CANADA AS A SELECTIVE POWER SOCIETAS Marcin Gabryś CANADA Tomasz Soroka seria pod redakcją BOGDANA SZLACHTY AS A SELECTIVE POWER 100 Canada’s Role and International Position after 1989 Kraków SOCIETAS Marcin Gabryś CANADA Tomasz Soroka seria pod redakcją BOGDANA SZLACHTY AS A SELECTIVE POWER 100 Canada’s Role and International Position after 1989 Kraków © Copyright by Marcin Gabryś and Tomasz Soroka, 2017 Reviewer: prof. Patrick Vaughan Proofreading: Michelle Atallah Artur Zwolski Cover design: Paweł Sepielak The project was funded by the National Science Centre on the basis of the decision no. DEC-2011/03/D/HS5/01123 ISBN 978-83-7638-792-5 KSIĘGARNIA AKADEMICKA ul. św. Anny 6, 31-008 Kraków tel./faks: +48 12 431 27 43, +48 12 421 13 87 e-mail:
[email protected] Online bookstore: Table of contents Introduction ............................................................................... 7 1. Canada’s power in international relations: major theories .................................................................................... 19 Canada as a satellite ............................................................................... 19 Canada as a major/foremost/principal power ......................................... 28 Canada as a middle power ..................................................................... 39 2. Canada as a selective power ................................................... 59 3. Canada as a selective power under Stephen Harper ........... 77 Economy and the environment ............................................................