^* Jm tmyl W '•*r - W>O>«''-v-r'^-i-™*,-«ffW> j-^ ,_, *• BUSHED 1893.—Np/969. " CRANFORD. UNIQN COUNTY. N. J., FRIDAY, APRIL 28, 1905. PUCE 3 CEXTS kTA Royal ArcMam Udle*1 Ni|lL , CRANFORD LOCALS. Towsihlp Comnltttc Mccusf, OARWOOO NEWS. Tiie - AH the animals went Into the Ark, Robert Newton is a. sadder and - At the township committee meet ing, Gasper Bnhler, proprietor of the Quality BERRY & CO., Quality HO .lid the'people enter the Arcanum wiser man than he wus prior to |iisheld Saturday evening, Enginer Bauer Oakland Uouse returned from Buffalo ..':.. "OPERA HOJJSEftUJCK,: -. 31*0— ^ lust pTpning,-two by two.for it was-trip to Newark on. Saturday .of last. presented' plans for the new sewerlast Saturday.—Mrs. Elmer Creely of 1 ; to be Tiii<l in Alden street from Stijn ln.lirs night. Members of Cranford •reek'. While he was standing by the Ptiiladrlphia spent Sunday in' the his week we are reatly to provilc every lady of council" brought to the lodge room prudential Building, and admiring street eustwardly. A feature of the borough visitioK her sister, Mrs. Wn. the beaqty of its architecture, a fine sewer will be a three-way flushtank Froat.—Adolph Kaeber, of Jersey • Cranfofd, Garwood <T ".'. Itiene with as {jond a pair of tlfir ihelpmeete, and for once tip i)lors of burning tobaccogave plow looking colored man tapped tiiin on at Miln street which will not only City is visiting his daughter, Mr*. ush the Alden street line to North JohnArnnld.^Joseph Balperfonner- EASTER CLOVES to the delicate perfumrs that escape the arin, and asked him if lie would fruui feminine fltiery. '» • * . jlfte to get,a job at $25 n, v*eek. Hot»- iveniie bat connecting lines in Miln ly of Cranford, has opened a grocery as ihc can obtain anywhere for the money—our line In honor of their guests, the Arcu- ert allotted he \$ould. "Well," snid treet, and Alden street weetwnrdly on Willow avenue.—Da not forgrt iiiiins had arranged a fine programme, the stranger, •'it'll, take ?'J5 to Ms lieu the existing sewerp ehull be re- the dunce of the Base Ball dub at, the matter up laced by new ones. The plan was Britz' Hull on Saturday evenhngof 'is complete. ••* • insisting of music und a lecture. with the butler who ! The overture woe played by Dr. Will hires the help." Robert's jaw drop- id opted and the engineer ordered to this week.—Mr. and Mrs. Cliton Froat * Spring Shades in Otiiti- KiiJ, 2 clasps, $J.(JO pnir, (warranted.); MniCunuell, cornet; Jeseo Wheeler, ped. "Five 'dollars is all I have," he dvertise for bids to be opened May 3. of North 1'lainfleld were guests last 'I Fontes Celebrated *Glov«>s, 91.50 pair. ' io'lin,' and Bert Ualepy, .piano. Snid. ."Never miud, I'll lend you the Treasurer Woodling reported the Sunday of their sou, William Froat.— Lislo,.TIiread Gloves, 25c. and 50c puir. ^- , AUlter Scholes, master of tint con- tin I mice, and we'll put the amount in receipt of a check lor $350 from The Garwood Maennerchor will hold - ? Silk Gloves, 50c pnir. " :eriina, gave a delightful exhibition an envelope which you cau hum! toFoster Cnduhun as a guarantee o a concert and dance at Britz' Hall on CHILDREN'S GLOVES—i- >1 hiH.art, pluying in turn classical the butler when 1 introduce you." us contract for laying sidewalks on the evening of May 13.—The Easter . (Ki.l or Fabric.) sic nduptrii totheinstrument, and Before Robert's eyes fonr$5biHs\vere lnmpton street and Burnsideavenne. services at the Episcopal chapel were mitittions of the violin and bagpipes 'added to lna, and the envelope was B. C: lloffmun in n letter askedper- beautiful and interesting; the chapel woe decorated ^with lilies and other liu by noimd alune could not. bit and the anmo envelope us nission to cut down a dead tree Easter flowers. Itev. Vr. Mulford li-i inyuislird from the reiil thing. he thought, bunded back to him."funding along the sidewalk in front Easter Novel'ies Easter Neckwear >fticiuted and preached a powerful 0u the way- to the,, butler's, the if hia^ property on Walnut avenue. 11 i 11 ing the Hull's eye was t he t heini* sermon. He spoke of the Saviour's .-•1.5.10, 25c each A big vuriety to select from .stranger asked Itoheri to wait annu- L'his wirs grunted and the explanation >f it witty and inspiring -lecrure by mighty power, the magic of His name Hubbits in vnriety. - 25c to 50c ! Ute, while bo lelephoned-w'ord of their ;iven that while owners of property Ri'v. Sir. Dorward of New Brunswick, i the puin of death and take coining, ltohert waited a minute— :ould lawfully set out trees between 11 tScotehuian us canny as ouly.aScot aWny the terrors of the grave. •nn lie. His discourse wus an appeal atiil an hour beside. Then he opened Im.liMice' und the. gutter lines' they WM1TR Several infants were also baptized. m mirth nnd to ambition, and inthe envelope mid found 5 |>ieu>s ol ould not. rembve them • without BLACK .. *HPW1»ia"frt ... Easter Hosiery for Children ijotto" respects it hit the gf¥Biat piipuipur inuenbeinnbedd April l'aol.unraulund A communication, from Henry" r.—.-rei BASE BALL Supplies for Cranford Boys Mr, Aiutvurd, who is u singer as we! Srents lor curfure. Hereafter, ltob- e*t will study architecture of theleatli Hut forth the writer's intention Signal Compnny arc seeking to have to coimtmet-iv BMV»>C Norman-^iluci'. their, working honrs, changed.- Men. , further, by i iiiniii<ciipe yuriety, antl.'Be is authorized byu, resolution of the in each department have expressed JEllMbrthrmlore* Sfpecl»l^>rde«filled,ptpmptljt. for which bib wife played, the dil with modest b,ut. certaiu in; uo*o«vpanimenr. :•.•...V;'"•,-..••}-•••• / ^::; >f$1.75'a'day. .'•.-.-- -.--•--.• •,,• •.- 'r6^narup_i.^o.m'inthwvad6jtrtj^ri[ tAenr"rie»ra to their foremen, who in " On Tuesday evening over thirty •j 1904; anil to dedicate the sewer turn laid the matter before thesuper- First M. E.-> Church Notes. ffiends from Brooklyn helped Air. a the township when completed. inteudent and others officers of the and Mrs. E. Mo'ntenecourt to celebrate " Counsel Austin pointed out that company. Employes now work ten .»•«•>•• Sunday, April 30, preaching morn- tlw fifth auniversdry of their wedding ;he letter made no reference to the and a half hours daily except Satur- •••••• day- when the shop closes at 1:15. • ' I rUlUAM JC r*f\ MASONIC BUILDING, n{? and evening by tho pastor. Morn- their residence on Central avenue, payment of the usual outlet charge 1.00 81 cents per foot of frontage, and This,tbe men claim, spoils the half-, ng subject, "Christ in the Daily Life;" ^jy evening was spent,, L. LEMMAIN a: CO., CRANFORD, N.J. l unless this was paid .in advance the holiday and thejr desire to change evening subject, \Ml h's Equality dancing und singing being the order Hefore Ood." township would havo no means of the working time to Ira and a quarter fl eveningi . collecting it.. The matter was there- hours a day and quit at noon on Special Notices, v * ^betconimigsiuuers.,/rom the Pres- upon referred to the committee ol the Saturday. No decision has yet been WATCH YQUR SAVINGS GROW 1 bytery of Elizabeth to the' General whole, • given by thecompany.—Liberty Hose nEUULAK SAVINGS are the only sure speculation. Our quality F. T. CLADBK, Rahvray, N. J;, nmslnn Asseui J3y~which ' nioets at Winonu, Mr. Austin announcedI that the Co. will hold a regular monthly meet- K .appeals to your palate, our prices appeal to your pocket bunk, welln. .... , judiana, in May are Itcv. J. T. Keeve, ing in the town ball on Monday even- I niidf.nr stamp liberality llils'your Bta'inp book. AdJ prompt, iniel- •ontract with J. N. Jackson forbaildj FOB SALE—Baby carriage; 37 S, Union of Busking Uidgp;. ltev. Ooorgo F. ing. All members are requested to •liwut, courteous attention, and an efficient delivery serviie, mid' avcniio. • . ng tho new Madison avenue sewer D. D., of cVnfo"1; lrn & be prest-nt.—The regular monthly [ jou'll see why our trade-is growing so rapidly. Slruwborries of the ln'st quidity at Mil- for, $1)48 was ready for execution, ler's. Everything else ditto. , . 'Bull, of WestBeld; and S. Clurk Luui, and the papers were signed beforemectiug of the Borough Council Will OOFFSKJ Kubber-tired wheels prevent wow and•6f Gunnecticut Furms. adjournment. • "•-•••' bo lieht oa Tuesday Wliv isnur coffe BO. good? . Because of ceaseless, export care weariness. Let Fink fix your carriage op. Two more victories have been won li. M. Lypn mndo a verbal .request Garwood Athletic Club will this year Furnished rooms with board for three place a strong team In the Held. f,oin i")i;. mniiicnW \* ptnnted urUit irontenr our electric grinder*. Rentlciiion,' near, station. Address "R" within a week by tho high school or the installation ol a lamp on Syl Tliiii's tin'sirrnt <ifjtHilelieinli* tfimir. Chronicle office. nine. On Saturday they beat North ester street. AH the grading of this Some of the players are among the with.111.. G.ild Meilal Java and Mocha Coffee, b«nn, Nurse wanted. A neat tidy girl for child best semi-professionals in this section "imnnn-1 or putv«*ri»>d.. •• --• •••?- - •-'•«•.>-- --—^---••••*-.••;•- ~-~••••-••--....-;-, four years old; niust sleep liome, references. and the Garwood A. C will make a . ^^ :iUice4,.ttt-.n.tl!fflit.ugr^ijcatlQnSitj • A • .
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