(Jr? in Market. DAILT JULY 10. COMMENCEMENTS. PHARAOH’S LAND. The Augusta Post Office. THE PORTLAND PRESS, MISCELLANEOUS MONDAY MOKNING, XLVHth Congress-lst Session. PORTLAND, Juiy 8. of Grain were received Published every day (Sunday! excepted,) by the The following quotations by telegraph front Chicago to-day by S. H. Larntinle METEOROLOGICAL. (Special Dispatch to the Press.) Portland. PORTLAND PfiRLSSHINO CO., Surprising Volume of Postal Business & Co., 167 Commercial street, INDICATIONS FOB THE NEXT TWENTY-FOUR (Bridgton Academy. SENATE. *—Corn- —, ■-Oats— Exchange Presentation of the Ulti- Chicago,——Wheat-■ AT 87 St., Pobtland. 8. English Time. July HOURS. 9.—1The reunion and Washington, Juiy Transacted In that City. Aug. July. Aug. July. Aug. Bridgton, July grad- occu- 9.35.114' 79% 62% 42 Tev.hi.. (Sight Dollar! a Year. Xo mail eubjcrlh War Dep’t Office Chief Signal Numerous reports upon pension cases 108% ) exercises will take place on Wednes- matum. 10.00. .114% 109% 81 80% 62% 42% ers Seven iVdlara * Year, 11 paid in advance. uating pied much of the morning hoar. Officer, Washington, D. C., > 10.30. 82 80% 53 42% and 12 and 13. Mr. Dawes from the committee on 1141/s 109% July 10, 1 A. M. J day Thursday, July appropri- 11.30.. 114% 108% 80% 79% 62% 41% ations reported hack the House bill giving (Kennebec Journal.) THE MAINE STATE PRESS' For New PROORAM3IE FOR WEDNESDAY. 12.30.. 109% 80% 79% 52 42 England, printing office pay for time lost during the the kind- Xhuusday Moknino at $2.50 a Music Cornet Band at 9.00 a. m. We have been furnished, through 1.02.. 109% 80 79% 52% 42% it published every PLAIN Slightly warmer, fair weather, winds mostly by Bridgton Garfield Passed. if in advance at a year. Prayer. obsequies. THE some statis- year, paid $2.00 or lower BOMBARDMENT OF ALEXANDRIA ness of Postmaster Manley, with south-westerly, stationary pressure. Music. Mr. Beck said that several amendments to the tics of busi- Kates of Auykktistnq: One inch of spaoe, the WEATHER BULLETIN. Ode. House bill regulating internal revenue were re- ABOUT TO BEGIN. showing the onormoas amount Foreign Imports. of constitutes a Welcome Address. this from the cau- PICTOIT.NS. Bark JW—681 tons coal to G T ength column, “square.” Barometer highest in the South Atlantic and ported morning Republican ness transacted at the Augusta post office, first week; 7o oents per TRUTHS of the and Alumni by cus ol last He of an amend- Railroad Company. $1.50 per square,daily Gulf States and the lowest in the extreme History Acadamy night, gave notice three Insertions or less, $1.00; continu- A. S. Rembeell of Waterford. during the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1882: week after; in all ment subjecting duties on from abroad WESTPORT, NS. Schr Hibernia-2 tons coal,20 other after first week, 60 eents. northwest. Occasional rains has fallen Music. imports Cash from sale of 74 ing ovory day after the 1st of : ext to a discount of receipts stamps. $88,371 doz fishing lines. or 75 The blood is the foundation of the districts. winds in York January Half square, three insertions less, eents; Northwesterly prevail Oration, by Dexter A. Hawkins, Esq., of New 8.—Tlio Receipts from deposits by postmas- week aftor. 10 per cent, and »lter July 1st to 10 per cent, Alexandria, July diplomatic agent one week, $1.00; 50 oents per life, it circulates every part the upper Mississippi valley: elsewhere mostly Poem, by Iter. J. S. Perry of Cumberland Center. ters.. 19,060 75 additional. through additional discount. Referred to the finance of Frauce telegraphed to the French Dry Goods Whole-sale Special Notices, one-third and There has been a rise in Music. yesterday Stamped third class matter, with Market. of the body, unless it is pure southerly. general Consul at Cairo that an attack fleet was Under honJ of “Amusements” and 'Auction Collation. committee. by the not at this office.. 42 The wholesale and and health is temperature east of the Mississippi river and stamps purchased 48,053 following quotations prices per square per week; throe inser- rich, good impossible. short etc. Mr. from the committee on naval momentarily expected and instructing him to Amouut of orders issued. 36,459 83 Sales," $2.00 a fall west of that river. The temperature Sentiments, toasts, ^responses, speeches, Cameron, money corrected daily by Store' Bros. Ik Co., Dry Good/, tions or less. $1.60. If disease has entered the on the bill intro- send all French subjects away and to Amount of money orders paid 149,010 40 system above mean for the month iu New THURSDAY. affairs, repotted favorably place Advertisements inserted to the “Maine State and slightly bimself and tlie archives of his office in securi- Woolens and Fancy Gcccs, 144 to 16 Middle street: the only sure quick way to drive the Lake Music. duced by Mr. ReUins June Cth, providing for Pbess ha? a large circulation to every part England, Middle States and regions. Total business of the office.$342,945 14 OHBLRiCHKD COTTONS. (which it out is to and enrich Anuie Harrison. a commission to into the subject of ty. The Consul placarded the telegram in postal of the State), for $1.00 per square for first inser- purify the Rains are indicated to-day in the lower Lake Salutatory,.Miss G, Illaley, enquire The Mound Builders.David Casco iron or steamers for Cairo, thereby causing a renewed and The from sale of exceeds Heavy 36 in 8Va Fine 7-4.14® 17 and 60 oents per square for each r ubs uent bltiod. Ohio Tennessee and the Gulf Decker, constructing steel ocean panic, receipts stamps tion, region, Valley, cause himself to Alexandria. Wed. 36 1t» 6Vir^ 7^ Fine insertion. Night biiDgs out the stars commercial purposos convertible by govern- The Austrian those of any previous year. 8-i.18^22 These simple facts are well States. Miss Caddie E. Light ia. 5 @ 6 Fine 9-4.22®28 Address all communications to Webb, No. Bridgton. ment into of war, etc. Placed on the Consulate in Cairo has also been closed. The The number of money orders issned daring and the medical not the the ships Fine in. 7Mi@ 9 Fine 10-4 .27^®32% I'OKl'LAKD PUBLISHING OO. known, highest Judge day by dawn, calendar. panic in Alexandria is unabated. Despite the the year was 2579. Miss Emma Smith, No. Bridgton. DLEAOHKD COTTONS. authorities agree that nothing but The rivor and harbor bill was taken and complete of work on tbe fortifications The number of money orders paid daring the Whither are we tending.Leo M. Hall, Naples* up, stoppage iron will restore the its which had occasioned Admiral was Best 36 in. .11 Ms I Fine 6-4.16 @20: blood to America.. Miss Addie F. Allard, Brownfield. the Hennepin Canal project farther discussed, Seymour’s pro- year 25,385. @18 L BY TELEGRAPH. Yeung the of continues. sent ♦led. 36 in.. S @11 ! Fine 7-4.19 @23 SPECIA NOTICES. natural and also that • Little Miss Augusta No. Bridgton the question upon Mr. Butler’s amend- test, exodus Europeans Total number of saoks of newspapers condition; _ by Little, Foster, being 6 @ 7Va Fine 8-4.21 ®2H Is the in a state of A. and from the office the was dghtStiin.. all the iron hitherto Republic decay, S. Doughty. ment providing for an additional survey Berlin, July 9—Tbe North German Gazette during year 46,656. Fine 42 in.. 10 Fine 9-4.26 preparations Nellie F. @14 @30 made hcad- Clay.Miss Alayo. report upon the cost of construction and an- reports that after the Total number ot circulars sent, 5,819,310. Fine 5-4....11 Fine 10-4 blacken the teeth, cause MAINE. True remaining Englishmen @17 ..27%(&32tt Greatness, nual maintainance and nse of the Canal. had been told to leave Cairo tho Total nnmber of pieces handled by letter car- '.che, and are otherwise injurious. Fred S. Hamlin, North Bridgton GermanjConsul TICKINGS, ETC. Mr. Harrison favored the amendment. siued a similar to the 160 Germans riers, 1,217,531. Brown’s Iron Bitters will thor- Truth and error, warning Drills. » SPECIAL BARGAINS Mr. Logan advocated the still there. Total number of pieces of mail matter han- Tickings, 8@ Franklin Fusion Convention. Miss Claire M. Foster, North Bridgton project. Best.15 @18 Corset Jeans.... 7 et 8 oughly and quickly assimilate with Mr. Williams the idea of a little dled the 19,117,874. A lofty purpose insures success, ridiculed m.— during year, Medium... 11 Satteens. H(c£ 9% nom- Alexandria, July 9, 3 p. Naval officers @14 l lie blood, purifying and strengthen- Farmington, July 8.—The Fusionitts Miss Adrie Dresser canal with 21 feet side locks such as was now For the fiscal year ending June 30, 1881, 8 Cambrics.. 6% have made a reconuoissance and reported they Light. @10 it, and thus drive disease from uated their ticket as follows: The Chinese in America, contended for sufficient to accommodate there were only nine offices in the United Silesias.10@20 ing county to-day being saw Egyptians mounting heavy guns on Mara- Denims.12%(fl6% of the and it Irving Gammon, Naples the commerce of the States which handled a larger number of piec- Ducka-Brown 9 @12 Cotton Flannels. 7^16 V- -IN- any part system, will Senator—P. of country. bout on the western side of the entrance Dyer Farmington. The conscious stone to beauty grew, Island, es than were handled at this office the Fancy 12%@16^ Twine A Warps 180*28% not blacken the cause head- Butler’s amendment was carried—ayes 29, daring teeth, Clerk of Courts—D. H. Chandler of Farm- Miss Alice M. Russell of the harbor. Admiral Seymour is conse- ijiutmg—west.,..u'/jo nays 21. past year, vis: Baltimore, Boston, Brooklyn, •' ache or constipation, and is posi- ington. Sbe bas done what she couli, quently preparing a proclamation to be pla- Good.. 8%@ir% On motion of Mr. a was ad- Chicago, Cincinnati, New York, Philadelphia, not Register of Deeds—H. A, Thompson of Alias Lottie E, Webb, North Biidgton Logan provision carded all over the city, authorities tively injurious. for of the Illinois and charging St. Louis and San Francisco, although in Farmington. Hints on education, ded survey Michigan with breach of faith, demanding the surrender W. W. Waterford canal the estimates' of cost of the weight of matter sent Angngta was only sur- «t#cti market. County O. Greenleaf of Farm- Kilgore, enlarging of fortifications within twelve hours and warn- Attorney—E. On every mountain top there’s rest, passed by Boston, Chicago, New York and ington. same, etc. the authorities that if fail to comply The following quotations ot stooka are received Saved liis Child. Miss Cora Backman, North Bridgton the committee ing they Philadelphia. ROOM PAPERS Eben The question curing upon with this demand fire will be the and corrected daily by Woodbury Sc Moulton , mem County {Commissioners—Long Term, its use and abuse, opened upon Money, amendment as the and bora of the Boston Stock Exohau m), corner ot Mid- 17 N. Eutaw St., Baltimore, Md. Newman of Wells; Short Term, Elisha Small C. M. Austin amendea, ayes, nayes forts after the expiration of a further period of Feb. die and Exchange stree 12, 1880. of New Sharon. PART SECOND. were ordered. hours. The British gunboat Con- Cape Elizabeth. the recommenda- twenty-four Friday. Saturday. Gents:—Upon Sheriff—G. S. Holman of Mr. Sherman suggested that the proposition dor bas been stationed outside the harbor to tion of a friend I tried Brown’s Carthage. Class Exercises. It is estimated that over boxes of Bottom-Land. .... 7% 7% Horne as amended was not sufficiently explicit and 200,000 Iron .Bitters as a tonic and re- Treasurer—Stephen Morrill of Strong. Oration—Progress of civilization.Irving guard the entrance. Water Power. 4 4 Annis Stone was liable to be construed as committing the strawberries will be marketed within the next storative for my daughter, whom History.Miss Midnight.—All members of the Consulate Flint & Pere Marquette common 23 28 Death of a Physician. P. A. to the construction of the canal. I was thoroughly convinced was Poem—The new Cess-ndra.Miss Pbinney government are now on board vessels in the harbor. The from the of farmers. 0.8. & tier. 7s. 102% 102% Lizzie M. Tuttle understand- twenty days, gardens HIE NEXT DAYS. wasting away with Consumption. Lewiston, July 8.—Dr. J. A. Kochette, an Prophecy..Miss He wanted to have Mr. Allison’s English Consul bas sent notice to other consuls Hanford & Erie 7a. 50 b 2 FDR SIXTY Allard at in that lost three th Presentation of Adtlie F. on the Mr. John L. Parrott is, present, king A. T. ft 8. F--. 88% 8 »% Having daughters by esteemed French died here gifts.Miss ing point. them to their countrymen to terrible under the care U physician, to-day, culture.Miss Cora Andrews advising notify Boston & Maine.148% 148 disease, Valenictory—Self Mr. Allison declines to construe the language hours. branch of agriculture, having marketed 17,000 was to 25 quit Alexandria within twenty-four Flint ft Pere dd. 92 eminent I loth aged years. own it did not Marquette prefc 93% physicians, The Baccalaureate at Bowdoin. for others. In his judgment on believe tnat could arrest Fatal Accident. Admiral Seymour has gone board of the boxes last year, and it is generally conceded L. U. ft Ft. Smith...... 46 60, anything commit the to appropri- the progress of the disease, but, to Brunswick, July 9.—Commencement exer- absolutely government Invincible which will move into the outer that he will raise more this season. In the Marquette, Houghton &Ont.... 70 72 Bar harbor, July 8.—By the fall of a der- ate THE LARGEST my great , before my daugh- the Bacca- money. harbor alongside the Monarch. The Bittern Summit Branch. 10 10 cises at Bowdoin began to-day with out district alone the named ter had taken one bottle of Brown’s rick at Hall’s quarry, Otter Creek, this after- Mr. Pendleton moved to strike authority now lies opposite the Reseltin palace. Tbe Spurwink following Denver & Kio Grande. 66% 68% Iron Bitters, she to mend laureate address President Chamberlain, of to determine and locate the route of the caual, Mexican Central 7a. 86% 86% began noon, Geo. Saunders was killed and Milford by ministry continue to declare their resolve to gentlemen will raise a combined crop of 40,000 and now is quite restored to former so as to of a construction that Northern Pacific preferred. 80% 82% which the is an abstrae.: avoid possibility resist. have taken to in- •* health. A fifth to McFarland Saunders was following They precautions boxes: Charles E. Jordan, Emerson Jordan, Common. 42% 43% daughter began serionsly injured. the was committed to the work. of show of and Matt, 10. kingdom come.” government sure the safety of the Khedive in the event signs Consumption, about 40 years of age, and leaves a wife and Eext, vi, “Thy Carried. H. F. Jordan, Simon A. Jordan, Horace C, \Sales at the Boaton Brokers’ Board. July 8 when the physician was consulted This is the prayer of history. It speaks of a troops being landed. Deer Isle Stock lie The committee amendment as modified was Edward E. N. Chas. Mining Company.. ..30c Retail said were re- two children. Jordan, Cannon, Jordan, quickly “Tonics work not yet finished, but in progress towards Arabi Pasha was yesterday formally sum- Milton.21c auired ;'' and when informed that House Burnt. a consummation. It confesses imperfection, adopted. moned to Constantinople by the Sultan, but C. Jordan, George Fowler, Albert Joidan, Al- Eastern R. R.. 4%s.... .100% the elder sister was taking Brown’s Messrs. of New York, Hill Maceias, 8.—Moses Smith’s house and but It is a work to be Hawley, Miller, refused to The two aides-de-camp of Portland Water Co. 6s, 1888.107 Iron Bitters, responded “that is July predicts perfection. obey. vin Jordan and Joseph Brown. of Colorado, Bayard and Hampton wore ap- the who arrived left for (Jose place), Belfast, Me., City 6s, 1898.102 a good tonic, take it.” some of his furniture at Addison were burned wrought ou the earth, and its end is an assured Sultan, recently here, to attend the N. Y., celebra- The assessors of Elizabeth have com- do 6s. IN THE CITY. Adoram Phelps. triumph, in which the Divine will is to be done pointed Newburg, Constantinople last evening accompanied by Cape 1885.100% last night. Loss $1400; small insurance. tion. Maine State 6s. 1889.115% here as in Admeh Essad and Labib two members pleted the annual assessment for 1882, and heaven. Pasha, Saco & Portan. nth Railroad*.114% Adjourned until Monday. of the mission of Dervisch Pasha. Portland, Postal Changes. This is, indeed, a kingdom within the hearts from their books we glean the following infor- Hill Manufacturing Co. 98% Brown’s Iron Bitters effectual- Washington, July 8.—Following are the of men, and “not of this world” in respect to HOUSE. , July 9.—Notioes summoning the re- mation: Eastern Railroad. 43% its ruling ideas, its sources, motives, measures, serves have been issued. •Ex div. ly cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion and post office changes in Maine for the past week: Mr. of Massachusetts sabmitted the aims and ends. But its subjects are beings Crapo The Standard’s Alexandria correspondent Valuation of real estate.$1,502,686.00 and renders the of committee on the bill Weakness, greatest I Established—Joice, Lincoln county, Daniel dwellings on this earth; this is the theatre of report the conference that Admiral is ready for Personal estate. 193,233.00 New York Stock aud money market* H. to enable national banks to extend their cor- telegraphs Seymour Total real and estate. relief and benefit to persons suffering Dunton, postmaster. its glorious manifestation. This prayer spe aks instant action instructions from home. personal 1,695,919.00 Telegraph.) HALLLDAV Postmasters existence. pending ltalsed by the town at its annual ''By as A. a porate at from such wasting diseases Con- appointed—S. Reed, Frye, of mastery and rule. This is to come througn No fresh complaints will be made to Arabi 22 057.41 New York, July 8.—Money closed 2@2%jlaat Oxford J. Farm- Mr. Randall of made a point meeting. 2 cent. etc. county; Chas, Higgins, West the revelation to the souls of man in Christ, Pennsylvania in to work on but loan per sumption, Kidney Complaints, not Pasha regard fortifications, State tax. 8,422.95 ingdale, Kennebec and a of order that the report was accompanied Sterling Exchange lowerjwa quote bankers county. regenerative power working m the life the simple intimation will be sent of tbe inten- County rax. 1,670.98 asking with the statement required by the rates, 60 days bills, at 4.84% per per £ (of $4.8665 Fatal which is the redemption from sin and its se- explanatory tion to fire in hours. Total amount assessed, including Drowning Accident. and the the con- open twenty-four par value),and on demand at 4.87%, against 4.86@ h. 53 Street. quences. This is the great deliverance from rules, point being sustained, overlays. 33,125.49 Exchange 9.—Last a nine Lavalbtta Malta, July 8.—Iron clads 4.88% one week ago. sndif Biddeford, July night year the and the of the atonemeet. ference report was withheld. Bate of taxation, $17.40 on $1,000. maylO evil, victory and Northumberland of the En- The following are to day’s closing quotations of old son of Charles P. Pellerin of Biddeford fell The House went into committee (Kasson of Agincourt Polls pay $3.00. Christ came, not to set up a new for Levia- Government tsecurities: • i Iowa in the on the civil appro- glish Cahnnel squadron have started Number of polls assessed, 1,185. H y H from a boat in Saco river and was drowned. system of religion, bat to reveal to man chair) .sundry United States 6s, ex ..100% the amendment being by sol, Cyprus, with two battalions and a compa- Cure Your Corns5 his part in the divine, and, by his priation bill, pending There are parcels of real estate on the United States 5*s ext. .100% MW&F&wly Hawthorne’s Recovered. Mr. Converse of oat a proviso ny of engineers. The Minotaur with a siege 1,425 United States BY USING Body own obedience, to open the way for reconcilia- Ohio, striking list, owned 987 individuals and new, 4% s, reg.114 ^ of the national board train of twenty guns, and the Nerisa with description by United States 4%’g New Bedford, July 9.—The body of Al- tion with the Father. He came to render ser- restricting investigations firms. new, coup.114 of health to and fever. stores have also sailed for this port. United States new, 4’s, reg.118% SOHLOTTERBEOK’S Brief Extracts from Testimonials vice to man, and that service is a salvation— cholera yellow fred Hawthorne of Cushing, Me., drowned in Five hundred and twenty persons pay a tax United States new, 4’s, coup.118% “God in Christ the world to him- After debates the amendment was rejected. Constantinople, July 9.—Considerable sur- the harbor from the Tarollnta reconciling of 820 or less: 120 between 820 and 830; Pacific 6’sof 95.130 yacht yesterday self.” Mr. Pe6l of Indiana, offered and advocated prise is expressed here that General Wallace, -FOR- 70 between 830 and 840; 47 between The are the of stocks: Bunion was recovered an amendment including small pox among tbe American has been summoned following closing quotations Corn, Wart & Solvent, to-day. There is danger, however, in regarding the Minister, again and 43 between and A Alton..... to §40 850; 850 860; Chicago 135] within in that as a diseases be investigated by the board. to the Either Wallace or bis Drago- Entirely harmless: is not a caustic. kingdom solely aspect, pow- palace. 21 between 868 and 870; 18 between 870 and Chicago A Alton preferred... Mr. Lord of the amend- man attend tbe almost General It removes Corns. Warts, Bunion3 and Callous, er essentially subjective, invisible and mysteri- Michigan, supported palace daily. 16 between §80 and 8 between §90 C. B. Quincy.129 ment. interviews with 880; 890; without leaving a blemish. MANN’S WASHINGTON. ous. This divorces religion from life. It Wallace also bas frequent and 8100; 33 between 8100 and 8150; 8 be- Erie. 36% for in each bottle. a than a life After debate the amendment was adopted. Lord Dufferii:. Erie preferred. 76 Brush applying makes Christianity religion rather tween 8200 and §500. set Mr. Cox of New York, offered an amend- Illinois Central.136 It would shut men up in self, rather than a of ment Three corporations pay tax of upwards Lake Shore.110% S3f jl CUBE IS G UARANTEED.^% them towards the life that is lived for providing for the abolition of the na- Prospective Retirement of Army Gener- larger board of 81,000. Central. 92 others and in others. It is the Pharisee who tional health after the| first of Sept- SENSATIONAL. SUICIDE. Michigan Price ‘15 centx. For sale by all Draggistn. REACTIONARY HEALTH-LIFT erals. ember next. The largest tax payer is the Portland Bolling New Jersey Central. 77% cares more for than he does for hu- Northwestern..132 Trv It and you will be convinced like thousands General Irvin religion Kasson Mills, which is assessed 81,218. Washington, July 8.—Major es- Mr. of Iowa, (who left the chair for now to its value. manity. The Christian spirit is in its very Northwestern preferred.147% wboliave used it and testify MoDowe)), commanding the military division that offered an amendment Six hundred and forty persons pay a poll tax A «h for (Torn and W art sence unselfish and It is a new life purpose) appropri- New York Central.132 Va Wcbloitcrbeck’M fiom Professional Men. t.Ho will be on the outgoing. Shoots Himself on the Church 70 persons a tax and tax on per- prominent of Pacific, placed retired list for the repair of the court house Steps. only; pay poll Island ... Solvent and lobe no other. put into the soul, and a new soul into the life. ating 845,000 Rock 129V* in October. It is generally understood that at DesMoines. Adopted. sonal estate; 25 persons pay a tax on personal Milwaukee A St. Paul..114 nor 2 3 end** Caroline JB.Win«* It works in every sphere of human activity. Boston, July 8.—A Herald dispatch from Major General Schofield will succeed Gen. Mr. of offered an estate only. St. Paul preferred.128% D. C. Not centered in the of self in Bayne Pennsylvania, Providence that a middle man seat- Washington, McDowell. Gen. W. T. Sherman thought saving says aged Union Pacific stock.. 112% will be re- aA.tu.useU Methodist church at DYED FOR .$1 \VUix three months’ use of the Lifter. some future heaven, it acts in the present, tjjg aBftepiteg.nt approjiriatjafl tfie"protlsi«, states in reference to the ward courses riches are heaped up, hut poverty of Secretary Folger of certain employes dated July 8th. as with the ex- 11% New York. and It rol Is on in waves, but payment temporarily York, tels are not doing quite well, Northern B^lle. Doyle bond plates that they are counterf eits of deepens spreads. the War 3% YOUR a a of the seas. The department. is ahead of Ophir. I am satisfied with machine aim its ef- of and of the there is crest and trough of of the Glen House, {which OlO| fully your the six per cent, bonds 1881, only The announced the appointment ception Savage ... combs in and grace; at the speaker of or Cleansed fects. $1000 denomination of that issue. All genuine top shining beauty Messrs. Beach, Ketchem, Cartin, of its business of last year. The facilities Sierra Nevada. H% on the awful shadow of death .Burrows, TH STRIKES. Dyed Robert Hamilton, M. D., except have been redeemed bottom rolls also of Ohio. Ellis and the mountains Union Con..„ bonds, $278,000, Michigan, Knott, Townsend travelling by rail to and from 19-32 and Pressed by Tailor** ceased in 1881. and despair. Nor are even its winnings s tored Yellow Jacket...... Saratoga Springs. and cancelled, and interest Kanney, as a select committee on the New- CLOTHES! FreNMD)en, at a trifling and transmitted. Each civilization seems to was never better, as several of the express all Two hundred aud seven of the spurious bonds .i centennial and ex- It is entirely satisfactory to me, and possesses an- ber anniversary. expense, The rise and fall by itself, to be succeeded by trains are time. Among the the merits claimed for it. were taken from Doyle. Secretary says Adjourned. The Hart Printing Strike. making quicker D«st:eftiic Market*. C.O.D. _ _re pressed of seven millions other not of the same. Each breaks against visitors at the summit of Mount Washington Ladies Oliver Wendell Holmes, M. D., that the reported circulation fBy Telegranh.) as means its barrier and falls back into the abysmal The of the three daily papers at son of the late President, of them is not worthy of credence, compositors are Harry Garfield, New York. closed strong at 12 15- Harvard University. the lost and not the an in- July.—Cotton taken at the to record all bonds would ocean. So its history is of MASSACHUSETTS. a meeting this evening voted to demand who went up Saturday, and Harry W. French, and 13 3-lGc for — — FOSTER’S treasury for middling uplands middling AND a concentrated form of exerc ise whio lost lost 1000 ems and the Lt furnishes preclude their acceptance. Reports of officials inherited; lost arts, empires, homes, crease from 30 to 35 cents per of Boston, the author and lecturer. The latter Orleans. nave found and exhilarating human I salutary, agreeable who have that no more lost liberties. Ever the unanswered two evening papers, the Times and Post, and walked from the Crawford House, over the old Flour—The market closed tirm; No 2 at 2 85,q, use, “The Reactionary investigated prove ,,of CITY OYE HOUSE The particular apparatus you The and the renewed with endless iter- 35 to 40 cents 1000 gon morning paper the J. T. Vose of Boston, President 3 66;Superflne Western and State 3 66@4 66; City FOREST a most compact, these spurious bonds exist. allegations cry struggle per bridle path. Gentlemen Lifter,” is ingenious, convenient, Another Murder. Mills extra tor the West Indies at 6 25g6 45; for that the was or that it was re- tation. Courant. of the Boston, Concord & Montreal railroad, and serviceable arrangement. plate genuine, constitu- men fish- South America 6 6036 80; low extras 4 60g5 20; in Preble Street, from or that means of No more can forms of government, Spkingpield, Mass., July 8.—Two The new rate was to-night by the pub- arrived and spent the Sabbath on R. C. M. D., produced genuine work, paid Saturday, Winter Wheats 6 1036 76; fancy do 7 00g7 76; Moffat, tions and institutions, redeem the world. in a river at Williamstown, Mass., Friday of the under and at a H. of the Detroit so doing were furnished from within the Treas- ing lishers Courant protest; th mountain. W. Brearly Winter Wheat at 7 0058 85. MAUVE. Brooklyn. men free. The the of the patents POBTbAMD, are unfounded. Liberty even does not make night, discovered partially decomposed further conference of the publishers News, with his sixth annual excur- closet! firm; No 2 Red of exorcise im- ury Department, entirely markB of Evening Wheat—market Wintei|on It is the most perfect compendium of law do not secure the right. of a man. There were mamy three to be held to-morrow it will be de- of who arrived sales at 1 for sales 1 23% cleaner I day at 10 cents per pair to ladies suff- Public Contracts. guaranties body papers sion party ninety, Saturday, spot atl 33, 28% July; Kid Gloves every aginable. It is particularly adapted Building more and about the the left sneodtf Equality before the law tends to violence, especially head, cided whether to accede to the demands of the spent Sunday at the Glen House. In the early for August; sales 1 23% for September; 1 23% for ian23 from uterine and kindred weaknesses. The contract for stone work on build- there was a bullet No 2 'ilwau- ering public more inequality in fact. Neither will political hand was mntilated, and of the week the temperature fell to 38°. October; 1 2 %@1 23% seller year; A. M. has been awarded to the compositors. part for the week Lawson Long, D., ings at Toledo, Ohio, in universal the de- hole over the left ear, passing entirely through kee nominally at 1 29@1 30; sales 6,- E. equality suffrage bring Buffalo. Collins Granite Co. of Maine; for bricks, to liverance. The maxims of modern the head. he had been roughly 620.000 bush. politics Apparently and No 2 on at cum- D. and for lime, cemont and sand to J. was Safe Robbed. Corn—closed unsettled lower; spot 1 was astonished at the wonderful potency of Hall; and economies make no recognition of human handled and then shot. The body finally Westbrook Seminary. 88c; 87%88c for July; 87%c August; 88@88%c in and relieving chrome R. Boice. are that the formative as that of John Welch, aged 00, ulative exercise reaching worth. We taught recognized Cairo, 111., July 9.—The largest safe belong September; 88%c for October; sales at 84c seller infirmities of long standing, lt has been a new rev- Call for Bonds. is “tho in North with a wife and three The annual meeting of the trus. principle of the body politic greatest living Adams, to F. M. McGee of New Burnside, was adjourned the year; sales for the week T ,020,000 bosh. me and other medical friends. ing elation to The of the Treasury will on Mon- of the number” and that children. He had been sent to the Massachu- or for No 1 White at 68%c; No 2 Secretary happiness greatest blown open early this morning, and eight tees was held Friday. Routine business, Oats—closed steady; David Wooster, M. D., next issue a call for of 6 per law labor and its rewards is setts Goneral for treatment, but on do at 63%c; No 3 do 61g61%c;No 1 Mixr d 62%; day $16,000,000 the of “competi- Hospital nine thousand dollars in checks, drafts and were transacted. Messrs. H. B. cent, from North Ad- the most part, No 2 do 62c; No 3 do 61c; sales for week 2,010,- San Francisco. cent, bonds continued at 3i per July tion” and the line of progress and development his return, having been carried by stolen. No clue to the perpetrators. will thither currency A. P. Readfield, and OUO bush. to commend the 1st, 1881. Principal and accrued interest the “survival of the fittest.” All this is the ams, apparently attempted to return offered. Virgin, Portland, Morrill, Black Silk I do not hesitate unqualifiedly One thousand dollars reward is Pork—market closed about steady; old mess on fro«n on the he was assaulted Fringes. Reactionary Lifter to all poisons suffering dys- be paid at the Treasury Department law of the brute and the law of force and not from Williamstown, when Jesse P. Davis of Lisbon, were elected trus- 22 sales for in the spot at 21 75; new do 60@23 00; These are all Silk and have never been sold any rheumatic aud to every person of next. 1 nterest will cease on An will be or- peptic or affections, 13th September of love. and killed. inquest probably two of them to fill vacancies caused week 2200 on at less than from 50 to 76 cent*. We shall tees, by spot. gtore of sedentary employments. that day. 2. It is the and life of Christianity dered. Lard—closed steady but at a decline from the close them out for spirit FOREIGN. the death of Oliver Moses of Bath, and Mr.