AND COWICHAN NEWS Devoted to the Mining and Agricultural Interests of Vancouver Island, Texada Island, and Coast Mainland Districts
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IU Crofton Gazette AND COWICHAN NEWS Devoted to the Mining and Agricultural Interests of Vancouver Island, Texada Island, and Coast Mainland Districts. VOL.. 1. CROFTON, 13. C, THURSDAY, MAY 1, 1902. NO. 10 VANCOUVER ISLAND DEVELOPMENT. gold placer diggings, with a view to working them more economically as one property. T this season of the year prospecting parties are fitting Further north again at Quatsino Sound coal mining has out to search for precious and other metals in every long been a remunerative industry, and (besides this copper- A part of the country. In no part of the province—of gold ores are nowr being literally hewn in solid masses out of Ihe whole American continent, be it said—have they a more the mountains in the same district. From Cape IScott in the promising field than in Vancouver Island. The development furthest north, to Goldstream and iSooke, in the far south, of this Island wherever it has been seriously undertaken at mineral discoveries have or are daily ibeing made. Taking all has made giant strides. On Mount Sicker, where Mr. the whole Island, wherever it has been scratched it yields Henry ICroft has led the way, the result already is a daily copper, iron or gold. And of its coal, the extensive mines nt output of 200 tons of copper-gold ore from the Lenora mine Union, at Wellington and at Extension have now been worked alone. The neighbouring Tyee; mine is preparing to ship ore profitably for years and would seem to be inexhaustible, the to the smelter being erected at Ladysmith. Numerous other mines in the Comox district especially producing the best steam mining properties are in various stages of development, and coal in the world next to that of Cardiff, and coal moreover many of them will be shipping ore this year. At Crofton, particularly valuable for coking purposes. The coal industry thanks also to Mr. Henry Croft's initiative, with tho co- in these regions carried on by the Hon. James Dunsmuir and THE FIRST STEP IN DEVELOPMENT : PROSPECTORS STARTING OUT. operation of Messrs. Breen, Bellinger and Fotheringham, the the Union and New Vancouver Coal Companies, is perhaps the great smelting syndicate, a smelter plant is being constructed greatest on the Island at present. But it is not alone in these of a capacity to treat any amount of ore tha* may be offered districts that this mineral lias been found. Coal seams have to it. Numerous claim-holders in the neighbouring Mount also been discovered at many points on tlie West Coast, as Sicker, Mount Brenton and Mount Richards districts, who well as at Quatsino Sound and on several of the islands that have been awaiting cheap facilities for treatment of their lie contiguous to the east coast of Vancouver Island. The ores, are now preparing to expedite development work on their large developments already made in coal mining, giving employ properties with a view to early shipments of ore to the new ment to many thousands of miners, may yet turn out to b» smelter. The outlook in these districts is consequently very but the small beginnings of this industry. There are stib bright indeed. But it is not only in the Mount Sicker district enormous tracts of country that have never been prospected that the prospect is rosy. Excellent mining prospects have for any mineral. Then, again, the lumbering and agricultural been found in the neighbouring Malahat mountains, and here developments of the island, as yet in their Infancy, are already is the nucleus of yet another great mining district. At Cowi large. The timber of the Cowichan Valley and the interior chan Lake the mineral discoveries of recent years are now of the llsland especially is famous for its size and durability, being proved to be rich and genuine. From Alberni, notwith and its limits are enormous and in themselves indeed almost standing the closing doAvn of the Hnyes mine, reports of the a world's supply. The fertile agricultural belts at the south mineral industry are excellent On the Jordan and Gordon end of the Island, and in and around the beautiful Cowichan rivers quiet but steady progress in prospecting is being made. Valley, at Alberni and Comox, and the Nitinat region, and in At Alberni a large 'American syndicate is amalgamating the the far north «t Cape Scott, have been cultivated just far THE CROFTON GAZETTE AND COWICHAN NEWS. enough to show how much further this development might be found along the banks of a creek. A great deal of excite carried. The soil is rich, and fruits, cereals, vegetables and ment has been caused by this new strike, and the Scandinavian roots, hay and grasses are prolific crops, and cattle, sheep and colony appears in consequence to have suddenly changed its hog-re.'ring is successfully engaged in. The Cowichan dis location temporarily, if not permanently. trict indeed has its creamery, an invaluable and profitable institution, but its outnut might yet be doubled or trebled in this rich district. And shall not all the other agricultural THE YREKA COPPER CO. AT QUATSINO SOUND. districts mentioned also have their creameries, and not only those, but fruit and vegetable and meat canneries as well! The Canadian Pacific Navigation Company are somewhat AH must come in time. The yearning, hungry cry of this perturbed to find that their steamer, the Queen City, is actu Island is for development In the first instance, better trails, ally unable to ship the large quantity of ore that the Yreka good roads and more railways through the country are wanted. Copper Co. propose sending round the coast from Quatsino Victorians, merchants and others, with one or two exceptions, Sound to be smelted at Tacoma, pending the blowing in ot seem to have contracted a habit of looking beyond the the Crofton smelter. The steamer Tees is consequently to colossal resources and chances of profitable business and in be placed on the West Coast route for one trip towards the vestment that lie at their very door. They reach out to end of this •month. The Yreka company will then have about Alaska and the Mainland to compete for trade which others 700 tons of ore ready for shipment. Ore bins and a floating are often iu a far better position to secure, and meanwhile wharf are being built on the southeast arm of Quatsino the resources of their own island remain, partially recognized Sound, under Comstock Mountain. The mines are distant indeed, but seemingly altogether undervalued. Half a dozen about five furlongs from this point, and an aerial tramway transcontinental railway lines coming into Victoria will not will soon connect them with salt water. The fourteen houses make that city the real terminus of any one of them, or pro- which Messrs Gwin and Clarke took up with them on the i.w.t.t /......I. hit1 j.t' flu-, tixuln .11111 nvnanniiitii flint nan 1 Queen Citv had to be tumbled overboard to swim ashore; but by the" time the Tees goes up the floating wharf will prob ably be completed, and landing facilities will be made. The ore' is at present being quarried out of a mountain of rock, permanent prosperity. like building stone, and if it continues in quantity like this, the C. P. N. Co.'s freight steamers from Skagway will be run down the West Coast to ship it. Notwithstanding these de velopments, however, Capt. Troup, superintendent of the MINING NEWS. C. P. N. Co., states that owing to the circuitous and danger ous route and the far scattered settlements on this coast, it is impossible to run a regular boat at a profit unless with the THE ILE NORA-MOUNT SICKER MINING CO. assistarce of a subsidy from the Government. At the in ORK is going ahead at the Lenora mine. The new stance of the Victoria .Board of Trade, 'Senator Templeman is 90 horse-power boiler is being bricked. The five-drill now recommending a small subsidy for this service to be W compressor plant, from Cornwall, its daily expected. granted by the Dominion Government. The foundations are already laid. The installation of the sorting machinery will be completed this week A hoist will also within a few days be erected in No. 2 tunnel—to be run by compressed air. This is for the purpose of hoisting ore MR. W. M. BREWER AT CROFTON. between tunnels Nos. 2 and 3, and also for work in the double- R WILLIAM M. iBREWER, M. Inst. M. E., whose eoinpnrtinent shaft which the company are sinking to a depth name has long been identified with the progress and of 200 to 300 feet below No. 3 tunnel. encouragement of the mining interests of this prov Mince, has associated himself with the Northwestern 'Smelting & Refining Co., and will bring his knowledge and experience THE TYEE MINING CO. to bear in procuring ores for the Crofton smelter. Mr. Brewer is also the well-known correspondent for British Columbia of This company have struck in their east drift at the 120- the Engineering & Mining Journal, of New York, and with a feot level the sanio ore body that they have at higher levels. view to writing a paper on the new smelter for that influential The ledge is 0 feet in width of good pay ore. Mr. William publication, he last week paid a lengthy visit to Crofton and Gardner, of London, the secretary of this company, arrived thoroughly inspected the work that is proceeding, as also the in the district on Monday last and is staying with Mr.