CADET MEETING Missions for America 17 June, 2014 Semper vigilans! submitted by Semper volans! C/SSgt Michael Hollingsworth The cadets began the evening with thirty minutes of drill. The Coastwatcher After returning to squadron, the cadets participated Publication of the Thames River Composite Squadron in an emergency services exercise and learned how Connecticut Wing to strap in a person into the litter and lift it safely. Civil Air Patrol C/CMSgt. Johnstone presented a safety lesson on 300 Tower Rd., Groton, CT heat exhaustion and heat stroke. . Lt. Col. Rocketto presented a forum to basic LtCol Stephen Rocketto, Editor cadets on the purposes and structure of the
[email protected] character development program. C/SSgt Virginia Poe, Reporter The last twenty minutes was used for cadet flight C/SrA Michael Hollingsworth, Printer's Devil time. Lt David Meers & Maj Roy Bourque, Papparazis SENIOR MEETING Vol. VIII, No. 22 17 June, 2014 17 June, 2014 Submitted by SCHEDULE OF COMING EVENT Capt. Christopher L.Magee No formal training occurred. Officers worked on 24 JUN-TRCS Meeting-Finance Committee Mtg. individual projects. 28 JUN-Columbia Open House 04 JUL-GON Parade and Squadron Picnic TRCS PHYSICAL PROPERTY 07-11 JUL-ACE Academy I (GON) INVENTORY 09 JUL-MIT Aero and USS Constitution-tentative submitted by 18 JUL, 2014-CTWG Golf Tournament Maj Paul Noniewicz 19 JUL-02 AUG-Nat'l Emergency Services Acad. On Thursday, 05 June, MSgt Halloway, USAF 08-16 AUG-CTWG Encampment-Camp Niantic conducted an audit of our supplies and 11-15 AUG-ACE Academy II (GON) communications equipment inventory.