Transnational co-operation projects of spatial planning in the Saxon-Czech-Polish border area: ED-C III Via Regia - Objectives and Results

Andreas Kühl Saxon State Ministry of the Interior (SMI)

Project part-financed by the European Union

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 2 Structure ƒ Part A: ED-C III Via Regia as brickstone within Saxon international development initiatives within the INTERREG framework - Overall Goal: to develop a Second European economic core area

- Transnational co-operation - series of Projects ƒ Part B: ED-C III Via Regia: - Motivation - Partners - Structure - Results ƒ Part C: Outlook on the upcoming activities - Via Regia plus - Euregia 2008

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 3 Situation economic development - one economic core (GDP absolute 2000)

One central economic core

• on 20% of the area of the EU • live 40% of the EU inhabitants • producing 50% of the GDP of the EU

BIP absolut in Mio. Euro 242.000 145.000


Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 4 Trends of development Economy – Regional GDP/capita 2000

Quelle: EUROSTAT, eigene Berechnungen

Very different level of GDP in old and new EU member states.

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 5 Trends of development Economy – Development GDP/capita 1995-2000

Quelle: EUROSTAT, eigene Berechnungen

Above-average GDP increases can be expected for the regions in the new member states which will accelerate the catching up-process.

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 6 Re-positioning of European Regions after EU enlargement

EU enlargement • Regions with additional 75 Mio. inhabitants have joined the EU • Large distances to the core are („blue banana“)

• Coping with regional disparities

• High economic growth rates in the new meber states

• High costs for the extension of the infrastructure east-west

ESDP (European Spatial Development Programme) The creation and strengthening of several dynamic areas of integration in the world economy is an important instrument for the acceleration of the economic development in Europe.

Development of a second core area of economic growth after EU enlargement

• 60 Mio. inhabitants • 8 European capitals • Well educated workforce • Re-orientation of the flows of traffic

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 7 Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 8 Average rail travelling speed along the Via Regia

100 100 90 80 86 90 95 70 89 80 60 81 78 50 70 52 51 71 40 69 60 30 37 20 58 50 54 10

km/h 0 40 41 Er f u r t - Er f u r t - Er f u r t - Er f u r t - 30 34 Dr e s de n Wroclaw Kr ak ow Lviv 20 10 0 E J L D L W K K T R r e eip re eg a ra a z f n r rn es u a s n o to k r -L z d c w o o zo t- ig en ic la w w J e - a-W w ice -R w e ip D -L -T n r -K - a ze -L a zi es e r K g g o a rak rn s vi d nic c to ow z v e la w o o n a w ic w w e

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 9 Motivation Transnational cooperation along the „Via Regia“

Same problem – one common Similar problems – similar solutions: solution: • Regional planning • Rail-link Berlin – Silesia – • Inter-city cooperation Wroclaw • Urban renewal • Transport infrastructure PL - SK • Derelict rail-infrastructure • Transport infrastructure PL - UA • Regional Transport problems • Touristic roads • … • Establishment of „Via Regia“ as a „European Brand“

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 10 Project Objectives

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 11 Historic European Route “Via Regia”

Novohrad- Volyns'kyj Kiew Großenhain Legnica Rivne # Wroclaw # # # # # # # # # Opole # # Rzeszow Zytomyr # Görlitz # Katowice # Je na Dresden # # # Mainz # # # Brody # # L'viv Reim s Frankfurt Krakow Tarnów # Przem ysl # # Paris # Saarbrucken Metz # Tours# Orleans

# Poitiers Santiago de Com postela # Bordeaux

# Legende # Dax

# # León ## PEK III Burgos Pam plona Logrono Via Regia Detail Erfurt - L‘viv

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 12 Transport Corridors

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 13 Project Partners

PP No. Institution Country Short name PP 1 LP Free State of Saxony, Ministry of the Interior DE SMI PP 2 Joint Spatial Planning Department of Berlin and Brandenburg DE GLBB PP 3 Ministry of Building, Construction and Traffic of Thuringia DE TMBV PP 4 City of Cottbus DE Cottbus PP 5 Senate Department for Urban Development Berlin DE SenStadt PP 6 City of Dresden DE Dresden PP 7 Office of the Marshal of the Dolnośląskie Voivodship PL UMWD PP 8 Podkarpackie Voivodship PL UMWP PP 9 Municipality of Wrocław PL Wroclaw PP 10 Municipality of Opole PL Opole PP 11 City of Rzeszów PL Rzeszow PP 12 Kłodzko County Office PL Klodzko PP 13 Ústí Region CZ Ust-Kr PP 14 Pardubice Region CZ KraPa PP 15 Agency for the support of regional development Košice SK RDA-Kos PP 16* Lviv Polytechnical National University UA Lviv Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 14 Project Area and Location of Project Partners

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 15 Work Packages and Activities - Results

Set-up of working Steering Group, Progress reports, Financial management WP 1 structures Project coordination and public Corporate design Folder Website Final conference relations Guidelines Poster @ Brochure

Data Maps and data for dissemination of results WP 2 management Analysis of conditions Initial for regional Regional analysis analysis development

Development of Development Development Development intersecting transport corridors WP 3 scenarios D-CZ scenarios D-PL scenarios PL-SK-UA Development Assessment Assessment Assessment Development strategy of scenarios of scenarios of scenarios strategy

Urban Urban Common WP 4 workshop workshop results Node cities and Integration of urban rail systems Development of railway stations metropolitan areas Integration of urban and corridor development

WP 5 East - information highway Development of North-South relations Preparation of Integration of regional rail systems Development of touristical routes investment measures

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 16 European Development Corridor III Via Regia

ƒ 51.9 Mio inhabitants ƒ 404,453 sqkm length 2,000 km, width 200 km ƒ 2 European capital regions: Berlin, Kiew ƒ 10 Cities > 250,000 inhabitants

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 17 European Development Corridor III Via Regia

ƒ Berlin / Dresden- Lviv: 161 inhabitants / km² ƒ Lviv-Kiew: 86 inhabitants / km² ƒ Berlin / Dresden- Kiew: 128 inhabitants / km²

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 18 European Development Corridor III Via Regia

ƒ Loss of population in rural areas (esp. , demographical change) ƒ Suburbanisation trends in agglo- meration areas

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 19 European Development Corridor III Via Regia

ƒ Motorway Berlin / Erfurt / Dresden- Kraków nearly finished ƒ Motorway Kraków- Lviv missing, construction in preparation

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 20 European Development Corridor III Via Regia

ƒ Rail infrastructure in very bad shape ƒ Travelling times: Berlin-Lviv 16:00 Dresden-Lviv 14:30 Erfurt-Lviv 16:45 ƒ Connections of low quality, only few long-distance trains of high standard (e.g. EC Wawel Hamburg-Kraków) ƒ Problems in border areas

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 21 Fields of action

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 22 Accessibility: Improving connections between node cities and in border regions

ƒ Creation of integrated sustainable transport system, consisting of - Continous motorway connection - Fast, frequent and comfortable rail connections 160 km/h until 2015, high speed > 250 km/h until 2030 - Efficient rail freight transport in high quality between node cities and to seaports - Adequate complementary flight connections ƒ Use of potentials of transcontinental freight transport (connections to emerging Asian markets)

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 23 Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 24 Accessibility: Improving connections between node cities and in border regions

ƒ Possible travelling times (rail, 160 km/h): Berlin-Lviv 9:15 16:00 Dresden-Lviv 9:00 14:30 Erfurt-Lviv 11:00 16:45 Wrocław-Lviv 6:15 10:30 Kraków-Lviv 3:45 6:30 ƒ Example: Results of in-depth investigation of the connection Berlin-Wrocław

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 25 Results of the IPG - study: Through new routing of the EuroCity „Wawel“ with Horka and Wegliniec the travelling time Berlin - Breslau could be reduced from (today) 5 h 36 min to 3 h 57 min Without any measures on the german side except the refursbishment of the existing connection bend Horka.

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 26 Dornier Study: Analysis of 4 alternatives


Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 27 The Connection Berlin-Breslau via Cottbus, Horka (connection bend) is the most reasonable and practicable solution in a medium term!

With a double track solution at 160 km/h a reduction of the travelling time Breslau – Berlin to app. 3 h and to BBI Airport to app. 2 ¾ Stunden possible !

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 28 Urban development: Strengthening cities as regional nodes

ƒ Strengthening cities as nodes – PEARLS of the corridor ƒ Ten primary node cities, many regional nodes ƒ Multifunctionality of nodes - Interconnecting Gates (people and goods) - Centers for economic development and innovation - Culture and tourism

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 29 Urban development: Strengthening cities as regional nodes

ƒ Focus of work: Studies on transport, innovation and tourism (best practise) ƒ Example: Results achieved by the City of Wrocław

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 30 Economy: Supporting economic development and innovation

ƒ Different starting points…

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 31 Economy: Supporting economic development and innovation

ƒ … but promising perspectives!

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 32 Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 33 Economy: Supporting economic development and innovation

ƒ Evaluation of cooperation potentials, improvement of conditions for the use of new technologies ƒ Example: Information highway Poland-Ukraine

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 34 Tourism: Using tourism potential

ƒ European city and culture tourism Lviv: Potential European centre of city tourism ƒ Setting up and international marketing of networked tourism packages (e.g. tourist routes, round trips)

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 35 Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 36 Tourism: Using tourism potential

ƒ Looking for „strong“ touristical products in regional and corridor-scale, addressed at international target groups ƒ Example: Via Montana – Concept for an integrated tourism region of the Sudetes and Carpathian mountains ƒ Example: Results and recommendations of Thuringian studies

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 37 Key projects

ViaVia Regia Regia at at school school MarketingMarketing concept concept„Via„Via Regi Regia“a“

Concepts for attractive public NetworkingNetworkingofof economy economyanan Concepts for attractive public science transporttransportofof the thefuturefuture science Setting up commercialisation Via-Regia-Route Setting up commercialisation Via-Regia-Route partnerneships partnerneships Analysis of direct airway Analysis of direct airway connections ConnectioConnectionnofof cl clusterusteriniinitiativtiativeses in in connections


SitesSites for forenlargementenlargementandand settling settling PreservePreservethethetitletitle „M „Majorajor Cultural CulturalRoute“Route“ for the Via Regia for the Via Regia Gates to the cities - attractive Improved transport connections in the german-czech Gates to the cities - attractive Improved transport connections in the german-czech stations border area stations border area

Improved long-distance transportions Improved long-distance transportions systemsystemss fo forreasterneasternThuringiaThuringia RoadRoad Show Show „Via „Via Re Regia“gia“

Upgrading of existing constitution of new Upgrading of existing constitution of new TouristTourist Routes Routes entrepreneur networks Via-Regia-cycling-routeVia-Regia-cycling-route entrepreneur networks

Prof.Konferenz Dr. Matthias"Via Regia Gather Kulturstraße - Via des Regia Europarates in Thüringen - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 38

What’s next? Realise the strategy on different levels!

ƒ Upgrading the BACKBONE – Improvement of quality of rail connections ƒ Polishing the PEARLS through sustainable urban development ƒ Using major events like European Football Championship 2012 Poland-Ukraine as catalyser ƒ Activation of the “Via Regia” historic brand for development of concrete tourism products - City tourism, tourist routes… ƒ Promotion of economic growth by using specific innovation potentials and realising of initiatives like EIT+ ƒ Setting up concrete intermodal logistics solutions

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 39 Via Regia plus

Duration: 10/2008-9/2011 36 Months

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 40 Via Regia plus

Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 41 WhyWhy transnationaltransnational coco--operation?operation? ƒ Because many problems – e. g. in water management – can‘t be solved on a national level ƒ An economic and living space in Europe is just strong through co-operation not backyard politics or parish-pump thinking ƒ Because learning from other mistakes is better than making mistakes ƒ Broadens one‘s horizon and is fun (most of the time)

WhyWhy isis INTERREGINTERREG good?good? ƒ The funding period is lasting quite a while with fixed funding rates and amounts ƒ The funding fosters different aspects of a project, e. g. studies, planning, pilot actions, staff, publicity… ƒ The learning effect in the running process is much bigger through transnational exchange than being „on the q. t.“ or sitting in your office ƒ The recquirement of a publicity strategy trains and compels Germans to break new ground ƒ The european framework generates a bigger publicity potenccy for local or regional projects – and therefore it lifts the importance of the projects int the public perception Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 42 EUREGIA in Leipzig from 27th –29th October 2008

More information: Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 43 More Information:


Konferenz "Via Regia Kulturstraße des Europarates - Brückenschlag für europäische Entwicklungen", 16.05.2008, Liebertwolkwitz 44