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Royal ArcMam Udle*1 Ni|lL , CRANFORD LOCALS. Towsihlp Comnltttc Mccusf, OARWOOO NEWS. Tiie - AH the animals went Into the Ark, Robert Newton is a. sadder and - At the township committee meet ing, Gasper Bnhler, proprietor of the Quality BERRY & CO., Quality HO .lid the'people enter the Arcanum wiser man than he wus prior to |iisheld Saturday evening, Enginer Bauer Oakland Uouse returned from Buffalo ..':.. "OPERA HOJJSEftUJCK,: -. 31*0— ^ lust pTpning,-two by two.for it was-trip to Newark on. Saturday .of last. presented' plans for the new sewerlast Saturday.—Mrs. Elmer Creely of 1 ; to be Tiii

Not. long ago, I wenJ to your villa v to ask you, on the part of t If me. kind that will not aght of about or B« Would say be dldn t waat to bear ol *»«^««h. «W»_Wf— . . . . , thot good bo» Bttt^daw." Marnier, an excellent, though super-, i that ever/shadow Is toned by it. as «UUoo* lady,, to take- lunch with her ,_ JU harmonious hue paints all ttasur- "NowJ at laat I've perfect flaiet—tbet» I* r romidtaghqis. fiwth i»JUania , - stillness, every day; as," her infests railing, there wereThlr- And. my window panea so grim? have teen left to ait at the table Not find- That evening as I walked along the 1M whenever 1 woold^cblde Urn, and hl» grown, clear and. bright for sje: ing you, I was obliged to pick up the sandy beach I felt a§ if I were cheat- racktaea ware deplore, . ' And I strain mine, ejea to Dnd the alight- Pirate BUI, .*. ..j — • i-cst' inniiil pr^|if' •* and talked In vain, •• " lj-exermor*,—_ s ____. lenks in The. Outing. . .. Jt* keep . the . small • hot. flprere-tranr By And. 1 uclj hear the. laughter ot tbe to>. T)nt, alas!- aft€r-*-too^CQpio.U8_Jm{)lb- > Be Oiled hli boat ao 'twouVdn't float. ahiaing wiadow-pase. , n~m* —Ilarper'a Eaiar. tarwwl ewt. --^ you—pardon me, the false I Th** Bailors didn't care. _ —became Jovial, and—you' can guess • They thought the sea would better ht Work had been going on all day In Aadlatt aad gravest thJog or u I Thru Bill and salty air. the sugar bush; the sap had been . Doat let TOUT Bust cavort .the-rest from tbe fact that M. Har- Sao loaf a&al The rule reca douin's seconds called upon you thei The bluest joke Is that the (oik - • gathered and -drawn to the - boiling A*I eutltvery short! : Who lived beneath the brine, place, until there remained but a few next day! - • ' ' • ; Made Captain BUI without bis' will Ibea will jrour name on'many 1 One Remarkable Result i On gems and jewels dine. scattering trees to be visited "near the Be. and your tame Increase; I tremble a* the thought of all that I Be filled nil bold so. full of. gold swamp. The boy was softly whistling OawaUs will pasted be tbiiallpi I have brought upon your Innocent i lie couldn't even whine. •.'.-•- -«-"** to himself, when a rabbit with easy, • "Thar hold each noting piece! of the head, but I did not dare to warn you, ~ Avery, la Indianapolis News. Aad folk will aay: "That graceful bounds cvrossed the road but BOW, as your genuine surprise was your la enay, lacking pith; ' How Fishes Breathe. a few jfecea ahead of him-and shopped by Thirteen Superstition. best proof of guiltlessness. Write the side of a birch bush to nibble the Sfce fool, he can't compare aol me and tell me If you forgive me, ori By means of their gills fish breathe With Bereaford J. Smith!". From the French of r. Bcrtfaold. tender «buds. Just then a-startling —New Orleans Tlmes-D it I must ever consider myself tho j he air dissolved in Water. The oxy- Bound came from the swamp. - most wretched of scoundrels. I jen consumed by them is not that Tbe artist had not long to wait for i vhich forms the chemical constituent Why did .the rabbit pause In his dainty meal and sQuat in his very Absorbed in tbe telegram whfcb. bad not accepjjd any invitation the day his reply. When tbe retdni letter if the water, but that contained In tbe JUST FOR came, it said simply: lir which is dissolved in tbe water, tracks until bis form more nearly re- Just been banded to ber, Mme. Mar- previous! sembles a footprint in the snow than You have given me the happiness of risbes transferred to water;' from nier did not hear tbe click "of tbe gate "Bah, it is some crazy joke," he a living mammal? The chattering my life! I have not fought with 11. i vhich the air absorbed by them is. not ma it was opened and abut, nor tbe thought to himself. • red squirrel dropped into the crotch i Hardouin, -nor does Mme. Hardouin | -eplaced, are soon suffocated. -They approach ot her guest, Maxlme Rich- But his surprise redoubled at the of a tree, and ceased to chatter, as the consider that I have Insulted • heri -equlre aerated water to maintain -life,.' ard, the artist • • v sight of the next letter,> which was ominous and almost''supernatural s'lnce, In two weeks, she is to give me md they take it In constantly through "Am 1 the first?" he called, gayly, signed by* an utterly unknown gentle- "Whoo-hoo-hoo-wo-hoo" sounded thro* her own sister as .my wife. I forgive heir mouths and expel it through it "Country etiquette, you know," be.add- man, who wrote to vow undying grati- >the dismal swamp and echoed through" , ed, as bo drew neater. tude for the novelist'B kindness- in you because you have repented. But heir gills/ retaining the air. It fol- 1 the maple grove. ThlB was the hunt- "Watch out," warned the you owe me thla, in reparation; come ows that if tbe water in a lake should Mme. Marnier glanced up with' a recommending the writer.to the fa- Ing call of tbe great horned owl. et, as he palmed the gentlem and be the best-man at my wedding. joe completely ..cut off from contact troubled (rows. ' mous publisher, Lacroli. The actions ot the rabbit and squir- piece.—Princeton Tiger.- "Dear me! I am BO perplexed," she'r- The fifth letter was from a lady re- "Whew!" whistled the artist as heI.wit' h the air lone, enough to exhaust ! :he supply of air, the fish-in the lake rel did not surprise the boy, who had "If your husband -were to said. "I scarcely know What to do. 1minding him of his promise to send put the letter In his pocket. "There's Would die." It would take a severe and always heard that.this owl was a ver- you pray for him?' "Of cour have Just received a .telegram from her his photograph and the sixth said a marriage that has cost me a. good itable Nero among the feathered race. that the writer would Bend itnmediate- deal of worry! - It's astonishing how ! pretty long-continued -freeze, to ac- the same time, I'd pray for the'Cortots, saying that they cannot complish .this, but it might happen, As yet he bad never discovered: the "—Town* and Country. _• ' --the,. *ad23llntto'Be$*.£'Ti^ neflUof the .great-horned OWL;,., Jlfc J»R», It Is half past 11 -now, and the others' .-Phyalci»n^-.I have made-a cibusly agreed to lend. _^ pened, wlta a small body of water. will soon be here. • What can I do?" . Deslandes looked. about him help- slightest intention of doing so!" ' he bad-heard the weird call frequently "But I fall to see the trouble," began lessly.. It was too much.! The let- win have to find the- old ma from the swamp, causing him to be-meat.—Harper's Bazar. ow*, tJUAINT AND CURIOUS.••• lieve the birds were nesting there, and hlm; . . " -.: ..'•- ...1 ,,\., ..'.. •'.. :..could it mean? He ,asked' himself "Boys'," said Mr. Wisdom, coming in be fully determined to make a search knocker—A fool and his i -"Whyilf the Cortpts don't Come, it blindly how in one day he could have The diameter' ofrthe through the yard, as the- rain began.to 'foV:'that: iiest," "'V'":"''""""^";:''" "L"';i""." T

Of the Little Old Man. th« LRtla OM The head cook ia la charge of every I Mrs. C. A. Sweet of St Louis bat 'Woman and-Thttr • pwsas totow stain.- She Urea. «U*-|inrt fceeu-WBtore4-to~1tt« *fter-her ''"INTEHNATIQNAirtESSOW 5©i HOUSEKEEPING. charge*, pays wages, hunts references, ! heart stopped beating and sfci -had - rOff p»L aa^ T «t tt ^lUf *the good be- i-Deen-pronouncea' aeatftytwo-'pttysl- f" '" "™~' I Uttle old nqusa oa a Uttte „ lma_ How "tin WHeeU Co Round" In OM ha\iof of her regiment. The butleY ! clans. A salt, solution was injected 1 a n tUe hu official rank.with.- the coqlc HU ' into her arteries and this started the *>y««i *••«• w««uita|[ ih. %?i^ -. . »U «ow «d a UOto regiment 1s upstairs. **e also hires.^ireirfatlon/ in-some cases: thW T—t, Joint. *ill,» t.U-tytlde» ' ' Town Howe, Without Yacht, •2ttCk sys- r.»l. T., 13—Memory \er>«, If, 11- Pa>s. coauoli, discharges , and com- tern works, but in others it failed. 000 a Year—-Martyrdom," a Georgia . The. head housemaid is in Cotnmentary on the Djiy'A I.eft«oo. htrfl One day the httle old man dug him I. At tho suppi-r table , littl"""=e • ol°"»d tow">«n ttoo. beltl them. The There is atirfupendous development It may amuse you very much to itemed an ingenious form uf tlmo three .great Jewish feasts and was also UI In fashionable housekeeping, the echo know that not one of our"set of house- card. It Is a dial with a rotary tiniii- TA -u in the tora places In the•; " ° JW'woman took a little bid buck- caH'isl the feast <>( "unloiivened bread." ~ 1 of children's :, trim the ; « an<| went out to the little old bam of which has not yet reached som* keepers would think of giving an or-; disk mounted thereon. .By seltins tho iMMause only unleavened bread wad M the 1 to mlIk small towns. The method and the ex- der to any servant but these tUee. - disk by the time of any given place allowiMl. "Hour was come." Ills ap- Z-oiace out square, as it to set In the little old cow. But no W tV take a' long yarn in youi sooner had she begun her milking than pense of running a millionaire's house We do not even know the names ot .the time at all other Important places'' pnuching agony .and dpalli. There g milWihan at the notch of style is not eren wa • paLv » *n<>- . commencin..-.mannliiVg bacVtanlkr •!! thIH«C .""'IlttleP olDildi coCDw IV 'picked nfnlra^'' up•._. he%..r_ littlli»*1e_ the others... If there Is a mistake In ;l u the wor,ld is Immedlatelyshown. It"' * •"? '•""••''rtalnty with Him So 1 grasped, by those, who .are' delighted r 1 0 1: vlt t bnsi<")n are included in "TIp3y, Tipsy, O Tipsy!" > The average town-house, expenses engagements."' '-..:' in hole sUtches to the other side, at ajoss to explain the steady rise of this di>pnrturb, as'.takiug-.pln'ct> In this e In one thread of the" cross; The IHtla old dog came-and walked ranee from. 93.000 to $4,000 a week. "Some day I shall writs "The Mar- the water In the Great Lakes within ' one lmurr.' "His owu." liis disciples, I This does not include the stable or tyrdom ot a Millionaire," said the 1 Which were in tlrp world." W-lio were Ulipa warp each time. Be sure to take around tlie little old woman and knew the last decade. As compared with to -continue longer. In Its troubles and cccl •rise nqt what to dp. By and by she began yacht, and of course the matter of Georgian.—From Alnslee's Magazine. 1395 it' is said the high water mark of liat the original stitches at .each end ditncultlea. "Lovod -tlnMii unto tbn ' the hole: " This U a neat way tosaying, "Go for your master, Tipsy! i house rent is not taken into consider- Lake Superior is 1 inch higher, that cud.'.' ,1. To tile .uttermost liinl^ of Ul,m worn out finger tips In gloves, 3o for.your Blaster, Tipsy!" The lit- i ation at all, as most lavish entertain- MANY USES OF CAMPHOR. of Huron and Michigan 1 1-2 feet love (marslri ot U. V.). 1'. With a loyo aohotr 1 \i thumbs in mittens. tle old dog, who was sitting looking . ere own their own houses. . ' higher, that of Erie 13-4. and that of Tvlthout end. ' ---; ws-Democtit I at her with his little old tongue hang- j The summer house, especially 'If It Valuable at Sedative or Stimulant- Ontario 3 feet higher. '2. "Siipper boing endcil." Itatber. How Cultivated and Procured. = the meal having begun—that is, thejj ' Library Paste. - Ing out of his little old mouth, trotted . be at Newport, takes about as much off down the road to town. Camphor Is used in medicine, both hud alroady reclined. It appears front" Take a- piece of common glue two ! as the yearly cost of keeping up an i London Lancet tells of a recent -He. found tha little old man in a t establishment is from (100,000 to outwardly and inwardly, sometimes as i case in the Devon Exeter hospital Luke's account that as they took their: ,hes square and pulverized alum a? store, where he had justapld his pota- a temporary stimulant and sometimes reclining couches at the tablo, A strife) i la weight as the gjue; soak th« $330,000. according to the elaborate- where a man cured himself of what arose for preceiloncy; and by thin la :oes and was putting his little old pock- ness with which the mistress enter- as a sedative. Everybody has heard.: five -doctors had diagnosed as cancer, klue and dissolve it In waiter, adding etbook in his little old pocket. explained tho washing of tlip apostleV powdered alum. Mix half a tea. Ulns. of the use oT camphor drops for per- by drinking a tea made from violet feet by Jesus—a reproof nnd a, lesson ful of flour in a. little water until "Why, bless me, here's Tipsy!" the One daughter of a well known mil- sons liable to fainting fits. It Is fre- leaves and applying poultices of tho on humility and peace. "Devil having quently employed In gout and rheuma- stir-in the glue and "alum and little old man cried when he saw the lionaire has $75,000 a year allowance same- leaves. An operation was thus now put." Judns formed his plot sir little old' dog. . tism. In small doses it acts as an'avoided. The chances are that these days before this, on. the occasion of rat'to'a boil. When nearly cctol, sth to run her town house for a little less what happened at the house ot Sinio'n. Tipsy" took the Httle old man's1 - than four months, and this does not anodyne and antlspasmodlc, but lai frequently reported cases of cancer 4 two teapponfuls of oil of lavender large doses It la an irritant poison. the leper; sen Matt. 2(5:14. 3. "Jesuiy should make nearly a pint ol edge between hia teeth and pulled at Include her personal expenses, such as I cures are not trua. cancer. * The alcoholic solution and the lin- knowing." This verse IK "sublime.-'. Xn the plck-pi and will keep a long time, it- It. "Tipsy. Tlp3y! is there anything , or her opera box or stable. unclouded perception of ills relation to- wrong at home?" the little old manThis comes' pretty near' the average iments In which it Is the chief in-' Spinal meningitis ia One of tho dis- tlio Father, tlie oornmlaslon He held tleman's 1 apt tightly covered when not In use gredient, are-much used for external jther: A solution of two and one isked him; and when the little old of New York establishments. eases that baffles medical science. It from Him, and His approaching return applications,, for sprains and bruises, is epidemic in various places at this to Him, posso.H.seil His BOUI. By III* to die, i ounces of gum arable in twodog kept on pulling, the little old man The. American woman who assumes chilblains, and even for Incipient time and It ia now known that It Is a incarnation JCSUB rame from Cod; bj; course, bun JIarts of_»-arm '• water; thicken with ran out to the little old hitching rail, this great responsibility must have untied the llttle.old horse, jumped in paralysis. The employment of cam-germ disease, the. microbes entering His death and resurrection He went for ano Lheat flour to a paste; to this add a tremendous executive force. 'She can- phor as. a. medicine In England; says to God. Christ canjn from heaven to jlution of alum and. sugar of lead. his little old. wagon, .and whipped up not be an ordinary woman. She can' at tho hose and penetrating tho brain. Health, is not very old; It'was used In briiiK God to us. He went to heaven nee and a half each. In warm water; the Httle old horse to as fast a trot j not be stupid. If she is unobservlhg It takes a variety of forms and Is very to bring us to (iod.. ^-%'^J*&VeTi??^ y JI;.3esti9'TvaiUies tho dUclpleB' feet' ; 11 1 1 1 e'•finally g oh England, sdlcal hoofcikot tho i^fgeag^81-|^rli^v^a({tIJ'•on^CerednV '(vsr^/iJ^-'--- "^ - '""'-;/''--^''- "'-'^ point, when It is to be cooled. U last century It was called "camphtre." man for. i thick thin it with a little gum so- house he saw no little old woman any- ! responsible to her multi-millionaire who aro Ill-nourished and deficient in 4. "Hlseth from supper." Soon af- i b whereabout, so h» quicklydrove back | husband for much of his reputation All kinds of healing properties were vitality. • ter they had taken their plnces at tha itlon in proportion as, above.,, ,.„„_...... ,.„..„ „ 1 lbdbtbBUdfbi table, Xiiewashliift.iliraild have, takea- his money i - '• • ^~^ ,.. - * to the little o|d barn, and there she doctor's to the drug, of the importa- place before the Btippcr. "Laid aside ._.. .„_ „,.,.. ... lay, still groanjng on the grpund. It would astonish the simple-minded ' It is a very rare event, If not.His gaxments.". His outer , a woman In a little Xown to. Xoregather tion of which from Japan the Dutch : : : sxt.iwo fco!^(i|je ,^t^ 'for.^f>ie''i(f6pp6iii?i;rflS"."t6;"1ht!Sfeii'' c|oatc'vhlcb"^bdld|b^py|('lhip^(liyX|lBriib'l(o, n ick. with suca women v Mrs: Hermann TWO' tif rhino" "kept with leavipg'the .'.which was the or- """'" "cUy''fiean',''anS""ilt"ls best to' scout' \le old. woman in.his arms and carried to be' a powerful antiseptic, to be a t ' dread lem-each time they ar.e used; by do ! her Into the little old house and told Oelrichs. Mrs.' William K. Vanderbllt, J several other kinds In an ordinary VI- dinary of A servant. "Glr.ded Jr., and Mrs. John R. Drexel in the cure for hyppchronlrlasls, and to.be j varlum paired on Feb. 24/ I ..havo Himself." The represents a thday. Cli ,g it thus, frequently they are-kept; her on tho little old. lounge. Then useful in cases, of epilepsy. . readiness, for. service. The towel was had forgotl Jean with very.little work, while II j they sent for the little old doctor, and early .morning hours and watch "the ' since removed them.to a separate ves- to complete the full dress of a servant stupendous amount of fine detail It was. administered mixed, with v sol," where they will'undoubtely spawn illy NeWB. •eglected they are - constantly doing j- he came In his little old buggy with his vinegar,'or rubbed-up-with a'mucilage or slave, A bold contract between tho 't serve •ork work rdtao rtet tafr rdrdlnlndu little old fat gray horse and gave the which these women personally super- j in tho ordinary course. I might men- Master,' who was about to enter Into intend. of gum arable,- or combined with a tion that great care had been taken glory, and the. aspiring disciples; who The ir work, soiling the clean clothes, little old woman a little old pill, so certain quantity of. sweet almonds. nd reiiulro a long scouring when they In such houses twenty-four servants I this year to make'their surroundings \vero too lofty to wash ench others' o secure a that she was soon well again. There cannot be any doubt that cam* feet, and were anxious about their cleaned. . After they are washed are considered enough', although Mrs; as natural as possible,, in which en- mother-in-lai But they all knew that, If It had not plior has many medicinal uses; and 1 stations: in life. 5. "Began to. wash;" .1 scoured each week, place on the deavor I had introduced ai many wild been for the little old dog the little Clarence Mackay employs forty-eight could be lit spared from .the pharma- Wo have n very erroneous Idea of the on to dry thoroughly, and then I plants as were procurable so early, old woman might never have got well, in her Long Island house. copoeia, but there is some consolation meaning of this action if we imaglno Is groaning t ich one into, a little bag made with I while a gentle' grassy slope led grad- so they gave him the best there was The wages ot these people are set. to be found in the (act that It is'pos- that It was performed for n mere ex- 00.000." "IB Idrawstrlngs for the purpose, or, at ! ually down to the water, where both ample of humility, or even ns an Illus- in the house to eat; but they sold that An additional $5 a month Is made to sible to prepare artificial camphor by in't she let t , slip each one Into an empty pa ordinary water weeds. and frogbit tration. It was simply a humble, little old cow to the little old dairyman. New York prices when any one of the mutual action of hydrochlorlde groan hig7"-l : bag to keep clean from dust till grow very freely.—Correspondent la menial service that ought to have beea: who-lived In a Uttle old house back these servants is employed outside of acid gas and oil of turpentine, which done by the disciples, but which they, •fi r are used agala. A rag dipped ID London Field. of a little old hill. And every day the. New York and Newport. Those who produce a white substance possessing refused or iicglected to dp. Then He ije and salt Is excellent foi littles old dog Tipsy would trot down to go to Philadelphia and Boston are a camphorllko odor and which Is solu- arose and performed the menial ser- ng Be bottom of an iron; ot make a visit to his friend the little given a trip once a month to New A UNIVERSE ALL ALIVE. vlco Himself. -No wonder that tho ble in alcohol. ( 1 some salt between layers ot old cow.—Grace . MacGpwan in St. York, with expenses allowed and conscience-smitten disciples were Camphor, condiments and the cor- amazed, nnd that IVter felt that Jesus I paper like that used for lln Nicholas. ticket paid for. They demand this be- Creed of Man Who Give* Hit Life to f cracker boxes, which should be dial which he himself Invented, and to must not wash his foot. ' • cause of the unions and societies to whlch~he gave his own name, ..were 8tudy of Piant Creation. .for the purpose. Natural Enemies. which they belong In Gotham; I asked Mr. Burbank this question: III. A conversation with Peter (v* thethree-chlef-speclflcs^recommonded 8-11). 0. "Then'eometli lie." When ree tranBpoj It was mean; very mean—but every In the kitchen the cook gets IgTS If for the cure of almost every"aliment "Has anything developed In your : All Over the House. thin man has a grudge againsteveryf&t | a woman; it si man, $95 a month, a! It was Peter's turn to bo washed. —If you to which human flesh is heir by the life-work, and in your study of the Lord, arrested yi rtcks for oil stqvea.' They will not all probability, there la likely to be in many respect, diametrically opposed 7. "Knowest not now." You do not n his accoun hhe n causje. troublb e i n fittingtti theth m lotlta dressing no one in particular, "is to When there Is a housekeeper, her a scarcity of camphor. Since the war to the theories of the materialists. I sec that It is a visible expression of he burners. arrange matters so as to give comfort regulation price is 11500 a year, and the Imports of the odorous drug'have am a sincere believer In a higher pow- My whole mission, in which I laid; to- the greatest number at the cost of she must hare a sleeping-room, prl fallen off to a prodigious extent. It er than that of man. All my Investi- nsldo My glory with the Father and hot water and it will not turn black. discomfort to the fewest people pos- vale sitting-room and dining-room Is not only, however, on Japan that we gations have led me away from the took upon Myself tho form of a ser- sible." combined,-and bath. vant. '• -"Shalt know • hereafter." A d Mr. Comnj 'ash with soap and warm water and depend for camphor. idea of a dead, material universe, toss- Inse in clean, cold water. He looked at the fat man, but the In the stables the chauffeur gets Uttle better understanding was gained , lplng to sell Almost all the camphor of com- ed about by various forces, to that of a in the Master's words In verses 13 and Use a few,drops of carbolic acid on latter was absorbed in his paper. |1!5 a month, the head coachman $85, merce is the product of the camphor universe which is absolutely all force, patent fooi the carriage groom $60 and the strap- 14; a still clearer understanding after he damp doth with which you wipe "I can't help thinking." the thin man laurel, or camphor, tree, which Is a life, BOUI, thought, or whatever name tho crucifixion; better still after Pen- iff the mouthpiece of the telephone went on, "that It would be nofjing else per $60. >ject so native not only of Japan, but of China, wo may choose' to call It. Every atom, tccoBt; n full knowledge ot all that ™ lie reason is obvious In this "germ than an aggravation for a man of my The butler and the cook In New Cochin China, and Formosa, and Its molecule, plant, animaL or planet Is Jesus did for His own was to be gained og, but I size to surrender his seat." York assume that their salary is neces- In eternity. -4 and not afte cultivation has been introduced Into only an aggregation of organized unit •Washing* window curtains in winte! He glanced again at the fat man sit- sary for pocket money, and demand, Java and the West Indies, two regions forces held in place by stronger forces, •8. "Shalt never." Not,to nil cter- jlon't XOS-J! »a bo cosily accomplished by rubbing ting next to himrbuUthere-was, norfc_ nUy Shalt Thou Wn8h my feet. "Washk (reference, to | besides, a woll-furnlshed room, threa Moss Blanc Mange-r-Waah half ing in them Is as different from ours .and whose command* obeyed.- M.; asBucktnghanrPalaoeisfroma North dtnary medicinal .virtues fo It, and frer and-bofllnf *t with the addition of r son»^c^r1son»^c^r1ff:fflnf:l ;8uetaot- beef^lnuttOA^ - ^-If,:Iithen.' .-Jlie_Masfcr; lostno dig-, [^ak.-f - :.|;air--an''hoarTrar»rlltaiB: he'd use a blue string? Why. only Sea flshermin's' • home.'' "•"" ? ' • "" "quently' hang' It;' TiSI«fdered,-la;?:WgB- nity,-authority or power by His con- of suing 0 r or horse, (or In case of need a.tallow if'you'"ongtt- 1 water. Then add It to a quart of the other day * red-haired girl with | "It's as dlsUnctly laid out," said around their waists, wrists-and ankles, descending love. He was truly great;' ."—Washlw1' t at the boiling point. Add a freckles came in and asked for a two- I the Newporter. "as a set of army and curiously enough, this use of pow- candle) Into a kind of broth, which in that HQ.stooped to necessary hum-! ! °f stick cinnamon, and.a table-. cent postage stamp .and Oscar per- rules. We are like a lot of sheep. We dered camphor was strongly advocated they take with tho salt of the steppes, ble work when others refused to do IV by Raspail. ' ' „ . • , and. If possible, with ashes, or other "Ye also ought" The servant Is not' himself' ful of flavoring extract Let the suaded her to take two one-centers in- do exactly what the other one does. greater than his. master, and you wilt, The exact. duties of servants have alkaline salts. The latter are obvious- to open »< oc mange simmer until the moss Is stead-the green matched so much do w,ell to imitate Me. If this losiont] Ur beeq'nrmly fixed by them.' The head •' An Obstruction on the Track. ly .used, -though unwittingly, to dissolve nd —-" jly dissolved, stirrinring It repeatedi ' more harmoniously with her Titian has entered your understanding, ceaso, tresses. Oh. he's a treasure, all right, cook prepares all food for the dining- Alice Brown, 37 years old, a heavy- the caselne as much as possible.— i f y ii d l g tugging «tj After sweetening it-with a llttie ill strife for position, and only, surpass lr turn it out'Into' cups or small all right"—Cleveland Plain Dealer. room and has charge of all kitchen weight seamstress, tied up traffic on New Yprk Press. . expected ' accounts. She keeps a personal ex- the Crtsstowni line at Bedford avenue, In service to each other. It went i s- 6et them In Ice or snow to pense book, which I settle once a near South Fourth street, early thta The World's Finest Clock. HM eadlong 1 ; Serve the Wane mange with a The Highest Altitude Ever Reached. sugar and cream. A Henry Savage Landor. the dis- month. The second cook prepares morning, and It required the combined The best timekeeper in the"world 1a~ .. On 'the steamer Prlnz Regent, from said, to be • the electric clock In the tinguished traveler and explorer, tells meals for the servants and makes the efforts of Policeman Smith of the Bed- Zanzlba'r, Mine. Gondel, -wife of at at tho bread. The kitchen maid does the ford avenue station, and lour muscular basehient of the. Berlin Observatory, Hamburg millionaire, recently arrived, into small pieces. Be careful in Harper's Weekly of climbing Mount in Naples. She is only forty-live years it to my lesser work and serves the servants' volunteers to remove the obstruction which was Installed by Professor Foer- »oreak the bones;..But itjKLttieiilre Lumpa. in Nepal, near, the Tibetan ter- from the tracks. Shortly after 1 o'clock stcr In 18G5. It is Inclosed In an air-of age, but in the mother of thlrty.Uireai a quart: ot cold water. Boll it table: --.--:—-•-- ; -• ' ^; children—all bora during' twenty\flve> iad left my« ritory and reaching tho highest alti- Alice placed herself In the centre,of tight glass cylinder, and has frequent- ' "lowly, until It Is reduced to less tude ever reached by man-23,490 feet The head laundress does the per- years of wedlock. Five times flbeTiadT I was »t.' 1 tude ever reachreui-u,.e y, sonal linen of the family.: The second the down-town tracks, anil had,beea ly run for -periods of two to three triplets', and some of her children are °ae half. . Season it with salt above the Bea-level Twelvemen^Stan there but a few minutes when a trolley ip , but ! laundress does rrfonths with an average dally devia- now traveling with her. Her Eldest i J • PePPer. Strain It through ed In the ascent with Mr ^fA°r but car arrtved. She scorned the entreat-- tion of only fifteen one-thousandths of child is a daughter twenty-four years' uickly one c gander and then through a Jelly and she and the assistant laundress les of the motorman and conductor to ./• icago tltr- do the household linen. . The servants' a second. Astronomers are making of age. '"to a mould or bowl. If the move, so the officer was called upon. ,keoriMr.l C AK Sellf laundry Is sent out" efforts to Improve even this, -and to «a Is tender and yoang broil the men experienced considerable suffer- secure Ideal conditions for the .slock Hunter K1U. TViilt* D»*r. T "a" ot the breast Cut it into -One minute," said the Georgian; When arraigned before Magistrate" ins, caused by tho rarefiera d air. ThThe Hlgglnbdtham in the Lee avenue" court by keeping It not' only In an air-tight The white deer is quite as uncommon: he g 1 Put it into a .mould or bowl / tempora "what is the average amount ot linen ns a white blackbird.' One was recent* at all o er b/arlng of soma was temporarily af- In a house like this in a weekT" Alice was In. a penitent mood. She case but In' an underground vault, Jt with the liquid. When fected and their heart action impair- 'where neither change 6T temperature ly killed near Trout Lake, Chlppewa^ posts tb»t. hardened scrape off- the "About live hundred pieces a weelt," couldn't remember what bad happened Couuty, Mich, by George Ki edT An avnlahcho started while the and d& her promise to do better, »ent- nor a barometic pressure shall ever af- Sd did * ,£!*'« on the bofore answered the Newporter. And. ignor- of iJetrplt , j.^_ llen party was high up the mountain and ing: the groan ot dismay troa her •tuoended.—Brooklyn Eagle.: fect It. ' *' *outona passed within o tew f«* of them. ,

&»..*-,- . for Many Tftfngr Ohdorie I at tM Post Office, Cfmnlord, K. J., u VTOTICK )• hereby jtlren that the Commli- *' slon^rj appointed by tbe Union County « Moood-olaw muter, * Circuit Court tamaka AH eathnate and• aaieui - Don't Move the Old Piano ment of the peculiarbeoefiu conferred nipop d the lands and real estate rrontlnx o_r. borderlnborderlnfif upon I'UIOD Arenas from North Avenue to Ellubetb Flitting time Is a fitting time to decide Bailor and Prtp'r which you know ought to Avenue,. Elizabeth Arenue from Union Avenue to Orange Avenue. Orange Avenue from Eliz- „*• about a new Piano, and abeth Avenue to South-Twelfth Street, Walnut Tinui Strictly Cash la dvance. Avenue from South Avenue to the Lehlgh Va - Home Ptano to the ley Railroad In tne 1'awuhlp oT Cranford..hav- Over be. done is to subject, your- ing made and Bled their report In the dlBce of • |UD thBCIerlCofUnlbn County circuit, court af the One- Sell's, "to ""iroiixmii3i..'•*'" worry »7JI Cuurl Uuiuq'lutiwdlT'uf BlltaUclh. Nun «•!• i Conn sey, and the »»ld Court havlnic ui.noluted the HtmdKd- SECOND DAY OF MAY. 10O5, at the hour of 10 o'clock in th.- forenoon - 2nd- W? AdTortUUut rates,furnished upon application. of-ttut dav at the Court.Hi>um> In the City of Get insured and cease Elizabeth," New Jersey, to- bear an application T\The Chronlile mar be found on sale at tbe to confirm aald report; that an arp'lcation for Twenty- that purpose will ue then and there made, and 'Onion Hews Stand and at" the Chronicle Office all parties Interested therein.or havini; objuo- Thoosand tlunn^bereto ma> thentn heard. - tested •operfority and worrying. Dated, April lith. 1806. Fischer WILLIAM T.' WEST, || NEXT Mtfnday morning the trolley WRITE FOR INFORMATION OP POUCIES. EDWARD M. WOOD, Get our Easy Payment Terms. - JAMES O. CLARK. Pianos /few between Cranford and Elizabeth . • . Coinn>U-3!onera. Well move out the old, move In tho new. jiWill be reduced from 8 cents to 5, Hade 1'with transfer if desired' to any point THE Proposals for Coal. and Cotafagut toid Tcms on oppliudhti t> t In the city of Elizabeth. The Newark |}1DS are Invited for eupplvlrut the three Cran- Home Office: O ford aohoob for the winter of 1B05-1WM wltu Sold tt^ J. * C FISCHER ?rate will be correspondingly reduced two hundred and forty(MO) tona. more or lea j. Insurance Co. of America. Newirk, N. J. hlts something. Grading of the that Mr. Halsey is discourteous, or* New Books in'the Craoford Library. and political offices. • TO I ET«Assembly Ha I'grounds at Union-aaa Lincoln ave- The latest achievement of his life was the inattentive in the discharge of his » . discovery of Ool-oura Solvent, d positive j HUC8 is actually under way. Carpenters duties, I trust that you will give due Autobiography o( Andrew D. enre for all diseases of the kidneys and bLrtl- • No. 3 Union Diary from Dixie..... M. B. Chesnot ,v are actually at work on the grand- weight to my. experience, which ena- der. In speaking of this remarkable remedy, From Toklo Through Manohuria • lie said: "Oul-cura Solvent is the crowning Utand and bleachers, and the date of bles me to assert that I believe nei- li.li. Seaman- achievement of my life. It will not dis- r"or Dances, Entertainments. Meetings, Fairs ai J the opening game has been definitely ther charge to be well founded; Inebriety... , *...... C. F. Palmer appoint." I fixed for Saturday, May ft. when Tarn. Tom and Tim's Discussion Your druggist will return your money if He gatherings. Floor space 01x24. Seating capaci 1 have never seen a man who im- R. A. Benedict Col-cura fails to cure, and The, Cul-cum K Manager Lens's team will moat and pressed me as being more loyal to Belinda Stories Eleanor Hoyt • Company, of Rondout, N. Y., will pay the Down to the Sea .....M. Robertson I baatKif they can) the batsmen from his employer's interests' than Mr, druggist. Cal-cura Solvent cures 98% of Dr. GrenbU'i Parish ..... N. Duncan all cases of Kidney, Bladder and liver dis- Dressing rooms and kitchen. Terms moderate. > Atlantic Highlands. The homobat- Halsey, and I think that a thorough House of the BUolc Ring...... F. L. Pattee order*, f 1.00 a bottle; jQnly-one size. ^y will consist of Maurer and investigation on your port will force Hurricane Island. .H. M. B.Watson L^djrPenelopa M.Roberts Jf A. POTTER, Pi ?Btratton, you to the same, conclusion. An Master Word L. H. Hammond litt Lens has scheduled twenty-two equal degree of faithfulness revealed Pain...... B. VonHntten Prince of Lovers Sir A. Magnay , PLAINnKLD,(Opp. First Baptist Obuich) I games, of which seventeen will be by one Who worked for me would re- White Terror and the Red. A.Cabin ilayed at home. Cranfprd's lovers THE UR6EST STUM MARBLE AND FRANK BELL. , jf dean, hoaltbful out-door sport GRANITE WORKS IN THE STATE ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, S will kindly bear this in mind and Monuments and Headstones for Cemetery Equitable Building, 130 Broadway, N. Y. intake their half-holiday engagements Plots. AllOrders Delivered and Set UD. Residence, IOI Holly Street; Cranlord, N. J, AN IDEAL LOCATION/ Qeneral practice ia all courts in New Jorsoy and New York.- I'ewonal and special atten- CLYDE C. BELL, tion given to Corporation, Heal Estate and -—anci— THE QABWOOD CHURCH. Probate Law practice in thn courts of New Beautiful Jersey. ' KODAK AGEN< We should be the last to call in Contractor & Builder / • • WESTFiElD.N. J. (ncarB.K.i W question Qarwood's need of a church pHILIP JAHN. t edifice, bnt we confess that by what ESTIMATES FURNISHED. High-Claeu Photograf iV Accessible All tbe latest styles at n process of reasoning the Presbytery House,' Sign and Fresco Painting. . of Elisabeth or anyone else can ee- JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. able prices. A full li 2 MILES FROM ELIZA^lrrH, 7 MILES FROM NEV/'K, Amateur Supplies. |" tabllshan obligation on the part of M MBLES FROM NEV YORK. K Plain and .Decorative [the Cranford Presbyterian Church to North Avenue, W. } raise f 1000, or one-sixth of the esti" UNDENT,; NEW JERSEY. ' matqd cost of the building, la beyond CRANFORD, New Jersey. Paper Hanging, ON MAIN LINE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. ' oar comprehension. No one has pro* rAND DBALEB IB- posed to unload: on the Westfleld CENTRAL HO I^TresbyterianCharchianysuch-buir Peter Markusson, 1 | den, yet the Westfleld church is richer SOUTH AND WALNUT A . than ouroi and so far as we can see GARBAGE COLLECTOR. nisH«s and ^t)all Paper. - lias an,interest in the material J«d Wines, Ales, ORA^FOBD. -"; '•'-'HKW- JKBSETT. » spiritual welfare of the borough that Authorisei by the V. I. A. Collec Liquors and Ci l_l» equal to Cranford'a. Be that as it tlonis made dally or otherwlpe aa , treanbmtt that if QarworidMs BALLBNT1NB8 LAOKK AND PAI i.C-W, 11ANKIN, the sort of residents Deeded for the Ordarsfor BtltUed Beer D«ll%

^^h% r ; i, ihould'be raised at home. If Gar- Dealer In .. ' ments. Bath, electric fa Wood l^cks that sort of residents, a . parlor, piano aud everytbl LEHIOH VAUE> CQALf : church bpUt, furnished and main- Tranap .. sary for tbe corfifort of gue tained by outsiders will be of little cemetery, as to number of traiotv »iliro«^ fare, time uul at Reasonable Batea. «se to the community. . Saoltsrv PtaPUmHn,W jQss JPHUjoC, Stesm. Also KINDLJNQ WQ0D distance. '' . ..' r '-' :^\-!r-~---^: ••• •• • ' .'; JPSEPH EfiHy These New C€mderiea,;now beifij developeo oa th« Hot Water ind Hoi A|r Hestlac, ,, OFFJCB. Clironlple Illock, ROAD BUILDING. modern park plan* »^ attracting universal attention. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Woik. . YAHD, Cnmnsi'aL ATODI . READING SYS Toe promptness of the Township Linden Lodge fc the largest inibest equipped CemetjEtr I Committee in getting under way the Loigt in the country, ani «} provided with every reqohit* Agente for Richardson & Boyutop CHANFOBD - N«w J»BE*T. New Jersey Cen lor the comfort and convenience «f visitors. Ktever construction work necessary to Co., Furnaces and Ranges. Corrected to Juot »o, ••< jtbe done this year is receiving well- t By %*JM* pf Loofioa Alone thcytu dgttne^ln a ' deserved approval, and we beg-to vetr short *»**• ttCOtac the test-known Cemeteries in fhe Telephone ao-*. Cranford, N. '\ FROM CRANFOHD TO KLIZAB suggest that further expressions of couottT «4f Vitk A«|» jMterw advantages, the most he«w- ;:public commendation may be evoked R. P. Hohenstein, NEWYOBK. A • by the exhibition of a like prompt- GEORGg LARSEN, DEALER IN S58.5ia. 047. ri4,(T 21. to Newark 8 17.8 DO. AM. 043. 1S4S. 1117 A. M. ;* ness in the'disbureement of this year's V. They *n AccMtfttle bm ewr QMtot «nd whhin 133. SOS, 400. 480. 50S, 011. «4f 'road money./ , eajr reach of over i/XOfiOO people, ar^ tgogfafag tbf Bring & Deefralioj Flpuiy Feed, 9U, 10 JB. 11 44 P. M. Sundars. S S I So far as we know, nothing has iteady and raptflv increasfag: gtewth d $&*(* H§W^(9A r been done, decided on or even publicly and its tributary.ctties and towm,It boaff Hhtumtkffsi * I, jFiret ,01088 Work. Gr,airi, Hay ^considered by the authorities as to 9 S- iiST'."!,10 p- »••«»« lit. 8nml» short time before plots fan Rosed*k and Lindm P»ifc wiS 887, 8S7, 9SV, 1057. II 67 A. M. 124 * Uw best use of the $2875 which is to equal hi value those of our most noted cemeteries. • v 8 S* 140 B » t IB7 238 'S |f,1» raised by direct taxation, or of and Straw. ' • Pppulhr Fa.VOf has already been shown to a marked |';the sjom which, under certain con* Tuitions can be secured from the state degree fatfa^sale"of:Io^severa l hundred having been «pld jgpff, «4f (7*J«iadlnB IS 48 Bt. Bnodays101 A. II. 1 47 1140 stor road building. to residents otR^betb^Linden, Rahway, Cranford, Jeney toward A. O'Donnell, •.For PotUTlUe; Bunbury and Wll HARNESS, .*. 8 0S, 8 01, »21. A V. 147,%4T,751I City,Orange, Patew,^eW PTr#s suffer no further Chy, and a large number of «^j£rmehtt have: rxen nude..' ; - PLUMBER. : BLANKETS. M 1 delay; for even after a decision is J47. tS47to«astonl P. M. Uondays PLuxanro, TINHIBO, PDBHACIS 47* 0 19 Pa Vim ^reached as to what work is tobe.done, WHIPS AND GKNEBAL HOBSE . S2 WUkwoarre and Soranton-B C JOLUBH CATS SOOKtBT ana hm Imupocttttao to ku»M« «ht ff** Of ffiOctttm * utf BAXOIS. STEAM AKD Ois 4 47 P. M. Sundsri 6 W A. M. 1 47 P. J laweral weeks are required* for the UtHag Uodaiakn Of oHIcc oi lb< AicllHIaat " FITTISO. JoBBiko. EQUIPMENT. ation of pMms, advertising for AM 1M 87 Broad tMrect, - - EUsabetli, N. J. ta»» •- - " pLOf contract*and Other For LongBranoh, Asbnrr Park, P 976 Broad fJfrcct, - * Wewarfc, V. j. Tel. Cairei-B. ant and seashore polntEJfc)™111 il; Cltr, K» J. yHTAll VTotjk an*raa^eed.- «"* Bank only/flj,» OS Red Bank onl tad money and it -96S * 77O Bergtl Av*V No. e Prospect Street,' . Sundays » 08 A. II. « 48.8 87 P. X. ; as soon as It i,,.,,r;>:aAiiFi»p. \9.'•£?> »«•> *

1', , APRIL a&V 1905.

;aroue Bsrt tells Ctfs star*: "O» Located is the JaBa and Jerw> Heart sf Newark, to Mi awoMg #* BROW. NEW AND BAISCT STttfTS. bar. She grabbed hold ot • nOny pud who ^tai d> Now Jersey** VIC flMftfc Sloping Centre, - replied that there was no rats J OUT-OF-DOOR RECREATION. * emotdag to tin carriages, tttere oaajtt to K die retorted, [ANNUAL SALE QF BLACK MOHAIRS ladiea trarel on the tta' •But (bo TurUA Udloi wtoo to»T«a Lawn Swings, Croquet and Tennis Goods, Hammocks, Baby •-••' ' • * • • ' • •••••' . - . . ' . ' •

»nec the caava. Do tier, lndeedf ^Tffcydesi • • - T^Ued the old lady, eddly: t** Amer* carriages, N'K OF the most imijinrlniii cliws g.iods evi-nts <>f the yt-ur-tlip'ni>pnrtunitr IOKI woaMn do not irooto.' Terr, ' to save largely my stylish, ilurulile Summer. iln\*< iimtoriuU-lt,i> liiost troa, madam.' rep»6d a» guard, *bjot Children's Wagons, Baseball Equipments O sensible of thctii all. Mnliairsgli.nl 'tin- dust do iu,t wrinkle "und are *»shiil>le.. Theb^sf inplia}n«r»nr,o'wii iiujwrtuiinu from HrndfimT, Khfjlund. TOO em not la America; jou are In The whote colleijtion, opened freshly for this -ulc, nJTords flnc rlioosing.at very TarkW-^etUl Tritft moch ctvUHr. 1 and Fishing Tackle, I large rcduriicpiS . ' °. ' . '' . " j' ' ' eaoft aare It I an.' btned the old lady, floraatr. "and I V. Uh women <16 amoke. They ought no* All Well-Tried and Proved Reliable and Satisfactory. • / " o, so there!' *Perbapa they onxht 59c Black Mohair Brilliantine— 65c Black Mohair Sicilian- not to.' aald the Board, with unruffled ironic frombiRh-grade yurns.heau. A splendid flnn weave of coarse Tbe old LAWN SWINGS—Our assortment of lawn swings HAMItOCKS—Woven Hammocks of many colon oourteqr, *bnt liter *>•' and kinds, with pillows and valance, all full sixes, 'tifillly finished, jet black, splendid diameter, remarkably high lustre •nertoia ladr looked at him hopelee* ennaiits of "Columbia" arid "Parjs" wood swings weit-'lit, 40-in., u low priced quality from»8cto$10.00. ..-;.. ' '•••..„•.•-.• :. for a cloth at this price, good lr. cuped and sabaUed." and the "Eagle" all steel swing. but good and serviceable, u strong weight, sheds dust, for separate Grass Hammocks, from 59e to $2.50. silc feature..... -44c , waists and ,• perfect- . The "Columbia" is made of gouil maple in two bluek, 50-inch, at ...... 48c Pay of Legltlatora. sizes, 2 passenger and 4 passenger. The height Me Clack Mohair Brllliantloe— ngland is the only Mnntnr where of both is 8 It.; spread 11 ft.; width of 2 passenger The *OBO" Hammock made eeine twine, each X vry Orm and durable material, aadffleial membera are not remun«>- is 4 ft. and of the 4 passenger 5 ft. strand running from end to end of hammock; open $1.35 Black Mohair Sicilian— andcooL No knots; .make a hammock-that eon- 1 ,nli,le from hard twisted yarns, •t«L Greece, 20 poonda a ftonth; Price for small one, $3.75; lurge one, $4.98. wiih elegant„ high lustre, good A beautiful high-class fabric of Tmaoa, 1 pound a day; Denmark, lCa., forms to the body; bejood doubt the most com: weight; correct shade of black; faultless weavo, eVenty woven a —r; Germany. 10 s.6d a day; Ana- The "Paris" is built of Mountain Ash; the sides fortnble one made at from $2.50 to «6.O0. 44-ine'h, at 50c from the fihcst.pt yarns, firman d 1 pound a day; Belgium. .17 Btrong, good weight, for tailor- are reinforced with extra strips bolted on, giving: NOTE—We are sole agnits in Newark for this made walking and separate at per month; Portugal. 25a. a perfect rigidity, and is mode in two sizes, viz.: 2 Hammock. - : . • 79c Black Mobair Brillianline— skirts, 44-inch ....'. eg j ,' Switzerland. 10a. Cd. a dari passenger and 4 passenger. . Very fine quality, high silky lustre; 1.000 pounds a year. l«d. per Price for small one, $6.50; largo one,,$7.98. Him, strong, made' from hard •Oa trareUnK ezpensee. and 10a. a BABY CARRIAGES AND GO-CARTS-The F. A. twisted yarns, splendid weight, 98c Black Mohair Sicilian— ' for stationery—tfceee are aom« •'Eaule" is built of steel with canopy top; is "rich jet black, suitable, for skirts Whitney, and "Bloeh" Go-Carte; of fine make and Black Mohair Sicilian, the coarse ol the rates-obtaining. Our colonies about 6)i ft. high; wiTl -carry 4 passengers and is finish; 125 styles to select from. . and sliirt waist dressos, 44-in. .«C weave now so much in demand, B«r ibeir legislaton. the aTerage probably, the strongeat and most comfortable Pricef2.49. fine in quality, firm and strong; from 4 pound* to 6 pound* a swing made. Price, 818.50. • $1.00 Black Mohair Brilliantine—- splendid silky lustre, goal weight, 5 More kinds of' 1 on our Boor than will be fe3iWul a^^y^6^Weisht ^:;wrftjji^lttBk^ be foldedaip-uniiput away;i l -'• friini iiigh-classliara.twTstcd yarns, "for drosses and' waist "suits, sin the land. * - , ;." wiilf'ii ricliailky lustre, strong and at .• ;. .;6tc Prices 98c to $11.25. .••cliinioie, especially lor shirt waist .GliOQP.AW...TENNlgbCjr•& ue't ,mnde_ of ''VS7jt'bldrr4*it;'lltv:-73c -Velocipedesand Tricrcfc*, the COOD kma.nt from $1.50 Black Sicilian— inaple in good wooden boxes, with 8 balls,' 8 mal- j2 00 Black Mohair Brllllantine— lets, 9 wickets and ? stakes^.,._,.....-. .. $1.50 to $12.00. ' , ; Moliair-Sicilians one- 6t the very' down—* pound *f featbera. .4 '•fBests^tuJilTi^-si^beautiful clpthj •-••'>• best.grades.- Bipley d ye, •• excep- 1 - Foy Juvenile : #18.50;- 261K, exceptionally high lustre, firmly - tionally high lustre; firm and and |3.50. woven from the finest yarns, good i strong, resembles silk, does not a good deal to make the $19.50. weight, strong, sheds^ dust, purti- wrinklo, sheds dust, deep, rich. Boxwood Sets, $3.00, $5.25, $8.50. mouth water. culnrly for tailored gowns, and . black* 50-inches wide, at.. $|.|5 Full lines of Baseball Goods and Fishing Tackle. walking skirts, 54-in...... $1.35 At a hone race people ceaerally «a- Spalding. Horsman and WriRht & Ditson Tennis r a» beat. Uacquet8,.75cto$8;00. . (1.25 Black Mobair Brllliantine— $2.00 Mohair Sicilian- .Bssss people are bard to get along; Wright & Ditson Tennla Balls, 40c. ItOW BOATS—We are Sole Nerfark Agents for Extra flno quality for. shirjywaist Very high lustre, almost resembles wMl because they are so soft. Spalding Championship Tennis Balls, 40c. the Racine Boat Co. Our Leader Row Boat has dresses and separate skirts, made . a silk, drapes splendidly, does not vegetarian shouldn't marry a English made Practice Balls bf extra fine quality, 1 oak frame, cedar planks, malable iron fittings, ash from the boat grade yarns with wrinkle, sheds the dust, coarse who would giro Um "tongue. each, 20c. oars; boat thirteen feet long and

SgSeagulls s Get Btutck. HAHNE & CO'S 12 Acres of SPRING SUPPLIES M. aportanan . at Mooaehead lak« d some young gulls, too mall ta i T. took tiem Into tibm canoe. lt» Wrae at first seemed to enjor Or but eoon became aa tea- tai. After eicia Bat MerUced bla latest meal to the DEALER IN ARTIFICIAL ICB Ma aptlu, the sportsman took pity OSTEOPATHY and put them back tnto the DR. J. HOUSER CORBIN Qvaun UnoTALXD 8aanoK noavt Thousands of Families Know H« As where they at once settled He who serves his Menda ia abuaj as wen and contented as it they DR. MAROARBT A. CORBIN TBICBStOW. haiisnerleftlt. - The 9-u a. m., a-5 p. m.. It sometimes bap Wednesday* by appointment Is am aching void. The'8oap Tree, It Is foollah to -waste aartee oa peo- j Store ft? enterprise In Algeria Is tomau -Proapcct a Broad Street., Westflcld pie who cant take a bint, ve natural soap on ia large actJe Sometimes tbe proof of tbe pudding That Keeps Its Word a tree known a4 iMplndu* utU- Is ptxo undertaker's bUL We have been furnishing the homes of the people since la," This plant, wtdon haa Ions been Rosedale and Linden Obscurity Is tbe abiding plsce «C I860—ALWAYS doing our level best to satUfy, ALWAYS In Japan, Qt'iff and the husband of a prominent woman. 1 fruit of about the size of a Hope is a pretty poor life preserver selling as we ADVERTISE to sell I If that's the sort of treat, chestnut, smooth and round. . Park Cemeteries. to fall farto trouble with. . ment you're looking for, look us up before you do your IDs toner part is of a dark eolor-and No matter how nglj,*>glri you meet Spring Furniture and Carpet buying. has an oQy kernel. . The tree bean LINDEN, N. J. K It Is good'policy to be nice to bar frtH In Its elxOiy«»r and" yields Irom Mil you find out If she.b an heiress. = Ga«h Termstir Credit. Whichmfer Salt« You Best. === K to 220 pounda of fruit, which can overaoo Acres! BeantUulBndaocwiiible.Oniii^n Aa Isn't much.good until be harvested. lnePennjylyanlaRK. L»wo«tAboutoqalpMd cemetery fcd»« In tW "?>"'*'T--,Tr"naiP?KaiL fVVhagony Frame &vetween BiMuu end Soerla kept tared silk. "Hew," says an English French tapestry aWMiln twenty years tfie two races writer, "Is a form ot power that vtO Have Pwlor -t47.00 Its so welded together as to be last longer than Great Britain's coal usually. is— iitnMisliitt,-- fields." one in your Besidence and (50 kind* of ^niU here, from $18 yon win know why •oycotUng the Brswerlss.' An Ancient Mstedlctioa. to $160. .•> . 60c Ingrains, —tWy. thousands of workmen la A German society haa, lately pub- yard lished an lnterwrtlDR paper oa $24.00 for |32 00 76 Aasland, for good paper oan he pratoosd from the may be had: at less than beatsprings..._. dlsoredlt oat ^ Jcnns on the desks or woodwork of refuse hops that have hitherto bsea (JO kinds ot couches $4.98 to tSO). model, bnilt schools, colleges, hospitals, cars and ten cents a day to last, public buildings, can t>e destroyed by thrown away in breweries* The "1905" Baby CarriageCio* guaranteed. wiping them ovor .with, a soft doth Cuts, etc., are all In. Best and ( flea Cheste $3.50 up.) rubllo lehoslsp saturated with Malaka, which accom- The gold returns of Queensland for Pgttlert aUplsy In all Newark, (apsDsae yablle schools instruc- plishes a two-fold work, the destruction Kay show a total yield of 60^00 are gtvea hi kxciene; and physl- of germs and a renewal of the finish.' ounces. : . f ' A Beitta aewipaper- remark*" New Yoric ?ujd Kew AMOS H.\^AN HORN, Ltd. this respect eduoatVmal Japan 8l«s" of Besteit ' " 1 ** our ttibr* • Bo mre r

... . _ you will TtSri-ae»l>i«-b(mr» te once;" iae Interposed. W| . . MotherhocH tampest tns* •7,^ VJJS>.: cargo 5^ oneofjou. If you ouuij s < Suffering. desires. "I don't want to see i r The to.- 3&m mm »«itK).y."it 'Tft stand Islfeitt anil apart ' ^ •"if"'. UDWtlcomlBf j*ue Ulr array, But It's the only thing' By President Ifaosmoett With •/•• turned toward you, but With now you've burned that there are many and SUM wHh the Ship <* Testerdsyl : cated. the fire, '.-•' ********** N our modem : toaustrlal ., A'Vpu ha*« *o Jlaht to ] ; gray* dangers to counterbalance the splendors ' don't see why you warn h It Is not a good thing to se< cities grow at dispro- said Miss Morgan, hotly ; : porUonato speed relatively to the coui try; for the smsll land "I don't say I have an the men who own their little: homes, and therefore. |" plied meekly; "but I'm" | to a very Urg* extant, the man who ;o what I have. After a the soli, hava hitherto mads the foundatiod n of lasting na- (punda^lpn; becomes >k it" • _• • »; .lUlfln lilt Aft ^U^XULO^E rfeeH, elthtr too' weak or too narrow, tb* su. lerstrocturo.no'maKerrr • -Hind—the law," declared how attracUve. Is In Imminent danger of falling. Br WILLIAM Otl8. handsomely flushed now But far more Important than toe question of the oc upation ot our cltlcens bright with anger, "n Is the question of how their family life Is conducted. •' no matter what that oo- that I—that one hasn't cupaUon may be, as .long as there l# a real hpme and /as long as those who "I never give my photographs away," over one's own—own j>e: make up that home do their duty to one another, to the r neighbors, and to tho said,Miss Morgan, primly, the dimple "You "hadn't any com state, it la of minor consequenos whether'the man^ trale la piled In the coun- displaying itself almost ostentatiously moment," I said. try or in tho city, whether It calls for the work of the hi nds or for. the work of in her cheek. She cast me a flory g ••*.«. 1 the head. "But I am an old friend,' said I. her Up as it on aomot But the nation Is In a bad way If there Is no real home. If the family Is "Surely an old friend doesn't count?" decided to suppress. I not of the right kind; If the mania not a good husband md father. If he Is bru- "It's not the same thing," said Miss termlned at that momeni tal or cowardly or selfish; It the woman has lost her tense of duty, if she 1* Morgan, vaguely.- "Of course, It would macy. ~ •*" a While no womaala entire!/ free from Vegetable Compound sooner: for I hart tried sunk in vapid selMndulgence or has let her nature Fat rlated so that ahe pre- be different If She ceased, appar- periodical suffering. It does not aeem to so many remedies without help. "Mr. Allison." she said, "I dreaded the approach ofmy menstrual fers a sterile pseudo-Intellectuality to that great and beautiful development ot ently not knowing how to go on. '•• very persuasively, puttlt be the plan of nature' that women r the fullness ot duty ahoald suffer so severely. Menstrua- period erery aaoath, aa It meant m much pain character which cornea; only' to those whose lives kno "Oh. very well," said I, with a sigh. my arm, "you will deal and suffering for me, bat after I had uMtfae done, of effort made, and self-saortflce undergone. tion Is a> Mrere strain on a woman's Compcmni two months I became regular and "At any rate, I've got something to go you?" vitality. If it Is painful or Irregular natural and am now perfectly welland free, In the last analysis the welfare of the state depends absolutely upon on with." It was pretty; It was i .something is wrong which should be from pain at my monthly periods. I am very whether or not the average family, the average man ant woman and their chtl- I She glanced at me swiftly, and then most succeeded. - set right or it will lead to a serious da- grateful for what Lrdia f. Plnkham'. Vege- dren, represent the kind of citizenship fit for-the foundi Uon of a great'hatlon, table Compound has done for roe." looked down the room, where the But 1 hardened my li ' rangement of the whole female organ- and If wo fall to appreclato this we fail to appreciate ho root morality'upon people were chattering. - Urn...... Soon testimony should be accepted condition,'' I 'said, slow! which all healthy civilisation is based. . '-'If one .gave to one, one would have very easy condition. I More than fifty thousand women by all women as convincing erldenoe no brilliance of ortts- lave testified In grateful letters to Mrs. that Lydla E,. Pinkham's, Vegetable No plled-up wealth, no splendor of material growth to give tb all/' aha said, oracularly. much better terms." tic development, will permanently avail any people v l'less Its home life Is Vinkham that Lydla rfi-Plnkham's Compound stands without a peer aa a' "l/m thankful I have that* snapshot, Miss Morgan flounced Vegetable Compound overcomes pain- remedy, for all the distressing ilia «f healthy, unless the average man pbssgesses honesty, c rarage, common'sonae, at any rate," I Bald. nantly, and I proceeded ful and irregular menstruation. women. • . ' ' • and decency; unless he works hard and Js willing at ifeed to flgh't hard, and "Snapshot?" she asked, looking at her mother to make my It provides a safe and sure way of es- The. success of Lydla E. Plnkham's unless the average woman Is a good wife, a good mother, able and willing to me suspiciously. . from distressing and dangerous Vegetable Compound rests upon the room waa fairly empty n perform the first and greatest duty of womanhood, ab o and willing to bear, "Why,'yeB," sal'd I. "You rememi* following a little, knot weaknesses and diseases. well-earned gratittfdo of American and to bring up as thoy should-be brought up, healthy children, Bound In body, The two following letters tell so con- women. ber In the boat.at New London last guests Into the hall who Tluoiugty what Lydla E. "Plnkham's When women are troubled with irreg- mind, and character, and numerous enough so that the taco shall lncroaao, and July. -I 'took one ot you thon." name reiterated earnest1 Vegetable Compound will do forular, suppressed or painful menstrna-. not decrease. "I have no recollection ef it," she I turned. ' vjinjen, tSfcy cs,nnot lall*V» bring hop* tton,- leocbrthcMi, dliptaOennMlt or -at aald, coldly;" - " * •"• -" "Mr. Allison,! wish v to thousands of sufferer*. . - .ccretlo: n 6f the womb," that bearing- 'It waa rather a good one, but, of just one minute," said down feeling, Inflammation pt the Mls» Nellie Holm™ of 640 N. Dart, course, not woll developed, and natu- "I" She hesitated, I ^slon 8tr«.tt,Jlluffalo. Jjt. Y., writes: ovaries, backache, bloating, (or flatu- rally, riot one of-you at your best. 1 1 S Y l < the. .emptying room, am DwUn. Plnkham:- T""' -••"•••-"•*«"^ lency), general debility. Indicestlon and * -<''.'.-• ""•*'« ?'^-'-",t !.V, i -!'!/!*' - '' '" .''T|'>"' ''tYiTvt'* ' t' " Your medicine is Indeed an Ideal medicine* nervous prostration, or are beset with toward the back of it, tor women. . LsufTirat inlaery.for yean with nueh symptoms aa dUxlness, f alntness, ".What sort of one_waa it?!' she Jn- ante-chamber gave • upo painful periods, hoadmdwt, «ndi*»riB«-down laasltude.^icltabiUty.'lrritabnit/.ner^, qulrod, wrth interest. T ''Xpu'yQ np right 1 wide folding doors. I fi fains. I oomulted tiro different physicians Vbusriess, "sloepTessnessr melancholy,. "to take piidtogfailis : without^ttHing •:N^ou'really mean what bit failed to get any relief. A friend from they should remember there la one tried the Eaet advBmi ma to try Lydt* B. Plnk- Commercial Life one." asked suddenly, confro ham's Vegetable Compound. 1 dni so, and and true remedy, Lydla E. Pinkham'S ''On .the contrary," I replied, "It has said that I did. "Very w BO longer suffer as 1 did before. My periods Vegetable Compound et.onoo removes such troubles. RAf use to buy any other been held In law that you may take bitterly. "It's the most a are nataraherery ache and pain la gone, and By President A. T. Hadley, of what photographs you will; only you r general hoalth la muoh Improved. J medicine, for you need the beat. duct of you, and I'll no' »rlae^sll women who suffer to take Lydla Don't hesitate to write to Mrs. =1 HIS Is an age of individualism In thought as well as in action, musn't sell them. I'm not going to soil forget It. But"- & rinkham's Vegetable Compound." Plnkham if there Is anything in philosophy as woll as In business, lu religion as well as In yours." . She angrily tossed opoi i Mrs. TlUle Hart, of Larlmore. N. D., about your Sickness you do not politics, and tharo are dangers which attend a one-sided em- '"What's It like?" she Inquired, Ignor- the table and at last stc writes: . ' understand. Site will treat-yon T phasis' even upon so Important a thing as the individual con- ing this. :.. , ,'i . ..; , down, and a - beautiful I Sear Mrs. Pinkham:- with kindness and her advlfce U" H' • = science If it leads to the neglect of public standards of right " I might hare bar* been spared many free. No woman etor resrretted For answer I dived In'to my shoulders, crowning a r months of suffering and pain had I only writing her and ahe has) helped • and duty. , ' ^ ' '"' . ooat pocket. "I have a print here," I , looked at mo wit known of the efficacy of Lydia B. Pmkham's thousands. Address Lynn, Mass. The man who tolerates corruption becomes himself as said. "live not fixed It properly, but smile. I looked at my ' lAsk. sin. Ptafrlun's Adfke-A Kw • Best Uodentuis • Wau'i IDs. —'I corrupt in heart, if not In action. Tho fight for commercial ypu can get ah idea. It was when you wished she would smile and.political honor Is ho defensive warfare In which we can were laughing at a story of Travers's." me; but even In her a English ShnpkMiwra. A Mlratd rarlnna. . be contont to possess our Individual souls, like so many] fortresses in a hostile Miss Morgan almost .plucked tho pho- wonderful. Her gazo n The upper class In England Is "link- Early In the. sixties a foreign Inventoi country. tograph out ot my fingers, and ex-ness, distance, contempt. ing; tho middle Is rising rApUlly, nnd ffcriMl the secret of a new oxplosiv* The difficulty of keeping our standards of business ind ot politics pure to- amined it "How abominable of you!" . "It's a most magnified those who belong to tbe former keep tlmt he hud discovered to tho British day is, I think, greater than it has boon In any previous generation. she said. "It's perfectly ridiculous. breathed fervently. "It's •bops In assumed names, while those Government. He asked for It an lnslg' Our Industrial machinery,and onr political machlnj>ry are both excellent Good gracious, I don't open my mouth "It's said to be gooi Who belong to tho latter endeavor to nlucant pejee, something like £000. In their way, but no Industrial or .political machinery, h>wever good, can take like that!" Morgan, Indifferently. conceal that they themselves are con- After he had been kept waiting three] the placo ot public spirit and self-devotion. And when the exlstonce of such "It's a. pretty mouth," said I. "It's tho most beautlfi Vrctcd with trade; , The conversation mouths, a ud • had made repeated appli- machinery la made an excuse for letting public spirit a id devotion go unused, "It's a detestable grimace, and allever, seen," I said. . of both, however,. betrays tlint they cations for a decision, ho was Informed It constitutes a menace Instead of a safeguard to the fut ire of the body politic. out of drawing," she declared, with "Do you' think so, r ' arc shopkeepers.—London Truth. his offer was declined With thanks, Visible annoyance. ' "Amateur photog- Miss Morgan. ns.nolther the War Office nor.the Board raphy Is all like that People have no "It's your living, bre

A —BABY' _. .„ S AWFUL ECZEMA of Trade saw anything in the -right to be let loose with cameras they that looks out on me," don't understand.' : "They'do; take* very*w »»ce Like Raw Boat—Thought she Wonld nnme Alfred Nobai. His invention was ^<5 'It's all I have," I pleaded. "If you those people," said Mia I U>— H« Ear—Healed Without •> dynamite. My friend has only too good fably. I Hlemlah—Mother Thanka Oallcan. would let'mo have a real one of you, I cause to remember the Incident, for Support For Dr. would willingly sacrifice it." "You can't.wonder thi "My little girl had eciema very bad N'obcl, had offered him a half share in Osier [ I exclaimed. "I'd give when she was ten months old. I thought Miss Morgan appeared, to hesitate. ho profits If he would finance him to "Certainly not" said she at last with she would lose her right car. It'had the extent of 500 kroner. Unfortunate- By Dr. L. W. Zwisohn. turned black, anil her face was like a piece decision. "And you must, please, de- "Woll, you can take it •f raw meat, and very sore. It would, y for him, my friend was young,'and" ********that Dr. Osier sticks to his view that the beat work ot stroy these." me your word to dest bleed when I washed her, and I had tostill cherished Illusions In regard to the' ; I . man is done while >e Is under forty years.. I see no reason "That's the only print I have,"' I other thing," said she, keep cloths on it day and' night. There wisdom of Governments and their of- <' why he should change It as it holds good according to the said, meekly. ' friendly voice. was not t clear spot on her face when I be- ficials, and the consequence was that physiological development'of the brail. She eyed me for a moment and then I promised, and she gri when he learned the views of the Brit- gan using Cuticura Soap and Ointment, Phyalologlcal Investigation has pr -oaten, as It of the Xemale sex, sixty-blind persdna- motor cars, of which 1 know nothing. "Well, you see, I co 4* against the law of the Moor to waste and ten feigning bltncness, twenty-two Presently Miss Morgan passed us. "food. •--<;="-"«•-—^—«*=,,„„*.-. —^=~ ^_. T fratlcldes,--e{8bt'paricldesr 145 found- —"Doyou-fhd it, unfortunately, as I v drehvl24;chIld!W*xchftng«l;Opfol8teir : ; 2i?TaIse wllis', 218 Stolen ppcketbobks," ference," she saiJ." ' ' ', • ' •"•;.;. Ailerson, give me bacl 10S duels With swords. 108 with pistols, "Oh, do you motor?" asked the young- graph," she' demanded. two with sabres, eight with knives lady in the .fur coat, with enthusiasm.; "But I'm going to fin and. ten with axes; forty-three tires, 123 "Miss Morgan'rows," said I. "But age,". I protested. murders with weapons and 136 with By Qssiari H. Lang. she's' not a first rate hand." "Give it back to me at poison, forty-five, drownjngs, twenty-sis HE common school is unlaiie among world's agencies of "Indeed!" said Misa Morgan to me, slsted, advancing on me. guilty and sixty-two innocent galley . civilization. It Is, above everything, the most tangible ex- distantly. to bay- Besides, the rei convicts, .eighty freed and thlrty-slx presston of the honesty and intensity of our national-belief "At least she's unconventional In her might hear jus. , escaped prisoners, 115 burglaries,. 206 In the universal aducatlon of all the eople. The individual style," I went on. "Sometimes she "I'll give it back if-: distraints, seventy-nine lunatics, twen- schools reveal more than anything else the. amount and caches 'crabs.'" • . ' ty-eight feigning lunatics,. 113 false the original," I said, bo quality of the solicitude of the sevei il communities for the The young lady In the fur co'at tit- marriages' and forty-one bigamies. educational welfare of their children, A school cannot ,long low. Who will say after this that the drama tered, but Miss Morgan looked at me • Miss Morgan paused f remain below the standard of effldei cy which the coinmun- with displeasure. ' - Is deteriorating?—Toronto! Mail . anal lty supporting it has agreed upon as amlnlmum. Nor will a aback. Her face flushed Empire. .. ,~;:. •' v.: -..-••. . •. j.. . • "I don't pretend to all the accom- "I—you—oh!" she sta school, be able to rise much beyond a point at which t can sustain itself by plishments," she said. -• •"•.'.". •. - ' public opinion." In ludglng the character of indlvldua schools In the United -^.iy t a^galnErxa States, tht» conattlon must be borne* in mind, From bis point all criticism take a sort ofph6tographr"r'haye'6ne'' must proceed and to this it must return.;; - hofiling' Out Che photogra Whea the Back. Achee sad Bladder' ofa 'crab.' . .- . • She hesitated, the pn Trouble*) Set la. Get at Ik* Gaoae. The coloring given to Individual schools by pure y local characteristics . She was going on, but hesitated.' It and aspirations has not been able to obscure, to the se< ngeye, the underlying on her face, and she w. was I who rose and bade my motoring at me. ii>« •! Don't make pie mistake ot believing greater national thought All the schools are, In varyl degrees of intensity backache and bladder ills to be local acquaintance good-by. I walked to- • "You are—oh, you are and intelligence, local expressions of the one unifying deal ot universal edu- ftllments. Get at the cause ana cure ward-my hostess and the door, but ere said, with a Uny, troubl) the kidneys. Use cation. In their development," they are becoming more and more the principal I reached the former I found Miss Mor- culture forces for expanding the social and industrial lsefulndss of' erery in- in that case, perhaps j Doan's Kidney gan at my-heels. ' keep the photograph." Pills which have dividual unit of our democracy to Its highest possible < egree.' The philosoph- "What.do you mean, Mr.. Allison?" ical Idea ot the foundation of these schools, then, fun Ishes .the key towhat - "On second thought, 1 cured thousands. she asked quickly. "Why do you talk I said.—The American. ( Captain 8TD. ever our national life reveals of educational enthusiasm: nnd pre-eminence In about 'crabs' andphotographs?" Industry and commerce. Hunter, of En- "Oh, I only remembered that I took About Chlldi gine No. 14, Pltts- The United States is a land of practical attitude and action rather than of another snapshot last year," I replied. A baby's weight at burg, Pa., Fire theorlzatlbn. American philosophy is not yet rediifce'd o a logical system. But ' She was' silent for a moment, and should be double its w Department, and to the discerning mind it is visibly Incarnated in formi of life, in Institutions, then, "Please explain," she said. -- Tell your children white residing at .2729 and the historic trend'of popular movements; Thecoi mon school la such an "Don't you remember when you went will soon, hand you b: r—ThmBmmt I Incarnation. \l Is probably, the' purest embodiment o American aspirations. "imriuutn «»•« lltm Wylle aTenne, over and Travers picked you up?" I color. Baby's food sho tnf Ifw w*rt."—.ltn. <&«»* T. Ktptrf, CM says: The logical development ot the realization reveals the Tesistible force behind asked. "I was Juat'going to take a administered at. regul All Jtf«M «., ituUwiOf, Kt. : "It was tnree years ago that I gsed .the institution. • . - beautiful picturo of ybur'head; and It avoid indigestion. A Doan's Kidney Pills' for an attack of • - The common school is yet In Its Infancy, especially In the East. Oat West turned out"—— ••-.•-. tion ot old-fashioned mi st«s« aa< l s tb th keakidney trouble that was mostly .back its vigorous development Is revealing-more closely its rend in practical phas- "Yes," said she, now quite rosy red, wisdom of going to bed am XSrod.s CelttHmjnku ache, and they fixed me up fine. There es. But East and West and North «nd South, everywl ere' the national hopes "and what did it Jurh out?" a good deal to solve t If;* Is no mistake about that, and it I incorporated in it are making themselves felt with ste dlly growing lntensfty. , "Oh, it was a. picture of your heels!" . futCUirEytMtwmmt the city child's nervoi should ever be troubled again I would Mr. Anderson says he was specially struck with he discovery that "the baby pulls at his ears a get them first thing, as I know what people as a whole believe in the absolute necessity of a good, sound, fr»neral "How abominable of y6U4" she Inter- ly and presses his head they are." . education as one of the principal factors In the bulling up of' a successful rupted, hastily.' er, let/her beware oT"e For sale by all dealers. Price 50 sUte." To this belief he ascribes the popular willingness to contribute with- . "But you can, see your head, too," I mon but dangerous con cents, hOB" out stint'to the building sad equipment of the common school.—The Forstsv assured bar. "Tou're f^alllna^-r mean Tounsr children; O " ^ ' " w^msm wsmst^m, THE €RANFORI> €HRONJ ^^Y^A^ip^iv-.19O5.


A«toi*>rtsanctiflen»- ratfster sn Girls of Medium Coloring. lionaire. The carved woodwork, mosaic nent to try d tnc duBt.—Ilabblngton. . tin. and, llnding that he had For the vast army of girls Of medium panels and inlaid furniture are always . (<, rut. save him some ground coloring the following hints are given: expensive, and although the combina- AVi- believe- at. once in evil; we only aid, It hair 1B dark and eyes blue. In choos- tion may be .so atrocious that the old believe "In good upon riflectlon. Is ittlng a h»t ' *],„• lu'npnll bho no moans of ing a gown seek to match the .eyes time cosy corner pales by comparison, sot this ua.A7-fMe.tl. DelWzy. destroy It, , •nine 'lire the numtor called , for and contrast the hair. One rule in the room.)will represent the dollar A single coovernutlon ucrosu the ta- 'fuel «ml kindled it by Rimply selecting color is to match the hair by mark quite adequately as any other ble with a WIBO 'man is worth a as pathetic; | linen"ll wHU llla moHtl1- Hfi nlso day and the eyes, by night If the apartment in the rich man's house. month's study i£( booko.—Chioese pro- t a nhcplurd who was brought to complexion is sallow, shades of redTbc terrors of the cosy, cornor were verb. heart. "0j| 1 surTcriiiK from rheumatic fever, and brown are good. If the hair is often restricted by reason of a limit- Evil Is not the negation of good any owly, "anil ' l>y B'vlng him a- few black ana complexion swarthy, avoid ed pocketbook; but no restraining more than food (B tlte negiitldu of evil. hand is seen in the Turkish room. I might i L ,,f rlc<> crushed out ot paddy, black and all shades of mauve, green Power Is jioaltive., and tlic right or tho There baa been no question of discard- had In his bund."—Chicago and violet; yellow, scarlet and pink wrong UB of power 1B posKlve, not ing some' preposterous oriental object, iced away are to bo worn. If fair, with no trace necfitlve. , . . ,.„...... led on my no curtailing of effects because the of color, the complexion can be light- Kc-w good etorlca are true. They my adieus. Hnr»l l»«H«irjr lleninl'. money must be expended in another ed by the addition of rose or yellow, bepln with BUKgciitlonu which are ex- :y now, and ji ine that mrul mall delivery Is portion .of the bouse. Tlie more of tlle glowing purple, dark blue and dark paniK d. amended, and polluhed until not of i to tic <»»• strongest ugents money to the square Inch tbc beYter, Sintr Quita.a, Cuban Mlnltltr U tht United States. rlnglm: «''out better country green. White and nlle green Is an and If the result 1B like unto our first they bocome "effective. Tht-n they arc whan I heard | Ideal mixture for the wear of fair put Into circulation'. P*n»r Uu»atlii, t'ulmn Jlini«Kr to the Unitrd Statu, ia an orator born. In u lastly and K ln^ilil I he •man from Ankeny. ._. „- - — - illustration, the owner has ealncd what artiiitlook,for July, IHW,-by Ui-orxe Kfhmin, who hinrd QucwuU »\>ctk he licnvy Knows and the deep drifts young.glrls with rose leaf complexions. he wanted,, and the -world moves on, Now words have sharp meanings ot th* Kutrhan Tbt-atrc, MnlanraK, Cuba, hr naiil: "1 have wen many audicncfH under dhtTb l4JJ.,_ . -....- , .,, will undemtood, but, worn by tlmo-| the «|wll of fliHiuiiil epccdi und in the grip uf atrong emotional exoitement; but I h ''Wl^eV.^ttfb^iTp^Sc^s^n^TicKbhien JIM.V.C rurclj .Witiit-sxcd »urii •--•rc'ne IK lit the clo«f (if Uamada's jfulogy. upon the lid' Miss Mor kuu'iv.'tliiit the rUfar carrier must-} scarlet; green ftf her tutor and-white 'Wd'^t"hoVMiwij#.7.'ft-U'fttt»'f^ al way. '•]' \"' '.". "". ' ;•'..•.' ' .fall to convey a definite meaning from d, glanced •er muit as lone as the ronds are ; is her standby. There'are .also browns, |f toil, 1). C, K*nor Qupitadu imyR: . • • '. , ' ^j "It a Turkish room Is desirod, why one mind to another. : : nnd'pamaulc. As a result or that 'oaks and copper tints that make red not h*ve a Turkish room? ,-TlitroU^ v •Tiaiti'loofc'bcuutitul.* • j.i-t.-Kyes have •we^-tiut'wb'sep-not,"ears' it, wliero & fi"r'iiWfr triTned-™omt' last "winter j no special point In transplanting such '.havfl we, but we hear not, the appeal upon It thru n Uie ronds drifted full of SHOW an apartnwnt to the^ country hut it medicine. It is _ an excellent slr(iii§uwmfig'' ; r wlilcb nature make* to our gfumes. M ih<-n? oiJt'so tbttt'."the" :«UewPt«d»i all^it might be wtlLdonc. tonie,i and it is also an efficacious '•-. evurQjfov th& r wel|:*H. •the.ithlnga-that concern otir.' hat you Bay?] could get .through. You are unnecessary. -.un- mean one of two things—an unhealthy feathers do not always make flno 'Whin we'.wake up and take notice. •y well," she rinds -where drifts twelve feet blRh- body or a diseased mind. In - either birds—and fine oriental draperies, lvor^ Gonzalo Be Quesada. . at antrodoui cut through, 'through "these drifts case distraction la the best remedy. ies, bronzes, swords and lanterns sel- Congroimman J. II. IlanHu-ai!, of Ala- There U but a iingle "medicine which W TO UPLIFT AFRICA. never forgM could drive with snow twelve feet One must strive to forget self, in work. dom make flno oriental rooms. hama, one of the rnotit mlfuential mem-1 a rjiilicnl specific for catarrh. It U IVrunju on flllicr side of him. In many In reading or In pleasure. A busy life, bt-ra of tlic IloUNe. of Keprt'Heutati\>H, m which lian ntoixl a )mlf century teat and "There Is a touch of affectation in i letter written frotn'.Waiiliiii'Ktuii, V. C,cured thouiuiiid* nf cone*. open an nlbun n the main road was abandoned judiciously arranged, will crowd vapors Outline of Plans Propoied by a Native these ponderous rooms with their KIVGM hiH I'lidonwmpnt tu tht- great ca- If you do not derive prompt and uti*>' . stopped. I Odds were entered through open to the wall. I know women who never tarrli remedy, l'cruna, in the fallowing heavy cornices, elaborate pillars and Prince of the Veit. factory reaultn from the uie of Penina,- ful faco OD s to avoid. nnine of Uie deeper drifts seem to have any resources. I advise worr. Hartman. Preniileht of TbC cannot be a success." sonic European ofHr-iiilH, the sympathy cure I know of nothtna better."— mile llko th, along Iho roads to prevent thim one, shop with that one, entertain and Hartmtn Sanitnrinii], Oolumlius, O. All I Of lovers of humanity tlie world over, J. II. llankhead. correHpondence bold utrictly confidential, j T anger sho the Zealand energy of'Christians for flxprosaixl fmore especially BO that the rnrnl ty work to fill up one's time, even Hints. currier can get through. -The the uplifting oT my people, I .venture A* (he Boy Vnrimtooil II. • Every personal connldcrBtlon that w#' npt. when the social amenities are not Beads—strings of them—grow larger to offor a plnn,-. for'tjtelr'betterment- "During the taking of a religions allow costs us licnvpiily state. We sell' Bcont liken r ta become accustomed to re- pleasing. * and brighter, until they are almost bar- [bls mall, nnd now lie wants It which may bo suggested to some who cenmiH of the DlRtrlc-t of Columbia tlic the Uirones of migolH for a short and- 'It's- U'« M The best cure for loneliness 1s a baric in their size and color. ^Oij and Is going to do wlint lie buve the ability and inclination to car- past winter," relates a Hepresentatlve turbulent pleasure.—Emerson. \ good," said brisk walk through the clear sunshine ipt it."—Des Mollies Register Colored spangles are in cvldenc*, ry out somo such idea. • from' TennesBcc, "a couple of young and pure air.' It generally puts a per- •tiler. •••'•• too; silver on white, steel on black, -Let. in itlful picture! son into a reasonable frame of mind, and silver and gold together. be called at some central-point. Let stopped at my home on Capitol Hill, land. •'...• N. Y.^ but is often avoided by sick-minded - Cannot IteilnM » -..But*..- Soft, filmy chiffon is gathered into men of all countries intc-restod' in. tho and when the bell rang it wnn an- really?" Hinted in Washington that un- people. You do not often hear of men girdles higb'aii the way round, but es- j subject, bo Invited to present papers swered by the iiegTo boy I brought FITS rnrmitnently cured. Noflti or narraai*, Ihe Townsend rate bill If a rnte is and women being sick to death of com- oeflflaftefter llrxt dayday's nun of Dr. KlinnKlinn's OraaOraatt ' Pcclally so directly in front and back. ! »" topics relating to the salvation of from TennesKee with me. The ladles NervoItRHtorer,t'itrinll)Ottlill « and troutts t e frea^^ breathing. by Uie commission -It cannot he I panlonshlp, but an occasional *^ * . • „.,, , ,„ i Africa. Let Intelligent natives, rnls- aBkedhiin: i I>r.It.II.Km»«,Ud.,931AreliHt..l'hUa.,Ps. ' I con Una! red liy a railroad. Should nn I shows up. As a matter of fact few of Smockingdone in three little points j tlonaHe8 Bn(] ,ravcIt.r8 ,rora al^rent " '\VI11 you "please"tell me who lives y*well,-"as-»( makes a In Home of the London achoolrt tlic boyfl licynrisp calling for » decreased-T us are -properly-appreciative, -ct-our, jUfh prcsent. .Jl0r«X - .:„..„.....;..,.:.. .._._'»._..-.._..„„. Miss Mor, the railroads or shippers would j blessings, we are spoiled by a country trimming for "a "twiSycarSTd's mbmlng kliki dresses. ' papers relating to the dealings oT Eu- "YeRRUin; Mlstah Johnsing,' was the to appeal ngnln to the corarais- ! that accords unusual privileges. . we ropeans with natives. ~ • answer. Aik Tonr Uuler For Alien'* rooi.Eaaa. I the long, tight-fitting tailor-made that I want I Ilicre licliiR no lntltude allowed, enjoy about one hundred times as i. At such a council let a definite plan '*'Is he a Christian'/' A powder. It rontn tho font. Cure* Conu^ ! are very becoming, and give Bunlonn. Hwollon, Hop.-, Hot, Oal loun.Aobiac J ll ve- any thing [ itever die circumstnnccir. Hitherto many-advantages as any other nation ; be'made for the protection of Africans " 'No, Ma'am., He's er 6<>Hgres»rnnn the wearer an extrcmtly distingue ap- MweatiDK P<*t and inKrowtaK N«lLi. Allen's 'xliiinni rate has been.the rule, but and we lack the spirit of appreciation i from, the evllB of civilisation. Let from Tennersee.' "—Philadelphia Pub- Foot-EaauihakeannwurtlKhtstionAaiuy. At I it, if you'll cnuce.sslon is made under Uie Bhown elsewhere. Outside the poverty pearance. • .this petition be Kent.to tbe great gov- lic Ledfier. •; . all UrugKlHtH and tttoren, '25 oeoti, k

IN T,HE PULI „ THBV BRIBE DOCTORS. ^ ITALIANa 1N^.OUI8lANA. SCENE OF LIE'S aUHBENOEH TJ»« homo of Mr. ana Mrs. James and Nspoltwn P*». HWorl. HwM. empty •« • H~ *#2* "Sfej

Us maWtU VytHB 1UV WbH« W» «• nv""»p '—antsrand-AW'tloocr Wofkers.'- ««mlrt *«nes The Itsiitui UnmlgraUon to Now' Or- Tfao Kev. W. CunllSe, It. A., o on Tuesday, tho bride being their At the twglnnlng ot the rampsJsji Sackofg "Hotel, says tho WashvlUo, ford, protched In Fkrgley leans Is. compoeod mainly of SlcllUB* (Tenn^) Ilannor, whoro Orant and daughter Mabel, the groom Mr. Jos- two "commU»loo» were appoint^ to' •no.^Wom**- posiaoto wJwvhsu*. church on the subject ot "Mir •uttls* nmetnr-taA .«oldlei* «*Ur Ives- .'arranged the, Burrewltf,, ft|tt, and Illustrated' his sermon" by eph Walton, and the officiating cfi-F- their cure and to report u to their come knowlodge of farming. They ore stands at tho almost deserted hem- g) man Itev. Dr. George F. Ureeue. In greaf demand for farm work, espe- cal experiments.' Ho anaij Dtaew for further s«rrloe.. One o( lot-of Appohiattox. Va. It is empty, quantity of common sugar, H cially on the sugar plantation*, where unhouorwl, neglected, ytt within IU Miss Moore's gown won of white the commliilpiis romlded In Khtrblk' tho. supply Is-never, equal to tho de- tt to be'composed, only of cart and the other in ChlU. They were walls was hold' au ln»«rvlow. that In- You *n ifujMi^stibardSet q mand. They usually leave -for - the charcoal) and water." Man, lit compoied partlr of mlUUry lurgtona terested'tho clyilizod worlil—that In- ed out. could baslly separate tl wns "of Bride roses, and her onm plantations on tho day or their land- terests 1lio American people now, and tested 60 years! Sixty years and partly of otllcora and.had vory* Ing and go to work at onco. stltuents; but the wisest c'oi merits wero diamonds. Tho ceremony hard work all tho time. Tlio nujubor will In-tiTcst posterity. An accident, of experience, think of that t They are bettor laborers than thu put thorn together again, ll took phico undor a flornl bo|l. '•' ot roaorUiilb who woro rtiuaod was the match of a stupid Incendiary, may burned a. ribbon of magneuiu Experience with Ayer's Sar- about' twice a« large as that ot the negroes, because they aro sternly and at any tlmo lay; It In nsliea. . No one After the vow* had been taken nnd do not drink. An Italian Is able to do plaining that In oombuutlon saparilla; the original Sarsa- 1 tlm aoldlvra. But a. thing-Which Is carlnis Tor. !t. »r pbirtit-^jt.. A court feast wiis nujuyed. " Mr. and Mrt>.virucK mo vur/ niucu wnfm i but his steadier work 'makes htm a o; bul'tho result was, ho t know sonio ot tho rosults of tho com- burned a year of two ago, and has rillt; the Sarsaparilla the doc- Walton loft town on the 5 o'clock bottor hand by twonty per cent., and bot;n r.-lmllt at thu railway line, throe lnoxpjlcalilb .miracle! Mr. ( mission's proceodlngs was that the' holds a Opvcrnmont certllic: tor* endorse for thin blood, , l'boir homo will bo in New he is'rapidly crowding tlm lin^ro.off mlluii .distant. Most of tho other percentage of officers refused was tho sugar plantations. Prom the day music, us well an certificates 1 weak nerves, general debility. York. „• nearly twice that of tho soldiers. As bulldlngH of tho vlllngo havo boon tho. Italian goes to work ho savos' pulled down uud huulud to tho nowtlcal and theoretical cliemlsti Bat «T*n thU crmnti nM m«4ldn« cannot do I never lived long In Kharbin or In pamiod In tho hononi BUIKD at Hi bwl*i>rklflli<> Ilivr la lii>. Chita, I never had aa, oxplanatlon of ten por ocnt, when they havo mado Collego In chomlcal •ulta.Toti •houM uko l»i«M»a iMMa >>f Afer'a SMALIiKSTOXEN IN THK WOULD "This {ilcliiro Is f/oin the pen of Fltz- rtlll'wHIUUklnK tlia**ru.|»tlUn. TlixI|T«> Quo of tho Krontcnl curiosi'les anioiif; tlio this fact until 00 my way back to enough to support lhi>ui in Italy, re- Tt'iegraph. wUlqiil«klF-i»|Hiyit, aiidaii will UM boml*. Europo. I then mot a lady who had hugii'U'o.' A Hlmllar description Is iloincsllcalwl unimnln of Ceylon is n bromt turn to their native land.—Now York • given liy ono of ttrant's olllcers, thus: accompanied Jior husband, a rosorrlst Sun. ibrJ.O. AytrCo.. XrfnrtU, of cuttlo known to the zoologist »» the "Tin*-surrender took ,.luco. In tjio A Curious Old Custom. "anprvd * running oxen." They are tlio bfllccr going to war, up' to Irkutsk. "~A ourUius old 'c'uHtom Is snli 9 aUIRVMOX. left-bund room of tho old lmuso which dwsVh of tlio wliolo ox fntnilr, tho Iftrprrt We traveled hi tho s&mo train and I The Curious Dead Sea. Btlli kept up at tho plctiircsipi 1I0VQ AUUBCURE, not I'IIJWIIIIIK thirty itichos in height. Ono noticed that" she did not look partic- had a hallway through It. A short There aro no fishes In tho Dnad sea Bpaco apart Bat two men. Tho largor sleydalo VIIIOKO of nalnbrldi;' iyC-#O can«r PECTMAI. wnt to tho Marquis of Cantorburr in tlio ularly affected by tho separation. whero cvory wlntor's nlKht, ypiir.lHfll, wjilch is mill Jo Im still living r-^uo life of any kind. Tiio percentage BJid'tullor of tho two waH most strlk- "When do you hopo to see your hus- of solids in tho water Is enormous— o'clock, si large horn Is blown niul js believed to lie noniowhoro near fifteen lianT" I asked hor onco. "I hope ItiK- His hair wns as white.-as snow. onrH of nge, WvOhlytK) inches high and about 26 por cent. -rTho principal Ills demeanor wns cold and proud. village greon to aid any wayfai Debt OecreiMd Over $500.; i'i^lis but 10U) pyand.H. Several of these to soo him very soon." "How Issolid Ingredients are tho chlorides of mlKht chance to bo lost on t thatT You kpow that the war will not Thoro was.not a n|»'ck on his coat, rolly little uninm'lo are now with the sodium,.maRiiKHlum and calcium. Tho not n Hpot on tho cauntlols ho woro; rounding fells to find his way -Snriiuin & liniley Urentest SIIOMT oh Kartli. and for the present." "Oh, yos, I deepest part of tho Doad^se-n's bod ilicy wero an neat nrid clean as a vlllago. ' Tho lino horn now which wiU exhibit at Newark on Tiicfulnj, know that, but my husband will be llos 2,600 foot below tho level of tho Was presented to tho VIIIURI May SAitl, and 'KNiaibolh, 1111 Wednesday, back vory soon." As I pressed her to lady's KIOVO. . . That WIIH Robort B. Modlttirraneon; Its if opt h thoro Is I^ woro no sword." hoiilxofc'leplinntK, nlient o[|;irafTo»,le- ofllcer knows It and It only d«poridn tlio Doail, sni'which nro six or seven upon his pecuniary moons to avail bundred foot below tho lovol vf tho U-o'M careful iitteiillon to dross on linrntHl ihlnoceros, liuliy elephnnt anil this, occasion may liavo Ixjon partly mother, smallest horso in the worlil, Iwn hlmnolf of It or not . ,. oct'au. '- ' • " hereditary. Ho WBH dlnwtly des'cond- ilrove.s of cnnielx, IHMIIICS all the etif;oil wild . "It Is enough to pay JJOO or 400 It never Is a waste of time l>enst» and iiiiinials in leanh. Three BIIIKI'S. roublee to tho hoad doctor 6t tho od from a Nitrmun knight -In the army three riiiK". uml l» race tnii!k.«re ncci'lssnrjr Instruction at West Point. - of William tlio Coni|iioror nnd woro a .1' -time tii d" a tlilng.wHI. mmilcnl comraisslon In Kharbin In Tho counm of InKtrifctlon; ivt West Gloomy .rellecllbns aro most II lo give the circus and, hi|i|iodroine IMT- ordorxto bo rojoctod. YOIJ aro then sword with n'. hilt .'of solid w>h\. ; foifnuiiwis^rjw^nil^tlieis':'.!*^^ j;;; q^iitvr,; <\VV fflt-iwyrr?'t^!;.ilnfl?£bg t islidi entertainniont wliich "taiicii pUoo iif tho aftor whlpli another commission tn .^ TIuv-'prmottKiir'fni'bJocts In every way beliaved 'witli respect vJlde'' oh; nicuajjoriolwfoie th« regular.|ier(orinaiicivs. taught aro aiadieniatlcH, I0ng»sli, and klndncHS. Loo UHodnelthor-llquor tlio tthadow of Its liombro n lli'ie .also are tlio funious Hcandlimvinn Husitln .uxmulnos you, and thore you .liavotpii;iyjinptlior,auni JIB.largo aa Fronch, drawln;:, drill ri'KulallonB of nor.tubacco, and cpai| thoHlblo'daily. PIoasanUjvordB havo^ th<) 1 all arnis By,:BW>logy, As to. tho corroc'. }.°sfls;of thoso. state-, Of Stoiiownll JuckHon.,.^--.To ^Virginia ^tho t'ffori really Is. ln>uot!t. ments, as.il Boi'innil towo hnposslble ? 1fe^Hntonrirt^ ii To ptitoff joliii; a good 'turn "ti Wllliml, a fivrniiT living near that ofltcers could resort la thoso Btlt'utlonal and mllltnry law. Spanlsli, .."Madam, do not trrilii-up your chil- deslro notto do It. Klklwrt, in Logan county, Illinois, upon meant) In ordor to qvold military BtJr- civil and military ungiMwrlnK,. art and dren to hato the I'nlted States govern- When tho future see/us the 1110s boinj; nrrestiil liy CoiiHtnlilo l'ol.tlt on ft sclonco of war, anil onluanoQ and tn'" IHIIIK Hie danger of dims! charge of intiixiciition nnd ilisonlorly IHHI- vlco; but tho Judy wns posltiyo and ment. Wo arii one people- now.- Lot iluot, plc-mloil guilly by trlqilmile. When cltod Hovoraj names. "Of our ao--nery. . • , „ usbo AmorlpnnB." be CliwoKt. ho wns iuforiuod of tho $11 Quo hvilio jus- qunlntnncos," sho said, "thore aro A nuddcri fit of anger may li ticr at Lincoln, ho agreed to send tho sumthroo who have thus Bucceododln Do- -, A Fad of An Emperor., Keeping House In St. Petersburg. Inriuenco. In many dlrectloi by mail. 'Thu ciiso uun'quo in Cnnlntl 11- ing sont homo, nnd ono of thorn ad- Ono of tho fails of tho emporor of In St. . I'elerHburB hous<'ltcM>plng Thoro are times when oven k iiioia'jiiris]iriidivforo doath. tnide;4i(iiirt nnd ply him with proverbs tlons. It frequently occurs il 1 ho (V-onnt |>nrkot Is onouitli for iinnul OCCIIHII^III It Is somewhat • Ilka a gullotlno and on tho church building.. Tho mini of Tlio fninlly iMitlln lOOamU) ciuiinliiK n »ii|i|ily husband has Just returned; ho has- nnd J(>i;i>n yoii run cut his prlco doivn elgncrs lose things which II fire hundred and twodollura and ono forayi'iir, All ilnntal»t« mill tlmni. / boon rojoetod on account of dlsaaso." slowly drives a sharp knife Into tlio to t!m nnrrowst marRln of profit, unable to describo, hecuuio of 1 nook of the doubtful corpoo. cent was rotiliced. Tho church desiro' / , That gontloman had boon exactly t,wo othenvi.io ho Klinply robs you., In- larlty with tho Trench laiiKtw to.thank tho many who contributed TO STUDY HEREDITY. months In Manchuria, just In tlm« deed, Im .cannot, .well do otherwlno, picture books contain ropn soi to Rot Jho dlsoaso,' pass through tho " First Philippine War Vessel. berausivnol only'a trick of tho trade of varioua nrliclivs, and tho I to the reduction of tho sitid ilobt. commission and return Bjioodlly home, - The gunboat Woodruff In. M10 first but .on..'.unwritten ..law -obliges him has only Io turn tlio loaves an Dono bj' ordor of tho Church. Deellno of English Birth Rate to war vessbt biillt' by'tho mrhiy Ih tho Be Inveitlaated. proudly thihklngthat ho had dono his to mik for his wnr»s from thirty to out tho Him;!ration which . ir Philippines. She was constructed un- forty per cent morn than ho nxnocts. somblosv the iiroperty ho bits REV. C. FLOWKII, I'nstor. ISugenlcs la tlio muno of a now sol- duty to his country. I aftorward der the direction of the quartermas- Ho hlmaoU would bo iiHtonlBlifMl If JOHN II. AVERY, Clerk; onco which Dr. Qalton oxpoundod to learned In Russia that. this, practice ter's Dopartmont, and" Mrs. Ck\m, wifo yon would Inko him nt his word. Thon Curious Ciictom of the Tu tho Sociological society recently, and Is not a now ono, for during tho Turk- - - St. PtuFi Mr ErChorclt Note* - lnh war of 1877- a doctor wh» was his)HL hi.SfflL •*H»in,--<>f-' iioursfy-a -n rreit-dn-M di'|«'nd» i.-.-A .-curious-'ii»«i?4»-of»tlio-«turf cfiriitoncd tho Ifprin tlio cliolco of shops. Ono of the which onlalns that, when onc< lzo. Us first aim Is tho''study of hero- penniless when ho started for the LloirL Woodruff of tho army, who mot most satisfactory ways of buying pro- tho cap nnd roprcspi dlty, Iu ordor to arrlvo at laws which war was worth at tho end of It about Tho first of tho froo concerts under £10,000 sterling. From tho number his doath at (ho hands of Ktoro trllMM- vlBionB Is not. to visit any shops, but .patron's "colors" become tho p the direction of C. P. Prall, church govern It. To dotormlno how far the men.—Sail FYanclsco Ohronlclo. decline of tho birth rato Is Indicative of officers rojocted. and from what I to repair to the open air markets. In of tho Jockey. If, ns frcquo.nl have hoard, I think that tho doctor certain public nqunrpR of tho enni 1 :i 1 •••' pens, the owner wlHhn« to reta organist, will bo given next Monday of national deterioration and what Reward for Kind Treatment now In Manchuria, tn whom tho lady little Btalls nj;o n.vivl upovery morning as a memento of a successful i evening ntcight o'clock. Allure cor- conditions produce "thriving" fam- Oregorio Zcllck, keeper of a restau- alludod, promises to bent tho record and hero fruiiXv-selnblos, moat, poul- must buy them frqm tho ompli dially invited to attend, The full ilies Is also, part of the" work of tho rant In Oakland, Cal., taking pity upon now science. of his cohfrero.—London Times, try, hardware nnd lmberdashory can whom, perhaps, ho gnvo them .programme will bo printed iu - tho tto needs of an old Mexican, Magln be bought up to noon. Hut at thohour or two before. Calendar of April UUth. / Dr. Gallon, In explaining this sol- Londoners' Sooty- Lungs. Castro, gavo him food and a placo to strlko of twelve every booth and stall once, which he may bo said to have sloop for a considerable time. Castro Mrs. Earnest Hart tolls In The vanishes. A Freak of the Flood. The sermons next Sunday by- tho lnvcntod, said: "Tho passion of love Houso ncautiful that tho first time died tho othor day, and In his will bo- scorns to lio so overpowering that It quoathed to Zelloh all ho possessed. A freak of the flood Is' repr pastor will be uu follows: Morninjr, sho was present at a post-mortem on Passing of Cigarette. Ottawa, Kan. A houso owi "Tho Christian's Inward Impulse." may be thought folly to try to direct a patient of a hospital in Paris she Which proves to bo a largo. Interest In It appears from! recently compiled Us courso.- But plain facts do not an estate In Mexico Valued at several James Walsh floated away, Evening, "Jacob's Vision at Uotbel.'1 exclaimed, on tho chest bolng oponed, statistics that tho number of cigar- hours later n houso owned b • confirm this view. Social Influences' hundred thousand dollars. ettes annually'Bold in this country at Tho Easter music will bo ropoatod. havo Immense- power. If suitable "Why, tho lungs are not black!" "Ah," Rush- camo floating dowiV- tho remarked tho surgeon ."you are ac- present Is 'loss by about a billion Reaching; tho alto of tho Walfrt marriages, from Iho-eugenlo^polnt_QiL I customed tO"-BOG" tli© SOot-li&gril&ftd' than It was ton years ago. Wliothor H settled down upon-Uio-#tor ^ADDITIONAL LOCALS. view, woro banned socially, few would this decrease may bo attributed to the be made. lungs of Londoners." This, she soys, datlon as exactly as though .Was truo, for as registrar In hor hospi- operation of tho antl-clgnretto laws, to Mrs.. Frederick \V. Camorou of "I 6co no Impossibility," ho contin- tho |H>wer of public sentiment, to the boon built thoro. Albany is tho guost of her sister, Mrs tal In London it was her duty io ex- ued, "In cugcnlcB bccomlng"a religious amine tho lungs of the. bodies of pa- It is a pleasure to a wife when a placing, on the market of a sroat num- dogma among mankind, but its, details ber of cheap clsars that nro usually Iceland's Wireless Teiegr; J tlonts that came Into the post-mortem husband tokos on an air of UalnU- Iceland, cut off from tho res must first be workod out sedulously : classed as -.stogies or cheroots, or to room. No object lesson could be more ;, ness. •••••.''. •• . 1 Weatfield's ball team dofeated the In tho study." • world save for" B16W_ malls, Ii striking and no demonstration more Thore are some.men whom most girls all throo causes, would be hard to fle- Seventh Regiment's . lost Saturday That work Is In effect what the new tormlnc. — -— linked to other countries by a conclusive of the vile atmospheric' ~~ wouldn't" taker is ~a~glft~ '".".'." wireless telegraphic connecti< SoclolpsLcal society proposes tp> under-, conditions -under which-- we live In When ft woman is highly critical she "take." the Shetlnml" Islands: This Is , Xha.E^termusic - will bo repeated London and other groat .smoky.cities,' $50 Worth of. Hardships. Jow-. the .-action- of. iho-lcland it Stmday at the Episcopal church. -'grace :and ,Wi^^.dbyvilie : : r showed that hia views on the tnar- yearly "subsidy of $9",ilM for 2 A. H. Miller .met with an acci- tants ot Paris.—Westminster Gazette* A widow who has a lino appearance llusalan Vladivostok. Bquadron July 2, f«r that purpose. dent to his flnRcr whilo working in rlago question aro decidedly- more easily, makes friends. in Japaneao waters, were awarded $50 than ab ago before his tltno. . Boy* to be Taught Telegraphy. The very expressive young man often each and tho costs In a suit against the field this week, lie will bo unable '•\Vo havo never deliberately called tho owners In London tho other day. Cause of 'Earthquakes. An order has gone into effect on the": overdoes his efforts to bo attrac- World-shaking eftrthquaKes to use his hand for some time. a Human bolng fnto existence" he Pacific coast division of tho AtchlBon, It took them three wookB by rail to tive. be most numerous In tho yeai Mr. Jones and family npw of Pros, said, "but we have wiped out millions. Topeka and Santa Fe railroad tele- A woman who only Imagines she is In go from Vladivostok to St- Potqrsburg. Wo kill a Thlbotnn, regardless ot ex- graph lines by which messenger boys They nearly starved1 and BiitTered oth- the earth wobbles most. For c pect street will return to Elizabeth "society" forgets other peopio In 1900 the pole shifted 0.32 pense, and In defiance- of our religion, of the service are given one-halt of have some knowledge of affairs. |er hardships. Tho 'damages, wore this summer. to clear the way to Lhassa for the each day for tho study of telegraphy. granted because they had. not been and there wore" but seventeen It requires a man's nervo to calmly earthquakes, while' In 1897 th William F.Hall' of Prospect street Englishman; but wo take no really When proficient they aro to be provid- , take contradiction from a woman. told on shipping that the vessel was scientific steps to secure that tho Eng- ed with positions, with a considerable to .carry contraband. movement was 1.07 second, an is again in Cranford, nftoru trip west lishman, when he gets there, will be Some women talk as though they were forty-live groat earthquakes w Increase of salary. Much care Is to doing it for pay. . . •. • Mrs. Naylor has returnod from able to live up to our assumption of be taken mVthe selection-ot the mes- I Savage Women's Valuable Furs. his superiority.. Many men show strong feeling la any Opium Smoking Room. Baltimore. sengor boys, who will henceforth be argument they take ..part. -...'.. : Tho women of savage tribes have - "In Bplte of. all the romances, men considered as. apprentice telegraph not Infrequently -.•». wardrobe conslst- On the. Manchuria, a new operators rather than as. errand boys. -l^^gf.vArs^wych^wou^ telongJhE.to too^PaciflOiifa f inate In their attachments; they se- ^ropi $5,001) to $10,000. •••'. Gruneman, painy, there Is a sign over " A school for cabmen Is to be .es- room naming it as the "Chinos- Friday'. lect their wives and husband far lees • Lobsters' Curious Ears. < tho explorer relates, how ono fair carefully than they select their cash- tablished In Vienna, whores besides Grecnlandcr wore a dross of sealskin smoking room." It is explain Most curious are the ears ,of lob^ practical training In driving and har- Mr. Houston and family left Cran iers and cooks. I am afraid wo must store. Each is a sac or bag, contain- with a hood of that costly fur, thesuch a room Is necessary in ford this week. Thoy now rwiJein make up our minds either to face a nessing, theoretical Instruction will be Bilver fox. The garment, was lined ontal trade, for the Oolnama ing fluid and "ear-stones," these, last given In the topography and history * Brooklyn. • considerable shock to public opinion particles of mineral matter, or, 1^ with fur of the young seal otter, and have his opium smoke. in this matter, or let eugenics alone." of'the city, Tho characteristics of there was a fringe of wolverine tails. some cases, particles of sand. Thoy the chief buildings and monuments The executive committee of the V. increase tho vibrations Bet up by About $CO0 is probably the average American Flag on Foreign V Benjamin Kidd asked the society ore to be taught, and students ere to American citizens cannot, at I. A. met at Miss Lakey's home on whether It wished to produce the per- soundwaves', which in due season im- worth of dress* of Indian women of be instructed in "politeness and tho Columbia and Fraser rivers. Ins a boat in Great Britain, 1 Miln street yesterday morning. fect Individual or a good social unit, pinge'on the delicate colls of theproper behavior."'. . • 'and quoted the bees as. a eample-ot ear, which contain tho ends of the under the American flag, exo Miss Marguerite Baldwin of East nerve of hearing. These' last in turn Town of Streetcarviile. mission lajejvejj. by a special good society, whose members .were ' ' Cares for the. Birds. ' Orange will spend Sunday with friends not perfect Individually. . convey the Impressions to what serves A suburb of ROyoro-Beach, /SJUgVess, or -unless 'taree-fou ' A Connecticut woman saves string, her value is expended in re] In town. H. O. Wells put forward rather a the lobster by way of a brain, and *> is known as StrectcaxvUIe.. very respectable mass, It Is. - > horsehair, ravelings, pieces of cotton name was taken from a ^alterations at some U. S. port , The Parish Circle will meet on next startling declaration. "Many eminent and old lace and other odds and. ends criminals appear to me to be persons of residences consisting JSr r Tuesday afternoon at Miss Lakey's, , Virtue In SnuffT " to aid the birds In building their cars, which a ' local Music'and.Moylng Plctiir superior In many respects, in intelll- nests. She places" them in her yard at 8 o'clock. genco. Initiative and originality, to the It would be very Interesting to know, company sold .ofta^j, ap,ece The The <"chromophone" was e: average Judge. I will confess'I hare how often persons suffering from any where the birds can find them, and t recently to an Invited audlen bas been greatly pleased to see their f™']£**. ** ?B2iiA In regular street never known either." This -was-ap- trouble ot upper air surfaces use snuff. OI ' London theatre. It comblii PROPOSALS FOR SEWER. eagerness and pleasure in securing ' ^firiffii^&a'many of the occupants OHM winbereoelred by tie Township Corn- ropos of Dr. Oalton's proposal that Since snuff has almost gone out of t piaiuaa in front and kitchens cinematograph' and gran s' ndttae,attbe Townthip Rooms," Cnnfon), furnishing goods for their homes. Conversations and vocal and '->*H. J, .at 8 p. in- on Wednesday. May a. ism, criminals should not be allowed to use. Influent*, catarrh and other trou- ba roar, making a fairly present- for • H«er In Alden Bireot, f rom North A' perpetuate their race*. He summed bles seem to have increased.—London lo mental music, synchronized t np his views' of "sociology In this doe- .Legion of Honor Medal. movements of the figuresac e I nve hondrwl and ninety nnd firMenths linear Lancet ' The ribbon of- the (French Legion . teotot Hncb rltrlfled \>\\m aewt-ra trine that it Is In the sterilization of Bananas in England. the pictures.. j- Ono JUiUiok. i , failures that tho possibility of an -im- Of the 720,000,000 acres of land of Honor was'recently bestowed byj , One yiuhtunc Admiral Duperre on a sailor who, A f'v.v years ago bananas were sel- - riauaamlipvcUlciutoaj may be fc«u at lbe msJdog'up U)». total ana of Argen- dom soon In English markets.' Todav Emperor William mounts h provement of the human stock lie*.— Una, UMKM»0 are uiUt, T connection'with ttejlfeboat MS UTM tn SB jrers. ttiey are almost as'plentiful and aa by means of a carpet ooveri dto corn, wtasjt obM« aj in tho United States; I -