WWII Conflict Archaeology in the Forêt Domaniale Des Andaines, NW France

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WWII Conflict Archaeology in the Forêt Domaniale Des Andaines, NW France WWII Conflict Archaeology in the Forêt Domaniale des Andaines, NW France. Volume 1 of 1 Submitted by David Capps-Tunwell MBE to the University of Exeter as a thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Publication in Human Geography, April 2016. This thesis is available for Library use on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement. I certify that all material in this thesis which is not my own work has been identified and that no material has previously been submitted and approved for the award of a degree by this or any other University. Signature: ………………………………………………………….. 1 Abstract This thesis integrates archaeological survey, aerial photographs and historical documents to undertake the first analysis of the conflict landscapes and military history of some of the most important German logistics facilities in northern France during the Battle of Normandy in 1944. Post-war survival of features has been remarkably good in this forested setting and this likely constitutes one of the best- preserved and most extensive examples of a non-hardened WWII archaeological landscape yet documented in northwest Europe. Over 900 discrete archaeological earthworks have been mapped and interpreted with the aid of primary source material from both Allied and German archives to characterise munitions, fuel and rations depots in the Forêt Domaniale des Andaines around Bagnoles-de-l’Orne, Orne Département, Basse-Normandie. These landscapes also preserve bomb craters associated with air raids on the facilities by the US Ninth Air Force and these have been mapped and analysed to show that despite 46 separate attacks by over 1000 aircraft, and the dropping in excess of 1100 tons of bombs in the forest during the spring and summer of 1944, the depots continued to function and to support German Army operations until the area was occupied by American forces in August 1944. In some areas of the forest it has been possible to link discrete arrays of bomb craters to individual air raids and even specific flights of aircraft. This work is yielding new perspectives on the character and operation of fixed depots in the German logistics system in Normandy both before and during the battles of 1944, while also permitting a detailed analysis of the effectiveness of Allied intelligence gathering, targeting and bombing operations against forest-based supply facilities. In doing so it is making a unique contribution to the newly-emerging record of WWII conflict archaeology to be found in the forests of northwest Europe. 2 List of Contents Title Page ......................................................................................................... 1 Abstract ............................................................................................................ 2 List of Contents ................................................................................................ 3 List of Tables and Figures (Chapter 1) .............................................................. 5 Author’s Declaration of Contribution to the Work .............................................. 6 Acknowledgments… ......................................................................................... 7 Chapter 1 .......................................................................................................... 8 Bibliography (Chapter 1) ................................................................................. 57 Appendices (Thesis Papers and Heritage Trail Panels): I. Passmore, D.G. Capps Tunwell, D and Harrison, S. (2013) ‘Landscapes of Logistics: The Archaeology and Geography of WWII German Military Supply Depots in Central Normandy, North-west France’, Journal of Conflict Archaeology, 8(3), pp.165-92 ..............................................................................................65 II. Capps Tunwell, D. Passmore,D.G and Harrison, S. (2015) ‘Landscape Archaeology of World War Two German Logistics Depots in the Forêt Domaniale des Andaines, Normandy, France’, International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 19(2), pp. 233-261. …98 III. Passmore, D.G. Harrison, S and Capps Tunwell, D. (2014) ‘Second World War conflict archaeology in the forests of north- West Europe’, Antiquity, 88(342). pp.1275-1290 ................................ 157 IV. Capps Tunwell, D. Passmore, D.G and Harrison, S. (2016) ‘Second World War bomb craters and the archaeology of Allied air attacks in the forests of the Normandie-Maine National Park, NW France’, Journal of Field Archaeology, 41(3), pp.312-330. ................. 174 V. Capps Tunwell, D. Passmore, D.G and Harrison,S. (2016) ‘A witness in the landscape: ‘The bombing of the Forêt domaniale des Andaines and the Normandy Campaign, NW France, 1944’, War in History. In Press ..................................................................... 224 VI. Passmore, D.G. Capps Tunwell, D and Harrison, S. (2016) ‘World War II conflict and post-conflict landscapes in northwest France: An Evaluation of the Aerial Photographic Resource’, in Stichelbaut, B. and Cowley, D. (ed.) Conflict Landscapes and 3 Archaeology from Above, Farnham: Ashgate, Ch. 11: pp.185- 204......................................................................................................279 VII. Information panels for the Forêt domaniale des Andaines Heritage Trail (Bagnoles-de-l’Orne) ................................................... 308 4 List of Tables (Chapter 1) 1. Source and data types of information obtained for papers ......................... 29 List of Figures (Chapter 1) 1. The Overlord area ..................................................................................... 12 2. Multiple bomb craters in the Forêt Domaniale des Andaines .................... 14 3. Earthwork associated with fuel storage in the Forêt Domaniale des Andaines ....................................................................................................15 4. Evidence of disposal of munitions in the Forêt Domaniale des Andaines. 31 5. Photo Map of the Berta 1 fuel depot, Forêt Domaniale des Andaines (TNA, AIR/40/1285) .............................................................................................. 34 6. Tactical Target Dossier for the Laval Sector. January 1944 1st Edition, (TNA, AIR/40/1285) .............................................................................................. 35 5 Authors Declaration and Statement. Unless otherwise stated this PhD by publication is entirely the work of the author. This work is based upon 6 accepted/published papers and an outreach project. The nature and extent of the authors exact contribution to the works is detailed within Chapter 1(Section 5; Paper outlines). 6 Acknowledgments First thanks go to my wife, Helen, for the constructive support and encouragement that she has given me during the Project. I also particularly want to thank the two constants throughout the project. My supervisors Doctors David Passmore and Stephan Harrison. They have patiently guided and encouraged me to constantly challenge and test assumptions making this project a most rewarding and interesting experience. Apologies in advance for any omissions from the following list of people to whom I owe thanks. During the project I have met many people who have helped, advised and passed comment. Immersed in archival material, there are a number of people who work in this world who do deserve special mention: Stephen Walton the Senior Archivist at the Duxford repository of the Imperial War Museum in Cambridgeshire and the staff at the American Airforce Historical Agency in Alabama who were especially helpful in obtaining large amounts of US Airforce data from the period. Two in particular, Mrs. Lynn O. Gamma and Ms. Tammy Horton, have been particularly patient, courteous and efficient throughout. In France, Stephane Robine, a professional archivist at St Lo and specialist on the French Resistance in the Orne Department, has provided most interesting insights into both the workings of archives and the historical background. Sonia Bourgouin at Office National des Forêts in Alençon who administers the departmental archive provided valuable information as to the development of the Forêt Domaniale des Andaines in the post war period. Working in the forested landscape of Normandy has only been possible with the cooperation of members of the Office National des Forêts: Anthony Mathieu in the Forêt Domaniale des Ecouves and notably Christian Clément and his team Romauld Heslot and Gwenaël Landas in the Forêt Domaniale des Andaines. Thanks also go to go to also Cyrille Billard, Sophie Quévillon and Marie-Laure Loizeau at the Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles. Finally I would like to thank Cécile Dardignac, Chef de Projet at Pôle Patrimone Cultural et Archaéologique at the Office National des Forêts at Fontainebleau, for her assistance. 7 Chapter 1: Introduction List of Contents: 1. Introduction ............................................................................................... 10 2. Origins and development of the research ................................................. 13 3. WWII logistics in the Normandy landscape - a literature review ................ 17 3.1. A brief history of the Normandy campaign .......................................... 17 3.1.1. Introduction ............................................................................... 17 3.1.2 Background and Preparation for Invasion ................................
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