UNFPA Armenia Country Programme Evaluation

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UNFPA Armenia Country Programme Evaluation Third UNFPA Country Programme: Armenia 2016-2020 FINAL EVALUATION REPORT November 2019 Nov Source: https://www.un.org/Depts/Cartographic/map/profile/armenia.pdf r 20November 2016 Country Programme Evaluation: Armenia The analysis and recommendations of this report do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations Population Fund, its Executive Board or the United Nations Member States. EVALUATION TEAM Team Leader Arlette Campbell White Evaluator Ada Babloyan Evaluator Lusine Kharatyan Evaluation Research Assistant and Interpreter Manana Mananyan 2 UNFPA Armenia CO Country Programme Evaluations Reference Group Composition Name Organisation 1. Mahbub Alam M&E Adviser, UNFPA 2. Tsovinar Harutyunyan Assistant Representative, UNFPA Armenia CO 3. Lusine Sargsyan Evaluation Manager, UNFPA Armenia CO 4. Anahit Safyan National Statistical Committee 5. Anahit Martirosyan Ministry of Labour and Social Issues 6. Zhanna Andreasyan Ministry of Labour and Social Issues 7. Nune Pashayan Head of the Mother and childcare department, Ministry of Health 8. Arman Hovhannisyan Head of UN Desk MFA Armenia 9. Mane Tadevosyan RC Office, Monitoring and Evaluation 10. Mikayel Khachatryan Human Rights Defender’s Office 11. Nelly Duryan RA Police 12. Anna Harutyunyan Individual consultant 13. Astghik Martirosyan Monitoring and Evaluation/Child Rights Systems Monitoring Specialist , UNICEF Acknowledgements The Evaluation Team would like to thank UNFPA for the opportunity to undertake the evaluation for the Government of the Republic of Armenia and UNFPA’s Third Country Programme. We are particularly grateful to the UNFPA Armenia Country Office staff members who, despite a very heavy workload and other commitments, were so generous with their time and responsive to the Team’s repeated requests, often at short notice. The participation of and inputs from the members of the Evaluation Reference Group have also been appreciated. Above all, the Team would also like to acknowledge the many other Armenian stakeholders and clients/beneficiaries, including experts in gender, health, population and development, and youth, and the dedicated staff at the various regional, district and community health services and health facilities, who supported the implementation of this evaluation despite their busy schedules. The Team hopes that this evaluation and the recommendations presented in this report will contribute positively to building a sound foundation for future UNFPA-supported programmes in Armenia in collaboration with the Government of the Republic of Armenia. 3 Table of Contents Acknowledgements ............................................................................................................................... 3 List of Tables and Figures ...................................................................................................................... 6 Summary Box ......................................................................................................................................... 8 Abbreviations and Acronyms ................................................................................................................ 9 Republic of Armenia: Key Facts Table ................................................................................................. 12 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................................... 16 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 21 1.1 Purpose and Objectives of the Evaluation ........................................................................... 21 1.2 Scope of the Evaluation ........................................................................................................ 21 1.3 Methodology and Process .................................................................................................... 22 1.3.1 Methodology ................................................................................................................ 22 1.3.2 Limitations Encountered .............................................................................................. 26 1.3.3 Evaluation Process ........................................................................................................ 27 2. COUNTRY CONTEXT ..................................................................................................................... 29 2.1 Development Challenges and National Strategies ............................................................... 29 2.1.1 Wider Country Context, including Social, Political and Economic Data ....................... 29 2.1.2 Situation and Development Challenges vis-à-vis UNFPA Programmatic Areas ........... 35 2.1.3 Progress Towards Achieving Relevant Internationally Agreed Development Goals .... 37 2.2 The Role of External Assistance ............................................................................................ 38 3. United Nations/UNFPA Response and Programme Strategies .................................................. 42 3.1 UNFPA Strategic Response ................................................................................................... 42 3.2 UNFPA Response through the Country Programme ............................................................ 46 3.2.1 Armenia Second Country Programme Coverage (2010-2015) ..................................... 46 3.2.2 Armenia Third Country Programme Coverage (2016-2020) ........................................ 46 3.3 Armenia Programme Finance ............................................................................................... 48 CHAPTER 4. EVALUATION FINDINGS ................................................................................................... 51 4.1 Sexual and Reproductive Health .......................................................................................... 51 4.1.1 Relevance ..................................................................................................................... 51 4.1.2. Effectiveness ....................................................................................................................... 54 4.1.3. Efficiency ............................................................................................................................ 66 4.1.4. Sustainability ...................................................................................................................... 68 4.2 Adolescents and Youth ......................................................................................................... 69 4.2.1 Relevance ..................................................................................................................... 69 4.2.2 Effectiveness ................................................................................................................. 71 4.2.3 Efficiency ...................................................................................................................... 78 4 4.2.4 Sustainability ................................................................................................................ 79 4.3 Gender Equality and Reproductive Rights............................................................................ 81 4.3.1 Relevance ..................................................................................................................... 81 4.3.2 Effectiveness ................................................................................................................. 85 4.3.3 Efficiency ...................................................................................................................... 92 4.3.4 Sustainability ................................................................................................................ 94 4.4 Population Dynamics and Development .............................................................................. 95 4.4.1 Relevance ..................................................................................................................... 95 4.4.2 Effectiveness ................................................................................................................. 97 4.4.3 Efficiency .................................................................................................................... 100 4.4.4 Sustainability .............................................................................................................. 101 4.5 UNFPA Country Programme Coordination with UNCT ...................................................... 102 4.6 UNFPA Country Programme Added Value ......................................................................... 102 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................................ 105 5.1 Strategic Level .................................................................................................................... 105 5.1.1 Relevance ................................................................................................................... 105 5.1.2 Effectiveness ............................................................................................................... 106 5.1.3 Efficiency .................................................................................................................... 106 5.1.4 Sustainability .............................................................................................................
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