Title Page A “Calvinist” Theory of Matter? Burgersdijk and Descartes on res extensa Giovanni Gellera ORCID IDENTIFIER 0000-0002-8403-3170 Section de philosophie, Université de Lausanne
[email protected] The Version of Record of this manuscript has been published and is available in Intellectual History Review volume 28 (2018), issue 2. Published online 24 Novembre 2017. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/17496977.2017.1374058 Abstract In the Dutch debates on Cartesianism of the 1640s, a minority believed that some Cartesian views were in fact Calvinist ones. The paper argues that, among others, a likely precursor of this position is the Aristotelian Franco Burgersdijk (1590-1635), who held a reductionist view of accidents and of the essential extension of matter on Calvinist grounds. It seems unlikely that Descartes was unaware of these views. The claim is that Descartes had two aims in his Replies to Arnauld: to show the compatibility of res extensa and the Catholic transubstantiation but also to differentiate the res extensa from some views of matter explicitly defended by some Calvinists. The association with Calvinism will be eventually used polemically against Cartesianism, for example in France. The paper finally suggests that, notwithstanding the points of conflict, the affinities between the theologically relevant theories of accidents, matter and extension ultimately facilitated the dissemination of Cartesianism among the Calvinists. Keywords: Descartes, Burgersdijk, res extensa, accident, Calvinist scholasticism, eucharist 2 G. GELLERA A “Calvinist” Theory of Matter? Burgersdijk and Descartes on res extensa Giovanni Gellera University of Lausanne, Switzerland In 1651 Count Louis Henry of Nassau demanded that the Dutch universities issue public statements on Cartesian philosophy.