1 of 6 Funding Application Competition Regional TAP Application Type Bicycle and Pedestrian Status submitted Submitted: September 20th, 2017 4:35 PM Project Information 1. Project Title Centennial Trail South (Snohomish to Woodinville) 2. Transportation 2040 ID 4161 3. Sponsoring Agency Snohomish County 4. Cosponsors N/A 5. Does the sponsoring agency have "Certification Acceptance" status from WSDOT? Yes 6. If not, which agency will serve as your CA sponsor? N/A Contact Information 1. Contact name Tracy McMillan 2. Contact phone 425-388-3815 3. Contact email
[email protected] Project Description 1. Project Scope This grant will provide the funding required to complete 100% design and obtain development permits for 12 miles of the Centennial Trail, in Snohomish County. The new pedestrian/bicycle trail will complete the connection between the existing southern terminus of the Centennial Trail in the City of Snohomish and the King County line, near the north boundary of the City of Woodinville, where it will connect with King County’s extensive trail system. When built, the project will provide a 12-foot wide asphalt trail with a 2-foot wide gravel shoulder on either side. The trail alignment will parallel an existing rail alignment and be physically separated with a ditch, grade separation, or fencing. Due to the varying topography along the corridor, and for accommodation of adjacent land uses and railroad operations, the trail will cross the railroad at three strategic locations to best accommodate the new pedestrian/bicycle path. Each of these at-grade crossings will provide a curved entrance to slow bicyclists as they cross perpendicular to the tracks, and have advance safety signage prior to and at the crossing location to direct users to stop and watch for rail traffic.