IMfr Trifawt Looking for Help? Out RILY Flashes of Lift (*y the Preat) In Seattle Manpower RADIO Philadelphia — W IMFOKTANT OATH objected whan poster* in a war Search Is Real Crusade Sept M-VlMi ofl CMPOB I of plant blamed all the botUanetlu on 1942-41 iBssnn expire*. Second are "Simple Sal." BY JAMES MARLOW AND GEORGE ZIELKE inspection for holders *f A f**>- The plant cartoonist is co-star- Washington —(&)— If you're looking for workers maybe tiiw books mart b* completed. ring "With** Willie" thia story of the Pacific coast manhunt may give you some Oct. 1-Red stamps X. Y and « ideu because then tiny have felt all the squeezes any part of the coun- and Brown stamps A and B axpir* try will Know. at midnight. Boeing Flyiag Fortress plant at Seattle is paying employe* for 1344 Kilocycles New Haven, Conn.—Corp. Larry Oct. aft-Blue stamps U, V tad TONIGHTS HIGHLIGHTS Thomas of Phoenix, Aris., is await- "tine" OB ptoBpeetiv* worker* who ened'daily by a clanking fender,on a are aubaaquently hind. era, 9t per cent of then unskilled. W «pire at midnight — Fultoa Lewis, Jr. jalopy that passes beneath hi* win- The aircraft company firat tried Detail parts mad* in the main Oct. 80—Brown stamp C expire* CUBS).' dow at the same hour each morn- the method at ituRantoa plant, Mar at midnight, •:15-«il5-Sport. Parade. ing. Seattle, and aays it worked. plant will be battled to the branch •dS-tsSt—Sports Spetlifht So Corp. Thomas awakens Pvt Not only the plant bat the whole plants, assembled there into Bab-as- Oct SI—Shoe coupon IB expire* 6:30-7:00—Dinner Dance. Clifford Langdon, one of theae area needed w«rken and the "tip" sembles, and hauled back to the at midnight. Canning sugar stamp* 7:00-7:15—Sam Baiter (MBS). sleepers whom even the most alarm- idea was not enough for all that main plant for final assembly. IS and 16 and sugar stamp 14 ei- 7-15-7:30—Marvin Teske. ing alarm clock won't disturb. Pvt Those branch plant* are expected plr* at midnight 7:30-8:00 - The Better Ball— Langdon is official headquarters Became Casmaalty PreUea* to find at least &V8QO of the needed t M US) Beeatue the army threatened can- 9,000 additional employe*. The bugler for the army air forces SET MAXIMUM DISTANCI 8:«0-ii:15—Ua britl Beat tor training command technical school cellation of many small contracts in satellite plant* were established (MBS). the Seattle territory to relieve the where the U. S. employment service Washington —(JP)— The office 8:15-8:30 — Maurice Spitalny at Yale. manpower squeeze there, the Boeing indicated sufficient manpower would of price administration (OPA) to- (MBS). problem became one for the whole be available. day set a maximum of 200 miles as 8:30-9:00—Return of Nick Carter Busy community. the distance gasoline may be used Los Angeles—Mr. and Mrs. Rob- in delivering newly-purchased new (MBS). NO SIGHTSEEING TRIP FOB THESE MEN—Allied soUiern move on the double past the Temple of ert Clyde Avery, each 78, didnt me«: orSed^^ng'fortSs f Pierre.Dorion who settled on the or used cars. The order ia effec- 9:00-9:06—iNews. Neptune and Basilica of Csrdine Massimo—the new ruins af Paestum. The Yanks are mopping up want to bother with celebrating 9:05-9:15— Dance Music. committee' whose members were a J™ ™ ™ "'*• *" *h* first tive October 1. The action was taken their 50th wedding anniversary— !whlte resident of South Dakot 9:15-9:30—Sunny Skylar (MBS). the area near Naples as the Nazi armies flee northward. (Photograph by Charles Corte, NBA pho- cross-section of business, labor and »- to conserve rubber and gasoline. ts tographer for war picture pool.) But fellow workers arranged im- 9:30-9:45—Dancing Party. promptu observances during the government agencies. 9:45-10:00 — Lew Diamond couple's 10-minute rest periods at Setting up a community-wide (MBS). drive for workers in cooperation 10:00-10:15—Mews. the aircraft plant with the Boeing efforts, the com- 10:15-11:30 — George Duty Dnieper River Fight Marks New, mittee is about to start a door-to- (MBS). Button, Button door canvass to get women workers. Kansas City—It was no weather The industrial services division of TUESDAY'S HIGHLIGHTS Important Phase of Russian War note when police warned women to the War Department is producing a . 7:00-7:15—"Old Ab." keep their topcoats buttoned. special army show expected to draw That's the record set by Cam. Joseph H. Hart, v 7:15-7:30—News. A 20-ycar-old telephone company 90,000 people in two public showings Airway 7:30-8:00—Early Birds Club. BY DE WITT MAC KENZIE employe told officers someone seis- at the University of Washington g:00-8:05—A P News. The bloody battle of the Dnieper—750 miles of hell along Don't Expect ed the tail of her topcoat and threw stadium Oct. 3 in behalf of Boeing abroad. 8:05-9:00—Late Risers Club, .he winding reaches of Europe's third biggest river—has it over her head. manpower needs. and a Camel smoker for 20 years. r 9:00-9:05—News. Disentangled, she discovered her The war manpower commission •45-9:10—Meet Mr. Baby. reached its crisis in a struggle for the crossings of this expansive water- purse had been snatched. way behind which the retreating Hitlerites hope to take refuge unless Reds to Lick granted the aircraft company limit- * 9:10-9:15—Dick Mclntyre's Orch. ed out-of-state recruiting privileges 9:15-9:30—Helen's Homemaker's the onrushing Russians gain con- The $65 Question trol of the passages. and Boeing now has 15 field re- Hour. Japs-Warning Salt Lake City—Clyde Lindsay, cruiting teams in mid-west states I STICK TO 9:30-9:45—Maytime Sweepstakes. It is one of the great dramas of awakened by an intruder in his between the and the 9:45-10:00—Marshfield Hour. , the war. The Nazis have been rac- room, asked "What do you want?" Rockies and a part of the gulf coast ; 10:08.10:05—News. ing back in costly confusion which Chicago—(5*)—It is an illusion "I'm looking for Mary," the flee- CAMELS-. U :05-10:30—Marshfield Hour. in places has take), on the nature for the United States to expect the ing visitor answered. region. . 10:30-10:55—Stevens Point Hoar. of that most dreaded of military Soviet Union "will be able or will- Missing from Lindsay's trousers Make Local Campaign, Too THEY'VE GOT MORE 10:55-11:00—The Town Crier. misfortunes—a rout. German loss ing also to undertake the burden was $65. Meanwhile the company is cam- . 11:00-11:15 — Boake Carter of life and materiel have been col- of the military struggle against paigning locally in Seattle for FLAVOR RMBS). ossal. Japan," Earl Browder, general sec- 30-Ton Loser- workers through newspaper display 1:15-11:30—Treasury Star Par- retary of the U. S. Communist par- The Dalles, Ore.—S. L. Strong advertising, a weekly radio pro- THEVRE ade. Face Two Dilemmas ty told a second front rally last told the sheriff's office a bull char- gram, outdoor posters, printed mat- 11:30-11:45—Luncheon Dance. Now that pursued and pursurers night ged head-on into his 30-ton truck- ter, a special motion picture, win- THROAT > 11:45-11:55—Curley Bradley. are close to the Dnieper barrier, "All chatter about the Soviets trailer. dow display, speakers at luncheon 11:55-12:00—Thorp Auction Time the Fuehrer's forces are threatened giving us 'bombing bases' in Siberia Damage to the truck: 5250, clubs and special events. with double disaster: (1) being is harmful nonsense," Browder con- Damage to the bull: only the in- Because the fortress program con- 12:00-12:05—Markets (WN). caught and annihilated at many tinued, "with only one aim and end, dignity of picking itself out of the tinually is being stepped up, the places before they can make the to try to give the Soviet Union 11:05-12:15—Old AB. crv ditch. Boeing Seattle and Renton plants 12:15-12:?0—News. crossings; (2) losing control of the similar tasks in the far east which will need approximately 9,000 work- 12:30-12:45—Buck Leverton. feasible passages of the river and she has performed in Europe, name- . 12:45-12:50—Farm News (WN). allowing the reds to get across to ly to win the war for us." 12:50-1:00—Texas Jim Lewis. cut up and smash the disorganized Earlier in his speech, the Kansas- ceive his orders to report to the 1:00-1:15—Cedric Foster (MBS). German front. born Communist leader asserted, marine base at San Diego, Cal., for "the cold truth is this, that unless his baaic training. ' 1:15-1:30—The Hum bard Family Already many Nazis have been XMBS). we get down off our high horse, Robert Albert Lobner, son of Mr. 1:30-2:00—Mutual Goes Calling slain on the eastern bank, within unless we, the United States, con- and Mrs. James Lobner, Route 2, sight of their defenses across the solidate the alliance with Britain Milladore, is now undergoing "boot" way. Moscow reports that great and the Soviet Union on the basis training at the naval training sta- 2:00-2:15—Arthur Gseth (MBS). numbers of them actually have been 2:15-2:30—Palmer House Concert of equality all around there is not SERVICE tion, Great Lakes, 111. forced into the icy waters of the the slightest prospect for us to Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Ristow sr. Orchestra (MBS). OLDIERS THREE—Somewhere in river where they have drowned. 2:30-2:45—Maxine Keith (MBS). , this photograph was taken emerge from this war with any- received a cable Friday from their thing that can properly be called son, Corp. Rudolph Ristow jr., who 2:45-3:00 —The Quis Wizsard of three Clendenning brothers, Cpl. The Nazis doubtless have been In awarding the Air Medal to are> {utlgexi (MBS). Orville, Pvt. Carl, and Sgt. Ray- praying to Hitler—or whomever it victory. has arrived safely at his overseas "The key to this victory is the Sgt. Raymond A. Clendenning, Mee- destination. He left here with the The -¥-ZOm--Tat» sad 3:00-4:00—Marshfield Hour. mond, all of Meehan. A fourth is they pray to, if at all—that the han, the following citation was is- 4:00-4:15 — Sheelah Carter brother, Lyle, is serving with the Russians would he bogged down in full consolidation of the Anglo-So- January quota and was last sta- Throat — is the proving coast guard at Seattle, Wash. Sgt. viet-American alliance. This re- sued: tioned at Camp Lee, Va. ground for cigarette*. Only (MBS). the sea of mud produced by the "... For exceptionally meritori- 4:15-4:30 —The Black Hood Raymond Clendenning, shown on autumn raina. The latter suffer quires full coalition warfare at Pfc. Phillip Davis, has been trans- jww taite and throat can decide which ciga- the right above, was recently award- least to the extent of the Anglo- ous achievement while participat ferred from the army to the air .(MBS). the disadvantage of greatly extend- ing in five separate bomber combat tette tastes best to you...and how it affects 4:30-4:45—Chick Carter (MBS). ed the air medal. ed communications through a coun- American side in the west engaging corps and sent from Camp Pickett, your throat. Based on the experience of 4:45-5:00—Treasury Star Parade. half as many of the Nazi forces as missions over enemy occupied con- Va., to Miami Beach, Fla., where he try in which the railways and high- tinental Europe. The courage, cool- is now training with the aviation millions of imokers.we believe Camels will 5:00—Prayer (MBS). ways have been destroyed by the the Soviet Union takes on single- suit your T-IONI" to a T." 5:01-5:05—Stevens Point New* handed." ness, and skill displayed by these cadets. Food Scarcity enemy. The Germans, on the other enlisted men upon these occasions Camel 5:05-5:30—Stevens Point Hoar. tiand, have been falling hack along Browder said that Prime Minis- 5:30-5:45—News From Every- ter Churchill had "finally emerged reflect great credit upon themselvei comparatively good communications and the armed forces of the United where (MBS). which at least permitted fast move- as that 'military expert' whose 5:45-6:00—Superman (MBS). in Calcutta Is opinion prevailed over Generals States." A picture of Sgt. Clenden. ment of men, if not of heavy equip- ning and two brothers appears in 6:00-6:15 — Fulton Lewis, Jr. ment. Eisenhower and Marshall" in the (MBS). More Serious "failure to open a second front" in today's Tribune. . 6:15-6:25—Sports Parade. The rains have come. . Sgt. Clendenning got his wings 6:25-6:30—Sports Spotlight Asserting the war could be won at Wichita Falls, Texas. He went AUCTION SALE I Calcutta, Sept. 25 —(Delayed)— In the drive on the Dnieper, the 6:30-6:45—Dinner Dance. in 1943 by invading France, Brow- into combat service, and was JP)— The pitiful predicament of red motor transports and even .wounded in action in Africa. He 6:45-7:00—"Confidentially Tours" Bengal's hungry milions has wor- caterpillar-equipped machines have der said the steady advance of the KMBS). Russian armies, "the prospect that was sent to England for hospitali- sened in Calcutta and the hinter- been sucked down in the mire until zation, and has since been stationed "Another Thorp Sale" 7:00-8:00—American Forum Of ands where hundreds are dying it seemed they couldn't move. Still it opens up a decisive Soviet victory 1 mile West, 2% miles North Rudolph on Holland Road the Air (MBS). in which Anglo-American arms will there with the technical supply de- Tom starvation and scores more the Muscovites have driven through partment. 8:00-8:15 — Gabriel H e a 11 e r each day are reaching the point it, bringing along their artillery have no major share," may force KMBS). reconsideration of Churchill's "deci- John William Dahlke, son of Mrs. We sincerely where food and medical care can- and supplies. Edith Dahlke, city, enlisted recently 8:15-8:45—Fireside Gospel Hour. not fully restore damaged minds sion to postpone the second front recommend the Thurs., Sept. 30 in the marine corps and is now at 8:45-9:00—Dance Music. and bodies. Fierce Fighting At Kiev until 1944." Sale Starts at 9:30 A. M. — Lunch Will Be Served! 9:00-9:05—News. Believe it or not, the reds even home, assigned to inactive duty. policy of living 9:05-9:15—Dance Music. A large proportion of those starv- have brought their siege guns up Pvt. Dahlke expects shortly to re- economically, in* 30 HIGH GRADE HOLSTEINS I 9:15-9:30—Sunny Skylar (MBS). ng in Calcutta are from rural dis- to the eastern bank of the Dnieper 300 Axis Prisoners vesting every pen- 9:30-9:45—Voice of the Army— ,ricts where the situation is deteri- opposite the holy city of Kiev— 16 MILK COWS—3 due in November, 1 due in December, * due *A Yankee In Burma". of War in Wreck ny possible in in February. Balance Winter and Spring Cows. 3 HEIFERS orating rapidly. Persons able to strategic center of Hitler's dream- IS YOUR SPRINGING, du,e in November, 7 open yearling Heifers, 2 9:45-10:00—Music That Endures move attempt to reach Calcutta kingdom of the golden Ukraine. War Bonds, and heifers, 10 months. One of the finest Herds in this community, j(MBS). where they hope for help, and many One of the fiercest struggles of the Charlottesville, Va.—(&)— Three mndred German prisoners of war, in making all pur- as outstanding Bulls have been used for 25 years. Bangs Free, 10:00-10:15—News. die along the roadside. whole elongated battle is proceeding chases %ith an Certified Herd. Average production of this herd for the last 12 10:15-10:30 — Denny Beckner there. delayed at nearby Shadwell for nine BLURRED? months including 6 first calf heifers was over $209 per cow. XMBS). Nearly 150 free kitchens have Still, out of all this sensational lours when the train on which they eye to real value All heifers daughters of present herd sire. been opened in the city, mostly were being transported wrecked and If you don't hear enough —if you (All programs subject to change sponsored by private relief socie- fighting, we may find that the most don't hear plainly, Investigate new- for your money. without notice). important stage of the battle at the killed the fireman and engineer, est vacuum tube audicle. Thousand! Registered Holstein Bull, 3 years old. ties, but they are not enough to week-end was the capture of Smo- were loaded into another train last have been helped. 1 good bull calf, 2 months old. NETWORK PROGRAMS feed 100,000 destitute people in Cal- light for the remainder of their trip cutta alone. lensk—gateway to and from Mos- MONDAt cow. to an inland prison camp. Also good cattle dog. 12:00 noon Markets, report*, Wlirnn The train, composed of 11 cars, SONOTONE •In Network (d«llj- Monday through Last wek Calcutta hospitals, filled Smolensk lies close to the head- FOR CLEAR HEARING T Saturday. to capacity, received 5,000 cases. waters of the Dnieper, which there piled up at a point where new track TEAM FARM HORSES! 7 p. 01. Vox Pop, CBS. was being installed. Four of the de- AS AmrriSH m LIFE MORTUARY Mare 8 years old, weight 1550, Gelding 7 years old, weight 1400. » p. m. Cavalcade of America, NBC. One thousand were suffering from turns to the northeast. If the Rus- aao FIRST ST., N. ?:M p. m. Adventure* of N'er* Wolf, sians can crash through the Ger- railed cars toppled down an embank- Blue Network. starvation while the remainder were Write for free booklet MACHINERY 7:30 p. m. lily Nineties, CBS. diseases resulting from hunger. man line just above there in weight, ment and came to rest again on Phone ,8:00 p. m. Radio Theatrr. CBS. ;heir wheels. "Pacts About Hearing." 4OI Case Model C Tractor, P & 0 Tractor Plow, Tandem Disc, Fox *:XO p. ro. Dr. I. Q., NBC. Cholera and typhoid cases were in- they will be able to develop a turn- Address Sonotone, 310 Am. State Silo Filler complete, Thomas Grain Drill, McCormick Grain 8 p. m. Contented Hntir. NBC. creasing on the outskirts of the city. ing operation against the enemy Cause of the wreck was not an- nounced by railroad officials. Bank Bldg, Wausso, Wis. Binder, J. Deere Manure Spreader, IHC 10 inch feed grinder, fUESDAT both north and south. The Nazis 2 mowers, McCormick and Deering, Case side delivery Rake, 1 p. m. Glnny Slmmi, NBC. in this area thus will be in danger New Case-Dain Hay Loader, Osborne Hay Tedder, Dump Rake, 7 p. m. Light! Out, CBS. For the finest and quickest vic- 7:30 p. m. Harare Heldt, NBC. of being surrounded and destroyed. Saw Rig, Sulky Plow, Springtooth Drag, Smoothing Drag, Rol- 7:30 p. m. Noah W«b»l*r Sayt, Bin* tory of a century buy a $100 War Already the reds appear to be ler, Walking Plow, Electric Fanning Mill, All new screens; Urtwork. Bond! Walking cultivator, 2 Wagons, Corn Wagon, 2 Sleighs, Slusher, l:So p. m. Joey Canova. CBS. launching this operation, for they have swept forward some six miles Cream Separator, Babcock Tester, l'/z H.P. Electric Motor with Base and Rockwood Pulley, 1/3 h.p. Motor, Curtiss Air Com- erance of relations with axis pow- towards Vitebsk. pressor 3 x 3Vi, Coal Brooder, 2 Hay Forks, Hay Slings, Rope, British Disapprove ers. On the whole, it looks as though Feed Cart, Silage Cart, Tackle Blocks, Water Tank, Woven Thus, the British government fol- in Smolensk the Russians have dis- Wire, Road Drag, Clean-Easy Milking Machine, Battery Charger, of 's lowed the lead of the U. S. state covered the Achilles heel of the NOTICE Set Harness, 2 Pump Jacks, Steel Fence Posts, Fence Tools, department in openly criticizing German line. Through the Smolensk 011 Drums, Extension Ladder, Hay Rack, Horse Collars, Some Neutrality Policy Argentine foreign policy. Secretary gateway they may be able to pour Planks and Lumber, Tractor Lugs, Hay Knife, Vise, Post Drill, of State Cordcll Hull's recent let- disaster upon the Nazis, even if it's 2 Shop Cabinets. Belts, Chains, Lot Small Tools, Ton of 20-20 ter led to a government crisis and impossible to achieve the vital Effective October 1, 1943 i Fertilizer, 8 Milk Cans, Pails, Strainer, Blacksmith Iron, Forks, Buenos Aires— (JP)—A British resignation of Foreign Minister crossings of the Dnieper farther Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Gss Cans, Iron Pipes, etc. foreign office statement expressing Segundi Stomi. strong disapproval of Argentina's south. The discount date of the Telephone Bills has been changed HOUSEHOLD GOODS neutrality policy struck a sharp to the 12th inst. The discount rule as filed with the Public Preway Gasoline Stove, Heater, 2 Tables, Davenport, 4 Rockers, blow at axis propagandists here. 12 Chairs, 3 Beds, Dresser, Smsll Table, Record Cabinet, Ma- Nazi sympathizers long have con Service Commission reads as follows: jestic Radio, 2 Phonographs, Couch, House Plsnts, Krant Cutter, ducted a whispering campaign tha Cupboards, Fruit Press, Linoleum Rugs, 9x12 Parlor Rug, Britain regarded Argentina's fail TO THE POLICY HOLDERS OF THE Dishes, 3 Guitars, Ukeiele, Butter Bowl, Stone Jars, Fruit Jars ure to break relations with the axis SENECA, SIGEL AND RUDOLPH and numerous small articles. with complacency if not approval. Billing and Discount "His majesty's government hopes MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. 50 Ton Good Hay, 500 Bus. Oats, 3 Bus. that in the international sphere th Sweet CLOVER SEED, 1500 Ibs. TIMO- Argentine government will at an Telephone service is billed on or about the first day of each early date range herself whole TAKE NOTICE- month in advance at the gross rate with a 10% discount on THY SEED. heartedly on the side of the free- TERMS OF SALE: Sams under $10 cash; over $10, dom Joving nations," said the state- Pursuant to the provisions of section 202.11 of the all bills paid on or before the 12th of the month or post 1/4 Cash, balance on C months time at 6% interest. ment, the full text of which wag statutes, the directors of the Seneca, Sigel and Rudolph marked not later than 7:30 a. m. on the 13th day of the published here. Mutual Fire Insurance Co., on Sept. 1st levied an as- The note pointed out that Bri- month if mailed. Joe Van De Loop, Owner tain wished to continue her friend- sessment of $13,454.47 on the policy holders of the ship and commerce with Argentine, Company, being at the rate of 2 mills per dollar of in- John Tenpas, Auctioneer tat added that British leaders surance and the said assessment is payable on or before I Vesper, Wisconsin never understood why Argentina, Atone of the western republics, fail- the 2nd day of November, 1943. Thorp Finance Corp., Clerk ed to follow the recommendations of F. H. MEYER, Secretary. WOOD COUNTY TELEPHONE CO. Represented by Loub JoMten, the Bio De Janeiro conference of foreign ministers regarding tht »ev-