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TWO Ihf A ROW - - - - By Alan Mav«r Halfbacks Get Headlines College Teams Gambling HANEY. MHWAUKSa Rcor. ACP£S rv MATCH In SEC's Opening Tiffs rt/S IM/tfORM M UM B e R B P On 2-Point Extra Point ■r DAVID M. MOFFIT aided I* an aerial leam, threw tl 0£COA1'‘V6 rfE By FRED DOWN' touchdown* and Ron Podwlcka Hailed Preil Inlernailonal pa**e* and completed 20 for 191 P/R6T RArVXAL United Preaa International plunged on# yard for another. ATLANTA (UPI)-lf Saturday # yardi. C E A O C £ The firit retults art In en eol- Q u a rte rb a c k Norm Snaad, , actios wai a daar indication, Ne*t weekend call* fer r*al'.y M A M A S g p jH 9 6 foetbnll'i new option a! extra atarting hia Aral vanity gimt, * thare'a going to be a whii-bang heavy action, with Saturday af /BAR 9 TO 2 point play ini they indicate a palled fir thrao *ooebdewr.i and battle for the ill-*tar halfback ternoon game* between A'ihum tYORLP 6 /R /tt •arpriring trend to gamble for »et up a fourth to give Wake post* in lb* S-rutheaatetn Confer and Tennr**ee and Florida and /V A R O M two point* imtaad of playing it Foreat it* rmaahlng triumph ovrr ence tbla fill. Mitilaaippi Slat* Saturday nls.hf. safr for one. heavily favored Maryland. Wake Halfback! took nioat of the Alabama p la y * LSU. Georgia A United Proa International Foreit oulgained Maryland 21113 headline*. Among the weekend* play* Vanderbilt and Kentucky turvey of 20 major fama* Satur yard* ruahing and 194-98 paaiing. atandouta ware Bobty Cravena of playa Ftlarlailppi. Friday nlvhl. day ahowed th* coaehei tried the Maryland rtv»r got inildt Waka Kentucky, Don Deal of Florida, Tulane will he hoit to Texn* and two-point pax«-run conversion 38 2 Foreat'a 28-yard line. Hilly Cannon of Louialana State Georgia Tech to Florida Stale. per cent of the time with a .321 The armchair fana go< lh*lr firit and David Ray of Vanderbilt. percentage of auecef). The "aafe" look at the new extra point play Craven*, a ttnior who » u tec 00* point kick proved lucccnful In the nationally teleriied game \ ond in SEC ruilung laat fail. 61 3 per cent of th* lime. tn which Vanderbilt beat Mluourt, Hogged through the mud for 1U Henry Aaron Hero There wera a total of 103 touch 11*8. The team* tried for th* two- yard*' in 20 carrie* to lead Ken down) *cored in the 26 gimet point ronverilon after all thr** turky to a 110 win over Georgia aurveyed. The team* tried pa*a- touchdown! but didn't make a Tech. Onr of hi# run* went for G rtt'i cnnvrrriorta 39 limes and were single one. yard* and a touchdown. As Braves Capture ■uccevaful 3t time*, and tried con Deal, a Mphomore, ipearhead ventional kirk) 44 time) and were rd Florida'* 2114 victory over Tu *uec»)«fu1 27 times. The trend In lane. Deal icorrd early in the National Pennant dicate* the controversial new two- game on a 12 yard pa** play, Ihe.i point play will become inrreaiing- Perfection Leads tumped tf yard* for another, By MILTON I'll TIM W * iy popular beraute there i» almn*t touchdown in Ihr arcood period. L'nitid Pre«a *• good a chance to get the two Setup* by Cannon j O't ft or>! pointi a* there ii to acore one. Sandspur Bowling > Cann»n didn't acore but tumtd FhetT the pataword In lopty Many l’p»et* Th* women'* bowling leacu* Coach IP R A in lung run* In th* tecond and turvy Milwaukee to d ay where There were fiv* major up**t* on R e s u m e . fSand*pur)| ha* eompleled it* iftp e iA r z *»/» third period* to art up two ol they're *alutlng Henry I Hank l the firit big week end of Ihe rt>6 R a c e thini wc*k of action. 0O & Hf 7 0 LStl'a touchdown* in the Tigrrt' Aaron, the man who brought the a e a ton but not one coul i be A 9 A rt e e o c e n r 20 6 romp over Kiev, defending (train their tecond atraighl Na traced to the new rule. In fact, ihe With the nece*iary number nf ACC-AMtR'CA PirTAH T*A.i tional League pennant. •ponsara. the league la off to a T A c R & e - n e IA*T r$AR Soulhwoatrrn Conference cham only major game decided by an ptona. Aaron la taking all the adulation m ' extra pslnt wai Tex** Te-h'a IS- fine atari. ofRoernort Htwr lomrwhlt matter-of.fartly beraute at week'* action 14W Perfec e ; a m e ra t i l l Kay, a aenior who hat been II up»et of Tex** AAM, which •seam’ jtupplying pennant-clinching bi-iwt m p/fRtReNce. w r7o rtRci/tre* *1. mainly a rrlcrvr in the pait, fur- wa* won on Floyd Deilinfer'a tion Dairie* Jump into an early ■me e/t* o f r fi oRfo*mo.t nUhed the (park fur Vandcrhtll'a Gn't exactly a novelty with him •'old • fjvhioncd" placement. The lead with 16 win), two lo**e*. Per. 12* win over Miiioun by di'h- lie clinched the 19)7 clivtnpion- final play w** let up, however. feetlon’a opponent, Wtlion-Maler, ing II yardi with a punt return thlp for the Brave* with an tlth Auburn Coach Hits 2-Plaloon System h*cau*r Texai Tech gambled and had tlie tougheit luck of the even to icon in the first period. Inning homer againvi the Car made a two • pu'r.t conre.-aton ing. Wllaon-Maier had the high- dinal* |n t Sept. 23 ami wrapped AUBlinN, Ala. IlIPlI — Au-1 qieelalltt dnea not have to pay earlier » t tram tingle game. 644, and Georgia loti to Trxat 11 1 Sal the higheK leam aerlei, 16H. hut urday night but in defeat uncov up the 1939 pennant for Milwaukee burn Football Coach Ralph (Shugl Ihe price of learring how to tackle N’chmka englnc»red the lop rip* Sports Parade •till loot all four point* due to ered a bright tophomorc quarter Sunday whrn hr drove In four Jordan today denounced the Irmcl or provide patt protection. The ml if Ihe day r.-,icn It *<m»-'l a the handicap. Hr cvw'AR r n aj.ev pride of the YaJiktri. Rivhtty to, j back— Frairell ".rkenton Tarken- tun* in a r!u»mp*;rne.popping 6-& jt. ward two platoon football be- tame go* * for the bny who playa 14-7 victory over Penn State, United Prf*a International beraute it II en almoit tanilhte Ion came in midway In the third victory over the ftedleg*. rau»e "it rob* th* playera of the only defena*. He doein’t get a which figured to be one of the The high#*, individual acratch NEW YORK (UPH—Th* World thfnt hated on ■ hiitory of de*i peried after the Rulldng* had The 24 vcor-old alugger hit a educational value*' of the game.’* chance to run with the ball or itrengeit team# In the Et*t. Ne gam*. IS. wax rotted by Shirlfv Serin haa developed Into * cru- end luperiority. floundered for two third* of the two run double In a four-run fifth Thr Tiger coach, who<e team leam down field blocking.'* hr*»ka, which won only one of 16 Sima*, a* waa Ihe hlgheit handi tide loday lor the New York Till, it not to lay the other game, and directed a 93 yard Inning and then clouted hi) Jnth waa undrfeatid and ttnlird Lit Jordan a ltd Auburn would game* in 1937, tied Ihe acore on cap. 196. Highrat individual ler- Yankrca, who hew wrapped up trenie In ban ball d'm't have their march lint gave Georgia a >hoti homer with one on in the leyrnth Vrar dr*pt|e a rugged Soulheaitvrn "probably kick foe ore point, halfback Pat Flu-hcr'* 97 * card ie*. acratch. 446, and handicap. Iheir ninth pennant In the lari 10 pride. Rut with the Yankee* It I* lived lead. Hit homer proved the drcDIcp Confetenee trhedule, *»ld, *-Th*te tathrr than run for two point*' kickoff rclurti and then drove 46 369, v ii lolled by Helen Cfrhlt V feiri. yard* for th* winning touchdown. ■omethlni rpeclal. No other dub The only o th e r action in the wallop when th* Itcdleg) ham it no doubt about H. We are grad after a touchdown t» tcored. Tomorrow night'* action »ec* You have to fo bath a year to ha* won a* many pennant* or aa mered out aouthpaw Winen Spahn ually going back to the*. ’ We've alway* had trouble mak P*nn State had driven 70 yard* to Wllaon-Maier agalntt Wade'* Mar «pd#rtland why. And bark, too, SF.C Saturday waa at Mrmphli many world ehamptonahlpi. No where highly-regarded Mltilttippi wllh • five * ntn bunt in the toon ayitorn and we at Auburn ing thote la at three or four yard* go ahead, 7-0. e«rty in the fourth ket, Roumillat & Anderson ver*u* ibrouch the yeara which have period. other club haa produced ao many ran into a atlrk field and unwed hettom of the )even*h.