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WE ARE PROMPT it yon want an totpresa, Truck or Wellington Coal Dray, phone us. PACIFIC TRANSFER CO. Hall A Walker 737 Cormorant. Phones 248 and 249. ttttM 1222 Government St .phone 22 BAGGAGE STORED NO. 2 l VOL. 43. VICTORIA, B. C., THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1913 MISS WILSON 13TH INTENDED TD LEAVE ACQUISITION OF CANADIAN NORTHERN SERVIA TO DECLARE UN FOR LAUTERBACH WfllT™B8E 0NE MILLION TONES bailway i1Y DCIMINIION GO VERM[Ml8N r 161IINST BULGARIA President's Second Daughter King Peter and Premier Pach- New York Lawyer Who Fig Lacty Sackville Gives Evidence to Marry Francis B, Sayre itch Left Belgrade This ured in Lamar's Testimony in the Scott Wi!* During Present Year CANADIAN NORTHERN Morning for Uskup Not on Hand Case British Financial Interests Concerned in Lines and Provincial Governments Are Behind Request That the Completion MERGER STATEMENT Washington, D. C„ July I.—Presi of the Coas| to Coast Transportation Undertak The merger statement of the C. N. R. ROUMANIAN ARMY ANTI-TRUST LEAGUE dent Wilson's declaration that the gen THREATENED TO REVOKE ing of Mackenzie & Mann Shall Become main and affiliated lines Is as follows: erally supposed hoodoo •'ll” was his Guaranteed by Dominion of Canada, TO BE MOBILIZED MAN GIVES EVIDENCE lucky number and always had been, WILL ON ANY PRETEXT — Dominion Work $68,043,260. was recalled by society to-day in con Province of Manitoba, $24,110,546. nection with the announcement of the Province of Saskatchewan, $8,080,000. Province of Alberta, $6,586,665. Circumstantial.Reports of De Declines Names of Members engagement ' of Miss Jessie Wilson, The Millionaire Promised Her SUDDEN JOURNEY TO LONDON OF MINISTER Province of British Columbia, $16,- second daughter of the president and feat Are Issued by Ser Because Trusts Would Then 490,000. ? Mrs. Wilson, to Francis B. Sayre, of Houses Near Paris and in OF FINANCE SAID TO BE DUE TO MAHER Province of Ontario. 17,860,000. vians and Greeks Smash Them Lancaster. Pa. The influence of the These figures make a total of guar president’s lucky “II,” It Is believed, * !-,hnn at His Death anteed securities of $120,120,461. tends to the entire Wilson family. For Of securities» not guaranteed the Miss Wilson, engaged in 1112 and to Ottawa, July S.—Thè acquisition of the Canadian Northern system main Canadian Northern Interests have as KNEW OF FRAUDS IN become a bride in 1113, will be the line and branches in every province of Canada, by the Dominion government, follows : CASUALTIES HEAVIER “lSth” White House bride. The first CALLED THEM LOCUSTS will be considered at a conference in Ottawa late in the summer or early in Four per cent, debenture stock, $48,- wedding in the White House was dur 484,880; income stock, $25,000,000; the autumn. A conference of provincial representatives has already been ar THAN REPORTS STATE ARMOR PLATE CONTRACTS ing the Madison administration, when BUT ALWAYS CHARMING equipment bonds, $32,086,488. land in 1811 Miss Lucy Payne Washington ranged. It was originally intended that the chief matter to be considered was grant bonds, $7,000,000; Ontario four became the wife of Judge Todd of that of federal representation and Dominion aid. However, an intimation has per cent, debenture stock, $11,473,641; Kentucky. Miss Washington was a London, July 3.—War is to bo de W&shtnghton, D. C., July 3.-*-Edward been received of an Informal character from some of V-e provincial govern Quebec debenture stock, $5.814,660; sister of Mrs. Madison and In the fol London, July 3.—The “fight for the Quebec bonds, $1,506,760; Western clared by Servie against Bulgaria at Sauterbach, the New York lawyer who lowing year Mrs. Madison gave up the ments and from British financial interests asking that the question of taking millions," the suit in which the rela Railway four per cent, bonds, $2,800,- Uskup, for which place King Peter and White House for the wedding of a over the Canadian Northern companies and completing the system ffom coast flgurea In David Lamar's impersona tives of the late John Murray Scott are 009; Duluth, Winnipeg and Pacific cousin, Miss Anna Todd. bonds, $6,627,666*. Canadian Northern Premier Pachiteh departed from Bel tions of congressmen in telephone talks endeavoring to have pronounced In to coast should also be dealt with. Weddings followed after that in the Montreal tunnel and terminal, $2,676,- grade this morning, aoeerding to the With New York financiers, was not on It Is understood that the Dominion government is willing to take up this Monroe and Adams administrations valid on account of alleged Undue In Exchange Telegraph Company. The hand to-day as trie Senate lobby com until President Jackson set the record problem and that it will probably, constitute the most Important Item on the <SThis makes the total of unguaran fluence the will by which he left the proclamation will state that Bervia has mittee expected when It resumed tak for nuptials under official auspices. bulk of the fortune of $6,009,000 to programme at the forthcoming conference, where premiers and other members teed securities $145,869,161 and thè During his regime three weddings were been provoked by Bulgaria to declare ing testimony. Lady Sackville, was resumed to-day of provincial governments, the premier and other representatives of the federal grand’ total of outstanding securities Henry B. Martin, of a so-called solemnized. The last wedding was war. government, and representatives of British bond-holders will be assembled. $866,499,618. •‘anti-trust'' league here, was calletMo that of Mias Alice Roosevelt to Nicho in the Probate, Divorce and Admlrifity be examined on Lamar’s statement that las Longworth, of Ohio, in 1908. Court. The audience, composed large At the present time the Canadian Northern has Its main line and branches Bucharest, July 3.—King Charles or The only president to be married In after he had drawn a resolution for a ly of women, including several wives constructed or under construction in every province excepting Prince Edward REPORT IS NOT DENIED dered the general mobilization of the congressional Investigation of the the White House waa President Cleve of cabinet ministers and Judges, as Island and New Brunswick. Both the federal and the provincial governments IN OFFICIAL CIRCLES Roumanian army to-day. United States Steel Corporation he land, who married Miss Frances Fol have given large measures of aid to the Canadian Northern In the form of cash gave the resolution to Martin, who In som there in 1880. v. ell as other notable persons, filled turn induced Representative Stanley, every seat In the room. subsidies, bond guarantees and land grants. Cenferanc Between Cenedien North London, July 8.—Accounts of the of Kentucky, to Introduce It In the WOULD DECLARE JULY Lady Sackville returned to the wit There Is a growing feeling on the part of some of the provinces and some ern Officiele and Members of fighting between fermer Balkan allies House. ness’ stand and. under direct exam of the British interests concerned that the owners of the Canadian Northern, in Cabinet Were Held. In Macedonia coming from the various Before Martin was called, Lewis Cass NINETEENTH DAD’S DAY Ledyard, attorney for J. P. Morgan A ination by Sir Edward Carson, her view of the very generous measures of assistance which have been granted capitals of the nations concerned are counsel, resumed her account of her Ottawa, July 8,-Whlle the minister» conflicting. Company, who had testified yesterday Telegrams Sent From Seattle to them, should not object to a reasonable proposal for the transfer of their rail as to Lamar drawing the steel trust friendship with the baronet. She said way Interests to government control. The plans have not been finally worked who atilt remain In the capital do not The Servians an'’ Greeks are issuing resolution, resumed the stand for a Washington for Declaration on circumstantial reports of the defeat of it was in the spring of 1900, while she out, and the proposition which will be made to the Canadian Northern authori credit the report that the government moment to testify that his information Potlatch Feature. and the baronet were driving together, eerlouely contemplates taking over the the Bulgarian troops, while the latter on that point came from Lamar and ties will not be perfected until the conference takes place. state Just as emphatically that they are that Sir John first told her of his In O. N. R. system, the etory le not denied Lauterbacb. mission or other form of management, advancing toward Salonica, which- Is In Seattle, July 3.—President Woodrow tention to leave her $1,000,000. He told However, it Is understood that some and seems to have come fr*n a well- Senators gave Martin a lively exam in which the provinces and their inter the possession of the Greeks, and at the Wilson has been requested to declare her that now his mother was dead. of the provinces at least feel that while informed source. The rumor was men ination In an effort to disclose what the ests will be represented by men of their same time against the Servians along July 1* “Dad's Day," and Congress Lady Sackville had taken a great place tioned In American newspapers ae far “anti-trust league" was and who com the Dominion government, having own selection. A Joint board is not the whole line. man Will E. Humphrey has been ask In his life and that he was going to ;k aa two weeks ago, and several posed it.