8 November 1966
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2120 2120ASSEMBLY.] lowing his dependants to receive the lump sum that would have been payable to the worker had he lived. Tuesday, the 8th November, 1966 There have been cases of the worker dying and not receiving weekly payments, CONTENTS though this entitlement had accrued. The ANNUAL ESTIMATES, 1968-47- Page Workers' Compensation Board has been Coammlties of Supply *Votes and [teas Discussedi 2169 allowing these claims by dependants, al- though entertaining doubts in the matter. ASSENT TO BILLS..............2125 A provision has therefore been included BILLS- Fire Brigades Acl Amendment Bll-Assent ... 2125 to cover claims by dependants. where the Pluoridal ion of Publc Waler Supplie[s B2III-Retnrned 2125 worker's rights to weekly payments have Industrial Arbitration Aot Amendment Bill (No. 2)- Intro.; Ir. 22 existed for six months, although payments Public Service Acl Amendment Bil-.......22 have not been made during that period. Intro. ; Ir. ... .. ... 2 5 Public Service Appeal Board Act Amendment Bill- 22 The Bill also incorporates an alteration Intro.; Ir., .. .. .. - .. 2 2 in principle insomuch that the difference Public Service Arbitration rnB........22 in maximum payments between total and intro. ; Ir 1 .. .. .. 2125 Ptblic Works Act Amendment B111--Assent .. 2125 partial incapacity is removed. Payments Road and Air Transport Commissien Bili- for partial incapacity are at present limited Message : Appropriations.........2125 to a percentage of the amount paid for Slate Transport Ce-ordinatien Bill- 2r. ........................... 2127 total incapacity. Corn. 2155 The second schedule to the Act was re- Workers' Comrnsa [onAoct A mendment B II~ pealed and re-enacted In 1964, and fixes Report ; r........... .....2125 the maxima for specified injuries. A pro- "HANsARD": PUBLICATION ON TUESDAYS =..15 portionate adjustment to the maxima for QUESTIONS ON NOTICE- specified injuries is included as a comnple- Education- amendment to the proposal to in- Cendicgup School: Toilet Facilities.,......2122 mentary Teachurs! Training Collages~ crease the absolute maximum payment for Addiienal Establishment, and Capacity 2122 death or total disablement from $7,000 to flunbury :Establishment........2122 $10,000. Claremont and Graylands :Enrolments ... 2122 University, and Un ivers ity College-Country Second schedule payments have invari- Centres.: Selected Sites.........2124 Midland Junction Abattoir :Increased Charges, and ably been in proportion to first schedule Establishment of Meat NRail...............2124 payments. For example, the ratio was Mineral Sands Deposits.-Non-development Action maintained in 1964 when the absolute against Leasehoides............2121 Ord Diver Scheme Irrigable Land .............. 2120 maximum was increased from the equival- Potaloec--Castage Irregularity In Tenderig 2122 ent of $4,800 to $7,000. Public Debt ,Per Capila In Western Austrail 2121 Railways ;Freight on Ammoniturn Nitrate 2124 Members will appreciate that, in the Recads-Murray Shire Distrit: Costs end Pro- Interests of injured workers and their de- grammne................................2123 pendants, it is desirable to review payment Swan River ;inspectinn of Upper Reaches by Members of Parliament 2121 scales from time to time and, in this light, Town Plnnnlng-Bletropsllitan Area Determlne- the measure now being introduced for this tion of Road Systems.............123 purpose is commended to members. Transport- Air Transport--Charter Aircraft Nfumber I desire to add that this Bill was amended Licensed and Operating... .......... 2121. in another place in order to give the board Transport Advisory Board :Membership .... 2121 a discretion in the maximum amount of QUESTIONS WITHOUT NOTICE- medical and hospital expenses payable. As Old Pollee Statiton at Albany ;Present Use of Holding mentioned earlier, the Bill increases this Goal .. ... .. ... .. ... 2125 maximum amount from $1,350 to $1,500, Porntecs,-Csarige 'Irregularity In Tendering ... 2125 and the amendment which was accepted by the Minister for Labour implies a discret- ionary Power being conferred on the board The SPEAKER (Mr. Hearman) took the to increase such maximum should it , in a Chair at 4.30 p.m., and read prayers. particular circumstance, be inadequate. QUESTIONS (15): ON NOTICE Clause 5 also was amended with the ex- press desire of enabling the widow of a ORD RIVER SCHEME worker to receive compensation if he was IrTigable Land -suffering from silicosis and he dies or is 1. Mr. JAMIESON asked the Minister for killed because of reasons outside his em- ployment. Industrial Development: is the anticipated total area The medical and hospital amendment (1) Wihat was moved by the member for Bunbury, of iruigable land associated with and the silicosis move was made by the the completed Ord River project? member for Murchison in another place. (2) What acreage is in- I mention this purely as a matter of inter- (a) Western Australia; est. (b) Northern Territory? Debate adjourned, on motion by The Hon. Mr. COURT replied: W. F. Willesee (Leader of the Opposition). (1) Anticipated total area 170,000 acres. House adionrnzed at 9.44 pmz. (2) (a) 125,000 acres. (b) 45,000 acres. [Tuesday, 8 November. 19651.12 2121 PUBLIC DEBT Mr. ROSS HUTCHINSON replied: Per Capita in Western Australia Arrangements will be made with 2. Mr. TOMS asked the Treasurer: the Chairman of the Swan River What was the public debt per bead Conservation Board to organise of Population in Western Aus- an inspection by boat of the up- tralia at the 30th June for the per reaches of the Swan River. years 1953. 1956, 1959, 1963, and This inspection will probably take 1966? place in March or April, 1967: and, when all necessary arrange- Mr. BRAND replied: ments have been made, members At the- of Parliament will receive an in- 30th June, 1953 .... 489.08. vitation to be present. 30th June. 1955 .... 557.23. 30th June, 1959 .... 545.82. MINERAL SANDS DEPOSITS 30th June, 1963 .... 760.29. 30th June, 1966.. 852.07. Non- development: Action against Leaseholders AIR TRANSPORT 6. Mr. HALL asked the Minister repres- Charter Aircraft: Number Licensed enting the Minister for Mines: and Operating (1) Is he aware that Australia ex- 3. Mr. NORTON asked the Minister for ported nearly 640,000 tons of Transport: rutile, zircon and ilmnenite, worth How many charter aircraft are almost $22,000,000, last year? licensed and operating in West- (2) If "Yes," will he press lease- ern Australia? holders into working mineral Mr. O'CONNOR replied: sands in the Cheyne Beach areas? Forty-eight aircraft are licensed (3) Does the Government intend to solely for operation under charter. take action against leaseholders In addition, licenses for 35 air- not working mineral sands in the craft engaged on regular airline areas? operation authorise their use also (4) Are mineral sands used for vita] for charter work when required. defence purposes when manufac- tured? TRANSPORT ADVISORY BOARD Mr. BOV'FTEL replied: Membership (1) The Commonwealth Statistician's 4. Mr. NORTON asked the Minister for preliminary figures for the year Transport: ended the 30th June. 1966, for Who are the four members of the Australian export of rutile, zircon, Transport Advisory Board con- and ilmenite are 844,000 tons, stituted under the State Trans- worth $29,545,000. Figures are not port Co-ordination Act, 1933, and available for the calendar year- what are their respective occupa- the 1st January to the 31st Decem- tions? ber, 1966. Mr. O'CONNOR replied: (2) Only one group of mineral sands Mr. W. G. McDonald, O.B.E., claims has been granted in this area and they are at Cheyne Bay. farmer, Two groups applied for at Cheyne Mr. J. Finch, pastoralist, Beach (now known as Hasseill Mr. W. Finkelstein, manufacturer, Beach) and one group at Doubtful and Bay Isiand have not yet been Mr. P. Young. chartered account- granted. They, with other appli- ant. cations for mineral sands claims in the south west mineral field, SWAN RIVER are being considered in conjunc- Inspection of Upper Reaches by tion with a general review of the Members of Parliament ilmenite industry. 5. Mr. GRAHAM asked the Minister tor (3) Those claims which have been Works: granted are subject to labour con- ditions, and any holder of a in view of the general interest in miner's right may apply for for- development, use, and cleanliness feiture if he considers the condi- of the Swan River, will he arrange tions are not being complied with. with the Swan River Conserva- tion Board for an inspection trip (4) Yes. The major use is as by boat of the upper reaches of titanium metal, obtained from the the river for those members of processing of ilmenite, in the Parliament who were not included manufacture of aircraf t and in the recent inspection party? spacecraf t. 2122 2122[ASSEMBLY.)I TEACHERS' TRAINING COLLEGES Mr. LEWIS replied: Additionazl Establishment, and (1) (a) Claremnont-,261. Capacity (b) Graylands--416. (2) Approximately 27 per cent. of 7. Mr. WILLIAMS asked the Minister students are tram the country. for Education: (3) and (4) No conditions have as yet (1) When will the third teachers' been laid down. The committee training college be ready tar use? on tertiary education will give (2) After this date, will Claremont consideration as to how the needs and Graylands both continue to of the whole State can best be met. function as teachers' training POTATOES colleges? (3) If not, what will be their respec- Cartage: Irregularity in Tendering tive functions? 9. Mr. TONKIN asked the Minister for intake of Agriculture: (4) What is the estimated (1) Is he aware that an employee of students for each of the years the Potato Marketing Board ad- 1967 to 1972 inclusive? vised the firm of Hindle of the (5) When the third teachers' training price at which F. Bullock, who was college is operative, what will be the board's contractor, had con- the estimated student capacity of tracted to cart potatoes for the all teachers' training colleges in board? Western Australia? (2) Is he surprised to learn that this (6) Until what year is this estimated manoeuvre which apparently was to meet the requirements of the inspired has resulted in Hindle be- department? coming the successful tenderer in displacement of Bullock, who has Mr.