




S. No. TOPIC PAGE 1. Sources of India History 3 2. Pre-Historic Period 6 3. Indus Valley Civilization 6 4. Vedic Civilization 9 5. Later Vedic Period 12 6. 14 7. Buddhism 15 8. Pre-Mauryan Period 17 9. Mauryan Period 18 10. Pre-Gupta Period 20 11. Gupta Dynasty 21 12. Sangam Age 24 13. Ruling Kingdoms of South 27 14. Bengal – Palas and Senas 30





• PROTO HISTORIC PERIOD (between pre history and history) o Harrapan script o Vedic literature o Mathematics books § Salva Satra – earliest text of geometry § Aryabhatta – describe decimal system and about zero § Bhaskaracharya – wrote Lilavati o Architecture books § Shilpa Sastra – manual of architecture § Visnudharmattara Purana – information about painting & iconometry o Biographical Literature Author Book Banabhatta Harshacharita Vilhan Vikramanakdev charitram Ananda Bhatta Ballal Charita Sandhyakarnandi Rampal charita Jayanak Prithavi Raj Charita Hemchandra Kumarpal Charitra

o Classical Sanskrit Author Book Bhasa Wrote 14 plays Asvaghosh i)Buddha Charitam ii)Sutralankar -philosophy Sudraka Mrichcha Katikam- 1st realistic Sanskrit play Visakhadutta i) Mudrarakshasa –about Kautilya ii) Devi Chandraguptam – about Chandra Gupta Vikramaditya

o Statecraft § Arthashastra • Polity book by Kautilya • Book discovered by Sham Ji Shastri ANCIENT HISTORY NOTES FOR WBCS PRELIMS 2020 BY JITIN YADAV, IAS 3

• It has 15 Adhikarnas • Provide details about administration during Mauryan period o Histography – Kalhan wrote Rajtarangini (history of Kashmir) o Buddhist Literature § Tripitaka • Sutra Pitak – teaching & preaching of Lord Buddha • Vinay Pitak – Monastical rules & regulations • Abhidharma Pitak – Metaphysical & esoteric ideas

2. EPIGRAPHICAL SOURCES (inscriptions) o Earliest written records were found from Harappa but script has not been deciphered. o James Princep deciphered Ashoka Inscription in 1837 o Ashoka inscription were written in Prakrit language & Brahmi script mainly o Mahasthan & Sahgaura inscription describe about great famine o Maski, Gurjara, Odeogolam, Nittur inscription –describe Ashoka’s name o Bhabru inscription – Ashoka called himself Magadh Raj and dedicated himself to Buddha, & Sangha o Girnar inscription – first inscription of Sanskrit language about Saka ruler, Rudradaman 1 o Eran inscription of Bhanugupta provide first evidence of Sati o Allahabad inscription of Samudra Gupta describe his conquest o Udaigiri inscription belong to Chandragupta Vikramaditya period o Bhitari inscription – depicts Skanda victory o Uttermerur inscription – depict local self government of Chola period


Brahmi script • prakrit language • left to right • During Ashoka empire Kharosti script • right to left Bilingual • Greek & Arabic • in Kandhar & Afganisthan Bustrofedon • first left to right then right to left • found in Karnataka


4. NUMISMATICAL SOURCES (coins) o Coins were not used by Harappans o Rigveda mentioned about Niska griha o Later Vedic literature mentioned about Satman & Krishanal o Coinage system evolved in 6th century BC o Earliest coins belong to Magadha & Kosala o Indo Greeks or Bactrian Greek introduced gold coins in india with figure of king & queen and date o Kanishka’s coin depict Buddha’s figure o Kushanas issued purest gold coin in India called as Dhinaras o Saka coin had Lord Krishna’s fugure


Authors Books subjects remark Megasthenes Indica Administration Megasthenes & socio was economic life of ambassador of Mauryan India Selucus Nikator,to court of Chandragupta Maurya Plotemy geography Natural vegetation Pliny Naturalis Trade relation Historia between Rome & India in 1st CAD Anonymous Periplus of Indian ports & Erythrean commercial Sea activities Fa- Hien Fo Kwo Ki Social, religious, Record of (during political event of Buddhist Chandragupta Gupta Empire centuries II) Hiuen Tsang Si-Yu-Ki Socio economic, Buddhist (during religious record of Harsha) condition under western world Harsha (5th-7th CAD)



Stone age Paleolithic or Mesolithic or Neolithic or Old Stone Age Middle Stone New Stone Age Age Period 5,00,000BC - 8000 BC- 6000 6000 BC- 1000 8000BC BC BC Tools used Unpolished Microliths, Polished stone rough stones pointed tools like stone cresconic blades axes etc made of stones Occupation Hunting, food Hunting, fishing, Cultivating rice, gathering food gathering, domesticating domesticating Cattle, weaving, cattle Pottery Shelter Cave Rock Temporary hut Mud house Important Soan Chottanagpur, J&K, Karnataka, sites Valley(Punjab), River Krishna Tamil Nadu, Bhimbetka (near (south) Andhra Pradesh, Bhopal) Meghalaya etc

Chalcolithic Age (1800 BC-1000 BC)- depicted by use of copper & bronze tools. Began after Neolithic age .


o It was excavated by Archaeological Survey of India (founded by Alexander Cunningham in 1861) o It belongs to Bronze Age (Chalcolithic Age) o Was dominated by peasants & merchants o Named after Indus river(5 Tributaries) also called as Sindhu river o Time period – 2500 BC to 1750 BC o Also called as o Harappan Civilisation – because Harappa was the first site to be discovered in IVC o Bronze Age – as bronze (copper + tin) was discovered during this time o Proto historic period – as all the evidence were found in picture form. Historic period is characterized with written evidence.


o Sindhu(Indus) – Saraswati civilization o Agro commercial civilization – as it was dominated by peasants & merchants o Geographical extend o India -Manda ,J&K (north) ; Alamgirpur, UP (Eastern); Daimabad (south) o Pakistan – Sutkagendar (western) o Covered indian states – J&K, Punjab, western UP, Rajasthan, Gujrat, South Maharshtra o John Marshall – gave the name ‘Indus Valley Civilisation’ o Charles Masson(1826)- 1st man to found Harappa bricks o Alexander Cunningham (1875) – 1st one to excavate Harappa ruins o Mohenjodaro (Pakistan) o Largest site of IVC o Prominent features found – great granary, largest public place, great bath o Largest city in India o 1st is Rakhigarhi (Haryana) o 2nd is Dholavira() o Capital city o Harappa , Mohenjodaro o Ports o Lothal, Balakot, Sutkagendar, Kalibangam o Town planning o Rectangle with grid pattern o Used burnt bricks o Covered drainage system o Divided in 2 parts § Upper part- called as Citadel consisting of ruling class § Lower part –for commons o Agriculture o Main crop – wheat, Barley o Rice –only in Gujrat (Lothal, Rangpur) o Cotton – cultivated for the first time in IVC ,called as Sindom by Greeks o Trade o Mesopotamia (Iraq) o Persia (Iran) o Afghanistan o Export o Agricultural goods o Import – Gold, Silver, Copper o It’s a kind of urban civilization – because population >5000, 3/4th population depend on non agricultural income o Currency – non metallic, Barter system ANCIENT HISTORY NOTES FOR WBCS PRELIMS 2020 BY JITIN YADAV, IAS 7

o Religion – no temple, only nature worship o Male deity - Pashupati Mahadev, represented in seals in sitting yogic posture surrounded by Buffalo, elephant, Rhino, Tiger and 2 deer near feet o Female deity – Matri Devi or Shakti o Origin of ‘’ symbol o Occupation – spinning, weaving, boat making, goldsmith, pottery, seal making o Script – Pictography in nature, Baustrophedan pattern (first right to left & then left to right) o Absence of iron implements o Animals known were – oxen, sheep, buffalo etc, humpless bull or Unicorn was most important animal. o Contemporary civilizations – Egypt, Mesopotamia, China civilization o Reason for destruction – flood, ecological disturbances o Important sites o Harappa § Excavated by Daya Ram Sahni in 1921-23 § Situated on bank of Ravi river in Montegory district, Pakistan § 6 granaries § greatest artistic were seals made of steatite o Mohenjodaro (Mound of Dead) § Situated on bank of Indus river, Larkhana, Pakistan § Excavated in 1922 by Rakhal Das Banerjee § Special features - great granary, great bath, assembly bath, Pashupati Mahadev, bronze image of dancing girl, Bearded man, clay figure of mother goddess, stone dancing Natraja o Chanhudaro § Indus river ,Pakistan § Discovered In 1931 by N.G Majumdar, Mackay § City without citadel § Inkpot. Lipstick, lead makers, Terracota model of bullock cart, bronze Toy cart o Lothal § On Bhogava river, Gujarat § Discovered by S.R. Rao in 1957 § Dockyard, rice husk, bead makers, fire altars, terracotta figure of horse, double burial o Kalibanga (means ‘Black bangles) § Ghaggar river, Rajasthan § Discovered by Amalanda Ghosh in 1951


§ Ploughed fiels, 7 fire atltar, decorated bricks, wheel of Toycart o Banawali § On Ghaggar river, Haryana § Discovered by R.S. Bist (1973) § Toy plough, only city with radical street, barley o Dholavira § On Luni river, Kachchh, Gujarat § Discovered by J.P. Joshi in 1967-68 § Had unique water harvesting system § A large well, giant water reservoir, also had stadium § Only site to be divided in 3 parts (others in 2) o Sutkagendar § Dasht river, Baluchistan § Discovered in 1931 by Aurel Stein § Bone of horse found o Daimabad § Bronze image o Rapar § Building made of stone & soil § Dog buried with humans o Surkotada (Gujarat) § Excavated by JP Joshi in 1972 § Situated between rivers Sabarmati & Bhogavo § Evidence of horse, oval grave, pit burial


o Vedic age started with coming of Aryans or Indo Aryans o Originally Aryans lived in Eurasia and then moved to Asia & Europe o Some theories of Aryans orgin put forward by o Germain plain theory - Prof. Penka o Tibet theory - Dayanand Saraswati o Arctic region thoey - Bal Gangadhar Tilak o Central Asia theory - Max Muller o Sapta Sindhu theory - Dr. A.C. Das o Austro Hungary region theory - Prof MacDonnel o Word ‘Arya’ means – Noble o They spoke Sanskrit, an Indo European language o They led a rural, semi nomadic life as compared to Indus Valley People, who were urbanized



1. Rig Vedic Age (1500-1000BC)/ Early Vedic Period

o Rig Veda is earliest literature of Aryans, according to it Aryans first settled in India in Saptsindhu (land of seven seas)

Rigvedic river Modern name Remark Parusni Ravi Ten Kings Battle fought on its bank vitasta Jhelum Alexander & Porus fought on its bank vipasa Beas satudri Sutlej saraswati Ghaghar Kubha Kabul Suvastu Swat Askini Chenab Gomati Gomal

o Aryans succeeded everywhere because they possessed chariots driven by horses o Rig Vedic polity o Monarchial form of government o King was tribal chief known as Rajan . His post was hereditary § He was protector of tribe called Jana § He fought for cows and not for territories § He had limited powers and was assisted by Sabha & Samiti § Sabha – council of elders, exercise executive powers § Samiti – general assembly, exercise legislative powers § King received voluntary offerings from people known as ‘Bali’ o Important officials during Rig vedic age o Purohit- priest o Senami – provincial governor o Kshattri- chamberlain o Sttapati- commander-in-chief o Spasa- spies to watch over unsocial activities o Vajrapati- incharge of pasture lands o Gramani – head of village o Battle of Ten King – o fought between Bharata clan and group of ten kings o won by Bharata o was fought for division of Ravi water ANCIENT HISTORY NOTES FOR WBCS PRELIMS 2020 BY JITIN YADAV, IAS 10

o Rig Vedic Economy o They are semi nomadic people o Subsistence mainly on Agriculture . Staple crop – Yava(barley) o Cattle rearing – important occupation . o No private ownership of land, no evidence of trade o They knew metal work. Only metal known –copper/bronze o Painted Greyware found at Bhagwanpur (Haryana) o Rig Vedic society o Patriarchal joint family system. Kulapati – head of family o Status of women was equal to men, they were allowed to take part in Sabha & Samiti o No evidence of widow remarriage and practice of ‘Nigoya’ system(childless widow could cohabit with her brother in law till birth of son) o Polygamy practiced only in noble families o No child marriage o Lack knowledge of reading & writing o Society divided in 3 groups – warriors, priest, people o Term ‘Shudra’ appeared towards end of this period o Rig vedic religion o They worship earth, fire, wind, rain, thunder etc by personifying them in God. o There were no temples or idol worship

Male deity Remark Indra Most important Rain god Called as Purandara(Destroyer of fort ) Agni 2nd most important acted as intermediary between god & man Varun ethically highest lord of ocean & floods

Soma God of plants called as king of gods Yama Lord of death Rudra associated with storm Maruts God of storms Aswin Personified morning &evening star Pushan Lord of jungle path

Female deity Remark Saraswati River deity Usha dawn Aranyani Forest


Aditi Mother of Gods, Goddess of eternity Prithvi Earth goddess o IMPORTANT PRIEST • Vasishtha – conservative • Vishwamitra – liberal, composed Gayatri Mantra


o Based on later vedic texts – Sama veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, Upanisads o This age is also called Painted Greyware phase

POLITY o Vedic assemblies lost significance o Now dominated by chiefs & rich nobles o Some rituals performed by king o ‘Rajsuya – royal consecration/confernment of supereme power to king o vajpeya – drink of strength, chariot race o Aswamedha – horse sacrifice by king o Term ‘Rashtra’ meaning ‘territory’ first appeared in this period o Rudimentary taxation system o Bhagaduga – was collector of taxes o Samgrahitri – was treasurer

ECONOMY o Agriculture became main livelihood source with discovery if iron. main crop – rice, wheat o Iron found ard 1000 BC at Gandhar, Dharwad, Baluchistan, Punjab, UP, Rajasthan o Iron called as Shyama or Krishna Ayas o 4 types of potteries o painted grey ware –most distinctive o red ware – most popular o black & red ware o black slipped ware

SOCIETY o divided in 4 varnas


o Brahmanas (priests), Kshatriyas (rulers), Vaishyas (agriculturists, traders and artisans), and Shudras (servers of the upper three classes). o Term ‘gotra’ first appeared in ‘Atharvaveda’ o family remain basis of society but patriarchy increased o position of women declined, they couln’t attend Sabha & Samiti o 4 asharams or stage of life ,mentioned in ‘Jabala Upanisad’ o brahmachari –student o grihastha- householder o vanaprastha- hermit o sanyasi- ascetic


o Prajapati(creator) & Vishnu(preserver) became important God. Indra and Agni lost their significance

VEDIC LITERATURE o Veda means ‘to know’ o Its called ‘apaurusheya’ meaning ‘not created by human beings’ ie by divine o Also known as ‘Shruti’ meaning ‘to hear’ o These are passed from one generation to other by verbal transmission o 4 vedas are – Rig, Sama, Yajur, Atharva o rig veda o collection of hymes o oldest ,contain 1017 suktas, 1028 hymes, 10 mandals o 9th mandal is decvoted to vedic God, Soma o Sama Veda o Collection of hymes taken from Rig veda o Deals with music & is origin of indian music o Known as ‘book of chants’ o Yajur veda o Collection of rituals for performing different sacrifices o Is origin of Indian rituals o Atharva veda o Collection of spells & magical formula o Is origin of Indian medicine o Upanisads o Literal meaning –‘to sit under the foot of the teacher’ (to learn) o Also called as ‘Vedanta’, meaning end of Vedas o deals with philosophy & metaphysics o They are 108 in number o Earliest upanisads were ‘Brihadaranyaka’ and ‘Chanddogya’ o Upanisads were compiled in 800-500 BC


Origin of indian music Sama veda Mention word ‘sudra’ Rig veda (10th mandal) Gayatri mantra Rig veda Mention word ‘gotra’ Atharva veda Soma ,intoxicating drinks Rig veda (9th mandal


o Vardhaman Mahavir (540-468 BC) - founder of Jainism o Born in Kundalagrama, Vaishali (Bihar) o Father – Siddharta ,mother – Trishala o Wife – Yasoda, Daughter- Priyadarshani o Left home, lived in forest for 12yrs o Also called as Jina, Jitendra (one who conquer his soul), Nirgantha(free from all bonds) o Attained kaivalya(enlightenment) in age of 42 yrs o way to Kaivalya/tri ratna of Jainism § right belief § right knowledge § right conduct o died at age of 72yrs in Pavapuri, Rajagriha

o 23 preceded Mahavir . total 24 tirthankars o 1st – Rishabha o 24th – Mahavir

o Followed by – Nanda, Chandragupta maurya

o Word ‘’ originated from ‘jina’ ,meaning conquerer

o Literature – in Prakrit language

o 5 principles – non killing, non stealing, non lying, non possession, brahmacharya (this was added by Mahavir)

o 2 types o digambar – naked o shvetambaras – white

o Jain Councils o 1st Jain council – in 300 BC in Patliputra under Sthulabhadra o 2nd Jain council – at Vallabhi under Devardhi in 521 AD



o Gautam Buddha(563-483BC) – founder o Called as ‘light of Asia’ by Edwin Arnold o Beloned to Sakya clan of kshtriya o Born in Lumbini, Kapilavasthu(Nepal) o Father – Suddhodana, king of Kapilavastu o Mother – Mahamaya (died in 7 days after giving birth to Buddha) o Wife –Yashodara, Son –Rahul o His 1st teacher – Alara Kalana o Original name – Siddhartha o Four signs changed his mind – death, old age, sadness, suffering o He left home at age of 29yrs for search of truth o Attained enlighnment(35yrs of age) under Peepal tree in Bodh Gaya, Niranjana river, Bihar o 1st sermon - Taught at deer park ,Sarnath ,near Varanasi. This incident is called as Dharmachakra Pravarthan (Turning of Wheel of Law) § delivered 4 noble truth – • life is full of misery, • desire is cause of cause of misery • killing desire would kill sorrow • desire can be killed by following 8 path – right faith, right belief, right thought, right speech, right action, right living, right meditation, right collection § died at age of 80yrs in Kushinagar, UP

o Buddhist councils o 1st § 483BC, Rajgriha(place), Ajatashastru(king). § President - Mahakasappa § Result – teaching of Buddha divided in Sutta Pitaka and Vinaya Pitaka o 2nd § 383BC ,Vaishali, Kalasoka § president – Savhakami § held to settle dispute of Vinaya Pitaka § result – blur division in Hinayana & Mahayana Buddhism o 3rd § 250 BC, , Ashoka § president – Moggaliputta Tissa § result • Abhidhamma Pitaka was established • decision taken to send missionaries to spread Buddhism ANCIENT HISTORY NOTES FOR WBCS PRELIMS 2020 BY JITIN YADAV, IAS 15

o 4th o 78th AD , KASHMIR, Kanishka o president – Vasumitra and Ashwaghosha o clear division of Buddhism in Mahayana & hinayana

o Pali language o Buddhist literature o Sutta Pitaka – contain teachings attributed to Buddha o Vinaya pitaka – contain rules of discipline in Buddhist monasteries o Abhidhamma pitaka – contain philosophical principles of Buddhist religion o Followed by – Maurya o Buddhism divided into o Hinayan Buddhism § Believed in original teaching of Buddha § Didn’t believe in idol worship § Favour pali language § They sought Salvation through self discipline & meditation § Known as ‘southern Buddhism religion’ – as it prevailed in Sri Lanka, Burma, Thailand o Mahayana Buddhism § Followers believed in heavenliness of Buddha § They sought salvation through grace of Buddha & Bodhisastra § Preferred Sanskrit language § Spread in north india –china, korea, japan o Vajrayana § Believed salvation attained by magical powers called vajra § Popular in eastern indian – Bengal, bihar

SIMILARITIES BETWEEN JAINISM AND BUDDHISM o Both are founded by Kshatriya o Both preach –truth, non violence o Both believe in – karma & rebirth o Both opposed caste system

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN JAINISM AND BUDDHISM o Method of attaining salvation o Jainism believed in soul, Buddhism didn’t

BRIEF FACTS o Upagupta converted Ashoka to Buddhism o Ashvagosha – 1st biographer of Buddha who wrote Buddhacharit (Sanskrit) o Vasubandu – called as second buddha o Ashoka ccepted Buddhism after Battle of Kalinga (261BC) o Pagoda – Buddhist worship centre ANCIENT HISTORY NOTES FOR WBCS PRELIMS 2020 BY JITIN YADAV, IAS 16

o Jataka stories – stories related to birth of Gautam Buddha o Kanishka – Buddhism (2nd was Ashoka) o Ashoka’s son & daughter – Mahendra & Sangamitra


o Magadh empire (6th-4thAD) –Founded by Vrihadratha. Harankya dynasty succeeded him o 3 major Mauryan dynasties – Haryanka, Shishunag and Nanda

1. HARYANKA DYNASTY o Bimbisara (544-412BC) § Established Haryanka dynasty in 544 BC § Was contemporary of lord § Follower of Gautam Buddha § Capital – Rajgriha § Had 1st standing army § Strengthen his kingdom through Matrimonial alliance. Had 3 wives – Kosala devi, Chellana, Khema § He sent physician Jivaka to Ujjain for medical treatment of king Pradyata, king of o Ajatshatru (492-460 BC) § Son of Bimbisara & chellana ,killed his father § Also known as Kunika § 1st Buddhist council in Rajgriha in 483BC § built – Rajgriha fort & Watch fort § defeated Lichhavis § killed by his son Udyain o Udaiyin (460-440BC) § Shifted capital from Rajgriha to Patliputra o Udaiyin -> Anurudha -> Munda ->Nag Dasak

2. SHISHUNAG DYNASTY (412-344 BC) o Nag Dasak minister was Sishunag (founder of Shishunag dynasty) o Sishunag killed Nag Dasak o Shishunag son was Kalasoka (2nt buddhist council) o Last ruler was Nandivardhan

3. NANDA DYNASTY o Sishunag overthrown by Mahapadananda (son of Nandivardhan & sudra women) o 1st non kshatriya king o called as 1st emporer buider, Sarvaksatrantak, Ugrasen ANCIENT HISTORY NOTES FOR WBCS PRELIMS 2020 BY JITIN YADAV, IAS 17

o followed Jainism o Dhananda – o last king of Nandi dynasty, precede mauryan. o was succeeded by mauryan king Chandragupta under guidance of chanakya or kautilya, vishnugupta o was contemporary of alexander

o ALEXANDER o born in 356 BC o father- Philip II (Macedonia, Greece) o mother- Epirus or Olympus o teacher- Aristotle o become king in 336 BC o after conquering Syria, Egypt, Persia, he moved towards Kabul and marched to india through Khyber pass in 326BC o defeated Persian king, Darius III, founded Alexandria in Egypt o 326 BC – Alexander defeated Porus (Puroshottam),ruler of Punjab and capture Taxila in Battle of Hydaspeas o Alexander impressed by Porous courage, gave back him his kingdom o Jhelum river o Ambhi – ruler of Taxila invited Alexander to india o He died of malaria in age of only 33yrs in Babylon in 324BC o Was known as ‘Shansha’ (in Persia) and ‘Sikhandar-i-Sani’ o Eudamus – last general of Alexander in india o Ist general was – Selucus Nikator

MAURYAN PERIOD o Chanakya –minister of Dhananda (defeated by Chandragupta maurya) o Capital – Pataliputra o Largest ever empire in indian subcontinent o Himalayas in north, assam in east, iran in west, central india in south o Continued to rule after 60yrs of ending Ashoka’s rule and dissolved in 185 BC o Sources of mauryan history o Literary source – § Kautilya – arthashastra § Megasthene – indica § Visakdutta – mudrakshas- written in gupta period, describe how Chandragupta overthrow Nandas with help of chanakya o Archaeological sorce § Ashoka’s edicts and inscription – discovered by James Princep in 1837 § Junagadh Rock inscription of Rudradaman ANCIENT HISTORY NOTES FOR WBCS PRELIMS 2020 BY JITIN YADAV, IAS 18

o Women occupied high position & freedom in Mauryan society o Mauryan art – o Sarnath pillar – 4 lion standing….. o Stupa, caves o Origin – o Puranas describe them as ‘Shudras’ o Junagadh rock inscription as ‘vaishya’ origin o Belong to ‘Moriya tribe’ . his mother name is ‘Mura’ o Chandragupta maurya (322-298 BC) o Dethrone last Nanda ruler (Dhananada) and occupied Patliptra in 322 BC o Fought against Selucus in 305 BC , Selucus(daughter Hellena) surrended & sent ambassador Megasthese to Chandragupta court o Pushyagupta – Chandragupta’s governor, constructed famous Sudarshan lake o Titles – sandrocottus, androcottus o Converted to Jainism by o He died of slow starvation o First historical Imperial King of india o Brought almost all india under one control except kalinga & extreme south o Bindusara (298-273 BC) o son of Chandragupta o titles – Amitraghata, Simhasena o appointed his son, ashoka as viceroy of Ujjain o Ashoka (273-232 BC) o Title – Devampriya Priyadarshi o 1st king to left his records engraved on stone o inscription written in Kharostri & Brahmi script o fought kalinga war in 261 BC (13TH rock edict), ard 100,000 soldiers & civilians were killed àchanged Ashok’s attitude towards non violence o converted to Buddhism by Upagupta o radhagupta – his prime minister o fight for throne amongst brothers after death of Bindusara ->asoka won over all his 99 brothers and crowned in 269 BC o used to say ‘all men are my children’ o bhabru inscription – ashoka’s conversion to Buddhism o Lion Capital of Ashoka ,erected ard 250 BC is now national emblem of india o Brihadratha o Last maurya king o Killed by his commander in chief Pushyamitra Sunga in 185 BC and formed Sunga dynasty LATER MAURYAN(232-185 BC) ANCIENT HISTORY NOTES FOR WBCS PRELIMS 2020 BY JITIN YADAV, IAS 19

o lasted for 137yrs o Ashoka’s death followed by division of Mauryan empire into western & eastern part

PRE GUPTA PERIOD o Sunga dynasty – o 186-73 BC o by Pushymitra Sunga, ruled for 36yrs, killed his son Agnimitra o capital – vidhisha o Satvahana, Cholas, Cheras, Pandyas of South India were contemporary of Sunga dynasty o Last king was Devabhuti ,killed by his minister Vasudeva Kanva in 73BC o Kanva dynasty – o 73-28BC o founder – Vasudeva Kanva ,ruled for 45yrs o Devabhutti o Satvaham dynasty : o 60BC-225AD, o founder – Simuka. He conquered present day Maharashtra & MP o Simuka was succeeded by brother Kanha. o capita – Srikakulam o Ruled most part of india for 450yrs after decline of mauryan empire o First to issue coins with king’s figure on it o First rulers to donate land to Brahmanas o Nasik & Nanaghat – important inscription o Chedi/cheta dynasty : o Founder – Maha Meghavahana o kalinga o (kharavela) o The Shakas : o 1st Saka king in india – Maues or Moga o Rudrahman - famous Saka ruler o The Parthians – 1st BC -1st AD (Gonda) o Kushanas : 1st AD – 3rd AD (Kanishka)

INDO GREEK o first to invade india o Menander –famous indo greek ruler o First to issue gold coins in india o Demitrius (2nd Alexander)–king of Bactria, invaded india ard 190 BC


THE PARTHIANS (19-45AD) o Known as Pahalavas, Iranian people o Gondophernes- greatest Parthian ruler o St thomas came to India for propogation of critianity during reign of gondophernes

GUPTA DYNASTY (319-540 AD) o Referred as ‘golden age’ of ancient india o Marked by extensive invention in S&T , art, literature, maths, logic, religion etc o Produced great scholars like – kalidasa, Aryabhatta, Vishnu Sharma and Vatsyayana o Founder – Sri Gupta ,title : Maharaja o Arose in 4th CAD in northern india o Srigupta succeeded by son Ghatotkacha o Chandragupta I (319-334 AD) o Son of Gatotkacha o Real founder of Gupta dynasty o Capital – Pataliputra o Title – Maharajdiraj o Strengthen by matrimonial alliance o Wife – Kumaradevi, Lichchhavi(main Magadha power) princess o Gupta era – 319-320AD o Dinars - Gold coin o Samudragupta (335-380AD) o Greatest king of gupta dynasty o Gupta dynasty was enormously enlarged o Allahabad pillar inscription, Prayag Prashasti was composed by Harishena in Sanskrit o Called as ‘Napolean of India’ by V.A. Smith o Great patron of art & music o Believer of Hinduism & worshipped Lord Vishnu o Title – Kaviraj o Chandragupta II (Vikramaditya) o Son of Samudragupta o 380-414AD o According to Devichandragupta – samudragupta was succeeded by ‘Ramgupta’ (only gupta ruler to issue copper coins) and surrender his queen (Dhruvadevi) to Saka invader o Youger brother of king, Chandragupta II killed Saka ruler & married Dhruvadevi o First ruler to issue silver coins o Patliputra continued to be capital of gupta dynasty, Ujjain was made 2nd capital


o Titles – Devagupta, Devaraj, Devarshi, Param Bhagavata o Chinese traveller, Fa-Hein came during reign of Chandragupta II o Kumaragupta o Chandragupta II was succeeded by his son, Kumaragupta I o Threatened from north by Huns & pushyamitras of central india o Worship God Kartikya o He Founded – Nalanda university o Title – mahenderaditya o Gold coins – Dinars o Skandagupta o 455-467AD o last greatest king o defeated by Huns – vikramaditya (Bhitari pillar) o gupta dynasty began to decline

KUSHAN DYNASTY o 50 BC-250 AD o capital –Purushpur o considered to be one of the five branches of the Yuezhi tribe who lived in the Chinese frontier or central Asia. o They moved eastward towards India defeating the Parthians and the Sakas in the 1st century AD. o kanishka (72-102AD) o Famous o Meaning- little finger o Title : Devputra –son of God o Second Ashoka o Capital – Purushpur, o Sanskrit o Person patronized during kaniska § Charak – father of Ayurveda § Susrata – father of surgery § Aswagosh – Buddhacharit § Nagarjuna(Einstein of India) – madhyamik Darshan o Art Gandhara art Mathura art Indo greek Roman greek Stale stone Red sand stone Taxalia Mathura Standing position of buddha Sitting position of buddha

o Kanishka headless statue in Mathura o 1st gold coin found


o bactria greek gold coin o Mahayana Buddhism (statue worship) o Silk route used for trading silk

VARDHAN DYNASTY o 550-647 BC o founder – Pushyabhuti o capital – thaneshwar /kanauj o 5th king – pravakar vardhan (powerful) o title – Maharaj o wife – yashomati o two sons – Rajyavardhan >Harshavardhan ; daughter – Rajyashi o rajyashi married to kanauj king, Grahavarman o devgupta(malwa king) killed Grahavarman and captured Rajyashi o rajyavardhan killed Devgupta (Malwa) o Shashank- Gauda king, killed Rajyavardhan ,as Devgupta was his friend o Harshavardhan (606-647)- § become king of Thaneswar, Kurushetra, Haryana § last hindu King of North India § he conquered Malwa, Sind & Orissa and tried to capture South India but had to face Pallav, Chalukyas and was defeated by Pulikesin ll § title – Siladitya § he defeated Shashank & captured Kanauj (UP) § capital – kanauj § after being influenced by his sister & Hieun Tsang ,he embraced Buddhism § he distributed all his wealth to monks, scholars & public § he was defeated by Pulakeshin II () beside Narmada river § Nalanda university came to limelight under Harsha’s patronage, attracting not only Indians but foreigners also § He patronized art & architecture § He wrote book – Nagananda, Ratnavali, Priyadarshika § Chinese Buddhist, Hieun Tsang visited India during his reign § Si- Yu – Ki : a book on tours, tell about Buddism and India on those days



• Kingdom of south

CHOLAS CHERAS PANDYAS Ancient name – Uraiyur Ancient name – Vanji Ancient name – Madurai

Symbol -tiger Symbol- Bow Symbol – Fish

• Kingdom called Capital- Capital -Madurai Cholamandalam/Coroman Vanji/Vanchi, aslo dal called Kerala • capital – first Uraiyur then Tanjore • Elara king conquered Famous king – Famous king - Srilanka & ruled for 50yrs Senguttuvachera/Re Nedunjeliyan • Karikala king- known as dchera masterof seven notes of music • Rajaraja I – founder of later chola o Known as Gagaikona chola o Built ‘Brideshwar temple) • construction of port • Famous for Pearl Kaveripumpatnam fishing • embankment of Kaveri • mention river Ramayana, • cotton trading is main Mahabharat source of wealth • trade with Roman empire • korkai – main sea port • first mentioned by megasthenes. They describe kingdom as ‘Pearl’ as it was ruled by women


• SANGAM LITERATURE o Sangam – means assembly o Assembly of literature held at Madurai (Capital) o Common form o government was ‘hereditary monarchy’ o Small village aseemblies were called as ‘Arai’ o Tamil – language of Sangam literature o Reference of Sangam age found in inscription of Ashoka, Kharavela of Kalinga, Indica of Megasthenes o Written in form of poetry o People of Sangam age worship ‘Murugan’ o ‘Bharatam’ – tamil version of Mahabharata ,sung by Perundevanar o Manimekalai – one of the five great epics of tamil literature (tamil odyssey). Give reference about Buddhism o 3 Epics of sangam age – Silappadigaram, Manimegalai, Jeevakachitamani o Greatest tamil literature of sangam age – Tholkappium by Tholkappiyar § Earliest surviving Tamil literacy work § Book on Tamil grammar o Tirukkural – tamil bible, written by Thiruvalluvar

RASHTRAKUTAS (753-975AD) • Most important kingdom of Deccan • Descendents of Satyaki. There are controversies over their origin • Mothertongue –Kannada • Dantidurga/Dantivarman(735-756AD) o Founder of Rashtrakutas dynasty o Captured Maharashtra by defeating Chalukya king Kirtivarma, Gujarat & most of the districts of central & northern MP o Extended territory around Nasik in northern Deccan with Malkhed as capital • Krishna I (756-774 AD) o Succeeded Dantidurga o Conquered territories which were still under Chalukyas o Also occupied konkan o Defeated Vishnuvardhana of Vengi and Ganga king of Mysore o Was great patron of art & architecture o Built Kailash temple at Ellora • Govinda II (774-780) o Son of Krishna I succeeded • Dhruva (780-793) o Defeated Gurjara-Pratihara King Vatsyaraja, the Pallavas of Kanch and the Pala King Dharmapala of Bengal. • Govinda III (793-814) ANCIENT HISTORY NOTES FOR WBCS PRELIMS 2020 BY JITIN YADAV, IAS 25

o Dhruva son, Govinda lll succeeded the throne o defeated the great Gurjara King Nagabhatta II. o His kingdom spread up to the Vindhyas and Malava in the north and the river Tungabhadra to the south. • Amogharvarsha I (814-878 AD) o Greatest king of Rashtrakuta dynasty ,succeeded his father in age of 14yrs o Great patron of education & literature o Converted into Jainism by Jinasena o Set up new capital at Manyakheta & Broach become best port • Krishna II (878-914AD) • Indra III (914- 929AD) o Was a powerful king o Defeated by Mahipala • Krishna III(939-967) o Last powerful & efficient king of Rashtrakutas o Conquered Tanjore and Kanchi o Defeated tamil kings of Chola Kingdom • Karka (972-973) o defeated and deposed by Taila or Tailapa, the Chalukya king of Kalyani.

CONTRIBUTION o Literature o patronized the Sanskrit literature. o Kavirajamarga composed by Amogavarsha’s was the first poetic work in the Kannada language. o Jinasena, teacher of Amaghavarsha, composed Parsvabhudaya, a biography of Parsva in verses. o The most remarkable temple Kailasanatha temple at Ellora was built by Krishna. o World’s largest temple out of single block of rock o Sculpture of Goddess Durga is shown as slaying Buffalo demon o Elephanta o Island near Bombay


o Trimurthi is the most magnificent figure of this temple. sculpture is six metres high and represent the three aspects of Shiva as Creator, Preserver and Destroyer.


o VAKATAKAS DYNASTY (250-500AD) o Established power in Deccan after decline of Satvahans o extended from the southern extremities of Malwa and Gujarat in the north to the Tungabhadra River in the south; and from the Arabian Sea in the west to the edges of Chhattisgarh in the east. o They are Brahmanas o Founder – Vindhyasakti; his son - Pravarasena I o Pravarasena I § titles include Samrat, Dharmamaharaja and Haritiputra. § conducted wars with the Nagas. § his grandson (son of Gautamiputra) Rudrasena I succeeded him to the throne. o Rudrasena I (330-355AD) § Succeeded by his son Prithvisena 1 (355-380AD) o Rudrasena ll (380-385AD) § Son of Prithvishena I § Married Prabhavatiupta, daughter of Chandragupta II § Guptas of the north controlled the Vakatakas through Prabhavatigupta who was the regent on behalf of her sons. o Pravarasena ll (400-440 AD) § Was named Damodarasena § Second son of Rudrasena II § Founded city Pravarapura o Sarvasena (330-355AD) § Son of Pravarsena I (not II) o Harishena (475-500AD) § Fifth generation descendent of Sarvasena § Many Bhuddist caves at Ajanta were executed under his reign. Ajanta is UNESCO world heritage site since 1983 § later caves at Ajanta show the high perfection and sophistication in art achieved under the Vakataka kings particularly Harishena.

o CHALUKYAS o Grow powerful in Deccan towards middle of 6th C o Were probably kshtriyas from Ayodha o branches – § Vatapi (Badami), ANCIENT HISTORY NOTES FOR WBCS PRELIMS 2020 BY JITIN YADAV, IAS 27

• capital at Badami (Vatapi) in Karnataka. They ruled from mid-6th They declined after the death of their greatest king, Pulakesin II in 642 AD. § Eastern chalaukya – emerged after death of Pulakesin ll in eastern Deccan with capital at Vengi. Ruled till 11th C

§ Western (Kalyani) - descendents of Badami Chalukyas, emerged in late 10th C. Ruled from Kalyani

o Jayasimha – first ruler of Chalukya o Pulakesin I (543AD- 566AD) § Founded the empire, capital – Vatapi § Performed Ashwamedha o Kirtivarman I (566-597AD) § Son of Pulakesin I § Conquered konkan & northern Kerala o Mangalesha (597-609AD) § Brother of Kirtivarman I § Conquered Kadambas & Ganga § Was killed by his nephew & son of Kirtivarman, Pulakesin II o Pulakesin II (609- 642AD) § Greatest of Chalukya king § Extended rule to most of Deccan § Birth name – Eraya. Information about him is obtained from Aihole inscription in Sanskrit § Was Hindu and tolerant of Buddhism & Jainism § Conquered almost entire south central india § He defeated king Harsha § Defeated Chera, Cholas, Pandyas § He defeated Pallava king, Mahendravarman I but was killed by Mahendravarman’s son and successor Narsimhavarman I § Badami remained under Pallava control for next 13yrs o Vikramaditya (655-680AD) § Son of Pulakesin ll, plundered Kanchi, the capital of Pallavas o Kirtivarman II (746-753AD) § Great great grandson of Vikramaditya I § Last Chalukya king, defeated by Dantidurga (Rashtrakuta king) o Art & architecture § Built cave temples with beautiful mural paintings § Architecture of temple was Vesara style/Deccan style/Karnataka Dravida – combination of Nagara & Dravida § Pattadakkal – UNESCO World Heritage site o Eastern Chalukya § Formed by Pulakesin’s brother, Kubja-vishnu-vardhana


§ Vijayaditya lll is credited with victories over Pallavas, Pandyas, Rashtrakutas o IMPERIAL CHOLAS o Cholas - Most civilized race of South India o Dynasty was Founded by Karaikal o Chola empire was called cholamandalam o Tanjore and some districts of Mysore and Madras o Capital – Kaveripattam o Viyayala – § Real founder, a feudatory of Pallavas § Capital – Tanjore § Built Durga temple at Tanjore § Chola empire reached its zenith during reign of Rajaraja l (985-1014) and his son Rajendra l (1014- 1041) o Rajaraja l (Shaivist) (985-1014AD) § Defeated Cheras, Pandyas, annexed northern Sri Lanka • Destroyed the strongest naval power of Chera kingdom • Conquered Madurai and captured Pandyas § Conquered Maldives and Chalukyas of kalyani (who succeeded rashtrakuta ) § Built famous Rajeshwara/Brihadeshwara temple at Tanjore (Dravida style) in 1044 AD o Rajendra l (1014-1044 AD) § Defeated Southern Srilanka and annexed whole Srilanka § Moved north and captured till Bengal defeating Mahipala I and assumed the title of Gangaikonda chola § § Defeated king of Sumantra in naval campaign § Found new capital – Gangaikondacholapuram at Kaveri and built famous Gangaikonda chola temple o Kulottunga (1070-1122AD) § Last greatest chola emperor § After him Chola empire collapsed and its places was taken Pandya & Hoysala o Art and architecture § Nataraj o Prominent features during Chola’s temples – Gopuram, Vimana, Shikara




o Matsyanyayam situation § rule of strong devouring the weak § Situation of political confusion in Bengal after death of king Shashanka in 637 § Region witness invasion of Yashovarmana of Kanauj, Lalitaditya of Kashmi, Bhaskaravarman of Assam o Main language – Pali, Prakrit o Pala means ‘Protector’ o Kingdom include – Bengal, Bihar o Major cities – Pataliputra, Vikrampura, Ramvati, Mongyr, Tamralipta, Jaggadala o Kings were follower of Bhuddism especialliy Mahayana

RULERS of PALAS o Gopala (750-770AD) o Founded the dynasty & first king of Pala dynasty o Authority over almost whole Bengal o Built monastery at Odantapuri, Bihar o Son of Vapyata, a warrior o First Buddhist king of Bengal o Khalimpur copper plate inscription – Gopala rescue people from Matsyanaya & established Pala dynasty o Dharampala (770-810AD) o Son & successor of Gopala o Founded Vikramshila university at Bhagalpur, Bihar o Built Somapuri Mahavira – largest Bhuddist vihara in Indian subcontinent o Palas become most powerful kingdom in north & east india under his rule o Get involved in Tripartite struggle (Pala, Parthihar, Rastr) o Married to Rannadevi, Rashtrakutas princess o Defeated Indraraja, ruler of Kanauj o Devpala (810-850AD) o Son of Dharampala o Extended kingdom to Assam, Odisha, Kamarupa o Defeated rashtrakuta ruler, Amoghavarsha


o Donated 5 villages ? to Sailendra king to build Vihara(Buddhist monastery) o Sulaiman visited Bengal during his reign and describe Pala empire as ‘Rhumi’ o Most powerful ruler of Pala empire o After Devpala, his nephew, Vigrahapala sat on throne o Narayan Pala (850-908AD) o Son of Vigrahapala o Succeeded by weak rulers – Rajyapala, Gopala ll, Vigrahapala ll o Mahipala l (988-1036AD) o Son of Vigrahapala ll o Recovered northern, eastern Bengal and also took Bihar o Rajendra chola invaded his state & defeated Mahipala l o Rampala (1077-1130AD) o Last strong Pala king o Suppressed ‘Kaivartas’ and captured their cgief o Mentioned in Sandhyakar’s book, Ramcharitra which is biography of Rampala o Famous painters – Dhiman and Bitpal o Madanapala o Last Pala king o After him, Sena dynasty replaced Palas


o Samanta Sen – founder of Sena dynasty o Vijaya Sen – called the real founder of Sena dynasty o Nabawdip – capital of Sena dynasty o Sanskrit – main language o Famous kings – Vijaysena, Ballal Sena, Lakshman Sena o Vijay Sena (1096-1158AD) o Real founder & great king of Sena dynasty o Victories were – Nanyadeva (king of Nepal and Mithila), Gauda, Kamrupa, Kalinga o His records are mentioned in Deopara inscription composed by Umapati Dhar o Founde 2 capitals – Vijaypiria in West Bengal and Vikrampura in East Bengal o Follower of Shiva o Poet Sriharsha composed Vijay Prasasti in his memory o Ballal Sena (1158-1179AD) o Was a great scholar o Wrote – § Dansagar- work on Smirti ANCIENT HISTORY NOTES FOR WBCS PRELIMS 2020 BY JITIN YADAV, IAS 31

§ Adbhutsagar- work on astronomy o Important social movement – KULINISM o Lakshmana Sena (1179-1206AD) o Defeated king of Puri, Allahabad, Varanasi o Bhaktiyar khalji invaded Bengal during his period and captured his capital Lakhanauti (now Noida) o Was the ruler of entire Bengal with Bikrampur as capital city o Followed lord Vishnu and adopted title –Param Bhagavatta
