Oscillator Design and Computer Simulation Randall W. Rhea 1995, hardcover, 320 pages, ISBN l-8849-32-30-4 This book covers the design of L-C, transmission line, quartz crystal and SAW oscillators. The unified approach presented can be used with a wide range of active devices and resonator types. Valuable to experi- enced engineers and those new to oscillator design. Topics include: limit- ing and starting, biasing, noise, analysis and oscillator fundamentals. The electronic text that follows was scanned from the Noble publish- ing edition of Oscillator Design and Computer Simulation. The book is available from the publisher for $49.00 (list price $64.00). Please mention Eagleware offer to receive this discount. To order, contact: Noble Publishing Corporation 630 Pinnacle Court Norcross, GA 30071 USA Phone: 770-449-6774 Fax: 770-448-2839 E-mail:
[email protected] Dealer discounts and bulk quantity discounts available. OSCILLATOR DESIGN AND COMPUTER SIMULATION Randall W. Rhea Founder and President Eagleware Corporation Second Edition BLE Noble Publishing Corporation Atlanta Standard Cataloging-in-Publication Data Rhea, Randall W. Oscillator design and computer simulation/Randall W Rhea 2nd ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN l-884932-30-4 1. Radio frequency oscillators-Design and construction. 2. Oscillators, Microwave-Design and construction 3. Oscillators, Electric-Computer simulation I.Title TK7872.07R54 1995 621.381’533 To order contact: Noble Publishing Corporation 4772 Stone Drive Tucker, Georgia 30084 USA TEL (770)908-2320 FAX (770)939-0157 Discounts are available when ordered in bulk quantities. Cover Designer and Copy Editor: Crawford Patterson NOBLE Publishing Corporation 0 1995 by Noble Publishing Corporation All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission of the publisher.Contact the Permissions Department at the address above.