ARMENIAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Ամերիկայի Հայ Աւետարանչական Ընկերակցութիւն A G E N D A 101st Annual Meeting of AMAA October 24, 2020

8:00 am PT - 11:00 am ET...... DEVOTION - CALL TO ORDER & GREETINGS


A. MESSAGES AND REPORTS OF OFFICERS/ADMINISTRATORS 3 a. President’s Message...... Nazareth Darakjian, M.D.. 26 b. Armenian Evangelical Fellowship-Europe, President...... Rev. Gilbert Léonian 27 c. Armenian Evangelical Union-North America, Minister to the Union...... Rev. Berdj Djambazian 28 d. Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in Eurasia, President...... Rev. Dr. René Léonian 29 e. Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches of France, President...... Rev. Jöel Mikaélian 30 f. Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East, President...... Rev. Megrditch Karagoezian 31 g. Union of Evangelical Churches of , Pastor to Pastors...... Rev. Mgrdich Melkonian 32 h. Co-Recording Secretaries...... Mark Kassabian, Esq./Thomas J. Momjian, Esq. 32 i. Treasurer...... Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D. 5 j. Executive Director/CEO...... Zaven Khanjian 33 k. AMAA Representative in Armenia...... Harout Nercessian

B. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES 38 a. Armenia Committee...... Ann Karagozian Sarafian, Ph.D. 39 b. Audit Committee...... Gary Phillips, Esq. 39 c. Budget and Finance Committee...... Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D. 40 d. Christian Life Committee...... Heather C. Ohaneson, Ph.D. 40 e. Constitution and Bylaws Committee...... Mark Kassabian, Esq. 40 f. Cooperative Committee on Armenian Missions...... Dr. Peter E. Makari 41 g. Development Committee...... LindaKay Abdulian 41 h. Europe Committee...... H. Steven Aharonian, M.D. 42 i. Foreign Real Estate Committee...... Hratch Sarkis and Joseph Stein 42 j. Investment Committee...... Michael Voskian, D.M.D. 43 k. James Jameson Essay Contest Committee...... Douglas Kurjian, Ph.D. 43 l. Managers of Real Estate Committee...... Gary Phillips, Esq. 43 m. Near East Committee...... Louis Kurkjian 44 n. Nominating Committee ...... Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D. 44 o. Orphan and Child Care Committee...... Joyce Philibosian Stein 45 p. Personnel Committee ...... Thomas J. Momjian, Esq./Eileen Chopourian Stephey, Ed.D. 45 q. Planned Giving Committee...... Thomas J. Momjian, Esq./George Phillips, Jr., Esq. 45 r. Scholarship Committee...... Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D.

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 1 Page

C. REPORTS OF AFFILIATED BOARDS 46 a. Armenian Evangelical World Council...... Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian 47 b. ...... Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian 48 c. Stephen Philibosian Foundation...... Joyce Philibosian Stein

D. REPORTS OF AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS 49 a. Armenian American Museum...... Nazareth Darakjian, M.D./Levon Filian/Zaven Khanjian 49 b. "Armenian Education" Educational Foundation...... H. Steven Aharonian, M.D. 49 c. C&E Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School...... Vahe Nalbandian, Ph.D. 50 d. "Hayastan" All-Armenian Fund...... Zaven Khanjian 50 e. Hope For Armenia - Espoir Pour L’Armenie...... Serge Kurkdjian 51 f. Joint Home Missions - AEUNA and AMAA...... Rev. Berdj Djambazian/Rev. Jeremy Tovmassian

E. REPORTS OF DISTRICT CHAPTERS/COMMITTEES/CHURCHES 52 a. AMA-Australia...... Rev. Dr. Krikor Youmshajekian 53 b. AMA-Canada...... Mihran Jizmejian 54 c. Armenian Evangelical Church of São Paulo, Brazil...... Rev. Dr. Roy Abrahamian 54 d. Armenian Evangelical Churches of Bulgaria...... Rev. Bedros Altunian/Local Pastors 58 e. First Armenian Evangelical Church of Uruguay...... Rev. Dr. Obed Boyadjian/Dr. Jorge Moumdjian

58-62 F. Church Missions Committees/AMAA Chapters of North American Churches



I. ELECTIONS a. Eight Members to the Board of Directors – Class of 2023 b. Four Members to the Nominating Committee – Class of 2022 c. Auditor for Fiscal 2020-2021


Note: Following the Annual Meeting, the Board of Directors will have a brief meeting. ------

Cover Photo: AMAA Janbazian KG in Martakert, Arstakh Back Cover Photo: Youth from various Armenian Evangelical Churches in , volunteer to distribute food and other provisions to the needy on behalf of the AMAA at the Trad Social Service Center of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the Near East

2 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 THE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE

he AMAA’s 2019-2020 fiscal year started on August 1, 2019, just like any other “normal” year that we had come to expect. By early March of 2020, however, the pandemic called COVID-19 had taken hold, creating an entirely new landscape for Talmost every human being living on this earth, and nothing has been “normal” since then. Going back to October 2019, the AMAA held its 100th Annual Meeting in Watertown, MA not far from Worcester where the AMAA was born 101 years ago. The traditional Banquet Saturday night was very well organized and very well attended. Our sincere thanks to John and Michele Simourian and the energetic Committee. We also want to express our thanks to Rev. Avedis Boynerian and the members of the Armenian Memorial Church of Watertown, MA for making us feel very much at home and for providing us a warm atmosphere of Christian fellowship. The AMAA Centennial Campaign officially ended in December 2019. The Campaign that ran for three years was able to raise 75% of the $20 million goal that was set at the beginning. Our last “face to face” Board meeting took place in early March, and since then all meetings have been held on Zoom. Also, in mid-March the AMAA office was closed but the staff was able to continue to work from home and fulfill the essential functions of the organization. The Armenia Orphan and Child Care fundraiser, planned for April in CA, was canceled but many donors sent in their contributions anyway for which we are very grateful. The Medical Mission Trip to Armenia in June, the Annual Internship Trip to Armenia in July, and the planned Tour to Armenia and Artsakh in September were all canceled. We were looking forward to holding our 101st Annual Meeting and Banquet in Fresno, CA this year but they were also canceled with the hope that perhaps we can hold our 102nd Annual Meeting there next year. Our annual trip to Beirut was canceled too and instead the Haigazian University Board of Trustees meeting and the AMAA-UAECNE joint meetings took place by Zoom. Even before the pandemic hit, trouble started brewing in Lebanon in the fall of 2019 with unrelenting anti- government demonstrations. The financial meltdown that followed caused massive devaluation of the local money and inability of bank account holders to access their funds. This made life very difficult for individuals and institutions and complicated our efforts to send the budgeted as well as the additional assistance designated for our Union there. As if these problems were not enough, a massive explosion rocked Beirut on August 4, 2020, causing damage to almost every building in the city including our churches, schools and any piece of real estate that belonged to the AMAA or our Near East Union of churches. In spite of all these disasters, the AMAA continues its worldwide mission with particular emphasis on Lebanon where the need is greatest at this point in time. Additional funds have been channeled to the Social Action Committee of the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in The Near East in Beirut to help them distribute food parcels to families in need. Additional funds were also sent to help our schools pay the salaries of teachers because many parents are unable to pay the tuition due. A campaign to raise funds for Lebanon was started early in the year and the need gets bigger with every new calamity that hits. And so, the campaign continues. Haigazian University managed to complete instructions by going online and fortunately did not suffer a major loss in tuition income last year. The explosion, however, caused serious damage to almost all the doors and windows of the buildings. Our community in Syria has been hit very hard with COVID-19 where the problem is compounded by the lack of medications and the lack of proper medical care and public health measures. We are in the process of assessing the situation to see how we can send help. Armenia was involved in a border skirmish with which fortunately didn’t last long, and the attack was repelled effectively. COVID-19 is also active there with resultant unemployment and poverty. The AMAA did its share by distributing food to needy families and by contributing through the Armenia Fund for the purchase of medical supplies and equipment by the government. Rev. Mgrdich Melkonian, AMAA Field Director and Pastor to Pastors in Armenia, continues his mission of building the Evangelical Church of Armenia and providing continuing education and leadership training to our pastors there. Our major construction project in Armenia at present is the Stepanavan administrative building where construction continues and is expected to be completed by the end of this year. Hratch Sarkis, a member of the AMAA Executive Committee, has been following this project closely and visiting the site several times a year. We can’t thank Hratch enough for the services he provides to the AMAA in Armenia.

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 3 The Avedisian School completed the academic year by switching to online instructions after the government decree to stop classroom instructions in the spring. We were supposed to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the School in June but that was also canceled. The Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Church of France and the C&E Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School have approached the AMAA for additional help because of losses and special situations created by the pandemic. Summer camps on the East and West Coasts of the also suffered because their activities were curtailed. The AMAA responded to all these requests positively and we are happy that we were able to ease the pain of our mission partners at least to some extent. Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to the AMAA staff for the care and dedication they demonstrated to the organization during the lockdown that was necessitated by the pandemic. Working from home, they were able to carry on the essential work of the organization with an occasional visit to the office by individuals as it was necessary. Special thanks also to the Executive Director/CEO for staying in close touch with all our mission fields in these difficult times and for his leadership in this time of crisis worldwide. In Psalm 103:2-4, we read: Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits— 3 who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases, 4 who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.

Let us put our trust in the Lord and continue with the hope that He will restore our world and save us from disasters just as He has done so many times before.

Respectfully submitted, Nazareth E. Darakjian M.D., President


I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. John 16:33

August 2019 was a glamorous continuation to the celebratory mood the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) was enjoying after several years of Centennial celebrations and a sprint toward the end of a successful campaign of Centennial fundraising. God has been faithful to the AMAA as AMAA has been faithful to the Great Commission, emulating the life and teachings of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ on earth. In a leap toward its second century and faithful to its legacy, the AMAA was ready to embrace the future. With fervent passion to carry on its mission, the AMAA was ready to fight poverty, offer spiritual nourishment, provide quality education, vital healthcare, and sow hope for a brighter future for our kin in Armenia, Artsakh, the Near East, Europe, Eurasia, the Americas and everywhere the grace of God has taken us. Diligent preparations paid off to accomplish a super successful 100th Annual Meeting in Boston followed by yet another historic and memorable Banquet honoring the AMAA’s founder, The Armenian Evangelical Church. Led by gracious Banquet Chairs John and Michele Simourian, the event added valuable proceeds to the Centennial campaign taking us above the $15M mark or 75% of our goal. A new Board of Directors, energized by the joyous spirit of the celebratory years gone by, welcomed 2020 with exciting plans for the year. On the agenda was the 20th anniversary of the Avedisian School, the 25th anniversary of AMAA’s entry to Artsakh, the AMAA Tour to Armenia and Artsakh, inauguration of the Bedrosian administrative and Christian Education building in Shushi and finally back to a new post-centennial Annual Meeting and Banquet in Fresno, California. Proverbs 16:9 Came to change man’s plans. “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” Soon after our last face-to-face Board meeting held in early March in Los Angeles, the world witnessed and continues to experience a new and unprecedented realty, which does not have its match in the lifelong memory of today’s global population. The World Health Organization (WHO) called the cause, COVID-19. Since the outburst of the pandemic, one thing has proved to be correct. Uncertainty is the name of the game and continues to rule. As a result, the world came to a halt as public activities, national and international travel and all types of public gatherings paused. Although the country gradually started its way out of lockdown and back to normality, a new wave of COVID-19 pressed the brakes, slowing the pace of openings and the return to normal life and activity. Living through the new norms, the country came to make the word ZOOM a household name and adapt to connect virtually both nationally and internationally as evidenced by our virtual Annual Meeting today from the locked- down bases in our home and countries. The AMAA offices followed suit and closed while staff stayed in their homes directing operations as much as the pandemic allowed. The AMAA ED/CEO remained in Los Angeles and continued to manage operations and administer the office from a distance like all other staff. This report will now continue to describe the operations of the AMAA and highlight major events and activities during the fiscal year under review. At this juncture of the report, I would like to devote my thoughts to the most vulnerable mission field, that of the Near East. I believe the state of our mission today and tomorrow deserves all the attention that I can devote in sharing my thoughts on its current state and dreams of the future. Growing up as a teenager in Aleppo, Syria in the 50s and 60s was super interesting. Syria had won its independence in 1946 and until the date I left for Lebanon for my higher education in 1964, Syria had witnessed around a dozen military coup d’états, installed 12 presidents and enacted numerous states of emergencies. Bloodshed and violence were minimal and judging from our relative immaturity, we seemed to have fun witnessing historical events unfold before our eyes.

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 5 In hindsight, what we were witnessing in terms of intensity and destruction compared to the fire of the current day geopolitical conflict in the region was a campfire vs a conventional nuclear bomb. So much has changed in the Near East where our forebears took refuge after the Genocide. So much has changed from the climax of the renaissance of the survivors of in the Near East compared to today. So much have Christians lost in intellect, leadership, human resources and mere numbers in the population of the region. Both the long lasting and unfinished war in Syria and the stubborn deterioration of safety, security, economic stability and mere standard of living in Lebanon, have once again shaken the communities, depopulating the region with waves of confused and disoriented migrants. War and deteriorating economic conditions have in general impoverished those remaining behind heavily increasing their dependence on outside assistance and support. While numbers have fallen, the AMAA budget allocations have increased to those fortunate enough ending up in the Homeland, and those remaining behind. Since October 2019, our largest institutional community in the Near East ̶ Lebanon ̶ witnessed political upheavals, economic collapse, financial crisis, liquidity crunch and COVID-19. August 4, 2020 capped all the above with the devastating Beirut port area explosion. The blast caused extensive damage to human lives and properties. Fifteen Armenians died in the explosion and scores were wounded. Residential homes in a wide radius of the explosion were blasted turning them uninhabitable. Structures of Armenian Evangelical churches and schools including Haigazian University were heavily damaged. In an appeal circulated by the President of the Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches of the Near East, Rev. Megrditch Karagoezian, the estimated cost of damages to the AE community was set at $900,000. That, of course, is the material damage, which will eventually be repaired. The toll is heavier in the mood and disposition of the community. “Hope” for the future of the country is one of the major victims, the reverberations of which we shall come to see in the levels of exodus from the country. There is an enormous spirit of goodwill among global NGOs and some governments who are pouring in medical supplies and basic food supplies. As the initial shock from the blast passes, aid will slow, leaving pain to sustain and hope to linger. Moreover, although the AMAA will exercise unwavering support to our communities, it should be clear that optimism alone is not enough as we should collectively and objectively be realists. Hope is existential but hope pursues a vision. I pose the question ̶ what is the vision in the Near East now? Today, as we come face to face with those whose generosity, love of God and man is mirrored through the mission of the AMAA, we remain cognizant of management’s uncompromising sense of responsibility, total attentiveness to the mission, prudent management of funds, stringent accountability, unblemished reputation and a total commitment to transparency. In that sense of responsibility, we submit to the broader membership of the Association a summary of the significant events, activities that portray what transpired in the fiscal year 2019-2020.


A.1. HEALTH and SAFETY of STAFF and OPERATIONS Because of COVID-19, having the health and safety of the AMAA staff in mind and with stay-at-home guidelines in New Jersey, by mid-March, the AMAA office began working remotely. Staff were set up for remote access to individual computer workstations to access server and digital files. The auto attendant feature on the new phone system was activated with staff checking voice mails from their homes. I cancelled my flight to New Jersey and joined the staff working remotely from my home office in Glendale, California. The office building remained accessible to staff when needed with social distancing and sanitizing guidelines applied. Our office support staff member, Gil Blandon, attended to the office every day since April 6 from 10 am-2pm. Beginning March 26, we introduced regular weekly teleconferenced devotionals and staff meetings with the participation of senior AMAA and ECA staff in Armenia and Artsakh. AMAA President and Treasurer occasionally joined the weekly meetings and an invited guest minister offered a devotional. With the anticipation of an eventual lifting of the stay-at-home order, Operations Director, Magda Poulos researched and put together a procedural guideline that will follow Local, State, Federal and CDC mandates.

6 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 Banking operations, processing donations, international wires, accounting services, postings, sponsorship, scholarship and acknowledgments remained operational remotely and by occasional office attendance. Global communication regularly continued with Armenia, Artsakh, the Near East, Australia, Europe and South America assuring our mission partners of our commitments, checking on their needs, ensuring their safety and wellness and extending a helping hand.

A.2. PERSONNEL In September 2019, Aren Deyirmenjian of Beirut, Lebanon took up his position as Deputy AMAA Armenia Representative moving to , Armenia.

A.3. DEVELOPMENT, FUNDRAISING and PUBLICITY AMAA Direct Mail, Social Media Fundraising, Publicity and Promotion regularly continued until around March 2020 with vigor and without interruption. The emergence of the pandemic and the developing socio-economic crisis in the Near East changed our attention turning the spotlight to the Near East, primarily to Lebanon. Between April to July 2020, the AMAA launched the following annual or emergency fundraising campaigns. a. NEAR EAST RELIEF: With the economic crisis and its consequences on our communities in the Near East in mind, we launched “Your Gift – Their Relief” a mass mailing campaign to raise funds for the current and potential dire needs of our schools, churches and affiliated institutions in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran. b. EASTER APPEAL: Our regular annual Easter Appeal mass mailing. c. COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND: Realizing the exasperating effects of COVID-19 on all conceived needs in the Near East and the impact of the pandemic on communities in Armenia and Artsakh and North America, we launched an emergency COVID-19 RESPONSE FUND Campaign in April utilizing AMAA’s Social Media resources. d. Mailed a special Near East crisis appeal to a select list of donors. e. The April-May-June issue of the AMAA News included a return envelope appealing for donations of food, nutrition and sanitary supply packages. f. Responding to the Azeri aggression on the North East Armenian border, the AMAA launched the “I LOVE ” campaign in support of the Tavush communities and as has been AMAA policy, the families of martyred Armenian soldiers. The August 4 Beirut Port explosion was another turning point to invigorate our “CRISIS IN LEBANON – OUR COMMITMENT” Campaign which is in progress. The AMAA Donor base has been very generous in revealing their Christ-centered love and compassion of fellow Armenians and fellow human beings in their need. Encouraging statements, supportive messages, and some significant donations have touched our hearts, multiplied the joy and treasured the mission.

A.4. AMAA News 1) The July-Aug.-Sept 2019 issue featured Armenians in Eurasia 2) The Oct-Nov-Dec 2019 issue featured Avedisian School’s LEED Certificate 4) The Jan-Feb-Mar 2020 issue featured Armenian Presbyterian Church of Yettem, CA 5) The Apr-May-June 2020 issue featured COVID-19 Revelations

A.5. AMAA 2019 ANNUAL MEETING and CENTENNIAL BANQUET Thanks to Co-Chairs John and Michele Simourian, an energized and dedicated Banquet Committee and Paramus support staff, AMAA’s 100th Annual Meeting Banquet in Boston was a smashing success. Banquet attendance at 289 was an AMAA record for the region. Gross income, sponsorship, pledges and sponsorship funds and ticket sales totaled around $227,000, expenses of $54,000 and net excess of income over expenses of $173,000. The two projected video clips, dedicated to the LEED Certification of the Avedisian School and the honoree The Armenian Evangelical Church, were well received, thanks to Elise Kalfayan, Tina Segel in the US and Harout Nercessian and Suren Sahakyan in Armenia who worked with me on the production. A memorable and historic commemorative worship service and reception at the cradle of the founding church of the AMAA, the Armenian Church of the Martyrs in Worcester, followed the Sunday morning installation service at the Armenian Memorial Church in Watertown.

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 7 Special thanks to Rev. Avedis Boynerian and a very well-organized AMC host committee for the wonderful reception that did not miss any detail or need in welcoming guests, transportation, and beyond abundance of nutrition. Similarly, special gratitude to Rev. Stephen Carlyle and the Church Council of the Armenian Church of the Martyrs in Worcester for a well-organized and beautiful worship service and reception. . A.6. AMAA SCHOLARSHIPS For the academic year 2020-2021, AMAA awarded $221,300 in direct scholarship grants to college students. Eighty-five deserving students attending colleges and universities in North America received scholarships. In addition, $32,000 more was assigned for qualified university students in Armenia. Specially designated scholarships to Haigazian University students continued to flow. AMAA funding also provided college scholarships to students in Syria, Lebanon and Seminary students in the United States.

A.7. CENTENNIAL CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Thanks to all those who toiled during the campaign, the AMAA Centennial Capital Campaign formally ended on December 31, 2019 with a success rate of over 75%. With a $20M campaign goal, total one-time gifts and pledges totaled $15,251,883.

A.8. COOPERATIVE COMMITTEE on ARMENIAN MISSIONS (CCAM) The 2020 CCAM teleconference took place on Thursday, March 12, 2020. The percentage distribution of the DONCHIAN FUND, approved by the Board on March 7 as 50% Armenia, 35% Lebanon and 15% Syria, was ratified. United Church of Christ-Global Ministries reported a spendable distribution of $182,644 from 2019.

A.9. RELATIONS WITH THE MOTHER CHURCH IN ARMENIA Relations with the Mother Church in the Homeland and the Diaspora remain warm and friendly. The AMAA ED/CEO maintains regular contact with Catholicos Karekin II on his visits to Armenia (September 2019) or by personal phone calls.

A.10. CHILD and ORPHAN CARE ANNUAL FASHION SHOW – April 2020 The Los Angeles Orphan and Child Care 2020 Fashion Show and Silent Auction Luncheon, ‘Our Secret Garden’, scheduled at the Beverly Hills Hotel for April 18, 2020 did not take place due to COVID- 19. Thanks to a hard-working committee, donations for the cause came in generously raising an amazing sum of $152,605. Every year I find myself short of words to express my gratitude to the devoted and faithful group of women under the leadership of Arsine Phillips and Lori Muncherian. May the Lord bless them.

A.11. AMAA 2020 SUMMER INTERNSHIP The 2020 AMAA Summer Internship was cancelled due to COVID-19.

A.12. AMAA 2020 MEDICAL MISSION Due to COVID-19, the 2020 AMAA Medical Mission was cancelled. With medicine and medical supplies on hand, the AMAA Armenia Medical Team, under guidance from Dr. Albert Phillips, will examine the patients this year in Vanadzor, Alaverti, Tumanyan and Stepanavan in the north and in Sisian, Goris and Kapan in the South. AMAA hails Dr. and Mrs. Albert Phillips, Dr. Chris Tashjian and all the Medical Mission volunteers for their willingness to emulate the Lord and serve the needs of our people.

A.13. US SANCTIONS – Syria and Iran License In March 2019, AMAA filed a submission to the Office of Foreign Assets Control – OFAC ̶ requesting interpretive guidance whether AMAA’s provision of service to its Syria and Iran communities is in line with the general licenses found in the Syria and Iran Sanctions Resolutions. After a vigorous pursuit, on March 5, 2020 we received an official licensing from the US Department of Treasury to transmit funds to cover our operations in Syria and Iran. It is a renewable two-year license.

A.14. WILLS & BEQUESTS During the fiscal year, AMAA graciously received bequests from the following residual Trusts. Agopian, 14,575.00 Ashodian, Isabelle 100,000.00

8 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 Esaian-Noga, Virginia 50,000.00 Giligian, Arden 1,885.00 Hoogasian, Alice $ 150,000.00 Lion, Isabel 10,420.00 Michaelian, Donald S. and Carolyn Family Trust $ 119,944.55 Sayarman, Nubar $1,203,277.00

May the memory of these donors eternally live in the glowing flame of the AMAA’s mission around the world.


B.1. AMAA Armenia Here is a list of our activities in the Homeland.

B.1.1. Mission AMAA operations in Armenia and Artsakh are the major mission fields of operation with over 50% of the annual budget allocated there. Harout Nercessian and Rev. Mgrdich Melkonian lead the AMAA and ECA operations, respectively. Due to the pandemic, I could not pay my traditional spring visit to Armenia and Lebanon. As years go by, positive recognition and awareness of the AMAA’s presence and activities in the Homeland continue to grow. AMAA centers continue to witness a decent expansion thanks to new construction and expanded capacities. Since the velvet revolution in spring 2018, employment continues to grow as services and programs expand and increase. Relations with the Mother Church are warm and friendly in most regions with a few unshakable exceptions. The political atmosphere has lost its welcomed spirit of optimism, confidence and hope that followed the velvet revolution, but most polls still reflect a good deal of support of the new regime. The much-anticipated economic growth might not have reached ‘miraculous’ expectations but expansion of the economy and other economic development data is still encouraging. AMAA operations are dynamic but interaction with the new government offices needs a jumpstart. Since March 2020, Armenia is in lockdown due to the pandemic. Following government directives, furthered by my instructions, most of our staff switched to working remotely from home with only a handful of employees going to the office on a need basis. The general atmosphere in which the church operates is positive with decreased pressure and/or restrictions. AMAA continues to follow a policy of restrained expansion coupled with improved services.

B.1.2. Evangelical Church of Armenia Continued political turmoil, economic collapse, financial restrictions and immeasurable inflation continue to plague the Middle East enhancing my conviction of the growing importance and the role of the Evangelical Church of Armenia (currently 24 churches in Armenia and Artsakh) in the framework of the future of the Armenian Evangelical movement. The community in Syria will not fully recover while Lebanon follows suit on the road to uncertainty and slow meltdown. Both political upheaval and economic unrest dominate the region portraying an opaque future. Despite apparent flares, the West too continues to experience degeneration, schisms within the church and a drought in recruits answering the call to spiritual leadership. Armenia remains the most fertile soil where the Evangelical Church of Armenia can grow and revive the mission of its founding fathers in illuminating the nation through the dissemination of the Word of ‘I am the light of the world.’ The AMAA continues to encourage and nurture the Church, which can and should thrive and potentially perpetuate the movement in independent Armenia. Rev. Melkonian continues his diligent service in leading, teaching, supervising and mentoring pastors in Armenia through spiritual retreats, seminars, training, interning and ‘upper room’ experiences. The Church, in general, still suffers from the following ailments: 1) Lacks solid growth with anchored and self-supportive congregations. 2) Has shown minimal progress toward financial independence. 3) Falls behind in engaging its leadership in academic, theological and scholarly public appearance and exposure. More work needs to be done on the above concerns to bring the ECA closer to the dynamic entity that is hoped to perpetuate the Armenian Evangelical experience.

B.1.3. Avedisian School The Avedisian High School continues to excel in the field of education with all of its sixteen 2020 graduates being enrolled in universities. The student body as well as the school budget are on the climb and efforts will continue to ensure that the School Endowment Fund follows.

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 9 In early March 2020, following the lockdown, the School immediately switched to online learning. Due to the pandemic, the public commencement ceremony did not take place. The student population keeps expanding. Twenty-four KG and 41 first-grade students were admitted for the 2020-21 academic year. More attention should be given to raise and expand the Avedisian School Endowment Fund in anticipation of growing enrollment, higher wages and enhanced technology in the School. We are proud of the Avedisian School.

B.1.4. Construction By fiscal year end the following construction projects were completed, in planning or in progress. Executive Board Member Hratch Sarkis, to whom I extend AMAA’s utmost gratitude, continues to oversee and administer most AMAA construction projects in Armenia. They are: 1) CENTER RENOVATION Phase I and II are completed. Phase III embarked in August 2020. 2) BEDROSIAN SHUSHI CAMP OFFICE and CE CENTER Construction is complete. 3) STEPANAVAN ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING Construction in progress, due to complete by the end of 2020. 4) STEPANAVAN CHURCH WATER ISOLATION AND RENOVATION Construction commenced in August 2020. 5) SISIAN AMAA/HFA CENTER SECOND FLOOR RENOVATION A joint venture between the AMAA and Hope for Armenia. Construction is complete. 6) SHEEN SHOGHIG CAMP (Hankavan) DINING ROOM REMODELING Work commenced in August 2020.

B.1.5. Programs and Services in Armenia and Artsakh The AMAA is actively engaged in the following vital programs and services rendered in Armenia and Artsakh most of which are at levels of the previous year or have slightly grown: EDUCATION – AVEDISIAN HIGH SCHOOL MILK FUND STITCHED WITH LOVE ORPHAN and CHILD CARE SHOGH DAY CENTERS TUTORING CENTERS MEDICAL and DENTAL CARE – AYNILIAN CLINIC ARTSAKH KINDERGARTENS CHRISTMAS SHOE BOXES CHRISTMAS JOY CHRISTIAN EDUCATION BORDER VILLAGE RENOVATION PUBLICATIONS THEATER CHOIR

B.2. Near East B.2.1. Syria B.2.1.1 GENERAL CONDITIONS IN SYRIA Despite continued U.S. sanctions and lack of AMAA funding in most of the fiscal year 2019-2020, community life in Syria seemed to be active and fervent. Relative safety and security prevailed in sections under the control of the Syrian government where church life was visibly blazing and attendance intense. Then came COVID-19 and the inaction of new U.S. sanctions (the Caesar’s Act enforced on June 17, 2020) to turn the tables upside down. In late Spring, Syria witnessed a spiral of devaluation of the Syrian Pound, economic downturn, and skyrocketing prices of food, provisions and other life necessities. With barren pharmacies and hospitals, COVID-19 wreaked havoc, sowing death among the community. U.S. Treasury licensing of the AMAA in March 2020, made the first infusion of budgetary assistance possible, which was surely welcomed.

10 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 Through the remarkable efforts of Rev. Harout Selimian, new sources secured through European governmental and institutional channels and a growing level of income from a few Armenian Evangelical educational institutions helped alleviate the absence of AMAA assistance most of the fiscal year. Turkish ‘Ottoman’ expansionism, East–West rivalry, the Israeli-Iranian duel and continued U.S. sanctions, all push back any possible political settlement, resulting in the extended suffering of our people in Syria. The AMAA continues its moral and material support of Syrian Armenians in Syria, Lebanon and Armenia where thousands of refugees are still struggling to settle.

B.2.2. Lebanon B.2.2.1. GENERAL CONDITIONS Lebanon continues to grapple with its worst economic crisis for many decades. The Lebanese Pound is in free fall losing 80% of its value against the U.S. Dollar. Hyperinflation has settled in, unemployment is at record rate and 50% of the population is estimated to be under the poverty line. The estimated budget deficit of all Armenian Evangelical Schools in the fiscal year was around $700,000, painting a grim picture of things to come in the next academic year. Parents are unable to pay tuition and faculty and staff have lost a significant value of the purchasing power of their earnings. An ominous outlook of the future is frightening and the only word that describes that future is uncertainty. On June 4, the AMAA Near East Committee met with its counterpart in the UAECNE in a Zoom virtual teleconference, closely acquainting itself with the crisis and its repercussions on the community and its institutions. The August 4 Beirut Port explosion and the subsequent resignation of the government together with a fervent COVID-19 assault have made the situation in Lebanon unbearable throwing communities into hopelessness and despair. Cognizant of the deteriorating socio-economic and financial crisis engulfing the community in Lebanon, AMAA Management embarked on an intensive effort of fundraising to fight the spiral of evil on all fronts. So far, the AMAA’s combined fundraising effort has surpassed the $1.6M mark. However, the financial and banking crisis in the country continues to hinder our ability to reach out as fast as we can and like. Conditions on the ground will certainly delay transmittal and/or withdrawal of funds.

B.2.2.2. Haigazian University Despite the impact of the financial crisis, COVID-19 and the Beirut explosion, Haigazian University ended the current Fiscal Year on fair financial grounds with a controllable deficit. The future though does not seem to be bright. A wave of dark clouds is on the horizon. The concerns are multi- faceted and deep. They involve safety concerns, enrollment uncertainties, academic and faculty challenges, financial worries and a lot more. Monthly, weekly and even daily developments have their direct impact on the overall situation and uncertainty of the future is what scares everyone. There is an exodus wave, especially among the youth, who have lost hope in the future of the country. As reported last year, reflecting the wave of continued exodus, fierce competition and economic hardship, the number of Armenian students enrolling in the university is in a slow but constant drop. The outlook, following a general assessment of the geo-political future of the region does not give much hope for the tide to reverse. Haigazian University remains the pride of the Armenian Evangelical global community with its vital role in preparing regional and international public leadership. However, we should be mindful of the future of our communities and establishments in this volatile part of the world. Please continue to pray for Rev. Dr. Paul Haidostian, President of Haigazian, and Lebanon.

B.2.3. With COVID-19, Syria, Lebanon and border clashes in Armenia, our community in Turkey has been at bay in the year under review. Turkey itself has been aggressively and dangerously involved in all kinds of conflicts, including military, on all of its borders and beyond. The Erdogan regime continues to sway toward autocracy suppressing democracy. My contacts with Rev. Ağabaloğlu have been limited but I believe the small community that he leads in Gedik Pasa is in peace. The Hrant Dink Middle School at the Gedik Pasa Church continues to serve the children of Armenian migrants who have taken employment refuge in Turkey. The renovation and reconstruction plans of CAMP ARMEN, led by a Community Reconstruction Committee, faces obstacles from the Tuzla Municipality. The Committee has appealed the case again in .

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 11 B.2.4. Australia The Armenian Missionary Association of Australia continues to remain vibrant and productive under the able leadership of its Executive Director, Rev. Dr. Krikor Youmshajekian.

B.3 The Americas

B.3.1. AMAA Sundays The pandemic limited scheduling AMAA Sundays in AEUNA churches since March 2020. Personal contacts, emails and Zoom meetings have taken over as an essential and practical way of continued direct interaction between the AMAA and the AEUNA member churches in the Americas. We thank most AEUNA churches and Mission Committees for their support and partnership and sincerely call upon the rest to join us in our Mission and in support of its programs and services.

B.3.2. Joint Home Missions Committee – JHMC The Moderator, MTTU and Treasurer of the Union together with the President, Treasurer and the AMAA Executive Director/CEO convene annually to review the Union’s needs. The JHMC of the AMAA and AEUNA met again in spring 2020 to review the budget request of the Union for ministerial needs in the Americas in the 2020-21 budget.

B.3.4 South America AMAA continues to follow the status and supports the three ministries of Armenian Evangelical churches in South America. Regretfully, AEUNA sponsored and ordained minister at the Buenos Aires church, Rev. Ara Mkhitaryan abandoned his post and moved to Los Angeles. We continue to hope and pray that the integration of these three churches in the AEUNA will bring much needed revival, energy and support.

B.3.5 North America The AMAA closely watches the state of our churches, pulpits, youth camps and is in direct contact with the AEUNA MTTU. MTTU Rev. Berdj Djambazian, Moderator Rev. Jeremy Tovmasian and the Executive Committee continue to meet in regular monthly sessions to address the challenges of the Union and actively engage in meeting them.

B.3.6. AEUNA Biennial Convention The AEUNA cancelled its 2020 Biennial Convention set for Philadelphia. The AEUNA BOD is planning a video conferenced convention instead.

B.4. EURASIA Russia and Georgia Due to COVID-19 events, activities and contacts were limited this year with Russia and Georgia. The good news is that following my visit to the region in 2018, the AMAA started to implement the Child and Orphan Care program in the much-needed Armenian enclave of Akhalkalak in Georgia. We hope to gradually expand the program and reach as many children there as we can. Rev. Dr. René Léonian continues to oversee the activities of the AMAA and the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the region with diligence and attentiveness.

B.5. EUROPE FELLOWSHIP AMAA supports all Armenian Evangelical Europe Fellowship ministries and wishes them well in their plans of growth and expansion for the glory of God, the dissemination of the Word of God and the preservation of our national identity.


Our collective challenges in the sphere of the following areas continues, and needs collective attention and serious consideration: -recruiting new spiritual church leadership. -mobilization of the youth. -communities at risk in the Near East.

Prayers, focus and action are all necessary.

12 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 D. LETTERS and MESSAGES

A host of celebratory letters and/or messages of sympathy were addressed to churches, organizations, institutions, families and individuals marking various occasions.


To God Almighty for His continued faithfulness to the AMAA. To all donors whose faith and trust in the AMAA has made its mission roll and grow. To all staff in Paramus, Armenia and Artsakh whose dedication and hard work has made the mission possible. To all Officers, Board members, Committee members, volunteers, District Committees and mission partners, whose cooperation, support, and dedication has moved the mission forward. “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 I am humbled to be in the service of the Lord through the good offices of theAMAA. Thank you, donors, Board and Committee members, volunteers and staff. Sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all.

Respectfully submitted, Zaven Khanjian, Executive Director/CEO

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 13 SECTION I - AMAA AT A GLANCE

The Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) is a non-profit charitable organization serving as the missionary arm of the Armenian Evangelical churches worldwide. The AMAA was founded in 1918 in Worcester, MA; and incorporated in 1920 in the state of New York (ID #13- 5670954N). The purpose of the AMAA as defined in Article III of its bylaws is: “The AMAA shall have at heart the religious cultivation, spiritual growth and development of the Armenian people, enabling them to stand firmly in their Christian faith, to devote themselves to Christian mission and to uphold the follow- ing purposes as the basis of all the activities of the Association: a. To act as an Armenian Evangelical (Protestant) missionary organization within the family of the Armenian Evangelical reform movement and the universal Church of Jesus Christ. b. To encourage by all means the missionary interests of and religious educational, literary and philanthropic work of Armenian Evangelical (Protestant) Churches, Unions, organizations and individuals throughout the world. c. To promote fellowship among the Armenian Evangelical churches and the Armenian Evangelical-Protestant people throughout the world. d. To do everything necessary or incident for the accomplishment of any or all of the foregoing purposes, including the establishment and management of trust funds and the acquisition of bequests, consistent with the law and with the principles of Evangelical Christianity.” To fulfill this worldwide mission, the AMAA operates and/or supports a range of educational, evangelism, relief, , social service, health care, church, child care and other ministries in the following countries:

Abkhazia Brazil Georgia Lebanon Argentina Bulgaria Germany Russia Armenia Canada Greece Syria Artsakh Cyprus Holland Turkey Australia Egypt Iran United States of America Belgium France Iraq Uruguay

The AMAA is governed by an elected Board of Directors composed of twenty-seven unpaid members. Moderators of the Armenian Evangelical Unions of France, Near East and North America are Honorary Vice Presidents, serving as Ex- Officio members on the Board of Directors. The AMAA’s committees are composed of qualified, unpaid volunteers. The AMAA cooperates with Armenian and non-Armenian mission and service organizations, such as The Stephen Philibosian Foundation, the Telfeyan Evangelical Fund, The Armenian Theological Student Aid, the United Church Board for World Ministries, the Church World Service and Witness Unit of the National Council of Churches of Christ-USA, the Jinishian Memorial Program of the Presbyterian Church–USA, the German and Swiss Hilfsbund Mission, Action Chretienne En Orient–France, Service d’Entraide et de Liaison–France, Armenia Fund–USA, and other colleague agencies. The AMAA is headquartered at 31 West Century Road, Paramus, New Jersey 07652, USA, and in Armenia at 18, Marshal Baghramyan Street, Yerevan, Armenia. The AMAA has branches functioning as chapters or mission committees of local churches in the United States and abroad. It also has District Committees or affiliates serving as regional Armenian Missionary Associations in Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Iran and Uruguay. A paid Executive Director/CEO with paid office staff administers the life and work of the Association. Administra- tive and overhead costs are kept low. AMAA emphasizes full financial disclosure, accountability and careful stewardship of funds. Financial records are audited annually. The mission and service ministry of the AMAA is rendered in the name of Jesus Christ, and is made possible by the gifts of individuals and churches who are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission — “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15)


OFFICERS President: Nazareth Darakjian, M.D. Vice President: Michael Voskian, D.M.D. Treasurer: Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D. Co‑Recording Secretaries: Mark Kassabian, Esq. and Thomas Momjian, Esq.




BOARD OF DIRECTORS Class of 2020 Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Edward Avedisian Bryan Agbabian LindaKay Abdulian Nazareth Darakjian, M.D. Bryan Bedrosian H. Steven Aharonian, M.D. Thomas Momjian, Esq. Rev. Avedis Boynerian, D.Min. Rafi Balabanian, D.D.S. Jack Muncherian John Cherkezian Phyllis Dohanian Vahe Nalbandian, Ph.D. Mark Kassabian, Esq. Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D. Alan Philibosian, Esq. Kenneth Kevorkian Rev. Haig Kherlopian, D.Min. Gary Phillips, Esq. Louis Kurkjian Seta Loshkajian Nalbandian Ann Karagozian Sarafian, Ph.D. Heather Ohaneson, Ph.D. Jennifer Telfeyan-LaRoe Eileen Chopourian Stephey, Ed.D. Michele Simourian Michael Voskian, D.M.D.

EX‑OFFICIO Rev. Berdj Djambazian (Minister to AEUNA) Mihran Jizmejian (AMA-Canada - President/CEO) Joyce Philibosian Stein (Stephen Philibosian Foundation) Rev. Dr. Vahan Tootikian (AEWC - Executive Director) Rev. Dr. Krikor Youmshajekian (AMA-Australia - President/CEO)

PAST PRESIDENTS H. Steven Aharonian, M.D. George Bezirganian, M.D. Andrew Torigian Joseph Zeronian, Ed.D.

HONORARY VICE PRESIDENTS Rev. Megrditch Karagoezian (President, UAEC‑Near East) Rev. Dr. René Léonian (President (UAEC-Eurasia) Rev. Joël Mikaélian (President, UAEC-France) Rev. Garnik Tutikyan (President, UEC-Armenia) Rev. Jeremy Tovmassian (Moderator, AEU-North America)

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 15 STANDING AND SPECIAL COMMITTEES Note: The President and the Executive Director/CEO shall be Ex‑Officio members of all Committees except the Audit Committee. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

Nazareth Darakjian, M.D. - President Gary Phillips, Esq. - Member Michael Voskian, D.M.D. - Vice President Hratch Sarkis - Member Mark Kassabian, Esq. - Co-Recording Secretary Michele Simourian - Member Thomas Momjian, Esq. - Co-Recording Secretary Non-voting Ex-Officio Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D. - Treasurer Zaven Khanjian - Executive Director/CEO H. Steven Aharonian, M.D. - Member Joseph Zeronian, Ed.D. - Immediate Past President Ann Karagozian Sarafian, Ph.D. - Member Joyce Philibosian Stein - Stephen Philibosian Foundation Vahe Nalbandian, Ph.D. - Member

ARMENIA COMMITTEE Ann Karagozian Sarafian, Ph.D. - Chair Bryan Bedrosian Jack Muncherian Ara Apelian, M.D. Phyllis Dohanian Joseph Stein Edward Avedisian Rev. Ara Guekguezian Carlos Taraktzian Vahram Aynilian

AUDIT COMMITTEE Gary Phillips, Esq. - Chair Edward Kaiserian Vahe Nalbandian, Ph.D. Bryan Agbabian Mark Kassabian, Esq. Joseph Zeronian, Ed.D. Lori Muncherian

BUDGET‑FINANCE COMMITTEE Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D. - Chair Louis Kurkjian Gary Phillips, Esq. H. Steven Aharonian, M.D. Lori Muncherian Michael Voskian, D.M.D. John Cherkezian Alan Philibosian, Esq. Joseph Zeronian, Ed.D.

CHRISTIAN LIFE COMMITTEE Heather Ohaneson, Ph.D. - Chair Mark Kassabian, Esq. Rafi Balabanian, D.D.S. Rev. Haig Kherlopian, D.Min. Rev. Avedis Boynerian, D.Min.

CONSTITUTION AND BYLAWS COMMITTEE Mark Kassabian, Esq. - Chair Thomas Momjian, Esq. H. Steven Aharonian, M.D. Alan Philibosian, Esq. Alice Altoon, Hon. (Ret) Gary Phillips, Esq.


LindaKay Abdulian - Chair Levon Filian Arsine Phillips Berjouhy Barsoumian Gulesserian Lori Muncherian George Phillips, Jr., Esq. Jack Muncherian Seta Loshkajian Nalbandian Tammy Bedrosian Shegerian Kenneth Kevorkian Heather Ohaneson, Ph.D. Eileen Chopourian Stephey, Ed.D. Phyllis Dohanian Jennifer Telfeyan-LaRoe Marina Saatjian Sweeney

16 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 ETHICS COMMITTEE Vahe Nalbandian, Ph.D. - Chair Gary Phillips, Esq. Rev. Avedis Boynerian Eileen Chopourian Stephey, Ed.D. Mark Kassabian, Esq. Michael Voskian, D.M.D. Rev. Haig Kherlopian, D.Min.

EUROPE COMMITTEE H. Steven Aharonian, M.D. - Chair Thomas Momjian, Esq. Bryan Agbabian Michele Simourian Serge Buchakjian Joyce Philibosian Stein

FOREIGN REAL ESTATE COMMITTEE Hratch Sarkis - Co-Chair H. Steven Aharonian, M.D. Joseph Stein - Co-Chair Louis Kurkjian

INVESTMENT COMMITTEE Michael Voskian, D.M.D. - Chair Aram Minnetian H. Steven Aharonian, M.D. Harold Nahigian Nicholas Aynilian Alan Philibosian, Esq. Vahe Balouzian Andrew Torigian John Cherkezian Albert Kapigian-UBS Investment Banker Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D. Gregory Krikorian-UBS Investment Banker

JAMES JAMESON ESSAY CONTEST COMMITTEE Douglas Kurjian, Ph.D. - Chair Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D. Arthur Artinian Heather Ohaneson, Ph.D. Arouss Darpinian Eileen Chopourian Stephey, Ed.D.


Gary Phillips, Esq. - Chair George R. Phillips, Esq. Anita Buchakjian Hratch Sarkis Luther Gueyikian

NEAR EAST COMMITTEE Louis Kurkjian - Chair Hrag Marganian, M.D. Rafi Balabanian, D.D.S. Jack Muncherian Hasmig Baran, Ed.D. Gary Phillips, Esq. Berjouhy Barsoumian Gulesserian Joseph Stein

NOMINATING COMMITTEE Class of 2020 Class of 2021 H. Steven Aharonian, M.D. Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D., Chair Rev. Berdj Djambazian Michele Simourian Rev. Haig Kherlopian Edward Saliba Michael Voskian, D.M.D. Rev. Jeremy Tovmassian

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 17 ORPHAN AND CHILD CARE COMMITTEE Michele Simourian and Joyce Philibosian Stein - National Co-Chairs Boston Area Betty Balian Sevana Ohanian Susan Covo - Co-Chair Marilyn Bezdikian Aleen Oruncakciel Phyllis Dohanian - Co-Chair Diane Cabraloff Melody Petrossian Pamela Avedisian Alice Chakrian Sue Phillips Edrina Barsamian Gina Felikian Suzie Phillips Dianne Chilingerian Paulette Geragos Barbara Poladian Joanne DeAngelis Lucy Gulvartian Irene Sassounian Jennifer Esserian Mary Hovanessian Tina Segel Armine Hovhannissian Christina Jabarian Leslie Shahinian Joyce Janjigian Sandra Kalemkiarian Joyce Philibosian Stein Deborah Jigarjian Lisa Karamardian Caroline Tufenkian Rosemary Martirosian Houri Kassabian Savey Tufenkian Jeanmarie Papelian, Esq. Mary Kassabian Jessica Vartoughian Candace Simourian Argine Jean Kelegian Maro Yacoubian Michele Simourian Eileen Keusseyan Zakari Diane Spera Leslie Kevorkian Christine Zenjiryan Grace Kurkjian Los Angeles Area Erika MacArthur NY/NJ Area Arsine Phillips - Co-Chair Sandy McNutt Seta Loshkajian Nalbandian - Co-Chair Lori Muncherian - Co-Chair Christine Minasian Vickie Shoghag Hovanessian - Co-Chair Elizabeth Agbabian Nicole Nishanian Jennifer Telfeyan-LaRoe Jane Asmar

PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Thomas Momjian, Esq. - Co-Chair Mark Kassabian, Esq. Eileen Chopourian Stephey, Ed.D. - Co-Chair Louis Kurkjian Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D. Seta Loshkajian Nalbandian

PLANNED GIVING COMMITTEE Thomas Momjian, Esq. - Co-Chair George R. Phillips, Esq. George Phillips, Jr. - Co-Chair


East Coast West Coast Lucienne Aynilian LindaKay Abdulian Seta Loshkajian Nalbandian Arsine Phillips

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE Robert Hekemian, Jr. - Chair Craig Froonjian, D.D.S. John Cherkezian Berjouhy Barsoumian Gulesserian Arouss Darpinian Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D. (AMAA Treasurer as Ex-Officio)

18 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 R E C O G N I Z E D O R G A N I Z A T I O N S


AMAA Representatives Zaven Khanjian - AMAA Executive Director/CEO Nazareth Darakjian, M.D. - AMAA President Levon Filian (Alternate)

AMAA/AEUNA JOINT HOME MISSION COMMITTEE AMAA Representatives AEUNA Representatives Nazareth Darakjian, M.D. - AMAA President Jeremy Tovmassian - AEUNA Moderator Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D. - AMAA Treasurer Souzi Baghdikian - AEUNA Treasurer Zaven Khanjian - AMAA Executive Director/CEO Rev. Berdj Djambazian - Minister to AEUNA

AEUNA BOARD OF DIRECTORS (AMAA Representatives) Nazareth Darakjian, M.D. - AMAA President Zaven Khanjian - AMAA Executive Director/CEO

"ARMENIAN EDUCATION" EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION H. Steven Aharonian, M.D. - Chair Jeanmarie Papelian, Esq. Edward Avedisian Zaven Khanjian - AMAA Executive Director/CEO Nazareth Darakjian, M.D.

ARMENIA FUND, INC. (AMAA Representative) Vasken Khanjian

ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL WORLD COUNCIL (AMAA Representatives) Nazareth Darakjian, M.D. - AMAA President Zaven Khanjian - AMAA Executive Director/CEO Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D. - AMAA Treasurer

DONCHIAN-COOPERATIVE COMMITTEE ON ARMENIAN MISSIONS AMAA UCC Wider Church Ministries Nazareth Darakjian, M.D. - AMAA President Peter Makari, Ph.D. - Area Executive Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D. - AMAA Treasurer Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson – Zaven Khanjian - AMAA Executive Director/CEO Associate General Minister Brian Tracy – Controller

MERDINIAN ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL SCHOOL (AMAA Representatives) Varoujan Baghdassarian (June '22) Levon Filian (June '22) Vahe Nalbandian, Ph.D. (June '22)

PAN AMERICAN COUNCIL – WESTERN U.S. (AMAA Representative) Vahram L. Shemmassian, Ph.D.


AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 19 HAIGAZIAN UNIVERSITY



Hasmig Baran, Ed.D. - Chair Eddie Racoubian - Treasurer John Sagherian - Vice Chair Vahram Shemmassian, Ph.D. - Recording Secretary

Class of 2020 Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Raffi Boladian (UAECNE) Vicken Aharonian (AMAA) Hasmig Baran, Ed.D. (AMAA) Ani Boujikanian (UAECNE) Ani Darakjian, M.D. (AMAA) Serge Buchakjian (AMAA) Robert Kurkjian (AMAA) Dr. Nourijan Demirjian (UAECNE) J. Barkev M. Kassarjian, Ph.D. (AMAA) Maro Nercessian (UAECNE) Michael Landes (AMAA) Hrag Marganian, M.D. (AMAA) John Sagherian (UAECNE) Kevin Matosian (AMAA) Gary Phillips, Esq. (AMAA) Vahram Shemmassian, Ph.D. (AMAA) Vartkes Tavlian (AMAA) Eddie Racoubian (UAECNE) Christina Segel (AMAA)

Ex-Officio Rev. Paul Haidostian, Ph.D. - HU President Rev. Megrditch Karagoezian - UAECNE President Nazareth Darakjian, M.D. - AMAA President Joyce Philibosian Stein - SPF Chairperson Zaven Khanjian - AMAA Executive Director/CEO


Joyce Philibosian Stein - Chair Silva Marounian Joyce Abdulian Sirvart Mouradian Elizabeth Agbabian Hilda Murachanian Julie Aharonian Suzie Phillips Phyllis Hamo Adrienne Sagherian Silva Hussenjian Dolores Samuelian Hermine Janoyan Rita Tilkian Hasserjian Mary Kassabian Thelma Kevorkian Honorary Members Grace Kurkjian Arsho Lousararian Ida Levy Inge Markarian


Varouj Charkhedian Prof. Hagop & Mrs. Armine Der-Karabetian Khatchig Havatian Raffi Kendirjian Sahag Loussinian Loucine Kandaharian Tashdjian


Louisa Janbazian, Co-President Alice Baghdasarian Ani Hanessian, Co-President Maida DerOhanessian Garine Abajian, Recording Secretary Mary Kassabian Rita Meneshian, Corresponding Secretary Kohar Mouradian Dee Chorlian, Treasurer Sirvart Mouradian Thelma Kevorkian, Historian Seta Nalbandian Juliette Abdulian Suzy Phillips Elizabeth Agbabian Helga Sarkis Mary Atikian Kohar Shnorhokian 20 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 AMAA DISTRICT COMMITTEES - OVERSEAS


Rev. Dr. Krikor Youmshajekian - President/CEO Lena Bomoushakian Avo Soghomonian - Vice President Movses Injejikian Mark Cholakyan, M.D. - Secretary Viken Keledjian Apraham Ishkhanian - Treasurer Marie Soghomonian


Mihran Jizmejian - President/CEO (Ontario) Armen Buchakjian - Advisor (Ontario) Hagop Basmadjian - Controller/Accountant (Quebec) Rev. Georges Dabbo (Ex-Officio) (Quebec) Sarkis Marandjian - Treasurer (Ontario) Rev. Hovhannes Svadjian (Ex-Officio) (Quebec) Rev. Megrditch Karagoezian - UAECNE President Jack Kafesdjian -Treasurer (Quebec) Robert Adourian, Esq. - Solicitor (Ontario) Joyce Philibosian Stein - SPF Chairperson Raffi Shnorhokian - Vice President (Quebec) Nazareth Darakjian, M.D. - AMAA President (Ex-Officio) Ruth Demirjian (Duench) - Vice President (Ontario) Zaven Khanjian - AMAA Executive Director/CEO (Ex-Officio) Hovig Zakarian - Recording Secretary (Quebec) Harout Nercessian - AMA-Armenia Representative (Ex-Officio) Zela Sarmazian Kakoussian - Recording Secretary (Ontario) Rev. Berdj Djambazian - Minister to AEUNA (Ex-Officio) Salpi Kadjemian - Advisor (Ontario) Rev. Jeremy Tovmassian - AEUNA Moderator (Ex-Officio)


Rev. Sergey Shahvertian - President Robert Shanazarian Rev. Michel Aghamalian (alternate) Claris Aghajanian Shaverdian Ara Aghajanian Carmen Tovmassian Negdar Der Hovhanessian Masiss Vartoumian Rev. Vazrik Safarian


Rev. Obed Boyadjian, D.D.S. - President Robert Moumdjian - Treasurer Jorge Moumdjian - Secretary

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 21 SECTION I I - MINUTES


Saturday, October 19, 2019 Armenian Memorial Church 9:00 a.m. Watertown, Massachusetts

PRELIMINARIES Call to Order: President Nazareth Darakjian, M.D. called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.

Attendance: Board Members, Officers, Simourian, Michele Kherlopian, Rev. Dr. Haig Ex-Officio & Staff: Stein, Joe Marganian, Dr. Hrag Stein, Joyce Matossian, Rev. Joseph Balabanian, D.D.S., Rafi Tovmassian, Rev. Jeremy Tutiky- Megerditchian, Rev. Serop Boynerian, Rev. Dr. Avedis an, Rev. Garnik Melkonian, Houri Cherkezian, John Voskian, D.M.D., Michael Youm- Minassian, Rev. Razmig Mkhitaryan, Darakjian, M.D., Nazareth shajekian, Rev. Dr. Krikor Rev. Ara Gulesserian, Berjouhy Momjian, Seza Guekguezian, Rev., Ara Guests: Papazian, Stephen Helvacian, Ph.D., Nurhan Aynilian, Jr., Nick Paytyan, Rev. Albert Janbazian, Louisa Assilian, Ara Phillips, M.D., Albert Khanjian, Zaven Assilian, Esther Polyniak, Todd Kutlu, Christine Avakian, Florence Phillips Sr., Esq., George Léonian, Rev. Dr. René Borekjian, Talin Phillips, Sue Melkonian, Rev. Mgrdich Mikaélian, Cholakian, Rev. Vicken Phillips, Suzie Rev. Joël Dabbo, Rev. Georges Poindexter, Lucine Momjian, Esq., Thomas Darakjian, Dr. Ani Rastguelenian, Lucy Nercessian, Harout Garabedian, Rev. Joseph Selimian, Rev. Haroutune Karagoezian, Rev. Megrditch Garabedian, Rev. Joe Setian, Arevig Phillips, Esq., Gary Garabedian, Lena Telefeyan-LaRoe, Jennifer Poulos, Magda Gulesserian, Maurice Telefeyan, Nora Rastguelenian, Nerses Jaferian, Edward Telefeyan, Roland Sarkis, Hratch Khanjian, Sona Tovmassian, Rev. Dr. Ron

Opening Prayer: A devotional and opening prayer were offered by Rev. Ara Guekguezian.

Adoption of Agenda: The proposed agenda was adopted as presented.

Minutes of 99th Annual Meeting, held on October 20, 2018 at the United Armenian Congregational Church, Los Angeles, California, were approved as presented.


A. President’s Message: The President, Nazareth Darakjian, M.D. referred to his written report and noted that the Centennial Celebrations would continue until the end of the year. He thanked the Simourians for chairing this year’s annual banquet. He gave an update on the Centennial fundraising campaign. Dr. Darakjian also provided remarks on the AMAA’s mission in Armenia and the Middle East.

B. AEF-Europe; AEF-France: Rev. Joël Mikaélian referred to the written reports, summarized the past year’s events and provided updates on ministry and construction projects.

22 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 C. AUE-North America: Rev. Jeremy Tovmassian noted that lay leadership is an important part of the Church and that part of the Union’s mission is to make sure our Churches are equipped to serve local communications. D. AEU-Eurasia: Rev. Dr. René Léonian noted that of the ten million Armenians worldwide, half are located in Europe and the former . He noted visits made by the AMAA’s Executive Director to Moscow and Georgia. He thanked the President and Treasurer of the AMAA for increasing funding every year in Eurasia.

E. UAEC-Near East: Rev. Megrditch Karagoezian noted the turmoil in Lebanon, including the blocked roads. He noted the merger of the two schools in Beirut. He noted that except for one or two, the Churches in this region are experiencing a variety of issues. “But God is God.” Rev. Selimian showed a video on Syria and presented an award to the Executive Director of the AMAA for his dedication and service.

F. UAEC-Armenia: Rev. Mgrdich Melkonian gave a prayer. He gave an update on pastors’ seminars and women’s Bible study. He also spoke about the Christmas Joy Packages Programs.

G. Co-Recording Secretaries: Thomas Momjian, Esq. and Mark Kassabian, Esq. referred to their written report.

H. Treasurer Report: Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D. referred to his written reports for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. He reviewed revenue/donations, as well as significant income from investment return and rent. He also provided a summary of expenses. The AMAA’s auditor was introduced.

I. Executive Director/CEO: Zaven Khanjian introduced the AMAA staff, and referred to his written report. He thanked the President and Board of Directors.

J. Acting Director of Finance: Nerses Rastguelenian referred to the written report.

K. AMAA Representative in Armenia: Harout Nercessian referred to his written report and presented a slide show. He gave an update on the Avedisian School and noted the 100% university admission.


A. Armenia Committee: Reference was made to the written report.

B. Audit Committee: Gary Phillips, Esq. referred to the written report and noted the importance of transparency.

C. Medical Mission: Dr. Albert Phillips showed a video on the AMAA’s medical mission and noted the expansion of the mission to Artsakh.

D. Budget and Finance Committee: The Treasurer, Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D referred to the written report and gave an update on endowments and donations.

E. Christian Life Committee: Rev. Ara Guekguezian talked about the cooperative committee on Armenian missions.

F. Child and Orphan Care: Joyce Stein thanked Michele Simourian and co-chairs Lori Muncherian and Arsine Phillips, Esq.

G. Constitution and Bylaws Committee: A written report was submitted.

H. Cooperative Committee on Armenian Missions: A written report was submitted.

I. Development Committee: Reference was made to the written report.

J. Europe Committee Reference was made to the written report.

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 23 K. Foreign Real Estate Committee: Joe Stein referred to the written report. He thanked Hratch Sarkis for all of his great work.

L. Investment Committee Michael Voskian, DMD, referred to the written report. He thanked the committee and noted the performance of AMAA’s investments.

M. James Jameson Essay Contest Committee: Reference was made to the written report.

N. Managers of Real Estate Committee: Gary Phillips, Esq. referred to the written report.

O. Near East Committee: Berjouhy Gulesserian referred to the written report.

P. Nominating Committee: Thomas Momjian, Esq. distributed ballots in connection with the election of individuals to the nominating committee.

Q. Personnel Committee: Thomas Momjian, Esq. referred to the written report, and he thanked the committee for all of its hard work.

R. Planned Giving Committee: George Phillips, Sr. provided an update and noted the importance of planned giving.

S. Scholarship Committee: A written report was submitted.


A. Armenian Evangelical World Council: Rev. Joel Mikaelian gave an update and referred to the written report.

B. Haigazian University: Throughout the meeting, participants gave updates on Haigazian University. A written report was also submitted.

C. Haigazian University Alumni Association, Women’s Auxiliary of Los Angeles and Stephen Philibosian Foundation: Joyce Stein referred to the written report.


A. Armenian American Museum: A written report was submitted.

B. “Armenian Education” Educational Foundation: A written report was submitted.

C. Armenian Evangelical Schools of California: A written report was submitted and there was a video presentation.

D. Hayastan All Armenia Fund: A written report was submitted.

E. Hope for Armenia: A written report was submitted.

F. Joint Home Missions: Reference was made to the written report.

G. Syrian Armenian Relief Fund: A written report was submitted.


A. AMA-Australia: Rev. Dr. Krikor Youmshajekian referred to his written report and brought greetings from Sydney. He noted that 2021 will be a special year, including the 20th Anniversary of the AMAA of Australia. There was a video presentation.

B. AMA Canada: Rev. Georges Dabbo referred to the written report and noted that the Armenian churches and AMA-Canada work together. He also noted the food bank.

24 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 C. Armenian Evangelical Churches of Bulgaria: A written report was submitted.

D. Armenian Evangelical Churches of Tehran, Iran: A written report was submitted.

E. Armenian Congregational Church of Sao Paulo, Brazil: A written report was submitted. Ara Mkhitaryan spoke and brought greetings from South America.

F. AMA Uruguay, Montevideo: A written report was submitted.

G. Reports from Church Missions Committees and AMAA Chapters of North American Churches: Written reports were submitted.


1. Board of Directors—Class of 2022: The following members were elected to the Board of Directors during the Annual Meeting: LindKay Abdulian, H. Steven Aharonian, M.D., Rafi Balabanian, D.D.S., Phyllis Dohanian, Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D., Rev. Haig Kherlopian, D.Min., Seta Loshkajian Nalbandian, Michael Voskian, D.M.D.

2. Auditor: A motion was made and duly seconded reappointing Sax LLP as the AMAA’s independent auditor.

3. Four Members to the Nominating Committee: The following individuals were elected to the Nominating committee: Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D., Michele Simourian, Edward Saliba, Rev. Jeremy Tovmassian.



A closing prayer was given by Rev. Dr. Krikor Youmshajekian, President of the Armenian Missionary Association of Australia. The meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Thomas Momjian, Esq. and Mark Kassabian, Esq. Co-Recording Secretaries



“Pray for each other.” James 5:16

In these times of pandemic, we pray that God may keep you all in good health and continue to richly bless the spiritual, humanitarian, cultural and educational programs of the AMAA around the world for our Armenian brothers and sisters who are experiencing a precarious existence at the present time in Lebanon. The Armenian Evangelical Fellowship of Europe was born in Issy-les-Moulineaux (France) on May 1998, according to the vision of the then Executive Director of AMAA, the late Rev. Dr. Movses Janbazian. Our mission fields are Belgium, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Germany and Holland. The presidency of this Fellowship has been entrusted to France. At this time, I am the President and have been since the beginning. The Board members of the Fellowship are: Rev. Bedros Altounian from Bulgaria: Vice-President, Rev. Sarkis Pachayan from Belgium: Vice-President, Rev. Viken Cholakian from Greece: Secretary, One member from AMAA Treasurer. Our objective is threefold: 1. Spiritual and brotherly support for the Pastors and leaders in each country. 2. Regular pastoral visits in order to find out about local needs on the spot, and to encourage the members of these churches in their spiritual, social and material lives. 3. Set up evangelistic operations in order to reach our compatriots who have newly arrived in Europe with the message of the Gospel and salvation in Jesus Christ. For many years, all these goals were reached and God’s work was spread satisfactorily in all these countries. After a few sluggish years, on June 9, 2018, on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary of AMAA in Issy les Moulineaux, we were able to gather our delegates from the different countries once again, with AMAA President Dr. Nazareth Darakjian and AMAA Executive Director/CEO Zaven Khanjian being present. New life was breathed into the mission of the Europe Fellowship: unity, edification and evangelism. In July 2019, we made a ten-day long pastoral visit to Bulgaria. In Varna, we organized a special pastor’s meeting with the pastors from Sofia, Plovdiv and Varna. We have finally been able to set up a Federation of Armenian Evangelical Churches in Bulgaria. We have drawn up a strategy to revitalize each generation’s spiritual life in each of the churches. We considered restarting a holiday camp for 40 children in July 2020 with the support of young people from France. However, because of the coronavirus we were unable to carry out the project this summer. In each town, we were able to participate in Bible meetings with pastors and their congregations. Bulgaria is the poorest of the 27 countries of the European Council. In these pandemic times, we need to help them with food parcels, particularly for the older people and large families. In November 2019, we were able to bring to France two young people from our churches in Sofia, for four days, in order to participate in a gathering in Valence for young people in our Union. In the same way as in Bulgaria, the needs are huge and urgent in Belgium, Greece, Turkey, Germany and Holland. Our vision is current and alive. Our contacts are close and sincere. Our desire to work in the field remains strong. There are many calls for help. Admittedly, the pandemic has slowed down the lives of these churches. Each of them is doing their best to keep the flame of the Gospel alive, as well as relationships between the faithful. During lockdown, I sent biblical messages in Armenian to all these countries every week to encourage and edify, by WhatsApp and e-mail. The feedback has been very positive.


Thank you for your faithful support for Pastors’ salaries and for the various expenses of the local Churches.

Respectfully submitted, Rev. Gilbert Léonian, President


“When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, your consolation delights my soul.” - Psalm 94:19

Heartfelt greetings in the name of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ, to our mission leaders and partners of the Armenian Missionary Association of America. AEUNA leaders and churches are navigating through multiple storms: CO- VID-19, economic downturns, overseas crises such as the Beirut explosion, and anxiety and hopelessness in the face of all this. With our living Lord’s power, we can face these storms. In the gospel of Mark there is the account of Jesus and His disciples on a boat as a storm raged in the Sea of Galilee. Jesus arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and they became perfectly CALM. (Mark 4:35-41) The Holy Spirit can calm our spirits in trying circumstances.

CHURCH AND PASTORAL CARE I conduct regular online pastoral fellowship meetings at this difficult time. In addition to sharing concerns and challenges, we spend time in prayer. I am personally calling, on a regular basis, 3-4 pastoral leaders each week to listen to them, encourage them, and pray with them. They have managed the move from in-person worship services to online worship, realizing more participation from the community as people did not have to drive to attend! This is a tremendous blessing and outreach opportunity. Some churches have now transitioned back to opening doors for worship as public health regulations permit. We have published reports from the churches in our email newsletter about how they are responding to these changing conditions, and readers have responded very positively to news from sister churches.

MEETINGS, FELLOWSHIP AND MINISTRIES Due to the pandemic, the Camp AREV Banquet set for April was cancelled, the AEUNA Biennial set for June 25-28 in the Philadelphia area was postponed, Camp AREV summer camp was held virtually via Zoom, our Board of Directors is meeting via Zoom, and the Armenian Evangelical Women’s Fellowship East and West Coasts have coor- dinated together and met separately online as well. We praise God for the online tools available to us, allowing us to remain in fellowship, to plan together, and to expand our outreach, especially as Camp AREV virtual summer camp was offered free to all registrants. We coordinated two special all-AEUNA online services with participation from most of our pastors and churches: a special Easter service, and a special praise service to celebrate the founding of the Armenian Evangelical Church. The July 1 praise service included a special greeting from AMAA Executive Director/CEO Zaven Khanjian. We thank God for the broad participation of so many of our pastors and churches. Both videos are available on the AEUNA YouTube channel and have been widely viewed.

CAMP AREV LODGE RENOVATION The Lord has blessed the Camp AREV ministry of the AEUNA, and God has answered prayers through the gifts of generous supporters. Director Rev. Razmig Minassian and the Camp AREV Committee led by George Phillips Jr. have been preparing for a major renovation of the Lodge to accommodate growing numbers of youth wishing to attend our camps. Groundbreaking began in July and volunteers helped with demolition of the existing building. The renovation will create 14 separate suites/rooms with their own bathrooms, able to accommodate 68 people. The center will have a gathering space for worship and teaching, and an adjoining fellowship center with covered patios and exterior entrances will allow guests to enjoy recreation, have fellowship, play games, and meet in small groups. The camp is also construct- ing a 2,100 sq. ft, 6-bedroom, 4-bathroom home to accommodate staff. We are very excited for what God has planned for this ministry. The Camp AREV Committee is seeking donors interested in making a lead gift toward completion of this project and recognition is available.

COMMUNITY AND ECUMENICAL ACTIVITIES We continue to be active in the Pan-Armenian Council and participate in Armenian American Museum planning meetings. Through these community channels, we recently arranged with AMAA and Armenian Relief Society to provide funds to house homeless Armenian people in Glendale. We also invited AMAA Executive Director/CEO Zaven Khanjian to talk about critical funds needed for Beirut during one of our August pastoral fellowship meetings, and have coordinated with the Pan-Armenian Council on community-wide calls for aid to Lebanon and Syria. Finally, I reached out to a sister church in Belgium and have counseled the pastoral leadership following Rev. Joël Mikaélian’s direction, with the goal of preserving the church as one body. As we carry out all these efforts, I praise God for the spiritual, material and collegial partnership of AMAA leadership.

Respectfully submitted, Rev. Berdj Djambazian, Minister to the Union


The Union of Armenian Evangelical Churches in Eurasia (UAECE) brings together the Armenian Evangelical churches and fellowships of the Former Soviet Union Republics and the Eastern Europe former Communist bloc. The Union consists of two churches and eight fellowships in Russia, one church in Abkhazia and three churches and two fellowships in Georgia. The Union aims at helping the churches grow and its pastors mature without neglecting the church planting ministries. It provides pastoral support to the ministers and young leaders; organizes pastoral visitations and outreach; helps in the implementation of Christian Education programs; promotes fraternal relations between member churches, fellowships and their ministers. RUSSIA There are approximately 3 million Armenians in Russia. The largest Armenian communities of Russia are in the cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kaluga, Tula, Yaroslavl, Stavropol, Krasnodar region (Sochi and Armavir), Rostov, Ekaterinburg, Saratov, Astrakhan, Omsk, and Novosibirsk. The Armenian Evangelical churches of Russia, located in Moscow (pastored by Rev. Masis Akopyan) and Sochi (pastored by Rev. Sasun Karakhanyan) have the vision to reach out to the Armenians of these towns with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 1. Moscow: Emphasis on Bible study and prayers (over Skype) with the participation of people from different cities. Use of different communication media. The Church had organized evangelism events at Christmas and Easter. The Church in Moscow has also organized several home churches in different districts of this mega-city, taking into account the difficulties faced by people traveling to the central church and in different regions. There are four places in Moscow: Reoutov, Aviamorny, Trodvinski, and Akademikyanguel. There are five places in the regions: Narofominsk (100 kms from Moscow), Dardom (100 kms from Moscow), Reazan (200 kms from Moscow), Libetsk (400 kms from Moscow), and Koursk (650 kms from Moscow). 2. Sochi region: Bible studies are organized for Armenian families in 4 different villages near Sochi. The vision is “to reach out with the Good News to the Armenians living in Russia.” To achieve this, we need to strengthen the Armenian Evangelical Church in Moscow that will become a center coordinating different Armenian Evangelical activities in the country and a stable presence in the Sochi Region. The same applies to twelve different regions of Russia with the largest Armenian populations. 3. Fellowships: In Armavir/Krasnodar (pastored by Pastor Armen Ghukasyan) and in St. Petersburg (pastored by Pastor Gurgen Pogosyan): home Bible studies. GEORGIA There are approximately 300,000 Armenians in Georgia, of which 100,000 live in Tbilisi. There are churches in two areas: Tbilisi (pastored by Rev. Karen Khatchaturyan), and Akhalkalak Region (Western Georgia), where the churches are pastored by Rev. Valery Zakaryan. In Akhalkalak Region, the Armenian Evangelical Church holds services in three locations, and a service in Akhaltskhe. The AMAA owns a two-storied building in the city of Akhalkalak. The Church activities are held in this building renovated by the AMAA. 1. Tbilisi: Weekly church activities: Sunday worship service, Sunday school, Wednesday prayer and Bible study. Christmas, Easter, April 24th and the yearly Ecumenical prayer meeting with all Christian Churches in January. We need a building with a worship hall, a Sunday school premises and an office. The church must not only be a spiritual center, but also a center that protects our Armenian identity and culture. Fellowship in Samshvilde village: home Bible studies. 2. Akhalkalak region: The Church holds Sunday worship services, Bible study, prayer meetings and Sunday schools in 4 locations. There are 72 villages in the Akhalkalak region, of which 65 are purely Armenian (around 80,000 Armenians). There are also several thousand Armenians in Akhaltsikhe. ABKHAZIA The overall population of Abkhazia is 240,000, of which 60,000 are Armenian. The Armenian Evangelical Church of Sukhumi is led by Rev. Sasun Karakhanyan. The meetings take place in homes because they do not have a place to meet. We need to strengthen the local church that exists and respond to the spiritual needs of Armenians who live in the other villages of Abkhazia. Like everywhere in the world, the COVID-19 pandemic has not spared the Armenian Evangelical Churches of Eurasia. Our pastors and lay leaders have made extensive use of social networks to enable church members to be nourished in their Christian faith. Contact was kept permanently with all of them. God’s faithfulness is unfailing, and we are deeply grateful to Him, and continue to ask Him to help us reach out to the Armenians of the Former Soviet Union Republics and Eastern Europe former Communist bloc. We thank God for all the blessings we have enjoyed during the past year and we thank the AMAA and its leadership for supporting us as we minister in Eurasia. Respectfully submitted, Rev. Dr. René Leonian, President


Our Union continues its various missions in France, Europe, Armenia and the Middle East. We thank God for His faithfulness.

We continue to share the suffering of our brothers and sisters in Lebanon, Syria and Iraq throughour missionary committee who support them with our prayers and financial aid. This year we also continued to help our churches in Belgium, both financially and spiritually. The church in Brussels has had some difficulties this year and needs all our prayers.

“Hope for Armenia” continues its mission in Armenia in cooperation with the AMAA (See the report of the Association).

During this year, our Executive Committee continued to work extensively to prepare the future of our Union and the pastoral succession. We conducted an audit of our associations and our churches to clarify our vision and our goals for the future, with an external professional. We are currently working on his report. We set up administrative, financial and spiritual commissions that will work on these issues. Our Synod took place by Zoom on May 21, 2020. We held elections. The following were elected to the Synodal Commission: President of the Union, Rev. Joël Mikaélian, Vice President, Rev. Ago Tchoghandjian, Treasurer, Serge Kurkdjian, Secretary, Emmanuel Léonian, Advisors, Noémie Meguerditchian, Rev. Sam Albarian and Rev. Alain Bédikian, Michel Guiragossian, and Josias Tchagaspanian.

We have some changes in the Union for the coming year: Rev. René Léonian will serve the church in Valence for one year; Rev. Emmanuel Virabyan will serve the church in Arnouville while studying at the Faculty of Theology; Brother Pierre Lachat will serve the church in Montélimar. We have also one theology student, Hagop Koujikian.

Our publications (“Panpere” and the “Calendar”) are distributed in France and worldwide.

This year our Camps in “La Source” and “La Fontanelle” had to cancel some activities because of the Coronavirus. We thank the AMAA for its financial support We are grateful to God for the brotherly relations which we have with the Armenian Evangelical family in the world. God helps us to continue to work together, praying and carrying out our great mission for his Glory.

Respectfully submitted, Rev. Jöel Mikaélian, President


“The goodness and mercy of our Eternal God are accentuated in times of fear of evil and in periods of feeling hope- less.” This was the opening sentence of my Annual Report last year. It turned out to be more than true this year, as we went through a year of more fear of evil and deeper feelings of hopelessness. They came with political turmoil, economic breakdown, social uncertainty, then the world engulfing pandemic becoming more acute in our countries, and eventually, the explosion in the Beirut Port on August 4. That is a world of change from last year… to the worse. Yet, “because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.”(Lam. 3:22)

Yes, life in the countries of the Near East where our church communities live, worship, witness and serve has changed drastically. Iran and Iraq are experiencing much hardship economically and socially; Syria, especially Aleppo, is confronting the dark specter of COVID-19, which has reaped many lives, including a few of our community; Turkey and Greece, along with Cyprus have their own problems of economic and political limitations; Egypt is calm yet tense. Only Australia seems less affected by the above. As for Lebanon, it has lost 80% of the value of its currency, banks have held peoples’ savings and accounts “hostage” with the pretext of fighting money-laundering and money-exodus, the market place has come to a nearly complete halt, the pandemic has started to spread wildly, and to top it all, there was the huge explosion of ammonium nitrate illegally and carelessly stored in the Port of Beirut which destroyed tens of thousands of houses and businesses around the city. All our churches and schools in Beirut along with Haigazian University and the Union headquarters were damaged, the Ashrafieh Church and School getting the heaviest blast of all. 190 people were killed in Beirut, close to 6,000 people were wounded. Only a few from our community were physically injured, thank God.

Because of the political unrest and the COVID-19 pandemic, schools had a hard time completing the past school- year. They were compelled to go to online teaching. Churches and the Central Committee of UAECNE went to online worship programs being broadcast on social media for our community for the past several months. All youth and chil- dren’s summer activities were cancelled or postponed indefinitely. Church life as we knew it, was not there anymore. Yet, the Social Action Center in Trad area was able to take care of the members of our churches and the community around with social help and relief, especially with the help of our partner churches and organizations, the main helper being the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA). The AMAA was very quick, efficient and generous with its response to our multiplied needs, and this helped us to cope with the burden of helping our own and our neighbors. Thank you, AMAA. Your help enabled us in Syria and Lebanon to take care of our poor and needy, to pay the salaries of our teachers at least in part, to start rebuilding what was destroyed in our churches and homes and to renew hope for our people. We hope to restart church life and school activities when allowed and able to come partly together as congregations and classes, and partly on line. What shape will our life take, is a question we ask ourselves every day with a shifting price climb in the market place. We trust our Lord to guide us to do His will always.

Our pastoral problems are still with us. We hope our two in care students will join our pastoral cadres in the near future. The two young brothers from Armenia, studying at the Near East School of Theology under the sponsorship of the AMAA are also doing fine. They chose to stay in Beirut with their families and helped us out with field work during the summer. We have one new lady candidate from Aleppo for Christian Education.

KCHAG was “idle” for the most part this summer. We could accommodate only some “day conferences” with all the protective measures against the pandemic. Please pray with us and for us, that the Lord’s goodness and mercy are always felt and seen, and that we waste none of the blessings of the Lord. We pray that getting together will again be part of those blessings soon.

Respectfully submitted, Rev. Megrditch Karagoezian, President


I would like to THANK God for giving me the opportunity to serve Him in our Homeland and I want to THANK the AMAA for supporting this very essential ministry in our people for His honor and glory. This year was a very different year because of COVID-19, but we did our best in terms of the Churches and Christian Education. We did everything online and with Zoom. At the worship services every Sunday a different pastor prayed, a different pastor led the worship and a different pastor gave the sermon. We had two Bible study series - one on the book of Philippians and a second one on the book of Revelations. The first one five pastors participated and led the study and the second one two pastors participated. And each pastor did a similar thing with his congregation and his own church.

A. OUR STUDENTS: The two NEST theological students were in Beirut, Lebanon with their families. Armen Misakyan with his wife Elianor and two children, Khachig Nazaryan with his wife Olga and one child. They are safe and doing fine. They have excellent grades with an average of ninety in their classes and in their studies. In this situation in Lebanon they are doing great and helping out the Armenian Evangelical community in Beirut. They are involved in the churches and they have responsibilities with the youth group and Junior high groups.

B. CONTINUING EDUCATION AND PERSONAL CARE for the pastors and their families: Three seminars/retreats were held for the Evangelical Church of Armenia (ECA) pastors in 2020 on the following topics: a. Pastor’s spiritual life, his wife and his family. b. Christian mind and Christian thinking in our ministries. c. Church History and specially Reformation History every week through Zoom.

C. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION: The training continued to prepare Christian Education (CE) members for the ECA Christian Education ministry. The CE Committee had three meetings with the CE staff in February and March, and meetings with Zoom in April, July and August. The CE Committee is formed by Armen Papajanyan, Karen Manougyan, Alla Patalyan, Vartan Apinyan and Houri Melkonian. The meeting agenda included setting the direction of the CE Staff for the year 2020, and specially the on-line conferences. On-line conferences took place for the children (three times), Junior High (three times) and Young Adults (two times). All conferences were extremely successful, praise God.

D. ECA WOMEN’S MINISTRIES: We had planned all the meetings and conferences for the ladies but unfortunately couldn’t do it. Instead, we did personal telephone calls. In some churches we did Bible studies too.

E. CHILDREN’S, JUNIOR HIGH AND YOUTH CONFERENCE: The ECA supported very unique conferences this year, all with the Zoom. Thank God for our staff and capable people who were able to organize a conference with Zoom. Praise God, it was a blessing to all.

Respectfully submitted, Rev. Mgrdich Melkonian, Pastor to Pastors



The AMAA is governed by an elected Board of twenty-seven Directors, which acts in consultation with Ex-Officio members and various committees of the organization, including its Executive Committee. The Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the AMAA meet throughout the year to make decisions and take action within their purview in connection with the AMAA carrying out its mission of serving the spiritual and physical needs of people, which is accomplished through a range of educational, evangelistic, relief, social service, church and child care ministries in 24 countries throughout the world. The primary duty of the Co-Recording Secretaries is to create an accurate, concise, and permanent record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of the AMAA. The Co-Recording Secretaries create minutes that contain a record of official actions taken by the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. As a record of official action taken, the minutes generally limit or omit personal opinion or discussion. During the 2019-2020 fiscal year, the Board of Directors held four meetings and the Executive Committee held two meetings, all of which took place at the AMAA headquarters in Paramus, New Jersey, with the exception of the Board meeting held on October 18, 2019 at Watertown, Massachusetts, the Board meeting held on March 7, 2020 in Glendale, California, the Executive Committee meeting held on May 9, 2020 through Zoom video conference, and the Board meeting held on July 18, 2020 through Zoom video conference. We are extremely grateful to our President Nazareth Darakiian, MD, senior management and the entire AMAA staff for their continued help and support throughout the year in carrying out the mission of theAMAA.

Respectfully submitted, Mark Kassabian, Esq. and Thomas Momjian, Esq. Co-Recording Secretaries


It was my honor and privilege to serve as the Treasurer of the Armenian Missionary Association of America, Inc. (AMAA). The audited year-end financial results (Pages 63-81) show that the revenues from contributions, bequests and investments totaled $15.1 million in fiscal year ending July 31, 2020, up from $12.5 million from the year before. The operating expenses over the same period were $10.9 million, resulting in an increase in net assets of nearly $4.5 million. At year end, the market value of AMAA net assets was just over $190 million. The investment and rental income of $9.7 million consisting of dividends and interests, plus capital gains from endowments and trusts was up $3.5 million from the year before. This increase is the main source of the year-over-year increase in the net assets. The revenue from contributions and bequests was $4.6 million, down from $5.2 million the year before. The AMAA spending on mission programs was $10.9 million and includes funds for education, relief, assistance to churches and missions, leadership development and theological training in 24 countries around the globe. In addition to regular missions, the AMAA provided emergency assistance to Lebanon to counter the financial hardships resulting from the political and economic turmoil. In particular, special funds were extended for the Union elementary and second- ary school operations ($100,000) and for relief through the Social Action Committee ($100,000). Spending on the mission programs include on the following programs: • Relief, $2.7 million for Armenia and $0.6 million for the Middle East; • Education, $1.6 million for the child education centers in Armenia, Avedisian School in Yerevan, and scholarships for university students in the United States; • Haigazian University in Beirut, Lebanon, over $1.3 million; and, • Evangelism around the globe, nearly $2 million that includes assistance to churches, for summer camps, leader- ship development programs, theological training, and for publications. The AMAA spending on capital projects was $730 thousand, less than the budgeted amount for the year ($1.5 million). The main construction project, the Stepanavan Administrative Building proceeded as planned, and will be completed this fiscal year. The total cost of the project will be $822 thousand. The other noteworthy capital project was the renovation of the Shushi Bedrosian Camp in Artsakh ($165 thousand). This year’s financial statements were once again audited by the independent Certified Public Accounting firm of SAX LLP. The independent auditor’s comments and financial statements are included in the Annual Report (Pages 63-81). I encourage each member to review these statements, and direct your questions either to me or to Nerses Rastguelenian, the AMAA Controller.

32 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 I am grateful to Dr. Michael Voskian, the Chairman and all the other members of the Investment Committee for their diligence and hard work. Most importantly, I thank God for the AMAA supporters whose generosity and volunteerism are the foundation of the organization. Their talents and dedication enables the AMAA to carry out its holy mission and vital services around the world.

Respectfully submitted, Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D., Treasurer


1. Purpose This document reports on the activities of AMAA-Armenia during the 12 months, starting August 2019. Evangelical Church of Armenia and Christian Education activities are reported in the ECA report.

2. A year not to be forgotten To put it mildly, 2020 has been an unusual year. Almost everyone and every organization has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. AMAA-Armenia was no different. Our educational institutions had to adapt to online teaching and most AMAA-Armenia staff had to work from home. Yet, we adjusted and adapted to the new situation mitigating the negative impact of the pandemic to a minimum. In addition to our ongoing programs, during 2020-AMAA Armenia distributed financial aid to over 400 COVID eco- nomic victims. The following AMAA programs had to be cancelled due to the pandemic: Medical Mission, Summer Internship, AMAA Artsakh 25th anniversary events, and the Armenia tour.

3. Educational Programs The best gift one can give a child is quality education. a. Khoren and Shooshanig Avedisian School and Community Center Education The Avedisian School provides high quality, tuition free education to the needy families of the South-West District of Yerevan. During the report period, the School educated 50 kindergarten and 550 schoolchildren in grades 1-12. The students also receive moral/spiritual training as they participate in devotionals and attend summer camp. High School Commencement For the Academic year 2019-2020, the Khoren and Shooshanig Avedisian School bid farewell to 16 High School graduates. As graduation ceremonies were not allowed, the graduates received their diplomas without a formal ceremony. All the graduates have been admitted to universities. Enrollment and new admissions During the Academic Year 2019-2020, the School served 580 K-12 students. New students were admitted for the academic year 2020-2021. Grade 1: 76 applicants. 41 admitted. In addition, 25 KG graduates moved to Grade 1 for a total of 66 students in three Grade 1 classes. Kindergarten: 35 applicants. 24 admitted. Recent Developments During the pandemic, the School observed all the rules of hygiene. Classes were held online. In this way, 530 students and 50 kindergarten students were taught remotely. Twenty students who did not have computers were loaned computers by the School. Some students came in to access the internet. Classrooms were disinfected after each student. The School successfully carried out a new parental training program for 10 mothers. All experienced significant improvements in their relationships with their children. The program will be expanded in the school.

b. Kindergartens AMAA operates four Kindergartens in Artsakh – AMAA Baghdigian KG in Stepanakert, AMAA Bilezikian KG in Shushi, AMAA and AMAC Basmajian KG in Askeran, and AMAA Movses Janbazian KG in Martakert. The Kindergartens

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 33 provide 320 needy children with nutritious meals and quality education. AMAA kindergartens are considered to be among the best in the country. The quality of the education at these kindergartens keeps improving thanks to special training programs orga- nized by Avedisian School and the AMAA Yerevan office. AMAA kindergartens were the only ones in Artsakh to provide online services to parents and children during the pandemic. c. Educational Day Centers “Shogh” Centers The best gift one can give a child is holistic education. A well-rounded educational program that targets both the mind and the heart, providing young people with the tools to grow into productive citizens, thus breaking the cycle of poverty. The five AMAA “Shogh” Centers help children break out of poverty by helping themimprove academically, gain life skills, and enjoy education. The project’s main objective is to help children overcome educational difficulties and grow personally. The latter focuses on mind-set development which targets the root of the thought patterns that hold kids back. Personal growth then empowers children with a specific set of skills (and wisdom) that they use throughout their childhood, teen years and for the rest of their lives adding significant value to society. Highly qualified and experienced professionals such as tutors, social workers and psychologists provide social, educational, psychological, and leisure services to nearly 249 school-age children. The Centers provide the following services: • Education and training - School subjects: English and Russian language, math, etc. • Social work with the children and parents - group & individual sessions to address personal and family issues • Personal development - life skills (coaching, emotional intelligence) • Psychological - psycho-therapeutic group and individual meetings • Art classes – painting, dancing, etc. • Daily hot meal • Recreation - summer camps, cultural events, field trips, etc. During the pandemic, the Shogh Centers provided educational, psychological, and social services online. d. Tutoring Services When competent and dedicated people gather around a brilliant idea, it certainly turns into reality. This is how the idea of AMAA Tutorial Centers came to life. For two years, AMAA- Armenia volunteers in Gyumri and Goris committed to invest their God-given love and knowledge in the lives of vulnerable children. Such commitment and dedication could not wait too long for the desired outcomes. Today AMAA runs 9 Tutorial Centers in Goris, Yerevan, Vanadzor, Alaverdi, , Vardenis, Ijevan and where 232 children receive tutorial services, Christian Education and learn life skills. The mis- sion of these centers is to contribute to the educational development and personal growth of vulnerable children helping them toward a brighter future. The AMAA Tutorial Centers provide the following services: • Education and training - School subjects: English and Russian language, math, etc. • Christian Education • Life skills • Art classes – painting, dancing, etc. • Daily snack During the pandemic, the AMAA provided remote services to nearly 276 children from 12 Day and Tutorial Centers five days a week (on weekends when necessary).

e. Live Your Dream, Jinishian Resource Center Life skills (e.g. purpose and direction in life, emotional intelligence, healthy values system, ability to maintain healthy relationships) are as important as technical competence for career success. Through seminars, debates, films, library and a web site, AMAA’s “Live Your Dream, Jinishian Resource Center” helps university students and new gradu- ates develop these life skills. During the report period, the Center provided life skills seminars to 45 AMAA employees who participated in various seminars and training sessions.

f. Scholarships During the report period, AMAA-Armenia gave out $26,715 in tuition assistance to 132 deserving, needy university students. The scholarship applications are reviewed, and recommendations made by a committee. g. Summer Camps In cooperation with the ECA, AMAA holds summer camps at the AMAA Sheen Shoghig Camp in the Hanka- van Region of Armenia and the AMAA Bedrosian Camp in Shushi, Artsakh.

34 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 During the pandemic, regular camps were replaced with online camps with 942 campers from Armenia and Art- sakh (youth, young adults and children). h. Reflections on AMAA Educational programs A former AMAA Executive Director once said, “Education is in the DNA of the AMAA.” Indeed, it is. Education shapes the worldviews and moral values of the young. As an Evangelical organization, over its ten decades of out- reach, the AMAA has shaped ̶ via its educational programs ̶ the lives of tens of thousands of Armenians in the Middle East, North America, and now Armenia. In Armenia, the Avedisian School, Shogh Centers, kindergartens, Christian Education and other education pro- grams have been expanding the minds and souls of the young. The transformational impact of these ministries cannot be measured quantitatively. However, one gets a sense of the organization’s powerful character-building impact when one meets AMAA alumni who are indebted to the organization for having invested in them.

4. Humanitarian Services a. Child Sponsorship Program AMAA sponsors 1,754 children in 34 towns and villages of Armenia, Artsakh and Akhalkalaki. This program is carried out in partnership with Hope for Armenia of France. The sponsored children receive quarterly financial support, medical care, relief supplies, participate in art/tutorial services, summer camps and receive various social services. b. Adopt-A-Granny Around 77 needy lonely pensioners are enrolled in this program, which provides social and material support to grannies in the towns of Goris, Tashir, Ichevan, Bert, and Alaverti. The grannies receive monthly parcels of food, hy- gienic products and other necessities. In addition, they receive a bi-weekly social worker visit. This program is a moral and spiritual uplift to these grannies, most of whom are lonely with no family members around. c. Outreach to the Elderly Since 1997, in partnership with Hope for Armenia of France, the AMAA has been operating an outreach to the elderly in Stepanavan. The program started as a Soup Kitchen but now has expanded into a half-day ministry. The program served five hot meals a week to 40 elderly people, from November 1 until May 1. In cooperation with the AMAA, Sister Hanna Christen of Germany organized a Soup Kitchen that serves daily hot meals to 50 needy individuals and families in the North-Eastern town of Berd. Sister Hanna has served Ar- menians in Lebanon, Syria and Armenia, for many long decades. This year in cooperation with Diaconia Charitable Fund the AMAA organized a Soup Kitchen in Berd. The program serves five hot meals a week to 60 needy individuals, from May 4 till now.

d. Relief Supplies to the Needy AMAA distributes relief supplies to thousands of needy families and individuals. During the report period, AMAA Armenia received and distributed 17 shipments of supplies, worth $533,826.27. These were distributed to 27.738 beneficiaries through AMAA Armenia offices and partner NGO’s. e. Medical Services The Hope for Armenia - UMAF Spitak Clinic (funded by Hope for Armenia and Union of French-Armenian Doctors) provided dental services to 3,478 children and pediatric services to 1,575 children. During this period the Aynilian Medical clinic provided medical services to 3079 people. This year, 878 pa- tients visited the sonographer, 130 patients visited the dentist, 142 patients visited the therapist. About 1929 beneficia- ries received medicines from the clinic. f. Special Medical Mission Due to the pandemic, the Medical Mission, led by Dr. Albert and Susan Philips was not able to carry out its annual mission in Armenia. Instead, AMAA Armenia’s medical staff, led by Dr. Gohar Margaryan, in consultation with Dr. Philips visited all the cities from where the Medical Mission usually examine patients. The AMAA medical team examined 732 patients from 9 towns and villages and gave each one year’s supply of medicine. g. Infant Formula Thanks to the Armenian Milk Fund Program, AMAA Armenia provides infant formula for babies who are un- able to digest milk or whose mothers cannot breastfeed. During the 12-month report period, AMAA Armenia distributed 13,144 300-gram boxes of Humana and 600-gram boxes of Similac milk-based formula and 9,191, 500-gram boxes of Humana SL and 400-gram boxes of Isomil soy based formula.

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 35 5. Strategic a. Border Villages Villages bordering Azerbaijan are critical for the defense of the country. Due to security concerns, many want to leave these vulnerable areas. The AMAA continues its efforts to assist the population of these villages. During the report period the AMAA financially supported several communities in Tavush region․ These are the following: 1. The AMAA provided supplies to be used in shelter in case of enemy hostilities. 2. The AMAA renovated the shelter under the village school. AMAA plans to expand its assistance to the border villages. b. “One Village” Consortium In 2014, to honor the memory of the victims, AMAA Armenia initiated a 6-NGO consor- tium to cooperate in lifting up a village that was symbolic of the Armenian survival story. The “One Village” Consortium selected the Martuni Village (Chambarak, Gegharkunik Region) which was formed in 1921 by Genocide survivors. A holistic approach to assistance was adopted. Investments were made in education, employment and in- come, agriculture, infrastructure, healthcare and capacity building. Encouraged by the success of the Martuni experience, in 2018, the Consortium members decided to continue their cooperation in the border villages of Armenia. The Consortium expanded to 11 organizations and the villages of and Kirants of Tavush Region were selected. Currently the Consortium members are: AMAA, “Shen” Charity NGO, “Children of Armenia Fund” (COAF), “Development Principles”, “Armenian Relief Fund”, “World Vision”, “Teach for Armenia”, World Council of Churches Ar- menia Round Table, Armenian General Benevolent Union (AGBU), Armenian Caritas and Diaconia Charity Foundation. During the report period: • The AMAA mediated the donation of a tractor to the village of Navur by California residents George and Katchig Titizian. • In cooperation with Teach for Armenia, the AMAA provided a teacher to the Kirants school. TFA teachers are trained to impact not only their students but the entire community. • AMAA provided internet services to Navur Secondary School. • AMAA provided a physics lab to the Navur School. Avedisian School will train the Navur school’s teach- ers on the use of the lab equipment.

6. Summer Internship The 2020 AMAA Summer Internship program was cancelled due to the pandemic.

7. Operations and Support The above-mentioned ministries are made possible, partly thanks to the work of the Operations and Support staff of AMAA Armenia. a. VAT Exemptions and Customs Clearance During the report period, AMAA Armenia secured: • $139,115 of VAT exemptions on Construction projects worth $695,571 • $32,849 of VAT on $164,241 worth of utilities • $130,000 of customs duty on humanitarian goods worth $533,826. • Avedisian School - $769 per month of VAT payments related to the building. b. Accounting in numbers AMAA Armenia accounting department executes, controls, keeps track of and issues various financial reports with outstanding precision and accuracy. The following numbers is a sample of the volumne of their annual workload. • MIP accounting system transactions: 14,200 • Armsoft generated documents – 33 000 (all electronic and half in actual paper) • Bank wires and cash payments: 7,500 • Invoices: 5,000 • Human Resources documents: 6,500

c. Public Relations To enhance the image of AMAA Armenia and Armenian Evangelicals, we have an active presence in social media. • An active bilingual (Armenian and English) website & social network pages • Coverage of important AMAA events in Armenia, Artsakh and the diaspora

36 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 • A 360° Interactive Virtual Exhibition of the AMAA Centennial Armenian Evangelical Artists Exhibition at • Social media presence on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn, Calameo. • New pages on Wikipedia and other online resources • Cooperation with news media outlets such as Arevelk News and, CivilNet • Postings of Armenian Evangelicals who have made significant contributions to the Armenian nation • Several short promotional films on various programs. We highly appreciate our cooperation with and support of AMAA staff in the United States. d. Construction and Renovation During the report period, 24 construction and renovation projects were undertaken. Here is a list of the major ones: • Construction of the Stepanavan Administrative, Shogh and CE center – to be completed in October 2020 • Construction of the Shushi Administrative and CE center - completed • Remodeling of Ijevan church exterior and sanctuary - completed • Renovation of the Yerevan Aynilian Clinic - completed

8. Concluding Remarks Thus far, 2020 has been a challenging year, testing our resolve to stand strong and prevail against fear of health risks and the economic uncertainties of an unknown pandemic. With the help of God and the supportive spirit of the AMAA leadership and donors, we have continued to express God’s love to the marginalized through education, emo- tional support, and relief. We thank God for the honor and privilege of serving Him through the AMAA.

Respectfully submitted, Harout Nercessian, AMAA Representative in Armenia



Despite significant challenges during the first 8 months of 2020, the AMAA’s ministries and services in Armenia have continued to have a profound impact on many individuals and families in the Armenian Homeland. The AMAA is so blessed to have the following individuals serving so faithfully: Harout Nercessian, the AMAA Representative in Armenia; Aren Deyirmenjian, the AMAA Armenia Deputy Representative; Viktor Karapetyan, Artsakh Representative; and Rev. Mgrdich Melkonian, the AMAA Field Director and Pastor to Pastors in Armenia; and many other dedicated servants of the Lord. The AMAA Armenia Committee has held several teleconferences during the past year, receiving updates on the impactful and often rapidly changing work of the AMAA in the Homeland, especially in response to the COVID-19 global pandemic and severe challenges in the Republic of Armenia; the Azeri attacks at Tavush and ensuing conflict at the border with Armenia; and economic challenges for the ROA that have only become even more dire as a result of the pandemic and closure of borders and businesses. Updates on some of the AMAA’s important ministries are as follows:

• Charitable Support: AMAA Armenia sponsors 1,730 children and 79 grannies in the ROA, with a range of programs to meet local physical and spiritual needs. In May 2020, in partnership with Diaconia Charitable Organization, the AMAA started operating a Soup Kitchen in Armenia, where 60 needy elderly are blessed with hot meals five days per week. There are also two medical clinics, the AMAA-UMAF Medical Clinic in Spitak and the AMAA Aynilian Clinic in Yerevan. AMAA’s Armenian Medical Mission unfortunately had to be cancelled in 2020 due to the COVID crisis and travel restrictions, but it is hoped that next year the mission will take place, led by founders Dr. Al and Sue Phillips. The Armenian Children’s Milk Fund and other designated funds continue to support the youngest and most vulnerable of our children in Armenia. • The Day (Shogh) Centers and Tutoring Centers are vital ministries of the AMAA in Armenia and in Artsakh, where after-school and summer care programs assist in meeting the emotional, behavioral, spiritual, and educational needs of many of Armenia’s most seriously at-risk children. AMAA Armenia operates 5 Shogh and 12 Tutorial Centers, serving 300 children in the Shogh Centers and 300 in the Tutorial Centers, with online outreach even during the COVID crisis. This is a particularly difficult situation given increasing domestic violence during at-home sheltering. There is a need for more Shogh Centers, and it is our hope and prayer that this will be a reality after the health crisis abates. • The Evangelical Church of Armenia (ECA) continues to bring the Good News of the saving Grace of Jesus to Armenians throughout the country, even remotely, as indicated above. Rev. Melkonian’s efforts are very much evident in ministering to pastors and their flocks in the ECA. Because of the rapidly spreading coronavirus, ECA churches stopped regular, in-building services on March 16, 2020, but were able to immediately switch to on-line services, as have most of their counterparts worldwide. At present, each ECA church runs online Bible studies and CE programs, while online Sunday worship services are held centrally, with parishioners from various churches connecting each Sunday, where a different ECA pastor preaches from week to week. Approximately 1,600 viewers tune in to these Sunday services on a weekly basis. Other meetings with church boards and with ECA pastors continue to take place remotely. • The Avedisian school, a private K-12 school dedicated to serving underprivileged children in the Malatia-Sepastia area of Yerevan, has been a blessing at so many levels. Even when COVID struck, the School went immediately to online instruction, one week before the public schools transitioned. In the spring, sixteen students graduated from high school, all of whom have been admitted to universities. The School continues to grow, with creation of a third Grade 1 class of 22 children in the past year. • Construction projects continue with the Stepanavan center construction (possible completion in early 2021), the Ichevan sanctuary and office renovation (moving to Phase III), the AMAA Sheen Shoghig Camp (Hankavan) dining room capital renovation, the eventual construction of a church/AMAA center in the South-West District of Yerevan, among others. The AMAA is grateful that Board member Hratch Sarkis continues to supervise many aspects of the projects.

With thanks to God for His bountiful blessings through joys and through trials, always in His service,

Respectfully submitted, Ann Karagozian Sarafian, Ph.D., Chair

38 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 AUDIT COMMITTEE

AMAA’s Audit Committee is charged with oversight of AMAA’s financial reporting process, making recommendations for its independent auditor, and the receipt and review of audit results, both internal and external. The Audit Committee assists the Board of Directors in fulfilling its corporate governance responsibilities and its oversight of AMAA’s financial reporting, internal control system, risk management system and internal and external audit functions. As of the date this report is submitted, AMAA’s external auditors, Saks LLP, are in the process of completing its audit of AMAA’s financial statements for the fiscal year ended July 31, 2020. It is expected, consistent with prior years, that AMAA’s external auditors will express an unqualified opinion that AMAA’s financial statement fairly present, in all material respects, the financial position of AMAA as of July 31, 2020, and the results of its operations and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in the United States. In 2019, the Audit Committee retained Grant Thornton, an independent international accounting firm in Armenia, to review and make recommendations concerning internal controls and procedures employed in AMAA’s Armenia and Artsakh operations in specified areas. Grant Thornton issued its report in November 2019 and made certain recommendations to address internal control weaknesses it identified in the specified areas. After being received and approved by the Audit Committee, the report was transmitted to AMAA’s Board, who then directed AMAA’s management to implement new or improved controls and procedures to address the internal control weaknesses identified in the report. AMAA’s management implemented new controls and procedures, which the Audit Committee will periodically review going forward. I wish to provide personal thanks and appreciation to committee member and prior Chairman, Vahe A. Nalbandian, for the assistance he has continued to provide me during the past year in carrying out my duties as Chairman.

Respectfully submitted, Gary R. Phillips, Esq., Chair


The Budget and Finance Committee (B&FC) is entrusted with recommending to the Board of Directors operating and capital budgets for the forthcoming fiscal year (2020-2021). For the fiscal year beginning on August 1st, the B&FC carefully reviewed and considered AMAA’s anticipated sources of revenue and the expenditures. The AMAA Board ap- proved the Committee’s proposed budgets in its July Board meeting. This year’s financial commitments include special disbursements to abate the effects of the novel virus to our mission partners around the globe. The regular AMAA programs of evangelism continue unhindered by these special commitments. The programs support and sponsor education, medical missions, general relief, churches and ministers, leadership development and theological training. The two distinct sources of funds cover the AMAA operating budget disbursements projected to be nearly $9.6 million (page 64). The capital budget is projected to be an additional $1.9 million (page 65). The first source is the AMAA endowments and the income from rental properties. The second source is the donations, in the form of unrestricted and restricted contributions to specific projects and bequests. The restricted donations can only be used for designated AMAA Board approved projects specified by the donors, while the unrestricted donations can be used at the discretion of the management for any AMAA Board approved project and administrative expenses. Starting In fiscal year 2017, the Board adapted a new method of funding operations from the endowments and trusts to be more consistent with the AMAA investment policy that focuses on total return on investments. The method incorporates a 4.5% spending rate on the base value of the endowments and trusts. Using this method, the revenues from the endowments and trusts is $5.3 million for the fiscal year, while rental income is expected to be near one million dollars. Donations are assumed to remain at about the same level as in the previous fiscal year, $3.2 million. The planned operating disbursements of nearly $9.6 million include the following: • $2.2 million for education, including Avedisian School operations ($500,000), the Haigazian University ($767,000), and the student scholarships to universities ($255,000); • $2.6 million for Armenia and Artsakh relief, including child sponsorships ($580,000), children’s day centers ($348,000), summer camps ($104,000), and medical mission trip ($125,000). • Milk Fund budget of $150,000 provides infant formula to 500 mothers in Armenia for 12 months, this accord- ing to the recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics; • $591,000 relief for churches and community projects throughout the Middle East, Greece and Bulgaria, which includes emergency assistance to Lebanon; and, • $1.9 million for Christian education and evangelism outside Armenia, including funds for summer camps, leadership development and theological training, publications, and assisting churches around the world, including churches in the United States.

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 39 This year’s capital budget of $1.9 million is for the following construction projects in Armenia and Artsakh, some already under construction: • $538,000 to complete the construction of Stepanavan Administrative Building (under construction); • $185,000 for various construction projects in the Tavush region of Armenia; • $505,000 for reconstructing the “Shoghik” Hankavan Camp dining hall currently under planning stage; and, • $81,000 for further renovations of Shushi Bedrosian Camp.

I would like to thank the members of the Budget and Finance Committee for their input into the budget process, and the staff of AMAA for their hard work and professionalism.

Respectfully submitted, Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D., Chair


In 2020, the Christian Life Committee met monthly by Zoom to uphold our call to pray for the members and mission of the AMAA. We would like more and more to receive prayer requests and to contribute to a faithful, prayerful culture of the organization. Requests maybe made confidentially to us by e-mail. In August, we held our first Spiritual Retreat, which took the form of a workshop on applying the Lord’s Prayer to leadership. It was a rich time of teaching, fellowship, discussion and prayer led by Rev. Haig Kherlopian, Rev. Avedis Boynerian, Mark Kassabian, Esq., Dr. Rafi Balabanian, and me. We welcome other ideas for gatherings in 2021. We have been glad for several opportunities to prepare messages for the AMAA office devotionals. We continue to work in partnership with the Minister to the Union, Rev. Berdj Djambazian, and appreciate the support of our Executive Director/CEO Zaven Khanjian and President Dr. Nazareth Darakjian. We are here to serve you and are eager to be of use in strengthening the spiritual life of our Armenian Evangeli- cal community. In closing, here is an encouraging verse concerning the Lord’s promise to be the Good Shepherd: I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed, and I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak, but the fat and the strong I will destroy. I will feed them with justice. Ezekiel 34:16

Respectfully submitted, Heather C. Ohaneson, Ph.D., Chair


There have been no suggested changes to the AMAA Bylaws during the last year and, accordingly, there has been no work on Bylaws revisions by the Committee.

Respectfully submitted, Mark M. Kassabian, Esq., Chairman


The Cooperative Committee on Armenian Missions (CCAM), a joint committee of the Armenian Missionary As- sociation of America and the United Church of Christ’s Wider Church Ministries, met by video conference on March 12, 2020. The CCAM members prayed together, shared updates of the ministries of the AMAA and the UCC, affirmed the long-lasting partnership we enjoy, and discussed the use of the previous year’s Donchian Fund allocations and propos- als for the coming year. Zaven Khanjian chaired this year’s meeting, and Karen Georgia Thompson opened the meeting with prayer. During introductions, Dr. Darakjian expressed appreciation to the late Dr. Donchian for the gift he left as eponymous endowment, and Zaven expressed appreciation to the UCC’s ministry and witness before, during, and after the Geno- cide. The UCC members expressed appreciation for the partnership with the AMAA, manifest in many ways, including the joint appointment of Rev. Nishan and Maria Bakalian to serve as mission co-workers, and the cooperation in child sponsorship. AMAA committee members Zaven Khanjian, Nazareth Darakjian, and Nurhan Helvacian offered updates including the impending reality of COVID-19 and the realities in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran, in addition to Armenia.

40 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 They emphasized the success of the celebrations and campaigns of the AMAA’s Centennial celebrations in 2019, as well as the acquisition of US Treasury OFAC approval for sending funds for humanitarian relief to Syria. For the UCC and Global Ministries, Karen Georgia, Brian Tracy, and Peter Makari offered updates, including the cancellation of Peter’s planned visit to Turkey and Lebanon in late March due to COVID-19, concern for and response needs resulting from the continuing crisis of Syrian refugees and internally displaced people, and advocacy regarding the crippling sanctions against Syria, including the recently enacted Caesar sanctions; Karen Georgia shared about the impact of COVID-19 on the UCC so far, including cancelation of major meetings and expected impact on work patterns; and Brian noted preparations for the upcoming annual audit, which may also be affected. The main item of business was discussion of the use of the Donchian Fund, established in 1919 “…for the chari- table, educational, religious or elemosynary [sic.] [charitable] purposes of asylums, hospitals, schools and churches….” Zaven presented a written report on the use of the funds from the previous year, highlighting the Avedisian School, the Shogh Educational Day Centers, Lebanon schools, and Syria relief, as well as an overview of all the programs supported by the Fund. Brian Tracy offered a written and oral report of the Donchian Fund’s history and current position. He re- minded the CCAM of its previous year’s agreement to use a five-year rolling average at 4.5% to calculate the available return, to remove the impact of fluctuation, resulting in a more stable distribution. The total available funds amounted to $182,644. Based on a proposal voted on at its recently held Board meeting, the AMAA members of the Committee brought a request for a 50%-35%-15% split among work in Armenia, Lebanon and Syria for the use of available funds, a request that was agreed to and concurred by the CCAM. The Committee agreed to meet in the spring of 2021, face-to-face if possible. Zaven then closed the meeting in prayer. May the work and ministries of the CCAM, the AMAA, the UCC, and Global Ministries in God’s mission continue to be blessed.

Respectfully submitted, Dr. Peter E. Makari, Executive, Middle East and Europe Global Ministries of the United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Participating members of the Cooperative Committee: AMAA: Mr. Zaven Khanjian, Dr. Nazareth Darakjian, and Mr. Nurhan Helvacian UCC: Rev. Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson, Mr. Brian Tracy, and Dr. Peter Makari


The Development Committee in early 2020 was tasked to plan events including the yearly main fundraising Banquet in conjunction with the Annual Meeting, which was to be held in Fresno, CA in October. The Committee mem- bership was finalized, event venues, excursions, and catering were secured, and the Fresno Armenian Evangelical community looked forward to sharing the best of the Central San Joaquin Valley with meeting attendees. However, less than 2 weeks after the last AMAA Board meeting held in March, the gravity of the COVID-19 pandemic was realized and unfortunately large meetings and social gatherings have been put on hold. The new normal is utilization of technology to conduct business remotely. As the economic hardship created by the pandemic eases, we look forward to working with the AMAA leadership to develop innovative ways to fulfill the missions of our organization.

Respectfully submitted, LindaKay Abdulian, Chair


The Europe Committee advises and assists in the AMAA activities in France, Belgium, Bulgaria, and a small fellowship in Germany. The Committee reviewed the budgets for the coming year of these mission fields, which in- clude Summer Camps, which unfortunately were affected by the global pandemic, church repairs and renovations, support of ministries, and educational support and publications. We advised slightly larger AMAA contributions to this region, given their needs and the circumstances of this year. We partner with the Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches of France and greatly appreciate their support and visits of the churches in Europe. We thank all our Committee members for their participation, their support and advice.

Respectfully submitted, H. Steven Aharonian M.D., Chair


This has not been an easy year, but with determination, focus and generous financial support, we are pleased to give our report. Again, with thanks to Hratch Sarkis for his personal involvement, several projects in Armenia are continuing to move to completion. In Stepanavan, construction of the Administration building is near completion, and repairs to the Church are ongoing. Renovation of the office/CE building at the Shushi Camp is complete. Total renovation of the Sheen Shoghig dining hall at Hankavan Camp will be completed by next June. Authorization is being sought for approval of a new sanctuary site in Yerevan. The report from Buenos Aires includes renovations of the sanctuary and the camp. As we are well aware, the situation in Lebanon does not present a pretty picture. Garbis Dermenjian continues on the job, trying to sell several AMAA properties. The economic, financial and social disruption in the country is making life extremely difficult for everyone. Our prayers are sorely needed in addition to the AMAA’s continuing emergency support. With sincere thanks, and prayers for continued blessings,

Respectfully submitted, Hratch Sarkis and Joe Stein, Co-Chairs


(Consolidated report of the UBS, Bank of America and HSBC investment accounts as of 7/31/2020) 8/1/2019 to 7/31/2020

Value of Portfolio - 8/1/2019 131,382,142

Net Deposits/Withdrawals (4,434,031)

Adj. Opening Value 126,948,111 (Opening Value +/- Net Deposits/Withdrawals)

Interest /Dividends 2,425,958

Change in Value of Holdings 7,912,033

Value of Portfolio - 7/31/2020 137,286,102

Change in Total Value 10,337,991 (Value as of 7/31/20 vs. Adj. Opening Value)

Rate of Return 7.45%

Balanced Portfolio Index- Custom 7.72% (70% Equity, 20% Fixed Income, Cash 10%) (MSCI World, Barclays Agg Bond, Cash)

42 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 The portfolio is tracking the market very closely. The market has been reacting to how the pandemic is affecting businesses, profits, unemployment and the economy. There was a significant decline for the market in the spring and likewise for the portfolio. Subsequently, the equity market has rebounded quite dramatically. The investments of the AMAA have rebounded strongly as well. Any news about COVID-19, vaccines, re-opening, and the election have an influence on the markets and the Committee is closely monitoring these factors. I am thankful to the Committee and to the Lord.

Respectfully submitted, Michael Voskian, D.M.D, Chair


The James G. Jameson Essay Competition, sponsored by the Armenian Missionary Association of America, runs every academic year starting in October, and is provided from the income of a special fund established by Mr. and Mrs. James G. Jameson of Brookline, MA. All Armenian and part-Armenian students are eligible. Only unpublished essays are accepted, which are written in English and have a length of 1,000 to 2,000 words. The topics of the Competition are required to touch upon some aspect of Armenian heritage such as religion, history, culture, literature, language, art, architecture, geography and eco- nomics. Essays are judged on the merits of such criteria as content, style, diction, coherence and usage. Awards for the Competition are made in two age-appropriate categories: College/University contestants, and High School contestants. For the academic year 2019-2020, cash prizes were awarded to the following: First-Place Award: Talia Kassabian (High School—12th grade) “A People Rooted in God’s Word” Second-Place Award: Kristina Breder Third-Place Award: Nicole Basmadjian The judges are Daniel Bazikian, Arouss Darpinian, Dr. Nurhan Helvacian, Heather Ohaneson and Eileen Stephey.

Respectfully submitted, Douglas C. Kurjian, Ph.D., Chairman


The Managers of Real Estate Properties Committee assists the AMAA in connection with the management, acquisition and disposition of real property owned by AMAA located in the United States, some of which is held in con- nection with the AMAA carrying out its exempt purpose and some of which is held for investment purposes. AMAA’s real estate investment properties include a Ralph’s supermarket in Pasadena, California, and an apartment project in San Mateo, California, which generate significant income for AMAA along with long-term capital appreciation. During the 2019-2020 fiscal year, AMAA’s U.S. real estate properties all operated smoothly without any significant issues. -Ac cordingly, the Managers of Real Estate Properties Committee was not called upon to take any action within the course and scope of the committee’s responsibilities.

Respectfully submitted, Gary R. Phillips, Chair


This year has been the most complex for many of the members of the Near East Committee. Each of the coun- tries in the region have their own specific issues but all of them have had a major stressful impact on our communities there. In Lebanon, the country has lacked a government and there have been major protests in the country as a result of a lack of expected services such as refuse removal and concerns of long-term financial leadership. This has been compounded by a devaluation of the currency which has caused real purchasing power problems for our community both for physical needs and also for their ability to pay for children’s tuition in the K-12 schools. These issues have also impacted Haigazian University, which has suffered from lower enrollment. Syria has continued to see insurgent attack with loss of life. All of the other countries in the region, that are part of UAECNE leadership, have also economic issues that are a major factor for our communities in these areas.

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 43 This year’s situation was worsened by the worldwide COVID virus that has affected the entire area and the world. The positive news is that our churches and schools have been active with the strong faith that has always been shown from this region. Although it was not possible to physically have our AMAA/UAECNE meeting in Beirut, the AMAA leadership arranged a Zoom conference call that lasted four hours. It was most valuable in discussing status, issues and region needs in some detail. As a result of the dialogue, the AMAA Executive Director/CEO has launched appeals for special support for the COVID virus related needs in the region and a specific appeal for the urgent relief needs in Lebanon. All AMAA members are requested to prayerfully provide support for these ongoing needs. The Near East Committee requests continued support of the AMAA’s commitment to this region by all members. It is clearly the “roots region” of nearly all of the AMAA membership in Europe and North America.

Respectfully submitted, Louis Kurkjian, Chair


The Nominating Committee met in May to consider all the names that were submitted from the AMAA Board members and Armenian Evangelical Churches and prepared a slate of candidates for the Board. After a careful deliberation of each potential candidate, the Nominating Committee selected individuals who would each be highly qualified to serve on the Board. The Executive Director/CEO called each potential candidate for his/her willingness to be nominated and serve on the Board. The following 12 individuals accepted the call for the nomination: Ara Apelian, M.D. Edward Avedisian Susan Adamian Covo Nazareth Darakjian, M.D. Karl Doghramji, M.D. Rev. Ara Guekguezian Berjouhy Barsoumian Gulesserian Edward P. Kaiserian Thomas J. Momjian, Esq. Jack Muncherian Alan G. Philibosian, Esq. Gary R. Phillips, Esq.

The AMAA Board approved the slate of candidates at its July meeting. Ballots were mailed along with the candidates’ bios for the election of 8 Board members. The election results will be announced during the 101st AMAA Annual Meeting in October 2020. I would like to thank the members of the Nominating Committee for their suggestions and recommendations. My special thanks to all the individuals who accepted the Executive Director/CEO’s call to be included on the slate of nominated candidates.

Respectfully submitted, Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D., Chair

ORPHAN AND CHILD CARE “Weathering the Storm”

The bountiful ladies of Boston and the Orphan and Child Care Committee unfortunately postponed their celebra- tion this year due to the unprecedented events of COVID-19. They will no doubt come back next year, stronger than ever! The same issue was encountered in Los Angeles this year. Even so, an April 18 Virtual Event saw members and friends offer generous support when the Child and Orphan Care Committee painted a picture of Armenia’s critical needs raising $155,605. Dutiful Co-Chairs Erica McArthur and Leslie Kevorkian have postponed the Luncheon “Escape to Our Secret Garden” to April 2021. The AMAA is evermore grateful to these exceptionally talented ladies, who have shared their finest efforts.

Respectfully submitted, Joyce Stein, National Chair

44 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 PERSONNEL COMMITTEE

The Board of Directors of the AMAA has delegated the overview responsibility for Human Resource matters to the Personnel Committee. As such, the Personnel Committee assists the Executive Director/CEO and Senior Staff in developing and maintaining highly productive and dedicated employees for the pursuit of the global missions of the AMAA. Of course, this past fiscal year, 2019-2020, presented significant challenges because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The AMAA staff worldwide has done a wonderful job adapting to this “new normal.” The Personnel Committee is very vested in the well-being of the staff and appreciates the hard work, dedication and love it brings to the AMAA on a daily basis. Finally, the Co-Chairs would like to express the appreciation for the hard work, dedication and support of each member of the Personnel Committee, including our President, as well as others whose input the Committee truly values. We thank our Lord for the opportunity and privilege to serve Him through the AMAA missions.

Respectfully submitted, Thomas Momjian, Esq. Eileen Chopourian Stephey, Ed.D Co-Chairs


The Planned Giving Committee provides advice and assistance on an as-needed basis to supporters of the AMAA to enable them to achieve their charitable giving objectives through intelligent estate and income tax planning. The AMAA encourages its supporters and donors to seek assistance from the Planned Giving Committee which desires to assist with greater vigor in an objective and balanced manner. The Committee also assists the AMAA as requested by management in reviewing and monitoring estates and trusts where AMAA is a beneficiary to determine whether any action is necessary to protect the mutual interests of the AMAA and its donors. In accordance with these objectives, the Planned Giving Committee stands ready to carry out its duties and functions. The AMAA has been faithful to its mission of perpetuating Christian witness among all Armenians and others for the last 101 years. As we look to the future, the Planned Giving Committee eagerly seeks to be a helpful medium through which the Christian witness and faith of its supporters can be carried out and perpetuated.

Respectfully submitted, Thomas Momjian, Esq., George Phillips, Jr., Esq. Co-Chairs


For the academic year 2020-2021, the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) awarded $221,300.00 in direct scholarship grants to college students. 85 worthy students, who attend colleges and universities in the United States and Canada, received scholarships. In addition, over $32,000.00 was assigned as tuition assistance to more than 100 deserving students in Armenia. For over 45 years, the AMAA has helped thousands of college students with scholarships, thus helping them prepare for the future and relieving the financial burden that makes it harder to focus on their work. Moreover, since its inception, the AMAA has helped thousands of students from kindergarten to high school with tuition aid. The AMAA also provides financial aid to schools and institutions of higher education in the Near East, including Haigazian University and the Near East School of Theology in Beirut. The scholarships granted this year were provided from several AMAA scholarship funds established over the years to help students in need. Students may request applications from AMAA headquarters in Paramus, NJ beginning in January of each year. The deadline to submit applications for the 2021-2022 academic year is May 1, 2021.

Respectfully submitted, Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D., Acting Chair



By the grace of God, we completed another year. During the current year, the whole world is undergoing a cata- strophic coronavirus pandemic. In spite of its devastating effects, our churches and institutions have maintained their services. We are grateful to God for His mercy, grace and love. Below is a brief report of our activities for the years 2019-2020.

1. Ministers’ Appreciation Sunday. The second Sunday of October has been set aside by the AEWC as Ministers’ Appreciation Sunday. A bilingual Order of Worship Services was prepared by the Executive Director and e- mailed to all Armenian Evangelical churches.

2. The crisis in Northeastern Region of Syria. In the wake of the Turkish invasion in the Northeastern region of Syria on October 10, 2019, the AEWC appealed to the United Nations Organization (UNO) to take immediate practical steps to put an end to the bloodshed, to insure the safe return of the refugees to their homes, and to protect the citizens of Syria.

3. AEWC’s participation in the 100th Annual Meeting of the AMAA. The AEWC Executive Director gave an interview to Armenian News reporter Florence Avakian. Copies of Rev. Tootikian’s book on the AMAA were distributed to the AMAA Banquet participants. AMAA also officially recognized the AEWC with a token gift.

4. U.S. House and Senate passage of Resolution recognizing the Armenian Genocide. AEWC officially - ac knowledged its gratitude to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and to the Senate Majority leaders for recognizing the Armenian Genocide.

5. 175th Anniversary of the Armenian Evangelical Church. Next year, 2021, Armenian Evangelicals will cel- ebrate the 175th Anniversary of the Armenian Evangelical Church. AEWC formed an Anniversary Committee from the 5 Church Unions and 2 organizations, under the chairmanship of Zaven Khanjian to celebrate the 175th Anniversary in Armenia.

6. AEWC extended its congratulations to Artzakh’s newly elected President. AEWC congratulated Mr. Arayik Haroutunyan on his election as President of Artzakh.

7. Prayers and Help for the Middle East. During 2020, twice the AEWC has sought the prayers and solicited assistance for the Armenian Evangelical communities in the Middle East. Once in April, the early spread of the coronavirus pandemic and the second in the aftermath of the powerful explosion which rocked Beirut and its vicinities causing many casualties and extensive damage to the lives and property of the people. The AEWC requested that all Armenian Evangelical churches worldwide pray and generously contribute to the Lebanon relief.

8. Correspondence with Armenian civil and religious leadership. The AEWC office has been in touch with the civil authorities of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Artzakh, as well as with the Armenian ecclesiasti- cal leadership on various occasions.

9. Multi-faceted Activities of the office.The AEWC office is involved in various types of activities, such as serving as the information center, playing advisory role for scholarly projects, keeping records, coordinating meetings, shar- ing news with the media and serving as a link with the Armenian Evangelical churches and ministers worldwide.

Respectfully submitted, Rev. Dr. Vahan H. Tootikian, Executive Director

46 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 HAIGAZIAN UNIVERSITY

Haigazian University completed another academic year and remained faithful to its mission of training leaders with the help of many generous and devoted people: donors, faculty and staff, parents, students, Board members and friends. We are thankful for them and grateful to our Heavenly Father, whose gracious guidance and protection enabled us all to work toward that mission despite the boundless financial, political, health and security challenges of the past year. The following is a summary of academic year 2019-2020, almost half of which was completed online:

Student Numbers: Undergraduate and Graduate students: 605 In-Service Teacher Training Program & Adult Education courses participants: 166

2020 September Graduates: 121 Graduates with BA, BBA and BS, MA and MBA degrees.

Campus Life and University Activities: The various student clubs, public lectures, educational, cultural and academic extra-curricular and co­curricular and sports activities were limited to online platforms or limited physical activities due to the revolutionary protests and turmoil that started in October 2019, and then the multiple and long-term lockdown related to COVID-19 starting in March 2020. Still, here are a few important aspects of AY2019- 2020 to be considered: A. We celebrated the 65th anniversary of HU through social media plans and activities. B. In response to the August 4 explosion, alumni, Board members, donated funds and friends to restore our build- ings, and the AMAA provided us with major funds for the same purpose. C. The HU Press continued its work with no interruption. D. The Haigazian Armenological Review is celebrating its 50th anniversary with two volumes. E. Our students and staff responded to the August 4 disaster with a program of voluntarism.

Finances: The University’s reduced budget was around 4,078,000 US Dollars. Some 69% of the students received financial aid totaling $1,594,000. The need will be even greater in 2020-21. We are thankful to God and praise Him for His protection and guidance, and we thank the leadership and mem- bership of the UAECNE and the AMAA for their unequivocal support in many aspects of our mission.

Respectfully submitted, Rev. Paul Haidostian, Ph.D., President


As the world endures this terrible virus, Philibosian’s largesse has not diminished, and continues with AMAA’s mission. It is beyond imagining: In 1960 founder Stephen Philibosian was propelled in a remarkable mission to elevate in his own words “The pitiful situation of the Armenian Evangelicals in Lebanon.” With a heart on fire, and a fine local community to support his efforts, 12 Evangelical schools were either refurbished or built. Those 12 schools received scholarships for the needy. Financial aid continues 65 years later. He was keenly aware; high school graduates were bereft of higher learning. That vacuum was filled with the advent of Haigazian College. This empowered the young students with courses in education, teacher training, develop- ment and enlightenment. Haigazian provided the groundwork for 90% of the Armenian Evangelical Pastors’ seminary studies. Stephen was exceptionally passionate about this college, spending countless hours and funds for its increase. Today, these precious entities are suffering; we pray the resilience of Lebanon and our people will survive and flourish. The Foundation was privileged to participate in two extraordinary events: For the very first time, Armenian Ameri- can opera lovers (known as the Consortium), contributed to the Los Angeles Opera Premiere “Roberto Devereux.” The opening night and thereafter, 3,000 operagoers saw the unprecedented phrase “Special Production Support from the Armenian Consortium.“ It was a fine and timely benefit for our community. The Armenian Consortium will be recognized in the opera programs for as long as the opera is in existence! In March, fortunately before COVID-19 changed life forever, a magnificent festival occurred in the Great Nave of Washington’s National Cathedral. 800 guests gathered to experience “An Armenian Odyssey: The Color of Pomegranate.” Spearheaded by two US Armenian Ambassadors, Grigor Hovhanissian and Varuzhan Nersesyan, the concert featured live animation by Aleppo born, Kevork Murad and music by Vatsche Sharafyan. Stunning cellist and Tchaikovsky competition winner, Narek Hakhnazaryan regaled the audience. “Spectacular“, critics claimed. Other festival venues: Freer and National Gallery and Bible Museum. It was the Foundation’s privilege to participate in these two unique events. We play a role in many of Armenian Evangelical communities and churches: Joyce has participated in the Armenian Evangelical World Council since its 1980s inception in Issy-Les-Molineaux Church in Paris. George Philibosian was president of the AMAA at that time. The World Council coalesces all Evangelical entities with its praiseworthy efforts. Our support of the Armenian Assembly is critical for advancing and funding the many issues in the homeland. We acknowledge and commend the worthy efforts of AMAA: It is a privilege to work hand in hand.

Respectfully submitted, Joyce Stein on behalf of Trustees ̶ Louise and Stephen Danelian, Stephanie Landes, Thomas Momjian, George Phillips, Sr.



The Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California is a developing project in Glendale, CA with the mission to promote understanding and appreciation of America’s ethnic and cultural diversity by sharing the Armenian American experience. The Museum is governed by the Board of Trustees, which consists of representatives from ten major regional Armenian American institutions including the AEUNA and the AMAA. The Co-Chairs are Archbishop Hovnan Derderian, Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Bishop Mikael Mouradian, and Rev. Berdj Djambazian. The Board of Trustees and its committees meet regularly to discuss strategy, promote public awareness and raise funds. The AMAA is represented by Dr. Nazareth Darakjian, Levon Filian and Zaven Khanjian. The Museum program will feature a permanent Armenian exhibition, temporary multicultural exhibitions, learning center, auditorium, demonstration kitchen, museum archives, and much more. The Museum has raised more than $14 million through contributions, grants, commitments and pledges during the Groundbreaking Campaign. More than $2.2 million was raised at the second Annual Armenian American Museum Gala in December 2019 with hundreds of supporters, community leaders and public officials in attendance to celebrate and support the landmark project. Due to COVID-19, the Board of Trustees decided to postpone the Groundbreaking Ceremony to 2021, and cancel the Annual Gala planned for December 2020. The Board of Trustees is working diligently to start the construction project in 2021.

Respectfully submitted, Nazareth Darakjian, M.D. Levon Filian Zaven Khanjian AMAA Representatives


The Board of the “Armenian Education” Educational Foundation AEEF is the entity that oversees the activities of the Khoren and Shooshanig Avedisian School in Yerevan, Armenia. The School has a local Coordinating Committee that meets quarterly and reports to the Board. The School continued its growth and currently has more than 550 students. The latter part of the scholastic year had to surmount the problems of the global pandemic, and utilized distance learning. Despite being in an impov- erished neighborhood of the city, practically all the students participated, and in some cases, laptops and computers of the School had to be loaned to the students to connect to School. The School continues to excel in its educational level winning multiple national awards, and its graduating class placed very well in Universities for the coming year. We appreciate and thank the work and participation of the Board and the Coordinating Committee.

Respectfully submitted, H. Steven Aharonian M.D., Chair


Merdinian School began the 2019–2020 academic year with 232 students. During the year, we implemented extensive classroom technologies to allow for modern, state-of-the-art teaching tools that improve teaching efficiency and effectiveness. The school year progressed smoothly until COVID-19 altered the academic landscape. On March 13, in response to government mandates, we suspended in-person instruction and transitioned to distance learning. The two major accomplishments of the year were the implementation of new technologies and the smooth transition to distance learning within a matter of just a few days.

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 49 While our capable administration and faculty executed this transition successfully, COVID-19 had a major impact on the School’s finances. The pandemic caused widespread layoffs and a slowdown in economic activity, thereby impact- ing our parents’ ability to pay tuition. We lost tuition revenues from our pre-kindergarten students, since distance learning was not practicable for three- and four-year-old children. In addition, fundraising activities by the Board, the PTO, and the Women’s Auxiliary were suspended. Fortunately, many individual supporters of the School and several foundations responded generously to our appeal for donations. In addition, we were able to secure a PPO loan. In the meantime, we cut our expenses as much as possible, and made the difficult decision to furlough a few teachers and transition oth- ers to part-time. Nevertheless, we remain optimistic about the future prospects of the School in the post-pandemic era. On June 30, 2020, I completed my 10th year as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the C. & E. Merdinian Arme- nian Evangelical School. Effective July 1, 2020, Dr. Tzoler Oukayan-Sagherian, an accomplished educator, succeeded me as Chair. She holds a Doctor of Education degree in educational leadership and administration from the University of Southern California and currently serves as the Dean of Student Affairs at Glendale Community College. I am confident that she, in partnership with our Principal, Lina Arslanian, will capably lead the School forward. Merdinian School is fortunate to have them at its helm during this difficult period. I will continue to serve the Board in the capacity of Treasurer. Thank you for your continued support and prayers.

Respectfully submitted, Vahe Nalbandian, Ph.D., Chair


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 28th Annual Meeting of the “HAYASTAN” All-Armenian Fund Board of Trustees meeting scheduled to take place in Yerevan was cancelled. Resolutions during the year were circulated to and voted on by the Trustees on-line. For the first time in the Fund’s history, special attention was paid to Diaspora needs. Starting with December 2019, HAAF contributed funds to Armenian educational Institutions in Lebanon. In 2020 HAAF continued its support of the Diaspora, extending emergency aid and assistance to the Armenian communities both in Syria and Lebanon, covering education and socio-economic needs. Special fundraising events were launched for Lebanon. These change of policy and practice has been wel- comed by the Diaspora, as more is needed with the deepening crises in the Near East. At the time this report was prepared, no details had been announced for the 2020 Annual THANKSGIVING DAY Telethon.

Respectfully submitted, Zaven Khanjian, Representative of the Armenian Evangelical Church on the Board of Trustees.


Hope for Armenia is a humanitarian and spiritual association born in the Armenian Evangelical Churches of France. The big event of 2019 and 2020 was the culmination of the second phase (2nd floor) of the work of the Sisian Cultural Center. We are grateful for the close collaboration and co-funding of this project between AMAA, Hope for Armenia and the Kurkdjian - Ghazarossian families. We especially thank Rev. Mgrdich Melkonian, Rev. Hovhannes Hovsepyan, Pastor Arman Martirosyan and Harout Nercessian, AMAA Representative in Armenia, for their interventions and encouragement. This project is dedicated to the growth of the Church and the proclamation of the Word of the Lord among the people of Sisian. Several events marked the fiscal year 2019 - 2020.

50 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 ARMENIA  Work trip in Armenia with Rev. Gilbert Léonian, Franck Garabedian and Serge Kurkdjian to meet the leaders, Rev. Melkonian and Mr. Nercessian: evaluation of our programs, visits with sponsored children, exchanges with team members. Preparation for the 30th anniversary of Hope for Armenia scheduled for June 2020.  Sending of Christmas packages to the 330 sponsored children.  La Francophonie in Spitak. Spitak Cultural Center and Jean Daniel Sahagian School.  Medical training with Sylvia Topouzkhanian in partnership with the Rhône Alpes region in France.

FRANCE  On the occasion of Hope for Armenia’s 30th anniversary, concerts were organized in Paris, Lyon, Valence and Marseille with the pianist Nareh Arghamanyan and soloist Lussine Levoni. An information tour took place in the Armenian Evangelical Churches of France as well as our partners.  Newsletters were sent to 4,800 supporters and donors. o In autumn: an annual report on the theme “30 years of presence!” o In the spring: an awareness brochure with the theme “While we have the opportunity, let’s practice good for all.” Gal. 6:10  Hope for Armenia is working to improve these various programs both in France and Armenia in order to fully meet the needs of the people.  Launch of the “Hello Asso” website with a project of 30 years - 30 housing units.

Project 2020/2021. The 30th anniversary of Hope for Armenia in Armenia scheduled for June 2020 ̶ unfortunately this project did not take place due to the international health crisis. The project is postponed until spring 2021. We especially want to thank Mr. Nercessian and his entire team. The success of our actions in Armenia comes from the help of our God and our close collaboration with the AMAA. We are grateful to God for this partnership and these bonds that unite us to work together for the advancement of God’s work in Armenia. We pray that the Lord will grant us the wisdom necessary to continue to work together for his Glory.

Respectfully submitted, Serge Kurkdjian, President


The members of the Joint Home Missions Committee (JHMC) of the AEUNA and AMAA are: Rev. Berdj Djam- bazian (Minister to the AEUNA), Rev. Jeremy Tovmassian (AEUNA Moderator), Souzi Baghdikian (AEUNA Treasurer), Dr. Nazareth Darakjian (AMAA President), Zaven Khanjian (AMAA Executive Director/CEO), and Dr. Nurhan Helvacian (AMAA Treasurer). The Committee members met mid-year to discuss impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn. They conducted business and discussions via online meetings, telephone and email. The process of approving the JHMC budget starts with the AEUNA Executive Committee reviewing previously budgeted allocations, and making the necessary adjustments according to the current and upcoming needs. Then the budget is submitted to the AMAA Board of Directors. The budget is then approved or modified by the AMAA Budget and Finance Committee. At the 2020 meeting of the JHMC, the need for assistance to churches and pastors as well as impacted communities, was discussed. The Joint Home Missions Committee reviewed identified needs, including those of several U.S. churches and pastors. In July and August, the AMAA approved the Joint Home Mission Committee budget for the 2020-2021 year. The budget detail is provided separately in the AMAA Annual Report. We thank God for His manifold blessings and the spirit of unity in this joint effort, and for his comfort in this time of struggle and uncertainty, as we serve the needs of our Armenian Evangelical Churches in North and South America.

Respectfully submitted, Rev. Berdj Djambazian, Minister, AEUNA and Rev. Jeremy Tovmassian, Moderator, AEUNA



By the grace of God, in 2021 we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Armenian Missionary Association of Australia (AMA-Australia) as a registered Incorporation, run by volunteers and pursuing the same aims as the Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA). The highlight of the year 2019-2020 was supposed to be our programs, promoting the commendable service provided to Armenian Children in Istanbul by the Hrant Dink Armenian School. The annual Banquet and the Cultural Night, jointly organized with the Armenian National Committee, was planned to be dedicated to this cause. Rakel Dink was invited to be our guest. But with the pandemic quickly spreading around the world, all plans were postponed to 2021. However, by the generosity of our supporters, we continue to sponsor 70 children in Armenia and students in Lebanon. For the fifth consecutive year, we have provided scholarships from the Anthony Rozanski Memorial Fund to those students from Grades 6 to 11 in the Central High School who have excelled in their class. Upon the request of His Holiness Aram I, Catholicos of the Holy See of Cilicia, AMA-Australia continues to sponsor Fr. Ardag as he pursues his higher education at the United Theological College, studying in a Masters in Theology program for two years. With the support of Armenian friends and the substantial contribution from AMAA toward his tuition, we are committed to provide all the expenses needed for Fr. Ardag’s education, which will be around $120,000 (AUD) for the two years. He will complete his studies at the end of 2020. In June 2020 the AMA-Australia reached an important milestone through our efforts, raising over $2,000,000, securing two Endowment Funds for education, the Anthony Rozanski ($500,000) and the Barkev Ishkhanian Fund ($50,000). The income from the funds is used to support students in Lebanon. The following is a brief summary of our financial report from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020.


Fr. Ardag Education Sponsorship* 63,820.70 Fr. Ardag Education Sponsorship 47,744.44 Syria Relief Fundraiser 27,290.00 Syria Relief Transfer 20,004.83 Child Sponsorship Program 22,050.00 Child Sponsorship Program 22,050.00 CHS Anthony Rozanski Fund 17,500.00 CHS Scholarship A. Rozanski Fund 10,800.00 COVID-19 Fundraising 10,045.00 COVID-19 Fundraising 11,425.00 Child Education Program 9,600.00 Child Education Program 10,800.00 Australian Bushfires 8,887.00 NSW Rural Fire Services 10,000.00 General Donations 5,150.23 Miscellaneous Donations Made 4,300.00 Miscellaneous 3,394.27 Miscellaneous 4,429.71 “Shogh” Centres Donation (for 2019) 1,700.00 Syria Relief Fundraiser Expenses 5,190.17 NEST Student Scholarship 1,150.00 NEST Student Scholarship 1,150.00 Christmas Joy Packages 670.00 AMAA 2020 Annual Programs 6,697.75 Zhats Mer Hanabazort 490.00 Travel Expenses 3,240.00 “Shogh” Centre Child Sponsorship 450.00 “Shogh” Centre Child Sponsorship 450.00 * $44,620.00 (30,000.00 US) from AMAA Postage & Stationary 1,779.55

172,197.20 160,061.45 Brought Forward 4,755.64 176,952.84 Balance 16,891.39 Anthony Rozanski Memorial Fund .…………………………….….… $ 500,000.00 Barkev Ishkhanian Memorial Fund .…………………………….….… $ 50,000.00

We thank God our Father for our Association. Your support and prayers are our encouragement.

Respectfully submitted, Rev. Dr. Krikor Youmshajekian, President


I praise God and thank Him for His mercies, grace and countless blessings enjoyed during 2019.

A. ARMENIA ORPHANS AND MIDDLE EAST CHILD EDUCATION Through contributions received from members of our churches and friends in Canada, we provided much needed assistance to orphans and needy children in Armenia, Karabagh and the Middle East. Can. $300.00 sponsorship/year goes a long way. Practically, we have become the helping hands, obedient to the bidding of our Lord who said “I was hungry, and you fed me, I was thirsty, and you gave me water…” Matt. 25:35.

B. ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL ONE-DAY RETREAT The Armenian Evangelical Day was celebrated at the Bay Park Baptist Church in Kingston, ON, on Saturday, September 28, 2019 at 11 a.m. AMAC had its Annual Meeting in the afternoon with the participation of over 80 adults and youth from the Toronto and Montreal Churches. Reports of the President and the Treasurer were read and questions from the members entertained. The main speaker at the morning worship service was Rev. Georges Dabbo of the First Armenian Evangeli- cal Church of Montreal The First Church’s Worship Team participated in the program under the guidance of Mr. Raffi Shnorhokian. The one-day retreat ended with thanksgiving and a communion service.

C. AMAC’S 35TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATIONS Celebrations were held during May of 2019. A Banquet was held in Toronto where 155 friends of the Association attended. The AMAA President and his wife Drs. Nazareth and Ani Darakjian, representing the AMAA. During this Banquet $21.013.00 net, was raised for Askeran KG, $5,000 for the Avedisian School and $2,500 to subsidize Shamlian Tatigian School’s Teaching Staff. A Concert was held in Montreal where Mr. & Mrs. Zaven Khanjian, the Executive Director/CEO and his wife, represented the AMAA. At this function net $9,097.90 was raised. The total net income from both events was Can. $37,610.90.

D. CHRISTMAS FUNDRAISING Congratulatory cards with fundraising pamphlets of our projects were mailed to our members and friends during the Christmas Season. God be praised that we were able to raise about $22,000.00 for our various ongoing projects. Grand total of our income this year has been $120,000.00.

E. ASKERAN K.G. RE-NAMED I am happy to announce that the Askeran K.G. was renamed the AMAA/AMAC’s YEPREM AND ZABEL BAS- MADJIAN K.G. with a very generous donation received from Hagop Basmadjian, one of our founding members and treasurer, in loving memory of his parents.

F. AMAC WEBSITE – OUR NEW WEBSITE IS:, To help and facilitate sending donations, we have established the possibility of receiving payments through Pay Pal and or E-Transfer at [email protected].

G. AMAC ENDOWMENT FUNDS 1. Sarkis and Haygouhie Marandjian - For the needy. 2. Barkev and Lydia Adrouni - Beneficiary ShamlianTatigian School. 3. Yervant And Eugenie Arabian - Prizes for exemplary kids in our Sunday and Day Schools in Toronto. 4. Rev. Dr. Ara Jizmejian - Camp Arevelk Campers Assistance Fund.

Respectfully submitted Mihran Jizmejian, President

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 53 ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH – São Paulo, Brazil

Missions Committee members from August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020: Rev. Dr. Roy Abrahamian, Senior Pastor Vartan Moumdjian Armen Krikor Jahadian

1. Mission Activities and Endeavors of our Church Including our Efforts in Stewardship and Mission Education. a) Church services, performed every Sunday at 11:00 am. b) Sunday school, directed to children and adults. c) Weekly activities of the Women’s Department, with Bible studies and social programs. d) Pastoral visits to sick people, to members of the Church and other people. e) Pastoral visits to the Armenian Rest Home (Red Cross).

2. AMAA Projects Supported by our Congregation that got the Most Positive and Enthusiastic Response. Our congregation supported AMAA projects through prayer.

3. Our Planned Activities to Promote our Mission Committee Objectives. Support financially AMAA´s projects over the world, especially with refugees; organize AMAA Sunday special services, divulging AMAA´s projects over the world.

4. Our Recommendations, Ideas or Suggestions to Improve the Work of the AMAA and Promote Mission- Consciousness. Improve the cooperation among Armenian Evangelical Churches through AMAA.

Below is the summary of our Evangelistic/Mission/Social 2019-2020 Disbursements a. Evangelistic and Social Activities...... US$ 1,750.00 b. Missionary and Church activities ...... US$ 12,537.00 Total ...... US$ 14,287.00

Respectfully submitted, Rev. Dr. Roy Abrahamian, Senior Pastor



1. Contact information: Church: Armenian Evangelical Church Plovdiv Preacher: Hrant Keshishian Chairperson: Joseph Keshishian

2. Names of Missions Committee members from August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020 Joseph Keshishian Manik Kuimdjian Lusi Ambartzumian

3. List of the mission activities: Sunday service; Sunday school; children group and youth group ; Wednesday prayer meeting; 1 Bible studies home groups; Children and youth camp; Seminar for older people; 1 Sweet charity bazar on Christmas outside the church; 2 retreats with youth and older people from our church; 2 special services with the Bulgarian congregational church.

54 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 4. How your Church/Missions Committee promotes the work of the AMAA in your congregation? We take services to some social institutions. We continue the service with retired people, meetings, Bible studies and preachings. We have service to orphanage places where children without parents are living. This year all our plans changed due to the new situation of disease.

5. The AMAA projects supported by your congregation during this past year. This year 2020 we had Bible studies, witnesses with small group of children with video and internet which has again good examples and good spiritual friuts.

6. Objectives your Missions Committee may have formulated for the coming year. This year we change our plans. We have new challenges. Some of our old members still have fears to visit church due to the pandemic situation. We are thinking of ways to have them in our communion. Bible studies and prayer meetings by video and internet. The ministry with youth will continue. We will have chain prayers from home for the church. And all the World needs for believers.

Respectfully submitted, Hrant Keshishian, Pastor


1. Contact information: Church: Armenian Evangelical Church Russe, registered under the name of Armenian United Methodist Church in Bulgaria Senior Pastor: Bedros Altunian Pastor: Nerses Ketikian

2. Names of Missions Committee members from August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020 Nerses Ketikian Bedros Altunian, Garik Ozalikian Lusi Kevorkjan

3. List of the mission activities. Sunday service. The church building of the United Methodist Church is being used and maintenance costs are being shared.

4. How your Church/Missions Committee promotes the work of the AMAA in your congregation? Participation in study initiatives of the Methodist Church in Russe, women seminars.

5. The AMAA projects supported by your congregation during this past year. Frequent sharing of the prayer appeals of AMAA for the churches in need: Syria, Lebanon and Armenia.

6. Objectives your Missions Committee may have formulated for the coming year. Withdrawing of children and youth. Organizing of common Armenian events in our church. We expect that with the creation of the Union of Armenian Churches in Bulgaria there will be more initiatives for working with children and attracting young people.

The implementation of these plans was delayed due to COVID-19. We cannot work with children yet. Adults refrain from attending worship regularly. We hope that soon the situation will change and we will have normal services.

Respectfully submitted, Rev. Bedros Altunian, Senior Pastor

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 55 ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH - Sofia, Bulgaria

1. Contact information: Church: Armenian Evangelical Church Sofia Preacher: Harutyun Tateosyan Chairperson: Mary Kirkorova

2. Names of Missions Committee members from August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020 Harutyun Tateosyan Mary Kirkorova Agop Garabedyan

3. List of the mission activities. Sunday Service.

4. How your Church/Missions Committee promotes the work of the AMAA in your congregation? We regularly update the information on the most important events in the life and activity of AMAA. We then encourage people to take a stand (if they have the opportunity) in the various AMAA events.

5. The AMAA projects supported by your congregation during this past year. 1. We are a very small gathering, but last year we managed to send a girl to the AMAA anniversary in Paris. 2. At the end of the summer in 2019 we organized an “Evening of Armenian Culture.” We took part in the pre- sentation of the Armenian ethnic group in Bulgaria. We had opportunities to share the Gospel among the Armenian and Bulgarian populations. 3. In the fall of 2019, we distributed the book “Christians through the eyes of Christ” to all in the church assembly. The winter and spring of 2020 passed with less activity and less physical attendance at services, due to the well-known viral pandemic. But despite the difficulties, we did not close our doors. Our services continued throughout this crisis period.

6. Objectives your Missions Committee may have formulated for the coming year. We intend to emphasize the study of God’s Word, the Bible. We plan to organize seminars for this purpose, which will be attended by people of all ages.

Respectfully submitted, Harutyun Tateosyan, Preacher


1. Contact information: Church: Armenian Evangelical Church of Varna, registered under the name of Armenian United Methodist Church in Bulgaria Senior Pastor: Bedros Altunian Preacher: Nerses Ketitian

2. Names of Missions Committee members from August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020 Nerses Ketitian Bedros Altunian Varta Berberian Luisa Avedisian Navart Terzian

3. List of the mission activities. Sunday service, Bible study during the week, services on special occasions. The church building of the United Methodist Church is being used, and maintenance costs are being shared.

4. How your Church/Missions Committee promotes the work of the AMAA in your congregation. Participation in study initiatives of the Methodist Church in Varna, women seminars, leadership studies. Visit the Armenian pastors.

56 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 5. The AMAA projects supported by your congregation during this past year. Frequent sharing of the prayer appeals of AMAA for the churches in need: Syria, Lebanon and Armenia. Pic- tures of the accompanied letters are being shown.

6. Objectives your Missions Committee may have formulated for the coming year. Withdrawing of children and youth. Organizing of common Armenian events in our Church. We expect that with the creation of the Union of AEC in Bulgaria there will be more initiatives for working with children and attracting young people.

The implementation of these plans was delayed due to COVID-19. We cannot work with children yet. Adults refrain from attending worship regularly. We hope that soon the situation will change and we will have normal services.

We thank the AMAA for their spiritual and material support.

Respectfully submitted, Rev. Bedros Altunian, Pastor


1. Bank transfers from AMAA:

10/7/2019 – 1st distr. 19/20 Plovdiv Alians Bank $ 10,130 Varna Alians Bank $ 7,230

2/20/2020 – 2nd distr. 19/20 Plovdiv Alians Bank $ 10,130 Varna Alians Bank $ 7,230

Total: $ 34,720

2. Distribution of funds: for Month for Year Plovdiv, Sofia: Pastors: Plovdiv - Hrant: $240, Jozef: $200, Mannik: $170 $ 610 $ 7,320 Sofia - Harutjun Tateosian: $260 $ 260 $ 3,120 Plovdiv - Church projects: $ 3,300 Plovdiv - Charity projects: $ 1,500 Sofia - Church projects: $ 1,000 Sofia - Charity projects: $ 1,500 Summer Camp: $ 2,000 Accounting expenses: $ 520 $ 20,260 Varna, Russe: Pastors: Nerses: 300, Bedros: $200 $ 500 $ 6,000 Rent Home for Nerses: $200 $ 200 $ 2,400 Varna, Russe - Church projects: $ 2,600 Varna, Russe - Charity projects: $ 1,500 Summer Camp: $ 1,000 Union costs: $ 960 $ 14.460 Total: $ 34,720

Respectfully submitted, Rev. Bedros Altunian, President of the Union of AECB

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 57 FIRST ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH OF URUGUAY – Montevideo, Uruguay

The activities carried out during this last year in our Church. 1. Regular religious services and preaching the Gospel (such services and preaching are performed by consecrated lay members of our Church with a great vocation for service, as we are still without an official Pastor). We pray to God to provide us with the proper Servant who can occupy the pastoral function in our Church. 2. Social work in visitation of those in need of compassion. 3. Presence and participation in Ecumenical organization. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, our last face-to-face service was on Sunday, March 16, and since then we have continued to preach and transmit the Gospel in virtual form. At the same time, we collaborated both financially and socially with members of the congregation and the community who needed support. Donations and special offerings were also made to help in the work and missions of AMAA. The activities planned for this period. 1. Continue to support families who need help in these times of pandemic. 2. Continue with those carried out during the previous period. 3. Resume the messages and preaching of the Word of God in Armenian radio auditions. 4. Re-form a group to teach . We ask our father in heaven that HE will give every one of HIS SERVANTS a new vision and perspective in the growth of HIS KINGDOM. Respectfully submitted, Rev. Obed Boyadjian, Chairman of AMAA Chapter Jorge Moumdjian, Chairman of Church Board


Missions Committee Members: Apraham Adourian, Antibas Lousararian, Peter Nigosian, Sarkis Marandjian, and Hagop Anserlian as Representative and Secretary. We had originally scheduled Annual Missions Sunday of Armenian Evangelical Church of Toronto (AEC) for May 31, 2020. We had invited Rev. Serop Megerditchian, our former Pastor, and current Pastor of the Armenian Cilicia Evangelical Church of Pasadena, as the guest speaker. He graciously accepted. However, due to the COVID-19 virus, we postponed it to Sunday September 27, 2020. Last week, our Committee and Rev. Megerdithcian agreed to cancel the Missions Sunday for this year because of the travel restrictions and the local government regulations concerning the coronavirus. Lord willing, we will consider it for next year, with him still as our guest speaker. The Armenian Missionary Association of Canada (AMAC) has raised funds this year for the financial difficulties for , Syria, Iraq, Iran, Armenia and Artsakh due to the virus. After the Beirut explosion of August 4, AMAC once again started raising funds for the Armenians of Beirut - though this is after July 31. We resumed our physical Church Services on June 21, 2020 (under strict government rules). The last time we had a regular normal Church service was on March 15, 2020. After that we had live streaming of messages on Sundays through the internet. We continue to pray for the AEC missions, for AMAA and AMAC.

Respectfully submitted, Hagop Anserlian, Secretary


Pastor: Rev. Dikran Shanlian Missions Committee Chair: Anait Tiratsuyan 1. Names of Missions Committee members from August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020: Anait Tiratsuyan, Azniv Sinanyan, Richard Elmassian, Gilda Shanlian, Marina Tufenkjian, Hasmik Minasyan, Rev. Joseph Matossian (advisor) 2. The main endeavor this year was supporting our new Armenian Saturday School, Shoghagat. We continued aid to Ararat Evangelical Church in Utah, Sahag-Mesrob Armenian Christian School in Altadena, CA, helped local families and smaller churches in need, provided tuition scholarships, and had both a Christmas toy drive (Glendale POA) and canned food drive (Salvation Army). We also sent aid to moms and children in Zambia through World Vision. 3. We promote the work of the AMAA through Sunday announcements, social media posts and education through our membership classes. 4. The AMAA projects that continue to provide the most enthusiastic response from our people is the Christmas Joy Packages Program for the children in Armenia and Artsakh. 5. Most of our activities came to a standstill due to the pandemic. We recognize a present and continuous need currently and in the coming year. We look to the Lord for guidance in how we can raise awareness in our com- munities and aid in any way we can. We continue to plan to provide support for Shoghagat for 2020-2021. Our promotions will be through social media posts and paid online promotions.

Respectfully submitted, Rev. Dikran Shanlian, Pastor Anait Tiratsuyan, Chair


The Apostle Paul teaches: “Let us not become weary in doing good … Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people especially to those who belong to the family of believers” (Galatians 6:9-10). It has been our privilege to partner, once again, with various churches, missionaries and mission agencies by the grace of God to pro- claim the Gospel and do good throughout the world. One of the interesting challenges was to raise funds for missions and particularly for those in need in Lebanon in the middle of the pandemic. But God was gracious to prompt people to give, both for the hungry, as well as those who were affected by the explosion. Our small Church was able to raise over $19,000 for that need, besides all the personal donations that were made directly to churches, schools and individuals. Through the auspices of the AMAA, Calvary Church continued its ‘Spiritual’ sister church relationship with the Evangelical Church of Armenia in Armavir whose Pastor is Rev. Garush Antonyan. We continued supporting the Evan- gelical Church of Armenia in Aintab led by Rev. Gagik Hovanessyan and the Evangelical Church of Armenia in Alaverdi led by Pastor Artur Ochinyan. Our church family got involved with ‘Operation Christmas Child’ through Samaritan’s Purse to pray for children in various parts of the world and encourage them with basic goods. We extended our Missions involvement in Armenia and the Middle East through local Daily Vacation Bible Schools. Last summer we were able to support a five-week DVBS at the Emmanuel Armenian Evangelical Church in Beirut. And this year our Church community was excited to give generously to support the virtual VBS (through Zoom) in Armenia. We continued to support missionaries and mission projects as in the past, such as: Youth for Christ, John Sa- gherian in the Middle East; Paul Barmaksezian at the Nicaragua Mission for Girls; Rick and Rebecca Emenaker with Mission Aviation Fellowship; Eddy and Rhoda Ekmekji with Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) in the US; Armenian Evangelical Church, Gedik Pasha, Istanbul; Chinar Merjanian, a member of our church community, serving in Armenia through Antioch Center for Training and Sending (ACTS). We continue to sponsor a child through World Vision to care for her education and livelihood.

Respectfully submitted, Rev. Calvin Sagherian, Pastor


1. Missions Committee members: Senior Pastor: Rev. George Terian AMAA Chairperson/Contact: Dr. Hrag Marganian

2. Mission activities and endeavors during the past twelve months. Immanuel Armenian Congregational Church contributes money to community organizations and individuals in our community within and around the city of Downey, and around the world. In this fiscal year, we have donated to the following organizations: 1. AMAA – Evangelical Boarding School in Anjar, Lebanon – on hold due to current situation 2. AMAA – Syrian Armenians 3. AMAA – Christmas Joy Packages, checks were collected and sent directly to AMAA 4. Ararat Home – Ladies Aid sponsored two tables during monthly luncheons in October 2019 5. Camp Arev – Father’s Day Luncheon to raise money for camperships - cancelled due to pandemic 6. Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School, $500 donation given in May 2020 7. Sahag Mesrob Armenian Christian School, $500 donation given in May 2020 8. Family Support Center in Downey, CA, $200 donation given in May 2020 9. Doctors Without Borders, $200 donation given in May 2020 10. AMAA Sunday, January 26, 2020: Rev. Mgrditch Melkonian delivered the English sermon. Donations were col- lected and mailed to AMAA on February 12, 2020 in the amount of $650.

3. Church/Mission Committee promotes the work of the AMAA in the congregation (AMAA Sunday/Month, Mission Fairs, Seminars, etc.). Events/fundraising efforts are posted in the weekly Sunday bulletin, quarterly newsletters, website, email, Facebook & pamphlets/posters in social hall.

4. AMAA projects supported by the congregation during this past year. Which projects find the most positive and enthusiastic response from your people? – Christmas Joy Packages 1. Child Sponsors in Armenia and Lebanon 2. Milk Fund 3. Christmas Joy Packages 4. Centennial Donation to AMAA

5. Mission Committee objectives for the coming year? Activities planned to promote those objectives. The Missions Committee of Immanuel Armenian Congregational Church sponsors ongoing efforts from the proceeds of the Margaret Arzoian Missions Endowment Fund. During the preceding year, individuals evaluate new opportuni- ties to help others in the current year, determine the level of assistance required, ascertain as to whether the effort is one-time or considered to be an ongoing effort, and then recommend whether to adopt this mission as part of our efforts to support the community.

Promoting the objectives is done through the Church’s newsletter, on bulletin boards, and during our worship service. It is important that congregants not simply read but hear about our mission efforts so that they can participate in efforts the Lord calls them to participate in.

Respectfully submitted, Debbie Fermanian, Office Administrator on behalf of Board of Deacons Chair, Dr. Hrag Marganian


Co-Chairpersons: Vicken Keshishian, Pauline Karjian Committee: Daniel Babaian, Nareen Babaian, Diane DeMirjian, Elaine Farashian, Diane Uber Pastor: Rev. Dan Clark (August – December 2019); currently vacant

1. Missions activities and endeavors. Collecting bicycles for Christmas Eve outreach by New Covenant Ministries in Camden, NJ. Preparing meals, collect- ing clothing for homeless men at an inner-city shelter; youth group members helped serve meals. Donating food, paper products, children’s scarves and mittens, blankets, hats and lap blankets to local centers, including CityTeam-Chester. Donating monetary gifts to local religious and secular agencies, including needs in the local Armenian community. Wel- comed Rev. Sebouh Terzian, Director of CAHL (Beirut, Lebanon) during the social hour to hear about the home and contribute to the work there. Sending offerings to special appeal UCC projects once this year. Sending gifts to Wycliffe Bible Translators and other missionaries. Fundraising including a bake sale, donations received in lieu of election primary day bake sale, and community canned goods drive. In 2020, VBS was not held, a pandemic casualty.

2. Promoting the work of the AMAA locally. AMAA Sunday was held in Sept. 2019, when Zaven Khanjian, AMAA Executive Director/CEO, spoke about the programs of the AMAA during a social hour after worship.

3. AMAA projects. Direct contributions are sent from members of the congregation, mostly for Child Sponsorship programs. AMCC’s Mis- sions Committee send contributions for AMAA projects, including child sponsorships—6 in the Middle East, 3 in Armenia, and the retired ministers’ fund.

4. Upcoming activities to support objectives. The primary goals of the Missions Committee are to promote awareness of the needs around us—locally and globally— and to provide opportunities for our members to respond personally through prayer and the giving of time, talent and treasure. The Committee continues to present new and ongoing needs to members and friends of the church, and to be a conduit through which money, goods and effort can be directed for the benefit of others. The Committee strives to maintain our sister church relationship with the church in Berd, Armenia. The Committee also strives to keep our church members connected to efforts on their behalf through written updates in the church newsletter about our overseas mis- sionaries, and by keeping the missions bulletin board current with information from missionaries (Lara Kaiserian (Peru)- until December 2019, Rev. Nishan and Maria Bakalian (Lebanon), Evelyn Biles (Malaysia), Reda Narouz (Baltimore), and Wycliffe missionaries Marge Krikorian (Mexico) and Becky Melville (Romania) gleaned from their blogs, emails and newsletters. A special focus has been to involve children and youth in local and international outreach projects in order to help them develop balanced, Christian lives.

During the months of the pandemic, the Missions Committee has met via Zoom to develop ways to participate in further- ing our objectives. Since hearing the news about the explosion in Beirut, we are developing fundraising ideas.

Respectfully submitted, AMCC Missions Committee

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 61 ARMENIAN MEMORIAL CHURCH – Watertown, MA





Established in 1997, the Ararat Evangelical Church continues to serve and spread the Good News in and around Salt Lake City. The theme of the Church for the year 2019 was “Created to Praise God” and for the year 2020 “Refrain from Being Indifferent.”

The Ararat Church had the following activities from August 1, 2019 to July 31, 2020: • Church Services on Sundays • Weekly Ladies meetings • Weekly Bible study • Weekly Youth Group meetings • Couples Bible Study once a month • Visitation groups • Organize and participate in community events

Despite the ongoing pandemic, the Church continued to serve the people. On May 17, the Church reopened its doors and since then we have already had eight baptisms. Glory be to God.

Respectfully submitted, Pastor Gevork Paronyan

62 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 SECTION IX - FINANCIAL

Report of Management Management is responsible for the accompanying consolidated financial statements, related notes thereto, and all other financial information presented herein. The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. In management’s opinion, the consolidated financial statements present fairly the orga- nization’s financial position, results of operations, and cash flows. In addition, information and repre- sentations included in the organization’s Annual Report are consistent with the financial statements.

The organization maintains a system of internal accounting policies, procedures, and controls in- tended to provide reasonable assurance at appropriate costs, given the inherent limitations of all internal control systems, that transactions are executed in accordance with organization authoriza- tion, are properly recorded and reported in the financial statements, and that assets are adequately safeguarded. The organization’s independent accountants continually evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of this system of internal accounting policies, procedures, and controls to the extent required under generally accepted auditing standards. Management takes the appropriate actions to correct deficiencies as they are identified.

The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors is composed solely of nonemployee members and is responsible for overseeing and monitoring the quality of the organization’s accounting and control practices. The Audit Committee meets throughout the year with management and the independent accountants to discuss audit activities, internal controls, and financial reporting matters. The Audit Committee reports its activities to the Board of Directors. The independent accountants have unre- stricted access to the Audit Committee, without the presence of management.

Zaven Khanjian Executive Director/CEO

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 63 Armenian Missionary Association Of America Operating And Capital Budgets For Fiscal Years Ending July 31, 2021 And 2020

Operating Budget Independent Auditor's Report Budget Budget 2020-21 2019-20 Fluctuation Board of Directors Operating Revenue: Armenian Missionary Association of America, Inc.

Anticipated Contributions $ 3,201,750 $ 3,200,000 $ 1,750 Report on the Financial Statements Appropriation From Investment Income 6,349,066 6,281,083 67,983 Toral operating Revenue 9,550,816 9,481,083 69,733 We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Armenian Missionary Association of America Inc., which comprise statements of financial position as of July 31, 2020 and 2019, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial Operating Expenses: statements. Education 2,248,298 2,390,937 (142,639) Armenia Relief 2,645,817 2,760,359 (114,542) Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Other Relief 591,429 441,562 149,867 Evangelism 481,734 441,233 40,501 Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes Church & Missions 1,110,910 1,119,960 (9,050) the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair Leadershp Develop. & Theol. Training 105,400 92,000 13,400 presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or Publications/ Book Service 200,000 195,000 5,000 error. Administration/ Support Services 1,723,160 1,745,607 (22,447) Auditor’s Responsibility Auxiliary Activities 415,000 365,000 50,000 Total Operating Expenses 9,521,748 9,551,658 (29,910) Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of Net Surplus/(Deficit) W/O Depreciation 29,068 (70,575) 99,643 America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in Capital Budget the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or 2020-2021 2019-2020 Total Project error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s Budget Amount Budget Amount Budget* preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are Berd Day-Care Building $ 75,000 $ 75,000 appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of Cadastre On Properties 77,700 77,700 the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting Ijevan Center 109,930 75,210 185,140 estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial Shoghik Hankavan Camp 546,300 338,978 885,278 statements. Shushi Bedrosian Camp 81,108 129,290 210,398 Stepanavan Administrative Building 563,068 370,053 933,121 We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Stepanavan Church 205,506 205,506 Vanatzor Church 55,000 77,571 132,571 Opinion Vanatzor Shogh Center 23,522 235,938 259,460 Yerevan Baghramyan Building 60,000 60,000 In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Armenian Missionary Association of America Inc. as of July 31, 2020 and 2019, and Yerevan Public Park 55,000 55,000 the results of its operations and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting Other Construction Projects 11,525 33,838 45,363 principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Shiragamout Center 15,938 15,938 Shushi Shogh Center 159,043 159,043

Paramus Headquarters Renovation 75,000 75,000 Total 1,863,659 1,510,859 3,374,518 Parsippany, New Jersey October 9, 2020

* Total project budget may be comprised of several years and may not reflect the total of the two years shown.

64 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20

Independent Auditor's Report

Board of Directors Armenian Missionary Association of America, Inc.

Report on the Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Armenian Missionary Association of America Inc., which comprise statements of financial position as of July 31, 2020 and 2019, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements.

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America; this includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audits to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.


In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Armenian Missionary Association of America Inc. as of July 31, 2020 and 2019, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Parsippany, New Jersey October 9, 2020

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 65 The Armenian Missionary Association of America (AMAA) emphasizes full financial disclosure, ac- countability and careful stewardship.


2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Give, and it will be given to you. You will have more than enough. It can be pushed down and shaken together and it will still run over as it is given to you. Realized/Unrealized Gains The way you give to others is the way you will receive in return. Luke 6:38 The Notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements.

66 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 The Notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements.

HOW INCOME WAS RECEIVED...... HOW IT WAS SPENT Percentage of Income Percentage of Expenses

Supporting Services 25% Realized/Unrealized Gains 39.44% Leadership/Theological Training Education 1% 27% 29.35% Contributions Publications 1% Investment Income 24.28% Churches & Missions 11% Relief Miscellaneous Income 6.93% Evangelism 30% 5% AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 67 The Notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements.

68 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 The Notes to the financial statements are an integral part of these statements.

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 69 70 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 71 72 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 73 74 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 75 76 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 77 78 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 79 80 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 81 SECTION X - ENDOWMENT FUNDS AND OTHER FINANCIAL INFORMATION

Armenian Missionary Association of America, Inc. Summary of Investments in Endowment Funds As of July 31, 2020

Funds Endowment Funds - Various Designations 108,139,385 Armenia Relief 2,280,061 Armenian Evangelical Schools of California 791,561 Armenian Evangelical Schools of California - Custodial Account 600,235 Armenian Evangelical Schools of Lebanon 1,545,466 Avedisian School 4,281,304 Churches and Missions Development Fund - Eurasia 4,929 Haigazian University 8,389,443 Health Care Mission Fund 5,640 Ministers'/Ministers Widows' Pension Funds 881,701


General endowment funds have decreased since last year. This is a result of appropriations made in prior years that were not reflected on fund balances. The appropriations used for operating budgets are based on the gains in overall fund balances. Please be assured that your principal has not been touched, and only the earnings of the fund have been used. The appropriated funds were used as per endowment fund directives.

82 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 ENDOWMENT FUNDS AT JULY 31, 2020

Name of Fund Value Name of Fund Value ENDOWMENT FUNDS, Various...... 185,115 ANDONIAN THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION FUND, AARONIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Nevart & Charles...... 1,473 Haigazoun & Angel...... 9,951 AARONIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Ms. Evelyn...... 13,437 ANDRANIGIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Amar M...... 548,315 ABADJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dikran...... 32,209 ANDREASSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Isgouhie...... 1,067,493 ABADJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, John & Sona...... 52,206 ANDREASSIAN/DARAKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND...... 17,384 ABADJIAN FUND MEMORY OF MOTHER VERA, Andre...... 33,630 ANDREISE MEMORIAL FUND, Thelma Grace Avedikian...... 1,127 ABAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Henry K. & Gladys...... 33,026 ANDROYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nishan...... 19,534 ABAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sumpat S...... 4,181 ANONYMOUS #1 - MJ ENDOWMENT FUND...... 54,846 ABAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. G. J...... 89,203 ANONYMOUS #2 - PK ENDOWMENT FUND...... 847,140 ABASHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nishan & Esgoohi...... 22,924 ANONYMOUS #3 - AOK ENDOWMENT FUND...... 1,438,184 ABDULIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Jack...... 24,675 ANONYMOUS #5 - AVED ENDOWMENT FUND...... 255,817 ABDULIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Misak...... 11,628 ANONYMOUS #7 - GSN ENDOWMENT FUND...... 80,721 ABDULIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Daniel & Juliette...... 4,945 ANONYMOUS AK ENDOWMENT FUND...... 301,318 ABDULIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Araxie & Mary...... 14,116 ANONYMOUS EAK ENDOWMENT FUND...... 2,390 ABDULIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Daniel & Anush...... 99,900 ANONYMOUS EH ENDOWMENT FUND...... 41,900 ABDULIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Vahe & Marianne...... 110,589 ANONYMOUS ENDOWMENT FUND...... 15,370 ABRAHAMIAN MEMORIAL FUND, John & Mary...... 15,024 ANONYMOUS GJ ENDOWMENT FUND...... 4,356 ACHJIAN, JR. ENDOWMENT FUND, Levon...... 1,648 ANONYMOUS LK ENDOWMENT FUND...... 112,668 ADAMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Gregory H...... 1,415 ANONYMOUS MJ ENDOWMENT FUND...... 29,086 ADANALIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. G. B...... 3,932 ANSPIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Alidz Matossian...... 9,322 ADOURIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Setrak Nicholas & Zenoohi..... 242,915 APARTIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Barkev...... 2,457 ADROUNY ENDOWMENT FUND, Jane Ann...... 23,234 APELIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Harry & Catherine...... 14,228 ADROUNY MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND, Karen Tamzarian.... 2,044 APELIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Joseph Moses & Alice...... 2,949 ADROUNY MEMORIAL FUND, Alice & George...... 30,662 APELIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mr. Joseph...... 25,731 AGBABIAN HUBBARD ENDOWMENT FUND, Lucina...... 216,881 APELIAN NURSE'S FUND, Marie...... 2,474 AGBABIAN HUBBARD SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FUND, APKARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Hovhannes & Aznive..... 98,002 Lucina...... 216,881 APOIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Elizabeth...... 4,094 AGBABIAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND, Mihran...... 11,557 APOIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Joseph...... 2,830 AGBABIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Zaven...... 166,579 APOVIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. John...... 3,185 AGBABIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Rev. Siragan & Parouhie. 204,828 APRAHAMIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Steve...... 3,861 AGBASHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, John & Florence...... 2,832 ARABAJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hagop & Annie...... 237,351 AGBASHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Aggie G...... 2,832 ARABIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Robert V...... 1,415 AGHAJANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Ghevont...... 2,394 ARDSROONY MEMORIAL FUND, Vahe & Arpik...... 6,418 AGHASSIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Lillian & Jonathan...... 106,579 ARISSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Karekin...... 19,408 AGHAZARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Arsen...... 8,652 ARMAGHANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dicran & Arshalouise... 28,780 AGNERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Abraham & Victoria...... 3,550 ARMAGHANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. H...... 18,454 AGNERIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Hovhannes H...... 39,018 ARMEN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. Robert Nerces...... 12,126 AHARONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hrair & Julie...... 27,358 ARMENIAN CONG'L CHURCH DETROIT FUND, AIJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. M. M...... 1,823 Ladies Aid Society...... 1,415 AIJIAN PHILIBOSIAN FUND, Kaloost, Siroon & Ruth...... 5,884,168 ARMENIAN CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH FUND, Haverhill.... 11,325 AINTAB COMPATRIOTIC UNION ENDOWMENT...... 64,762 ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH, New York...... 137,741 AINTABLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Clara A...... 1,127 ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL SOCIAL SERVICE...... 131,288 AINTABLIAN TRAVER ENDOWMENT FUND, Ann...... 34,988 ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL WORLD COUNCIL FUND...... 224,895 AJAMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Charles T...... 3,272 ARMENIAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION FUND, Iran...... 21,258 AJEMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, John & Chouchan...... 3,069 ARMENIAN PRESBYTERIAN COMMUNITY FUND, AJEMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Puzant & Zartoohy...... 35,908 Washington DC...... 1,787 AJEMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. George...... 46,170 ARMENIAN REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN CHUR, Cyprus...... 4,443 AJEMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Peter...... 3,205 ARMENIAN STUDIES EDUCATIONAL FUND...... 1,232 AKKASHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Siranoush...... 12,426 ARTINIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Haroutune...... 4,502 AKKULIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel...... 7,185 ARZOOYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Archie...... 12,879 AKULLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Shake...... 3,932 ARZOOYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Charles & Arshagui...... 73,750 AKULLIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Vahan...... 2,390 ARZOUN ENDOWMENT FUND, Vahan & Gladys...... 31,131 AKULLIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Jack...... 124,947 ASBED ENDOWMENT FUND, H. K...... 5,101 ALAJAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dorothy...... 3,723 ASDIKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Samuel E. & Elmas D...... 2,193 ALBARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, George & Louise...... 36,011 ASHJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Hamparzoum...... 3,575 ALBARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Edward L...... 1,375 ASHKARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Beatrice...... 3,723 ALBARIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Sarkis & Knarig...... 17,872 ASHKARIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Ohanes...... 13,047 ALBERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin...... 23,483 ASHODIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, John N...... 1,233 ALEPPO COLLEGE ENDOWMENT FUND, Girls Division...... 5,286 ASLAN FAMILY TRUST ENDOWMENT FUND...... 20,882 ALEXANDER ENDOWMENT FUND, Harry...... 94,508 ASSADOURIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Garabed A. & Isabel...... 24,390 ALEXANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel...... 44,511 ATAMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rodney & Tracy...... 10,438 ALEXANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Ludwig & Alice...... 4,371 ATESIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Howard & Zabelle...... 1,708 ALTOONJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Marjorie, Flora & Mable... 1,567,513 ATHANAS LITERARY ENDOWMENT FUND, Hour...... 107,782 ALTOUNIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Arshag...... 8,658 ATTARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Behiye...... 1,723 AMAA 75TH ANNIVERSARY FUND...... 2,877 ATTARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, George & Mary...... 9,142 AMAA GENERAL ENDOWMENT FUND...... 504,158 ATTARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, James E. & Virginia...... 33,975 AMERKHANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Arshak...... 1,951 ATTARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, James M...... 4,480 AMIRKHANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Vartan...... 14,565 ATTARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. James M...... 3,421

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 83 ENDOWMENT FUNDS AT JULY 31, 2020

Name of Fund Value Name of Fund Value AVAKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Armand & Janet...... 4,970 BASMADJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Ara & Kayane...... 33,130 AVAKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Azadouhie...... 2,093 BASMADJIAN FAMILY FUND, Krikor & Hagop...... 2,044 AVAKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Samuel & Rose...... 9,861 BEAUCHAMP ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. D. E...... 2,973 AVAKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. H...... 6,220 BECIDYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. Hasmig...... 7,079 AVAKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Avak & Veronica...... 21,193 BEDIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Harout...... 3,652 AVAKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Yervant & Acabie...... 50,863 BEDIKIAN THEOLOGICAL FUND, Rev. A. A...... 60,890 AVED MEMORIAL FUND, Joseph G. & Mary K...... 16,265 BEDOIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Charles...... 63,310 AVEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Alice...... 5,488 BEDROSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Levon...... 3,681 AVEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Arnie & Nectar...... 66,568 BEDROSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Ben...... 3,575 AVEDIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, George & Mary...... 2,254 BEDROSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Martin...... 8,898 AVEDIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rebecca G. & Thelma...... 3,831 BEDROSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Vahe P...... 3,114 AVEDIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sarkis & Shake...... 4,011 BEDROSSIAN HADJIAN SURABIAN END FUND, AVEDIKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dicran & Vehide...... 8,185 Yevkine & Victoria...... 7,506 AVEDISIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Socrat...... 5,720 BEDROSSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. Edward & Angele...... 66,559 AVEDISSIAN HOYEN MEMORIAL FUND, Stella...... 4,084 BEDROSSIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Dr. E. Howard...... 455,889 AVIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Bob & M/M Hampar Avedisia...... 34,959 BEKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Nishan...... 2,288 AYNEDJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hagop & Grace...... 7,680 BEKMEZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mary...... 7,116 AYNEJIAN, Mr. & Mrs. John and Hilda...... 1,936 BEKMEZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Millard...... 64,263 AYNILIAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND, Nerses & Arpine...... 619,533 BELIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Aram Y...... 411,721 AYVAZIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Shnorhig H...... 2,914 BELOYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Neshan...... 1,024 AZADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Vahan & Grace...... 110,164 BENGLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Semon...... 6,088 AZIRIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Jirair D...... 2,667 BENGLIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Vahan & Sara...... 13,481 BABAIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Ralph...... 48,078 BENNETT ENDOWMENT FUND, John Eskijian...... 1,162 BABAYAN NERSESSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Richard & Sonya.... 1,105 BENNEYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. H. G...... 5,361 BABIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mrs. Y. K...... 1,787 BERBERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Everett H...... 2,914 BABIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Richard Zaven...... 276,345 BERBERIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Vahe A...... 1,413 BABOGHLIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Vartkes...... 1,978 BERBERIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. Dicran & Armine...... 181,035 BABOIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Charles...... 1,829 BESH ENDOWMENT FUND, Van...... 57,449 BADEER ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Henry...... 1,057 BESH GETOOR MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. Levon & Elmon...... 6,265 BADEER TRUST FUND, A. & V...... 1,871,370 BEYLERIAN MEMORIAL FUND, George...... 1,174 BADEMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Zaven & Cleia...... 1,511 BEZIRGANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. George...... 210,695 BAGDASARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. George...... 2,832 BEZIRGANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Drs. John & Sophia...... 33,852 BAGDASARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Harry...... 3,656 BEZIRGANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. Steve...... 8,660 BAGDIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Dr. Aram...... 2,323 BEZJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Alex & Victoria...... 3,990 BAGHDASARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard...... 23,019 BEZJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Jacob & Lydia...... 5,167 BAGHDASSARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. Stepan...... 2,513 BEZJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Albert...... 52,156 BAGHDIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Barkev...... 11,869 BEZJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Hagop...... 4,517 BAKALIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev.Dr. Samuel & Hilda...... 1,354 BEZJIAN HARDOUVELIS ENDOWMENT FUND, Gikas & Suzan.... 2,808 BAKAMJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Barkev & Grace...... 19,138 BILEZIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Valantine...... 4,039 BAKAMJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. Veronica...... 493,355 BILEZIKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Zabel & Youhanna...... 40,491 BAKER ENDOWMENT FUND, Seth & Hasmig...... 1,877 BIZDIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Jerair...... 1,531 BAKER ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph...... 1,127 BODOURIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Harry Ghazaros...... 2,914 BAKERDJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Vartan...... 2,791 BOGDASARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, John & Alice...... 3,655 BAKMAZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Param & Selma...... 179,083 BOGHARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Keghanoush...... 2,088 BALABANIAN ARM. CHILD. CANCER FUND, Saro...... 22,100 BOGHOSIAN/CHAKMAKJIAN MEMORIAL FUND...... 34,428 BALABANIAN EDUCATIONAL FUND, Sarkis (Balaban Hoja)..... 19,632 BOGHOSSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Hagop...... 22,650 BALIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Sarkis & Prapion...... 1,347 BOGOSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Paul...... 4,432 BALIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Venus...... 3,059 BOGOSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Avedis Paul...... 10,931 BALIKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hrair and Angele...... 1,901 BOGOSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. John...... 23,400 BALIKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, D. & R...... 54,304 BOGOSIAN MEMORIAL EDUCATIONAL FUND, Tavit & Sirvart. 15,530 BALIKJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Kegham...... 4,651 BOGOSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Sarkis...... 361,353 BALIOZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Vahe...... 1,681 BOGOSSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Armen & Florence...... 1,425 BALUKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Harry...... 4,924 BOLOYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Kazar...... 8,115 BALUKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Puzant & Esther...... 7,460 BOND MEMORIAL FUND, Harold...... 1,015 BALYOSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Stephen & Mary...... 4,764 BOOLE ENDOWMENT FUND, John H...... 14,601 BANCROFT JONES MEMORIAL FUND, Anna...... 18,405 BOOLE ENDOWMENT FUND, Nectar...... 1,449 BANDEIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. Alice...... 1,925 BOSNIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Luther H...... 35,743 BANKER ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Oscar...... 4,459 BOUJICANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Kachadour...... 1,230 BARDIZIAN EDUCATIONAL FUND, Solomon...... 4,109 BOYADJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Aram...... 1,787 BARONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, John K...... 1,024 BOYADJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Haroutune & Mary...... 280,476 BARONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mary A...... 1,540 BOYADJIAN KASSAPIAN MEMORIAL FUND, BARONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. D. Richard & Annette...... 88,009 Marie & Haroutune...... 7,333 BARSUMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Aram...... 1,042 BOYAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Harry...... 1,823 BARSUMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, George & Helen...... 28,830 BOYAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hattie Eleanor...... 36,168 BARSUMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rose A...... 2,914 BOYAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Louise...... 42,403 BARSUMIAN MEMORIAL FUND, George & Esther...... 50,369 BOYAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Samuel Avedis...... 9,965 BARTIGIAN FAMILY FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Albert...... 4,823 BOYAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. H...... 1,787 BASHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, John & Hamaspure...... 2,584 BOYAJIAN HANLON ENDOWMENT FUND, Queenie...... 5,769

84 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 ENDOWMENT FUNDS AT JULY 31, 2020

Name of Fund Value Name of Fund Value BOYAJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Avedis & Khatoun...... 89,317 DANELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Jack & Brother...... 1,646 BOYAJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Joseph Sr...... 1,778 DANELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Richard...... 6,576 BOYAJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Kasper...... 15,928 DANIELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Krikor, Vartan & Nevart...... 434,048 BOYAJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rose...... 12,510 DANIELIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mr. Vagharshag...... 1,061 BOYD MEMORIAL FUND, Mentor Astor...... 3,116 DARAKDJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Berjouhi...... 2,717 BOZYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Edith...... 1,593 DARAKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Albert & Annabelle Lee..... 372,840 BROUSA SCHOOL GIRLS CLUB ENDOWMENT FUND...... 20,455 DARAKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Drs. Nazareth & Ani...... 157,682 BUCHAKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Serge & Anita...... 2,618 DARAKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Emmanuel & Mary...... 28,961 BURMAYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Varujan...... 10,572 DARMANJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Moses & Lydia...... 2,530 CALIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Carnegie and Doris...... 1,851 DARPINIAN MEMORIAL FUND, John...... 11,849 CAPRELIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rose...... 13,461 DARPINIAN/TIMOURIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, CARAPETIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Caro...... 3,682 Haig R. & Berjouhi...... 378,917 CARPETLAND, Manougian Sakayan Turmani...... 12,153 DAVAGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. John S...... 1,457 CASPARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hrant & Hranoush...... 14,987 DAVIDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nahabed...... 1,037 CASPARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Patrick...... 7,552 DAVIDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Charles...... 1,415 CASPARIAN MIRZAIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Perooz & Manoog. 15,483 DAVIDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Aris...... 1,829 CHACHOU ENDOWMENT FUND, Mrs. K...... 3,575 DAVIDIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Elizabeth Rose...... 23,893 CHADURJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Edward A...... 54,774 DAVIDIAN MEMORIAL FUND, James A...... 101,752 CHAGLASIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Andrew & Patricia...... 1,845 DAYIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Edward...... 2,477 CHAGLASIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Karekin & Elizabeth.... 6,168 DEDEYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hagop...... 11,613 CHAHINIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Krikor & Rahel...... 1,706 DEDEYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Takvor...... 1,840 CHAKEJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sarkis...... 1,829 DEMERJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Alice M...... 1,352 CHAKERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, DEMERJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Artin & Azniv...... 2,095 M. Arpine Mullisen & Samuel Gron...... 11,006 DEMERJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Harry...... 64,105 CHAKMAKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Anna...... 1,415 DEMIRDJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Shavarsh & Nazine...... 3,351 CHAKMAKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Harry...... 13,671 DEMIRJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Harold & Frances...... 34,014 CHAKMAKJIAN JR. ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Aram K..... 1,520 DEMIRJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Minas & Keghany...... 22,171 CHALABIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Charles...... 30,180 DEMIRJIAN MEMORIAL EVANGELICAL FUND, Rev. Krikor..... 334,174 CHALIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Manouk & Anouche...... 1,155 DEPOIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Gadarine...... 3,575 CHALIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Edward...... 14,190 DER BOGHOSSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, CHAMICHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Joseph & Nevart...... 10,944 Misak, Aznive, Armenouhie, Araxie...... 51,073 CHANGELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Charles...... 2,914 DER KALOUSDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Avedis..... 2,225 CHATALBASH ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas...... 2,832 DER MARDEROSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Ara & Evelyn...... 2,113 CHAVOOR MEMORIAL FUND, Frank & Frances...... 1,345 DER MATTEOSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Krikor & Yeghsa...... 25,979 CHELBIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Lucia...... 4,780 DER OVANESIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hagop & Anna M...... 35,743 CHERKEZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Archie...... 21,448 DERANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Hagop Martin...... 2,816 CHILIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Diran J...... 2,040 DERANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Armen...... 23,466 CHIVITJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. H. G...... 1,628 DERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, James...... 2,583 CHOLAKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Yeranoohi...... 1,923 DERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Osgan...... 3,575 CHOPOORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Haig...... 2,914 DERIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Gary...... 10,513 CHOPOURIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Giragos & Yeprouhi...... 450,996 DEVEDJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. John...... 1,457 CHOPOURIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Patricia Ann...... 2,254 DICKRANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Archie...... 2,749 CHOPOURIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Haroutune & Victoria.... 22,440 DILDABANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Orjen...... 40,218 CHORLIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Edward...... 5,135 DIRADOURIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Qureken...... 3,963 CHRISTIANSEN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Gary & Aline... 1,405 DIRAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Arsen & Varteni...... 254,159 CHURUKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Vahe & Emilia...... 73,355 DIRAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Leo...... 554,706 CHURUKIAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND, DIRAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mary...... 21,951 Giragos M. & Helen T...... 54,270 DODD MEMORIAL FUND, Andrew...... 12,515 CLEMENCE MEMORIAL FUND, Eugene...... 2,914 DOGHRAMJI ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Dr. Peter & Mary...... 1,699 COLLEGIAN 1983 TRUST FUND, Harry...... 51,672 DOGHRAMJI MEMORIAL FUND, Rosa...... 1,264 COMJEAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Marc...... 109,188 DOHANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Armen Sr. & Rachel...... 91,610 CONE ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence K...... 5,096 DOHANIAN FAMILY FUND, Hagop M. & Esther...... 248,959 CUTLER ENDOWMENT FUND, Jack & Yumma...... 16,263 DOKOUZIAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND, Mihran & Mary.... 3,131 DABBAGHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Marie...... 3,380 DOLMADJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Jacob & Victoria...... 1,511 DADEKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Zaven A...... 2,914 DOLMAJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mihran & Mary...... 2,525 DADERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Asdghig...... 8,288 DONABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel...... 2,914 DADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Arthur...... 1,608,266 DONABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Suren...... 17,847 DADOURIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dadour & Elise...... 70,870 DONCHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Richard...... 162,309 DADOURIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Alexander...... 6,042 DOUMANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Heratch O...... 14,862 DADOURIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Noubar M...... 1,165 DULGARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Harry...... 6,725 DAGDIGIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Khoren...... 8,817 DURNA MEMORIAL FUND, John...... 21,220 DAGHLIAN EKMEKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND...... 10,723 DURNA MEMORIAL FUND, Joseph J...... 21,205 DAGHLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hagop...... 5,803 EJDAHARIAN BILEZIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Armine...... 192,375 DAGHLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nazar & Lucy...... 30,421 EJDAHARIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Meguerditch...... 187,296 DAGHLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Yacoub & Feride...... 14,570 EJFT ENDOWMENT FUND...... 37,779 DAGHLIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Dr. Theodore...... 5,747 EKNOIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Sirouhi...... 2,519 DAGHLIAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Nazar...... 16,232 ELANJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. George & Isabelle...... 6,500 DAGLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Parnag...... 10,030 ELIAZARIAN FAMILY MEMORIAL FUND...... 283,800

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 85 ENDOWMENT FUNDS AT JULY 31, 2020

Name of Fund Value Name of Fund Value EMURIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. S. K. & G. T...... 28,464 GUEKGUEZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Assadour & Turfanda...... 2,316 ENDRIGIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Nevart...... 9,906 GUEKGUEZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Bernard & Knar..... 43,213 ENSHER ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Martha Googooian...... 23,310 GUEKGUEZIAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND, Asbed...... 17,146 ESAIAN NOGA ENDOWMENT FUND...... 8,004 GUEKGUEZIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Yenouk & Maggie...... 38,028 ESAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nishan & Hranoush...... 1,315 GUEKGUEZIAN SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FUND, ETINOFF KIRAKOSSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Aznive...... 2,893 Rev. Bernard...... 21,921 ETOYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Ani...... 28,118 GUEYIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Berj...... 3,942 EVKHANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Manook...... 2,001 GUEYIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Luther...... 3,963 FERESHETIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Sarkis & Nartoohie...... 211,086 GULBENKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Prof. Avedis...... 1,877 FERMANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Haig...... 14,570 GULBENKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hasmig & Garbis...... 16,172 FERMANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. K...... 33,941 GULDALIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, K. George...... 5,640 FILIAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND...... 16,547 GULESERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. John...... 2,914 FILIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Movses...... 4,149 GULESSERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Levon & Shake...... 35,016 FIRST ARMENIAN EV. CH. ENDOWMENT FU, Montreal, Canada..... 7,856 GULESSERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Puzant & Angele...... 785,239 FISHER MEMORIAL FUND, Harold (Hratch Balikjian)...... 25,610 GULESSERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sarkis & Elenie...... 19,659 FLINT ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Gregory...... 4,225 GULESSERIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Vahram...... 8,462 FROONJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. H. Craig...... 15,227 GULESSERIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Vasken...... 5,027 GABRELLIAN & JESSOURIAN ASSOCIATES...... 2,914 GULEZIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Sarkis & Armenouhie...... 49,098 GABRIEL ENDOWMENT FUND, Edwin Z...... 422,198 GULIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Arsen...... 2,145 GABRIEL ENDOWMENT FUND, Krikor...... 1,604 GULUZIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Krikor O...... 4,543 GABRIEL MEMORIAL FUND, Attabeg & Lusik...... 34,320 GURLEKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Hagop...... 8,546 GAGOSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nora...... 1,745 GUZELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hrant...... 295,735 GAIDZAKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Georges, Zabel & Joao...... 1,124 GUZELIMIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Khacher & Mr. Puzant..... 10,056 GALIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Florence...... 27,106 HACHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nushan & Gladys...... 1,717,838 GALOOSTIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Flora & Diane...... 86,540 HACHIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. John M...... 1,345 GALUSTIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Vigen & Marie...... 9,257 HACHIGIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Maritza...... 3,682 GAMAREKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dikran & Almas...... 1,673 HADIDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Puzant & Beatrice...... 159,020 GARABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Aghavnie...... 10,201 HADIDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Henry A...... 1,457 GARABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Charles...... 1,805 HADIDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Yervant & Rose...... 30,113 GARABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Charles Mesrob...... 27,236 HADIDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Zaven & Arpine...... 9,833 GARABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Elise...... 1,840 HADIDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Yenovk...... 74,717 GARABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Harry & Bertha...... 28,555 HADIDIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Edgar & Noubar...... 20,099 GARABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mary R. & Charles...... 17,084 HADIDIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Aram H. & Gaida...... 36,086 GARABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Aram...... 6,490 HAGOPIAN (GARABEDIAN) MEMORIAL FUND, Rose...... 1,693 GARABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Martin...... 1,415 HAGOPIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Jacob...... 89,357 GARABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Paul...... 7,984 HAGOPIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rebecca...... 1,125 GARABEDIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Paul E...... 37,758 HAGOPIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Arpi...... 345,123 GAROIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Armen & Marie...... 2,954 HAGOPIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Bedros & Yeranouhi...... 438,826 GAROYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Nevart...... 1,600 HAGOPIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Satenig...... 10,212 GARRY ENDOWMENT FUND, Edward A. & Jessee...... 5,167 HAGOPIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Sophie...... 1,558 GAZARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Arnold H...... 5,332 HAIDOSTIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Berj H...... 12,592 GAZARIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Vartan & Bertha...... 1,880 HAIG (KASHISHIAN) FUND, K. & Elsie...... 130,187 GAZEBAYUKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Jorge & Marlene...... 1,511 HAIG MEMORIAL FUND, Harold & Virginia...... 9,113 GEARY ENDOWMENT FUND, Sara O...... 83,850 HAKIMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Avedis & Alice...... 53,866 GEDICKIAN (GULIAN) MEMORIAL FUND, Hyranoush Isabelle... 9,028 HAKIMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, George...... 2,006 GEDIKIAN BOUJOULIAN FAMILY FUND...... 5,161 HAKIMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Harry...... 37,490 GEOVKALAYJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Lutfig & Armen...... 16,068 HAKIMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Krikor & Patricia...... 3,114 GEOVKALAYJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, HALAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, John & Agnes...... 1,280,117 Mr. & Mrs. Haroutune Joseph...... 11,680 HALEBIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Puzant & Barbara...... 3,552 GERTMENIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Henry & Eunice...... 211,848 HALEBIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Michael...... 25,394 GERTMENIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Roy Z...... 14,132 HALEBIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Marie...... 6,869 GERTMENIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Paul...... 130,536 HALEBIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Puzant...... 6,136 GERTMENIAN FAMILY FOUNDATION ENDOWMENT FUND... 230,421 HALEBIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rose...... 1,923 GIRIDLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Leon & Matilda...... 27,971 HALEBLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Jamil Haroutune...... 2,501 GKD ENDOWMENT FUND...... 534,672 HALEBLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Loutfi J. & Nouvart...... 1,415 GLAVIAN BENLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sona...... 54,975 HALFORD MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Anne Googooian.... 56,625 GOENJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Lutfik & Arousiak...... 48,274 HALVAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Alice & Kathryn...... 1,850,827 GOERGIZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Arsen...... 100,183 HAMO ENDOWMENT FUND, Sam & Phyllis...... 3,673 GOOGOOIAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Louise...... 32,052 HANCOCK ENDOWMENT FUND, Angele Bedrossian...... 128,746 GOORABIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Harry...... 14,157 HANENIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis...... 2,271 GOSTANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dorothy...... 6,764 HANESSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Christine...... 1,376 GOSTANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Esther...... 2,254 HANESSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nevdon & Sossy...... 16,420 GOSTANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Vartanoush & Manoug...... 8,527 HANESSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Avedis...... 3,945 GOULIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Dicran...... 2,501 HANSEN ENDOWMENT FUND, Zabelle...... 38,769 GRALIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Bayzar...... 1,415 HANSON ENDOWMENT FUND, Virginia Hanessian...... 3,237 GRAY MEMORIAL FUND, J. Harry...... 35,391 HARABEDIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rose G...... 18,733 GREGORY MEMORIAL FUND, John & Lousaper...... 2,057 HARIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Diran...... 12,457 GRIGGS (BENAYAN) MEMORIAL FUND, Aroos...... 10,441 HAROOTUNIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sena...... 6,030

86 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 ENDOWMENT FUNDS AT JULY 31, 2020

Name of Fund Value Name of Fund Value HAROUTUNIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Harry...... 1,310 HQ-SHEGOIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Ardson & Gladys...... 1,269 HAROUTUNIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Yessayi & Makroohi...... 5,590 HQ-SIMOURIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, John & Michele...... 13,523 HARPOOTLIAN FAMILY MEMORIAL FUND, Charles & Esther. 173,579 HQ-TORIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Andrew & Rose...... 6,762 HARTUNIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Albert & Mary...... 6,488 HUSISIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, John & Rose...... 3,426 HARTUNIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. John...... 5,237 ICHKHAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Vicken...... 1,426 HARTUNIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mrs. Nevdon...... 1,787 IGNATIUS FUND, Clara...... 10,975 HARTUNIAN/YESAIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, IGREJA EVANGELICA ARMENIA FUND, De Sao Paolo...... 16,535 Margaret & Robert/Avedis...... 33,715 ILANJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Marie...... 1,903 HARUTUNIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. John...... 8,071 ISHKANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hagop & Elvira...... 6,451 HARUTUNIAN FAMILY FUND, Der Sahakian...... 14,632 ISHKANIAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND, Harry...... 3,386 HASERJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nouritza...... 3,118 ISKIAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND...... 19,984 HASSERJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. Paul Y. & Margaret...... 39,872 ISKIYAN THEOLOGICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND, HASSERJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs...... 13,942 Paul & Arousiag...... 136,890 HASSERJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Gerard...... 1,457 IZMIRIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Luther...... 13,643 HASSERJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Aznive & Satenig...... 19,270 IZMIRLIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Shimavon...... 28,166 HASSESSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Herald A. G..... 9,134 JAMESON ESSAY CONTEST FUND, James...... 261,030 HATCH ENDOWMENT FUND, Benjamin...... 7,327 JAMESON FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND, James...... 491,547 HATCH ENDOWMENT FUND, Martin...... 70,489 JAMGOCHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Aram...... 2,914 HEGHINIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Nazareth & Louisa...... 11,545 JAMGOTCHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mrs. Serpouhi...... 3,731 HEKEMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Robert & Colleen...... 9,968 JANBAZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Boghos & Agnes...... 14,216 HEKEMIAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND, JANBAZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Movses & Louisa...... 241,434 Robert & Mary Jane...... 1,000,668 JANIGIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Antaram...... 1,362 HEKEMIAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT TRUST, JANJIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Charles A...... 8,439 Samuel & Elizabeth...... 4,808,003 JANJIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Edward & Lucy...... 408,825 HEKIMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, M. Jerry & Margot...... 3,255 JANJIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Edward and Lucy...... 136,139 HEKIMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. J...... 13,869 JANJIKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Hovsep & Mary...... 2,025 HEKIMIAN MEDICAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Dr. Jacob H...... 59,733 JEBEJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Vahe...... 7,278 HEKIMIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Aram...... 2,405 JEDIDIAN EDUCATIONAL FUND, Martha Doodoo...... 219,273 HEKIMIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Zeron Jerry...... 2,030 JEMELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nerses...... 9,117 HELVADJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nishan & Armine...... 25,292 JEMELYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Jerry...... 2,289 HINTLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Setrak & Sara...... 37,656 JENANYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, John G...... 7,769 HINTLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. Neshan G...... 1,457 JENANYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Charles H. & Roxy M...... 3,158 HINTLIAN FOUNDATION ENDOWMENT FUND...... 7,149 JERJISIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND, George & Elizabeth...... 64,033 HOOD MEMORIAL FUND, Kimberly Ann...... 1,643 JERNUKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Haroutune & Dikranouhi...... 2,808 HOVAGIMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sona...... 1,457 JERYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. P. H...... 1,829 HOVAGIMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. George...... 10,723 JESRALY ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. Peter M...... 1,415 HOVAGIMIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Angele...... 19,541 JIGARJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, S. George & Rose...... 7,138 HOVAGIMIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mgrditch & Takouhy...... 10,930 JIVELEKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Luis...... 30,789 HOVAGIMIAN RELIGOUS FUND, Rev. Hovey & Jean...... 10,638 JOHNSON ENDOWMENT FUND, Richard...... 1,457 HOVANESSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. R. A...... 2,832 JONES MEMORIAL FUND, Sam...... 6,017 HOVANESSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Arakel & Dirouhi...... 21,060 JOSEPH ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Jack & Mary...... 6,774 HOVENANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Alice & Phyllis...... 9,825 JOUROYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dick...... 1,649 HOVENANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Michael S...... 56,368 JUNDANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas...... 11,380 HOVENANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Peter & Sara...... 30,974 KABAKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Haigazoon & Aghavni...... 102,886 HOVENANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Simon, Bengzede & Mary...... 9,825 KABAKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rose...... 8,742 HOVNANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Vahak & Hasmig...... 1,593 KABAKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Aram...... 2,145 HOVNANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. H. Philip...... 39,616 KABOOLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Karekin...... 41,052 HOVNANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Hirair...... 2,040 KACHADORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Carnick...... 1,457 HOVNANIAN FAMILY FUND, Jirair & Lil...... 4,614 KACHADURIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Zumruth...... 10,003 HOVNANIAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. August...... 12,162 KACHATUROFF ENDOWMENT FUND, Nora Maya...... 14,258 HOVNANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Albert H...... 1,923 KADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. George...... 3,132 HOVNANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Joan...... 10,328 KADIAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND, Gloria...... 5,526 HOVNANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. Philip & Lydia...... 73,887 KAISERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Edward A. & Sara P...... 2,549 HOWSEPIAN FUND, Awag & Takouhie...... 14,949 KALAGIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Kalos, Zabel & Alice...... 142,039 HQ-ACOPIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Sarkis...... 6,346 KALAIDJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Mihran...... 1,041 HQ-ALBERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Marie...... 1,269 KALAIDJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. William...... 1,859 HQ-BALUKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. Harry...... 3,808 KALAYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Shoushan & Berjouhie...... 3,831 HQ-BEZIRGANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, George & Pauline...... 6,346 KALAYDJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Levon...... 4,809 HQ-BORANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. John...... 1,353 KALAYDJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Roupen & Marie...... 2,335 HQ-DARPINIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Arouss...... 1,717 KALEM MEMORIAL FUND, Bettina Josephine...... 11,801 HQ-HEKEMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Robert & MJ...... 159,010 KALEMKARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. George V...... 19,173 HQ-HEKEMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Samuel & Sandy...... 112,342 KALEMKIARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Paul...... 6,108 HQ-JANBAZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Movses & Louisa...... 3,215 KALENIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Margaret...... 50,982 HQ-KALFAYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Lawrence & Elise...... 2,432 KALFAYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hagop & Eliza...... 15,807 HQ-KURKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Louis & Grace...... 6,805 KALFAYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Sarkis & Irene...... 82,209 HQ-OTHER ENDOWMENT FUNDS...... 3,858 KALFAYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Laura J...... 6,314 HQ-PHILIBOSIAN FOUNDATION FUND, Stephen...... 250,198 KALFAYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Puzant H...... 28,577 HQ-SARIAN FOUNDATION FUND...... 1,269 KALFAYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Haroutune & Flora..... 95,776

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 87 ENDOWMENT FUNDS AT JULY 31, 2020

Name of Fund Value Name of Fund Value KALFAYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. Asbed...... 5,514 KERKASHARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Samuel & Satenig...... 15,214 KALFAYAN MEMORIAL FUND/ZAREH, Luther & Beatrice...... 13,359 KERTMENIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Marjorie...... 10,096 KALJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Leo...... 360,594 KESHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Harry...... 1,858 KALOUSDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Albert Sooren & Alice...... 15,872 KESHISHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hadji Hagop...... 2,203 KALOUSTIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel...... 76,121 KESHISHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Kevork...... 1,427 KALUNIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Haig...... 1,457 KESHISHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Levon & Dickranouhie...... 13,931 KALVONJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Araxie...... 13,707 KESHISHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. S. K...... 3,656 KALYN MEMORIAL FUND, Hampton & Grace...... 19,109 KESHISHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Garabed S...... 12,302 KAPRIELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Kapriel...... 1,513 KESHISHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Jirayr...... 5,027 KARAGOZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Zevart...... 2,171 KESHISHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Moses & Victoria...... 59,927 KARAGOZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Albert...... 2,914 KESHISHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Siroon...... 4,747 KARAKASHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Jack & Grace...... 4,123 KESHISHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Mark...... 36,101 KARAKASHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mr. Karekin...... 2,584 KETENJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Beatrice...... 8,494 KARAMANOUGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Vartanoush & Garabed.... 44,438 KETENJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hagop Markar...... 4,427 KARAMANOUKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Ohannes & Araxie... 86,003 KETENJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Yervant & Yulia...... 23,483 KARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Bernard K...... 5,498 KETEYIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rose...... 1,828 KARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Edward & Lucy...... 213,145 KEUCHGERIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Marie...... 1,760 KARIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Michael...... 1,253 KEUHNELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, John & Gladys...... 116,587 KARJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Hovhannes...... 17,449 KEUHNELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Garabed H..... 124,508 KARTOZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Haroutune...... 4,831 KEUSEYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. John...... 10,816 KASABACH ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Harry Yervant & Armen.. 24,122 KEVORKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, George & Alice...... 30,942 KASABACH ENDOWMENT FUND, Mrs. Arshalous...... 9,293 KEVORKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Kenneth & Thelma...... 3,399 KASHISHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Enock & Mary...... 26,503 KEVORKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph...... 3,656 KASHMANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hagop & Arousiag...... 11,546 KEVORKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Zenas J...... 1,506 KASPARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND #1, Alice Odian...... 44,423 KEVORKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mrs. Frank...... 3,932 KASPARIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND #2, Alice Odian...... 44,423 KEYISHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. John H...... 42,419 KASPARIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND #3, Alice Odian...... 44,423 KEYISHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Robinson...... 10,532 KASPER ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Richard L...... 1,457 KEYISHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Yamnega...... 1,162 KASSABIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. John & Mary...... 4,285 KHACHADOURIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Nerses & Gulenia..... 21,310 KASSABIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. A. L...... 390,278 KHACHIGIAN MEMORIAL FUND, John & Elizabeth...... 314,385 KASSABIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Mihran...... 4,531 KHARAJJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Nouri & Jemile...... 45,369 KASSARDJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Khoren & Kanarik...... 7,759 KHERLOPIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Marie...... 1,805 KASSARJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Romeo...... 3,321 KHOUNGANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Samuel & Limi...... 4,040 KASSOUNI ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Vartkes...... 17,703 KHRIMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rose...... 46,405 KASSOUNY ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Dicran Y...... 27,061 KIZIRIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Jacob & Virginia...... 12,741 KASSOUNY KAVOUKSORIAN EDUCATION FUND, KNADJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Peter...... 2,038 Kevork H. & Sirvart...... 5,404 KNADJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hagop, Zarouhi, Yetvart...... 6,029 KASSOUNY MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Yeghia...... 13,385 KNAIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Nighoghos G...... 2,904 KASSOUNY SCHOLARSHIP ENDOWMENT FUND, Arousiag Joy..... 74,918 KOCHAKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Giragos & Martha...... 18,215 KAVJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Edward...... 107,692 KOCHAKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Moushegh & Arshalous...... 85,115 KAY ENDOWMENT FUND, George & Grace...... 20,245 KOEROGHLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Mihran & Beatrice.... 34,210 KAYAIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Berge...... 15,159 KOKORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mary...... 2,088 KAYE ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Ernest...... 2,714 KOMOORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Arika...... 524,228 KAZANJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Anna...... 3,752 KONDAKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Albert & Josephine...... 2,194 KAZANJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Harry...... 4,241 KONYALIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Krikor & Anoush...... 32,840 KAZANJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, John...... 3,656 KOOLAKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. Robert G...... 1,222 KAZANJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, John...... 162,290 KOOMJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. A. H...... 1,415 KAZANJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Juliette...... 2,323 KOOYUMJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Martha...... 2,914 KAZANJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nouritza...... 3,656 KORDZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Leon M...... 4,388 KAZANJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Jack...... 1,522 KORENIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. John...... 59,896 KAZAROSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Harry...... 1,274 KOUMJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Dickran H...... 4,677 KAZAROSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Paul...... 1,165 KOUMRIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nathan & Makrouhi...... 19,401 KAZAROSIAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND, Clara...... 5,048 KOUNDAKJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Albert & Yevnige...... 16,443 KAZAROSIAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND, Louise...... 5,171 KOUNDAKJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, James...... 14,775 KAZAROSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. B. B. & Mary...... 5,597 KOUNDAKJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Loutfi & Isgouhi...... 5,375 KAZELIAN/KUMJIAN MEMORIAL FUND...... 2,714 KOUNDAKJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Rev. Hagop & Mariam..... 5,298 KEHEYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dicran & Gulenia...... 9,351 KOUNDAKJIAN/BEREJIKLIAN MEMORIAL FUND...... 45,194 KELEDJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Takouhi...... 3,670 KOUYOUMDJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Silvio Vartan...... 1,345 KELESHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Karl Karekin...... 60,462 KOUYOUMJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. Robert G...... 37,037 KELIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. H. & Ovsanna...... 1,457 KOUYOUMJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Nerces...... 16,755 KELJIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sarkis & Madeleine...... 2,127 KOUYOUMJIAN-POLADIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Araxie...... 20,057 KELLIGIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Myron & Helen F...... 18,929 KOUYUMDJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Ascencao...... 4,507 KELLIKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Bedros & Aznive...... 9,479 KOUZOUKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Shaka...... 2,584 KENOSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Charles...... 116,412 KRADJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Steve...... 1,511 KEOSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Robert & Cora...... 1,231 KRIKORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Grace & Araxie Chourian.... 11,124 KERBABIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Ardashes...... 17,520 KRIKORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Haig & Helen...... 1,982 KERBEYKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Edward...... 3,508 KRIKORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Haig K. & Rose...... 24,327 KERBEYKIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Jeffrey...... 145,337 KRIKORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hrant, Dolores & Rosanne.. 16,738

88 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 ENDOWMENT FUNDS AT JULY 31, 2020

Name of Fund Value Name of Fund Value KRIKORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Peter K. & Siranouche...... 5,521 MARDEROSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mesrob & Dickranouhi...... 2,772 KRIKORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Serge & Ann...... 177,231 MARDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Jr...... 58,579 KRIKORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Yesayi & Jemile...... 1,787 MARDIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Edward & Helen...... 163,033 KRIKORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Puzant C...... 60,462 MARDIGUIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Arpine...... 18,572 KRIKORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Samuel Coffin...... 48,610 MARDIGUIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Steven Y...... 23,617 KRIKORIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Harry...... 1,708 MARDIGUIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Lydia Melene...... 2,171 KRIKORIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Sarkis Sr...... 3,205 MARDIROSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mardiros K...... 1,829 KULJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Edward H...... 1,429 MARDIROSSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Mardiros...... 8,494 KUMJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Charles J...... 1,787 MARGANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Mardiros...... 39,821 KUPALIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Osanna, Hoohanes & Esther.. 15,101 MARGOSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Zaven & Gladys...... 3,097 KURKJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Daniel...... 8,366 MARGOSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Haig...... 8,349 KURKLIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rose...... 1,511 MARKARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Yervant...... 5,905 KUSSAJIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hagop Vartivar...... 8,525 MAROUKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. Gregory...... 20,650 LAPP ENDOWMENT FUND, Tim & Laura...... 8,877 MASHIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Steve E...... 5,662 LAZAR MEMORIAL FUND, Isaac N...... 1,675 MAST MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND, Harold E...... 18,733 LEONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Rene & Sylvie...... 3,877 MASUMIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Estate of Nathan...... 10,617 LEVONIAN EDUCATIONAL TRUST FUND, Y. H. & R...... 1,668,651 MATHSON ENDOWMENT FUND, Archie & Stella...... 77,063 LEVONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Prof. Lootfi...... 448,306 MATIGIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Lucy...... 14,685 LEVONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Puzant Sarkis...... 9,936 MATOSSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Alex & Helen...... 10,192 LEVONIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Elia, Mariam & Louise...... 89,364 MATOSSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Nerses Y. & Ruth...... 6,582 LEVONIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Levon T...... 1,841 MATOSSIAN THEOLOGICAL FUND, Mateos & Josephine...... 15,251 LEVONIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Yervant & Virginia...... 12,394 MATTHEWS ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Newton C...... 457,037 LION ENDOWMENT FUND, Alfred Jr. & Pearl...... 15,242 MATTHEWS MEMORIAL FUND, Esther...... 3,650 LOUSIN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Max...... 2,546 MAYBALIAN MEMORIAL FUND, John...... 11,018 LOUSSARARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hagop & Arsha...... 34,913 MC IVER ENDOWMENT FUND, Robert & Myrtle...... 2,088 LUCAS ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Zaven...... 2,332 MCKINNON ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Alvin & Dorothy Azadian..... 26,698 LULEJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, John Melkon...... 11,680 MEDZARENTZ ENDOWMENT FUND, Takouhi...... 3,245 MACKITAR ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. S. M...... 4,253 MEDZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Edward & Gloria...... 9,853 MAGARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Gasper & Aznive...... 2,832 MEDZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Vivian...... 5,875 MAGARIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Armorel M...... 8,213 MEEKER MEMORIAL FUND, Estate of Elise...... 12,859 MAGHAKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Armenouhi...... 55,231 MEGERDITCHIAN EDUCATIONAL FUND, George & Varsenig.... 2,537 MAGZANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Samuel & Victoria...... 57,589 MEGERDITCHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Takouhi...... 14,735 MAGZANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Manasseh H. & Mary...... 5,482 MEGERDITCHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Joseph...... 3,517 MAHIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Krikor...... 1,004 MEGERDITCHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mary...... 1,511 MAHJOUBIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Roupen...... 3,656 MEGHRIGIAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND...... 22,250 MAHSHIGIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Rev. Sdepan H...... 8,877 MEHAGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND...... 3,436 MAKANIAN MISSIONARY FUND, Rahel & Osanna...... 161,101 MEKHJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Haroutune...... 1,593 MALIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur...... 51,312 MEKITARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Azniv & Children...... 2,479 MALJANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Edward A...... 54,000 MEKITARIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Arshavir...... 1,842 MALOOTIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Estate of Azniv Agnes...... 71,585 MELCON ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. James L...... 15,127 MANASIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rose...... 1,391 MELCONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Melcon & Hilda...... 11,383 MANAVIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Garabed...... 6,090 MELEKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Frances E...... 2,399 MANGURIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Harry...... 11,067 MELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. John...... 1,415 MANIS ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Edward T...... 1,165 MELIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Carl B...... 68,717 MANISHAGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Edward & John...... 66,392 MELIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Paul...... 2,914 MANJELIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Yeghia & Lucy...... 7,404 MELKONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Garabed...... 2,914 MANOOGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Manoog T...... 54,700 MELKONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. John...... 48,772 MANOOGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Paul C...... 80,452 MERJANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Garabed & Eftemia...... 6,373 MANOOGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Richard...... 1,813 MERJANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Panos & Mariam...... 58,079 MANOOGIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hovhannes & Denchaly...... 3,021 MERJANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, MANOOGIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Leonard A...... 2,885 Dr. & Mrs. Vosgeperan & Josephine...... 100,675 MANOOGIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Madeline...... 5,075 MESROBIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Serpouhi...... 29,236 MANOOGIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Vahan & Aghavnie Courian..... 4,990 MESSERLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Paul & Geralyn...... 2,272 MANOUGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Maritza...... 2,186 MESSERLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Robert & Gloria...... 9,704 MANOUGIAN FAMILY FUND, Nerses & Marie...... 6,783 MESTJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rose...... 24,171 MANOUKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Manouk B. & Moses E...... 8,229 MESTJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Harry...... 2,501 MANOUKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Moses B. & Rose E...... 38,485 MGRDICHIAN HEKIMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Esther...... 12,750 MANOUKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Paul & Dona...... 1,348 MICHAELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Donald & Carolyn...... 10,982 MANOUKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Elize Kardzair...... 16,258 MICHAELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Lucia...... 1,966 MANUELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Agnes T...... 5,993 MICHAELIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mary...... 2,525 MARACHLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Samuel & Gladys...... 1,345 MICKAELIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Fred & Akabe...... 2,635 MARANJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, George & Rosy...... 2,938 MILCONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rose Khatir...... 3,327 MARBURGER ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Richard & Mary..... 1,015 MILLER ENDOWMENT FUND, Anna Chaghatzbanian...... 8,876 MARDEROSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND (MARTYR), MINAESIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Artavazd & Sirpouhi...... 125,187 Agnes Oskanian...... 18,733 MINASIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Onnig & Vartuhi...... 71,486 MARDEROSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND (MARTYR), Elijha Paul... 18,733 MINASIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Vasken...... 1,251 MARDEROSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND (MARTYR), MINASSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nazaret, Anna & Manoug Ko.... 2,419 Lt. Col. Johnny Paul...... 18,733 MINASSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. G. Diran & Lydia...... 39,459

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 89 ENDOWMENT FUNDS AT JULY 31, 2020

Name of Fund Value Name of Fund Value MINNETIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Aram Robert & Tiffany N...... 7,127 NASON FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND, George B...... 3,606 MINNETIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Aram & Nevart...... 40,085 NAZARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Alice & Artine...... 11,939 MIRAK ENDOWMENT FUND, John...... 11,379 NAZARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Alice Artine...... 129,138 MIRIDJANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Anoush...... 1,457 NAZARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, George & Louise...... 75,691 MISSAKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Michael...... 6,966 NAZARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, George K. & Lucy G...... 13,638 MISSIRIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. John...... 2,832 NAZARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nazareth, Artin & Yester..... 152,046 MISSISSYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Kegham A...... 25,247 NAZARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Henri...... 25,131 MKITARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Joyce...... 1,120 NAZARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Nazar...... 1,369 MOFFSES MEMORIAL FUND, Edwin...... 12,251 NAZARIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Alice...... 5,867 MOMJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Albert & Esther...... 57,178 NAZARIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Nazar...... 3,958 MOODOYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Hagop...... 25,021 NAZARIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Nazareth...... 36,739 MOORADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sarah Siranoush...... 3,370 NEDOURIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dickranouhy...... 108,742 MOORADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sarkis & Mary Paul...... 58,398 NIGOSSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hrandine & Solomon...... 1,498 MOORDIGIAN CLINIC FUND, Nazaret & Maritza...... 35,743 NISHAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Dagavarian...... 873,945 MOOSHOVIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Aram Zipper...... 77,143 NORADOUNKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Souren...... 1,043 MOOSHOVIAN RELIEF FUND, Aram Zipper...... 483,359 NORAIR ENDOWMENT FUND, Anne E...... 4,646 MORADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hon Judge & Mrs Ralph...... 1,415 NORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hagop Jay...... 74,099 MORAMARCO ENDOWMENT FUND, Mrs. Zaroohi...... 1,457 NORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Kevork & Helen...... 9,504 MORANIAN MASERIAN ENDWMENT FUND, NOURJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mihran...... 3,630 Manuel M. & Ovsanna...... 23,569 NOURKHANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Alice...... 100,283 MOROUKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Virginia...... 3,205 NUYUJUKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Soghomon..... 34,498 MOUMJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hampartzum & Makrouhy.... 13,693 O'BRIEN (TEZEKJIAN) ENDOWMENT FUND, Marguerite...... 5,903 MOURAD MEMORIAL FUND, H. Khachadour...... 2,907 OFLAZIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Movses & Margaret...... 1,408 MOURAD MEMORIAL FUND, Richard A...... 2,254 OGHIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Virginia...... 22,891 MOURAD MEMORIAL FUND, Virginia (H.K.)...... 1,427 OHANESIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Ann...... 1,826 MOURADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Albert, Henry & James.... 199,388 OHANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Therese...... 19,145 MOURADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Armen M. & Arousiag...... 44,060 OHNIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. S...... 14,020 MOURADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Avedis & Victoria...... 127,805 OUNAN ESTATE ENDOWMENT FUND, Louise...... 337,127 MOURADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Herair & Sirvart...... 122,736 OUNJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Noury & Lydia...... 1,345 MOURADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hratch & Kohar...... 71,328 OUYOUMJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Krikor & Emelia...... 72,248 MOURADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Leon H...... 92,027 PABOOJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, John & Alice H...... 3,647 MOURADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Mary G...... 43,445 PAKCHOIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. John D...... 1,271,568 MOURADIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Edward...... 1,345 PALOIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Helen...... 2,479 MOUSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Lee & Azniv...... 58,267 PALOUTZIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Jack V...... 1,899 MOVSESIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. Arthur...... 3,048 PAMBAKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hagop...... 1,996 MOWSESIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Oozhenig...... 2,335 PAMBAKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Harout...... 1,328 MUGAR (YEMENIJIAN) MEMORIAL FUND, PAMBAKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Madeleine...... 3,293 Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Eliza...... 5,309 PAMPEYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. William H...... 4,893 MUGAR MEMORIAL FUND, Gregory M. & Maritza M...... 15,103 PANNOSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Jack...... 3,932 MUGRDITCHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Minas & Mihranoush...... 5,252 PANOSSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Satenig & Onnig...... 5,451 MUGRDITCHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Vram John...... 7,965 PAPAZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Haig G...... 2,356 MUGRDITCHIAN/MUGAR ENDOWMENT FUND, PAPAZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Dennis...... 4,498 Rev. Youhanna & Ephronia...... 73,387 PARAGHAMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Berg & Mary...... 10,315 MUKCHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mugerdich & Mariam...... 3,932 PARAGHAMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Zarman...... 3,230 MUNCHERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Krikor & Rosina...... 3,021 PARECHANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, D. & M...... 1,603 MURADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sam & Dora...... 14,761 PAREGIAN MEMORIAL FUND, George...... 2,382 MURADIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dora...... 1,707 PARMAKS ENDOWMENT FUND, Peter (Puzant)...... 18,873 MURADIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Lem...... 1,218 PARSEGHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Richard H. and Angel...... 3,665 MURADIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Murad & Yevkin...... 95,078 PARSEKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Lucy & Ned J...... 38,233 MUSHEGAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mack & Nellie...... 6,491 PARSEKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sampson & Satineg...... 7,692 MUSSELMAN MEMORIAL FUND, George A...... 2,254 PARTIN MEMORIAL FUND, Terry Glenn...... 7,729 NAHABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Samuel...... 1,823 PAULSON ENDOWMENT FUND, Paul & Laura...... 45,268 NAHABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Theodore & Benjamin...... 1,415 PAYNE MEMORIAL FUND, Elizabeth Caraman...... 16,359 NAHABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore...... 1,787 PEKMEZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, H...... 11,368 NAHIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, M. H...... 6,732 PEREZ ENDOWMENT FUND, Antonio & Carol Bezirganian...... 10,237 NAHIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Raymond & Marie...... 154,878 PETERS ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Leon S...... 14,570 NAHIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Movses...... 5,297 PHILIBOSIAN CONTE ENDOWMENT FUND, Sirpuhe & John..... 154,631 NAHIGIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Edward & Kenneth...... 26,065 PHILIBOSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Fred...... 5,274 NAJARIAN AND FAMILY FUND, Baidzar...... 1,593 PHILIBOSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, George & Alice...... 620,078 NAJARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Matthew & Florence...... 1,785 PHILIBOSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, John & Eugenie...... 12,763 NAJARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Vay...... 5,099 PHILIBOSIAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND, Ruth...... 33,631 NAJARIAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND, Baidzar & Milton...... 39,456 PHILIBOSIAN TRUST FUND, Stephen...... 14,877,055 NAJARIAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND, Mourad...... 7,393 PHILIPIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Garabed & Myrani...... 36,243 NAJARIAN MEMORIAL FUND, George & Elizabeth...... 9,627 PHILLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Alex M. & Victoria...... 12,892 NAKASHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, H. H. & Sons...... 27,886 PHILLIPIAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND, Lucy Kezlarian..... 289,436 NALBANDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Khoren & Seta...... 1,098 PHILLIPS ENDOWMENT FUND, George & Suzie...... 9,040 NALBANDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Vahe...... 14,776 PHILLIPS ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Gary & Arsine...... 4,101 NALBANDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Jack...... 37,156 PILAVDJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Arslan & Akabi...... 1,511

90 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 ENDOWMENT FUNDS AT JULY 31, 2020

Name of Fund Value Name of Fund Value PILIBOS MEMORIAL FUND, Alex...... 17,872 SERRAJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hovhannes & Haiganoush...... 1,752 PIRANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Armen...... 1,622 SHACHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Ann & Lee...... 5,156 PIRANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Simon & Louise...... 87,899 SHAHINIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. S...... 1,824 PISA ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Michael...... 1,457 SHAHINIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew...... 1,457 POLADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Araxie...... 2,705 SHAHINIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. S...... 1,189 POLADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Zabel...... 9,627 SHAKARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, David B...... 335,090 POLADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Baruyr A...... 1,165 SHAKARIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Tzolak Henry...... 7,255 POLADIAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND, SHAMLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Martin...... 2,926 Apraham & Zarouhie...... 2,910 SHAMLIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Arpie & Toros...... 6,696 POLADIAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND, Sam...... 1,604 SHAMLIAN MEMORIAL FUND, James Puzant...... 8,742 POLOSHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Narthooe Nahigian...... 1,339,894 SHANOIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Peter...... 2,040 PRATHER ENDOWMENT FUND, Thomas Dean & Laura...... 14,409 SHARABJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Haiganoosh & John...... 5,973 PROOD ENDOWMENT FUND, Mareza...... 2,997 SHARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Bedros M. & Vartouhi...... 3,118 PROODIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Stella & Mary...... 3,831 SHEEN FAMILY TRUST FUND...... 4,271,753 PUSKULJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Vartouhie...... 3,909 SHEETS MEMORIAL FUND, Thomas Paul...... 1,544 RAINEY ENDOWMENT FUND, Henry & Helen...... 263,036 SHEGOIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Ardson & Gladys...... 1,519 RAINEY ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. James H...... 3,656 SHEKERJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Harbig...... 6,241,686 RAPOPORT ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. James...... 1,415 SHERENE ENDOWMENT FUND, Berjouhi K...... 11,680 REJEBIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Vesta...... 2,390 SHIPLEY MEMORIAL FUND, Alice M...... 3,682 REJEBIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. H. & M...... 85,837 SHIRAJIAN LIBRARY FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Eliazar A...... 10,163 REJEBIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Vahram...... 14,628 SHIRAJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. Emman...... 1,625 REJEBIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Nazareth & Rosa...... 4,188 SHIRINIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Apisoghom...... 3,575 REMINGTON MEMORIAL FUND, James Kevin...... 1,031 SHISHMANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Alice (Galipse)...... 1,812 RENJILIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Mihran...... 37,191 SHNORHOKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Manasseh...... 44,868 ROBERTS ENDOWMENT FUND, Elizabeth B...... 2,832 SHNORHOKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hovhannes & Victoria...... 2,501 ROBINSON MEMORIAL FUND, Dorothy A...... 27,437 SIMONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Richard...... 1,987 ROUBIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Vahe S...... 31,261 SIMOURIAN/BAGDASARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, RUBYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. P...... 12,119 John & Michele...... 46,005 RUZIAN & FAMILY FUND, Rev. H...... 8,399 SIMPADIAN EDUCATIONAL FUND, Diran...... 9,608 SAATJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Haiganoush...... 2,378 SIMSIRYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Anahit...... 676,391 SADAKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Assadour & Angele... 5,611 SIPAN ARMENIAN SCHOOL ENDOWMENT FUND...... 175,139 SAFARJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, David...... 3,382 SIRABONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Joseph & Victoria...... 3,575 SAGATELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Barkev K...... 1,911 SIRAGANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mihran & Arshagouhi...... 86,628 SAHAKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Joseph & Lucille...... 268,081 SIVASLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Peter & Lillian...... 1,845 SAKLEM ENDOWMENT FUND, Rebecca R...... 5,060 SKAGGS SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Seeran & Hazel Ghazarian...... 135,631 SALAKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Luther...... 1,376 SOGHOMONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Hovhannes..... 1,179 SALIBIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Souren, Alex, Haig & Nora..... 11,200 SOGHOMONIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Avedis...... 32,719 SALIBIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Hrag...... 102,464 SOGOMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Jirair...... 7,040 SALIBIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, SOLAKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Haig...... 3,656 Mr. & Mrs. Kourken & Agnes and Ara...... 20,408 SOUKESIAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND...... 24,198 SALIBIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Vahram...... 24,866 SOURENIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Lucy...... 174,458 SALVERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Leon & Arshalouyse...... 101,180 STAMBOULIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Garabed...... 2,369 SAMERJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Benjamin...... 43,328 STEDMAN MEMORIAL FUND, Phyllis Corrine...... 2,017 SANOSSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Florence & Joseph...... 27,118 STEIN JR. ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph...... 4,754 SANTURIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nubar & Dorothy...... 1,970 STEIN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Joseph...... 4,191 SAPRICHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Altoon & Sara...... 193,483 STEPHANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Margaret...... 15,928 SARAJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mesrop & Mary...... 537,915 STEPHEY ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Jr...... 2,914 SARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Hratch...... 1,132 SULAHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. S. K...... 9,669 SARIAN FOUNDATION ENDOWMENT FUND...... 39,662 SURABIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Varter M...... 11,986 SARJANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Arshag...... 3,774 SURGEON MEMORIAL FUND, Adelaide...... 1,602 SARKISIAN (HOVANESIAN) ENDOWMENT FUND, Altoon...... 13,444 TABIBIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Arshag...... 4,004 SARKISIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Charles...... 7,596 TABIBIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Ovsanna...... 1,340 SARKISIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dickran M. & Flora G...... 274,871 TAFJEN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Paul...... 20,057 SARKISIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Richard & Sylvia...... 28,411 TALANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Paul & Beverly...... 26,482 SARKISIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Krikor...... 3,575 TAMZARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Kay...... 18,401 SARKISIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Edward G...... 28,846 TARAKTZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Carlos & Nancy.... 14,233 SARKISIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mr. Vartan...... 2,191 TARZIAN & SEMERJIAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT...... 4,790 SARKISSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Robert & Therese...... 4,597 TASHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Edward & Hovnan...... 1,117,586 SARKISSIAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND, TASHJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Grace...... 22,650 Hovhannes & Haigouhi...... 9,204 TASHJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Vartan & Lydia...... 4,873 SARKOSHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Araxie...... 42,047 TASHJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Garabed & Zarouhi...... 22,802 SARYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Makar...... 2,832 TATARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Vahan...... 1,622 SEELY MEMORIAL FUND, Bob I. & Isabelle...... 13,970 TATARIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Zephyr...... 2,335 SEMERJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Alice & Marjorie...... 30,013 TAVITIAN BAGDIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Santookht...... 1,593 SENEKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Arshag & Meroum...... 17,118 TELFEYAN EVANGELICAL ENDOWMENT FUND...... 182,782 SENEKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Arshag & Merum...... 250,918 TELLALIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Ezras & Nellie...... 35,743 SERIJANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dicran & Armine...... 70,433 TERJANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Antaram...... 2,501 SERMABEIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Krikor & Anna...... 132,724 TERZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hranoush Poladian...... 2,470

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 91 ENDOWMENT FUNDS AT JULY 31, 2020

Name of Fund Value Name of Fund Value TESHKOYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nevirag...... 1,787 VARTANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Vahan & Lillie...... 101,726 TEZEKJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Edward A. & May I...... 16,610 VARTANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Varoujan & Family...... 29,412 TEZEL ENDOWMENT FUND, Jirair & Louise...... 81,844 VARTANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Yervant...... 786,592 THOMPSON ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Misak...... 10,628 VARTANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Gladys...... 6,510 TILKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Sarko...... 23,485 VARTANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mr. & Mrs. John...... 15,402 TILKIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Rev. Garabed & Nevart...... 56,328 VARTIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, V. Michael...... 3,569 TOKATLIAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND...... 92,369 VASOYAN MELKONIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Marie...... 6,912 TOOMAYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dirouhi, Dickran & Meline...... 8,546 VOSKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. John & Marilyn...... 199,441 TOOTIKIAN EDUCATIONAL FUND, Juliette...... 6,254 WALKER ENDOWMENT FUND, Russell...... 7,314 TOOTIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rosette...... 1,356 WHEELER MEMORIAL FUND, Olive H...... 1,775 TOOTIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Dr. Vahan...... 7,574 WRITER ENDOWMENT FUND, John & Sarah...... 8,200 TOOTIKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Avedis H...... 2,224 YACOUBIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Avedis...... 5,362 TOOTIKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Keghanoush...... 9,700 YAGHSIZIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hagop & Ephronia...... 16,517 TOPALIAN & FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Jirair..... 22,473 YARALIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Ferida...... 6,214 TOPALIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Paul & Naomi...... 4,153 YARDEMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Marguerite...... 2,952 TOPALIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Elizabeth...... 1,925 YAZEJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Ann...... 2,102 TOPAZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Shavarsh...... 69,793 YAZEJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Artin...... 15,633 TOPOUZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hrant J...... 12,143 YERAMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Arsham K. & Maritza...... 3,233 TORIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Andrew & Rose..... 74,059 YERAMIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Arax & Aram...... 729,725 TORO MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Youhanna...... 1,840 YERANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Araxie...... 29,324 TOROSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Viola...... 1,593 YERANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Vartan...... 14,612 TOROUNIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Anton...... 4,511 YERANIAN FAMILY FUND, Misses ...... 2,972 TOURIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Levon H...... 123,158 YERETSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Ara...... 24,182 TOVMASSIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Rev. Edward & Arousiag..... 48,770 YERVANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Vahe...... 3,307 TOWER LAKES ENDOWMENT FUND, Nazareth Barsumian...... 2,367,229 YESAYIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Harry & Merin (Norian)..... 35,743 TOZJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rena M...... 14,174 YESSAYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Leon & Haiganoush...... 5,427 TROTT MEMORIAL FUND, Arthur & Zarouhi...... 6,017 YESSAYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Victoria R...... 1,127 TURMANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Armenie...... 1,613 YETERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Veronica M...... 3,146 TUTELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Edward...... 1,644 YOSEPH ENDOWMENT FUND, June Z. Jorjorian...... 2,997 TUTUNJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND...... 1,019 YOUMOUSHAKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Avedis & Ovsanna...... 36,641 ULIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Charles...... 79,898 YOUNG ENDOWMENT FUND, Shakeh Dildabanian...... 51,319 US MINISTERS RELIEF FUND...... 230,585 YOUTH CRUSADE 60 TH ANNIVERSARY FUND...... 36,042 VART ENDOWMENT FUND, Richard...... 7,149 ZANOYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Papken & Marie...... 31,750 VART MEMORIAL FUND, Aharon S. & Nooritza...... 28,148 ZARIFIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Charles...... 3,656 VARTABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr...... 14,262 ZARIFIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. John A...... 2,022 VARTABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, ZERON ENDOWMENT FUND, Bydzar...... 146,565 Mr. & Mrs. Armenag & Mariam...... 61,807 ZEROUNIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Jerry K. & Rose...... 5,440 VARTANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Kate A...... 10,476 ZEROUNIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Peruz...... 4,291 VARTANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Michael M. & Lily Aghavni... 38,782


Name of Fund Value Name of Fund Value ARMENIA RELIEF ENDOWMENT FUNDS, Various...... 10,903 DER KRIKORIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Annie...... 5,320 AGBABIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, H. Hrant and Alidz...... 98,582 DISHMAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Aida Sagan...... 5,251 AHARONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hrair & Julia...... 2,931 DONCHIAN, HAJEIAN & CHIRKINIAN FUND...... 15,422 AIVAZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Garo & Emma...... 14,835 DONNIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mack...... 16,870 AJEMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Edward...... 25,670 DUNKAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Lucy T...... 10,555 ANDONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mihran...... 72,745 ESSEPIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. John P...... 6,781 ANONYMOUS B ENDOWMENT FUND...... 137,681 GOPOIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Haroutune & Mariam...... 3,932 ARAKELIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rosa...... 1,208 GUZELIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Viken...... 9,581 AYRAPETYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Asya...... 2,418 HAGOPIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Isaac & Lena...... 4,273 BABIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Souren...... 1,200 HAIG (HAGOPIAN) ENDOWMENT FUND, Grace, Victoria, BAGHDIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Vatche & Elbiz...... 1,271 Mary Gillingham, Virginia Anoush, Yevnige & Diran...... 16,200 BALDADIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dorothy...... 6,357 HAITAYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Garabed & Elizabeth...... 5,181 BALIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Bali Kevork & Veronica...... 34,113 HASSESSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Herald & Siranoush...... 6,670 BALIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dikran & Azniv...... 5,761 ISKENDERIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. Haig, Nevart & Yerchanik..... 127,844 BALUKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Harry...... 3,343 ISKIKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rhoda Habib...... 10,630 BARSOIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Leo...... 3,994 JEMELIAN ORPHAN & CHILD CARE FUND, Harry...... 277,646 BEDIKIAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND, Arsen...... 6,274 JENANYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, William, Rev. Melkon & Se... 29,729 BEDROS MEMORIAL FUND, Edward P...... 1,440 JUNDANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. Diane...... 13,200 BEDROSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Elizabeth...... 19,310 KASPARIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND #4, Alice Odian...... 45,637 BEDROSIAN MANASSYAN END. FUND...... 1,220 KAYE ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Vincent...... 4,900 CHAKMAKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Louise...... 2,308 KAZANJIAN TRUST FUND, Hrand & Aghavni...... 10,179 COMPATRIOTIC UNION OF HABOUSI...... 4,662 KELEDJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Shant...... 3,889 DAVIDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sarkis & Esther...... 1,549 KENOSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sarkis & Esther...... 1,549 DAVIDIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Sonia...... 1,771 KENOSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph & Sylvia..... 2,147


Name of Fund Value Name of Fund Value KENOSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Grace...... 1,149 PRIDJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Karekin & Pauline...... 19,221 KEUHNELIAN ARMENIA RELIEF FUND, Mr. Peter Charles...... 2,982 SARAFIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Sylvia...... 62,899 KHATCHADURIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mrs. Pailak & Nevart...... 1,704 SARKIS ENDOWMENT FUND, Hratch and Helga...... 66,234 KHERLOPIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, The John H. & Barig...... 3,404 SARKISIAN BROTHERS FOUNDATION...... 26,379 KIZIRIAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND, Sebouh...... 13,495 SARKISIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Evelyn & Deli Sarkis...... 2,765 KOEROGHLIAN ARMENIAN FUND, Rev. Mihran...... 1,227 SARKISIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Levon...... 1,440 MANGERIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hagop & Takouhy...... 16,532 SEGEL ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. David A...... 44,984 MANOOGIAN SMITH MEMORIAL FUND, Nevart...... 1,316 SERMABEIKIAN/POINDEXTER FAMILY MEMORIAL FUND, MARDEROSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, John Paul...... 1,676 Veronica...... 3,002 MASEREJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Zareh & Hasmig...... 4,698 SEVOYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Charles...... 207,945 MAYBALIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Makarditch & Zevart...... 7,984 SHACHIAN REARDON MEMORIAL FUND, Karen...... 157,319 MAYBALIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dikran & Fahima...... 1,382 SHAHINIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Vahan & Loucine...... 104,641 MELIDONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Bedros & Marie...... 4,559 SHIRVANIAN AYKANIAN MEM'L FUND, Angel...... 6,435 MINASIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Vartuhi...... 12,312 SHOOSHANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Edward & Lucy..... 66,578 MOUSAIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dickran & Maritza...... 3,166 SUVAJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Charles...... 20,512 MUNCHERIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Emanuel & Hagop...... 2,766 TOULOUKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Zaven & Rachel..... 43,062 NAJARIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Krikor K...... 1,468 TOURYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Vahram & Adelina...... 28,950 NALBANDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Garbis & Ayko...... 2,629 TUFENKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Richard...... 64,854 NALBANDIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Hagop & Anahis..... 3,089 TUTELIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Stephen...... 2,611 NAZARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Henry P...... 9,559 VARTABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Diana & Nishan...... 14,775 ONANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Edward & Zvart...... 14,702 ZARTARIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Baghdassar & Hripsime...... 3,787 PARSEGHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, George...... 1,525 ZOBIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Joseph & Grace...... 123,411


Name of Fund Value ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL SCHOOL OF CALIFORNIA, Various...... 3,746 GOERGIZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Arsen...... 1,788 ABAJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Yepros...... 2,903 GROUP ENDOWMENT FUND, Armenian Evangelical School...... 4,853 ABDULIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Daniel H. & Juliette...... 5,440 GULDALIAN MEMORIAL FUND, George...... 3,027 ADROUNY ENDOWMENT FUND, Alice...... 2,085 HANESSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Zaven and Ani...... 3,370 AGBABIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, H. Hrant & Alidz...... 9,173 HAZARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Carl...... 5,620 AGBABIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, HOVIVIAN/KANDARIAN FUND...... 1,788 Rev. & Mrs. Rev. Siragan & Parouhie...... 12,885 ISHKHANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hagop & Elvira...... 2,680 ALEPPO COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOC...... 3,572 JAMESON FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND, James...... 1,788 ANDREASSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Dikran & Zarouhie...... 10,079 JERNAZIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Ephraim & Marie...... 18,857 APELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Zevart...... 2,680 KALDJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Barkev...... 2,858 APELIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Veronica & Hratch...... 10,718 KALDJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Samuel...... 3,765 ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL SCHOOL OF NORTH AMERICA, Other.... 55,069 KALFAYAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. Asbed...... 6,467 ARZOOYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Archie...... 7,148 KHANJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Zaven and Sona...... 18,152 ASHKARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Vahe...... 8,961 KHANJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Dikran...... 1,339 ASHKARIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Beatrice...... 22,585 KHANJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Vazken...... 19,559 BAGHDIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Barkev...... 3,878 KRIKORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Puzant...... 3,572 BALIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Ohannes...... 3,154 LUTHER DERIAN MEMORIAL FUND...... 3,091 BARAN MEMORIAL FUND, Ara...... 55,189 MAKARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Yervant & Hrant...... 1,788 BARDAKJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, George...... 3,215 MENESHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Avedis & Nora...... 8,174 BEZIRGANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. George...... 1,788 MENESHIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Marie...... 3,857 BEZJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hagop...... 24,483 MOURADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Herair & Sirvart...... 7,148 BEZJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hagop K...... 5,378 MOURADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hratch & Kohar...... 7,997 BOOLGHOORJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Anahis...... 13,845 PHILIBOSIAN FOUNDATION FUND, Stephen...... 34,521 CHARKHEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Raffi...... 12,097 SANOSSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hagop...... 3,368 DARAKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Drs. Nazareth & Ani...... 43,577 SARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Norair...... 6,030 DARAKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. Barkev & Armine...... 14,226 SARKIS MEMORIAL FUND, Missak & Elizabeth...... 104,302 DEMIRJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Beatrice...... 84,851 SHEGOIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Ardson & Gladys...... 19,742 DER MATEOSSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mateos...... 4,487 STUDENT AID ENDOWMENT FUND...... 1,081 EKMEKJI MEMORIAL FUND, Eugene & Nazeli...... 27,147 TER OHANESSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Dr. Gregor...... 6,834 FERMANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Krikor...... 9,750 VANERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, N. S...... 8,154 GARABEDIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Hagop...... 2,951 VARTANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Gladys...... 8,934


Name of Fund Value BEZJIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Albert & Terry...... 115,210 GARJIAN CHARITABLE TRUST, Lucy...... 485,025

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 93 ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL SCHOOLS OF LEBANON AT JULY 31, 2020 Papken & Helen Mugrditchian Endowment Fund

Name of Fund Value Name of Fund Value MUGRDITCHIAN EDUCATIONAL ENDOWMENT FUND, Papken and Helen...... 833,933 GULESSERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Maurice and Berjouhy... 25,930 HADIDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND...... 47,426 Matching Endowment Funds HADIDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND-ANJAR...... 47,426 ARMENIAN EVANGELICAL SCHOOL LEBANON, Other...... 291,177 HADIDIAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Henry A...... 3,212 ARMENIAN WOMEN'S EDUCATION CLUB...... 6,400 NALBANDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Khoren and Seta...... 24,511 ARTINIAN MEMORIAL ENDOWMENT FUND, Maida...... 1,019 OUZOUNIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Mike...... 264,432

AVEDISIAN SCHOOL ENDOWMENT FUNDS AT JULY 31, 2020 Name of Fund Value AVEDISIAN SCHOOL ENDOWMENT FUND, Other...... 4,236,040 TALENTO ENDOWMENT FUND, Joseph L. and Mary Sourenian.... 7,634 ZERONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Marilyn and Joe...... 37,630



Name of Fund Value HAIGAZIAN UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT FUND, Various...... 49,531 BELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Aram Y...... 133,801 ABAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Henry K. & Gladys...... 4,090 BELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. G...... 1,363 ABAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. George...... 1,363 BERBERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Antranig...... 2,883 ABDULIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Daniel H. & Juliette...... 6,579 BERBERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Haig...... 64,377 ABDULIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, H. Jack & Joyce...... 1,636 BEZIRGANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. George & Mary...... 2,651 ADROUNY ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Zaven A...... 2,575 BEZJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Hagop...... 10,300 AGBABIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Mihran & Elizabeth...... 11,887 BIZDIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nishan H...... 10,819 AGBABIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. H. Hrant...... 5,361 BOSNIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Luther...... 9,544 AGBASHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Aggie G...... 1,326 BOYAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Jirair...... 1,326 AHARONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hrair & Julia...... 35,181 BUCK ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. C...... 1,290 AJEMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hripsime & Hovakim...... 7,573 CARR ENDOWMENT FUND, Robert W...... 1,287 AJEMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Peter & Ann...... 2,651 CONSTANTIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Avedis...... 20,956 ARCHIBALD ENDOWMENT FUND, Mary L...... 7,165 DADOURIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Haroutun...... 19,172 ARIZONA WHOLESALE SUPPLY CO...... 3,409 DAGHLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nazar & Lucy...... 2,499 ARMENIAN MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION, Argentina...... 1,849 DARAKJIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Rev. Barkev & Armine...... 30,960 ARMENIAN PRESBYTERIAN COMMUNITY, Washington DC...... 1,287 DARPINIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Haig Robert...... 4,609 ASHJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Leon...... 2,575 DE CERVANTES ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. George...... 2,575 ATIMION ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Leo...... 5,301 DEMIRJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Harold A...... 47,717 AVAKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Hemayak...... 7,953 DERAD ENDOWMENT FUND, Mother...... 5,467 BABIKIAN EDUCATIONAL FUND, Prof. Souren & Alice...... 4,923 DERENTZ ENDOWMENT FUND, Hagop & Seda...... 2,727 BADEER ENDOWMENT FUND, Augustine & Vergine...... 29,160 DICKRANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Archie...... 4,090 BAHUTH ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. J. J...... 1,287 DINGILIAN FAMILY FUND...... 109,739 BAKAMJIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Santoukht & Yeghia...... 54,665 DIRAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Arsen & Varteni...... 582,876 BAKMAZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Param...... 1,060 DIRAN SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS, Mary...... 56,767 BALIAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND...... 2,298 FESJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Suren & Virginia...... 11,299 BALUKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Harry...... 11,235 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BERKELEY...... 1,060 BARSAMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Edward B...... 14,435 GABRELLIAN & JESSOURIAN ASSOC...... 1,287 BARSAMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hagop K. & Virginia...... 1,326 GALBEDIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Sylvia...... 10,272 BARSUMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, George Jr. & Helen...... 44,704 GARABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, John...... 2,575 BARSUMIAN TOWER LAKES FOUNDATION, George N...... 23,177 GARABEDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Joseph & Edward...... 5,490 BASHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Edward...... 5,301 GERTMENIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Henry & Eunice...... 340,863 BASHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mrs. George...... 1,287 GRIMSLEY ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Glen & Helen...... 101,535 BASMAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Miss ...... 5,471 GULBENKIAN FOUNDATION, INC., Gullabi...... 64,760 BEDIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, George...... 2,678 GULESSERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Levon & Shake...... 4,592

94 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 HAIGAZIAN UNIVERSITY AT JULY 31, 2020

Name of Fund Value Name of Fund Value GULESSERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Hrair...... 5,193 M.T.D. DEV. CO. ENDOWMENT FUND...... 5,113 GULESSERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Stepan...... 7,726 MACER ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. George A...... 1,545 GURLEKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Hagop...... 15,246 MALJANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Daniel E...... 1,666 H.C. 25TH ANNIVERSARY FUND...... 1,166,383 MANOOGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Alex...... 68,923 H.U. ENDOWED CAPITAL FUND...... 63,377 MARDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Aram...... 1,287 HADIDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Henry...... 1,425 MARKARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Richard R...... 3,047 HAIG ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. P. Vahe & Alice...... 1,431 MARKARIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND*, Dr. John J...... 79,526 HAIGAZIAN 50TH ANNIVERS. FUND...... 48,712 MARKARIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Hagop Gerrit Verkuyl...... 2,229 HAIGAZIAN UNIV. E.S.I. FUND...... 113,507 MARKARIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Dr. John J...... 3,567 HAIGAZIAN UNIVERSITY ENDOWMENT FUND, Other...... 483,677 MATHSON ENDOWMENT FUND, Archie & Stella...... 10,530 HAJAKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Yegishe & Maro...... 1,029 MATOSSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Nerses Y. & Ruth...... 2,727 HAJINLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Karnig & Dikranouhi...... 10,602 MATOSSIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Arthur...... 114,016 HALEBIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Michael...... 5,301 MEDZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Stanley S...... 8,712 HALFORD ENDOWMENT FUND, Anne...... 2,916 MEGHRIGIAN FAMILY FUND...... 1,326 HARIKIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Virginia...... 73,530 MEHAGIAN FAMILY MEMORIAL FUND, A. S...... 1,051,537 HASERJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Harold & Elizabeth...... 5,453 MEHAGIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Leon...... 6,059 HINTLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mrs. Sirvart...... 6,686 MEKHJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Haroutune...... 2,651 HOVANESSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. R. A...... 1,287 MELIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Gregory J...... 3,272 HOVNANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. August...... 1,287 MERDINIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Miss Elise...... 66,272 HOVNANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. H. Philip...... 2,832 MESSABIAN FUND...... 1,602 HU60-ANONYMOUS ENDOWMENT FUND...... 51,905 MICHAELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Donald & Carolyn...... 5,736 HU60-CONTE FOUNDATION ENDOWMENT FUND, MOORADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sarkis & Mary Paul...... 22,720 Sirpouhi & John...... 51,905 MOORADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. M. Edward...... 1,764 HU60-DARAKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nazareth & Ani...... 72,468 MORANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Thomas...... 2,651 HU60-HAIGAZIAN UNIVERSITY 60TH ANNIVERSARY FUND. 149,702 MOROTT MEMORIAL FUND, Agnes...... 129,023 HU60-HOVNANIAN FOUNDATION ENDOWMENT FUND, MUGAR ENDOWMENT FUND, Stephen...... 104,532 Hirair & Anna...... 67,902 MURADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sam & Dora...... 22,157 HU60-KURKJIAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND, NAHIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Raymond...... 2,439 Louis & Grace...... 68,760 NAJARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Vay...... 1,326 HU60-NAZARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Nora...... 67,798 NALBANDIAN FARMS INC...... 5,150 HU60-PHILIBOSIAN FOUNDATION ENDOWMENT FUND, NAZARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Nazar...... 2,575 Stephen...... 28,828 NISHAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Dagavarian...... 292,896 HU60-PHILLIPS SR. ENDOWMENT FUND, George...... 17,141 OGLUKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Levon...... 12,857 HU60-SARKIS ENDOWMENT FUND, Hratch & Helga...... 40,848 OHAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Ellen Markarian...... 1,501 HU60-ZERONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, J & M...... 18,379 PARSEGHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Haigazoon...... 20,452 IPJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. John C...... 1,287 PARSEKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Ned J. Esq...... 6,230 ISHKANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hagop & Elvira...... 2,318 PETERS MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Leon S...... 278,608 J.M. SPECIAL STIPEND FUND...... 10,223 PHILIBOSIAN ENDOWMENT FUN, Mr. & Mrs. Fred...... 1,287 JAMENTZ ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Samuel...... 1,029 PHILIBOSIAN FOUNDATION FUND, Stephen...... 69,071 JANJIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Papken V...... 1,502 PIRANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Poozant...... 2,948 JANJIGIAN MEMORIAL SCHOL. FUND, S.B. & Louise...... 43,994 POLADIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Jack H...... 17,422 JAVIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. George...... 1,326 REJEBIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Vahram...... 6,134 JIVELEKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mrs. Luis & Ramilda...... 69,530 REJEBIAN SCHOLARSHIP FUND, Rev. & Mrs. S. M...... 10,608 JUSKALIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mardie...... 3,875 ROUBIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Genevieve...... 4,639 KACHADURIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Zumruth...... 9,576 SALIBIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Mihran & John...... 19,337 KALEMKARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. George V...... 4,534 SANOIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Henry P. & Nancy...... 2,249 KALENIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Armen K. & Mary D...... 33,909 SARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Jirair...... 4,121 KAMBORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Jacob...... 1,828 SARIAN FOUNDATION FUND...... 13,729 KAPIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Arshag...... 2,651 SARJANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Arshag...... 1,287 KAPIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Carl...... 2,199 SARKISIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Edward G...... 9,466 KARAGHEUSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, A. & M...... 1,363 SAROUNIE ENDOWMENT FUND, Yeran (Pailoun)...... 2,522 KARAGHEUSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Miss Leila...... 13,255 SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS FUND, Mary Diran...... 56,767 KARAKOOSH SCHOLARSHIP FUND FOR MUSIC, Sophie...... 11,243 SEMERJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Marjorie & Alice...... 29,082 KARAMANOUGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, SENECA ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Harry...... 2,651 Vartanoush & Garabed...... 2,320 SERMABEIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Krikor & Anna...... 2,651 KASSABIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Mihran K...... 48,804 SHARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Bedros Sr...... 2,034 KASSARJIAN MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND, George M... 45,573 SHEGOIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Ardson...... 1,046 KATCHADOURIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Herant...... 2,651 SISLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. Robert...... 1,737 KESHISHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. G...... 4,049 SOGHOMONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Avedis...... 2,832 KEUHNELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, G. H...... 36,612 SOURENIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Shavarsh & Lucy...... 163,438 KEYISHIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. John H...... 2,651 TABOURIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Garbis & Ida...... 1,326 KHANJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. John & Pauline...... 16,038 TASHJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Hurant...... 1,326 KISH ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Zaven A...... 5,965 TAVIDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Esteban...... 1,287 KONDAKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Daniel...... 1,287 TCHAKEDJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Avedis & Vergine...... 64,377 KOOLAKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Robert...... 1,029 TERJIMANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Hagop & Anahid...... 4,996 KRAJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Joseph M...... 3,435 TILKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Ara...... 14,421 KURKJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Louis & Mary...... 169,827 TILKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Sarko & Rita...... 7,362 LEVONIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Victoria...... 5,150 TOKATLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Melik...... 1,326

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 95 HAIGAZIAN UNIVERSITY AT JULY 31, 2020

Name of Fund Value Name of Fund Value TOPALIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Socrat...... 1,046 TUFENKIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Ruben & Pailazou...... 42,420 TOPALIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Jirair...... 12,876 TURPANJIAN FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND...... 54,666 TOPJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Armen...... 6,904 WOMEN'S AUXILIARY LOS ANGELES...... 123,904 TOWER LAKES FOUNDATION FUND, George Barsumian...... 23,177 YESSAIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Charles...... 2,651

HEALTH CARE MISSION FUND AT JULY 31, 2020 Name of Fund Value HEALTH CARE MISSION FUND, Other...... 5,640


Name of Fund Value Name of Fund Value MINISTERS' /MINISTERS WIDOWS' PENSION FUNDS, KARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Edward...... 2,284 Various...... 22,011 KARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. Bernard...... 2,284 ABAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Henry K. & Gladys...... 2,284 KEUHNELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. John...... 3,082 ABAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Thelma...... 2,284 KEUHNELIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Garabed H...... 2,468 ABDULIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Daniel H. & Juliette. 3,198 KRIKORIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. P. C...... 3,940 ABDULIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Jack H...... 2,284 LEVONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Rendel...... 2,284 ABDULIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Misak...... 2,284 LION ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Herbert...... 2,284 AGBABIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Mihran S...... 2,284 LOSHKAJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Theodore T...... 1,141 AGBABIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. H. Hrant...... 5,126 MANOOGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Alex...... 2,284 ANONYMOUS - 6 ENDOWMENT FUND...... 14,014 MARDIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sam Sr...... 1,496 ARMENIAN MARTYRS CONG. CH FUND...... 12,441 MASHIKEN ENDOWMENT FUND, Steve...... 2,126 ATTARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, James E. & Virginia...... 10,436 MEHAGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. A. Stephen...... 1,370 AYNILIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Nerses...... 2,284 MERDINIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Miss Elise...... 2,284 BAGDASARIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Lily Sophie...... 10,213 MINASSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. G. Diran...... 2,009 BALUKJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Harry...... 1,163 MINISTERS' WIDOWS COMM. LEBANON...... 4,296 BARSUMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. George...... 1,141 MUGAR ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen...... 6,733 BENLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Sonia...... 2,323 NAHIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Marie...... 2,511 BOYAJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Avedis & Khatoun...... 2,427 NASON ENDOWMENT FUND, Harry G...... 2,992 BOYAJIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Edward Jeremiah...... 1,940 NORAIR ENDOWMENT FUND, Anne E...... 2,284 CHALIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Edward...... 3,948 OHANESSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Deborah...... 1,674 CHERKEZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Archie...... 2,284 PETERS ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Leon S...... 1,141 CHURUKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Vahe...... 2,284 PHILIBOSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Stephen...... 28,371 DEMIRJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Harold A...... 1,370 PHILIBOSIAN FOUNDATION FUND, Stephen...... 22,832 DERENTZ ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Hagop...... 2,284 REINVESTED INCOME INVESTMENTS...... 7,899 DOHANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Armen...... 2,511 SARIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Drs. Jirair & Norair...... 6,850 DOHANIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Rev. Zaven...... 3,430 SARKISIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Flora...... 6,733 ESKIJIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Luther...... 2,298 SHEGOIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Ardson & Gladys...... 6,813 EVKHANIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Manouk...... 1,255 SHERENE ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Lemuel G...... 2,284 GERTMENIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Henry...... 5,708 SOGHOMONIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Avedis...... 1,141 GUEKGUEZIAN MEMORIAL FUND, Marie...... 2,572 SOGOMIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Jirair...... 4,064 GULESSERIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Hrair P...... 1,005 STANLEY S. MEDZIAN ENDOWMENT FUND...... 2,284 HAIDOSTIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Berj H...... 1,102 TEZEL ENDOWMENT FUND, Dr. & Mrs. Jirayr...... 2,604 HATCH ENDOWMENT FUND, Martin F...... 3,727 TOKATLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Melik...... 2,284 HEKEMIAN FAMILY TRUST FUND, S. & E...... 6,850 TOOTIKIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Rev. & Mrs. Vahan...... 3,424 HEKEMIAN FOUNDATION FUND...... 2,284 TOURIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Levon...... 2,284 IZMIRLIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Asadour...... 2,244 UNION ARMENIAN EVANG CH NEAREAST...... 335,044 JENANYAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Edward...... 2,284 UNITED CH BOARD WORLD MINISTRY...... 225,199 KAPIGIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Albert...... 2,009 YERGAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Mr. & Mrs. Berj...... 2,206 KARAGHEUSIAN ENDOWMENT FUND, Miss Leila...... 14,840


Agbabian Foundation - Bryan & Valina, San Francisco, CA Ajemian Foundation, Bloomfield, MI Americans for Armenians, Campbell, CA Annenberg Foundation, Los Angeles, CA Aranosian Hodgson Foundation of 2015, Concord, NH Ararat Church, Mableton, GA Ararat Foundation, Alexandria, VA Armenian American Pharmacists Assoc., North Waltham, MA Armenian American Vets Inc., Watertown, MA Armenian Christian Fellowship, Orange County, Huntington Beach, CA Armenian Church of the Martyrs, Worcester, MA Armenian Cilicia Evangelical Church, Pasadena, CA Armenian Congregational Church, Southfield, MI Armenian Evangelical Brethren Church, Glendale, CA Armenian Evangelical Church, Mount Prospect, IL Armenian Evangelical Church, Cranston, RI Armenian Evangelical Church of Toronto, Markham, ON Armenian General Benevolent Union, New York, NY Armenian Martyrs' Congregational Church, Havertown, PA Armenian Medical Fund, USA, Congers, NY Armenian Memorial Church, Watertown, MA Armenian Missionary Association of Australia, Belrose, NSW Australia Armenian Missionary Association of Canada, Toronto, ON Armenian Presbyterian Church, Paramus, NJ Armenian Renaissance Association, Commerce Township, MI Armenian Theological Students Aid, Inc., Fresno, CA Artevel Foundation, Los Angeles, CA Ayco Charitable Foundation, Albany, NY Barigian Family Foundation, Fresno, CA Boorujy Foundation, Inc. - Paul & Gloria, Watchung, NJ C&E Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School, Sherman Oaks, CA Calvary Armenian Congregational Church, San Francisco, CA Carnegie Corporation of New York, New York, NY Charles Schwab & Co Inc., San Francisco, CA Chemung Canal Trust Company, Elmira, NY Child Abuse Prevention Center, Inc., Poughkeepsie, NY Christian Arts International, Inc., Loudonville, NY Christian Outreach for Armenians, Glendale, CA Church of the Risen King, Hillsdale, NJ Conte Foundation - Sirpuhe & John, Indian Wells, CA CyberGrants, Andover, MA Daughters of Vartan - Grand Council, Northridge, CA Daughters of Vartan - Gayane Chapter, Sherman Oaks, CA Daughters of Vartan - Varteni Chapter, Montebello, CA Daughters of Vartan - Araxie Chapter, Half Moon Bay, CA Daughters of Vartan - Zabelle Chapter, Auburn Hills, MI Dayton Foundation Depository, Inc., Dayton, OH Detroit Armenian Women's Club, Howell, MI Espoir Pour L'Armenie – Hope for Armenia, 69003 Lyon, France Esserian Family Foundation, Arika, Gloucester, MA Fairlawn Bible Church, Fair Lawn, NJ Fesjian Foundation, Pelham, NY


Fidelity Brokerage Services LLC, Newark, DE Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund, Cincinnati, OH First Armenian Church, Belmont, MA First Armenian Presbyterian Church, Fresno, CA First Presbyterian Church of Hollywood, Hollywood, CA GE Foundation, Fairfield, CT Gertmenian Foundation, Laguna Beach, CA Glendale Armenian Brotherhood Bible Church, Burbank, CA Grille Foundation, St Helier Jersey, UK Haigazian University Support Fund Inc., Los Angeles, CA Immanuel Armenian Congregational Church, Downey, CA Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Friendship Lodge 20, Belmont, MA Jilmarr Foundation, Inc., Winchester, MA Kassardjian Family Charitable Fund, San Diego, CA Lawrence Schacht Foundation, Inc., East Brunswick, NJ Lockridge Charitable Foundation, Pebble Beach, CA Merrill Lynch, Jacksonville, FL Mirak Foundation, John, Arlington, MA Morgan Stanley, Baltimore, MD Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc., New York, NY Nahigian Family Foundation - Harold & Queenie, La Canada Flintridge, CA National Philanthropic Trust, UBS Donor Advised Fund, Jenkintown, PA Nazarian Family Foundation, Inc. - Levon and Claudia, Cherry Hill, NJ Panosian Family Foundation, Inc., Elmira, NY Parsekian Foundation, Boston, MA Peters Foundation, Inc. - Leon S., Fresno, CA Philibosian Foundation - Stephen, Indian Wells, CA Pilgrim Armenian Congregational Church, Fresno, CA Pindler Family Foundation - William and Sonia, Los Angeles, CA Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America (Eastern), New York, NY Primera Iglesia Evangelical, Montevideo, Uruguay Running Deer Foundation, Boston, MA Sarkisian Foundation, Tucson, AZ Schwab Charitable Fund, San Francisco, CA Shirvanian Family Foundation, Newport Beach, CA Simourian Family Foundation, Needham Heights, MA Sipan Armenian School, Paramus, NJ Southern Baptist Foundation, Nashville, TN St. Nareg Armenian Church, Montebello, CA St. Stephen's Armenian Apostolic Church - Sunday School, Watertown, MA Telfeyan Evangelical Fund, Inc., Garden City, NY TF Educational Foundation, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA The Presbyterian Church at Tenafly, Tenafly, NJ Tufenkian Family Foundation, Glendale, CA Union of the Armenian Evangelical Churches in France, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France United Armenian Congregational Church, Los Angeles, CA United Church of Christ, Wider Church Ministries, Cleveland, OH United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, Philadelphia, PA Vanguard Charitable, Warwick, RI Vanguard/Wells Fargo, YourCause - LLC Trustee, Plano, TX VeKim Fund, Ho, Cincinnati, OH Zartarian Foundation, East Greenwich, RI


Receipts Over The Years 1919...... $ 7,723.57 1928-29...... $ 5,547.88 1935-36...... $ 3,703.59 1942-43...... $ 10,648.74 1920-21...... 3,055.18 1929-30...... 13,487.94 1936-37...... 4,220.51 1943-44...... 21,121.76 1923-24...... 2,393.25 1930-31...... 6,645.15 1937-38...... 4,166.89 1944-45...... 17,578.87 1924-25...... 2,901.11 1931-32...... 7,847.01 1938-39...... 6,195.18 1945-46...... 32,706.30 (b) 1925-26...... 4,556.11 1932-33...... 3,991.46 1939-40...... 4,140.93 1946 (a)...... 31,460.40 (b) 1926-27...... 7,048.43 1933-34...... 4,132.30 1940-41...... 6,026.05 1947...... 44,524.11 (b) 1927-28...... 7,246.77 1934-35...... 2,223.61 (a) From June 1 - December 31 only. (b) During these years $134,187.01 were also raised for the Centennial Campaign in the United States and $18,544.00 in Syria & Lebanon.

Assets And Budget Over The Years Year Assets Budget Year Assets Budget 1945-46...... $19,000 1983-84...... $ 15,259,940...... $ 1,354,020 1946-47...... 34,500 1984-85...... 17,341,445...... 1,558,622 1947-48...... $154,000...... 50,000 1985-86...... 22,558,583...... 1,617,461 1948-49...... 150,000...... 98,175 1986-87...... 26,549,686. (b)...... 1,753,606 1949-50...... 158,000...... 75,000 1987-88...... 28,154,025...... 2,033,645 1950-51...... 168,000...... 68,125 1988-89...... 30,529,069...... 2,178,981 1951-52...... 168,000...... 62,000 1989-90...... 34,074,031...... 3,562,668 1952-53...... 282,000...... 48,750 1990-91...... 36,169,135...... 3,952,612 1953-54...... 310,000...... 65,000 1991-92...... 38,147,928...... 3,887,558 1954-55...... 393,000...... 70,375 1992-93...... 40,074,181...... 4,088,551 1955-56...... 460,000...... 82,500 1993-94...... 43,185,331...... 4,414,835 1956-57...... 505,700...... 102,500 1994-95...... 46,245,234...... 5,001,443 1957-58...... 560,000...... 106,225 1995-96...... 49,603,138...... 5,387,537 1958-59...... 628,000...... 108,200 1996-97...... 78,446.257 .(c)...... 5,353,758 1959-60...... 755,000...... 125,000 1997-98...... 89,614,203...... 5,210,184 1960-61...... 900,000...... 140,000 1998-99...... 99,990,585...... 5,422,459 1961-62...... 1,210,000...... 144,200 1999-00...... 103,578,240...... 5,710,910 1962-63...... 1,262,000...... 189,775 2000-01...... 99,399.055...... 5,704.988 1963-64...... 1,392,000...... 160,500 2001-02...... 85,928.515...... 4,930.761 1964-65...... 1,670,000...... 175,000 2002-03...... 90,895,093...... 5,397,065 1965-66...... 1,985,000...... 180,000 2003-04...... 98,323,998...... 5,581,847 1966-67...... 1,971,000...... 213,000 2004-05...... 106,437,065...... 5,833,462 1967-68...... 2,345,000...... 217,000 2005-06...... 109,789,584...... 6,044,916 1968-69...... 4,417,022. (a) ...... 211,000 2006-07...... 119,611,874...... 7,010,699 1969-70...... 2,286,156...... 160,245 2007-08...... 124,227,706...... 7,130,405 1970-71...... 2,769,383...... 160,945 2008-09...... 117,490,844...... 6,785,534 1971-72...... 3,109,421...... 202,410 2009-10...... 124,275,401...... 6,965,768 1972-73...... 3,709,261...... 277,945 2010-11...... 136,338,615...... 7,295.265 1973-74...... 3,468,200...... 274,620 2011-12...... 139,002,932...... 7,529,574 1974-75...... 4,107,147...... 330,460 2012-13...... 152,514,629...... 8,199,249 1975-76...... 4,265,804...... 323,675 2013-14...... 164,873,155...... 8,876,681 1976-77...... 4,682,965...... 483,090 2014-15...... 168,913,738 ...... 8,924.590 1977-78...... 4,830,195...... 663,159 2015-16...... 169,098,531...... 9,193.815 1978-79...... 6,531,681...... 678,359 2016-17...... 178,982,264...... 9,650,239 1979-80...... 7,339,795...... 709,281 2017-18...... 188,446,358 ...... 10,551,239 1980-81...... 9,216,288...... 742,284 2018-19...... 188,362,667 ...... 11,566,737 1981-82...... 10,783,850...... 1,067,416 2019-20...... 190,012,469 ...... 10,934,355 1982-83...... 12,481,853...... 1,248,995 (a) About $2,000,000 was transferred to the Stephen Philibosian Foundation. (b) Includes an adjustment of $2,195,000 in the Sheen Charitable Purpose Unitrust to reflect current value of a real estate property in the Unitrust. (c) Pursuant to most recent Financial Accounting Standards Board’s regulations, investments of the Association are reported at fair market value rather than at cost (book) value.

AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 99 OTHER HISTORICAL DATA

Incorporators of the AMAA - October 21, 1920 Stephen Philibosian ...... 1949-1957 Vahan S. Babasinian...... Minas S. Kondazian Harry A. Kuljian...... 1958-1960 Antranig A. Bedikian...... Armenag Mahjoubian Garabed H. Keuhnelian...... 1960-1966 Kapriel Bedrosian...... John Mushekian Edward Janjigian...... 1966-1968 Haroutune M. Dadourian...... Garabed T. Pushman Robert Hekemian...... 1968-1970 Hagop M. Depoyan...... Dikran M. Sarkisian George Philibosian...... 1970-1971 Dikran B. Donchyan...... John G. Telfeyan Archie Cherkezian...... 1971-1976 Aram G. Hejinian...... Haig Y. Yardumian Samuel Hekemian...... 1976-1978 Milton B. Ignatius Edward Janjigian...... 1978-1984 Aram Minnetian...... 1984-1995 Presidents Andrew Torigian...... 1995-1997 John G. Telfeyan...... 1919-1924 (June) Vahram Aynilian...... 1997-1999 Garabed T. Pushman...... 1924-1936 Aram Robert Minnetian...... 1999-2007 Rev. A. H. Hartunian...... 1936-1938 Nurhan Helvacian, Ph.D...... 2007 to present Rev. A. B. Shmavonian...... 1938-1940 Rev. H. G. Benneyan...... 1940-1941 Executive Secretaries K. Gabriel...... 1941-1942 Rev. M. T. Kalaidjian...... 1919-1921 Rev. H. G. Benneyan (Sept. 14) ..... 1942-1944 (July 10) Rev. A. A. Bedikian...... 1921-1928 Dr. N. I. Ishkanian (Oct. 25) ...... 1944-1946 (Sept.) Rev. M. G. Papazian...... 1928-1929 Rev. S. M. Rejebian (Oct. 14) ...... 1946-1948 (Sept. 22) Rev. A. A. Bedikian...... 1929-1930 Dr. Y. H. Hadidian (Sept. 22) ...... 1948-1949 (Sept. 14) Rev. Dr. Y. H. Hadidian...... 1930-1934 Martin F. Hatch, Esq. (Sept. 15) ....1949-1952 (June 28) Rev. N. Bekian...... 1935-1943 Dr. J. H. Hekimian (June 28) ...... 1952-1955 (July 13) Rev. A. A. Bedikian...... 1943-1946 Martin F. Hatch, Esq. (July 13) ..... 1955-1956 (Sept. 12) Rev. P. H. Kalfayan...... 1946-1959 (May 26) G. Mooradkanian, Esq. (Sept. 12) ...... 1956-1958 Rev. E. S. Tovmassian (Oct. 21) ...... 1959-1968 Dr. J. H. Hekimian...... 1958-1959 Steven Mardiguian (Acting) (Sept. 11) .....1968 (Dec. 11) Haig Solakian, Ph.D...... 1959-1960 Rev. G. H. Chopourian, Ph.D...... 1969-1975 Rev. Dr. D. Y. Kassouny (Nov. 12) ...... 1960-1962 Haig Solakian, Ph.D...... 1962-1964 Executive Directors John H. Keyishian...... 1964-1966 Rev. Giragos H. Chopourian, Ph.D...... 1976-1987 Vahe S. Roubian, D.D.S...... 1966-1968 Rev. Dr. Movses B. Janbazian.....1987(Aug.)-2000 (Sept. 25) Nazar Y. Daghlian...... 1968-1971 Andrew Torigian (Acting).. 2000 (Sept.26) -2001 (March 31) George Philibosian...... 1971-1974 Rev. Jirair M. Sogomian (April 1)...... 2001-2003 (Aug. 9) Edward M. Kavjian, M.D...... 1974-1975 Andrew Torigian (Acting) (Aug. 9)...... 2003 (Dec. 31) John Keuhnelian, M.D...... 1975-1976 Rev. Peter Doghramji, Ph.D...... 2004 (Jan.-Aug.) Archie Cherkezian...... 1976-1978 Andrew Torigian...... 2005 (Sept.) - 2009 Samuel Hekemian...... 1978-1980 Levon Filian...... 2010 -2013 George Philibosian...... 1980-1982 Rev. Mgrdich Melkonian...... 2013 Nov. to Oct. 2014 George Bezirganian, M.D...... 1982-1984 Nazar Y. Daghlian...... 1984-1987 Executive Directors/CEO George Bezirganian, M.D...... 1987-1988 Zaven Khanjian...... Sept. 2014 to present H. Philip Hovnanian, Ph.D...... 1988-1990 Edward Janjigian...... 1990-1993 West Coast Executive Directors Albert Momjian, Esq...... 1993-1997 Levon Filian...... 2014-2018 Andrew Torigian...... 1997-2005 H. Steven Aharonian, M.D...... 2005-2011 Field Directors Joseph Zeronian, Ed.D...... 2012 -2014 Rev. Movses B. Janbazian...... 1981-1987 Nazareth E. Darakjian, M.D...... 2015 to present Dr. Kenell Touryan...... 1988-1993 Hagop Manjelikian...... 1994-2000 Treasurers Hagop Aynejian...... 2000-2001 John Mushekian...... 1919-1924 Dikran Youmshakian...... 2005-2010 John G. Telfeyan...... 1924-1925 Armen Beylerian...... 2012 - 2013 John Mushekian...... 1925-1932 Rev. Mgrdich Melkonian...... 2013 to present Albert Telfeyan...... 1932-1942 Haroutune Nergararian...... 1942-1947 Martin F. Hatch, Esq...... 1948-1949

100 AMAA Annual Report 2019-20 Armenian Missionary Association of America Ամերիկայի Հայ Աւետարանչական Ընկերակցութիւն


31 West Century Road Paramus, NJ 07652


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