TWO Ihf A ROW - - - - By Alan Mav«r Halfbacks Get Headlines College Teams Gambling HANEY. MHWAUKSa Rcor. ACP£S rv MATCH In SEC's Opening Tiffs rt/S IM/tfORM M UM B e R B P On 2-Point Extra Point ■r DAVID M. MOFFIT aided I* an aerial leam, threw tl 0£COA1'‘V6 rfE By FRED DOWN' touchdown* and Ron Podwlcka Hailed Preil Inlernailonal pa**e* and completed 20 for 191 P/R6T RArVXAL United Preaa International plunged on# yard for another. ATLANTA (UPI)-lf Saturday # yardi. C E A O C £ The firit retults art In en eol- Q u a rte rb a c k Norm Snaad, , actios wai a daar indication, Ne*t weekend call* fer r*al'.y M A M A S g p jH 9 6 foetbnll'i new option a! extra atarting hia Aral vanity gimt, * thare'a going to be a whii-bang heavy action, with Saturday af­ /BAR 9 TO 2 point play ini they indicate a palled fir thrao *ooebdewr.i and battle for the ill-*tar halfback ternoon game* between A'ihum tYORLP 6 /R /tt •arpriring trend to gamble for »et up a fourth to give Wake post* in lb* S-rutheaatetn Confer­ and Tennr**ee and Florida and /V A R O M two point* imtaad of playing it Foreat it* rmaahlng triumph ovrr ence tbla fill. Mitilaaippi Slat* Saturday nls.hf. safr for one. heavily favored Maryland. Wake Halfback! took nioat of the Alabama p la y * LSU. Georgia A United Proa International Foreit oulgained Maryland 21113 headline*. Among the weekend* play* Vanderbilt and Kentucky turvey of 20 major fama* Satur­ yard* ruahing and 194-98 paaiing. atandouta ware Bobty Cravena of playa Ftlarlailppi. Friday nlvhl. day ahowed th* coaehei tried the Maryland rtv»r got inildt Waka Kentucky, Don Deal of Florida, Tulane will he hoit to Texn* and two-point pax«-run conversion 38 2 Foreat'a 28-yard line. Hilly Cannon of Louialana State Georgia Tech to Florida Stale. per cent of the time with a .321 The armchair fana go< lh*lr firit and David Ray of Vanderbilt. percentage of auecef). The "aafe" look at the new extra point play Craven*, a ttnior who » u tec 00* point kick proved lucccnful In the nationally teleriied game \ ond in SEC ruilung laat fail. 61 3 per cent of th* lime. tn which Vanderbilt beat Mluourt, Hogged through the mud for 1U Henry Aaron Hero There wera a total of 103 touch­ 11*8. The team* tried for th* two- yard*' in 20 carrie* to lead Ken down) *cored in the 26 gimet point ronverilon after all thr** turky to a 110 win over Georgia aurveyed. The team* tried pa*a- touchdown! but didn't make a Tech. Onr of hi# run* went for G rtt'i cnnvrrriorta 39 limes and were single one. yard* and a touchdown. As Braves Capture ■uccevaful 3t time*, and tried con­ Deal, a Mphomore, ipearhead ventional kirk) 44 time) and were rd Florida'* 2114 victory over Tu *uec»)«fu1 27 times. The trend In­ lane. Deal icorrd early in the National Pennant dicate* the controversial new two- game on a 12 yard pa** play, Ihe.i point play will become inrreaiing- Perfection Leads tumped tf yard* for another, By MILTON I'll TIM W * iy popular beraute there i» almn*t touchdown in Ihr arcood period. L'nitid Pre«a lnlrm.llu.il *• good a chance to get the two Setup* by Cannon j O't ft or>! pointi a* there ii to acore one. Sandspur Bowling > Cann»n didn't acore but tumtd FhetT the pataword In lopty Many l’p»et* Th* women'* bowling leacu* Coach IP R A in lung run* In th* tecond and turvy Milwaukee to d ay where There were fiv* major up**t* on R e s u m e . fSand*pur)| ha* eompleled it* iftp e iA r z *»/» third period* to art up two ol they're *alutlng Henry I Hank l the firit big week end of Ihe rt>6 R a c e thini wc*k of action. 0O & Hf 7 0 LStl'a touchdown* in the Tigrrt' Aaron, the man who brought the a e a ton but not one coul i be A 9 A rt e e o c e n r 20 6 romp over Kiev, defending (train their tecond atraighl Na­ traced to the new rule. In fact, ihe With the nece*iary number nf ACC-AMtR'CA PirTAH T*A.i tional League pennant. •ponsara. the league la off to a T A c R & e - n e IA*T r$AR Soulhwoatrrn Conference cham only major game decided by an ptona. Aaron la taking all the adulation m ' extra pslnt wai Tex** Te-h'a IS- fine atari. ofRoernort Htwr lomrwhlt matter-of.fartly beraute at week'* action 14W Perfec­ e ; a m e ra t i l l Kay, a aenior who hat been II up»et of Tex** AAM, which •seam’ jtupplying pennant-clinching bi-iwt m p/fRtReNce. w r7o rtRci/tre* *1. mainly a rrlcrvr in the pait, fur- wa* won on Floyd Deilinfer'a tion Dairie* Jump into an early ■me e/t* o f r fi oRfo*mo.t nUhed the (park fur Vandcrhtll'a Gn't exactly a novelty with him •'old • fjvhioncd" placement. The lead with 16 win), two lo**e*. Per. 12* win over Miiioun by di'h- lie clinched the 19)7 clivtnpion- final play w** let up, however. feetlon’a opponent, Wtlion-Maler, ing II yardi with a punt return thlp for the Brave* with an tlth Auburn Coach Hits 2-Plaloon System h*cau*r Texai Tech gambled and had tlie tougheit luck of the even­ to icon in the first period. Inning homer againvi the Car­ made a two • pu'r.t conre.-aton ing. Wllaon-Maier had the high- dinal* |n t Sept. 23 ami wrapped AUBlinN, Ala. IlIPlI — Au-1 qieelalltt dnea not have to pay earlier » t tram tingle game. 644, and Georgia loti to Trxat 11 1 Sal the higheK leam aerlei, 16H. hut urday night but in defeat uncov­ up the 1939 pennant for Milwaukee burn Football Coach Ralph (Shugl Ihe price of learring how to tackle N’chmka englnc»red the lop rip* Sports Parade •till loot all four point* due to ered a bright tophomorc quarter Sunday whrn hr drove In four Jordan today denounced the Irmcl or provide patt protection. The ml if Ihe day r.-,icn It *<m»-'l a the handicap. Hr cvw'AR r n aj.ev pride of the YaJiktri. Rivhtty to, j back— Frairell ".rkenton Tarken- tun* in a r!u»mp*;rne.popping 6-& jt. ward two platoon football be- tame go* * for the bny who playa 14-7 victory over Penn State, United Prf*a International beraute it II en almoit tanilhte Ion came in midway In the third victory over the ftedleg*. rau»e "it rob* th* playera of the only defena*. He doein’t get a which figured to be one of the The high#*, individual acratch NEW YORK (UPH—Th* World thfnt hated on ■ hiitory of de*i peried after the Rulldng* had The 24 vcor-old alugger hit a educational value*' of the game.’* chance to run with the ball or itrengeit team# In the Et*t. Ne gam*. IS. wax rotted by Shirlfv Serin haa developed Into * cru- end luperiority. floundered for two third* of the two run double In a four-run fifth Thr Tiger coach, who<e team leam down field blocking.'* hr*»ka, which won only one of 16 Sima*, a* waa Ihe hlgheit handi­ tide loday lor the New York Till, it not to lay the other game, and directed a 93 yard Inning and then clouted hi) Jnth waa undrfeatid and ttnlird Lit Jordan a ltd Auburn would game* in 1937, tied Ihe acore on cap. 196. Highrat individual ler- Yankrca, who hew wrapped up trenie In ban ball d'm't have their march lint gave Georgia a >hoti homer with one on in the leyrnth Vrar dr*pt|e a rugged Soulheaitvrn "probably kick foe ore point, halfback Pat Flu-hcr'* 97 * card ie*. acratch. 446, and handicap. Iheir ninth pennant In the lari 10 pride. Rut with the Yankee* It I* lived lead. Hit homer proved the drcDIcp Confetenee trhedule, *»ld, *-Th*te tathrr than run for two point*' kickoff rclurti and then drove 46 369, v ii lolled by Helen Cfrhlt V feiri. yard* for th* winning touchdown. ■omethlni rpeclal. No other dub The only o th e r action in the wallop when th* Itcdleg) ham­ it no doubt about H. We are grad­ after a touchdown t» tcored. Tomorrow night'* action »ec* You have to fo bath a year to ha* won a* many pennant* or aa mered out aouthpaw Winen Spahn ually going back to the two.pl*. ’ We've alway* had trouble mak­ P*nn State had driven 70 yard* to Wllaon-Maier agalntt Wade'* Mar­ «pd#rtland why. And bark, too, SF.C Saturday waa at Mrmphli many world ehamptonahlpi. No where highly-regarded Mltilttippi wllh • five * ntn bunt in the toon ayitorn and we at Auburn ing thote la at three or four yard* go ahead, 7-0. e«rty in the fourth ket, Roumillat & Anderson ver*u* ibrouch the yeara which have period. other club haa produced ao many ran into a atlrk field and unwed hettom of the )even*h.
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