRE CENTENNIAL ELECTRIC (1983) 71WoodglenCrSW 251-2228 204 1026 16AVNW 284-9563 LTD 3 1916 30AvNe 250-9614 Central Card Services 8500MacieodTrS 258-5990 INC Bay7 2308CrowchildTrSW 242-3864 Fax 246-7216 Celeda L 203 614 14AvSE 265-1071 CENTENNIAL ELECTRICAL Central Casting Penthse5l9 17AvSW .. 541-0400 Celestial T V 44MI<k:restRiseSE 256-1178 CENTRAL COMPRESSOR SERVICE Centre Drugs 201 ill 3AvSE 264-2012 CONTRACTORS LTD CENTRE 18 DENTAL CENTRE LTD Celestine Dominic M 1451 43S1NE ... 2^-8577 2 1916 30AvNE 250-9612 LTD 215 40AVNE 277-0144 Celestino V 1603 727 6AvSW ^3-2735 Central Custom Design (Calgary) Ltd 266-2524 201 1901CentreStN 230-2288 Celiac Canadian Association 7 iisttJE «7-0304 Fax Line 291-9541 Centre 82 Physical Therapy CENTENNIAL ESSO Central Denture Clinic (Calgary) Celia's Beauty Salon 14ll iistsw .. 245-8581 731 BStSW 269-1268 110 8220CentreStNE 274-2591 9602Macleo<fTrS 252-4837 Cefic Klem D102 1216 43StSE ^5-3^ CENTRAL DIESEL & CENTRE EYE CARE CENTENNIAL FOOD CORP Celikalay lhan 25 7205 4StNE ^4-m3 TRANSMISSIONS LTD 2015CentreStN 276-2525 Ceiino D 609 41l 14StNW ^0-8728 Ordef Desk 4043BrandonStSE ... .299-0525 8933 48AvS£ 287-1144 CENTRE 58-DANCE ARTS LTD CeRs A 226CedaitcooKWySW K1-3W Flead OHice 287-2525 CENTRAL DISPATCH LTD 5824 2StSW 255-8699 Cekis J 9748-Oaldi«)f^ ^ 23^^ Fax 287-0789 Centre Flowers 150 6AvSW 262-7232 rPii BUILDERS INCORPORATED Ac(»unting Office 421113aStSE 261-0770 290 2880GtenmoreTrSE 236-9594 Fax Line 236-9538 Centre Food Mart 1324CentreStN 276-7445 520Mora<neRdNE 272-8784 Fax 265-4735 CENTRE FOR CONSCIOUS LIVING Cel Ptwnes Company 51FaldaleCloseNE 285-5566 Central Driving School Ltd 277-3770 Central Environmental Services — 241-9661 4500 16AvNW 247-3939 CEU-TECH BATTERES LTD CENTENNIAL 7210e5StSE 255-2037 Central Fund Of Canada Limited Centre For Creative Negotiating 805 1323 15AvSW 228-5861 300 800 6AvSW 269-5950 Fax Line 253-1646 FOODSERVICE Central Group Alberta Ltd The CENTRE FOR FRONTIER Cel-Tel 8ox22285BankersHal 241-2511 Order Desk 4043BrandonStSE ... .299-0525 805 1323 15AvSW 228-5861 ENGINEERING RESEARCH Celars - See Also SeHar Seller & Sellers Head Office 287-2525 CENTRAL GUARANTY LEASING 200KartClarkRd Edm 450-3300 Fax 287-0789 Celars J W 1615RobsonCiSE 248-6663 INC 380 120 4AvSE 221-2790 Fax Line 450-3700 Celars W 1234 20aStrfW 289-8326 Accting Ofc 4211 13.-)StSE 261-0770 Fa<3imile "• 221-2788 Fax 265-4735 CENTRE FOR HUMAN AWARENESS Cell Lucien 304 345 4Avf<E 277-4598 CENTRAL GUARANTY TRUST & DEVELOPMENT Celuiar hi Motion MnFlr636CentreStS .(234-8375 CENTENNIAL GLASS LTD COMPANY 206 1115 llAvSW 245-9221 1234-8376 40CoralShoresCoveNE 293-3189 CUSTOMER INFORMATION AND Centre For income Security 8e Cebnainis Andrew 604waov«f>art(DiSE . 271-7718 Fax Line 285-6555 INQUIRIES Cebnabiis Brad 709 725 i2AvSW 229-3942 Employment Association CENTENNIAL GOURMET FOODS (No Charge Dial) 1-800-268-7878 Cehnaninis Beveriey D vssunsetWySE 254-0860 650 608 7StSW 263-0701 4211 13aStSE 261-0770 Gulf Canada Square Celovsfcy Joseph l5McKennaCrSE 257-2292 240 120 4 Av SE Celufibre Indi^ies Inc 220 l9StSE .. 248-1445 Fax 265-4735 RetaK Branch ] CENTRE FOR POSITIVE Cement Masons & Plasterers CENTENNIAL HOME BAKERY THE Regional Office I 909.IOOO international Assoc Local 139 & 324 7a3012 17AvSE 272-5665 Commercial Lending | LIVING 2340 lAvNW .. 283-3203 404 120 17AvSW 263-6541 Centennial Insulation Ltd Oil & Gas Royalties j Fax 283-3291 CEMETERIES CITY OF CALGARY 84Pa5adenaGdnshE 280-6043 ALBERTA STOCK EXCHANGE TOWER CENTRE FOR TRAINING & PARKS & RECREATION- For CENTENNIAL PACKERS Mn Fir 300 5 Av SW 292-1800 DetaUed Listings See Yellow Pages 4043 Brandon St SE 287-2525 GULF CANADA SQUARE DEVELOPMENT Under Cemeteries 289-5437 Fax 287-0789 401 9 Av SW 292-1000 123 2723 37AvNE 291-0980 CEN-ALTA WELDING SUPPLIES Government Inspectors Office 287-1854 NORTHLAND VILLAGE SHOPPES CENTRE ICE MacleodTr&94AvSE _. 259-8884 360 5111 Northland Dr NW 247-3204 Centre North Physiotherapy Clinic Ltd LIMITED- See Weldco 243-8844 CENTENNIAL PETROLEUM COMPANY LTD SOUTHLAND CROSSING 4807CentreStN 276-8886 Cenaiko Dave 704 912 6AvSW 233-0033 750 333 11AVSW 266-8890 600 9737 Macleod Tr S 292-1880 CENTRE OF CONFIDENT SPEAKING CENAIKO DAVID F DR ofc Centennial Presbyterian Church PERSONAL TRUST 206 14500BannisterRdSE ... 256-1660 Obstetrician & Gynecologist 103PinetownPtaceNE 285-7144 230 120 4 Av SE 292-1890 CENTRE PAINTING 302 2675 36StNE 250-6922 607 Rundeside Dr HE 285-1550 VISA CENTRE Toronto 1-416-975-5200 199Ga(braithDfSW 246-1144 Cenaiko Don 2128 52AvSW 243-0209 CENTENNIAL REINSPECTION CENTRAL INDUSTRIAL BUILDERS Centre Point East Apartments SERVICE 261-0770 LTD 4313 i4AvSE 272-2772 101 111 14AvS£ 262-6510 Central Insulation 81 Services CENALTA OIL WELL Center Isle Promotions Centre Point Grocery & Deli 490 433ManboroogliWyNE 272-6591 1806 32AvSW 245-2369 10114AvSE 265-6071 SERVICING LTD Center James 544BerkieyCrNW 275-3021 Central Irrigation Ltd 236-7087 CENTRE POINT WEST 1900 407 2stsw 264-6490 Central Library- See Calgary Public CENTIPEDE HOLDINGS LTD Library 1313 13AVSW 245-1856 Red Deer Ofc Direct Line (No Cliarge) .. 263-1599 2000 300 SAvsw 261-2950 CENTRE 70 CHIROPRACTIC CENCOR ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS CENTIS JOE PLUMBING & Central Maintenance Ltd 4407 55StNE 285-0408 OFFICE Central Monuments Ltd! 279-2080 13 1916 30AvNE 250-2898 MECHANICAL LTD Dr Fred Wilson CENTRAL MOTORS & AUTO Fax Line 291-4949 NORTH 285-4785 122 7015MacleodTrS 252-2869 WRECKING 4215 35StS£ .. ..272-8589 Cendach S Children's Phone 293-4210 CENTRAL 245-4244 CENTRE 70 MEDICAL PHARMACY CENTRAL MOVING & STORAGE Cendach Sergio 431Run<fcl8wnWyNE .. 285-8272 SOUTH 258-3216 119 7015MacleodTrS 255-3886 Cenereli Randy 3912 12AvSW 249-1684 Ofc 155 1501 17 Av SW 245-4244 838 55AvNE 295-9273 Centre Shell SeH-Serve 1402CentreStN276-3891 Cenergy Resources Limited 75FayRdSE253-1519 Fax Lme 228-0670 CENTRAL OVERHEAD DOOR Centre Smoke & Sandwich Cenkner Paul 104 626 57AvSW 259-5129 Centonza L 4308 19AvSW 240-0195 INC 284-3778 1607bCentreStN 230-2402 Ceimon Terry W 511Woo(#aveneaySW 238-4248 Centra-Flo 9665MadeodTrSW 253-0195 If Busy Call 243-6169 Centre St Cafe 6l5CentreStSW 269-6040 Centaur Manufacturing Corp CENTRA-VAC SALES & SERVICE Central Park Florist 110 1122 4Stsw 265-3787 Centre St Chiropractic Clinic 3601 72AvSE 236-4701 103 5720MacleodTrS 253-8595 CENTRAL PARK LODGES 322CentreStSE 237-5200 CENTAUR PRODUaS INC CENTRAL ADJUSTERS LTD 1813 9StSW 244-8994 7 727 33StNE 248-2662 6 4620M»tilaRdSE 287-3556 If Busy Call 244-5939 Central Park Plaza 239 l2AvSW 265-3496 CENTRE ST DENTAL Fax Line 248-8499 Fax Line 287-0550 Central Pawn Shop Ltd 709 iStSE ... 266-2849 CLINIC LTD CENTAUR SADDLERY SHOP LTD Central Air Conditioning CENTRAL PROPERTY APPRAISALS 238 llAvSE 233-2450 Vancouver - Cal '0' Operator (No Charge)& Dr Stephen Lee Fax Line 262-8580 Ask For Zenith 08879 766WoodparkRdSW 253-9008 Dr Bar^ Lee Centaur Vending Ltd Central Ah- & Hydraulic Repairs — 243-3255 Central Radiator Distributors Ltd 322CeiitreStSE 290-0303 Bay101 3516 8Avt€ 248-1550 Or CeUar 560-2095 225 39AvNE 277-5888 Centre Stage Players Certified Automotive Machine Shop CENTURY 21 BAMBER REALTY 147 215VarsityEstatesBayNW 286-2546 LTD 2Firi55a sstsw 245-0773 5240 17AVSE 248-5229 Centre Stage- See Calgary Centre For CERTIFIED AUTOMOTIVE Centre—Chafetz Performing Arts CENTURY 21 SERVICES 5815c36StSE .... ...279-0898 CENTRE STREET CREMATORIUM Certified Auto's 4524 istSE <287-1989 CETUS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR CENTRES 2918 3AvNE ..