
Vol. XV., 15th Ye»r, No, 24. DUNCAN, B. C., THDEsilAY, JUNE l?th, 1915. Subscription |1 Yearly hi Advance North Cowichan Cattle Question At the Front Casual^ List The Fortune of War Batepayers Pass Two Eesolutions—Matter flow Coiriehan Boys More Cowiclian Men To Be Decided By Plebiscite Behave Under Fire Among Wonnded The Leader is' indebted \ Last Thursday 'morning ’s list show­ The eatUe on roads question roads The point was that the nation J. H. Gillespie. DAA. and Q.M.C. ed that Cowiehan boys had been in shelved by North Cowiehan conneil was at war and they wanted to raise central camp, Vei the thick of the fighting. In addition on Monday at a qiecial meeting of I they could, as there B. Cw for the following letter written which no i^tifieation had been given would be. a meat ahorse all over 10 him by Sergeant Cleland, 7th Bat- Lance-Corporal J. C Ciceri, Lance to the pres? or the public. • * the world. She said that many had talion. in whose pbloon most of the Corporal Dennis Ashby and Private From the resolutions it is learned put all their available land ouder cul- Cowiehan men are (o be found. Dated J. L. A. -Gibbs, noted laR week as that Councilors Herd and Pahner trvation. ' from France, May 21st. he writes: ' wounded, and Private H. C. Bridges sponsored a luotion *that the pound Major Mntter said that if people "My dear Cspt. Gillespie:—This is bylaw be neither amended nor raid not feed their stock they had just a short letter to lell yon how suffering from shock, the list of pealed until the reanlt of the plebis­ > right W keep them. They were your old “F" Company boys are do­ wounded included Privates P. A. cite on thU question be bid before not farmers He objected to the ing. In the first place we are all Howard. T. G. de Denne and T. W. the council.'' Councillor McKinnon proposed change for ipany reasons, well and exceedingly cheerful. - V.'e Springett. opposed this. one of which was the danger to chil­ left Shorncliffe -’od May. My pbtoon. Private Patterson A Howard. Ifiih Two resolutions were passed at the dren. Some of those who wished to No. 9, and Major Bruce Powiey*s Battalion, late 30th, farmed near Dun- meeting'of North. Cosrichan rate­ the roads bad not fences in the company reinforced the 1st B. "C. payers in Somenos Station school best of cooditlqn. Where people bad Regiment Carstairs didn't come but ■ for some time before removing -bat Saturday afternoon, when ' pure bred stock it was impossible The above is taken from a photo s Lieut. W. D. Holmes,- of the 88th. Hillier's Crossing. He is mai Salisbury Pbin. The men from left t question of allowbg cattle to n keep the bulls out. He intended look charge. We all like him very and aged about 45. He served in (wounded): J. N. Jaynes (prisoner of war); Alfrey; P. C. Jaynes (pris­ br^e in the municipality waa oppose the change with all his much. He is very thoughtful of the South Africa with the Imperial Yeo­ cussed. might. oner of war); Bolitho; Priestley: J. Murphy; L. de B. Barntil and H. men’s welfare. manry. B. Hayward (prisoner of, war). The bst-named is holding a copy of The first resolution, proposed by Cr. Palmer had doubu abont mat- We laid round various baieis add Private T. G. de Dctine. 7th Batu- The Cowiehan Leader. Cr. A. Herd, seconded by Mr. Wil­ n. It was bnsinets to raise food. did a lot of foot slogging at nigljt lion, bie 30th, waf fariung near Dun­ liam Baxett, waa that no iWter how If feed was being wasted It wonld be until the night of the I9th, when 'we’ can and was b|terly employed by the council nay decide now, the an adeaiitage to turn it to use,' but went to reserve dugohu behind the Messrs. Bacett, ReU Go. He is 25 question be referred to a pbbiscite at was that advantage worth what it firbg line.- Mr. Holmes left ns to years of age and haUs from Sid- Citv Council North Cowiehan the genera] eleetioa. For thb 35 would COR? take cha^ of. the bomb thrqwcrs mouth, Devon. . •' — ' voted, none against OM Ham' Vim with another battaUon. At 7 p.qa, Private Thomas W. Springettv 7th The seconTrewilntion. propose.^ lo response to a' reqimt for the 20th, three pbtoopit mclnding Battalion, ble 30th Battalion, is Mr. -P. W. AnkieteU Jones, SMonded viewb' of'^d timers, Mr. W. H. Elk- Electrician ’s Positfon- School and fell in to do bligne work for' Hie of Mr. and Iflca. L. C. Springett, hy Mr. W. H. Elkington, Iras that ingtou ^ke from thirty years ’ ex­ Eogiueers in the trenches. I h^ Maple Bv, and grandson of the bte Dam Complete Court House . the conncD be requested to let the perience. It had beu always im­ command of my own pbtoon. We Mijor Henry P^ HHl. 9th Nslive present pound bybw stand and that possible to keep Indian cattle out of had to maTcb one and a half tnileb Infantry (Madras and Bombay), That there Is some trouble in eon- li a reportrt by thell road so- the matter of holdmg a plebiacite growing crops. He asked whether down 'a road under a heavy ahell and is aged 21. bection with the city power house perintendenj : Chem the qnestioa be left to the diacretion war time, affected the amalie^ farms. shrapnel fire, ebiefiy direeted at ttt Private H. CasteU Bridges. 7th Bat­ and the city electricbn waa evidenced house qu^tion, North of the eonncD. For thb 23 voted and Mm, o( thm nenth M-d „„ ^ ^rd. talion. bte 30th, was in partnership at Duncan city council on Monday 17 agmhist it. cleared to grow hay to keep slock right,Hehtkeep with Mr. WoUey-Dod, and farmed night when the last-named put in a Bam Opaan. ibrongfa the winter. He cited the * Sight for B. C Bazettis Comers, Dnncan. He is letter asking that hit position be constraction of a new building and al­ There were about forty preacnt„tt- ‘Tndbn catUe as thin as rails m the The way the bds went down aged 24, and bit rebtives are in l-on- clearly defined. ternative tenders for the repair of , clnding half a dozen bdiea. Reeve spring" and dymg after roaming out don, England. . rnnnr:i ;ntr, 4-ommittee the existing court house. Evans opened with an ontlinc of the ■■ M j u t- j t -*•* “ picture to gladden Ml wi^. He saM he ^ been re- hearts of their people and to make Unce- Corporal Dennis Ashby. 7lh ipon rising did not report,.rt. They The schoolhousb and school site situation. said that many con­ tponaiblc for getting Ml the names b. C. proud of her boys. At a good Battalion, late 30th, is aged 35, was afterwards inspected the powerver piplant. sidered it a misuke to have a..pound -1 the petmon which Mr. Jones had .^ja^hig walk we followed the other born in Stains, Kent, and edneated al The electricbn has since handed in bybw here,and outside, in unorgan ­ ” ■ ' pbtoons untU we came to the rains St Dunstan's College, London. He his resignation to take effect for twenty years at $50 a year to ised districts, cattle were elloiyed to Mr. W.T. Jaynes protested strong I of , vfUage. We bad to double had. been in Cowiehan some eight end of the. mooch. date from January 1st next, entry to the proposed ebangs. H« through that Si shelli Were striking yeit-s at Somenos and Quamieban Mr. Cameron reported that work be immediate. had been one of ttc •“/' the houses; and then .on until the Lake. Two years ago. with the ble a the upper dam had been completed It was decided to insnre the muni­ He said that beef was scarcer to­ ferers from "road bfmers." Roads' ...... ®**"- R. ^ officer took charge. Sentt-Uajor Willyams. he establish- and that on Sunday it held water np cipal machinery, shed and stables for day in Cowiehan than he bad ever generallr led to bis grain field, I was ordered to take my platoon to within fifteen inches of the top. $5,000. Hitherto it has carried none. known. There was a lot of wild land was the first to import pure bred ' ...... ^Ple back to the vilbge we had just Bay. He was secretary of the Mapiple he water committee will report The Tyee Mill road bybw was not bebg ntilis^ for young Rock'to cattle here but had had much dis- Ibrongb and■ load• ■ - ■ witi Bay Aquatic Club, which he was- in- the damage done whieh Mr. D. finally passed. The municipal sur­ eoaragement throttgh bulls and In­ stakes . five feet : sfrnmenMl in starting, and has B. Holmes cUims has been done veyor is to survey and define the Referring to the petition, objecting dbn cattle breaking into bis crops. there—BO mean 1 brothers in Duncan. > bb potato crop by flooding. I Tyee road on its present location and to any cbgpge, signed by 1S7 per Stock soon ate all there was on the full marching order with a Bugler C. L. Harris, should read wrote that this was the third season the road b to be gazetted a public the reeve said a niunher of these roads and then looked over the fence. Private L. G. Marrs, of Duncan, who “« ‘>®*" suojecieo lo me sam. highway. not ratepayers and residents. It was an abomboble thing and enluted among the first in the presumably to the The cast end of Sumpi road b to Mr. Anketell Jonas bviired for the rent detriment to t^ diRriet. advance through the second Gordons bst fall. He was a bugle^c'ty waterworks, be located by the surveyor and rood petitiensi They hid not been brengbt With regard to the reeve’s sttte- trenches np tb^ eoimecting trench, in the 16th Batalion, but has since The ™y«i- reported on aet.o. trinlendent^ to the schooL Be questioned the mene that not so mneh meat was pro- hand over the poles to the R. E. offi­ d to the ISth Battalion, re-'when concerning the transportation r. McKinnon reported on his b- reeve's statement. The petitions ask­ dneed ’ cer in the firing line and retire to the verting I o private. He b reported 1“' mechanics to British machine lionof the road work done by Mr. ing for the amendment of the bybw, said years ago popnbr bvour veered road and report for orders. Omte Rtffering__ „4U i, 5,- ^ Blackwood-WMdeman and pro­ he said, were' signed by nine and poultry. Now % was the reverse. trip over a raQe to pack. pital posed that $15be given him as com- fifteen people. He knew that i There would be lots of beef by end When I reported again we carried H,™ 4.4 .4,™. 4, pensation. Cr. Herd seconded. An of these -bad not enough gronud to by. up ammunition to the lOib in the C. P. R. gardens for nearly two years. amendment that he be paid nothing, keep two eattie. One of the signm- ICiiorily Bob? firing line and then retired to the He came from London, is 31 years o('at ChiUiwack. Resolutions must by Crs. Boudot and Palmer, was tories haiLsince admitted he had not Mr. William R^tt said that* if second Ime of trenches to await ' age, and had served seven yeai in submitted before September 1st. carried. thongbt of the toberenlosU dang rery man toraed out a cow on the deh. At 2 a.m. today, 21st, I got the London Scottish. Hb wife__ The streets commruee. reported Crs. Herd and Palmer will go into While some resMenU' nsmei were road-there would be little gained, dcri to retire to our' regimental be children reside in Du^cas. that the roads bad been cleaned of the noxious weeds question and draft the big petition the bulk of them Not one tenth of the popnbtiofaj qnartars and report. : name of Private FrancU Chu. weeds and the cribbing on Hospital a bylaw dealing with it. wonld utiHse The graas and the other Hill. 7th Battalion, was overlooked hill completed. Aedounts totallbg It is to be noted that the next I would snffer inconveoi- among the musing after Langemarck. 82,521.56 were ordered paid. meeting of the council will be on of the people was in the petition though we had i»rrowcscapea. At we Word has been received by Mrs. Ste­ Monday, July Sth. against allowing Rock on the roads. OneRioned by Hr. E/C. Catling, COWICHAN BRANCH came throogh the village the first venson. Dnncan, that he U mbsinf. Baam of Poond ^daw. who opened fire at...... time we pasted two orderlies helping He was well known in Duncan, being Mr. Jones .oaid the pound t vals. and who dti wonnded man to hospital We haack at our dugouts very he was slighdy wounded and U now for district newt under which the away without public coostSt. The strawberry fete held by the not eat fdrns, daisies and thutiea. tired, bn chtaHul and very glad to a prisoner ol'war at Giessen ,Ger- following headbg appeals: Tzou- He held that the munieipality bad Ladies' Aid of the Duncan Methodut AJl were trying to improve their connect with a tot of ram all round. mny. He is a nephew of Mr. G. F. balem. It may be correct, but pos­ a revenue of flOflOO ffonfiilW ^nd. church proved a great success on . herds but some people wanted cheap 1j^u'm fit.. The boys ask me Walker. Tunhalem. sibly someone got the war maps Rock. He thought tie council wonld TTie holders of the land wotdd npeer mbed b with those of the Isbnd. Monday, last at the parsonage be doing a very foiUish thing if they be' able lo sell it to settlers as fesr .8*Beverme,-etc;,-^ - "The American schooner J. grounda. All those belonging to the altered the bybw. J6CK- CLELAND." wounded since writing the above. He WealhcTwax. which saQed last week chnrch who could attend were pres­ Mrs. BiH.ett. Westholme. said ing their cattle onti If tbwe land ia an old Gorffisn Highlander carries, a half 'millioa feet of lum­ ent, ss were msny from other congre ­ pie wasted to put young stoett on the . (Cndn-I <• Htcb SSVgeant Flrteher B. Qebnd was fanitri at Vargas Island. ber from the Cowiesan dbtriR.'' gations.

.-Ly* THB- COW4CHAN bBADBR • Jnnc lyth, 1915. J

News of Cowichan Districts Rompers! Rompers!

COWICHAN LAKE Vista and on the hill will be com ed in a day or so now. . • Mr. D. O. McIntyre, depoty mini Mr. and Mr*. PoDoclr ah^ their of Btberies for the prorince, were ap .jn have taken one of Mr. King*- at the lake this week to look into the cote’s cotttge* for the aeason. matwr of weirs placed neross the UNDER TBB AUSPICES OP riTCf at the falls and the sawing of . CHBMAINV8 BON TON MILLINERY PARLOR THE KING’S DAUGHTERS promotion “for valor in the field" Mi»LE.B>nmPn» e outcome of tl has been won by E. H. Henry, is not yet known, bat it is claimed Mr. and Mr*. R. O. Henry, of Che- that the site of tbc mesh used by the mainos. who was one of the first to Don’t Send Money SUMMER Indians does not comply with the law enlist in the 72nd regiment. snd that the fish are unable to get When the Seaforths were absorbed in a Letter op the river. It is also a well-known Into the 16th Battalion and encamped FLOWER fact that many fish are being kflled ^ Salisbury Plains promoted HEN yon tciKl gnbterlpdoBa to DsggziDctt or order goodg out of by sawdust in the lake. tro be corporal and when the Cana- w j>wn, or pay small aecOuota at A It is rumoured that one of the 1dm- crossed to France he became SHOW her companies is trying to-get peer dutance, do not place the actual cash io Ibo mission to drive logs down the rivir, eovetepB.______Tteigai^ of doUioUara are lost every the excuse being a rash order. It is diroulli fire, robbety or mia-directsoii. Use and baa been given die Bank Money Ordei^ isaoed by ihig baalL JUNE 30, 1915, 2 P.M. to be hoped that, in the interest .of ne by the War Office, “for vdor in They are payable in Canada Iba Umtod Cowichan Lake, this request will not le field." AGRICULTURAL HALL be granted. StatM in any sum up to fifty doatra. The meftibers of the I. O. D. E. Their proiectioa ia wanwordi.dieiranallooat. DUNCAN, B.C. Mr. John Spouse, goverame« were more than delighted at the great school inspector, esrae up on Friday ess which attended their socid THE and the school has been closed down ling in aid of the Red Croas So­ ■ANK AdDlMloii: for the summer holidays two weeks ciety, which was given in the Recrea- eaflier than nstial. presu^bly on go- Pf Adult*. 25 cent*; ChUdfoi. 10 emts. sn hall on Friday last, ^ose in Britisil North AniBiica count of the peculiar state of school large of ^hc ice cream, str^berries, Jtklging begins promptly *t 12:30 TOVoarahi affairs obtaining her at present No . id ether refreshmeou did a roaring A. W. HANHAH, 1 doubt matters will be straighten^ trade, while the provision stdl was DUNCAN BRANCH, out before next term. entirely Sold out before the end of A meeting of the Red Cross Socie^ the evening. was held in the ball last Saturday One-of the chief attraetiont and arraogemenU were made for a le shooting gdlery. where fete to be held in the grounds of the flocked to help “Hang the Kaiaer." MAPLE BAY Riverside Inn next Friday, June 18th. The bdl’s eye of the target was an In the afternoon there will be tennis iron cross, which on being hit and games of various kinds, and in the kaiser Bying to the top there srill be dancing. gibbet The prises were won by Mis* Messra. Stelly and Geiger have very Monk, Mr. C Smith and Master P. HOTEL PRICES FROM 1600 and up. kindly offered to donate the refreah- Dry. ments, consisting of strawberries, ice An excellent mnsied progiamme cream, etc. ss rendered during th evening, con­ RITZ An inforaal dance was held at the ning of violin solos'. Toed, sextette, Riverside Inn last Saturday in honour patriotic, songs, with cborases, in of the officers of H. M. S. Kent. TO LET under the management of which -the Everyone enjoyed hew______g4oBay. OoodwMlvntar Ootfl* Fortlii Henry Fortin mensely, and the hope was generally the weU-known hotel men bte of dl by their really excellent render­ on lot. expresed that the officers of the Kent ing of severd sdeetton* during the $15.00per month aneh. wodd be able to repeat their visit evening. I the lake before resuming their Speeid mention must be mgde of arduous duties at sea. Among those little Roy Jacobson, aged four years, present were also Mr. W. H. Hay ­ whose singing of -“Tipperary" was table~d*bote^ffin^ faj^dt^ ward. M.P.Pn Mr. Henry Croft, l' reaUy wonderful for so small a per- D. 0. McIntyre, and several offici and evoked stonhs ot ap- H. W. DICKIE Free Bn* Meets Train* and Boatt. of H. M. C. S. Shearwater. Otber attraction* word BCONOMY WITH COMFORT UUttESMIBIUI PUI NTR Visitora to the lake this week were .^"’lighting, bran tub, quoits, Hr, Pickthorne, Ll- Com. Redhead. vision* gueuing competitions. IIWESTOIfilUU P. O. Box93 Duncia. V; L B. & wiimOTnitiMii.mi Lt.-Com. Dunn and Lt.-Com. How- Anketell Jones as a Dutch auctioneer mma.wi ard. of H.M.S. Kent; Lt-Com. Han­ -s a decided tnccess, and succeeded $1.50up son, Paymaster Haddon and Assist. i» realising fancy prices. The total ■Mtuoaaao.sntn Taaim Paymaster Kennab, of H. U. C S. Bvopcan Flan-75e per day and op. laca^s amounted to the substantial THE CANADIAN B^K 200ROOMS. 100 BATHS Shearwater; W. H. Hayward, M.P.P., coro of $142110 ...... *i.M Ka nav ur anaawaii Kan Duncan, Hen^ Croft, P. N. Walker, Earlier in the evening a ball game Centrally Located •• ,e« ran ear nr euaoKaN run D. O. McIntyre. H. Ai as played. The teams being a OFCOMMERGR Fort Street, at Dots^ka, ermCM kONgS. »«ewnoa Spouse, C. G. Simpson, H. C. Anstie, scratch Cbemainni against Lady- SIR EDMUND WALKER. CV.O„ LL.D., D.CL„ I VICTORIA. B.C. nm nv*. wmrc raa rotaca Mr. Pitsner, C C. Van Camp. R. A. smidi. thi result being 9 —4 in favour ALEXANDER LAIRD, Qcoeral Manager JOHN AIRD. Amt Oen. Mgr. Bainbridge. J. W. Noble. W. H. La- of Ladysmith. The receipts from tbe CAPITAL. §15,000.000 ______BK8BB VN PTHD. S1S.500.000 ' game were very kindly handed to the treasurer of the I. O. D. E. for the FARHSRS’ BUSINESS Red Cross Society. GEORGE T. MICHEIi lings, J. C. GoodfeUow. Mr. and Mrs. Tbe many friends of Mr. H. E. The Garden John R. Green. R. A. Green, of Vic- Donald will be pleased to bear that Livery and Dray Stable BANKING BY HAIL Pniit, Plants and Flowers COWICHAN STATION etarion*for appendicitis, which be on sale at Market A. Wright and Mr. Bolton, of Dun- derwent at the Jubilee Hospital. Car for hire (night or day) George B. Schmidt and Dr. W. Victoria, on Thursday last ORDER BULBS EARLY F. Luton, of Cheroainus: Miss Norma or withdrawn in this way as satisfactorily a Phone XS8 Mrs. Fetterley has returned to Che- T. Harder, Tacoma, Wash.; E. E. D. iminns after spending a very plr- B. W. C. WTT.TQM— —,-Mnnn^er DUNCAN BRANCH Mn. F. Leather, F.R.H.S,, Wood and coal depot Clarke, Australia; Hr. and Mrs. Ber­ holiday • New We* MEaESlCE. Prompt attention given to all tram Grovesnor Goodhue, Hiss Fran­ Nr*. A. Howe spent the week - end ESQUIMALT' AND RAILWAY TelapbeneEiuS DneanP.O. orders ces and Master Hugh Goodhue, New With her sUeer, Mrs, EHIIingbam, jo York. ’ Victoria. Miss Henry returned on Saturday after visiting friend* to COWICHAN BAT I6.U ALDERLEA ALLMAN & CAVIN ss. Olympic. Capt Hansen, U.*6 arrived at Genoa Bay < bronght to a large boom of logs of ia.ng Parksvllle Jt. lAB. FUILY WICiEia day. 6ih inst., cleared on TI sixteen sections, from Unitm Bay. lWBlmiDa«tLUoBl(sB,W«d.tBdM.cawOra uPIASml AiM«Tew.nms.»d8«.nU*.m.(wVIMscle. . HOTEL kh. with 725.000 feet Captain Bond, of the V. L. ft M. Co.'s tug "Chemainna” left for Vancouver ’ B. STOCK, Proprietor. Ssmwes aw«iality. stock for San Francisco. The steamer was given smart loading, three and a op Monday. ______half days being all tbe time taken to B. C. FawroU. Agent L. D. Cmmutt, Dlst. Faa. Agmrt. BEST WINES AND SPIRITS load her. 8HAWNIOAN LAKE PALACE MEAT MARKET The t*. Wellington, recently over­ 'Die seventh cottsignmeDt of ar- hauled at Union Bay, arrived at noon MeaU at 3 Cowichan Station tijea made by the members of the last Saturday, to take on about 1,300,- TelecAene IL 000 feet for New York. p>.«wni^n Women’s Institute QUAMIOHAN HOTEL, Genoa Bay mill ba* been runnins been forwarded to the Red Cross So­ (DUISCAN, B. C.) ^ full time for the past month and bai ciety in Victoria, for despatch to tbe UCBOaS liN Tracks b been hanging up some record cuts central depot It comprised THE POF-UUAR MOUSE The liest to date is a eut of 140,000 Banne! shirts, S convalescent suits, Tzouhalem Hotel feet in twelve hours. psirs of socks (largely the pro- Pt^Ur Vith Tourists and Otmmerdal Men, for its HwneMk The fishery cruiser Malaspina an­ Noted for its t of “Sock Day" at Cobble HUI comforts, excellent meals, and extenrive sample rooms. chored off CovcMiaa Bay wharf on Shawnigan Lake), 'two pairs of Sunday night. She left on Monday- wristleu, one pair of slippers, 60 rol­ Fine Wines and Spirits Many have mistaken ' her for the ler bandages, with which were en­ Shearwater, her build being similar closed the product of the “Old Linen” The following is from a .distance. shower held by the Cobble HiU Red Many people are arriviug at the Croas work parties orgaala^ by the ty to camp or take up tbeir sum.- Insthnte jnembert. EXCEPTIONAL VALUE er residences and enjoy the cool This eoniisted of 8 sheets, 16 pil- Enc istry b7 oslnR only breeze* across the bay. Most of the THE CALEDONIAN UQUEUR WHISKY iw slips. 5 towels, 5 taUe cloths, 10 boat bouses are already rented. tny dotfai. 80 handkerchiefs. -ISO c COWICHAN BtTTER at ILOO per bottle, blended and Lbck attends some of tbe anglers, cover*. ISO wash cloths, 1,100 mirath and. tom the milk of toted coWB. ASedlotel, toe from bottled in SCOTLAND .jme three pound trout ^d young wipes, 7 fiannel bandages. 2 nighi saljnon being caught thii week. shirts, 2 day shirts, and foroenutior pramrvative dnn«. ______Sold every»lmre. by the well known blenders of King George Liqueur Whuky. The road work near tbe Buena SsMcls. Thanks to tbe funds Also eentiy collected tbe weekly output of work can continue on the part of to- rente! Ur. T- A. Dund.,- home lor fdtn'e members. few weeks. Mrs. NevUl Armstrong tl .for Mr.E. F. Roberuon, thelee expert, CifwiMotorBMt England >n Wednesday, as her hns- is building a residence for himself — band wiU shortly be foUowiag her his property. and Repair Works when tbe 48.♦8 th Bai._Battalion . led^ The Misses Clarke have returaed Ur. W. E. Scott. Victoria, writes Hri. from ihdr vUit to Cowichan Lake. Ihst the total amonnt subscribed by Where they had a most succeatful tbe Farmers’ and Women's Inititutes towaids the Institutes’ Patriotic,fund fishing expedition. A FINE CLARET Is $1948.55. Up to January I2th to« Mr. “Jack" AUk^* for Eng ­ Zhtfandel, bottled by M. de la Conre, Bordeanx, France, per qL 55c. land on Satnr^ to order to try and $4,350.65. bad. bten gWetw ,01 ^ The aBevt Bass are ant bottled-ben, ttiv «N fct a billet to the motor transport £500 was'given to the Belgmn Relief £3911*: 5d; » the Frtoce of cot^ in Prance. . ' Genuine Case Goods Miss Thompson and a friend .have

■'fe June 17th, 1915. THE CfOWICHAN LEADER

Four-Piece Glass Table Sets

Grocery Bulletin Sununer Comforts 65 cents G>mpare Our Prices At Reduced Prices Two only Bon Ami OU Stoves at Very Special Prices to Clear. Saturday Only Just at the commencement of the warm weather comes this remarkable offer on oor remaining stock of Bon Ami'Oil Stoves. Only two left snd we wish to get rid of them at once, hence the

to be b«d here, stncertly good Mticlet^itsudard brsndi—correctly One only, galvanized i^on ice box, nicely grained in imitation of priced. No epumodic prices, but ewiy srtide ii priced to give the FOR CASH oal^ special reduced price ...... SAM beetYslne. Compere them. One only, oak refrigerator, special rcdneed price ...... $UJ0 On' Satarday we wOl sdl lor eaah at die tmlieard ol price ol 65c. good quality pressed glaai table acts, conatatiDg of 900& bolder, Ralcteti'a Cocoa. %i-Xb csna - ...... 30® covered sogar bowl and covered boner dish. Ba^ worth tt.25. Saturday only, in the Glassware Section on the gallery, per set of Men’s White. Flannel and SSSS^^E:;e;;;;;;e;S Serge Pants STRONGLY UNDERPRICED TO REDUCE STOCK. Fine quality white flannel pants, made by Welsh. Margetson Co„ of London, our regular $4.50 seller, reduced to...... $3.50 Same as above in white serge, $5.00 value, now...... $3.75 65c . CREPE AND TAPPBTA SKIRTS FOR LESS. -

Ltoj J,J«. pto». „,b ...... :...... «c TIN TOP Hen's white wool taSeta shirts, n JELLY GLASSES Early Summer aearance Prices Two ttylea. per doi...... SOe B C. TotMtoea, per tia ...... Siogapore AU-Briiish Pmeapplc, 1-Ib tma, three lor...... »c Good quality pressed glass tumblers, de^ pattern, especially good for jellies, per dozen...... Wc on Cool Footwear .ii'i;^:::;::::::;:::; y. a regulai . . We Have a Mail Order Department Ladies' white buckskin pumps, excellent style and quality, a regu ­ lar $4.00 pump, now, per pair...... $2. f?gslS®s^E'S2>$ At Your Service

Cowichaii Merchants, Ltd.

ough knowledge of French and Ger­ are certain to win through to a glori ­ . KioneSl ' P;a'B THaphona 1S3 goes welL Inspiring Message to J. Blackstoek D. Blaclcttock Front Street, near McKinnon's Ranch On Saturday, at Beaver Point, Mrs. will do his duty. ” SALT 8PB1NG ISLAND H. Ruckle and Mrs. A. Ruckle gave Allied Troops One Cowichan officer was killed The Red Cross stall made.a record garden party to raise money for id another wounded dnring the ANDREW CHISHOLM HAPPY HOLLOW FARM landing operations. last Saturdsy when the snm of $32,70 patriotic purposes. The day was pro- The following special force order, CeucRte WoA Contractor B. W. BXVAV, Png. mod the event most success- was taken. This now brings the total issued by General Sir Ian Hamilton, M «l Swtk: Tank! sad suariw FOR SALE fi^, as was to be expected. It is un­ on April 2U:. 1915. to the troops Registered Jerseys and to $70.20. It is a great achievement derstood that the amount realized Chunber Spanlela for such a small district and great (some zixty-seven dollars) it der bis eommand at the Dardanelles Cow Quality credit ia doe to the members of the bsnded to the local chapter of the ,, reminiscent of the annals of the J. U. Can^hcU O.CBra; Ganges diapter lor the business-like L O. D. E. for Red Cross purposes. I p.*,, „hieh adorn the pages of H. CORNET way in which everything hae been British history. How to Lower Cost of CITY CYCLE WORKS carried out "Soldere of France and the Kingl ' Front St Congratulationa to Mr. and Mrs. F. TBBnS ISLAND "Before us lies an adventure unpre Milk Production ■wgaah and^^to Crdtt mad A. WaU on the birth ol a daughter News has been received from A D. cedeuted in modem war. Together P. O. Boa W DUNCAN. B. C laat week. Jansoa,who has been terribly ill vriib with onr comrades of the Fleet we a In many dairy sections in Canadait Bapain n Spedidty A chapel dedicated to the Holy is quite possible, judging from official WILLIAM R. BURGESS Ghost, was blessed by Father Cori< figures, tc find a herd of cows pro­ XLXCTSICAL CONTRACTOR CITY' CIGAR STORE raad. S.M.M., of Saanich, at Vesuvius but he has taken a turn for the bet- been vaunted by onr enemica as im- Estimates Fsmished S. Wright, Pro^ Bay, SaltSail Spring Island,Island. on Pentecost and wOI shortly be invalided back pregnable. The landing will be made ducing milk at a feed cost of only Promptly TOBACCO Sunday. For decades to England. good by the help of God and the sixty-two cents, or less, per hundred priests, on their missionary tours. pounds, while on a farm two miles Tolapbhaa M. Cigaia Cigarettes Mr. Janson left here in Anguit, and y; the positions will be stormed, FnmtSttMt. DUNCAN, B. C. have been in the habit of celebrating for the last sue months has been the war brought one step nearer away, milk costs perhaps ninety cents the Divine Mysteries in one of the working for the French Red Cross in glorious close. or more, per hundred pounds for feed. - J. L. BIRD rooms of Mr. E. J. Bittancourt's bos- the Vosges, running an ambulance Remember,' said Lord Kitchener, And on that farm where milk costs LAND SURVEYOR. piubl-: home. The Idnd-hearted an when bidding adieu to your command­ more, msy often be foui^d some dairy FLUMBm^-jmCiMnNO AND t has now erected er. 'Remember, once you set foot upon —luisilcs, such as pure bred dairy J. B. GHEBH. aC*US. chapel in honour, and under the invo­ e, good ensilage, etc. .Other re­ KUPBR ISLAND the Gallipoli Peninsula, you must Offices in Victoria and Duncan cation of the Holy Ghost, towards fight the thing through to a finish.' quisites may be lacking, well rounded Telepbooe 1(H Duncan. whom aO Portuguese foster a ipecial A dramatic and a “The v ' ole world will be watching dairy judgment, cow quality. devotion. roent will be given on Friday, 2Sth ir r-egre Let os prove ourselves Solid and lasting success is atuined R.& ANDERSON A SON The ceremony was enhanced by iast, at Kuper Island acbools, nndci wo.thy of i great feat of both easier and quicker by the intelli­ A. KRNNINGTON the pretence of the children of the gent use of dairy re^rds, this is just PLUMBINQ < the management of Mr.-Arthur Legge trusted to us. sense selection of paying R^EMateand ~'.nper Island Industrial School, who WDlis in aid of the overseas tobacco Each man .1 so received the follow­ Heating and Sheet Metal laeurance _t all times, ocenpy a warm spot in ing personal note from Major-Gener­ cows, instead of the indiscrimimte Woricera boarding of "just cows." The indi- OSeea- Mr. Bittancourt's heart, who recipro­ The following Udies and'gentlemen al Aylmer Honter-Weston, CB., Fboaea 5» and 12$ vidtial cow of good promise is qnick- Cowlehaa 'twioB and Cobblt Hm cated the old gendeman's kmdncss by are kindly giving their assistance: D.S.O.. on the occasion of their first and unerringly spotted by the use ng a selection of hymns sppro- Meadames Legge WPlit. Randle Bar­ priste to the occasion. It is to be simple dairy records and fed for WM. DOBSON BAT8TONB ft BAUNDBRS, rington Foote. Vera and Audrey Major-General < hoped that Mr. Bittanconrt will be s the Division < better production at less cost; while Proctor. Nellie Wniis. Mesara. antique souvenir, useless as a Dnnean, B. C spared many a year yet to pray snd Pooley, Randle Btrington Foote, selected for an enterprise the success profit-maker, is beefed because tbe worship in the chapel of the Holy and Mr. and Mrs. BurcheU, of Thetis. of whiehi wfil have a decisive eSeet Fbone-ldS. Ghost on the war. The eyes of the world lacks ability to produce milk at a First Clasa Wo^ at Working Rates. The play to be presented will be Ret. Phone RI34 are upon os and your deeds will live reasonable cost for feed. "Niobe all Smiles.” The entertain­ The man who raises his own calves SOUTH SALT SPRING ment will take place in the gymna- in history. To us now is'given nn LUMBBR can take quick strides in building up The very many frienda of Mr. C C ahim, by the kind permission of oppi ly of avenging our friends D.E.KERR Mma TOa, Camant, Coal a good herd, for he keeps only his Hedges will be interested to leant Father Superior Lemans. CnrUin at' and relatives who have fallen in I France and Flanders. Our comrades best cows and knows jnst what he has FARMBRB’ BUFPLIB8 that he eiqieeU to be at the front in 8 o'clock. got. The man who sells, often tells h month. Early itf the war be gave As_ Mr._ A. W. is there willingly gave their lives in L O. O. F. BmMtag, Phom 113 KNOX BROS. bis best cows for a song (this is the np his post here to "do his bit" in resident of ThetU Island and has thousands and lens of thoossitds for DIUCUI, B. C. . TtL 31 Dnci pUin history of some world-champion the firing line, but is only now within been at tbe front since October Isst, our king and country, and by tbeir rcaidents feel that they cannot do glorious courage and dogged tenacity cows) just because he does not know FOR SALE of his goal. what good cow quality he has. Dairy better than send ‘smokes’ to bis regi- they defeated the invaders and broke joined the 5th ■Garrison A. aiery in records would have informed him. Victoria—the only regiment requiring It—the llth^Hossara. A matter of ten minntes per cow per at that tiiUe — and, though be month spent in recording will pat sur­ R. h: whidden, qnlddy got his first step in promo­ be heavy loases, by buUets, by sbells, by prising, most illuminating, results be­ PbonaR-74 P.O.BeaMl tion, seemed no nearer France. Another '^ee“ or two will fore any herd owner, iadicathre of completion ot a new wire fenceice ...... minea, by drowning. But if each man So be has now joined the CA.M.C great poaaibilities at present dormsnt KWOHOBANO, $100 IN CASH and ia at Vernon for a month. Here around the chnreh and cemetery____ atatjfeeli feels, as it, true, that on him Indiridu- The old'ally, however small, or however greai in fats dairy cows^ F. W. Given away he met Dr. Beech, who is evidently a great Mvonrite with his men. It is fence was badly rotted. Mr. F. H.jbis task, rest tbe success or the taH- safe to prophecy that Mr. Hedge) Maitlsnd-Dougall U supplying the nre of the Expedition, ind, therefore, ORILL CAFB will gbt on nearly as rapidly as hii pom for the new fence, the labour the honour of the Empire and the Market bunding on friesda would like, in which his thor- is given gratis also. j welfare of hU own folk at home, we 23rd. . THEUCOWICHAN LEADER - June 17th,11915.'

worked wonders.- In spite of paralleled difficulties, they have For Rd Gross ^ ...... >..S.-t«at»ier . -^ertphose 39 ‘ H. W. Bevaa emam Ccadtr arranged for the importation into Belgium Of food worth molt than H*rt t»aU th4 Preu tkt firefU's ngU £i8.0X).000. M Pasfe Ii,oboio Uuama ty. imfimtmu aad mabriitd They have not hitherto appeal- Leather& B6van d to the United Kingdom for -More Needed ^ Htrt patriot 7V«/* ktr ghriout prt- that neutrals S.S2SS:‘s ttpitam. as far as possible, make ■...... PUdgtd to XoHcioa. Liberty aad tn. their appeal elsewhere. BiIritish Joupb Story. A. D., 1779- ...... helped the ....,, „ Americans in generously provid­ Branch Offices^- ing funds. Such a limitation is Cowichan Bay. B. C. Duncan, B. C ,>aiaira-{..'as.!rei.s‘.rfe no longer possible. Mr. Hoover, Bk-““ the.chairman of the Commission, Bt’CU SAVAGE. Uu^K E

, Maianders RING UP — Port Alberul is having its o*.n' WHAT IS HAPPENING EVERY DAY trouble* anent the pound bylaw and epforcemnL Tbe city councU Duncan Electrical Dept 'Scently rtsblved to take proceeding* agatost all owaera who allow animals D. CAMERON, Btoctridan. to ma at large during the uighl Uac In reference to this aAocal rhyme ­ ster send* the foUowing to the Port A Phone Order Albemi News. It may be of « in North Cowlchan at'this jemetnre. Qulom..: Plmc, CaWA 8l'« ■»« ««• Vo-* ’* Tbe RetntB'Of My Neifhbour’a Cow. Do You Intend Building Halo, I. Ua. Hipy S? 1 (The Pound Bylaw baa been McKay ’s Spednl Scotch at $1,25 a bottle r trtiat their war price waa—$1J0 a bottle am^). , than buy it at the hotel because I remei A year or more ha* passed away and you had only Since last I wrote about it. to^laoor^. I thought the cow had gen* to stay Lombdr and labour ere down ia price—better bniU NOW. One Price A Fair Price In fact I did not doubt it. Derigu nod ettUmtet fanflahed. Victoria Price My heart was feeling blithe and gay Well was my garden doing. and 1 know I dull alwaya be able to buy at the saou price from you But DOW 1 find that every day Bidldi.,! Co-y^ They loose four-legged rum. It Will Never bo Up—War or No War Tis true the cow keeps better hours And stays at home at night, ' But how can dahlias and snsflowen Roch s Family Wine and Spirit House Thrive by electric light? I DUNCAN COAL, D^PQ Front Street, DnseaB, B.a All*, 'til only worms and wcMs OpmtiU 11p.m. That have noct^ habits, .. So 1 shall tell my pUnts find seeds I And start to kccpfdg rabb^ ] p.o.n>i. UORTICUS iCJlim \