Ancient Civilizations
DDCE/M.A Hist./Paper-1 Ancient Civilizations By Dr. Binod Bihari Satpathy 0 CONTENT Ancient Civilizations Unit. No Chapter Name Page. No. 1. Stages of Human Evolution. 02 -23 Unit-I 2. Origin and growth Human culture and Civilisation-Pre- 24-48 historic culture: Characteristic features of Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, Neolithic and Chalcolithic cultures. 3. Mesopotamian Civilization: Sumerian, Babylonian and 49-84 Assyrian: Society, Art & Architecture, Religion, Law Codes, Administration, Religion and Education. Unit-II 4. Egyptian Civilization: Political Developments, Art & 85-114 Architecture, Religion. 5. Chinese Civilization: Polity, Society, Science & 115-159 Technological Developments 6. The Aztecs- The Origin, Society, Religion, Cosmology, 160-180 Economy and Decline. Unit-III 7. Maya Civilization: Polity, Society, Art, Religion, decline. 181-206 8. The Incas: Origin, Polity, Religion, Society and Economy, 207-227 Art and Architecture, Decline. 9. Greek Civilization: Athenian Democracy, Society and 228-250 Culture. Unit-IV 10. Roman Civilization: Establishment of Republic, Society and 251-282 Cultures. 11. Persian civilization: Political, Social and Economic 283-318 Conditions. 1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is pleasure to be able to complete this compilation work. containing various aspects of ancient history of humanity. This material is prepared with an objective to familiarize the students of M.A History, DDCE Utkal University on the various aspects of world ancient Civilizations. This work would not have been possible without the support of the Directorate of Distance and Continuing Education, Utkal University. I would especially like to thank Prof. Susmita Prasad Pani, the Director, DDCE, Utkal University. As my teacher and mentor, he has taught me more than I could ever give him credit for here.
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