9303 January 5, 2016 TO THE HONORABLE SENATE OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Ladies and Gentlemen: I have the honor to submit the following reappointment, subject to your confirmation: Luke Thomas appointed August 12, 2015 for the term ending June 30, 2019 as a Member of the Professional Educator Standards Board. Sincerely, Jay Inslee Governor Last Name: Thomas First Name: Luke Middle Name: Edward Board or commision for which you would like to be considered. Professional Educator Standards Board Conact Information - Home Contact Information - Work Employer: Mt. Spokane High School/Mead School District Street 22824 North Orchard Bluff Road Street 6015 E Mt. Spokane Park Dr. Address: Address: City: Chattaroy City: Mead State: Washington State: Washington Zip: 99003 Zip: 99021 County: Spokane County: Home Phone: (509) 238-6914 Work Phone: (509) 465-7200 x7317 Cell Phone: Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Are you registered to vote in Washington State? Legislative district in which you reside: Yes Legislative District-4 Birth date Congressional district in which you reside: 11/11/1978 5 District Have you ever been convicted of or found to have committed a crime offense? (Do not include traffic offenses for which the fine was less than $200.00) No If yes, please explain: Education High School: College: Post Graduate: Mead High School Whitworth College Whitworth College Graduated: Graduated: Graduated: Yes Yes Yes Year Graduated: Year Graduated: Year Graduated: 1997 2000 2001 Degree: Degree: Bachelor of Arts Masters in Teaching Current Employment Job Title: Teacher Employer: Mt. Spokane High School/Mead School District Employment Date: 7/15/2003 Contact Person: Darren Nelson Contact Phone: (509) 465-7200 x7210 Professional Licenses held (if applicable) Professional Teaching Certificate Professional References Name: Darren Nelson Name: Dr.