11 th 12 th History Winmeen Test Sheets

11th History Lesson 4 Questions in English 4] The Guptas

1. In the period from c. 300 to 700 CE which 7. Whose achievements was written in Mehrauli kingdom emerged as a great power and Iron Pillar inscription? achieved the political unification of a large part a) Bindusara of the India? b) Asoka a) Mauryan kingdom c) Samudragupta b) Gupta kingdom d) Chandragupta I c) Mughal kingdom 8. Whose personality and achievements were d) Delhi sultan described in Allahabad Pillar inscription? 2. Which type of government began to take root a) Bindusara during Gupta period? b) Asoka a) Feudalism c) Samudragupta b) Socialism d) Chandragupta I c) Democratic 9. Who composed Samudragupta’s personality d) Anarchism and achievements in 33 lines? 3. Which class living standard reached a peak a) Harisena during Gupta period? b) Harsha a) Upper class c) Kalidasa b) Middle class d) Pulakeshin c) Lower class 10. Chandragupta I, who was the third ruler of d) All the above the Gupta dynasty married to whom? 4. How many types of sources are there for a) Asandhimitra reconstructing the history of the Gupta period? b) Padmavati a) Two c) Kumaradevi b) Four d) Subhadrangi c) Three 11. Arrange the following rulers in chronological d) Five order 5. Which poet wrote Mudrarakshasam a Sanskrit 1) Samudragupta play? 2) Ghatotkacha a) Bhavabhuti 3) Chandragupta I b) Vishakadutta 4) Sri Gupta c) Bharavi a) 2 – 1 – 4 – 3 d) Bindusara b) 2 – 4 – 1 – 3 6. Which Chinese traveller account for literature c) 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 source of Gupta kingdom? d) 4 – 2 – 3 – 1 a) Fa Hien 12. When Chandragupta I appointed his son b) Yijing Samudragupta to succeed him? c) Xuan Zang a) 370 CE d) Zheng He b) 341 CE

Line By Line Questions 1 11 th 12 th History Winmeen Test Sheets c) 335 CE 17. Which Lanka ruler sent presents and d) 327 CE requested permission from Samudragupta to 13. Which of the following statement regarding build a Buddhist monastery at Gaya? Samudragupta is incorrect a) Pandukabhaya 1) Four northern kings were conquered mainly b) Valagamba in the area around Delhi and western Uttar c) Vijayabahu Pradesh. Twelve kings of the western half of the d) Meghavarman Ganges Plain were violently uprooted. 18. Samudragupta perform which animal 2) The kings of the south and the east were sacrifice ritual to proclaim his military forced to pay homage, and from the places conquests? mentioned, it appears that Samudragupta a) Buffalo campaigned down the eastern coast as far as b) Pig Kanchipuram. c) Horse 3) The forest kings (tribal chiefs of Central India d) Deer and the Deccan) were forced to pay tribute. The kings of Assam and Bengal in eastern India and 19. Samudragupta is an ardent follower of which those of small kingdoms in Nepal and the Punjab religious form? also paid tribute by submission a) Shaivism a) Only 1 b) Vaishnavism b) Only 1 and 2 c) Buddhism c) Only 3 d) Jainism d) All 1, 2 and 3 20. Who held the title of maharaja-adhiraja 14. How many Republics in Rajasthan, including (great king over other kings)? the Malavas and Yaudheyas, were forced to a) Chandragupta II accept Gupta’s suzerainty? b) Asoka a) Five c) Samudragupta b) Seven d) Chandragupta I c) Nine 21. Samudragupta coins bear the insignia of him d) Twelve playing which instrument? 15. Who among the following foreign kings a) Ghatam didn’t paid tribute to Samudragupta? b) Vina a) The Daivaputra Shahanushahi c) Table b) The Khmer d) Flute c) The Sakas 22. Who came to power after Samudragupta, d) King of Sri Lanka ruled from 375 to 415 CE? 16. Samudragupta’s Campaign broke the power a) Chandragupta II of the tribal republics in Rajasthan regions that b) Bindusara led to repeated invasions of whom? c) Ashoka a) Huns d) Skandagupta b) Timurid 23. Chandragupta is also known as ______c) Seljuk a) Veer Raja d) Ottoman b) Thig Maharaja c) Vikramaditya

Line By Line Questions 2 11 th 12 th History Winmeen Test Sheets d) Bhoja b) Chandragupta II 24. What was the capital of Chandragupta II? c) Samudragupta a) Magadha d) Asoka b) Pataliputra 30. Who was the great Sanskrit poet in the court c) Mathura of Chandragupta II? d) Varanasi a) Kalidasa 25. Chandragupta II married off his daughter b) Amarasimha Prabhavati to whom? c) Dhanvantari a) Palava prince d) Banabhatta b) Saka prince 31. Which Buddhist scholar from China, visited c) Kadambas prince India during Chandragupta II reign? d) Vakataka prince a) Yijing 26. Which of the following statement regarding b) Xuan Zang Chandragupta II is correct? c) Fa Hien 1) Chandragupta II conquered Deccan and d) Fotudeng Bengal by defeating the Saka rulers who had 32. Chandragupta II was the first Gupta ruler to reigned for about four centuries in the region issue which coins? 2) After establishing himself in eastern and a) Gold coins western India, Chandragupta II defeated b) Silver coins northern rulers like the Huns, Kambojas and c) Copper coins Kiratas. He was a great conqueror and an able d) Bronze coins administrator as well. 33. Who founded the Nalanda University? a) Only 1 a) Chandragupta I b) Only 2 b) Kumara Gupta I c) Both 1 and 2 c) Skanda Gupta d) None d) Chandragupta II 27. The kingdom’s prosperity grew out of its trade links with which Empire outside India 34. Who was the last great king of the Gupta during Chandragupta II? dynasty? a) Roman empire a) Chandragupta I b) Egypt empire b) Kamara Gupta c) Ottoman empire c) Chandragupta II d) Mongol empire d) Skanda Gupta 28. Which of the following is not the other name 35. Which Gupta king was also called of Chandragupta II? Sakraditya? a) Devagupta a) Chandragupta I b) Sakraditya b) Kumara Gupta c) Vikrama c) Skanda Gupta d) Sakari d) Vishnu Gupta 29. Who was given the title “Kaviraja” because 36. The recurrence invasion of whom strained of his love for poetry and music? Kumara Gupta empire’s coffers? a) Chandragupta I a) Huns

Line By Line Questions 3 11 th 12 th History Winmeen Test Sheets b) Ottomans c) Both 1 and 2 c) Romans d) None d) Arabs 42. Which of the following is not the tittle given 37. Who was the last recognised king of the for Harisena, composer of the Allahabad Gupta line? prashasti? a) Chandragupta I a) Kumaramatya b) Kumara Gupta b) Sandhivigrahika c) Skanda Gupta c) Mahadandanayaka d) Vishnu Gupta d) Bhindayanka 38. Which of the following is not the title 43. The Allahabad prashasti refers to an assumed by kings during Gupta age? assembly or council, presumably of ministers, a) Maharajadhiraja which was known as the ______b) parama-bhattaraka a) Mantir c) parameshvara b) Sabha d) bhramaneshwar c) Alaya 39. Which king is compared to Purusha d) Vasa (Supreme Being) in the Allahabad inscription? 44. The high-ranking judicial or military officers a) Chandragupta I were called ______b) Chandragupta II a) Mahadandanayakas c) Samudragupta b) Mahasandhivigrahika d) Kumara Gupta c) Bhramanthiyaga 40. Which term occurs in six Vaishali seals, d) Sandhanayaks which suggests that this title represented a high- 45. Which of the following statement is ranking officer associated with an office of his incorrect? own? 1) The Allahabad prashasti refers to six a) Kumaramatya mahadandanayakas. All these suggest that these b) Bharavata posts were hereditary by nature. c) Paramasila 2) Another person had a designation mahashvapati (commander of the cavalry), d) All the three indicating military functions 41. Which of the following statement is correct? a) Only 1 1) The designation “amatya” occurs on several b) Only 2 Bita seals, and the “kumaramatya” seems to have been pre-eminent among amatyas and c) Both 1 and 2 equivalent in status to princes of royal blood. d) None 2) Kumaramatyas were attached to the king, 46. The minister for peace and war were called crown prince, revenue department or a _____ province. One of the Vaishali seals refers to a a) Mahadandanayakas kumaramatya who seems to have been in b) Mahasandhivigrahika charge of the maintenance of the sacred c) Bhramanthiyaga coronation tank of the Lichchavis d) Sandhanayaks a) Only 1 47. The Gupta Empire was divided into b) Only 2 provinces known as ____

Line By Line Questions 4 11 th 12 th History Winmeen Test Sheets a) Uru c) Nilam b) Bhuktis d) Peta c) Grama 53. At the village level, villagers chose d) Pariksha functionaries such as _____ 48. What was the designation of Governors who a) Bhuktis administrated deshas or bhuktis? b) Daivata a) Uparikas c) Mantrin b) Jawans d) Gramika c) Thilagas 54. Which of the following statement is correct? d) Peernals 1) The Damodarpur copper plate of the reign of 49. Which pillar inscription of Budhagupta, dated Chandragupta I mentions an ashtakula- Gupta year 165 CE, refers to maharaja adhikarana (a board of eight members) headed Surashmichandra as a lokpala? by the mahattara. a) Mehrauli Iron pillar 2) Mahattara has a range of meanings including b) Allahabad pillar village elder, village headman, and head of a family community. c) Eran pillar a) Only 1 d) Ashoka pillar b) Only 2 50. Which of the following statement is correct? c) Both 1 and 2 1) Uparika carried on the administration “with the enjoyment of the rule consisting of horses d) None and soldiers not elephants they are reserved for 55. The Sanchi inscription of whose time of only kings”, indicating his control over the mentions the panchmandali, which may have military machinery as well been a corporate body? 2) The fact that the uparika had the title a) Chandragupta I maharaja in three of the Damodarpur plates b) Chandragupta II indicates his high status and rank in the c) Samudragupta administrative hierarchy. d) Budhagupta a) Only 1 56. Seals and inscriptions of Gupta period b) Only 2 mention military designations such as _____? c) Both 1 and 2 a) Pandalike d) None b) Boonasetha 51. The provinces of the Gupta Empire were c) Baladhikrita divided into districts known as ___ d) Senathari a) Urus 57. The standard term “senapati” does not occur b) Deshas in Gupta inscriptions, but the term could be c) Visayas found in which epigraphs? d) Joras a) Maurya 52. Which among the following is not the name b) Vakataka given for the administrative units below the c) Pallava district level included clusters of settlements? d) Chola a) Vithi 58. The chief of the palace guards were known b) Bhumi as _____

Line By Line Questions 5 11 th 12 th History Winmeen Test Sheets a) Khadyatapakita d) Akshapataladhikrita b) Adhikarana 64. Which among the following is not the crops c) Subalanga cultivated during the Gupta period? d) Mahapratiara a) Rice 59. Which of the following statement is correct? b) Chili 1) A Vaishali seal mentions a person both as a c) Pulses mahapratihara and a taravara. The top layer of d) Sugarcane the administrative structure also included 65. From whom, we come to know that the amatyas and sachivas, who were executive south was famous for pepper and cardamom? officers in charge of various departments. a) Kalidasa 2) Another Vaishali seal mentions the b) Fa Hien adhikarana (office) of the dandapashika, which c) Harisena may have been a superintendent of the royal d) Varman kitchen. 66. Who among the following brought waste a) Only 1 lands under cultivation when they were donated b) Only 2 to them as religious endowments? c) Both 1 and 2 a) Brahmins d) None b) Buddhist 60. The superintendent of the royal kitchen were c) Jain sanghas known as ____ d) All the above a) Khadyatapakita 67. Who was the sole proprietor of the land b) Adhikarana according to The Paharpur copper plate c) Subalanga inscription? d) Mahapratiara a) God 61. The Guptas Military system of espionage b) Brahmins included spies known as ____ c) King a) Adhikarna d) Queen b) Jhankars 68. Who maintained records of all the land c) Dutakas transactions in the district and the village d) Bannors accountant preserved records of land in the 62. Who wrote ‘Nitisara’ that emphasises the village? importance of the royal treasury and mentions a) Khadyatapakita various sources of revenue? b) Adhikarana a) Harisena c) Ustapala b) Dhanvantari d) Mahapratiara c) Bimbisara 69. Match the following List I with List II and d) Kamandaka choose the correct answer 63. Who was the keeper of royal records in List I - List II Gupta period? Land - Characteristic a) Amarasimha i. Kshetra - 1. Waste land b) Khadyatapakita ii. Khila - 2. Habitable land c) Ranabhandagar iii. Aprahata - 3. Cultivable land

Line By Line Questions 6 11 th 12 th History Winmeen Test Sheets iv. Vasti - 4. Jungle or Waste land 74. To prevent inundation, what were v. Gapata Saraha - 5. Pastoral land constructed, which is mentioned by a) 3 – 1 – 4 – 2 – 5 Amarasimha? b) 2 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 3 a) Bardhaya c) 4 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 1 b) Neerharasata d) 5 – 1 – 4 – 3 – 2 c) Gangamethaya 70. The land Grants made to feudatories of d) Jalanirgamah Guptas is known as ____ 75. The most famous lake was the sudarsana a) Agrahara grants lake present in which state? b) Devagrahara grants a) Gujarat c) Secular grants b) Rajasthan d) Pastoral grants c) Himachal Pradesh 71. A land grant in favour of a Brahmin as well d) Uttar Pradesh as gifts to merchants for the repair and worship 76. Which of the following statement is of temples is known as ______incorrect? a) Agrahara grants 1) The peasants were reduced to the position of b) Devagrahara grants serfs due to the caste classification and also due to the granting of various privileges and lands to c) Secular grants others d) Pastoral grants 2) The practice of lease-holding increases the 72. Which among the following land tenure is permanent tenants to tenants at will. The not correctly matched with its nature of holding farmers were required to pay various taxes. a) Nivi dharma – Endowment of land under a a) Only 1 kind of trusteeship was prevalent in south India b) Only 2 and Bengal. c) Both 1 and 2 b) Nivi dharma aksayana – A perpetual endowment. The recipient could make use of d) None income derived from it. 77. Who among the following does not make c) Aprada dharma – Income from land could frequent mention of the existence of mines be enjoyed, but the recipient is not permitted to during Gupta period? gift it to anyone. The recipient has no a) Amarasimha administrative rights either. b) Varahamihira d) Bhumichchidranyaya – Right of ownership c) Charaka acquired by a person making barren land d) Kalidasa cultivable for the first time. This land was free 78. Which among the following rich deposits from any rent liability. metal was mined extensively during Gupta 73. From which we understand that there were period in Rajasthan? two kinds of dykes: the bardhya and the khara? a) Gold a) Kamandakiya Nitisara b) Bronze b) Narada smriti c) Silver c) Dayabhaga d) Copper d) Arthashastra 79. Which among the following metal is not used during Gupta period?

Line By Line Questions 7 11 th 12 th History Winmeen Test Sheets a) Platinum a) Three b) Antimony b) Four c) Tin c) Six d) Bronze d) Two 80. Who were next only to agriculturists in 86. Who was a caravan trader who carried his importance in the society? goods to different places for profitable sale? a) Horseman a) Sresti b) Priest b) Sarthavaha c) Blacksmith c) Payanastra d) Architects d) Soheithava 81. Where the Mehrauli Iron Pillar of King 87. Which is a society or other organisation of Chandra is located? people with common interests or an association a) Mumbai of merchants? b) Delhi a) Artisans c) Patna b) Merchants d) Allahabad c) Guild 82. Which among the following tax is not d) Peasants correctly matched with its nature? 88. Which among the following statement is a) Kara – A periodic tax levied on the villagers incorrect? b) Halivakara – A plough tax paid by every 1) Trade items ranged from products for daily cultivator owning a plough use to valuable and luxury goods. The abundant c) Klipta and Upakilpta – Related to sale and inscriptions and seals mentioning artisans, purchase of Land merchants and guilds are indicative of the thriving crafts and trade d) Bhoga – King’s customary share of the produce normally amounting to one-sixth of the 2) Guilds remained under the control of produce paid by cultivators government. They respected the laws formed by governments in trades. 83. The tax which was voluntary offering by the people to the king, but later became compulsory a) Only 1 is known as ____ b) Only 2 a) Bhaga c) Both 1 and 2 b) Bali d) None c) Udianga 89. Which among the following describe the d) Hiranya organisation and activities of guilds? 84. King’s customary share of the produce a) Narada Smriti normally amounting to one-sixth of the produce b) Manusmriti paid by cultivators, this tax is known as ____ c) Arthashastra a) Bhaga d) Dayabhaga b) Bali 90. Which refers to guilds rendering justice to c) Udianga their members and suggests that these decisions d) Hiranya should, by and large, be approved by the king? 85. How many types of traders were in Gupta a) Narada Smriti period? b) Brihaspati Smriti

Line By Line Questions 8 11 th 12 th History Winmeen Test Sheets c) Arthashastra 1) At Mathura, the people are numerous and d) Dayabhaga happy; they do not have to register their 91. The guilds also acted as what according to household. Everyone has to pay a portion of the Brihaspati Smriti? grain from it. a) Military 2) In the case of repeated rebellion, their right hands are cut off. Throughout the whole b) University country, the people do not kill any living c) Schools creatures or drink any intoxicant d) Banks a) Only 1 92. The lending of money at an exorbitant rate b) Only 2 of interest is known as ____ c) Both 1 and 2 a) Usury d) None b) Bribery 98. In the Pataliputra cities, whose families c) Debt establish houses for dispensing charity and d) Evasion medicines? 93. Who refers to Tamralipti in Bengal as an a) Brahmins important centre of trade on the eastern coast? b) Kshatriyas a) Kalidasa c) Vaisyas b) Amarasimha d) All the above c) Fa Hein 99. According to which roman historian Huns d) Dhanvantari were a barbarian tribe living near Caspian Sea 94. Which among the following is not the port in and contributed to the fall of Roman Empire? western coast of India? a) Cicero a) Calliena b) Suetonius b) Chaul port c) Tacitus c) Arikamedu port d) Tiberius d) Mangarouth 100. Huns organised under whom and were 95. The ports and towns were not connected known for their savagery and bestiality in with which of the following kingdom during Europe? Gupta period? a) Bleda a) Persia b) Attila b) China c) Genghis Khan c) Arabia d) Alaric I d) Egypt 101. Which branch of Huns, moved towards 96. Which coin was issued by Guptas more than India from Central Asia and their invasion began any other coins? about a hundred years after the Kushanas? a) Gold a) White Huns b) Silver b) Spear Huns c) Copper c) Arrow Huns d) Bronze d) Blue Huns 97. Which among the following statement 102. Which among the following cave is not regarding Fa Hien’s account on Mathura is correctly mentioned with its location Incorrect

Line By Line Questions 9 11 th 12 th History Winmeen Test Sheets a) Ajanta cave – Maharashtra 107. In which of the following are stupas are not b) Bagh cave – found build by Guptas? c) Udayagiri cave – Uttar Pradesh a) Samat d) Ellora cave – Maharashtra b) Ratnagiri 103. The second group of temples shows many c) Mirpur Khas of the characteristic features of which style? d) Lahore a) Nagara style 108. Where a copper image of the Buddha b) Dravida style about eighteen feet high is found build in Gupta c) Sultan style period? d) Huns style a) Uttar Pradesh 104. Which of the following statement is b) Madhya Pradesh correct? c) Bihar 1) By evolving the Nagara and the Dravida d) Odisha styles, the Gupta art ushers in a formative and 109. Which of the following statement is creative age in the history of Indian architecture correct? with considerable scope for future development. 1) The art of stone sculptures seems to have 2) The rock-cut caves continue the old forms to been in popular demand in the Gupta period a great extent but possess striking novelty by than the art of painting. bringing about extensive changes in the 2) The mural paintings of Ajanta are not true ornamentation of the facade and in the designs frescoes, for frescoes is painted while the plaster of the pillars in the interior. is still damp and the murals of Ajanta were 3) A good specimen of stone sculpture is the made after it had set. well-known erect vishnu from Sarnath. Of the a) Only 1 puranic images, perhaps the most impressive is b) Only 2 the great Boar (Varaha) at the entrance of a c) Both 1 and 2 cave at Elora. d) None a) Only 1 110. The art of Ajanta and Bagh shows the b) Both 1 and 2 which School of painting at its best? c) Both 1 and 3 a) Barahmasa school of painting d) All 1, 2 and 3 b) Rajagir school of painting 105. Which of the following attributes is not the c) Madhyadesa school of painting structural temples in Gupta period? d) Purna school of painting a) Square temple with a curvilinear tower 111. In which of the following area Gupta b) Circular temple pottery remains are not found? c) Pyramid shaped roof top square temple a) Hastinapur d) Rectangular temple b) Rajgarh 106. The importance of the third group of c) Ahchichhatra temples lies in the innovation of what? d) Gauda a) Shikara 112. Which are religious texts covering a wide b) Sthambha range of subjects such as ethics, politics, culture c) Mandap and art? d) Pilaster a) Smritis

Line By Line Questions 10 11 th 12 th History Winmeen Test Sheets b) Sruti c) Both 2 and 3 c) Aranyaka d) Both 1 and 3 d) Samhita 118. How many major puranas are there? 113. Which was the official language of Guptas? a) Twelve a) Pali b) Eighteen b) Sanskrit c) Ten c) Tulu d) Twenty-four d) Prakrit 119. The earliest Buddhist works were written in 114. Who wrote mahabhashya on the Sanskrit which language? grammar? a) Pali a) Panini b) Sanskrit b) Patanjali c) Tulu c) Charaka d) Prakrit d) Mahavira 120. The first regular Buddhist work on logic 115. Who make the compilation of the was written by whom? Amarakosa, a thesaurus in Sanskrit? a) Asanga a) Amarasimha b) Jaimini b) Panini c) Chandrakirti c) Mahavir d) Vasubandhu d) Pingala 121. Who among the following are the most 116. Who composed a book on grammar named notable writers of Buddhist literature in Gupta Chandravyakaranam? period? a) Dharmakirti a) Ashoka b) Shantideva b) Bindhusena c) Charaka c) Arya Deva d) Chandrogomia d) Dhana Nanda 117. Which of the following statement is 122. The Jaina canonical literature at first took correct? shape in which dialects? 1) The Puranas, as we know them in their a) Pali present form, were composed during this time. b) Sanskrit They are the legends as recorded by the c) Tulu Vaisyas. d) Prakrit 2) They were originally composed by bards 123. Who among the following was the (professional storytellers), but now, having come discipline of Vasubandhu’s? into priestly hands, they were rewritten in a) Sudraka classical Sanskrit. b) Visakhadatta 3) The succession of dynasties was recorded in c) Dignaga the form of prophesies. The Mahabharata and the Ramayana also got their final touches and d) Vimala received their present shape during this period. 124. Who produced a Jaina version of a) Only 1 Ramayana? b) Both 1 and 2 a) Pingala

Line By Line Questions 11 11 th 12 th History Winmeen Test Sheets b) Vimala 130. Which is a large Buddhist monastery in the c) Shaunaka ancient kingdom of Magadha in India? d) Mahavira a) Rohtas 125. Which of the following statement is b) Taxila correct? c) Nalanda 1) Chandragupta I himself had established his d) Kaimur fame as Kaviraja. 131. Which among the following statement is 2) Chandragupta I court was adorned by the incorrect? celebrated navaratnas like Kalidasa, 1) The highly formalised methods of Vedic Amarasimha, Visakadatta and Dhanvantri. learning helped inspire the establishment of a) Only 1 large teaching institutions such as Taxila, b) Only 2 Nalanda and Vikramashila, which are often c) Both 1 and 2 characterised as India’s early universities. d) None 2) Nalanda flourished under the patronage of the Gupta Empire in the fifth and sixth centuries. 126. Which among the following dramas was not Harsha, the emperor of Kanauj destroyed written by Kalidasa’s? Nalanda in battle. a) Sakunthalam a) Only 1 b) Malavikagnimitram b) Only 2 c) Mrichchhakatika c) Both 1 and 2 d) Vikramaurvashiyam d) None 127. Who among the following wrote the 132. The Shailendra Dynasty belong to which Mudraraksasa and Devichandraguptam? country? a) Sudrakas a) China b) Charaka b) Tibet c) Visakhadatta c) Korea d) Bhavabhuti d) Indonesia 128. What was the language spoken by common 133. Under whom Nalanda was ransacked and people in the dramas of Gupta period? destroyed by an army of the Mamluk dynasty of a) Sanskrit the Delhi Sultanate? b) Prakrit a) Qutb al din Aibak c) Pali b) Alauddin Khalji d) Tulu c) Bakhtiyar Khalji 129. which of the following Prakrit form is not d) Malik Kafur correctly matched with its region 134. In which year systematic excavation 1) Suraseni – Pataliputra unearthed 11 monasteries and 6 brick temples 2) Ardh Magadh – Awadh situated on 12 hectares (30 acres) of land? 3) Magadhi – Modern Bihar a) 1863 a) Only 1 b) 1915 b) Only 3 c) 1953 c) Both 2 and 3 d) 1945 d) Both 1 and 2

Line By Line Questions 12 11 th 12 th History Winmeen Test Sheets

135. Which of the following statement is estimation. He was the first astronomer to correct? discover that the earth rotates on its own axis. 1) Nalanda is now a notable tourist destination a) Only 1 and a part of the Buddhist tourism circuit. b) Only 2 Recently, the government of India, in c) Both 1 and 2 cooperation with UNESCO, has revived this d) None university 140. Which among the following is not the book 2) Nalanda is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. written by Varahamihira? The site is located about ninety-five kilometres a) Brihat Samhita southeast of Patna near the town of Bihar Sharif and was a centre of learning from the fifth b) Bhrigu Sanghita century CE to c. 1200 CE c) Panch Siddhantika a) Only 1 d) Brihat Jataka b) Only 2 141. Who is author of important works on c) Both 1 and 2 mathematics and astronomy, namely Brahmasphuta-siddhanta and Khandakhadyaka? d) None a) Mahavira 136. In the Surya Siddanta, who examined the true cause of the solar eclipses? b) Brahmagupta a) Chanakya c) Aryabhata b) Mahavira d) Bhaskara I c) Varahamihira 142. Which was a medical work, which is a manual of recipes, formulation and d) Aryabhata prescriptions? 137. Which among the following was wrote by a) Brihat Samhita Aryabhata? b) Aryabhattiyam a) Brihat Samhita c) Brahmasphutasiddhanta b) Aryabhattiyam d) Navanitakam c) Brahmasphutasiddhanta 143. Who was the author of Hastyayurveda d) Lilavati during Gupta period? 138. Who wrote Brihat Samhita an a) Palakapya encyclopaedia of astronomy, physical geography, botany and natural history? b) Bhaskara II a) Chanakya c) Mahavira b) Mahavira d) Varahamihara c) Varahamihira 144. The royal share of merchandise brought into a town or harbour by merchants is known d) Aryabhata as ______139. Which of the following statement is a) Bhaga correct? b) Hiranya 1) The invention of the theory of zero and the consequent evolution of the decimal system are c) Upakilpa to be credited to the thinkers of this age. d) Sulka 2) In calculation of the size of the earth, 145. The tax for the maintenance of police Aryabhata is very close to the modern stations or a water tax is known as what? a) Kara

Line By Line Questions 13 11 th 12 th History Winmeen Test Sheets b) Udianga d) Buddhagupta c) Upakilpa 151. In sixth century which of the following d) Klipta region was not occupied by Huns? 146. Which among the following tax payable on a) Malwa gold coins, but in practice, it was probably the b) Gujarat king’s share of certain crops paid in kind? c) Pataliputra a) Kara d) Punjab b) Bali 152. As the Hun invasion weakened the Gupta c) Hiranya hold in which among the following region d) Halivakara independent rulers didn’t emerge? 147. Which among the following is the tax for a) Malwa maintenance of rites for the winds and the b) Magadha spirits? c) Uttar Pradesh a) Hiranya d) Saurashtras b) Vata – Bhuta 153. Who was the founder of Gupta dynasty? c) Halivakara a) Chandragupta I d) Sulka b) Sri Gupta 148. Which of the following statement is c) Buddhagupta correct? d) Kumara Gupta 1) The last recognised king of the Gupta line 154. Who was the rulers before the Gupta was Skanda Gupta who reigned from 540 to 550 kingdom emerged as a great power? CE. Internal fighting and dissensions among the a) Nanda Dynasty royal family led to its collapse. b) Pallava Dynasty 2) During the reign of a Gupta king, c) Mahajanapada Budhagupta, the Vakataka ruler of western Deccan, attacked Malwa, Mekala and d) Maurya Dynasty Kosala. 155. Match the following List I with List II and a) Only 1 choose correct answer b) Only 2 List I - List II c) Both 1 and 2 Authors - Books d) None i. Kalidasa - 1. Aryabhattiyam 149. Which Vakataka king conquered Malwa and ii. Varahamihir - 2. Panch Siddhantika Gujarat from the Guptas? iii. Aryabhata - 3. Ashtadhyayi a) iv. Sudraka - 4. Mrichchhakatika b) Pravarasena I v. Panini - 5. Sakunthalam c) Harishena a) 2 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 3 d) Narendrasena b) 4 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 5 150. Who was grandson of Chandragupta II, c) 5 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 3 successful in repulsing the Huns? d) 3 – 4 – 1 – 5 – 2 a) Kumara Gupta b) Skanda Gupta c) Vishnugupta

Line By Line Questions 14 11 th 12 th History Winmeen Test Sheets

Line By Line Questions 15