Rchr Fmina Baron, Beame, Ronton for New \ ork. Arrived IDth, bark Bayard (Nor), Tonne.cn, Now York Railed.Ship Tam O'Shunter. for Now York: bark Cellna; MISCHLUKROrfl. NEW YORK CITY. A rOLICEMAN'8 FATAL SHOT. Schr Sparkling Sea, Chase, Bnstou for New York. (before reported arrived L"o brig Proteus srhr* Taunliauser, Nellie P Sftwyor, tkwrgfl 8chr Wm Cleveland New for New York. Sept K A and the No. AtcurdAK.v». uat'L IJVo. |.Vo. AunnL McCobb, South .arrow, Oct ateamer Ohio Washington. Gertie Morrow, George Emily, 7834 an Schr L I* Boston for New V ork. 14.Arrived, (Qar), fleet of windbourui counters. 10517.. .:**> MiHfiS, t:j4 w>0.. ... :«>o Yesterday, in the King* County Court of Oyer and Wentworth, Gould, for Halifax schrs 7658 Komi I»i7<«» .aoo 2:1*70 fUanton will lector# oa "Rich Schr Memento, White, Boston for New York. Meyer Baltimore lire men (and proceeded). 14th.Arrived, strainer Falmouth, Colby, 7798 an 33127,. Mr*. Elizabeth Cody Terminer, the Schr Haskell. tor New York. Etta A David Torre v, do; EA 16748.. .aon L'ltHMU auu 33308.. .«I0 Judge Tappen presiding, police patrol¬ Jane, Newport Wtkttia. Ort 11.Arrived, bark KratatnUitten (Nor), Jen- SirnpNon. Georgetown, IX'; 7771 500 "1744.. .m 23804. 33216.. and Poor" before the Liberal Club to-night. men, Redmond Indicted for the murder of Robert Schr Harper. Connor. Portland for New York. Hayes. Philadelphia; Win Arthur, Boston via Cape Ann, 7hii:j...... at a Joyce, Schr Boas. Cook. KllsWurth tor New York. aen. New York. whore she was ashore. . .ftuo 33200.. areulenially fell from . , 7848. ....900 John five .auo . Hall, aged years, Uiltnore, wan placed on trial. On the afternoon of Schr Henrietta. New Uaveu for New York. Arrived IHh. bark Emma A Carl (Ger), New York. PORTSMOUTH, Oct 13.Arrived, schr F St Clair Ed¬ Mm 23036. ...800 118810 ....MX) hie arm. He waa Sep¬ Schr J North for New York. Harder, I 7957 HUMS.. ..**) 23075 ....300 33.3.V7.. ..,..'100 lust night and dislocated If VoumanH, Bead, port wards, relan. Ml M " wagon itreet tember 8. officer Joyce, while on duty on Klatbush SoUr for New York. Nailed 11th, bark Meteola (Kua), Wlkiunfor. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. 7! nil I7UIH 2:1085 ....300 334m.. :uni tat« a to bis No. b'J4 Huilaon Seaport. Johnson. Southport Railed.Schr John K Daly, Long, New York. . ^ Njaii atji reautsnce. . .300 :s;i5i4.. .venue, Brooklyn, was informed that three colored Schr Klialia T Smith, Baker, Newport for New York. Hi.vo.rnax, Oct lt>.Arrived, bark Albo« Uuaaell, Nicbola, PHOtlhKNf'K, Oct 111.Arrived, schrs Nancy M Rose, 8DMI...... Mil 17143...... ,5O0 A ladiea' fair ia now in at the Sixty ninth Schr New York. John¬ 24lo|. ... .300 attioa progress men w ere in a drunken and manner on George Gorney, Gurnev. Puwtucket for Cli. Smith. Philadelphia; Sarah Wmister. Sherman. Port 8) .Mil .SOU ,3t*> acting Sydney, *79...... Graud and Ludlow street*. disorderly Schr Free Wind. Bowman, Providence for New Yor*. son: iittogeue Diverty, Gandy, do for Pawtucket; John E 34118, .500 corner of that avenue, ami to the scene with barka Arcturua 8228....300 ,8 .'U1720 . regiment armory, hastening another Schr Dart, Williams, Stamford for New York. Taint., Oct I'd.Sailed, (Br), bent. New Hurst, Cook. Perth Author; Mountain Laurel, iliggius, llo- an ....aou k**8 .:#*> 24210. ... .300 *1 The object of the charitable persona who have atartcd officer, louttd the men fighting each othor on the BOUND EAST. York; Nancy Bryaou (Br), for Uharieaton buken, Jhh M Freeman, Eldridge, New York. ?WHii...... 'M sidewalk. The colored men were taken to the Tenth Below.Schrs 8384 300 24307...... *44 W» 88820...... VJO the fair is 10 raise lands in aid of Su 1 ramus' Hospital for Portland. Pacitlc, Perry, from llohoken; Agnes, 8455 3oo 17325. .MX) 243:ia...... HWI :t:i^77.. Mlation where were Steamer Franconla, Bragg. New York Sailed from .., for United Statea, Tonne, from . l«r the Poor on Kiltb street, 'lho lair was commenced precinct h<>usc, charges for Koeton. Buey Bee, 8469 300 17492. .5(H) 2444H. entered on the "blotter" the sergeant at the Steamer Nereua. Boarae. New York Sailed.Steamers Wrn Kennedy, Foster, Baltimore via 17522. .5(H) 24510. on the 0th mat. and will b« oontinued for eome weeks. by desk, Schr G W Rawley, Bewley, Port Johnson for Providence. Norfolk; Philadelohia; schrs White ....3U)|3aosa . ....aw three to ten P. k. wh" directed that they should be locked up. Gllmore Schr Am for FOREIGN POETS, Vindicator, Rogers, The rooms are open Irom endeavored to Klisa, Wassou, boy Bridgeport. Foam, Miliiken; Anna E Heynolds, Palmer, and Almon approximation prizes. get away, running out into the yard aud Bohr Nellie Hamper, Hlggius, Hoboken for Salem. Bird, Drink water, Baltimore Billow, Morris, Trenton ; Isaac through the gate, which was open. Into iho street. Schr Jennie 0 Rums. Norton, Port Johnson for Taunton. Bombay, Sept 10.In port, bark Milo, Kracht, for llaul- Rherwood, EukIs, Wnt D Schr K Port Johnson fur Providence. 1 Ilaverstraw; Zoe, Dow; CargilL* $100,000. SMI.OOO. 525,000. I 310.000. long island. Officer Joyce followed blm. The officer drew his re- Foster. Foster, tn iii ti. Rich; tiran, Fletcher; BenJ Strong, English; Martha r No. J'rizr JV'i. prise. Wo. Nriw.\Na. l'rito. Schr Gworge K PreseoU, Guptiii, Port Jouiisoa for Bock- BHI nomYATKK, NS, Oct 12.Sailed, scbr J Morton (Br>, * J Clark, Kate Hcranton. volver, and one shot was fired at Gllmore, who tell to land. AlbertVi?*' AT Nortlirup; Palmer; 2U31.,..$MW 28494 #-">ili 10897 iMli 33030 $3>W the sidewalk and aimost The Barbados. Pharo. Binirhivm; Helen Mar, Ward, and K T Ora- 2)132 600 ¦.MM 500 lA-iOO MI) 33633 SW immediately expired. Schr Mow Haven. Collins, New York for Calais. Ckonmtadt, Oct 11.Sailed, bark Peter C Warwick (Br), York; doop North America, Lyons, do. 600 A1 Ice an of an Inch in thickness was found on ball hail penetrated the brain. The prisoner slated at Schr Carrie Bounett, New York for St John, NB. Kliue, Kio Janeiro. PAW!iI.,Vtl-«fiV. Oct il. schr K 2)133 leguiulo $6,000. eighth (Bri, Johnson for UCIvBT, Arrived, A f Oakley, New¬ 2H34 MI) Idem. 30850 $900 the time that the shooting was accidental; that bo Schr He a Nymph. Dow, Port Boston. (' u.lao, Sopt 23.Arrived, ship Electra, Moseley, Valpa¬ man, Itoiidoiit. Ml) 2SHH0 $500 fresh Pond, Queens county, yesterday morning. while and the in his Schr George H Merfclt*. Shropshire. A in for Hartford. raiso. Hannah R B 2)13)1 30357.....30$ tripped running, pistol caught Trunlouboy II W o Brown, Rackett, ilaverstraw; 2)137 Ml) 25891 500 Diphtheria Is prevailing to an alarming extent In co.it, the fatal shot. Coroner Simula, be- Sciir Beading KB No 47, Lynch, for ilarUord. Calhkka, Sept 2.In port ship Hercnle*. Snow, from Liv¬ arford, Snrague, New York. 203H BOO discharging erpool. Just arrived; would load guano at the Inlands for RICHMOND, Oct 12.Arrived, schrs HAL Astoria The mortality averages four a day. Mr. fore whom the Inquest was held, committed Joyce to Win and Cordery, Hig- 2)139 MI) A was Europe. bee; Allen, Jones, Ocean Traveller, Adams, New 2040 Ml) buried two children one two jail to await his trial, bail being refused. Jury SAILED. 0ahuknam, Oct 2.Arrived, brig Water, llich- York. Wtllets In day and days and the examination of witnesses Sparkling Ooo alter buried a thud. empanelled begun, honi, Havana. Hailed.Rchr P Hallock, Hharrett, Now York. Priiei cached. CIrcul:iri> o! information freo. The trial will be continued to-day. Steamers Tlamrnouia (Gar), for Hamburg; W A Scholten Cow Hay, CB, Oct 15.Cleared, aehrJP Merrlam, for SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 7.Arrived, bark Sierra Nevada, FERNANDEZ A CO.. Hankers, C. Burnt and John Cunningham, two tramps, were (Dutch). Rotterdam. City of New York, Havana; City of Salem, Mass. Dow, Onnaianka. 11. Mnrtinei A Dallas. Nassau. NP; Montgomery. Feruaiidlua, Ac; Gen Chatham, NB. Oct 1.Arrived, barks J W Holmes (Br), Cleared.Ship Edith, Manson (not GoflD, Cork. 0»ti) J. Co.), yesterday sentenced by Recorder Parcel, of to S 10 Wall xtroet. roar baaemont, New York. Astoria, Barnes, Savannah; Kllen Terry, Newborn, NC; Isaac Bell, Holmes, Bremen: 2d, L H De Veher (Br). Wright, Bristol. Hailed.Ship Airlio (Br), Haeburn, Liverpool; schr Mon¬ Post office bo* 4,004. Next drawing October 19. 11 xty days in the County JatL The Recorder stated Bichnioiid, Ac; Potuville, Philadelphia; ships Tantallon (H.aik Hav. C11, Oct 1H.Arrived, scbr Dora rt 1'rindal, tana. Anderson. Masatlan. Castle (Br), London; Progress, Southwest Puss: barks Rein¬ Chandler (or Minott), Antwerp via North Sydney. 12th.Cleared, ships North America, Smith, Cork; Ango- .mOYAX HAVANA LOTTERY. that it is his intention hereafter to treat all tramps in SHIPPING NEWS deer, Georgetown, Dem; J 1> Bueuo, Cardenas; Yutnurl, Homo Kong, Sept 2.Sailed, hark (iaxefte (Ger), Uuer, rona (Br), 11 arwood, Liverpool. ^ the same manner. Sugua; Thor (Nor), Morgan Pill; .Maria (Nor). Philadelphia; Manila and San Francisco; 4th, Faith (Br), Lloyd, New SAVANNAH, Oct 11.Arrived, bark Lidia, from Matan- OFFICIAL LIST OF The Frank Marion, Port Johnson; brig Anna Maria (Itai), Rio York. sas. Treasurer's statement of the number of peoplo OCEAN STEAMERS. Janeiro. In port Sept 8, ships Midnight, Hullett, for Now York; 8a- SULLIVAN, Mo, Oct 12.Sailed, schr Ann, Stratton, New DRAWING) OF OCTOBER 4. 1873, and in attendance and tho of the lato Wind at matra. Mull ins, tine. York. carriages receipts midnight. RXK, fresh. Braros. VINEYARD lair of the shows DiTlta OV DKFABTURB FROM MKW TORS FOB Till MOgTSS Barometer at sunset, 3O.20. Havana, Oct HI.Arrived, scbr Victor, from HAVEN, Oct 13-Arrived.Schrs Freddie L CLASS NO. 956. Queens County Agricultural Society OF OCTOBSR Afill NOVKNUKIt. Sailed Kiili, steamers 0 W Lord, Colton, New Orleans; Porter,Georgetown, Fuller, Phila¬ York. for Bristol DC,for Portsmouth;Addle FA Aimartl. No. No. No. that there were over 23,ouo people, nearly 3,000 car¬ Margaret. Baker, do; bark II I) Stover, Pierce, New delphia Me; Kate Walker, HIisabethport for 1$ Awanl. Award. iMriC riages and in If not OaiU. iJmt inrxlittn Office. MARITIME MISCELLANY. Halifax, Oct 0.Arrived, hark Niord (Nor), 8emb, Gul- UocKport, Mas* .1 tunes Wall, do. for Gardiner; Porto Rioo, »*) 8554. an i7537.....3uo 245S2.....a« $6,530 aggregate receipts.nearly, 105., Mil . .Sti 17542 at! alter all current to wav, seeking. 8001. 34584.....»« quite enough, paying expenses, (my l'ouau Oct. 10 Bremen.. 2 Bowling Gruon ( luared inot sailed) 8th, brig Magenta (Br), Lockhart, 198.. . .S11 8619 17547.... .an 24601,... .800 the indebtedness of the incurred last year In the Oct. 16. Liverpool.. 15 Steamer Tigress (Br), ashore at Kntry Island, Gulf of St loo »*j 8G46. an an 24895.. at) society rity nt New York Broadway Lawrence, has broken and become a wreck. She Liverpool, 17580.... IB up total no aoo 8794...... an ao tfeetiou ol a new grand stand, new accommodations lor Britannic Oct. 16 Liverpool Broadway was sold 28 tor Lauuayra, Sopt 9.Arrived, scbr Washington, Berry, Gal¬ 17MI1 800 24696 Oct. 10. Liverpool. 66 Broadway Sept $-10. veston. rue A 288 300 88(1), an 17624...,.30O 24769.... .an korsos and cattle and other necessary improvements t t 321 301) etaCalifornia. Oct. 10, Glasgow... 7 Bowling ureen Siiir Ton ado (Br), Wilson, before rejH>rted wrecked, was Navasma, Oct 11.Sailed, brig J W Spencer, Thomas, W annusa, Bangor, for Milville, N J ; Telegraph, Rockland 811/7. ....Mt 17668.... .900 24790....500 The Presbytery of Nassau have been in session two f ranee Oct. 16. H avre 5*5 from for Glasgow. The crew were taken to Ch arlestou. for New York. »«3.._..at 8933. 300 moo.....an 24792 a» Broadway Quebec Sydney, .at 111 this week at the occasion tho State of Georgia... Get. IN). Glasgow 72 Broadway OB, by schr Isaac Rich. Nohth Sydnry, CB, Oct 14.Sailed, steamers James Hur¬ Sailed.Schrs Daniel Webster, M C Mosely, Damon, Vic¬ 420... >1. an 17710 an 24825.....ail lays Koslyn, being Bothnia Get. 20.!Liverpool 4 Bowling Green ras Montreal W U At¬ A J A 423....an a 133. at) 17723 at) 24884... 1O0O Suip Nkw W adkno (Br), from ... for with a (Br), Crosby, Alpha (Br), Halifax; tory, Mary Bice, Hatlleld (Br), Dexter, Annie Jones, 66 Europe, 402 900 9120 500 17755 at) . 'cgular fall meeting. Tbe Rev. M. B. Thomas, of Islip, Italy Oct. 21 London Broadway load ot guano, has been abandoned off Cane iloru. No other kinson (Br), liarland, Glasgow. Louisa Bliss, Mabel Hall, Abide Corson, Com Kearney, 24878. ,.SX> Kh.pstock Oct. 21 I Iain burg. 01 Broadway further Nkwpastlk, NB, Abstainer (Br), Klvu K iVIlangill, M A Combs, Wm Picker- 47i....aoo 9126. an 17780....at) 24881 an .he retiring Mo-ientor, preached the opening sermon, Get. 23 t»H particulars than that the captain tied arrived at Lis¬ Sept 28.Cleared, brig Zumpa, Kolon, 700 MJO 9146 17888.....300 24938 aO The yueen Liverpool. Broadway bon. The S W *73 was built at McGlffin, Isle of Man. lug. Everglade, Katie Mitchell, Wm I*lint, Arthur Barton, liter which the w.ts constituted a Oct. 23. 7 Green registered tons, Chatham, 717.....at) 9915.. MX) i790H.._.an 2-1978.. ao Presbytery regularly Anchor! GlltftgOW Bowling ^iB. in 1870, from which port she huiled. Pboc.rkso, Oct 4.In port, scbr* Potoai. Curtis, from Dexter Clark. II S Bridges, Mary I) Wilson. Ward J Parks, 718 9y tho election of the Itov. M. Kingsbury, of Corona, Cerinauic Get. 23. Liverpool. 10 Broadway Kingston, J a, Just arrived; Ohas 8 Bayius, Beers, from ay Mars Hill, Kate Fouler, J \V Scott (Br), Lucy Ames, Ameri¬ son 9204 17924 2X1) 24998.aW as and tlie Rev. Prankhu ol City at Chester Oct. 23. Liverpool. 15 Broaoway Hark Wilhui.mink, which recently went ashore at St wall. can Addle Kate Jauies 754 »I 9315. an i8in7 an 25080.....ao Moderator, Noble, Hemp- was sold pin Eagle, Fuller, Walker, Wail, Baltic, 828 at) 9319. I8i4« an as clerk. General were re¬ Main Oct. 23 Bremen... 2 Howling Green Nicholas, at auction at Quebec on tho 12th inst for Port Mijlgravk. Oct IB.Passed soutn, bark Edith (new), Harry I Fred. Telegraph. 2)IU6..._.SW Iteed, temporary reports Oct. 27. Liverpool.. 4 Bowling Green $2,100. for 017 300 U:i58. axi 18152.....an 25109 3O0 ceived Irom trie churches. An lrom tho Abyssinia from Pictou s, WILMINGTON, NO, Oct 12.Arrived, schrs Mary D Ire¬ 044 25 application Prisiu Oct. 28. Hamburg.. 61 Broadway Brio 8a* Juan 20.In bark for Bos Fisher. Daniel Jas 300 1)31*4 .... an 18168.... .900 an ajo pastor and people of the church ol North Oct. 28 Rotterdam 50 (Brt, Mahoney, all loaded and ready to sail ItOSAUlO, Aug port, Archer, Hatch, land, Philadelphia; Britain, Carroll, do; OHi an 9436 ....an 25235.. Oyster Bay P Caland Broadway for New York 'before was wrecked iu a hurricane ton. W II nig. Bate, do. 18188.....an ...ao was received and and the Rev. U. U Swan re Ville tie Pans Oct. 30 Havre... 5f» Broadway reported), H 1018. ..SOU 04tX> 18228 Ml) 25280 300 grantod, about Sept 1, at Tortingura Ri ver, near Port Linion. Vessel Shanghai, Sept 7.In port ships Charter Oak, Smith, 14tli.Arrived, brig Suppicich (Qer), Plagens, Porto an tiros Irom that charge ou account of III health. Celtic. Oct. 30. Liverpool IB Broadway a total no from New York: Fire Hamilton, for Grande. CV sciir* btenhen New Elisa¬ loio..an 9512. ....Mn 18239 25394.. ..800 of Montreal... Oct. 80. Liverpool. 15 Broadwav loss; insurance. Cant Mahoney arrived in New Queen (Br), dj, ldg; llarding. London; 10)15 aoo 9584 18281 800 254